单词 | fail to |
释义 | 例句释义: 未能,使…失望,不能,没有,没能做成 1. And you know that even in the best marriages and romantic relationships, we sometimes fail to tell the truth. 而你也清楚,即便是最美好的婚姻,最浪漫的两性关系,我们有时候也无法说实话。 www.ebigear.com 2. If the commission and Mr Van Rompuy fail to press these points, they will be dancing around the heart of the matter. 如果委员会和范龙佩先生没有踩到这些点,那他们就始终是在核心问题周边徘徊。 www.ecocn.org 3. But she says politicians generally fail to live up to their promises, and the European Union overall seems unable to agree on anything. 但是她说,政治家通常都不能兑现他们的诺言,而且整个欧盟似乎都无法就任何事情达成一致。 www.ebigear.com 4. It is no doubt true that many fail to understand the details of Tibetan history. 无疑,很多人并不了解西藏历史详情。 www.bysf8.com 5. He was not such a fool as to fail to see that point. 他并不是连那一点都看不出来的傻瓜。 blog.eastmoney.com 6. Both fail to see that we already live in a different world, one in which political power can no longer be monopolised by a single holder. 两个阵营都未能看到,我们已经生活在一个不同的世界,在这个世界中,政治权力无法再为单个持有者所独占。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Even without Hollywood's ultimate accolade, it is hard to fail to see that The King's Speech has built its own legend. 就算没有问鼎好莱坞大奖,也不难发现《国王的演讲》创造了它的传奇。 wuhan.newchannel.org 8. IF YOU FAIL TO ATTEND OR TO REMAIN IN ATTENDANCE AS REQUIRED BY THIS SUMMONS A WARRANT MAY BE ISSUED FOR YOUR ARREST. 如果你不出庭或不按本传票之规定留在法庭,可能会对你签发逮捕令。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We fail to understand why you bring up the subject now since both parties agreed on all the terms and conditions three week ago. 我们不理解贵方为何现在提及此事,因为三周前双方已同意全部条件。 hi.baidu.com 10. He said the critics of online voting "are well-meaning but they fail to take into account the context. " 他说关于网上投票的批评“是善意的但不能被重视。” www.bing.com 1. People seem to fail to take into consideration the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 www.for68.com 2. Many of you morn the animals in the gulf, but fail to see the total destruction your food animals deal with daily. 你们很多人为墨西哥湾的动物们悲痛,却看不到日常里你们的食用动物所遭受的全部毁灭。 blog.163.com 3. I understand that the Trustee may not be able to process this instruction if I fail to provide any information requested in this Form. 本人明白倘若本人未能提供本表格所需的资料,信托人将可能无法处理有关指示。 chjso.com 4. If you don't do anything with the answers, people will fail to see the point and will stop contributing. 如果你对听众的回答没有任何反应和处理,听众将感到挫败,导致没有兴趣继续回答你的问题。 www.bing.com 5. If they fail to come out with a simple tug, which happens in about one in every 50 cases, then the only option is open heart surgery. 如果轻轻扯一下没能将引线取出来,唯一的选择就是开腔心脏手术,碰到这种情况的几率是百分之二十。 www.ecocn.org 6. So let's take a look at some of the techniques used to "scale" SQL databases, and why they all fail to achieve the criteria above. 接下来让我们认真分析一下SQL数据库常用的一些所谓的“扩展”技巧,我们会发现这些方法并不符合前面提到的标准。 www.bing.com 7. I fail to see why advocates of price stability should worry about one sort of error but not the other. 我就奇怪了,那些叫嚣着要稳定物价的人为什么看不到这一点呢? huizhu7.blogbus.com 8. Some people fail to get tested because Type 2 diabetes is often associated with being overweight and sedentary. 有些人不去做检查的原因在于:二型糖尿病通常和超重、不运动联系在一起。 www.bing.com 9. Historically, they fail to see that private land ownership is refutable and that collective land ownership can work well. 在历史层面,他们没有看到土地私有制度是可以证伪的,没有看到土地集体所有也可以发展得很好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Though it seemed to be the wildest dream beyond fulfillment, she did see what we, born with sight, fail to see. 尽管这是个无法实现的遥远的梦想,但她的确看见了我们看不见的。 wenwen.soso.com 1. In spite of my too much hard work on this course, the high demand of this course tends to make me fail to obtain its recorgonition. 这种课程要求很高,虽然我为之付出太多的努力,恐怕也难得到基本的认可。 hudakouyi2010.blog.163.com 2. A lot of people fail to realize that money is just a byproduct of adding value in the form of a product or service to people. 很多人没有意识到金钱只是一种增加价值到给人们的产品或服务上的副产品。 www.bing.com 3. We shall not be able to reserve the goods for you if we fail to receive your reply by the end of this month. 如果我方不能在月底前收到答复,我方将不能替你方保留货物。 english.31931.cn 4. People seem to fail to take into a ccount the fact that education does n ot end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。束这一事实。 wenku.baidu.com 5. As it gets closer, you increasingly fail to see the complex - the corpus, Moon Swirls, and vast dust cloud - as a whole. 随着它越来越近,你越来越无法看到复合体本体,卫星漩涡,还有大片的尘埃云作为一个整体。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. British families, the children have no reason to fail to see the coddled. mistakes will be corrected or even punish children. 在英国的家庭中,绝对看不到对儿童的没有理由的娇宠,犯了错误的孩子会受到纠正甚至惩罚。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Roy: I fail to see what this has to do with me. Or rather, I am beginning to see, but I'm hoping I'm totally wrong. Crap. 我看不出这些和我有什么关系。或者不如说,我看出了点眉目,但我希望自己大错特错。该死。 www.anetcity.com 8. Another way, in which life could fail to develop to an intelligent stage, would be if an asteroid or comet were to collide with the planet. 从另一方面考虑,生命未能发展到具有智能的阶段,是否可能是小行星或彗星与行星发生了碰撞。 www.showxiu.com 9. When you realise that you can't do nothing but give your all for the club. If you fail to do that you can't look yourself in the mirror. 我明白了,对于这支球队,你除了全身心奉献,再无旁者可言,如果你不这样做,你甚至无法面对镜中的自己。 bbs.sports.163.com 10. London mayor Boris Johnson, on British satirical game show "Have I Got News for You" in 2003: "I could not fail to disagree with you less. " 第十名,伦敦市长波里斯?强森,2003年他在英国的讽刺性智力竞赛节目《我带来的新闻》中说:“我不能给你更少的反对意见了。” bbs.e5zj.com 1. But it would be easy to overstate both the problems facing Ms Rousseff and the odds that she will fail to solve them. 