单词 | fail | ||||
释义 | fails是fail的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:fails 现在分词:failing 过去式:failed v. n. fail exam,fail test,fail examination,fail course,fail auction adv. v. fail miserably,fail altogether,consistently fail,invariably fail,persistently fail
例句释义: 失败,不能,错误,倒闭,不及格,不及格者,失期,次失败后,失败的有,故障 1. Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am a descendent of slaves , but it fails to register depression with me. 身边总有人在不断使我想到自己是个努力的后代,但这并没有使我沮丧。 hi.baidu.com 2. Rollback is called if the installation of any component in the installation project fails. 如果安装项目中任何组件的安装失败,则会调用Rollback。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Patients in whom appropriate therapy fails or corneal involvement develops should be referred to an ophthalmologist. 对于那些上述治疗方法失败或病变影响角膜的病人来说,应建议其至眼科医生处就诊。 www.bing.com 4. He never fails to phone his mother on her birthday. 每逢母亲过生日时,他都会打电话给她。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. An attempt to declare another global cursor with the name xyz after the stored procedure completed fails with a duplicate name error. 当该存储过程完成后,试图使用xyz名称声明另一个全局游标的操作将失败,因为出现了重复的名称错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Killing Spree: This ability no longer breaks stealth if it fails due to all targets being out of range. 杀戮盛宴:当这个技能由于所有目标都不在范围之内而失败时,不再取消潜行。 sky.atfriday.com 7. Thrown when an explicit conversion from a base type to an interface or to a derived type fails at runtime. 当从基类型到接口或派生类型的显式转换在运行时失败时,就会引发此异常。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Local officials have warned that China faces a catastrophe if it fails to stop erosion and other problems around the reservoir. 一些地方官员警告说,如果不能制止水库附近的泥土侵蚀和其他问题,中国会面临一场大灾难。 ept-cn.com 9. Juventus-owned Fabrizio Miccoli is ready to leave Benfica if he fails to regain his spot in the starting line-up. 尤文图斯拥有的米科利已准备好离开本非卡,如果他没法在首发阵容中找到自己的位置。 juventusblog.blog.163.com 10. He never fails to write to his mother every week. 他从没忘记每周给母亲写信。 1. Of course, everyone wants to be such a man, but often fails to do so due to various reasons. 当然了,谁都想战略主动,但是由于种种原因,往往做不到。 tuyelt.com 2. The exception that is thrown when an attempt to check out a file that is checked into a source code management program is canceled or fails. 当签出已签入源代码管理程序中的文件的尝试已取消或失败时将引发的异常。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Assuming you can get used to the traffic (not as easy as it sounds), Hanoi never fails to leave an impression on its guests. 假如你能适应那里的交通(并不像听起来那么容易),河内从不会让游客失望。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The UK Government simply fails to understand that research, as the name suggests, is intrinsically unpredictable. 英国政府很明显没了解到“研究”二字正如其名,是相当难以预测的。 www.bing.com 5. If one of the nodes in a cluster fails (known as a failover event), the Cluster service takes control of the cluster. 如果群集中的一个节点发生故障(称为故障转移事件),则群集服务将取得群集的控制权。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Each daemon usually has its own log file, which makes it easy to hunt down issues when a service fails. 通常,每个守护进程都拥有自己的日志文件,这使得当一个服务失败时很容易搜寻所发生的问题。 www.ibm.com 7. Ah Wu fails to turn up. Yingxiong, Dadi and Ziyi look for him anxiously and finally find him at his mother's grave. 阿武迟迟没在赛场出现,英雄、大地、姿宜等焦急地到处找他,终于在黎明的坟前找到他,但阿武却不想再去比赛。 alive.tom.com 8. If Mr. Maliki fails to produce a new government within a month, the constitution requires the president to nominate another candidate. 如果马利基不能在一个月之内组建新政府,按照伊拉克宪法规定,总统必须提名另外一名总理候选人。 www.360abc.com 9. It also seems to be haunted by the potential consequences for its credibility if it acts and fails. 