单词 | bitterly |
释义 |
例句释义: 非常,伤心地,愤怒地,极其,苦苦地,厉害地,刺骨地 1. In an interview with the BBC, developer Kerry Michael said he was "bitterly disappointed at the continued delay. " 在一次BBC的采访中,开发者克里迈克尔说他“对无尽的延期彻底的失望。” www.bing.com 2. Why was the political left bitterly split in Germany but not in Austria, which had lost not just a war but an empire? 为什么这个政权给德国而非奥地利留下了令人悲伤的分裂,是哪个国家不仅输掉了战争,还失去了一个帝国? www.ecocn.org 3. After hearing what I said, Grandma was extremely angry. She bitterly scolded mom and dad. 姥姥听了生气极了,大骂爸爸妈妈,说我把她养大容易吗? www.bjpiano.com 4. He prowls the empty rooms of the house at night, thinking of the death of his wife, who was the only friend of his, heart pierced bitterly. 夜里,他在家中的空屋里踱来踱去。一想到唯一可以陪他说话解闷的妻子已经死去,就心如刀割。 wgyxy.hutc.zj.cn 5. They did not know how they could survive the bitterly cold night. 他们不知道如何捱过这个严寒之夜。 www.kekenet.com 6. She was not a symbol, not a credit, not a first this and that, as she cried bitterly in her old age. 她不是一个标志,不是一种荣誉,不是第一个任何人。 www.ecocn.org 7. And I looked so serious that Dora was frightened, and began to sob bitterly on my shoulder. 我显得很认真,竟把朵拉吓哭了,她靠在我肩上痛苦地抽泣起来。 www.chinaedu.com 8. She said bitterly to me that this was as bad as being praised for punctuality. 她忿忿地对我说,这就跟被称赞守时一样糟糕。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It was bitterly cold, and after the first light snows before Christmas there was no snow at all- and no rain. 这是寒冷,和之后的第一道曙光积雪在圣诞节前没有降雪和无雨。 home.24en.com 10. The whole, a primer designed to give the lay executive a running familiarity with the most bitterly discussed economic question of the day. 整篇文章可被当做是专为外行管理人员提供的入门级文章,使他们对当时引发最激烈讨论的经济问题有一个初步的了解。 www.fortunechina.com 1. She wept bitterly, and it was almost necessary to drag her into the boat. Her husband went down with the ship. 她哭得如此厉害,以至于只好把她拖进救生艇里。她的丈夫与船同沉。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. When his second wife walked out on him in 1968 he couldn't help remarking, bitterly, that she had left him for someone handsomer and taller. 1968年,他的第二位妻子遗弃了他,他痛不自禁地诉说,她离开他是因为某个人比他更英俊更高大。 www.ecocn.org 3. And she said to them, Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara; for the All-sufficient One has dealt very bitterly with me. 拿俄米对她们说,不要叫我拿俄米,要叫我玛拉,因为全足者使我受了大苦。 dict.bioon.com 4. His mother came to him and wept bitterly, trying to persuade the king to fight. 他的母亲来到他身边,悲哀地哭着,试图说服国王去战斗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. When the cat looked around, the wild boar moved it ear. The cat thought it was a rat moving, it jumped at it and bit it bitterly. 正当猫仔细地四处查看时,野猪动了一下耳朵,猫以为那是只耗子在动,猛扑上去狠狠咬了一口。 www.bing.com 6. Do not let infiltrate bitterly and a stringently the heart too for a long time, down to has lost the experience happy ability. 不要让苦涩把心浸润太久,以至失去了体验幸福的能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. "We asked her to hold on because we had invested so much and lived so bitterly, " her mother said. “我们告诉她要坚持住,因为我们已经付出太多了,我们活得非常辛苦。”她的妈妈说。 www.bing.com 8. The exposure of the company files has contributed to Trafigura's climbdown after three years of bitterly contested legal battles. 该公司的文件曝光导致托克在经过三年极具争议性的官司后屈服。 www.bing.com 9. But Ephraim has bitterly provoked him to anger; his Lord will leave upon him the guilt of his bloodshed and will repay him for his contempt. 以法莲大大惹动主怒,所以他流血的罪必归在他身上。主必将那因以法莲所受的羞辱归还他。 new.fuyinchina.com 10. But in a bitterly competitive world, how should a company decide how much to spend on technology? 但是在在一个竞争如此激烈的世界,一家公司如何要决定在技术上花多少钱? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The empress dowager smells speech again cry bitterly, just need to account a grandfather to stand, forbid him to throw down he to leave. 皇太后闻言再次痛哭,只是要计公公挺住,不准他丢下自己离开。 www.inhigh-edu.com 2. Sometimes she wept bitterly, but even AS she wept she wAS saying to herself: Silly fool, wetting hankies! AS if that would get you anywhere! 有时她悲痛地哭着,但是,她一边哭着,一边对自己说:“傻子把一些手绢哭湿了;好象哭了就有什么用处似的!” dict.ebigear.com 3. Life was miserable and father and son rowed bitterly over how much he practised. 生活很艰难,父子俩曾因为练琴的时间发生激烈争吵。 www.ftchinese.com 4. She wept bitterly, and jealousy of Miss Glover stabbed her to the heart with sudden pain . 她痛苦地哭泣着。对于格格弗小姐的妒忌,以一种突如其来的痛苦刺痛她的心。 www.jukuu.com 5. She said, she said, the old man wept bitterly. , villagers, you have to help me. 说着说着,她竟然老泪纵横,说,老乡们,你们得帮助我呀。 www.bing.com 6. The doctor laughed bitterly. "It is just an expression, a legend, " he said. "Nay, just forget it, child, there is nothing you can do. " 医生笑得很苦涩。“也就是这么一说,这只是个神话。”他说,“不,还是忘了它吧,孩子。你什么也做不了。” www.bing.com 7. I entered the shop of a pork butcher at the moment when his son, aged eight, was returning from school. The poor boy was weeping bitterly. 我走进杀猪屠夫的铺子,他八岁的儿子正好放学回家。 www.ebigear.com 8. Climbing over the walls and dropping down into the courtyard, they discovered an old woman sitting on her doorstep weeping bitterly. 