不过罗塞夫所面临的问题很容易被夸大,而对她能顺利解决问题的可能性则信心不足。 www.ecocn.org 2. If you fail to pay back the money, friend may turn out to be enemies and your friendship will be totally damaged. 如果你最终不能还钱,朋友可能会反目成仇,而你们的友谊也会完全被毁。 thykiss.blog.163.com 3. My life began when I found you and I thought it had ended when I fail to save you. 我的生命,因邂逅你而开始,因无法挽留你而终结。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Mr Obama cannot fail to see that he of all presidents would face severe punishment at the slightest sign of weakness. 奥巴马不会不明白他是所有总统中唯一对于最轻微的软弱表现就要面对严重惩罚的异类。 www.ecocn.org 5. No longer will I judge a man on one meeting; no longer will I fail to call again tomorrow on he who meets me with hate today. 我不再只凭一面之交来判断一个人,也不再因他今日的可恶而明日不给他打电话。 www.ebigear.com 6. What you may fail to understand is the speed with which democracies can shift their attitude from the open hand to the clenched fist. 但你也许未能理解的是,民主国家的态度能快速地从张开的手转变为攥紧的拳头。 www.ftchinese.com 7. However, we must not fail to see that the world is still far from being tranquil. 但是也必须看到,天下仍很不太平。 hi.baidu.com 8. She studies hard so that she will not fail to live up to her mother's expectation. 她努力学习不辜负妈妈的期望。 www.for68.com 9. Roy: I fail to see how being a woman would help either one of us defeat these assassins. 我可看不出扮成女人怎么就能帮我俩挫败这些刺客。 www.anetcity.com 10. If you lack imagination and judgment you'll fail to find pertinent information and fail to see connections between them. 如果你缺乏想象力和判断力,你便无法找到适当的信息,也看不出这些信息之间的联系。 www.6628888.com 1. People in today's world seem to fail to take into account the fact that the dreams do not end with waking up. 当今的人们似乎都忽视了梦想不该随着醒来而结束的事实。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Don't be so pessimistic that for a moment, even a split moment, you fail to realize the thousands of things you have to be thankful for. 不要太过悲观,因为在一瞬间,哪怕是电闪雷鸣的一瞬间,你都会忽略那成千上万值得我们去感恩的人或事物。 www.bing.com 3. They may be right about . . . , but they seem to fail to take into account the fact that . . . 关于…他们可能是对的,但他们似乎没有考虑到这样一个事实… www.putclub.com 4. As long as he lived, they did not fail to follow the Lord , the God of their fathers. 约西亚在世的日子,就跟从耶和华他们列祖的神,总不离开。 www.ebigear.com 5. However, I fail to live up to it, performance is so poor . . . I really do not want to let them be so disappointed, so sad, it tears. 可是,我是那么不争气,成绩那么差……我想真的不应该让他们那么失望,那么伤心,那么落泪。 www.bing.com 6. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎没有考虑到教育并不是终止于毕业的事实。 www.kekenet.com 7. That lending is expected to produce a flurry of bad loans as projects funded over the past two years fail to turn a profit. 随着过去两年来刺激贷款扶持的项目未能创造利润,预计放贷潮会产生大量不良贷款。 chinese.wsj.com 8. t care if you fail to make it a priority. It will rise to the top again and again and again. 它也不介意你没有给它足够的优先级,因为它会一次又一次冉冉升起为最高。 www.bing.com 9. It makes you so decadent that you would make all efforts to struggle but fail to put forth your strength as if you were stuck in the mud. 使你颓唐阑珊,像陷在烂泥淖中,满心想挣扎,可是无从着力呢! bbs.putclub.com 10. Many are not clairvoyant enough to know if the dreams fail to move down to the next manifestation plane or not. 许多人并没有足够灵视力来知道,是否梦想并没有下载到下一个显化层。 cqly186.blog.163.com 1. It seems to me that many politicians fail to take a stand on equal rights for women. 看来很多政治家放弃了为妇女争取平等权利的立场 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The specially equipped boxes may take a bit of getting used to, but the weary traveller cannot fail to be impressed. 这种(机场)专门配备的“盒子”可能需要人们花点时间适应,但它对疲惫的旅客不能不留下深刻的印象。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 3. Humans would not fail to leave traces, and would compress or melt, rather than remove, the snow. 人类所为的话,将不会不留下痕迹,要么使雪压紧,要么使雪融化,而不会把雪移走的。 hi.baidu.com 4. One word lets slip and four horses will fail to catch it. A statement that once let loose cannot be caught by four galloping horses. 这两种说法,中文味道嫌重,英美人未必理解。不过他们倒有类似的说法 beaktrans.com 5. Don't make the mistake of implementing a technology well but fail to get it out the door properly. 采用新的技术但不进行适当的宣传,可别犯这种错误哦。 www.bing.com 6. Police and prosecutors often fail to follow Home Office guidelines, said the watchdogs for the police and Crown Prosecution Service. 警方与检察官常常未能遵守内政部的规定,负责监督警方与「皇家检察服务局」的团体说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Many more fail to recognize how much they have actually learnt and to respect their own achievements. 更有不少人对自己所学的实际进展,茫然不知,不晓得珍惜自己的学习成效。 www.zjjy.com 8. Nine out of ten times, the blogger would fail to leave his way of contact. 公告过后,却忘了留自己的联系方式。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I don't know if you were wrong. But I fail to see the point of being right. 我也不知道你有没有做错,反正我没觉着你有做对嘛。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. There was nothing strange in the writer's thinking so; but it did not fail to gain the appreciation of the readers of the time as well. 作者有如此想法并不值得奇怪;可是,当时它也不是没能获得读者的赞赏。 www.bing.com 1. The careless, the slow, the unobservant, the lazy fail to see it, or clutch at it when it has gone. 粗心大意、行动迟缓、精神涣散、好吃懒做的人都无法看到机会的到来,在它离去的时候也无法抓住。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. for though they may know of the Holy Spirit, they do not recognize him, they fail to hear his whisper. 虽然他们听说过圣神,却不认识他,也听不到他的召唤。 home.tianzhujiao.org 3. The foreign processing enterprises that fail to be registered at the General Administration may not export their meat products to China. 未经国家质检总局注册登记的国外加工企业生产的肉类产品不得向中国出口。 