单词 | fiercely |
释义 |
例句释义: 狠狠地,拼命,使劲,狂野地,凶猛,猛烈地,凶猛地,凶残地,凶狠地,凶猛地 1. "What did you lie to me for, then? " she asked, fiercely. "What did you force me to run away with you for? " “那么,你为什么要骗我?”她气愤地问,“你为什么要强迫我和你私奔?” www.bing.com 2. The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper. He threatened to call the police. 两个工人奋力抗争,其中一个发了火,威胁说要去叫警察。 www.24en.com 3. But only a few of those supermassive black holes glow fiercely enough for scientists to call them "active galactic nuclei. " 但是只有少数超级黑洞可以发出足够强烈的光线,科学家们称之为“活动星系核”。 www.bing.com 4. He said it was sad to see the profession change but that bouquinistes fiercely guarded their independence over what to sell. 他说,目睹一个行业的变迁,令人难过,但二手书店的经营者们奋力维护了他们在出售什么商品上的独立自主。 www.bing.com 5. Today the wind and rain drove fiercely against my apartment window. It was the tail end of a typhoon. 今天暴风雨不在击打着我的寓所窗户,不过台风就要结束了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely protective of him. 我们被抛入水中,爸爸漫无目的的挣扎着。此刻,我感受到了强烈的保护他的愿望。 www.zzstep.com 7. A long-time governor of the Bank of England, Gordon Richardson, was fiercely opposed as he regarded it as a moral surrender to inflation. 长期担任英国央行(BoE)行长的戈登?理查森(GordonRichardson)极力反对这种做法,他认为这是在道德上向通胀缴械投降。 www.ftchinese.com 8. When forced to separation as the conditions in exchange for a child, his wife resolutely, "fiercely" to turn "I agree! " 当不得不以分居为条件来换回孩子时,妻子毅然“恶狠狠”地转身“Iagree!” zhidao.baidu.com 9. She spoke fiercely and freely about racism, poverty and sexism in a way that would have been impossible for a sitting president at the time. 她积极地批判种族主义、性别主义和贫穷——这些都是当时一个坐在轮椅上的总统无法做到的。 www.kxue.cn 10. The gentleman is bumping me with his doughty body fiercely, I also respond to him with effeminate body, each other blend together. 先生用他刚强的身体猛烈地撞击着我,我也用柔弱的身体回应他,彼此交融在一起。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The stump of Tyrion's nose was itching fiercely. He gave it a scratch. 提利昂的半截鼻子奇痒无比,他抓了抓它。 www.cndkc.net 2. She could not speak, but hatred and disgust burned in her eyes as she stared at him fiercely. 当时她说不出话来,只拿一双充满着憎恨和嫌恶的眼睛对他瞠视着。 3. I apologized and turned her back, holding her fiercely, and, as if I'd just pulled her from a hole in the ice, felt her life return. 我向她说了声对不起,并把她翻了过来,紧紧地抱住她。我能感觉到她的活力又重新回来了,就好像我刚刚把她从冰窟窿里拉出来一样。 www.bing.com 4. "I don't care what they say, " he thought fiercely, and his vision blurred as he flew out toward the Far Cliffs. “我不在乎他们说些什么,”他愤愤地想,一边向远崖飞去,连视线都模糊了。 club.topsage.com 5. She never returned to the fiercely strict Methodism of her youth, nor inflicted it on her children. 她再没有回到年轻时期严格遵守的卫理公会教义上,也没有把这强加给子女们。 tr.bab.la 6. "Lie, eh! " she said, fiercely, but with returning reserve; "you may call it a lie if you want to, but I know. " “说谎?哼!”她激烈地说,但随后又恢复了克制,“你爱说这是谎话你就去说好了,反正我心里明白。” www.bing.com 7. The fire, although it had been burning for several days, was still blazing fiercely. 虽然大火燃烧了好几天,但是它还是熊熊大火。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. but amgen has always been fiercely protective of its blockbuster , and a court battle would surprise no one. 但安进一向都极力保护它的明星药物,即使兴讼的话也不令人意外。 www.ichacha.net 9. Until recently, it would have been a voice expected to oppose fiercely proposals for mandatory carbon restrictions. 直到不久前,人们还认为他会激烈反对那些关于强制性限制碳排放的提议。 www.ftchinese.com 10. He was becoming angry, and was staring fiercely at me. He looked as if he was about to lose control. 他变得生气了,两眼狠狠地盯着我,他看上去好像快控制不住自己了。 www.chinaedu.com 1. The research on coffee shops is an interesting curiosity: coffee retailing seems to be fiercely competitive. 这个问题时,经济学存在真正的盲点)对咖啡厅的研究是件令人好奇的趣事:咖啡零售业的竞争似乎非常激烈。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Just a few big companies for traditional optical storage technology standards of bee fiercely, holographic storage is wide concern. 就在几大公司为传统光学存储技术标准上争得不可开交之时,全息存储则广受关注。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. He stared at me fiercely, with a knife in his hand. Suddenly, he thrust the knife at my neck, leaving a very deep cut. 突然间,他用手上的刀挥向我的脖子,在我的脖子上留下了一道很深的伤口。 www.book853.com 4. Toshiba's decision to collaborate with a company with which it competes fiercely in flash memory, among other things, is remarkable. 同其它事情相比,东芝公司与它在闪存界竞争激烈的对手公司合作的这项决定是了不起的。 www.ecocn.org 5. UP ON THE MOUNTAINS the midday sun glared fiercely, but down in the valley near the swift-running stream it was cool and still. 山顶上太阳炽热的烤着,发出炫目的光,但下边的山谷里急速流动的小溪旁却凉爽安静。 www.bing.com 6. The gale was still blowing just as fiercely but now I was travelling at twice the speed . . . at least for a while. 风还在刮着,和先前一样强劲,但是至少有一段时间里我的速度提高了一倍。 www.bing.com 7. The children stuck together, calming one another, except for Lucsenda, a seven-year-old, who clung to my leg fiercely. 孩子们抱成一团,相互安慰,除了7岁的卢森达,他紧紧地抓着我的腿。 www.bing.com 8. I noticed that little being abruptly starting to implore to her mother for something, fiercely tugging at her clothes. 我注意到,有点突然开始恳求她的母亲的东西,狠狠的揪着她的衣服。 gounahaozi.org 9. She had been a fifteen year - old girl with braces on her teeth, fiercely shy and overweight, a lonely rebel. 她还是个十五岁的女孩子,牙齿上戴着牙套,非常害羞,体胖,是个孤独的叛逆者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Over the many years of my life, as an athlete in the sport of track and field, you have been fiercely loyal and supportive towards me. 过去很多年我的生活,作为一个田径运动员,你们一直对我忠诚和支持。 