似乎它也担心如果采取行动失败后会对其信誉产生潜在的影响。 www.24en.com 10. Implement the solution. Keep to the agreement and, if one of you fails to do so, point it out in a calm, non-aggressive way. 实施方法。按照协定去做。如果有一方没有做到,那么就用平静的、非侵犯的方法指出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Like a rock that fails to stem the river in its flow, so the death of a loved one should not stop life in its stride. 就像一块石头,它不能阻止江河的流动一样,心爱人的死亡不应当阻止你大踏步地前进着的生活。 www.bing.com 2. He told The Guardian: "The [attorney general's] note fails to clarify the extent to which force might be used to protect civilians. " 他告诉卫报,司法部长的解读没有清楚的说明,为保护平民,可以使用哪些武力。 www.bing.com 3. Behavioural economists point out cases in which our decisions don't match neoclassical theory, and thus the "as if" defence fails. 行为经济学家指出,在一些案例中,我们的决定与新古典主义经济理论并不相符,因此“宛若”理论不成立。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If it fails to inflate, or you need top up the air, blow into this tube. A light and whistle are provided to attract attention. 充气失败,或者你需要补充充气,向管子直接吹气即可。照明灯和哨子供你引起注意使用。 www.ttxyy.com 5. If it fails to do so the United States, Europe and Mexico could eventually be allowed to respond with equivalent trade sanctions. 如果中国两样都不执行,那么美国,欧盟和墨西哥最后将被准许以对等的贸易制裁来回应。 www.bing.com 6. If all else fails, look for a new job. Continuing to fight and fear Creepy is not worth the ulcer you are no doubt developing. 如果上述方法全都失败,那就重新找工作吧。继续对抗和担心怪人无疑弊大于利。 www.kekenet.com 7. And if the money paid for purchase fails to be returned after the announcement period expires, the money shall be considered illegal gains. 公告期限届满仍无法退还的价款,以违法所得论处。 www.fane.cn 8. Few things are impossible in themselves; and it is often for want of will , rather than of means, that man fails to to succeed. 没有什么事情是不可能的,人们总是因为空想而不行动导致最终的失败 bbs.ebigear.com 9. The semantics of these commands must be preserved across the sites, even if communication between the sites fails. 这些命令的句义必须保留在在各个站点之间,甚至在发生故障的站点之间的通信中。 technet.microsoft.com 10. When a divergence of MACD-Histogram fails to produce a reversal, it gives a Hound of the Baskervilles signal. 当MACD柱背离不能产生反转,它就发出了巴斯克维尔猎犬信号。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If a criminal sentenced to a fine fails to pay the fine within the time limit, the People's Court shall compel him to pay. 第二百一十九条被判处罚金的罪犯,期满不缴纳的,人民法院应当强制缴纳; www.zftrans.com 2. If it fails you, at least while doing these things you won't have time to think of your problems. 假如这些方法都不起作用,至少,当你在做这些事的时候,你就没有时间来想你的问题。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Anyone proposing a strategy that fails to take account of these combined crunches is about to fall to earth with a bump. 任何人提出解决危机的策略,如果不考虑这些组合的危机都将受到重创。 www.bing.com 4. Rather, being employed merely provides financial security that enables a woman to leave when all else fails. 有工作仅仅意味着一旦婚姻失败,女人可以用经济后盾提出离婚。 www.jfdaily.com 5. If it fails to cross the next expected device, the system shows its location on the three-dimensional display of the area. 如果车辆没有穿过下一个设备,系统在该地区的三维显示图上显示其位置。 www.21csp.com.cn 6. Sometimes a mother fails to be aware of their deeply-beloved children's fault, which leads to a consequence that the children do that again. 做母亲的有时候不能察觉她们所深爱的孩子们的过错.这样做的结果会使孩子们再次犯错。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. if consultation fails, the matter shall be determined by the maritime court. 协商不成的,由海事法院决定。 www.bing.com 8. Conditions are the basis of any agreement, and if one of them fails or is broken, the agreement is breached. 条件是协议的基本内容,违反任何一个条件,或任何一个条件未得到满足,即构成违约。 