www.lawyee.com 4. or sigh but love hurried do not know which days to die by another life body replaced but fail to see the track of history. 或叹然年华匆匆不知哪天凋零被另一个生命体所代替却看不到历史的轨迹。 www.bing.com 5. If we fail to attain virtue, knowledge and ability, we will not be able to help the next generation of sentient beings. 如果我们的德行、学问、能力,不能够有相当的成就,那麽下一代的众生,我们就度不了。 putixing.wordpress.com 6. By this account, how on earth could Mary Hogarth fail to be the turning point of any Dickens biography? 面对这样的文字,玛丽·荷加斯到底还有什么不能成为狄更斯生平的一个转折点呢? dongxi.net 7. New figures show that this year's harvest will fail to produce enough to feed everyone on Earth, for the sixth time in the past seven years. 最新的统计数字表明:今年的收成将不能填饱地球上每个人的肚子,这样的情况已经是在过去的七年里出现的第六次。 bbs.shangyou.cn 8. The irritation of the spurs and the bucking strap often cause the horse to "run blind" and fail to see fencing, posts or chutes. 马刺的刺激和腹带经常会使马“盲跑”,看不见栅栏、柱子或围栏。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Even having spent 12 years in the UK, I fail to see the point of those feather-and-lace concoctions. 我已经在英国生活了12年,但还是弄不明白这种由羽毛和蕾丝构成的繁复头饰究竟有什么用处。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In every posture of the body do not fail to develop mindfulness and wisdom, which serve to uncover hidden evil. 身体的每一个姿势,都不要疏于开发念住和智慧,用以发掘隐藏的罪恶。 bbs.fjnet.com 1. People seem to fail to get into account the fact those education does not end with graduation. 大部分人似乎忽视了教人育才不因该随着结业而结束这一事实。 www.emioo.com 2. I fail to see what women find so fascinating about him. 我就看不出他哪一点使女人神魂颠倒。 www.hxen.com 3. Whenever you fail to ask this question, you can bet there's a more important project being stalked by the Grim Reaper. 每当你没能问这个问题,就可以断定,一件更重要的事正在靠近死神。 www.bing.com 4. Quite often, companies that fail to live up to these requirements do so out of ignorance about the rules of engagement. 很多时候,未能达到这些要求的许多公司,是出于对相关约定协议条款的不了解。 dongxi.net 5. Yet, if Africa's recent history is any guide, many of those elections will fail to live up to the name. 然而,如果非洲近代史是一个指南的话,很多国家的选举都会名不副实。 www.ecocn.org 6. However, theory indicates that this practice is not economically feasible and will fail to manage the environment. 然而,理论显示这一举措在经济上不可行,并且也将无法管理环境。 www.bing.com 7. As policy makers of the next century, we cannot fail to see our responsibility to those who share the earth with us. 作为下个世纪的决策者,我们必须承担对和我们共同拥有这个地球的人们所负的责任。 www.24en.com 8. You must feel free to ask them to repeat the question if you fail to understand. Be confident and smile. 你如果有问题没听明白,可以随意的请他们重复。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The Morocco international has been a long-term target for Arsenal, who have seen another campaign which promised so much fail to deliver. 这名摩洛哥球员一直是阿森纳的长期目标。他已经见到了这样的另外一个矛盾:每次都在转会即将达成时的失败。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. She believes that if he cuts her out of his inner circle, Palmer will fail to obtain the Presidency. 她坚信,如果帕默将她从他的核心圈子中请出,他将不能赢得总统之位。 www.bing.com 1. A good rule of thumb is to pretend like you were going to wear pants, and then just fail to put them on. 最佳原则就是假装你本来是要穿裤子的,结果没穿成。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. It makes sense for the community to expect vehicle owners to pay to maintain their engines, and to pay a fine if they fail to do so. 因此,整个社会有权要求车主适当保养汽车引擎。如车主未能照办,理应缴付罚款,这要求实在是很合理的。 www.hplb.gov.hk 3. What I fail to understand is Wenger's logic regarding this experience, or composure, or killer instinct thing. 但我不明白的是温格关于经验,或者说是沉着冷静,再或者说是杀手本能的逻辑。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. but no one with any education at all can fail to understand exactly what the meaning of each sentence is. 但是没有接受过任何这种教育的人恐怕没人会看不懂每个句子的确切含义。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Sometimes I will be lonely, because of him long eyelash fail to see. 有时候我会寂寞,因为看不到他长长的睫毛。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. By and large Japan remains a "one-shot society" : those who fail to get a good job upon graduation can be frozen out for life. 总的来说,日本社会仍然留存着“一次定终生”的思想,那些毕业之后不能马上找到好工作的人,也许就没有翻身的机会了。 www.bing.com 7. Such bumps into a cart in real life also fail to see the handcart that life blood miserable condition. 这样现实的生活中也看不到小车撞进大车那种生命鲜血的惨状。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Experience is usually applied in maintenance for widening curve railway, but maintaining quality fail to reach the requirement. 铁运处在曲线加宽养护中,采用的是经验法,养护的质量总是达不到要求。 www.chemyq.com 9. China's authorities now admit what was always obvious: many of these projects will fail to raise enough revenue to repay their creditors. 中国当局现在已经承认了早已明显的事实:很多这样的建设项目不能产生足够的收入来还贷。 www.bing.com 10. Female Gouldian pinches that fail to land their ideal mate seem to have higher levels of stress than their luckier counterparts. 雌性七彩文鸟的伴侣如果不是理想中的,就比他们幸运的伙伴要承受更多的压力。 news.dxy.cn 1. It is out of perceiving one another as less than God Goddess that humans compromise one another and fail to honor. 正是出于将别人看成比「神与女神」低贱的思想,人类彼此危害而不能彼此尊重。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Smoking kills up to half of those who fail to quit puffing, reducing their lives by an average of 10 to 15 years. 吸烟导致一半不能戒掉吸烟习惯的人死亡,平均起来减少这些烟民10到15年的寿命。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. Why, oh, why did Apple fail to make it easy to access YouTube on the iPad? 苹果是怎么搞的,为什么就不能让人在iPad上方便地观看YouTube呢? chinese.wsj.com 4. Conversely , low roasting temperatures fail to develop fully the welcome aromas, and acidity tends to come to the fore. 