单词 | get-go |
释义 |
例句释义: 回复 1. He was a great actor and I loved his acting and I really looked forward to having him on but it, it was bad from the get-go. 他是一个伟大的演员,我喜欢他的表演,期待着他能上我的节目。 www.eoezone.com 2. CA: To do all this, you must have been a genius from the get go, right? 克:要做到这些你可得是个大天才,没错吧? www.ted.com 3. Clarissa complained almost from the get-go about this bed, saying it was hard and hurt her back and hips. 克拉丽莎几乎是从买来这张床起就对它抱怨不已,说床太硬,硌痛了她的后背和屁股。 www.bing.com 4. It's definitely a challenge because Filipino startups are forced to see things in a global perspective from the get-go. 作为菲律宾人创办的企业,从一开始就被迫以全球的角度来审视,这也是个挑战。 www.bing.com 5. JB: No, that's another creative thing where I feel like you have to be good at it from the get go. 不行,那是另一个需要有创造性的东西,我觉得必须有天赋才行。 www.tianya.cn 6. Project templates set up the necessary code and project artifacts to get a simple service up and running from the get-go. 项目模版创建了必要的代码以及项目构件。 blog.joycode.com 7. Qualifying will be crucial to any strategy, which puts every one on Orange Alert from the get-go on Saturday afternoon. 排位赛将会成为任何比赛策略的关键,而这让每个人从周六下午一开始就进入橙色预警。 f1.sports.sohu.com 8. After putting someone in charge of the security effort, the next step is to include the security team in projects from the get-go. 任命了负责信息安全的高管后,下一步则是要从每个项目的一开始,就让信息安全团队参与其中。 www.bing.com 9. Getting the most out of your trade show marketing efforts necessitates making smart decisions from the get-go. 从商业会展市场效能中获得最大的收益要求从一开始就要有明智的决策。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. S. counterparts. Users in the U. S. resent fees for online value-added services, which have been core for Tencent from the get-go. 美国用户很讨厌为网络增值服务付费,但腾讯从一开始就以这类服务费为收入核心。 www.bing.com 1. if students possessed it at the get-go, there would be nothing for courses and programs to do. 假如学生一开始就有判断力,那么还制定课程和大纲做什么。 www.bing.com 2. Chinese official Dong Yan made it clear from the get-go: "The project is to drive China's economy, not foreign economies. " 中国官员DongYan从一开始就表明:“这项工程是用来促进中国的经济,而不是国外的经济。” blog.sina.com.cn 3. "I'm one of those second act people, " she told me at the get-go. 她在节目最开始时告诉我:“我属于那种重操旧业(secondact)的人。” www.forbeschina.com 4. Needless to say the English version did indeed help her put the audience into the right mood from the get-go. 更不用说英语版的的确能够帮助她把观众从过去带入到独特的境界。 ourtra.netat.net 5. How important do you think it is to be career-focused from the get-go in college? 你认为从上大学起就注重未来的职业发展有多重要? www.bing.com 6. EXAMPLE: Our new restaurant's chef cooked delicious food that everyone loved, so from the get-go we had plenty of happy customers. 新餐馆的厨师做出的美味佳肴人人喜爱,因此,我们的餐厅从一开始就令很多顾客满意。 news.cb.com.cn 7. From the get go, this was a journey full of surprises. 从一开始,这就是一段充满意外的旅行。 www.hcchome.org 8. Whether you are pro- or anti-objective, here are tips for writing a resume that will grab recruiters' attention from the get-go. 不管你是赞成者还是反对者,以下这些小贴士都可以帮你打造一份在一开始就抓住招聘人员眼光的简历。 ts.hjenglish.com 9. Multiple columns will more than likely by ignored by users, so eliminate clutter from the get-go. 多栏内容容易被用户忽视,我们需要消除这些干扰。 www.nowamagic.net 10. Adding this new section to the site makes it easier for our customers to find prescription sunglasses from the get-go. 加入这项新条文,以使该网站更容易我们的客户找到从一开始进入夏季以来处方太阳镜。 www.dob2c.com 1. The position of freelance website designer seems lucrative and very enticing from the get-go. 