blog.163.com 9. So you put that up front so that, if it fails, at least you know you don't have to reset the whole thing. 所以你才把它放在最前面,即使它出错了,至少你知道你不需要全部返工。 www.ted.com 10. His first completed work--a slice of bread, a slice of bread on top of that, and a slice of turkey on top of both--fails miserably. 他完成的首件作品——一片面包,上面再放一块,然后在两片面包之上放片火鸡肉——惨遭失败。 www.douban.com 1. Superficial virtue never fails to be virtuous, Therefore it has no virtue. 上德无为而无以为;下德无为而有以为。 g314visual.e6t.net 2. If these match, but the exact match fails, a diagnostic is often reported. 如果这些匹配,但精确的匹配失败,那么通常报告一个诊断结果。 www.ibm.com 3. What Paul Krugman fails to wrap his head around is the fact that money is not synonymous with wealth or capital. 保罗·克鲁格曼脑袋里最缺那根弦——事实上货币并非财富和资本的同义词。 yyzznn2008.blog.163.com 4. Declined men will then move on to the next girl, or if he totally fails, sit on his own. 被拒绝的男生会走向下一个女生,如果没有人选择,他就只能独自坐在一边了。 www.24en.com 5. Fails to satisfy at least the requirements 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 (there is quite a bit of error checking before code generation, though). 这个框架至少不能满足要求2,4,5,6,8(尽管在代码生成之前有一些错误的检查)。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 6. If it fails to do so, Greece may be forced to bid farewell to its membership of the euro zone, whether it wants to or not. 如果不这样做,希腊可能被迫告别其对欧元区的成员,不管是要或不要。 www.maynet.cn 7. One of these is "service life" , which represents the actual life of a bearing in real operating conditions before it fails. 其中一种是“使用寿命”,表示轴承在实际运行条件下出现失效前的实际寿命。 www.skf.com 8. The FTP operations can be configured to stop the File System task when the operation fails, or to transfer files in ASCII mode. FTP操作可以配置为在操作失败时停止文件系统任务,或以ASCII模式传输文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. In both cases, these things tell you that you can think of curl as measuring how much the field fails to be conservative. 两种情况下,都可以认为旋度,度量了该向量场偏离“保守性”的程度。 open.163.com 10. Fly straight up, as fast as you can. If this fails to shift your reality location, at least you will experience space flight. 尽你所能快地直向上飞。如果这无法转换你的现实场所,至少你会经历到空中飞行。 www.chinaufo.com 1. But we have learnt from the Lehman collapse and know not to leave the sector high and dry when a systemic institution fails. 但我们已从雷曼破产中吸取了教训,明白当可影响全局的金融机构破产时,不要让整个行业处于孤立无援的境地。 www.ftchinese.com 2. if consultation fails, the matter shall be submitted to their common superior people's court for designation of jurisdiction. 协商解决不了的,报请他们的共同上级人民法院指定管辖。 www.falvm.com.cn 3. Fifth, it is often said Ms Merkel fails to realise that saving the euro is profoundly in Germany's own interests. 第五,人们常说,默克尔未能认识到拯救欧元完全符合德国本国利益。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If the director fails to comply with subsection (1), he shall be liable to a fine and, for continued default, to a daily default fine. 如该董事没有遵从第(1)款的规定,他可被处罚款,如属持续失责,则可处近日计算的失责罚款。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If China still fails to respond, the Treasury, by the time of its autumn report, will no longer be able to deny the obvious. 如果中国在那时还没有行动,那么财政部将不能再在秋季出炉的报告中,否认明显的事实。 www.ecocn.org 6. But some people can develop the disease known as shingles if their immune system fails to keep pace, he said. 但是有些人可以发展这种疾病称为带状疱疹如果他们的免疫系统没有跟上,他说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This is a very risky business, especially at a time like this. If it fails, you will go broke. Think twice. 这是非常危险的行业,尤其是在这个时候。万一失败了,你就要破产了,我劝你三思而行。 www.zzlt.cn 8. It's a short movie but it fails to keep you attracted but due that it is one of his first attempts I give it a 4. 这是一个简短的电影,但它无法让你吸引,但由于这是他第一次尝试一个我给它4。 