相对地,低温烘焙也无法产生令人满意的香气,同时还有酸味也冒出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Well, it often happens that people with good eyesight fail to see what is right in front of them. They have too much to observe, I suppose. 唉,视力好的人常常看不到眼前的东西,我想是他们要看的东西太多了吧。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 6. If anything happens to the upgraded node during this time, it has no passive node to fail to. 如果在此期间升级的节点出现任何问题,则没有可供进行故障转移的被动节点可用。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The two find each other in a tantric foray at night but fail to see one another by day. 他们俩人晚上会通过光体旅行在梦想时间找到对方进行Tantric变革,可惜的是白天却怎样都无法相见。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Businesses that fail to comply face a fine of the same size and could have their licences revoked. 商家如未能遵循安装软件,将面临同价值的罚款并且吊销营业执照。 www.bing.com 9. This paper suggests that these interpretations fail to grasp the philosophic idea of Marx or to summarize the nature of Marx' philosophy. 本文考察了这些理解的困境,认为它们都没能把握住马克思的哲学理念,不能概括马克思哲学的特质。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. His short, sober speech struck notes familiar from his campaign, but the moment could not fail to invest them with fresh significance. 奥巴马的讲话简短而又冷静,与他在竞选期间的发言呼应,但在此时此刻,他的话语自然具有新的重大意义。 www.ftchinese.com 1. To kill or wound wildlife by accident or to protect life or property and fail to promptly report the killing to an Officer. 因意外或为保护生命财产打死或打伤野生动物但未向当局报告。 www.my1223.com 2. If we fail to act, one out of every five dollars we earn will be spent on healthcare within a decade. 如果我们未能有所行动,不出10年,我们收入的五分之一都将花在医疗保险上。 www.ftchinese.com 3. What I fail to understand is how people who have never lived under Gaddafi's dictatorship support his regime from abroad. 我无法理解为什么这些在海外从未经历过卡扎菲独裁统治的人要支持卡扎菲。 www.dapenti.com 4. This is because others fail to see that the French decide all big issues on the basis of self-interest, a feature of peasant ideology. 这是因为别人失望地看到,在决定重大争议问题时,法国人总是从自身利益出发,一副农民意识的腔调。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You may talk about being active and steady, and yet in practice you may fail to give active leadership or achieve steady development. 你说积极、稳步,做起来也会是不积极领导,或者不稳步发展。 www.jukuu.com 6. In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke witch would make an Englishman laugh to tears. 同样的道理,一则可以令英国人笑出泪来的笑话,俄国人听了可能觉得没有什么可笑之处。 www.24en.com 7. In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears. 同样,俄国人也很难会觉得一个能让英国人笑出眼泪的笑话好笑。 www.bing.com 8. If you use an incorrect version of the JLAagent, the application you're trying to monitor will fail to load and will crash. 如果您使用了错误版本的JLAagent,则尝试监视的应用程序将无法加载并且将崩溃。 www.ibm.com 9. Column to ensure that it will fail to produce a match during the transformations lookup. 列,以确保该列在转换查找期间无法生成匹配项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. They also fail to answer the fundamental question of what this money was doing in Swiss or British banks in the first place. 监管当局甚至一开始就无法回答一个最基本的问题——这些钱在瑞士或者英国的银行里在做什么呢? dongxi.net 1. But what these people fail to see is that international tourism may bring ab out a disastrous impact on our environment and local history. 但是这些人忽视了国际旅游可能会给当地环境和历史造成的灾难性的影响。 www.for68.com 2. We only punish ourselves with a negative emotion as we fail to see evidence of the justice that we so heartedly demand. 我们得不到我们热切期望的公平待遇的时候,我们的心情就不好,结果只是自己惩罚了自己。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Blame not! From some further view Can you fail to see This trace of red eternal In a woman's eye? 不要高高在上地谴责她了难道你看不到这女人眼中有万劫不复的血丝? www.youthchina.org 4. Forget me if may let you more happily that I bless you . . . Only fail to live up to not love you needed facing don't know me . . . 忘记我吧,如果这样能让你好过些。我会保佑你的…只是没能做到不爱你,你就当作不认识我吧。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. If you did not first deploy your application's security deployment plan previously, your application will fail to deploy here. 如果前面没有首先部署应用程序的安全性部署计划,应用程序在这里会部署失败。 www.ibm.com 6. Why did Mr Greenspan, along with the rest of the world's regulators, fail to foresee that this could happen? 为什么格林斯潘和世界其它国家的监管者都没能预见到会发生这种事情? www.ftchinese.com 7. The bailout plan could still fail to stop financial markets from deteriorating, sending Europe's economy into a deeper funk. 希腊救助方案仍有可能无法阻止金融市场进一步恶化,使欧洲经济陷入更深衰退。 chinese.wsj.com 8. But often we look so long so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us. 可我们常常懊恼地、久久地盯着那扇关着的门,以至于看不到另一扇门已为我们敞开。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But the world cannot fail to notice that this president's power is unusually fettered, at home as well as abroad. 但世界已经注意到,这位总统不论在国内还是国外都受到不同寻常的束缚。 www.ecocn.org 10. Your home is at risk if you fail to make payments on your mortgage or other loan secured on it. 您的家庭处于危险之中,如果你不支付的按揭贷款或其他贷款担保上。 q.sohu.com 1. Of course most of the time his wife do not want to, but ultimately fail to beat my importune. 妻子当然多数时候不愿意,但终究拗不过我的胡搅蛮缠。 www.showxiu.com 2. fail to see the point of professional economists. 我看不出职业经济学家有什麽用。 www.xiuxianqu.com 3. which would not fail to be distributed in strict accordance arid proportion with the intimacy and sacredness of their previous relationship. 这种耻辱,会随原有关系的亲密和神圣程度,而严格成比例地在亲友中相应加以分配。 tr.bab.la 4. Banks that fail to meet the buffer would be unable to pay dividends, though not forced to raise cash. 没有满足缓冲资金总额的银行将不能发放股息,但不必被迫筹集资金。 www.bing.com 5. The key question is whether Europe's leaders will seize the moment, or fail to capitalize on this major opportunity to spur economic growth? 