他们爬过墙,跳到院子里,发现一个老大娘坐在门前的台阶上伤心地哭泣。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 9. On a bitterly cold night, he had to clamber to the top of a dozen rail tankers to check oil levels with a dipstick. 在一个寒冷刺骨的冬夜,他必须爬到铁路油罐车的顶上用量油尺检查油面位置。 www.ftchinese.com 10. A Chinese official once bitterly complained to me that some of my reportage was overly critical of China. 一位中国官员曾经强烈地向我抱怨我的一些报道过分批评中国。 www.stnn.cc 1. He chuckled bitterly. How could he not? It had been prophesied from the day of their birth. 他轻声地苦笑了。为什么他就做不到呢?从出生那天起,他们就被这样预言了。 blog.china.alibaba.com 2. She cried so bitterly and looked so forlorn and heartbroken and ashamed as she faltered out her woeful story. 她断断续续地叙说着不幸的遭遇,哭得非常伤心,那样子极为孤独,悲伤而惭愧。 3. If he had been recently hurt, he would weep bitterly and swear to run away. 如果他刚遭到毒打,他会痛哭一场,赌神罚咒地逃跑。 4. Thinking that life is all about "me. " Demanding our rights. Reacting bitterly toward those who have hurt us. 若我们认为生命的重点在于「我自己」,一味强调个人应得的权利、痛击伤害我们的人。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. But I'm bitterly disappointed at having such a weak, crying baby for a son! ' 但要这么个弱不禁风、哭哭啼啼的孩子作儿子,让我大失所望! www.hjenglish.com 6. Then, at a rather tense pub lunch, I wept bitterly when someone tried to help me to relax. Fatal. 后来,在一次紧张的酒吧午餐上,有人过来想帮我放轻松一些,但我却伤心地哭了起来。 www.bing.com 7. It was late on a bitterly cold, snowy New Year's Eve. A poor little girl was wandering in the dark, cold streets. 这是一个寒冷的除夕之夜,天正下着雪。已经很晚了。一个衣衫褴缕的小女孩独自漫无目的地走在冷清黑暗的街道上。 www.tingroom.com 8. There was a famous scholar who studied bitterly and who stuck an awl in his calf when he fell asleep while studying at night. 从前有一个勤苦的读书人在夜里读书时,每以锥刺股,使他不致睡去。 bhygz2008.blog.163.com 9. As he finished speaking , the king's sons came in, wailing loudly. The king, too, and all his servants wept very bitterly . 话才说完,王的众子都到了,放声大哭,王和臣仆也都哭得甚恸。 www.bing.com 10. As many as half a million are in emergency shelters, shivering through a bitterly cold snowstorm that has added to the sense of crisis. 近50万人在避难所避难.暴风雪的肆虐之下他们瑟瑟发抖,这更加深了危机过后的悲惨景象。 www.ecocn.org 1. Can a bitterly divided government get things done, or must the country prepare for two years of quarrelsome stagnation? 一个出现严重分裂的政府能够完成使命吗?还是这个国家必须准备好未来两年因纷争不断而陷入停滞局面? www.ftchinese.com 2. The night was bitterly cold, yet a crowd of at least two thousand people came to see the play. 至少有两千人冒着春夜的刺骨严寒前来观看演出。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 3. A more celebrated instance is that of Alexander, who wept bitterly because he had no more worlds to subdue. 另一个比较有名的例子是亚历山大,他因为已没有国家供他征服而号啕大哭。 www.china-b.com 4. Did not Tsai Ting-kai and his associates once fight bitterly against the Red Army? 蔡廷锴们不是同红军打过死仗的吗? www.1stenglish.com 5. She slipped into her nightdress, and went to bed, where she sobbed bitterly. 她穿上了睡衣,倒在床上苦痛地哭泣。 chinafanyi.com 6. Andrew Reeder was governor of a bitterly divided territory. He wanted to warn President Pierce about what was happening. 安德鲁-瑞德身为一个分裂州的州长,他很想向皮尔斯总统汇报这里所发生的一切。 www.unsv.com 7. The father ( "speaks only German, " she bitterly confided) smiled too, as if we were discussing pastry. 父亲(“只会说德语,”她恨恨地告诉我)也笑了笑,好像我们在讨论油酥点心。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. The move had been bitterly opposed by millions of small traders who fear they'll be put out of business by the retail giants. 数百万小商人强烈反对,他们担心自己被零售巨头赶出市场。 www.hxen.com 9. When Dora came downstairs again, she looked so lovely that I felt bitterly angry with myself for making her unhappy, even for a moment. 当朵拉又下楼时,她看上去是那么的可爱以致我痛恨自己带给她痛苦,甚至是片刻的痛苦。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The boys did not come till the next morning; and when they saw the bird was dead, they wept bitterly . 那两个男孩一直到隔天早晨才回来,他们一看见小鸟死了,于是哭得很伤心。 www.qeto.com 1. But like some one born deaf , but bitterly determined to find out about sound, I began to watch my teachers to find out about thought. 于是,如同某些人生来就聋却痛苦地下定决心去探索声音一样,我也开始注意观察老师们以便理解思考的含义。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Those who are newlyweds are the only people who will not be lucky in this period. They may be bitterly disappointed with their partner. 新婚夫妇们是这一段时期唯一不太幸运的人,他们可能会对配偶感到极其失望。 www.bing.com 3. After saying these things the forerunner covered his face with his hands and wept bitterly. 说完这些,先驱用双手捂住面庞,悲痛地流下了泪水。 hi.baidu.com 4. Although he is bitterly disappointed at his misfortune, Okonkwo reconciles himself to life in his motherland. 虽然感到失望,他是在他的不幸,Okonkwo核对自己的生命在他的祖国。 lwdx123.com 5. " They were like used car dealers , " says one leading investor in the Merrill deal bitterly, referring to the dialogue with that firm . “他们就像二手车经销商,”一位美林交易的主要投资者在谈及与该公司的对话时忿忿不平地表示。 www.bing.com 6. He thought, bitterly, that he had no choice; that even to delay obedience was torture. 他苦涩的想,因他没有选择,甚至延滞顺从的行为都是一种苦刑。 