www.tianya.cn 1. I am not aware of this as I don't read many Manga, but if there would be such a trend in current Japanese manga I am fiercely against this. 我不知道这种漫画因为我读的漫画不多,但是如果在当前日本漫画界有这种趋势,我要强烈地反对它。 www.totoroclub.net 2. When Hong came to his house initially, the dog barked at her fiercely. But it became familiar with her after two days. 叶城家养了一条很凶猛的大狼狗,洪小玲刚来时,它冲洪小玲凶狠地叫着,过了两天,就熟悉了。 www.ebigear.com 3. Yet he presented himself as the only person who would tussle fiercely and relentlessly enough to triumph. 不过,他说只有他才能进行足够激烈无情的斗争,以取得胜利。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Unexpectedly one burst shot, the dark night knight was subjected to a daunt, fiercely reign I assault since then. 竟然出了一个爆击,暗夜骑士受到了重击,猛地朝我冲锋而来。 cpubbs.com 5. Each of these players has fiercely defended its turf in the discussions leading up to Wednesday's proposal. 在周三的提案的先导性讨论中,上述各家参与其中的监管机构都奋力维护自己的职权范围。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Oracle has carved up much of the worldwide enterprise-software market with rival SAP of Germany, with which it competes fiercely. 甲骨文公司和它的竞争对手德国SAP公司瓜分了全球大部分企业软体市场,两者之间的竞争非常激烈。 chinese.wsj.com 7. See she could not, for the wind was blowing more fiercely than ever, so she lay where she was and counted the leaves. 风比之前刮得更猛了,所以她更看不到东西了。于是,她躺在原处,数了数草叶。 www.bing.com 8. At the mere thought of it, his heart began to beat fiercely. 只要一想到它,他的心就开始剧烈地跳个不停。 www.bing.com 9. The rumor was that Mayweather's ribs were injured during a sparring session, something the fiercely proud fighter vehemently denies. 传言说他的肋部在对练中受伤,这可是傲气的拳手极不愿意承认的事情。 www.boxingcn.net 10. "It felt like someone threw me fiercely against the wall, " he said. 他说道:“我感觉好像有人将我狠狠地摔到墙上。” www.i21st.cn 1. At the mere thought of it my heart began to beat fiercely. 只要想到这,我的心就开始猛烈地跳动。 www.yywords.com 2. "What's it to you? " he said, rising, almost fiercely. "I pay the rent, don't I? I furnish the-" “这和你有什么关系?”他说着,气势汹汹地站起身来。“我付了房租,不是吗?我提供了--” www.bing.com 3. Faced with the long history and traditions of Italian soccer, he didn't attack as fiercely as he did in the group matches. 与悠久的历史和传统的意大利足球面前,他没有攻击他的大作,并在小组比赛。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. That country's king has heard, did not believe that he had such fiercely, then incurs the shepherd boy the palace. 那国的国王听说了,不相信他有这么厉害,便把牧童招进了宫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Father argued fiercely against any increase in expenditure for the children. 父亲据理反对增加孩子们生日聚会的花费。 ruzuochunfeng.blog.hexun.com 6. From that moment, though she fiercely insisted that she was her own person, theirs was a joint cause. 从那一刻开始,虽然她再三坚持她属于她自己,但他们的事业是共同的。 www.ecocn.org 7. But for a government so fiercely insistent on the inviolability of its own sovereignty, this was a big step. 但是,对于一个如此强烈坚持国家主权不可侵犯的政府来说,这已经算是迈出了一大步了。 www.bing.com 8. The fact that she's so well qualified is, of course, the reason she's being attacked so fiercely. 当然,她的良好的资质正是受到激烈攻击的原因。 www.bing.com 9. lifting her skirt , leveling her cane fiercely before her , she began to march across the river. 她撩起裙子,狠命将手杖平伸在前,气昂昂地开始过河了。 www.ichacha.net 10. Kitty and Ben watched TV at home. The wind became a typhoon and blew fiercely . Trees fell down. Ships and boats sank in the sea. 凯蒂和本在家看电视。那场风已经转变成了台风,猛烈的刮着。连树木都吹倒了。海上船只也沉没。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Mr Gul was fiercely opposed by secularists and the army, because his wife wears the Muslim headscarf, banned in public buildings. 古尔先生之所以受到非宗教人士及军方的强烈反对,是由于他的妻子戴着头巾,这在公共建筑物中是不允许的。 www.ecocn.org 2. At first she fought just to get him off her, but it was a hard fight. Such a small a child to fight so fiercely. 起初她招架着,只是想把他推开,但她越来越难以招架,这么小的孩子居然这么凶悍。 www.bing.com 3. "Too many good men died that day. " Tyrion's scar was itching fiercely. He picked at it with a fingernail. “那天死了太多好人。”提利昂的疤痒的厉害,于是他用指甲挖了挖。 www.cndkc.net 4. It's not an ideal time to be unemployed, and even those who have jobs are trying to hold on to them more fiercely than ever. 现在不是失业的好时机,甚至连有工作的人都千方百计的想保住工作。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. The wind blew fiercely and snatched the newly recovered mail from Mrs. Pennington's hands and blew it even further into the house. 一阵强风把彭宁顿太太手中的信猛地吹跑了,吹到了房子更里的地方。 www.bing.com 6. Paradoxically, they must be fiercely independent, yet able to collaborate well with others. 矛盾的是,他们必须是完全独立的,但又能够与他人合作。 www.bing.com 7. The mountainous region used to be peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists. 那个山区过去住着一群佛教徒,他们非常独立并且深爱和平。 bbs.education.163.com 8. So far, China has fiercely resisted American calls for a meaningful re-evaluation of the renminbi. 迄今为止,中国一直在激烈抵制美国要求让人民币以有意义的幅度升值的呼吁。 www.ftchinese.com 9. She came to my bedside, put her candle close to my face and stared fiercely at me. 她来到我床边,用蜡烛照着我的脸,凶狠地盯着我。 www.chinaedu.com 10. The peach blossom fiercely opens a pair of eyes, pate one empress Yang, Wu a , thoroughly broke this intense sensation four shoot of scene. 桃花猛地睁开双眼,头一后仰,唔了一声,彻底破坏了这激情四射的场景。 nanhai.hinews.cn 1. If gravity were only slightly stronger, researchers show stars would flame so fiercely that they would burn out in a single year. 天空按几何学原理是平顺的,而不是变形的。若地心吸力稍稍加强,研究人员指出,星体就会猛烈冒火。 