问题的关键在于欧洲各国的领导人是抓住这个机遇以刺激经济增长,还是白白浪费大好时机。 chinese.wsj.com 6. If we fail to figure it out again, we fall back to the trap and begin another but identical wasting cycle of our time again. 如果还是没把它琢磨出来,我们肯定又掉回到那个陷阱中去,又开始了另一个但却是一模一样的浪费时间的怪圈。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And so I've been trying to develop a hierarchical set of considerations about why societies fail to solve their problems. 鉴于此,我尝试着分析出了了几个理由来解释为什么这些社会没能处理好他们面临的问题。 www.ted.com 8. If people fail to understand some of their rights and obligations, perhaps the sentence structure is too difficult. 如果人们无法理解他们的某些权利和义务,或许是句子结构有问题了。 www.bing.com 9. He reckons that over a tenth of the stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ have a fail-to-deliver at least two months old. 他估计在纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克上市的股票中起码有10%未能交割已达两个月之久。 www.ecocn.org 10. If we fail to hear from you before Sept. 15 we will not be able to reserve the goods for you. 如果在九月十五日前未获你方回音,我将无法为你保留货物。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Overworking makes workers feel exhausted , some of whom might be absent-minded and fail to fulfill their tasks with adequate energy. 过度的工作量使工人们精疲力竭,他们可能变得工作时心不在焉、无法用足够的精力来完成任务。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The real reason these projects fail to meet stakeholder needs is that they are managed as if these variances do not exist. 这些项目没有满足涉众需求的真正原因是它们在管理时假设这些偏差不存在。 www.ibm.com 3. But up to now, " the anger of witch bewitching king " still fail to be updated in Chinese inland. 但至今,《巫妖王之怒》依然未能在中国内地更新。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A testing institution shall separately establish an account of those projects that fail to pass the relevant testing. 检测机构应当单独建立检测结果不合格项目台账。 www.edu114.cn 5. Who can fail to be impressed by Barack Obama's energy, or a little stunned by his self-confidence? 谁能不对巴拉克-奥巴马(BarackObama)的干劲印象深刻?或对他的自信而略感震惊? www.ftchinese.com 6. If you fail to show up in the test , you will get a zero and you will have to repeat the course next semester. 如果考试你来,就得零分,并在下学期重选这门课。 www.exam8.com 7. Indeed, he soon entered the zone no one knew was a problem, where track-circuit problems triggered a fail-to-safe halt to his train. 实际上,他很快就驶入了当时没人知道已经出了问题的区间,轨道电路问题令他驾驶的列车在故障自动保护系统的作用下停车。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Now he is once more facing wild-eyed markets and a widespread perception that Spain's economy will fail to grow. 如今他将再次面对怒目而视的市场。人们普遍认为,西班牙经济会一蹶不振。 www.ecocn.org 9. If these talks fail to produce a constitutional amendment there will then be no basis for establishing a government of national unity. 如果这些谈判不能产生一项宪法修正案,那就没有组成全国团结政府的基础。 www.ebigear.com 10. By suppressing our real personality in an attempt to avoid 'offending' women, we fail to offer them any VALUE. 我们为了不“冒犯”而压抑自己的真实个性,这样在女人面前是展现不出自身价值的。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Its better to say Let me think about it than to say you ll do something but fail to deliver. 所以最好常说“让我想一想”,而不是夸下海口却没办法实现诺言。 30px.com 2. To fail to ensure the right to vote free of intimidation and coercion from all sides would be a betrayal of what we have always championed. 未能保证免受威胁和来自各方的高压的投票权将是对我们所拥护的理念的背叛。 www.bing.com 3. Ever. For many years, all sorts of bizarre methods were used to try (and invariably fail) to make them feel a bit more, er, revved up. 多少年来,人们使用各种奇怪的办法试图(但都无一例外地失败了)让它们感到一点,嗯,跃跃欲试。 www.bing.com 4. Did you fail to put it in the corrective action program? Is it a repetitive finding? Is it wilful? 你没有将它置于更正措施项目当中吗,那是一个重复的发现吗,那是任意的吗? open.163.com 5. If they fail to do so effectively, the electorate can vote them out in the next election. 如果政府没有尽责,选民可以在下届大选中不再投票支持他们。 www.for68.com 6. If you fail to report such a Reportable Food, you will have committed a newly created violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. 如果你不报告等报告的食品,你将有一个新成立的违反联邦食品,药物和化妆品法。 bzxw.512121.com 7. In some of the most prosperous cities, government officials recently began to penalize those who fail to sort their trash properly. 在一些经济发达的城市里,政府近期开始对那些不合理进行垃圾分类的人施以一定处罚。 www.bing.com 8. If you fail to stay focused on user needs and business goals, things can get out of hand. 假如你陷入了停止在关注用户需求和商业目标,事情将多的不可收拾。 qing.weibo.com 9. The results of such a query show you exactly which records fail to meet your validation requirements. 此类查询的结果会准确地显示出哪些记录不满足有效性要求。 office.microsoft.com 10. If you are burning cash and your current investors are less than supportive, even the hottest negotiator will fail to get a great exit deal. 如果你正在烧钱,而投资者支持力度不够,再高明的谈判者也无力回天。 www.bing.com 1. No decent person can fail to hope for an end to the suffering and for those responsible to be brought to justice. 所有的文明人没有不希望结束这场苦难的并将罪犯绳之以法。 club.topsage.com 2. Many people often compartmentalize these things and fail to see how they all relate to one another. 很多人经常孤立地看待这些事情,看不出它们其实都涉及到另一个。 www.bing.com 3. Sims with a good sense of humor tell the best jokes that never fail or fail to entertain. 有幽默感的市民会说最好的笑话,在说笑话及娱乐方面他们不曾失败过。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I say "out of our conditioning" , because a person from Mars may not understand this at all, and completely fail to react. 我说“根据我们受到的局限”,因为一个从火星上来的人也许根本不理解这个手势,因此就完全没有反应。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. However, disappointingly, their actions fail to live up to their promises and show lack of sincerity to fulfill their promises. 但是令人失望的是,他们的行为与承诺相悖,而且没有履行诺言的诚意。 