www.oldrain.com 7. And vice-admiral John Jay Donnelly grumbles about his e-mail overload as bitterly as the next branch manager. 海军中将JohnJayDonnelly也埋怨自己的电子邮件过多,自己与分店经理一样痛苦。 www.ecocn.org 8. when I saw my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog, I could hardly hold back my tears. 当我看到我的小男孩的痛苦哭泣超过他的宠物狗的死亡,我几乎控制不住我的眼泪。 wenku.baidu.com 9. "I wish by God that America will regret bitterly that she provoked me and others to combat her with pen and sword, " he declared. “我以主的名义期盼,美国人会为激怒我们、使我们拿起笔和剑来反抗痛悔不已。”他这样宣称道。 www.ecocn.org 10. but it was bitterly cold, and after an hour or two of uneasy dozing they would tramp the streets again. 但是天气冷得要命,常常是迷迷糊糊地打一两个钟头的盹儿就得到街上走一阵暖和暖和身体。 www.for68.com 1. Gretel, weeping bitterly, was obliged to do as she was told. 格莱特伤心地哭了,但她被迫照着巫婆的话去做。 shishi.blogbus.com 2. Mid-January in Peking should be bitterly cold. But this turned out a warm, sunny day, more like spring than winter. 北京的一月份通常都是苦寒逼人的,而今天却格外温暖,阳光普照,宛若春生。 www.bing.com 3. Then she cried bitterly and said, "I was terribly wrong, and am not worthy to be your wife. " 公主听罢,痛哭流涕,抽泣着对国王说:“我真是太不应该了,不配做您的妻子。” www.hudong.com 4. "This is what comes of letting a woman meddle in business, " he said bitterly. “到头来,让一个女人来干涉我们的内务了,”他挖苦地说。 dict.veduchina.com 5. For him not to be able to play in pre-season is frustrating for him and bitterly disappointing for us. 对于他来说最大的打击就是他未能参与季前赛,这都是令我们感到失望的事情。 post.baidu.com 6. When the police arrived at the scene, the lawyer was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW. 当警察来到现场,该律师一个劲地控诉他心爱的别摸我的损坏状况。 www.5iuni.com 7. For those who have performed the deeds mentioned above, I can do nothing but laugh bitterly. 对于有上述行为的人,我除了苦笑已经不知道可以说什么。 www.ebigear.com 8. The weather was bitterly cold and I took a grim satisfaction in how the bleakness mirrored my mood. 天气苦寒,我对它反映我凄凉的心境有些病态的满足。 www.bing.com 9. Faced with a bitterly cold Balkan winter and frustrated by personal and economic hardships, Serbs tend to look for change. 面对巴尔干的严冬和受着个人生活及经济问题困扰的塞尔维亚人,通常会在此时寻求变化。 www.america.gov 10. He cursed himself bitterly: he had come straight to their fire, like a moth flinging itself into the candle flame. 他狠狠咒骂着自己;他直接来到这些人的篝火旁,象是投身于烛光的飞蛾,自投罗网。 blog.jianghu.taobao.com 1. Those who invested in hedge funds before 2008 recall bitterly how some of them "gated" investors, refusing to let them take out their money. 2008年之前投资对冲基金的人们回忆起当初对冲基金公司如何困住他们,并且拒绝让投资者取出自己的资金的时候,仍然不能释怀。 club.topsage.com 2. I was one of the first women there and it was bitterly cold. 我是第一批赶到的女人之一,天气非常寒冷。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The Ministry was attacked bitterly by not carrying out a more radical policy. 内阁因为没有实行激进的政策遭到猛烈的抨击。 www.kekenet.com 4. It was bitterly divided into red and blue states with only a handful in the middle, decided by a handful of votes. 它硬是被分成了红色州和蓝色州,以及由少数选票决定归属的几个摇摆州。 english.xv88.net 5. Across town, the name of a local hospital now seems bitterly ironic. 走过小镇,当地一家医院的名称实在讽刺。 blog.jackjia.com 6. Rather than being a contest between policies, the election is shaping up as a referendum on Thaksin and his bitterly divisive legacy. 这场竞选与其说是政策之间的竞争,倒不如说是对他信和他留下的分裂的泰国的一次全民公投。 dongxi.net 7. Ms. Wadi said that when she visited her mother, her two brothers fought bitterly because one backs Hamas and the other backs Fatah. Wadi说去探望妈妈的时候,看到自己的两个兄弟打起来来,他们分别支持哈马斯和法塔赫。 www.bing.com 8. Earnestly as he strove to do this, and bitterly as he reproached himself for cowardice, he could not at first succeed in this. 在最初服役时,无论他怎样骂自己是胆小鬼,就是达不到现在的样子; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I had recovered myself a little by now, and feeling bitterly ashamed of the weakness into which I had been betrayed. 这时我已镇定了一些,我为自己的软弱和失态感到羞愧不已。 www.jukuu.com 10. It was a bitterly cold night and eventually we were picked up by the Carpathia. 那是个寒冷的夜晚,最后我们被卡帕西亚号打捞了上来。 www.bing.com 1. Its parties are bitterly polarised, so it is wrong to say that its politicians are all the same. 党派之间斗争是针尖对麦芒,所以如果说政客们都是一样的那就是大错特错了。 xiaozu.renren.com 2. On day, she passed away, and you suddenly realized that what you had never done is they beat your heart bitterly. 终有一天,她去世了。突然你想起了所有从来没做过的是,他们像榔头痛打着你心。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game. 他们对比赛结果极为失望。 xz.go818.com 4. He was outraged initially, and complained bitterly, trying to change our minds. 开始的时候,他非常生气、强烈地抱怨,试图说服我们改变想法。 www.shanghai-translation.com 5. Someone should intervene between them when they are quarreling so bitterly. 他们正吵得厉害,得有个人从中调解一下才好。 test.2u4u.com.cn 6. She bitterly resented his mother's influence over him. 她非常讨厌他妈妈对他产生的影响。 www.kaocn.com 7. California's attempts to make cars less polluting had been bitterly resisted by both carmakers and President George Bush. 加州尝试着让汽车的污染减少曾经遇到了汽车制造商和乔治布什的强烈的反对。 www.ecocn.org 8. Ordinary Chinese, steeped in petty government corruption, are often bitterly cynical toward the rich. 