hourofpower.org.hk 2. The elephant is not immediately susceptible to such blandishments, however, and usually lashes fiercely with its trunk in all directions. 然而大象不会立刻被这些讨好的话感动,而往往是用鼻子朝各个方向猛烈地甩动。 www.hxen.com 3. It's unclear how Harmoush, a native of the pummeled yet fiercely resistant Syrian city of Homs, ended up in regime custody. 目前还不清楚如何Harmoush,一个土生土长的痛宰尚未强烈抵制叙利亚城市霍姆斯,在政权保管结束。 www.englishtang.com 4. As if the picture wasn't stunning enough, it also features Mars glowing fiercely against the rich blue of the Pacific night sky. 尽管这张照片还不足以令人叹为观止,在这片蓝宝石般的太平洋夜空中,火星也在闪烁着金光。 www.bing.com 5. But Mr Obama is being badgered by fiercely pro-Israeli groups at home to look more kindly on the prospect of a preemptive Israeli attack. 但是奥巴马在国内与声势浩大的亲以组织纠缠不清,看起来如果以色列主动发起攻击,他也不会大发雷霆。 www.ecocn.org 6. In fact, now hundreds and even thousands of Chinese college graduates compete with one another fiercely for one civil service position. 事实上,现在中国的大学毕业生几百人甚至几千人竞争获得一个公务员的职位。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Like the founding fathers of the revolution, they resent fiercely any hint of Western meddling in Iranian affairs. 就像革命的发起人一样,他们极度不满西方国家干涉伊朗内政。 www.ecocn.org 8. His eyes, wide and wet, at last flashed fiercely on her; his breast heaved convulsively . 他睁大着双眼,含着泪水,终于猛地向她一闪,胸口激动地起伏着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The Chinese are fiercely proud, their revolution was passionate and a passionate revolution is always brutal. 中国人是狂热的爱国者,他们的革命热情无比,而充满激情的革命通常都是野蛮残忍的。 www.ltaaa.com 10. He shook the letter fiercely in his hand , so that it rustled as loud as the flag above his head . 他剧烈地抖动手中的信纸,使它发出的沙沙声与他头顶上军旗的飘扬声一般响亮。 www.bing.com 1. Women like a raw shiny knife, preparing and men fight one another fiercely, "I and you are not a dead fish is the net broken. " 女人像把磨得发亮的刀,准备和男人拼个你死我活,“我和你不是鱼死就是网破。” www.dota123.com 2. All of this work requires further investment at a time when global health programmes must compete fiercely for cash. 这些工作都需要继续投入资金,而现在正是全球医疗项目必须为资金激烈竞争的时候。 www.ecocn.org 3. Strong in the tackle, powerful in the air, deceptively quick and fiercely committed - he was the complete defender. 他抢断能力出色,空中优势明显,反应敏捷而且在场上异常刻苦——他是个全职的后卫。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. With Jupiter so prominent at this point in the month, this person will fiercely protect your interests. 随着木星所以在这点在本月突出,此人将凶猛地保护你的利益。 www.chinatarot.com 5. It would consign America to second place in our fiercely competitive global economy. 这将让美国在激烈的国际经济竞争中屈居老二。 www.tingroom.com 6. Jonathan kept at it, fiercely, day after day, from before sunrise till past midnight. 乔纳森天天照着这个嘱咐拼命做去,从黎明前直到深夜后。 www.putclub.com 7. In her book , market researcher , Sellia Goober says those traits are what make children fiercely brand loyal ane retailers so interested. 市场研究员塞琳娜·古柏在她的书中说,那些特点使孩子们更热衷于名牌,也是商家对他们大感兴趣的原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Although the market is fiercely competitive, but has since opened, Virgin Atlantic has always been firmly occupy a higher market share. 尽管市场竞争异常激烈,但自开航以来,维珍航空始终牢牢占据着较高的市场份额。 www.zzgjp.com 9. Yet nothing stays proprietary for very long in a fiercely competitive industry with dozens of manufacturers and thousands of suppliers. 然而汽车行业面临来自于数十家汽车制造商和成千上万的供应商的激烈竞争,专有技术很难永葆青春。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Qin Lan's words haven't talked, but be delighted with wild delight of autumn the son beginning fiercely embrace into a brisket. 秦岚的话还没有说话,但被狂喜的秋子初猛的搂进怀里。 www.zxschool.cn 1. They had three children, and she was fiercely loyal to him, even after friends as well as does came to regard him as sleazy and corrupt. 他们共生育了三个孩子,而布托对他的忠贞是誓死不渝的,即使在她的朋友与政敌认为她的丈夫是一个庸俗腐朽的人之后,她还是不改初衷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In this movement, autocratic Huo Guang, having the aid of Confucian scholars and by means of holding a meeting, launched an attack fiercely. 盐铁会议从本质上讲,是专权的霍光通过开会的形式利用儒生对桑弘羊施以打击的政治运动。 www.dictall.com 3. During mating season, males will claim a length of shoreline and fiercely defend it, occasionally even killing a bachelor rival. 在交配季节,雄性河马会占领一段海岸线并且拼命守护,有时甚至会因此而杀害某个同样单身的竞争对手。 www.cnnas.com 4. As quick as lightning, and with all its strength, the centipede fiercely clutches the spider, and drives its fangs deep inside. 蜈蚣用上全部的力气,闪电一样,狠狠地抓住了蜘蛛,把毒牙深深地扎进体内。 www.yappr.cn 5. India is already competing fiercely with China for some of these assets, especially energy sources. 印度已经正在同中国在非洲的一些资产上,特别是能源,展开激烈的竞争。 www.voanews.com.cn 6. Yet in a fiercely competitive industry, that may be enough to tilt the balance. 不过,在竞争激烈的汽车行业,这可能已足以改变竞争格局。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The horizon is fiercely naked---not the thinnest cover of a soft cloud, not the vaguest hint of a distant cool shower. 天边是可怕的赤裸--没有一片轻云的遮盖,没有一丝远雨的凉意。 blog.163.com 8. But since the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the constitution, appointments are fiercely political. 但由于最高法院乃是美国宪法的最终解释者,大法官的任命受到强烈的政治左右。 www.ecocn.org 9. I was met with a burning sensation in my nose and throat. Kicking fiercely, I broke out of the water, gulping for precious air. 一口水呛得我鼻子、喉咙火辣辣的,我拼命蹬腿,挣出水面,奋力地吸了口气。 www.kankan.com.cn 10. Kurmuk is in Southern Blue Nile, one of three areas fiercely disputed between the government and the SPLA during the peace talks. 