www.wan126.com 9. And it's precisely because you're on the front lines in our communities that you know what happens when Washington fails to do its job. 正是因为你们在我们社区的前沿,你们知道在华盛顿不能履行其职责时会发生什么。 www.yappr.cn 10. fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retaliation permitted by WTO rules. 若美国不顾道义,安提瓜称其会考虑从事些音乐软件的翻版事业,此类报复是WTO规则所允许的。 dict.kekenet.com 1. if it fails to express precisely the meaning of the author, if it does not say him, it says nothing, and is nothing. 如果它没有精确地表达作家的意义,如果它不他,它什么也不,而且什么也不是。 taody.com 2. When all this fails, Rachel decides to leave right away for London to tell Ross how she feels. 但忍无可忍的瑞秋最终决定赶往伦敦对罗斯一诉衷肠。 www.hxen.com 3. If it fails, traditionalists will no doubt scoff at the idea that teaching through playing games was ever seriously entertained. 如果他们失败了,那些传统保守的人们肯定会就此嘲弄一番“还真有人把游戏教学当回事儿了”。 www.ecocn.org 4. She fails to let him understand how much she loves him in his mother tone when they apart from each other. 当他们彼此分开后,她无法用男孩的母语让对方明白自己的感觉。 hi.baidu.com 5. I guess it's my elder sister. She always seems to be doing the right thing and never fails to give encouragement when I need them. 我大姐,她是那种永远不会出错的人,也常在我最需要时鼓励我。 spaces.msn.com 6. Cambiasso is often the instigator of attacks, his passing and creativity is intelligent, and he rarely fails to find his target with a ball. 坎比亚索经常是进攻的发起者,他的传球聪明且有创造力,而且他带球很稳,极少失误(这句貌似是这么翻译)。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He said the bill fails to address usury issues. 他说,这项法案没有解决高利贷问题。 www.bing.com 8. If Stella fails to make a car payment, the bank has the right to take possession of her car. 如果Stella未能支付车的贷款,银行有权利收回她的车。 www.elanso.com 9. If Copenhagen fails to produce a strong deal, countries will have little option but to carry on negotiating next year. 如果哥本哈根峰会未能达成强有力的协议,那么各国几乎别无选择,只能明年继续谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 10. But if that fails, you need to be ready to stick at it for a long time. 但如果没有做到这一点,那我们就必须做好长期作战的准备。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But if one of the pumps fails, they may still have to make a call: not all the valves can be remotely controlled. 但如果有一台水泵出现了故障,他们可能还是要拨打电话,因为有些阀门还没有实现远距遥控。 www.ecocn.org 2. in the developed world at least, electricity is now so ubiquitous that most people notice it only when it fails to work. 至少在发达国家,电是如此普遍,大多数人只在没电的时候才会注意到它。 www.bing.com 3. In Detroit, could a worker who sets out on his own and fails expect to be re-employed within a few months? 在底特律,工人独自创业却又失败了,他能指望在几个月内重新受雇吗? www.ecocn.org 4. The save operation checks that this state is still the current one, and fails if it is not. 保存操作检查该状态是否仍然是当前状态,如果不是则失败。 www.ibm.com 5. If it fails to strengthen regional ties, it is destined to see its economic expansion hemmed in by unsympathetic and threatening neighbours. 如果印度不能加强区域联系,它就注定会看到,自己的经济扩张被冷漠而充满敌意的邻国所遏制。 www.ftchinese.com 6. When all else fails, you need a way to gracefully get out of a conversation with a difficult or unreasonable customer. 当所有努力都宣告失败,你需要找到一个完美的收场方式,结束与一位难打交道或无理的客户的谈话。 www.elanso.com 7. It also fails if the surface is a member of a mipmap or cube map, and any other mipmap or cube map member is locked. 如果图面是mipmap或立方体图的一个成员,并且已锁定了任何其他mipmap或立方体图成员,则此方法也将失败。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. When the master fails, the system falls back to read-only mode until one of the secondary servers is promoted to a master. 当主服务器发生故障时,系统将故障转移到只读模式,直到将其中某个辅助服务器升级为主服务器。 www.ibm.com 9. Static routing also fails completely to adapt to network outages and failures along the route due to the fixed nature of the route. 