而普通百姓对政府腐败已经习以为常,往往怀有仇富心理。 www.bing.com 9. After losing you, I came to understand bitterly: having loved is better than never. 失去了你,我最痛苦的领悟是:爱过然后失去,总比从来没碰上好。 www.cp1897.com.hk 10. "Well, I didn't think you were expecting woodpeckers , " said Wilbur, bitterly. “当然,我不会以为你在等着啄木鸟出世。”威尔伯挖苦说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. On the side walk in front of one of the stores sat a little Swede boy, crying bitterly. 一家商店门前的人行道上,坐着一个瑞典小孩,在悲伤地哭泣。 tr.bab.la 2. It was dark and bitterly cold, the streets were empty, the stones echoed under my heels with a hollow, lonely ring. 那里光线阴暗,寒冷刺骨,不见人影,我的鞋跟在石头上磕出响声,沉重而荒凉。 www.bing.com 3. He let go his hold of her and she fell in a heap on the floor, sobbing bitterly. 他松开手,她在地上瘫成一团,抽抽噎噎地痛哭。 4. Of course, he thought bitterly, Uncle Vernon was talking about the stupid dinner party. 当然啦,他怨忿地想,弗农姨父是在讲那个愚蠢的晚宴。 www.kekenet.com 5. How can be split personality cured! ! ! Be no good bitterly ! Ask everybody to help me! ! ! 人格分裂怎么能够治愈啊!!!痛苦的不行!请大家帮帮我!!! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I could do nothing but smile bitterly. 除了苦笑,我什么也做不了。 www.1363.cn 7. She shook her head, smiled bitterly, and then out of nowhere she lurched forward and slapped me. 她摇摇头,苦笑了一下,然后突然毫无征兆地凑上前来,打了我一个耳光。 www.bing.com 8. Many Americans, disenchanted with Washington and its ways, hoped that Mr Obama would ameliorate this bitterly divisive culture. 许多美国人对美国政府及其行事方式倍感失望,他们本希望,奥巴马能够改善这种令人痛苦的文化分裂。 www.bing.com 9. She complained bitterly of all this to her husband. 她把这些伤心事都说给她丈夫听。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Iran, suffering a bitterly cold winter, accused Ashgabat of an "immoral" tactic to get a higher gas price. 在严冬中挣扎的伊朗称,土库曼斯坦提价的伎俩是“邪恶的”。 cn.reuters.com 1. The author uses the multi-axle strength criterion, which can bitterly reflect true working state of the arch dams. 本文应用多轴混凝土强度准则,能更好的反映拱坝的真实工作状态; www.fabiao.net 2. "Well, I didn't think you were expecting wood-peckers, " said Wilbur, bitterly. “好吧,你不说我也不会认为你是在孵小啄木鸟的。”威尔伯伤心的说。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I bitterly wept and wished that I had had the heart to give thee my all. 我痛哭了,恨我没有慷慨地将我所有都献给你。 www.bing.com 4. You could be bitterly disappointed once Mercury goes direct again. 你会在水逆结束后狠狠地失望一次。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A great many people spoke bitterly and with surprising candor, though, about what they see as a crisis of social justice. 但是,还有更多的人令人吃惊地坦诚说出了他们的苦衷,因为他们看到了社会公正的危机。 bbs.chineyeah.com 6. He ran for 40 minutes to catch the football team's bus, only to find it had just left. He was bitterly disappointed. 为赶上球队班车,他一路狂跑40分钟,可还是差了一点没赶上。他顿时感到透心凉。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. On a bitterly cold afternoon in early January 2003, I found my husband Henry on his back, spreadeagled on the kitchen floor. 2003年一月初一个严寒的下午,我发现丈夫亨利躺在厨房地上。 www.bing.com 8. Tamara would sally out on bitterly cold nights. 塔玛拉会不畏严寒在夜晚外出。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Opposition supporters have reacted angrily to the outcome of this bitterly contested election. 反对派支持者对竞争激烈的选举产生的结果表示强烈愤慨。 www.englishtang.com 10. A paranoid woman complains bitterly of her mistreatment at work. 一位偏执的妇人憎恨地抱怨她在工作上遇到的虐待。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The clan of the Consorts and the literati and officialdom fought bitterly against the practice and took relevant counter measures. 外戚、士大夫针对宦官把持的这所监狱采取了争夺与反制措施。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Maybe you even blame God bitterly for taking this person while things were unresolved with your loved one. 可能你会责备上天的残酷,事情还没有明朗就带走了你最爱的人。 www.bing.com 3. In desperation, were overwhelmed by the sea lions had to loose teeth, bitterly left. 无奈之下,寡不敌众的海狮只好松开牙齿,悻悻离开。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. Beijing bitterly complained, so the Pentagon moved the exercise to the Sea of Japan, farther from Chinese shores. 在北京痛苦的抱怨声中,五角大楼才把演习转移到日本海,里中国的海岸稍微远了一点。 www.bing.com 5. I was bitterly attacked by them for not carrying out a more " radical" policy. 我因为没有实行更加“激进的”政策,遭到他们猛烈的攻击。 www.bing.com 6. Offices, shops and cinemas in Asia's big buildings tend to be bitterly cold in mid-summer, and stiflingly hot in winter. 亚洲大型建筑物中的办公室、商店和电影院往往在盛夏冷得令人发抖,在冬季热得让人窒息。 www.enread.com 7. Bush, the victor of the bitterly contested 2000 election, became leader of a divided nation on a rainy Jan. 在2000年备受争议的大选中,布什胜出。2001年1月20日,一个雨天,他成为一个被大选撕裂的国家的领导人。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. When the world started to end, you were ashamed of yourself for weeping bitterly in your bedroom for an entire day. 当世界开始灭亡时,你为自己在卧室里痛哭了一整天而感到羞愧。 www.bing.com 9. The weather here is, not surprisingly, bitterly cold; the sea freezes nine months of the year. 