学校位于蓝尼罗河省克木克,是政府与苏丹人民解放军在和平会谈中争议最大的地区之一。 mailftp.lihpao.com 1. Blacksmith, you say? And he looked down at his leg. Then he held me by both arms and stared fiercely down into my eyes. “你说,铁匠?”他低下头看看自己的腿,然后抱住我,用凶狠的眼光盯着我的双眼。 www.okread.net 2. Among the local ballot measures to be decided on Election Day, California's Proposition 8 is perhaps the most fiercely contested. 在与美国大选同一天进行的各种地方性投票中,加州的8号提案可能是争议最激烈的。 www.bing.com 3. For the moment, China's leaders are still fiercely resisting outside pressure on the currency. 目前来看,中国领导人仍在强烈抵制外部要求人民币升值的压力。 c.wsj.com 4. They fought against the enemy fiercely. 他们猛烈地还击敌人。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It's like an aristocrat gone to seed, fiercely hanging onto respectability. 仰光就像一个没落的贵族,在勉力维持着昔日的尊贵。 chinese.wsj.com 6. She rocked her mother fiercely, but her mother showed no response. 她使劲摇着妈妈的身体,妈妈却没有回答她。 www.ebigear.com 7. the information issued by an independent CSR report can affect the capital market fiercely. 出具独立社会责任报告的公司越能影响公司的市场反应。 www.fabiao.net 8. As a local man, Marco Obispo is fiercely loyal to his native region but his father Vincente is even more territorial. 作为一个当地居民,马可·奥比斯珀对故土非常热爱,但他的父亲文森特更具有地域意识。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Smell that flavor, the Feng feather fiercely opens eyes and elevator a face to face ascend his vision. 嗅到那味道,凤羽猛地睁开眼睛,抬脸迎上了他的目光。 www.fenyouwang.com 10. The day your uncle Ben asked me to marry him, he was so scared and excited. And very young. And I loved him so fiercely. 你本叔叔向我求婚的那天,他特别紧张,当然也很兴奋,而且那么年轻。我无可救药的爱上了他。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. "Ron" gave America "George I" , i. e. George HW Bush, whom Oliphant lampooned almost as fiercely as he had Nixon. 此后里根让美国有了“乔治一世”即老布什,奥利芬特对老布什讽刺的激烈程度如同对尼克松一样。 bjyouth.ynet.com 2. Hold No. 1 was on fire and timber stowed in it was burning fiercely. Obviously, fire spread was due to heat transference through bulkhead. 第一舱起火,舱内木材猛烈燃烧,火的蔓延显然是由于舱壁传热所致。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Today's chart shows how severely the money supply and inflation are going in fiercely opposite directions. 今天的图片反应了货币供应和通货膨胀曲线是如何严格的走向两个极端方向。 www.bing.com 4. The religion of Mo Er says, tightly walk 2, follow a pair of Zhang opens, fiercely the shot is to Huang Chang. 摩尔宗说着,紧走两步,跟着双掌张开,猛地击向黄裳。黄裳想要躲闪,已是力不从心。 cpubbs.com 5. It remains to be seen how GIIRS deals with the fact that people often disagree fiercely about what constitutes social good. 今天仍可看到,全球影响投资率系统是如何处理人们常常严重反对社会利益的组成的事情。 www.ecocn.org 6. Mizur, the highest peak of the gray mountains, was staring the northern sky fiercely , as stubborn as an old man. 米兹尔,灰色山脉中的最高一峰,就像一个顽固的老头,狠狠的瞪著北方天空。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The ship was burning fiercely and had a heavy list. 船发生猛烈的燃烧并严重倾斜。 www.kuenglish.info 8. Fianna are close to their Kinfolk and fiercely protective, a fact that has led to no few skirmishes. 芬尼安和他们的亲属关系亲密,并且会勇猛地保护他们,这造成过很多冲突。 tw.netsh.com 9. Critics say the company has benefited greatly from behind-the-scenes assistance from the government, although Huawei fiercely denies that. 批评者说,该公司大大受益于来自政府的幕后援助,虽然华为对此极力否认。 www.bing.com 10. Chinese military experts fiercely denied that the country might be planning to build weapons in space. 中国军事专家强烈否认了中国可能正计划建造太空武器的说法。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The Fed worries that congressional second-guessing of its policy decisions would compromise its fiercely-guarded independence. 美联储担心国会干预其政策制定会危及其顽强捍卫的独立性。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. "That kind of growth, in a fiercely competitive market, is hard to come by, " says Tim Dunne at Automotive Resources Asia. “在一个竞争如此激烈的市场,实现这种幅度的增长实属不易,”亚洲汽车资源公司的邓凯(TimDunne)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In her book, market researcher, Selina Goober says those 26traits are what make children fiercely brand loyal and retailers so interested. 古柏在她的书中说,那些特点使孩子们更热衷于名牌,也是商家对他们大感兴趣的原因。 word.hcbus.com 4. "I love you, " she whispers, fiercely and passionately, against his skin, like it makes up for everything that has ever hurt him. “我爱你,”她低声说,对他的热情和强烈的皮肤,让喜欢它的一切行动是有史以来伤害他。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Ironically, Aldo Leopold, the greatest American ecologist, argued fiercely against letting wildfire burn in wilderness. 具有讽刺意味的是,奥尔多·利奥波德,这位最伟大的美国生态学家,竟然强烈反对让野火在荒地里燃烧。 dongxi.net 6. The pebbles arranges in the sky and by oneself, the derivation is various sketch, but fiercely collapses to spread out after a short moment. 沙砾在空中自行排列,衍化出各种图形,却在片刻后猛地崩散开。 bbs.bnb.cq.cn 7. Over the next few hours, these two women become my fiercely protective minders. 在以后的几个小时里,两个女人成了我严厉的保护人。 www.bing.com 8. "You've made a monkey of me! " retorted Mr. Button fiercely. “是你弄得我跟只猴子一样!”巴顿恼怒地回答。 www.bing.com 9. Already China is squabbling fiercely with Asian neighbors as protectionist talk around the world rises alarmingly. 由于贸易保护主义在全世界抬头,中国已经在和亚洲邻国激烈争吵。 www.stnn.cc 10. The enemy attacked fiercely, but our men stood firm. 敌人猛攻,但我们的战士屹然不动。 1. Combat An armand warden fights fiercely to defend itself or any other armand. 阿曼德守夜人会为了保护自身或任何一个阿曼德而猛烈的战斗。 www.ellesime.net 2. Seeing the bee-man they went into action simultaneously stinging him fiercely and maliciously . 