静态路由由于路由固定的特性,因此根本无法根据路由来适应网络中断和故障。 translations.launchpad.net 10. Recent legislation strengthens oversight of the firms but fails to clarify the public purpose of the GSEs' portfolios, he said. 伯南克称,近期通过的法案加强了对两家公司的监管,但未能明确其投资组合的公共目标。 cn.reuters.com 1. Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves. It fails to register depression with me. 身边总有人不断提醒我自己是个奴隶的后代,但这并没有使我沮丧。 www.tingclass.com 2. He never fails to write to his mother every month. 他从来不忘记每月写信给他的母亲。 www.jxenglish.com 3. Although our rachis, artifice, eyeball has been used to liquid crystal screen, but at least cerebrum still fails to be used to far. 即使我们的脊柱、手腕、眼球已经习惯液晶屏幕,可至少大脑还远远未能习惯。 www.showxiu.com 4. Here is the statement. The curl is just going to measure how much your vector field fails to be conservative. 下面是定理的表述,旋度是用来,度量向量场保守性的。 open.163.com 5. Due to the synchronous nature of the logging client, the business application needs to fail in case the logging application fails. 由于日志客户端的同步特性,如果日志应用程序运行失败则业务应用程序同样也会失败。 www.ibm.com 6. Heart failure is a debilitating condition in which the heart fails to pump an adequate supply of blood throughout the body. 心力衰竭使人处于虚弱状态,心脏不能泵出足够的血液输送到全身各部。 news.dxy.cn 7. You can believe in him. He never fails to live up to his word. 你可以相信他,他永远不会违背自己的诺言。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. A really great product is only a few words away from a product that often fails to work. 一件真正好的产品和一件经常难以使用的产品相比,在词汇表达上,也只是有那么几个词不同而已。 www.bing.com 9. The project closure may have to be postponed by one release if it fails to satisfy this criterion. 如果这个项目不能达到这个标准,这个项目的结束不得不通过依次的延迟发布版本来完成。 www.ibm.com 10. "You speak the truth, sire, " replied the young man, "for it never fails to bring me a most bountiful harvest. " “您所言极是,陛下,”年轻人说,“因为它总是让我收获颇丰。” www.bing.com 1. When a vessel, installation, or aircraft is in distress, if it fails to, as in violation of Article 34 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law. 违反《海上交通安全法》第三十四条规定,船舶,设施或飞机遇难时。 www.juyy.net 2. Brazil also risks patting itself on the back so much that it fails to see the colossal work that remains to be done. 巴西还有过于自满的危险,有可能会看不到仍有大量工作要做。 chinese.wsj.com 3. If all else fails, you may have to stop and walk briskly for a few seconds while concentrating on deep breathing. 如果其他所有的都失败了,你不得不停下来,快速地步行一段时间,同时集中精力在深呼吸上。 www.bing.com 4. When I run make, it seems to run fine but then fails when it tries to link the final application complaining that it can't find some files. 当我运行make时,看上去一切正常,可当连接最后的程序时报告说找不到某些文件而失败了。 uk.php.net 5. And he is concerned that this problem could threaten the stability of the banking system if the economy fails to recover. 克鲁格曼还担心,若经济无法复苏,这一问题可能危及银行体系的稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He did not. If Mr Zapatero fails to pull off his balancing act this time, he may not get another chance. 这一次,如果他搞砸了他的平衡戏法,他可能不会再有第二次机会。 www.24en.com 7. It also helps to isolate bugs; if the test for the helper fails, you know that it, not the aspect, is to blame. 它还有助于隔离问题,如果helper类的测试失败,就会知道是它而不是方面有问题。 www.ibm.com 8. If ESE fails before a transaction is committed, the entire transaction is rolled back, and it is as if the transaction never occurred. 如果ESE在提交事务之前停止响应,将回滚整个事务,就好像从未执行过该事务一样。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Ingram makes several attempts to take over Cobray's body but fails, since Cobray began to forge his own personality and soul. 英格拉姆曾多次试图占有卡博雷的身体,但都失败了,这都是因为卡博雷开始塑造自己的人格和灵魂。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration. 