bbs.wwenglish.org 6. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education doesn't end with graduation. 人们似乎未能重视这个事实,教育随着毕业而结束 www.ebigear.com 7. Zlatan Ibrahimovic has stated that AC Milan are the best team in Italy and that there's no excuse if they fail to win Serie A this season. 兹拉坦·伊布拉希莫维奇认为,AC米兰是意大利最好的球队,球队没有理由不去赢得本赛季的意甲冠军。 www.bing.com 8. Mining executives acknowledged that they might fail to settle a benchmark deal with China, potentially breaking with 40 years of tradition. 矿业高管承认,他们有可能不能与中国达成基准协议,这将打破40年的传统。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I failed to save the boy from the river. I fail to see why you find it so extraordinary. 我不明白为什么你们认为它如此与众不同。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Because Athens still does not raise sufficient tax revenues to fund its public services, it would fail to pay all of its domestic bills. 因为希腊政府仍未筹得足够的税收收入,为其公共服务提供资金,它可能无法支付所有财政账单。 www.cjzg.cn 1. They tend to keep a straight face all day long and fail to keep life in perspective. 他们终日拉长着脸,且无法以正确的眼光观照人生。 bbs.chinaunix.net 2. If you're too fixated on something, you might miss a car coming around the corner and fail to jump out of the way. 如果我们过于专注某一样东西,就很可能忽视前方路口拐过来的车辆,并且来不及跳到一旁躲避。 www.bing.com 3. If you fail to make as much progress as you had planned, don't get discouraged. 如果你的进展没能按计划实现,也不要气馁。 www.bing.com 4. Conversely, regulators often fail to understand the pressures and incentives in financial institutions. 反过来,监管机构也常常不了解金融机构的压力和动机。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Thus, when individuals fail to understand the functioning of the economy, they will often follow others and be subject to herding behaviour. 因此,当个体无法理解经济的运行状况时,他们往往会追随其他人,形成羊群行为(herdingbehaviour)。 www.ftchinese.com 6. They fail to realize that understanding the SQL is fundamental to turning the database from a difficult necessity into a powerful ally. 他们没有认识到,理解SQL对于将数据库从一个困难的必需品转换成强大的联盟是多么重要。 www.ibm.com 7. The resolution also goes on to say that Japanese history textbooks fail to accurately depict Japan's wartime crimes. 该决议还表示日本的历史教科书没有精确描述日本的战时罪行。 www.stnn.cc 8. Many change efforts fail to have lasting impact because leaders do not work to affect structures. 因为领导者没有变革结构,许多变革的努力都没有取得最终的效果。 www.cbern.com 9. My life reason you but wonderful, my heart is as before lonely , you fail to see only. 我的生命因你而精彩,我的内心依然寂寞,只是你看不到。 fanrengu.net 10. When policymakers fail to consider how behavior might change as a result, their policies can have effects that they did not intend. 当政策的制定者不思索行为怎样可以其结果改变的时候,他们的政策会有他们没有预计到的后果。 www.lunwenwang.com 1. I fail to see why you think so. 这下我明白你为什么决定不去了。 www.bing.com 2. Most parents do not worry about a daughter till she fail to show up for breakfast, and then it's too late. 许多父母,直至女儿到早饭时也不露面为止,都不关心女儿的事情,到其时,已经为时过晚矣。 www.jukuu.com 3. If you fail to attend your scheduled interview without prior notification of your absence, your interview will not be re-scheduled. 如果你无法叁加没有你的缺席之前的通知你预定的面谈,你的面谈将不再被预定。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. In this condition, veins in the legs and feet of the patient fail to return blood back to the heart. 在这种情况下,病人腿部和脚部的静脉不能把血液输送回心脏。 www.bing.com 5. Even if they fail to salvage the situation, they relish trying to solve the immediate problem. 即使他们没能改变状况,单是解决突发问题的过程已经足够让他们享受了。 www.douban.com 6. Relationship experts report that too many couples fail to ask each other critical questions before marrying. 根据两性关系专家的报告,很多夫妻在结婚前没有问对方一些很重要的问题。 www.daxinya.com 7. Or if we're texting while walking, we may fail to hear a car approaching and attempt to cross the road without looking. 或者你一边走路一边发短信,汽车开来了也听不见,还要横穿马路。 www.ebigear.com 8. Russlyn Ali at the Education Department says the government is ready to take action against schools that fail to protect their students. 教育部的RusslynAli表示,政府已经准备好对那些无法对学生进行有效保护的学校采取行动。 www.ebigear.com 9. We lose hope in the word because we fail to understand that love is more action. 我们失去希望的词语,因为我们不明白了,爱情就更多的动作。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. While yet aware of the impropriety of it, Isolde and Tristan fail to harness the mounting escalating magical power of love. 虽然知道十分不应该,伊索尔德与特里斯坦却无力按抑抗拒益发澎湃的爱情魔力。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Your worth as a person increases or decreases as you accumulate (or fail to accumulate) prizes like wealth, power or fame. 一个人的价值会随着对例如:财富、权利或名誉的积累(或无法积累)而上升或下降。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Oliver: I fail, I fail to see how marrying a beautiful, brilliant Radcliffe girl constitutes rebellion. 奥利弗:我看不出来,我看不出娶一位漂亮、聪明的拉德克里夫毕业的女孩算得上反叛。 www.bing.com 3. Of course, this is expected, if the volume continued to shrink, it may fail to form a small double-headed . 当然,这只是预期,如果成交量持续萎缩,也可能形成失败的小双头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This specific tradeoff involves a choice between two bad results: deadlock the program or fail to protect the state of a critical resource. 这个特定的折衷是对两种糟糕结果的选择:程序死锁,还是不再保护重要资源的状态。 www.infoq.com 5. As soon as the goods shipped by shipped by vessel "Dongfeng " reach us, we shall not fail to communicate with you. “东风”轮上所载货物一到达我处,我们定然与你方联络。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Misunderstandings often occur because men fail to recognize them as ritualistic, and women do not realize that men will take them literally. 于是种种误解时常出现,因为男性没有听出那些表达是礼节性的,而女性也没有意识到男性是照字面意思去理解的。 