它们看见了养蜂人,蜂拥而上,凶狠地蜇起他来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If you were from outside the neighborhood, you had to compete for admission, and the classes were fiercely competitive. 如果你是别的街区的学生,就得竞争入校,而且班级间竞争激烈。 www.bing.com 4. The tortured words rose from deep within me. I had been trying fiercely to hold them in. 尽管我一直拼命地想要控制,可是这句折磨人的话还是从我心底不由自主的说了出来。 www.bing.com 5. soon , in the rich orange light of the flames , he could see a hay - rick burning fiercely. 不久,他看到熊熊的火光中,干草垛肆虐地燃烧阒。 www.ichacha.net 6. With one punch, it could be said, Ms. Murdoch revamped her popular image from "gold digger" to heroine, and fiercely protective wife. 或者可以这样说,默多克夫人正是靠着这一击改变她“掘金女郎”的形象,成为了一位女英雄,一位激动的积极保护丈夫的夫人。 dongxi.net 7. He looks at me fiercely. "And children, " he repeats. 他死死地盯着我重复道:“还有孩子。” www.bing.com 8. She told herself that she could not do things by halves, she must love or detest, but in either case fiercely. 她对自己说,她做事不能不彻底,要就是爱,要就是恨,无论何者都必须是强烈的。 www.jukuu.com 9. Fiercely defensive of the moral high ground, he is not shy of playing on western guilt at having failed Rwanda in its hour of need. 卡加梅竭力为自己所踞的道德制高点辩护,于是毫不留情地抨击西方社会的罪责:在卢旺达最危难的时候却袖手旁观。 www.ftchinese.com 10. His father, Philip of Macedon, was the first to unite Greece's fiercely independent city-states after a century of bitter in-fighting. 他的父亲,马其顿王国的菲利普,在上百年的激烈混战后,率先统一了希腊的各个极其独立的城邦。 www.englishtide.com 1. The heat was sweltering, and the men grumbled fiercely over their work. 天气热得使人发昏,人们一边干一边发出强烈的抱怨。 www.eduzhai.net 2. He is the key member of a tightly knit and fiercely loyal White House staff. 他是紧密团结且绝对忠诚的白宫阵营里的核心人物。 www.ecocn.org 3. Even in these difficult economic times talent is in short supply and the world's leading companies are competing fiercely for it. 即使在眼前这种经济困难时期,人才仍然短缺,而世界顶尖的公司正在为他们争得头破血流。 club.topsage.com 4. At a government meeting, Khrushchev criticized Stalin fiercely in look and voice. Suddenly someone in the auditoria interrupted his speech. 在一次政府会议上,赫鲁晓夫声色俱厉地指责斯大林的错误,突然听众席上有关人打断了他的讲话。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Twitter, though blocked by the Great Firewall, has a small but fiercely loyal following on the mainland. 推特(twitter)虽然也被防火长城屏蔽,在中国大陆却有着数量虽少但十分坚定的追随者。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Believed that, hyped the fashion, the silence still was the gold, moreover still gold fiercely. 更相信,炒作时尚,沉默仍然是金,而且仍将金得厉害。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In some instances, Beijing's rules, also fiercely opposed by industry, require companies to provide source codes as well. 在某些情况下,中国的规定——同样遭到业内强烈反对——也要求企业提供源代码。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The rich world no longer welcomes the tired and the huddled; it looks set to compete ever more fiercely for the bright and the qualified. 而且,为了争取到更多聪明优秀的人才,国家间的竞争将会更加激烈。 www.ecocn.org 9. The wind became much stronger. It blew fiercely. It became a typhoon. Trees fell down. 风越刮越大。猛烈地吹着。它变成了台风。树被制倒。 www.etmeet.com 10. Efforts to rescue Europe from its debt problems through new EU regulations were being fiercely debated in Brussels on Monday. 周一在布鲁塞尔,各方就依靠欧盟新法规将欧洲从债务问题中挽救出来的努力展开了激烈辩论。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Instinctively, lionesses are fiercely protective of their cuts. That makes his relationship with the lions even more exceptional. 雌狮对于她们的幼崽有着本能的、强烈的保护意识。这一点使得他与狮子间的关系更加与众不同。 www.yappr.cn 2. Eritreans are fiercely proud of their independence and reluctant to criticize their government, which has jailed political opponents. 本地人对国家的独立无比自豪,却不愿意批评他们的政府,政府把政治反对派都送进了监狱。 www.bing.com 3. His fiercely loyal crew were compelled to his cause because he had one that transcended pure self-interest. 他让死忠们投身于他的事业,因为这个事业超越了单纯的自我利益。 www.bing.com 4. After fighting fiercely three days and nights the soldiers had their back to the wall. 激战三天三夜之后,士兵们陷入绝境。 www.360abc.com 5. Designers reckon it's perfectly suited for the small but fiercely formed Singapore soldiers' jungle-fresh fighting. 设计者认为它最能迎合新加坡的小型精锐部队在丛林激战。 xnwap.cn 6. They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in the agonies of a mortal combat. 他们激烈地争吵着谁该先喝,争吵很快演变成一场生死搏斗。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Duke of Florence is still a fiercely ambitious ruler, but now he also appears an engaged, family man. 弗洛伦萨伯爵依然是一位强硬、野心勃勃的统治者,但是他此刻却展现出守本分的居家男人的一面。 www.ecocn.org 8. Mrs. Tittlemouse began to pull out the moss. Three or four other bees put their heads out, and buzzed fiercely. 点点鼠太太开始拔那些苔藓。三四只大蜂把头伸出来,凶猛地嗡嗡叫。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Our top priority right now has to be creating new jobs and opportunities in a fiercely competitive world. 当前,我们当务之急就是要在激烈的全球竞争中创造更多的就业岗位和机会。 www.bing.com 10. He was fiercely anti-Western, decrying the European Union as a Zionist Christian club and railing against usury and the free market. 埃尔巴坎曾经强烈地反对西方,谴责欧盟作为犹太复国主义的幕后推手,还反对高利贷和自由市场经济。 www.ecocn.org 1. Local residents fought fiercely to save parts of their old city. 此举遭到当地居民的强烈反对,他们拼死拼活都要保住老城区。 www.ecocn.org 2. Eli Lilly -- in again, the fiercely competitive pharmaceutical world -- has created a market for solutions for pharmaceutical problems. 美国礼来公司在竞争激烈的药品世界里创造了一个解决药品问题的市场。 www.ted.com 3. Yet as they look for the most attractive investments, the sovereign funds also find themselves competing ever more fiercely with each other. 