虽然他可能峻厉了一点,但他无时无刻不默示出他的关心和关心。 www.haosc.cn 1. But just as the waterfall approach fails when we're writing software, it would fail in making a movie as well. 但正如这种瀑布式方法在编写软件时是失败的一样,在电影制作时这种方法也会失败。 www.ibm.com 2. With passions running high, the question of whether readers will pay never fails to spark spirited discussion online. 虽然报纸行业对付费模式的激情高涨,但读者是否会付费阅读一直以来都会在网上引发热烈的讨论。 dongxi.net 3. He is very clever at improving excuses when he fails to do what is expected of him . 当他未能完成期望他做的事时,他很善于临时找个借口来为自己来开脱。 www.bing.com 4. You should use the following information only if the program fails to open a file that you think was automatically saved. 仅当此程序无法打开您认为是自动保存的文件时才应该使用以下信息。 office.microsoft.com 5. A day may come when all the courage of men fails. . . . . . . But it's not this day. THIS DAY WE FIGHT! 也许有一天,人类的勇气会消失殆尽……但不是今天。今天我们要战胜它! music.ent.tom.com 6. If the applicant fails to meet such conditions, no License shall be issued, and a written reply shall be made to the applicant. 对不具备上述条件的,不予发证,并书面答复申请人。 www.eduzhai.net 7. If it fails, appropriate adjustments can be made to the spectrum separating conditions. 如达不到要求,可对色谱分离条件作适当的调整。 bbs.translators.com.cn 8. If he fails to turn up, he risks being represented by an empty chair. 若布朗没有出现,那他就是冒着拿空椅子当代表的危险。 www.ecocn.org 9. He never fails to throw me a lifeline at the eleventh hour. 他总能在最后一刻赶到现场并替我解围。 www.neworiental.org 10. Those doubts will not stop the crowds turning out for him, even if he fails to commandeer the Brandenburg Gate as his backdrop. 这些疑虑不会阻止民众出门投票,即使他未能“征用”勃兰登堡门作为自己的演说台。 www.ecocn.org 1. High breathing is naturally shallow and a larger percentage of it fails to reach the alveoli and enter into useable gaseous exchange. 锁骨呼吸的缺点在于呼吸深度浅,而且大部分的新鲜空气无法抵达肺泡,使得气体交换变得很没有效率。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. These scripts can start and stop a program, but they do not automatically restart the program if it fails. 这些脚本可以启动和停止程序,但是不能在程序出现故障时自动重启程序。 www.ibm.com 3. Finally, AutoDetect will attempt to set a cookie and, if it fails, will use URL munging instead. 最后,AutoDetect会尝试设定一个cookie而如果失败将会使用URL参数来处理。 www.cnblogs.com 4. When one of the disks fails, the missing part of information can be computed from remaining data and its parity. 当其中的一个磁碟损坏,失去的资料可以从其他资料以及奇偶检验资讯计算出来。 debian.fr 5. If the Customer fails to pay any sum due and payable hereunder, the Bank may appoint debt collection agencies to collect the same. 若客户未能支付在本协议下到期及应付的款项,本行可委任收账公司代为收取该等款项。 www.americanexpress.com 6. No doubt that he fails in the end. However, Mr. Bean still stays optimistic, as he always does. 当然,最好他失败了,但是乐观的憨豆还是很坦然。 fw.t135.com 7. When an attempt to view a fourth account occurs, the application either waits until one of the first three windows closes or it fails. 当试图查看第四个帐户时,应用程序或者等到前三个窗口中有一个关闭,或者该尝试失败。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The owner May ask the court for an order to distrain upon the furniture of any person who fails to pay his rent. 房主可以要求法院下令,扣押所有不付租金的人的家具。 dict.ebigear.com 9. If you specify any other element as the source for the transformation, the transformation fails during validation. 如果您指定任何一个其它元素作为转换的源文件,转换进程就将在确认过程中被终止。 www.ibm.com 10. But if he fails even to hint that Christians should be tolerated, he may find America's Congress increasingly loth to help bail him out. 但他甚至竟未表示应对基督徒表示宽容,因此,美国国会在资金援助问题上将越发犹豫不决。 www.ecocn.org 1. Sometimes the registry may end up in an inconsistent state if any execution of wasprofile command fails unexpectedly. 如果wasprofile命令的执行发生意外失败,注册表有时会以不一致的状态终止。 