www.docin.com 7. to fail to provide labourers with economic compensations in accordance with the provisions of his Law after revocation of labour contracts. 解除劳动合同后,未依照本法规定给予劳动者经济补偿的。 www.24en.com 8. As you may recall from previous years, female giant pandas almost always undergo a pseudo pregnancy when they ovulate but fail to conceive. 大家可能还记得前几年,雌性大熊猫几乎总是接受假时,排卵,但不能受孕。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. As time goes by, fail to grasp the hands of the matter, in addition to sand, water, time and whatever. Which isn't their own? 斗转星移,日升月落。手中抓不住的,除了沙,流水、时间,一切一切。没有哪个是属于自己的么? www.yinghanhuyi.com 10. Managers fail to anticipate Facebook and Twitter; they back cinemas in the age of the downloadable home movie. 管理者未能预见到Facebook与Twitter的出现;在随时可下载家庭影片的时代,他们却支持电影院。 www.ftchinese.com 1. if there were a point , we fail to catch it , or the remark was perhaps really pointless , their expression seemed to say. 即使那是一种俏皮的说法,可是我们听了也不明白,或许它毫无俏皮二字可言。 www.ichacha.net 2. Remember, it's not only the question you ask, but the question you fail to ask, that shape your destiny. 要记住,不仅是你提出的问题,还包括你应该提却没有提出的问题,共同构建了你的命运。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. She said its design was intended "to affect thro' the eyes what we fail to convey to the public through their word-proof ears. " 他称其设计的目的是,通过双眼看到的图像向公众表达自己的思想,去影响他们之中那些不受话语左右的人。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. You think the sails are so hung that it cannot fail to work? 你认为这些翼板这样挂不会不转动吧? www.bing.com 5. Too often, personnel in financial institutions fail to understand the regulators' viewpoints and needs. 很多时候,金融机构的人员无法理解监管机构的观点和需求。 www.ftchinese.com 6. As Puss went proudly along in boots, he did not fail to warn everybody in the same way. 那只骄傲的猫穿着靴子继续向前跑去,一路上,它也没有忘了向它看到的每个人发出警告。 www.zftrans.com 7. Doctors who perform colonoscopy, for instance, may fail to see precancerous lesions. 那些偏爱于肠镜的医生也有不能准确识别癌前病变的可能。 news.dxy.cn 8. I am currently out of the office at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position . Please be prepared for my mood. 我现在不在办公室、在外头面试一工作。如果成不了,我就回来回复你——你最好有心理准备我会发飙。 www.bing.com 9. Consumers electronics companies and others fail to see the merits in a repeat performance. 消费电子产品企业和其它企业无法看到重复的表演中有任何的好处。 www.bing.com 10. Predictions based on past patterns of mortality, they say, fail to take account of trends among the young. 他们指出,那种基于过去的死亡率的预测方式没有考虑到年轻人的变化趋势。 www.ecocn.org 1. Don't be among the many managers who fail to give their employees ongoing performance feedback and, instead, wait for the scheduled review. 不要和那些不为员工提供持续的反馈,只是干等定期评估检讨的管理者为伍。 www.bing.com 2. Are there any traditionally recognized words of English (in the appropriate sense of "word" ) that fail to satisfy Bloomfield's definition? 英语中有没有传统认为是词(在“词”的合适意义上)却不能满足布龙菲尔德定义的词? tiantian3519.blog.163.com 3. A deeper reason could be that the French often fail to see the connection between the government's money and their taxes. 更深层次的原因也许是,法国人经常看不到政府支出与他们税收之间的联系。 www.ecocn.org 4. So even to-day, when we fail to see the truth of religion, we seek in its observance an artistic gratification. 所以,甚至在今天,在我们还看不到宗教的真理时,我们只能从宗教的仪式里去寻求艺术的满足。 www.bing.com 5. Any international conferences that fail to comply with the regulations or have no substance shall not be held or organized. 凡不符合规定、无实质内容的国际会议一律不得举办或承办。 blog.163.com 6. As long as you do your best , you never fail to get what you want. 只要你竭尽全力,一定能够得到你想要的。 bbs.kekenet.com 7. The great majority either fail to obey Shirky's Law, or else are knockoffs that do little not already done by an existing site. 它们中的大多数要么没有遵守Shirky定律,要么毫无创新之处。 www.bing.com 8. Sasha is hardly the first NBA player to fail to live up to his potential. 武贾西奇并不是第一个没有实现他的潜在能力的人。 www.kobechina.com.cn 9. Nor could any such spectator fail to know in his own breast, that these men, through their very delusions, showed great qualities. 任何一个观察者也决不会内心里不知道,这些人正由于他们的种种幻想而表现出一些崇高的品质。 10. Many will at the last fail to obtain salvation, not because they made no effort, but because they did not make effort enough! 很多人在得救的道路上失败,不是因为他们没有付出努力,而是因为他们努力得不够! www.shengjing.org 1. Being so far apart Fail to hold my hand tight Yet you have taken away my heart Your silent departure leading me to gloomy night. 彼此相隔远,无法手牵手。君为窃心贼,别后夜忧郁。 www.bing.com 2. People easystm to fail to get into account the fact these education did not end dawn graduation. 大部份人似乎忽视了教人育才不因该随着结业而结束这一事实。 www.ffenglish.com 3. I fail to recall his name or where I met him when I hit upon him in a party. 我在宴会上遇到他的时候,想不起他的名字也不记得曾在那里见过他。 4. I'm wrong, I fail to live up to the expectations of parents, teachers, teaching, school culture. 我不对,我有错,我辜负了父母的期望,老师的教诲,学校的培养。 wenwen.soso.com 5. If Europe's governments fail to put their bickering aside, they risk triggering the unthinkable: the implosion of the euro. 如果欧洲各国政府依然争论不休,它们可能会引发无法想像之事:欧元的内爆。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Obviously, they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that a persons education is a most important aspect of his life. 显然,他们忽视了教育是人生重要部分这一基本事实。 edu.21cn.com 7. The Museum reserves the right to charge admission and cancel relevant services if the applicants fail to produce the confirmation letter . 否则本馆有权向参观者收取入场费及取消已预约之服务。 www.bing.com 8. Funny inspirational quotes never run out of fashion, they never fail to make you laugh or just give a smile on your long sad face. 趣味性励志名言从不会过时,一定会使你开怀大笑,会在你长久哀伤的脸上勾画出一抹微笑。 www.wzxwbp.com 9. If the aeronautical authorities fail to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be settled by negotiations between the Contracting Parties. 