从一开始,自由网站设计者这一职位就显得很有钱途,并且很诱人。 dongxi.net 2. But those who are gorgeous from the get-go face their own set of potential problems. 但是就是那些天生就非常美的人也有他们那一系列潜在的问题。 www.bing.com 3. Emerging-economy schools have an opportunity to offer business education that's globalised from the get-go. 新兴经济体的学校能够从一开始就有机会提供全球化的商业教育。 club.topsage.com 4. Right from the get-go, they were aggressive in acting to disincentivize smoking. 他们一开始就以积极行动,抑制吸烟习惯。 www.hxen.com 5. Other entrepreneurs consider having an office outside the home critical from the get-go for meetings with clients. 不过也有一些创业者认为,由于得和客户会面,从创业伊始就租用办公室显得非常重要。 chinese.wsj.com 6. And small acquisitions are possible if valuations are kept low from the get go. 如果你创业时预算的收获比较小,这更容易实现。 www.bing.com 7. We are taking a very heavy stance on these types of issues from the get-go. 我们从一开始就对这类问题持非常严肃态度。 bbs.ngacn.cc 8. These people make more errors from the get-go, and they forget more of what they learned after time away. 这些人从一开始学就会出较多错,日子久了,他们会忘记更多已经学到的东西。 gb.cri.cn 9. That eliminates all risk for me from the get go. 这就为雇主消除了后继的所有风险。 www.bing.com 10. Amy's Aunt: Yeah, I knew it from the get go! 阿美的姨娘:呵,那早晓得哉! wobumingbai.typepad.com 1. From the get-go, that is the last thing we had in mind. . . How can we celebrate Chinese women if we demean Chinese women? 从一开始,我们就没有想过要贬低中国女性。我们怎么能一边赞美中国女性,一边贬低中国女性呢? www.bing.com 2. I was surprised at how well our system worked from the get-go. 我很惊讶于我们的制度以及如何去工作从一开始。 www.tech-domain.com 3. If I gets't being ill yesterday, I weselves get go to educate. 昨天要是不生病,我是可能来上学的。 www.ffenglish.com 4. We want to position ourselves to win from the get go. 我们要赢在起跑线上。 e.3edu.net 5. That was my intention from the get go. 这样的效果就是我的初衷。 www.elanso.com 6. Oh good, I guess I prefercapable get go. Can I aftod to quit the wonderful job? Not heeasystays. 哎,我想我得去干活了。我能舍得辞去这份好任务吗?当今可不行。 www.ffenglish.com 7. We get go to the end or outstanding importance part of the experiment. 咱们的实验如今已经到了最后也是最重要的一个阶段。 www.ffenglish.com 8. But when it comes to the end, you have to get go. 但当最后一刻来临时,你还是的放手而去。 www.51yue.net 9. the same talk with u soon, i get go and have a meeting, may i stop here? 好吧,我们讨论了很多好的话题,希望能和你尽快再次相遇,我要去开会了,今天就到这里了? edu.sina.com.cn 10. If you get n't invited me, I will n't get go to the party. 如果你不邀请我,我就不会来参加你的舞会。 www.ffenglish.com 1. He was at a disadvantage from the get-go, 他从一开始就处于劣势。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 2. It was clear from the get-go that the candidate would win, 从一开始就很明显,这个候选人一定会赢。 www.360abc.com 3. The proposal was a mistake from the get-go, 这项提案从一开始就是个错误。 www.tingroom.com 4. get [go] off to a flying start 开始迅速[顺利]的起步 www.jukuu.com 5. He was serious about the relationship from the get-go, 他从一开始就对这段感情非常认真。 www.360abc.com 6. The team controlled the game from the get-go, 这只球队从一开始就控制了比赛的 www.kekenet.com 7. The man is before have no woman, get sick can get to then get, go to just go for a doctor really; 男人在没有女人之前,生病了能挨则挨,实在不行了才去看医生; blog.lanyue.com 8. And we were dying from the get go I was dreaming but you never believed 我们在离别中痛苦挣扎我在幻想但你从不相信 savageboy.vip.63dns.com 9. get respect from the get-go, hello 从一开始就得到尊重,你好 zhidao.baidu.com 10. And we were dying from the get go 我们在患得患失中失去 blog.sina.com.cn |
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