然而,在寻求最具吸引力的投资时,主权基金也发现,彼此之间的竞争变得更加激烈。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Public spending was vastly skewed towards whites; land ownership, perhaps the bitterest of political issues, was fiercely inequitable. 公共开销大笔地花在白人身上;土地所有权也是极其地不公平,这也许是政治争端中最让人受痛的问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. The father of the first British solider killed in Helmand Province has fiercely criticized the latest report on his son's death. 第一位在海尔曼德省阵亡英军的父亲对最新一份关于他儿子阵亡问题的报告提出了强烈批评。 www.eoezone.com 6. Industrial designer Amir Glinik took the sexy curves and sleek lines that make Ferrari so fiercely desirable and put them in bike form. 工业设计师AmirGlinik运用性感的曲线和光滑的线条,以二轮的形式,赋予了让这台法拉利强大的诱惑力。 www.bing.com 7. Its resources are limited, its tribes fiercely independent and well-armed, its plagues of poverty, illiteracy and malnutrition persistent. 也门资源有限,部落极为独立而且有着精良的武装,其贫穷、愚昧无知和营养不良,像瘟疫一样持续不散。 club.topsage.com 8. Caused the air-to-ground missile to obtain "dropped from the clouds strikes the hand fiercely suddenly" the title. 使得空地导弹获得了“从天而降的突烈击手”的称号。 www.qdcs5.com 9. When the cockroach finds that Tao Zi falls into a coma again, it bites her fiercely. 蟑螂发觉陶子又昏过去了,就狠狠咬了她一口。 www.gzyueyang.com 10. He expects the final at Wembley to be fiercely contested, but he is also anticipating plenty of goalmouth action. 他期待在温布利能有一场激烈的比赛,并且双方都会制造出很多破门机会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. "You can't imagine how awful it is, " she said fiercely. “您简直想象不出有多糟糕,”她十分生气地说。 2. At times she stared so fiercely into Josephine's eyes that I thought she alone was keeping my daughter alive. 有时候看到母亲那样深深的注视着约瑟芬的眼睛,我觉得只有她将支持着我的女儿活下去。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Oromo rebels in south and east Ethiopia and Somali secessionists in the east of the country are likely to fight more fiercely. 在埃塞俄比亚南部和东部的奥罗莫人叛乱,以及索马里东部的分离主义者极有可能借此发动猛烈进攻。 www.bing.com 4. Oddly enough, the fiercely capitalist Koch family owes part of its fortune to Joseph Stalin. 资本雄厚的科赫家族的一部分财富得益于乔瑟夫·斯大林,岂不怪哉。 www.bing.com 5. The brand is fiercely defended by its owners whom truly believe that Nike is not a fashion brand. 耐克品牌有很多坚定的拥护者,他们坚信耐克不是一个流行品牌。 select.yeeyan.org 6. Haiyan final with "prophet's" posture, made insistently - "let the storm come more fiercely! " 海燕最终以胜利的“预言家”的姿态,终于发出了疾呼——“让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧!” zhidao.baidu.com 7. And we were scratching the single blanket fiercely, just like a war. (Writing here I can't help laughing out loudly). (写作这里,我不能不大声地笑了)。 wenwen.soso.com 8. So far India Inc has been different: its big business houses compete and innovate fiercely. 到目前为止,印度企业有不同的表现:其大型企业保持着激烈的竞争和创新。 www.ecocn.org 9. America's Founding Fathers nurtured a vibrant, fiercely partisan press with no licensing of newspapers or policing of content. 美国的开国元老们培育了活跃而党派性鲜明的媒体,报纸不需要获得执照,内容也不受管辖。 www.bing.com 10. They were intelligent, idealistic, and fiercely committed to democracy. 他们有才智,充满理想,对民主主义有坚定的信念。 www.bing.com 1. Veering away from rogue clone individuals, the Kaminoans took as their example the fiercely efficient hunting pods of the native aiwha. 卡米诺人以当地凶猛高效的飞鲸狩猎群为榜样,对行为失常的单个克隆人进行改造。 www.starwarschina.com 2. The couple argued fiercely and no matter how I tried to pour oil on the troubled water, they just ignored me. 那对夫妻吵架吵得很激烈,不论我如何试着平息他们的怒气,他们都不会理坐我。 blog.163.com 3. [color=#000000]Though fiercely religious, Pushtuns have mostly preferred their leaders and law to be tribal. [color=#000000][font=Tahoma][font=宋体]尽管相当地虔诚信教,但普什图人主要还是更倾向于他们的领袖和法律是符合部族规范的。 www.ecocn.org 4. For another, domestic interests may protest fiercely, threatening central bank independence. 另外,国内利率或许也会剧烈地波动,这将威胁到中央银行的独立性。 www.ecocn.org 5. Indeed, in his writings, Ren exhibits the fiercely competitive edge that has propelled Huawei into the world's top ranks. 实际上,任正非在自己的文章里展现出了强劲的竞争力,推动华为位居世界前列正是这种实力。 newssgo.com 6. grab the opportunity The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper. 两个工人奋力抗争,其中一个发了火,。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. The industry is fiercely tribal, and regulators are too close to the utilities. 核能产业派系竞争激烈,管理者与公共事业公司交往过密。 www.hxen.com 8. Then he followed up a feint, right and left, was fiercely countered, and felt his cheek laid open to the bone. 然后他左右开弓时一个假动作紧逼过去,却挨了狠狠一拳反击,感到面颊被扯破了,破到了骨头。 www.mykh.net 9. Bankers are therefore likely to resist the idea of fair value for loans fiercely: one executive calls it "lunacy" . 因此,银行家们很可能会凶猛地坚持自己在公平价值上的观点:一名高级主管把它称作“愚蠢至极”。 www.ecocn.org 10. On the campaign trail, he had vowed to respond fiercely to the first whiff of bad behaviour in his administration. 竞选期间,他曾发誓要严厉回应新政府内的不正之风。 www.ecocn.org 1. He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges it into the fray, afraid of nothing when the trumpet sounds. 它轻蹄劲跑,欢庆它的力量。而当号角响起时,它急人所急无所畏惧。 www.eoezone.com 2. We weren't as effective as in previous matches because Real Sociedad defended fiercely with five defenders, but we did a good job. 我们并不像在前几场比赛中表现得那么高效,因为皇家社会的五名防守队员进行了全力防守,但我们还是做得不错。 www.zqgod.com 3. THE memory of Auschwitz, the best-known symbol of the Holocaust, is fiercely contested. 对作为大屠杀最有名的标志奥斯维辛集中营的记忆,不尽相同。 