如果缔约双方航空当局未能达成协议,则由缔约双方通过谈判解决争议。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 10. Fail to leave those that are harmful and one's ascent will cease leading to death. 未能离开有害的人,则提升将停止并导致死亡。 dict.bioon.com 1. If you fail to pay any court-ordered child support, an assignment of your wages will be obtained without further notice to you. 如果你拒绝支付法院裁定的子女抚养费,那么有关的抚养费将从你的工资中扣除而不必另行通知你。 www.tdict.com 2. Proved incompetent for its own job, and after training or change of position, still fail to be qualified or competent in that regard. 甲方员工不能胜任工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位,仍不能胜任工作的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Do not fail to consider the indications on Time, both from main tops and bottoms, also Volume of Sales and position on Geometrical Angles. 务必考虑从主要顶部和底部的时间指示、交易量以及几何角度线上的位置。 www.chinavalue.net 4. For this I will love you all until I die and never fail to be forever indebted to each and every one of you. 为了弥补这些我会爱你们所有人直到我死也永远不会停止感激你们每个人。 evan-taubenfeld.5d6d.com 5. I may fail to bring you to justice, and your fame may protect you from consequences for your reprehensible actions. 我可能无法将你绳之以法,你的名声可能保护你免受你应受谴责的行为的后果。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Only control-freaks and some others with a less serious mental disability fail to understand this. 只有控制狂和一个不太严重的精神残疾有些不明白这一点。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Those who view liquidation of past excesses as the solution fail to understand the risks. 那些认为清除过去的金融过度现象就能解决问题的人,未能理解风险所在。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If these trade surplus countries fail to prop up the T-bills, the dollar will collapse as well. 如果贸易顺差国不去支撑国库债,美元将会崩溃。 dongxi.net 9. Designers often fail to understand the complexity of the issues and the depth of knowledge already known. 设计师通常不能理解对问题的复杂性和对已有知识的深度了解。 sinaurl.cn 10. Because we fail to live up to such standards, we've brought great shame and pain to God's people, God's church. 往往因为我们没有达到这些标准和资格,我们也将莫大的羞耻和痛苦带给了神的百姓和神的教会。 www.hcchome.org 1. In Britain's crowded prisons many fail to connect with activities and training that will send them out again better than they came in. 英国拥挤的监狱里,很多罪犯没有机会参加那些有助于他们出狱后重新生活的活动和培训。 www.ecocn.org 2. These playful and gentle creatures never fail to amuse adults and children alike lucky enough to observe them in zoos. 这些活泼、温和的动物总是逗得有幸在动物园内观赏到它们的大人及小孩子开心。 dushaoyimo.blog.163.com 3. and that contracts can and will be terminated if the companies fail to perform as well as the public sector does. 如果做的不好,不论是他们亦或是公共部门,合同都会,也将被政府终止。 www.ecocn.org 4. Familiar as this sort of data is, the numbers never fail to shock. 虽然这类数据已经耳熟能详,但它们总是会令人感到吃惊。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Because computers can fail, it is possible to update a row in one table, but fail to update the row in the other table. 因为计算机可能发生故障,所以,可能在一个表中更新了一行,但未能在其他表中更新相应行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Should the guest fail to check in on time, one night room charge would be collected by the hotel as compensation. 若当天客人不能如期到达,酒店则收取一晚的房费作损失费。 www.asiadcp.com 7. All overall plans for land utilization which fail to comply with the above principle and requirements have to be revised. 不符合上述原则和要求的土地利用总体规划,都要重新修订。 www.lawyee.com 8. We fail to have calls screened by a competent secretary or assistant, or we leave our door open, virtually assuring constant interruptions. 我们无法有一个称职的秘书或助理过滤电话,或者我们给我们的门打开,几乎保证恒定的中断。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. They fail to take it a step further. 但他们未能采取了一步。 actuafreearticles.com 10. Because if you fail to do so in this single market there will likely be an issue the next time you raise another fund. 因为,如果你在这个单一市场上没做到这一点,下次要发起另一只基金就会出问题。 www.ftchinese.com 1. eg. The hotel's service fail to live up to the advertiser's claims. 这家旅馆的服务并没有达到广告商所宣称的那么好。 studioclassroom.net 2. I do not think a day passes in my life in which I fail to look with fresh amazement at the miracle of nature. 我认为在我生命中没有一天我不是用新奇的眼光来看待自然的奇迹的。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Men fail to see a way out simply because they are hypnotized. Imagination is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. 人看不见出路只是因为他们被催眠了,而想象就是使他们留在催眠状态的力量。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. And yet, despite this consensus, we continually fail to deliver. 可是,尽管达成了共识,我们仍未能实现我们的目标。 gb.cri.cn 5. Mr Musharraf must hope his opponents will at least fail to win a two-thirds parliamentary majority. 穆沙拉夫必需希望他的对手们至少无法赢取议会中三分之二的多数席位。 www.ecocn.org 6. If the detectors fail to find any super particles by the end of the year, the theory could be in serious trouble. 如果探测器到年末都无法找到任何超级粒子,所谓的超对称理论的正确性就值得怀疑了! www.bing.com 7. Users cannot fail to be impressed by the stunning graphics of this thrilling strategy game. 玩家通过这扣人心弦的令人震惊的战略局势游戏将不能不留下深刻的印象。 bbs.wda.com.cn 8. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the issue shall be settled by the patent administrative department of the State Council. 双方不能达成协议的,由国务院专利行政部门裁决。 www.lawinfochina.com 9. But astronomers think the next upswing will be less intensive than normal, or could fail to happen at all. 但天文学家们认为下一次的太阳活动强度的上升要弱于往常,甚至有可能完全不会发生。 www.bing.com 10. fail to live up to my tears again streaming down, is happy tears, is moved tears. 我那不争气的泪水又流了下来,是欣喜的泪水,是感动的泪水。 www.bing.com |
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