毫不稀奇,这里天气非常寒冷;大海每年要冰冻长达9个月。 www.bing.com 10. After the bitterly fell asleep and did not care. 之后就悻悻睡着,并没有在意。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Now, the friends he discusses stocks with are bitterly divided on whether to pony up for more shares. 如今,与他讨论股票的朋友也对是否参与配股分成了两派。 www.bing.com 2. It feels good for a moment to make that snarky comment, but then I bitterly regret it. 做出严厉批评只是舒服了一阵子,但是随后我感到十分后悔。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. "It's unfair, " she said bitterly. “这不公平”,她心有不甘的说。 www.english.com.tw 4. One day, after drink, he wailed bitterly to Yihe and me that, his internal organs had started to fester! 有一天,在酒后,他痛哭着对我和骆一禾说,他的内脏开始溃烂了! blog.sina.com.cn 5. But woman, at happy of time she would be carefree but smile, at sad of time she will cry bitterly sadly . 而女人呢,在开心的时候她会开怀而笑,在伤心的时候她会伤心的痛哭。 www.showxiu.com 6. It is cosy fire on a bitterly cold winter night, warming the heart. 友谊又如寒冷的冬夜中炽热的火焰,温暖了你的心灵。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Hedy Lamarr complained bitterly that people would look at her face and assume there was nothing behind it. 海迪·拉玛很痛苦抱怨说,人们因为看了她的面容而假定她是个绣花枕头。 www.bing.com 8. Bitterly suffered from many years of civil war, the whole nation longed for peace. 由于备受多年内战的煎熬,全民族都渴望和平。孩子们盼望放假。 blog.tom.com 9. Bitterly afflicted with many years of civil war, the whole nation longs for peace. 由于备受多年内战的煎熬,全民族都渴望和平。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Leftist lawmakers like Martin Schulz , president of the parliament's Socialist group, say they are bitterly disappointed with the results . 欧洲议会社会主义小组主席、左派议员马丁。舒尔茨表示,他们对选举结果感到极为失望。 www.bing.com 1. They were bitterly intolerant of the opinions of their enemies and the pleasures of their friends. 他们对敌人的主张和对朋友的享乐都是绝对不能容忍的。 2. From January to May 1793, Marat fought bitterly with the Girondins, whom he believed to be covert enemies of republicanism. 1793年1月至5月,马拉和被认为是共和主义秘密敌人的吉伦特派进行着艰苦斗争。 www.bing.com 3. Quarrel argument The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. 两个人争吵不休,显而易见,只有较量一番才能解决问题。 www.xycai.com 4. Pittsburgh has been bitterly cold, but uncharacteristically sunny the last week, and the sunshine has been most welcome! 匹兹堡一直寒风凛冽,但上周天气出奇的晴朗,阳光总是被人们欢迎的么! dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Nurses may bitterly resent having to take part, day after day, in deceiving patients, but feel powerless to take a stand. 护士们也许会因为日复一日的参与这种欺骗而感到痛苦,但是又有种没有立场的无力感。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Each election, no matter how bitterly contested, thus ends with an expression of national unity. 如此一来,每一次竞选,不管角逐得多么激烈,都以表现国家团结的气氛结束。 www.america.gov 7. Severus Snape: Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. 斯内普:你这个令人失望多愁善感的小子,只会苦涩的抱怨生活如何的不公平。 gb.cri.cn 8. She wept bitterly at parting with him. 她因要和他分手了,哭得十分伤心。 9. BEHIND THE SCENES, however, they complained bitterly about his lack of experience. 可是,在背后,他们总是非常不满地抱怨这位教练缺乏经验。 www.24en.com 10. Bitterly cold. The saying alludes to the coldness encountered in the offices of charitable or welfare organizations by people seeking help. 意为“非常寒冷,十分冷漠”。这一说法也许影射人们在寻求救助时所遇到的慈善机构或福利组织官员的冷漠态度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The Palestinians are bitterly divided between the Fatah-controlled West Bank and Hamas-run Gaza Strip. 巴勒斯坦人被苦闷的分隔居住于法塔赫控制的西岸以及哈马斯占据的加沙地带。 www.ecocn.org 2. My perfect woman, Tyrion thought bitterly. One still young enough to believe such blatant lies. 我的完美的女人,提利昂苦涩的想。一个依旧年轻而能相信这种明显的谎言。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Ever since, Russia and Ukraine have quarrelled bitterly over gas supplies, which in 2009 left large parts of Europe freezing. 从那以后,俄罗斯和乌克兰就供气管道的纷争迭起,并在2009年殃及大半个欧洲陷入冰冷的状况。 ecocn.org 4. She was crying bitterly, just because of the pain in her stomach. 胃疼难奈,她失声痛哭。 www.jxenglish.com 5. Republicans bitterly opposed even the modest infrastructure spending contained in the Obama stimulus plan. 共和党人连奥巴马经济刺激计划中最温和的基础设施投资都表示激烈反对。 blog.163.com 6. And for market liberals, it was bitterly disappointing. 这对市场自由主义者来说,仅仅是有点失望而已。 www.ecocn.org 7. Chambers of commerce from Europe, North America, Australia and India are complaining bitterly about trips aborted and business lost. 来自欧洲、北美、澳大利亚和印度的商会们抱怨着他们化为泡影的旅行和由此带来的商业损失,都感到十分痛苦。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They complained bitterly abot the injustice of the system. 他们愤恨的抱怨制度不公平。 bbs.wtojob.com 9. Some mean this as high praise; others, usually on the right of the party, say it bitterly. But they all say it. 有人认为这是高度赞赏,有些人在(通常是党内右翼)认为这是尖酸刻薄,但他们都承认——黑格彻头彻尾的实用主义者。 bbs.ecocn.org 10. mrs . d ' urberville was not the first mother compelled to love her offspring resentfully , and to be bitterly fond. 天下当母亲的,迫于无奈,气儿子又疼儿子,恨儿子又爱儿子的,可就多着呢,德伯太太并不是头一个。 