www.ecocn.org 4. By that time, Wilson's website had crashed and he had been fiercely criticised on Twitter for breaching protocol and good manners. 从那时起,威尔逊的个人网站就被点爆了,Twitter上则是一片口诛笔伐,批评他违背政治礼仪和良好素养。 www.bing.com 5. The merits of more fiscal stimulus have been fiercely debated inside the Obama administration. 更多财政刺激的优点在奥巴马政府内已经进行了激烈地辩论。 www.ecocn.org 6. Having long fiercely rejected criticism of the tribunal act, officials are showing signs of softening. 在长期对审判法案的质疑声作出否认后,孟加拉国政府官员们正显示出软化的迹象。 www.ecocn.org 7. One of the other important traits of Aquarius individuals is that they love their independence and fiercely protect it. 水瓶座另一个重要的人格特征是热爱独立并且坚决捍卫它。 www.bing.com 8. We are fiercely dedicated to developing and coaching one another and our clients. 我们彻底的投身于发展和培训我们彼此、以及我们的客户。 www.bing.com 9. Yet no one is absolutely sure where the boundaries are, or whether the government will start to clamp down more fiercely. 但是没有人确切的知道界限何在,或者政府是否会加大取缔力度。 www.bing.com 10. Any notion of involving NATO troops would be fiercely resisted by Russia and Iran. 任何北约军队界入的企图都会遭到俄罗斯和伊朗的强烈反对。 www.ecocn.org 1. Jean-Claude Trichet, European Central Bank president, has fiercely resisted allowing a selective default. 欧洲央行(ECB)行长让-克洛德?特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)一直强烈反对允许选择性违约。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Surrounded by these and other hard-won tokens of our American lives, I was suddenly and fiercely grateful to have come back home. 包围在这样或那样通过艰苦努力而获得的美国生活标记,我突然有了一种回到家里的强烈感激之情。 www.bing.com 3. The great gray kangaroo jumps fiercely, has loaded into the baby bag the wallaby. 大袋鼠猛地跳出来,把小袋鼠装进了幼儿袋。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. However, when different factions jockey fiercely for power, the support of the military is crucial. 但不同党羽争权夺利时,有军队做后盾就很关键。 www.bing.com 5. Nonetheless, every Chinese student and supervisor I talked to today was fiercely proud of their team's performance. 尽管输了比赛,今天跟我交谈的每一个中国学生都对他们球队的表现感到无比的自豪。 hi.baidu.com 6. By then, renewable energy technologies will be far too advanced for South African entrants to fiercely compete in established markets. 到那时候,可再生能源技术将变得过于先进,让南非的参与者无法在现有市场上猛烈地竞争。 www.scidev.net 7. Graduates have to fight for jobs in a fiercely competitive market. 大学毕业生们不得不在竞争激烈的市场中奋力争取找到工作。 zxyy.xhedu.sh.cn 8. Therefore, the digital camera industry was competing increasingly fiercely. 因此数码相机行业的竞争愈加激烈。 www.fabiao.net 9. The move comes in the midst of an already fiercely competitive commercial air travel market. 竞争激烈的商业航空市场中促进了这种改变。 www.bing.com 10. He became fiercely protective of her. 他成了她坚定的保护人。 1. Mostly (but not always) they play the female, and their favours are competed for fiercely. 而这些男同性恋者大多数扮演女性的角色,而且大受欢迎。 www.jp345.com 2. Talic rose from his chair, standing a head taller than the Seer, and told her fiercely "I won't go. " 塔力克从椅子上起身站在比他矮一个头的先知前面,恶狠狠的告诉她『我不去。』 wiki2.gamer.com.tw 3. She hesitated a moment, but the anxiety that had long been kindling burned fiercely up within her. 她有片刻的迟疑,但长久以来内心剧烈燃烧的焦虑煎熬着她。 www.bing.com 4. Plus her writing is exhilarating all by itself; irrepressible and fiercely independent, a flaming sword of justice. 而且她的写作本身就是完全令人愉悦的,不可抑制,具有强烈的独立性,一把炽热的正义之剑。 dongxi.net 5. She struck the ground with her little foot fiercely. 她用她那小脚猛地跺了一下地。 6. As with every other twist in the Iraqi saga, the meaning of this latest turn is fiercely contested. 正如一波三折的伊拉克传奇,最近的这次转折(指伊拉克与美国达成撤军协议)引起了激烈的争论。 www.ecocn.org 7. he announced fiercely, his blue eyes still flaring, and his sturdy long legs straddling apart. 他激动地宣称,眼中仍在闪光,坚实的双腿分开站着。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. His claim to his deceased father's fortune was fiercely contested. 他要求继承亡父的财产而遭到强列的反对。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Even so, fearing increased crime and congestion, city officials have fiercely resisted the expansion. 尽管如此,因为担心犯罪率上升和交通堵塞加剧,该市官员强烈反对扩建基地的做法。 www.ecocn.org 10. Pakistan's fiercely independent tribesmen of the region carry weapons regardless of whether they are militants. 巴基斯坦部落自治地区拥有武器,无论他们是否具备战斗力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Then, the puppy fiercely stand up, its body extension forward, sloping, tail, a pretty, "shout" to swoop in little black dog. 接着,小狗猛地站起来,前爪前伸,身子后倾,尾巴一挺,“呼”地向小黑狗扑过去。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Other come the band glaring at fiercely to grab job woollen cloth with them where to still having a chance? 其它虎视眈眈的乐队哪里还有机会来与他们抢饭碗呢? club.qingdaonews.com 3. I rush a moment, an pole the yellow aureate long gun fiercely blocked my to the road. 我奔跑瞬间,一杆黄金色的长枪猛地拦住了我的去路。 cpubbs.com 4. But in Beijing, these enterprises are often criticised for competing too fiercely with each other. 但在北京,这些企业却往往因彼此竞争过于激烈而受到批评。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The health and death tolls from Chernobyl -- and the areas affected -- are still fiercely disputed, and estimates vary hugely. 切尔诺贝利核事故的健康和死亡人数统计,以及感染区域等,仍然存在激烈争议,各类估计也差异甚大。 www.bing.com 6. Despite a high profile, however, he has remained fiercely protective of his private life. 尽管享有盛誉,但是他严密保护他的隐私生活。 www.bing.com 7. Both options would be fiercely resisted by food producers. 这两种选择都将受到食品生产商的强烈抵制。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I could scarcely catch my breath, so fiercely was I impelled through the heavens. 