释义 |
gammons是gammon的复数 - n.(西洋双陆棋戏中的)全胜;连赢两盘;〈英口〉胡说八道;欺骗
- v.说瞎话;装假;【航】把(船首斜桅)缚在船头上;打败(对方)
- int.胡说八道
- 网络腌猪腿;火腿;金门建筑
复数:gammons 现在分词:gammoning 过去分词:gammoned n. | 1. a win in backgammon when the losing player has not succeeded in removing any pieces from the board 2. the lower part of a side of bacon, cooked whole or cut into slices 3. false or meaningless talk that is intended to deceive somebody 5. a type of hamcooked meat from a pig’s leg that you eat hot 1. a win in backgammon when the losing player has not succeeded in removing any pieces from the board 2. the lower part of a side of bacon, cooked whole or cut into slices 3. false or meaningless talk that is intended to deceive somebody 5. a type of hamcooked meat from a pig’s leg that you eat hot | v. | 1. to trick or deceive somebody, especially by talking nonsense 2. to fasten a bowsprit to the front of a ship |
1. | | 2. | 火腿 带皮火腿(Gammon)2公斤 (最好选用medium-cure的,不太咸。否则最好隔夜用冷水泡一下,去掉多余的咸味)全糖型可乐2 … blog.sina.com.cn | 3. | 金门建筑 ...vil以家比各大建筑商玩晒, 大家都以家只会见到"金门建筑(Gammon)", 礼顿(Leighton)", "Dragage"好少见其他. 就连几年前, 李 … www.uwants.com |
4. | 腌猪后腿 以g开头的英语英文单词 ... gamester 赌博者,赌徒 gammon 腌猪后腿,胡说 gangling 细长的,不结实的 ... www.517ming.com | 5. | 熏制火腿 在线英语词典,英文翻译,科技词典,专业词典,在... ... 巡回式吹风器: traveling blower 熏制火腿: gammon 熏蒸室: fumigation r… www.dictall.com | 6. | 熏腿 增补《实用钻井速成英语》分类词汇表_老橡树... ... 100. 熏肉 bacon 101. 熏腿 gammon 102. 煎牛里脊 fried fillet of beef ... blog.sina.com.cn | 7. | |