www.ichacha.net 1. And Peter remembered the word which Jesus had said, Before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times. And he went out and wept bitterly. 彼得想起耶稣所说的话,鸡叫以前,你要三次否认我。他就到外面去痛哭。 edu.china.com 2. Ever since, Russia and Ukraine have quarreled bitterly over gas supplies, which in 2009 left large parts of Europe freezing. 从此之后,俄罗斯和乌克兰就天然气供给问题争执不休,以致2009年欧洲大部分地区冰冻三尺。 www.ecocn.org 3. Canadians: Endure bitterly cold winters and are proud of it. 加拿大人:忍耐寒冷的冬天,并对此感到自豪。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The protracted and bitterly contested bidding war highlighted the intense demand for telecoms assets in developing markets. 这次漫长而艰苦的竞购战凸显了对新兴市场电信资产的巨大需求。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I bitterly disappointed ! Father was undependable. 我心里顿时凉下来,知道父亲是靠不住了。 dongxi.net 6. But, he warns, "the person who profits from such law will complain bitterly, defending his acquired rights, " his entitlements. 但是,他警告说,“从这种法律中获利的人会剧烈地申辨,捍卫他的既得权利,”他的权利利益。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Yet, as our briefing shows (see article), Iraq is still bitterly divided. 是的,我们之前已经阐述(见文章),伊拉克依旧是个被严重分裂了的国家。 www.bing.com 8. He says he has potentially good news for the thousands of homeless tsunami survivors who are suffering from bitterly cold weather. 廷佩尔说,他可能有好消息带给成千上万名无家可归的海啸幸存者。这些人正遭受寒冷天气的侵袭。 www.voanews.cn 9. Bankers used to complain bitterly about state intervention. In 2009, the thing they fear most will be state abandonment. 金融业往往强烈抨击政府干预市场,在2009年他们最担心的反倒是政府放弃他们。 www.ecocn.org 10. It turned out that Balzac was bitterly attacking the base conduct of the character that he was exposing in his work. 原来巴尔扎克在痛骂作品中一个他正在揭露的人物的卑劣行为。 yuan.migart.com 1. Why did the fuking bitch teacher hit my child ? Why did the fuking bitch teacher treat my child so bitterly? I got very angry . 死八婆为什么打我的孩子?臭三八老师为什么对我的孩子这么凶?我气不打一处来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Australian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage. But. 权的团体和澳大利亚医学协会,尖锐地抨击这个法案,指责法案的通过。 www.examlink.com 3. American liberals complained bitterly about the Bush administration's politicisation of intelligence. 美国自由派们强烈的抱怨布什政府对于情报应用的政治化。 www.ecocn.org 4. And Peter remembered the word which Jesus had said, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly. 彼得想起耶稣所说的话:「鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。」他就出去痛哭。 www.spring4life.org 5. Bitterly disappointed, he returns to his studio and begins again. 他极度痛苦,回到工作室从头再来。 www.douban.com 6. For hundreds of years competing Tibetan Buddhist sects engaged in bitterly violent clashes and summary executions . 几百年间,西藏的各个竞争教派之间充斥着痛苦的暴力冲突和草率的杀戮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A group of small cocoa processors protested bitterly, blaming speculation for the price surge. 一批小型可可加工商对此强烈抗议,指责投机导致了价格飞涨。 www.ftchinese.com 8. They complaining bitterly about the injustice of the system. 他们痛苦地诉说着体制的不公平 bbs.ebigear.com 9. In Ontario, by contrast, politicians' rhetoric was confrontational and the teachers' unions bitterly opposed. 而在安大略省,政治家言辞激烈,教师工会也针尖麦芒。 www.ecocn.org 10. Since then the two companies have bitterly contested every technological innovation. 从那时开始,两家公司对每一项技术革新都会展开残酷竞争。 www.bing.com 1. He complained bitterly that he had been unfairly treated. 他愤懑地诉说他所受到的不公平待遇。 2. Philip Bird : I arrived at Bryce Canyon, Utah, in pitch blackness on a bitterly cold morning to photograph the sunrise. 我来到美国犹他州的布赖斯峡谷,冒着刺骨寒冷在漆黑的早上拍摄的日出美景。 www.bing.com 3. Many women have been penny wise and pound this experience, but hate bitterly later recidivism . 许多女性都有过这种因小失大的经历,但痛心疾首后却屡教不改。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It was October now, and the trip over had been bitterly cold. 现在是十月,一路上还有点冷。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. They complained bitterly about the injustice of the system. 他们愤恨地抱怨制度不公平。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The two men quarreled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. 两个人吵的很凶,显而易见,只有较量一番才能解决问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. not you as well ! " said hermione bitterly" . “想不到你也这样!”赫敏尖刻地说。 www.ichacha.net 8. Local driver Mark Webber was bitterly disappointed to finish a lap down and last. 当地司机马克韦伯是感到失望,收了一圈下来,最后。 usa.315che.com 9. The two sides have also fought bitterly over the world record for the largest vat of tabbouleh. 双方也为最大塔博拉色拉的世界纪录而苦战已久。 dongxi.net 10. There she was, standing exactly where I had left her, crying bitterly . 当时她就在哪儿,就站在我离开她的地方,痛苦地哭了起来。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Mexican officials have bitterly criticized China for putting Mexican citizens in isolation. 墨西哥官员刻薄地批评中国对墨西哥人采取隔离措施。 www.bing.com 2. It was a horrible day, bitterly cold, snowing and foggy. 那天天气坏极了,冷得要命,雪雾交加。 www.bing.com 3. They complain bitterly about the injustice of the system. 他们强烈抱怨系统的不公正性。