要我这么匆剧地飞过天空,竟弄得我喘不上气来。 www.jukuu.com 9. Refugees, especially those "outside" , cleave to their "right of return" more fiercely than Palestinians in Palestine. 而流亡者,尤其是那些“流亡派”,比一直留在在巴勒斯坦的巴勒斯坦人更强烈的坚持“回归的权利”。 blog.tianya.cn 10. Feature: Silvery white metal, chemical active, oxidizable in moist air and reactive fiercely with water. 主要性状:本品呈银白色金属光泽。化学活性强,在空气中易氧化,遇水反应激烈。 www.metalnews.cn 1. This means that while they protect it fiercely, they may not actually begin eating the food for some time. 也就是说在它们激烈保护这棵树的同时,暂时也不会吃掉这些果实。 www.elanso.com 2. "Well, go by yourself if you want to! " shouted Easton fiercely, pushing her away from him. “好吧,你要走就走吧!”伊斯顿凶狠地嚷道,把她一把推开。 3. people agree that action is essential , but they disagree so fiercely on the details that action may prove impossible. 虽然人们都认为采取措施至关重要,却又为了一些在行动中可能行不通的细节问题争得不可开交。 www.ichacha.net 4. In fiercely democratic Greece, the potential for wind farms certainly exists, as anyone who sails the Aegean knows. 而在极度民主的希腊,风电场的潜能的确相当巨大,每位航行经过爱琴海的人都熟知这点。 www.ecocn.org 5. China's operators have long fought fiercely amongst themselves, despite shared ownership. 尽管中国各大运营商都为国有企业,但长期以来,它们一直在进行激烈的竞争。 www.ftchinese.com 6. And deflation, once entrenched, is fiercely difficult to dislodge, as Japan has found. Deflation remains easily the bigger risk. 通缩一旦出现就极难摆脱,日本就是很好的实例。它仍然是比通胀破坏力更甚的风险。 www.bing.com 7. The demand for highly skilled workers will grow too, and countries will start to compete more fiercely for mobile talent. 对高度熟练工人的需求也将增加,各国将对流动人才展开更为激烈的竞争。 www.ecolion.cn 8. She is seen as fiercely loyal to Israel, which can be both a plus and a minus, Middle East experts say. 中东问题专家表示,希拉里对伊朗极有好感,这事可好也可坏。 www.bing.com 9. Is there any overt collusion among private equity firms to avoid fiercely contested auctions? 私人股本公司之间是否存在明显的共谋行为,以回避竞争激烈的公开拍卖? www.bing.com 10. "Television has become the home for radical opinions, " Mr. Fellows said. "We're fiercely independent, fiercely rational. " 费洛斯先生说:“电视台已成为激进言论的集散地了,而我们的言论是绝对中立,绝对理性的。” www.bing.com 1. Informed by these brushes with the law, he developed a fiercely libertarian worldview. 与法律打过交道的阿桑奇,形成了一种极端自由主义的世界观。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Trade unions are moderate: they have accepted flexible short-term labour contracts, which French unions resist fiercely. 工会也是温和主义者:它们接受有弹性的短期劳动合同,而法国工会对此却是激烈抵制。 ecocn.org 3. He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray. 他在谷中刨地,自喜其力;他出去迎接佩带兵器的人。 new.fuyinchina.com 4. But it is instructive to recall that many of those now-universally-admired rules were fiercely resisted when first proposed. 但是人们应该记住,当许多这些如今已经普遍受到推崇的规则最初提出来的时候遭到激烈的反对。 www.showxiu.com 5. Suddenly listen loose voice, alley Mo microscopic tiny one Zheng, immediately and fiercely turn round. 乍听到松的声音,弄墨微微一怔,随即猛的转身。 www.cqlxjt.net 6. Not long after sitting down, Mr. Ning unnaturally lights a cigarette, occasionally fiercely taking a drag. 坐下不久,宁先生很不自然的点燃一支烟,偶尔猛吸一口。 34a6-blog.ecpod.com 7. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. 他将睡在寒冷的地面,在寒风中吹雪机竞争激烈,只要他可以接近他的主人身边。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Cheng and Zhu's Philosophy was advocated by the rulers strongly, but was fiercely attacked by DAI Zhen. 程朱理学受到统治者和理学家的大力提倡,却遭到戴震的猛烈攻击。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Then China, along with other export-dependent emerging economies, will be competing fiercely in a world of slow growth and deflation. 然后,世界经济发展放缓,出现通货紧缩,中国和其他依赖出口的新兴经济体之间的竞争就会更加激烈。 www.bing.com 10. The two competitors competed with each other so fiercely that they keep tabs on every move of the component. 这两名选手竞争激烈,他们密切监视对方的每一行动。 www.wzhz.net 1. The bellows blow fiercely to burn away the lead with fire, but the refining goes on in vain; the wicked are not purged out. 风箱吹火,铅被烧毁;他们炼而又炼,终是徒然;因为恶劣的还未除掉。 new.fuyinchina.com 2. Now, there's absolutely no question in any objective observers mind that entry to oxford and Cambridge is fiercely competitive. 如今,任何客观看待这个问题的人都会认为,上牛津和剑桥大学需要面临激烈的竞争。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. A fiercely determined and highly skilled Force-sensitive warrior, Mara was once a trusted agent of Palpatine. 玛拉是一名坚毅顽强、技艺高超的原力敏感者战士,也曾是帕尔帕廷亲信的特工。 www.starwarschina.com 4. The wind became a typhoon and blew fiercely. 那场风已经转变成了台风,猛烈的刮着。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Those two parties pupils because rushing out but is yet fast to fiercely rush toward up toward the morning of Ji Yu. 那些冲出来的两派弟子却是已经迅猛的朝着姬宇晨扑了上去。 www.tyns.net.cn 6. a mechanical device that blows air onto a fire to make it burn more fiercely. 把空气吹入炉中让它燃烧得更猛烈的机械装置。 www.bing.com 7. troops loyal to the dictator still resisted fiercely, using heavy weapons inside Tripoli. 忠于独裁者的军队依然在的黎波里使用重武器激烈抵抗 www.ecocn.org 8. With the competition of market more and more fiercely, information management becomes a question the company must value. 随着市场竞争的日渐激烈,信息管理已经成为企业必须重视的问题。 www.13191.com 9. The debates have been contentious; we have fought fiercely for our beliefs. 辩论是非常激烈的,我们为我们各自的观点进行了激烈的斗争。 www.examw.com 10. The erosion of the western countries that began during Iraq War , have now been more fiercely. 西方国家道德权威受到侵蚀始于伊拉克战争,现已急剧加速。 www.ecocn.org |
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