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Others live out their last days in anger, bitterly railing against the miserable fate they've been dealt. 其他一些人在愤怒中度过他们最后的日子,怨恨地抱怨他们面对的悲惨的命运。 www.bing.com 5. Several studies have shown that such courses do indeed help couples communicate better and quarrel less bitterly. 多项研究表明这类课程确实有助于夫妻更好地交流,减少双方的争吵。 www.ecocn.org 6. Shanghai is a bitterly disappointing place if you arrive wanting to immerse yourself in Chinese tradition. 上海是一个令人失望的地方,如果你激烈到达想要沉浸在中国传统的自己。 www.17visa.com 7. A dispute over a railway project in Stuttgart has bitterly divided the state. 围绕斯图加特市一项铁路工程的纷争使该州陷入严重分裂。 www.ecocn.org 8. I'll be bitterly merry, and ironically gay, and I'll laugh in derision! 我要在苦中行乐,在笑骂中游戏,在嘲弄中大笑! 9. She hated all this bitterly. 她对这一切极为痛恨。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. In the months after September 11th, he had the support of 90 % of a broadly united country (not just 51% of a bitterly polarised one). 11事件发生后的几个月,他在这个空前团结的国家获得了90%的支持率(而不仅仅是51%的微弱优势)。 www.jukuu.com 1. It was a difficult game on a bitterly cold night. 在这个寒冷的夜晚,这是场艰难的比赛。 www.lfc.org.cn 2. Thank you, for embracing me, when I never ever cried so bitterly. 谢谢你是你在我从未那么痛哭过的时刻里给我拥抱。 www.dawen5.com 3. While he lived and sang they forgot him, left him suffering in his cage, and now, he was highly honouredand bitterly bewailed. 它活着能唱歌的时候,他们把它遣忘,留它在笼子里饱受煎熬,如今他们只能对它致敬并悲哀地叹息了。 www.qeto.com 4. As Arthur Feldmann, a Viennese-Jewish writer, bitterly noted, the price we usually pay for survival is our life. 如ArthurFeldmann,一个维也纳犹太作家苦涩地指出的那样,我们为生存所付出的代价往往是我们的生命。 www.bing.com 5. Although we possibly lonely lonely, possible to cry bitterly, possible to waste laboriously, bogs down. 虽然我们可能孤独寂寞,可能辛酸落泪,可能辛苦白费,停滞不前。 www.dota123.com 6. Therefore said I, Look away from me; I will weep bitterly, labour not to comfort me, because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people. 所以我说,你们转眼不看我,我要痛哭。不要因我众民(原文作民女)的毁灭,就竭力安慰我。 www.ebigear.com 7. She bitterly resented being treated differently from the men. 她因受到与男子不同的待遇而愤愤不平。 www.tingroom.com 8. We're often rudely awakened, bitterly disappointed, shockingly betrayed. 往往我们被野蛮地唤醒,获得了苦涩的失望、震惊的背叛。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. His sons quarrelled bitterly over the allocation of the family resources. 他们儿子们由于分配家里的财产资源而激烈地争吵。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Since the 1980s Wall Street has built up merchant banking in boom times, only to rue it bitterly afterwards. 从二十世纪八十年代那个繁荣时代开始,华尔街就建立了商业银行业务,而后来的结果却是痛苦的懊悔。 www.ecocn.org 1. Bitterly I thought in my mind that the storm came on purpose to spoil my happiness; all its malice was against me. 我心里难过地想,暴风雨是故意来破坏我的欢乐的;它的一切恶意都是针对我的。 blog.163.com 2. Visitors bitterly considered themselves lucky to find any rooms at all. 游客们虽一肚子苦水但仍对自己能找到房间感到侥幸。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Chambers of commerce from Europe, North America, Australiaand India are complaining bitterly about trips aborted and business lost. 对于因此造成的行程取消以及交易损失,欧洲、北美、澳洲以及印度等地的商务部纷纷大诉其苦。 blog.ecocn.org 4. North Koreans complain bitterly about the darkness, which they still blame on the U. S. sanctions. 北朝鲜人对生活在黑暗中满腹牢骚,他们仍然归咎于美国的制裁。 www.bing.com 5. They will complain bitterly that this is protectionism, but so what? 它们会怨声载道,说这是保护主义,但那又怎么样呢? www.bing.com 6. The rite of passage was conducted on the bitterly cold asphalt of the Golden Valley driver's course. 这一段路程是金色峡谷司机课程中在寒冷的柏油路上驾驶所必修的课程。 www.bing.com 7. Any such thing would be bitterly opposed by most of the world's democracies. 任何这样的东西都会被世界上的民主国家激烈地反对。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The air was bitterly cold and snow blew so thick outside the streetcar that Enzo could not see the building facades thirty feet away. 空气彻骨地寒冷,电车外雪吹得这么浓密,使得恩佐看不见三十英尺外的建筑立面。 www.bing.com 9. even is bitterly and a stringently full of violently poisonously, a like peacock gallbladder. 苦涩甚至饱含剧毒,一如孔雀胆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Like someone born deaf, but bitterly determined to find out about sound, I watched my teachers to find out about thought. 我象那些生来耳聋却决意苦苦寻求声音的人一样观察着我的老师们,想要了解思想。 www.bing.com 1. Nearly half a century after China's invasion, it remains largely undefined and bitterly contested. 在中国侵入的几乎半个世纪之后,这里还保留着许多悬而未决和充满苦涩的争端。 www.bing.com 2. After very grave loses hope to the Kuomintang, Wen Yiduo criticizing the Kuomintang government bitterly and become a democraticfighter. 正是经历了对国民党的极度失望后,闻一多成为拍案而起的民主斗士。 www.fabiao.net 3. The convicts complained bitterly about prison conditions. 囚犯们对监狱的条件强烈不满。 wenwen.soso.com 4. A trip to the dump on a bitterly cold Saturday morning provided me an incredible insight. 在一个寒冷刺骨的星期六早上去垃圾场,让我有了不可思议的领悟。 www.bing.com 5. "I was only made to assuage my parents' reproductive vanity, " she says bitterly. “我来到这个世上只是为了满足我父母的生育虚荣心。”她忿忿地说。 es.bab.la 6. Mary pondered bitterly upon the meaning of life . . . 玛丽痛苦地思索着生活的意义…… blog.hjenglish.com 7. Seeing the terrible suffering of the old man, he cried bitterly. 看到那个老人的可怕遭遇,他伤心地哭了。 8. The Sunnis won, but battles, betrayals, and intrigue had left Muslims bitterly divided. 虽然逊尼派赢了,但是战争、背叛和阴谋使穆斯林四分五裂。 dongxi.net 9. After the Foundation of the People's Republic, the logic of revolution and production has conflicted bitterly on treating capitalism. 其深层原因就在于,建国以后,在对待资本主义的问题上,“革命”的逻辑与“生产”的逻辑发生了严重的冲突。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He bitterly resents being treated like a child. 他十分厌恶被别人当作孩子对待。 club.worldbydata.com 1. Behold, their valiant ones shall cry without: the ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly. 看哪、他们的豪杰在外头哀号.求和的使臣、痛痛哭泣。 www.edzx.com 2. Mittelstand firms (medium-sized, owner-managed companies which often dominate global niches(8)) bitterly oppose it. 中型企业(中等规模、所有者自己管理的、在全球细分市场占领先机的企业)则痛苦的一致反对。 www.ecocn.org 3. In usability studies, users complain bitterly whenever they are exposed to sites with too diverging ways of doing things. 在可用性研究中,使用者怨恨地,每当他们用也分歧遭受位置做事物的方法。 forum.chinaui.com 4. In 1936, he published In Dubious Battle, a bitterly realistic novel about a labor strike of California fruit pickers. 1936年,他又发表了《胜负未决的战斗》。这是一部描写加州采果工人罢工的现实主义小说,饱含着辛酸苦楚。 www.jukuu.com 5. Drug , you be one kind of the thing disgusting , hating bitterly! 毒品,你是一种令人厌恶、痛恨的东西! blog.sina.com.cn 6. The protesters have mostly been fishermen and villagers living nearby who are bitterly opposed to the project. 抗议者大部分是居住在附近的渔民和村民,他们强烈反对该工程。 www.hxen.com 7. distinguished Eminent scientist Bitterly a. 著名的,杰出的= bbs.yuloo.com 8. "Dancing? I'm not dancing! " the armless man replied bitterly. "My left foot itches, I can't scratch it! " “跳舞?我可不是在跳舞!”那个人痛苦地回答,“我的左脚痒得厉害,但就是挠不到!” dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Goering complained bitterly about Hitler's somersaults. 戈林对希特勒的反复无常大发牢骚。 10. Having no idea of starting and ending, I am just looking back to the past and smiling bitterly at every station of my missing. 不知道起点,终点,只是在每个思念的站点,总是对往事回首,看我悸动的心凄然一笑。 www.ebigear.com 1. When their brains cleared, the marriage dissolved, though not bitterly. 然而当他们的头脑清醒之后,其婚姻却走向解体。但他们并未反目成仇。 www.bing.com 2. River reflections are swiftly altering. Sea winds are bitterly gusting. 河流水影色变换,海风阵阵寒。 www.english.com.tw 3. And the king also and all his servants wept very bitterly. 王和臣仆也都哭得甚恸。 www.galcc.org 4. The two neighbors disagreed bitterly about their boundary line. 这两个邻居在住房界线问题上剧烈争吵。 dict.ebigear.com 5. "Acting! I leave that to you. You do it so well, " he answered bitterly. “演戏!这都留给你啦。你演得多好呀!”他刻薄地说道。 6. So many of the great nations of Asia began the 20th Century ruled by colonial powers, or by dynasty, or bitterly divided by civil strife. 在进入二十世纪之时,亚洲许多伟大的国家或者处于列强的殖民统治之下,或者仍实行王朝制度,或者因国内冲突而四分五裂。 wap.6dtc.com 7. Moreover, the case has a bearing on several other bitterly-contested lawsuits. 此外,这个案子还可以影响到其他几个在拉锯战中的诉讼案。 www.ecocn.org 8. This was bitterly opposed by the radicals. 这受到激进派的强烈反对。 www.hotdic.com 9. Saibya was penniless and wept bitterly at her unending misfortunes. 赛伯亚一贫如洗,为自己无休止的不幸而悲痛地哭泣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Nancy sobbed bitterly. =Nancy sobbed her heart out. 南希哭得死去活来。 wenku.baidu.com 1. So bulls fight bitterly for females, and mutations coded for larger antler size help them win. 所以公麋鹿们为了争夺雌性残酷地争斗,较大鹿角的基因突变帮助它们取胜。 kk.dongxi.net 2. The allied "betrayal" was bitterly felt in Berlin. It rankles to this day. 盟国的“背叛”令柏林人苦痛万分,至今仍耿耿于怀。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Some of them bitterly attacked their former friends. 他们中有些人恶毒地攻击他们过去的朋友。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. O'Connor has been bitterly attacked by allies of big business who accuse her, wrongly, of misusing her position. 奥康纳已经尖锐地抨击了大企业的盟友谁指责她,她的位置错误地滥用。 www.englishtang.com 5. With bitterly cold winters and wild temperature swings. . . 因为极度寒冷的冬季和剧烈的温度变化… engxue.com 6. Sometimes months would pass without rain, and the crops would die. Winters were bitterly cold. 这里的气候也很成问题,有时好几个月没有雨,农作物都快干死了,而到冬天又非常寒冷。 www.bing.com 7. White southerners bitterly opposed the changes imposed on them from outside, but were powerless to prevent them. 南部白人对外部强加的改变很反感,但又无力抵抗。 www.ecocn.org 8. Perhaps because of the stakes, medical research into the relative risks of home and hospital births is bitterly contested. 也许是因为牵涉到利益,对家里和医院生产相对风险的医学研究备受争议。 www.ecocn.org 9. Exporters and manufacturers complain bitterly about the strong real. 出口商和制造业者痛苦地抱怨黑奥的强势。 www.ecocn.org 10. Compared with 2008, when Kenya was bitterly divided following a disputed election, the country seems quite harmonious. 比起因为有争议的选举导致痛苦分裂的2008年,全国一片和谐景象。 www.ecocn.org |
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