www.ibm.com 2. mercy multiply partner persist precise prospect An insurance salesman sometimes calls on quite a few prospects but fails to make a sale. 保险公司推销员有时访问好几个可能的顾客却一笔生意也做不成。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Conscious that they will lose if Doha fails, some big trade powers, notably Brazil, at last appear ready to compromise. 意识到如果多哈回合失败将会带来损失,一些重要的谈判力量特别像巴西,最终还是准备妥协的。 www.ecocn.org 4. He said Fatah supports the peace process, but he warned that if diplomacy fails, the Palestinians could return to armed resistance. 他说,哈马斯支持和平进程,但他警告说,如果外交努力失败,巴勒斯坦人可以重返武装抵抗。 www.voanews.cn 5. Write a test that fails We selected the test that seemed the easiest to implement (although in this case they were all simple) and wrote it. 写一个失败的测试:我们选择了一个最容易实现的测试(虽然在这个例子中所有的都很简单)来实现。 www.bing.com 6. Do you know anything, or suspect anything, about once the financial system fails, if it does so, what would it be replaced by? 你知道一些,或能猜想到一些东西吗——就是一旦金融体系衰退了,假设它的确衰退了,那么取而代之的将是什么呢?。 51kantie.com 7. Mr Berlusconi's company is appealing against the award, but if it fails, it may have to sell assets. 贝卢斯科尼的公司对裁决提出上诉,但是缺失败了,它不得不出售它的资产。 www.ecocn.org 8. No material shall be released for manufacture, or product released for supply, if it fails to meet its approved quality specification. 如果不能满足经批准的质量要求,原料不准予用于生产,产品不能放行。 www.slideshare.net 9. The restructuring fails , the company goes under and bondholders lose more than they would have done under the proposed deal . 重组失败,公司破产,债券持有人遭受的损失超过重组情况下可能发生的损失。 www.bing.com 10. "If the euro fails, Europe fails but we will not allow that, " she said in Frankfurt. “如果欧元下跌,欧洲将会陷入困境,但我们将不会允许这种情况发生,”她在法兰克福表示。 cn.reuters.com 1. That mandate would be enforced by a financial penalty of up to $750 for any individual who fails to get coverage. 政府将向不购买保险的个人处以至多750美元的处罚。 cn.wsj.com 2. Unfortunately, the media tends to eviscerate any public figure who fails to comply precisely with nanny-state, orthodox views. 不幸的是,对于任何不能完全符合保姆国家正统观点的公众人物,媒体往往统统都会一棒打倒。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The bindtextdomain() function returns the directory pathname currently bound to the domain. If it fails, null pointer will be returned. 函数返回当前绑定到域的目录路径名。如果失败,返回空指针。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If the plan fails to meet the court's approval, the company may be forced into liquidation. 如果双龙汽车提交的计划不能获得法庭认可,公司可能被迫进行清算。 www.bing.com 5. Either Party who fails to perform its obligations as stipulated in this Agreement shall be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement. 任何一方未能按本协议规定履行其义务应视为对本协议的违约。 www.zftrans.com 6. It's important to note that the call that fails with an error might not be the cause of the error, which could have happened much earlier. 值得重点注意的是,因某个错误而失败的调用可能并不是该错误的原因,错误的原因可能已经在更早以前发生。 www.ibm.com 7. Besides, the "competition analysis" fails to recognize the very nature of the China grain trade networks. 此外,「中外经济竞争分析」忽略中国粮食贸易网络的本质。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. It had that vintage, woodcut texture to it that never fails to make people hungry. 它,葡萄酒,它木刻的纹理,从来没有失败使人们挨饿。 gtn9.com 9. If any other users have locked any one of the specified items, the lock operation fails. 如果有任何其他的使用者锁定了任一指定的项目,锁定作业就会失败。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. As unwinding leverage fails to be cushioned by a government check, prices go down on risk assets. 政府开出的支票无法支撑松垮的杠杆,风险资产价格下跌。 www.bing.com 1. He never fights in the drama. He plots, tries, but fails, to get the politics right and is full of self-doubt. 他在剧中没有打斗戏份,只是策划和尝试,他费尽心机却还是没有搞清楚政治的本质,并且对自身充满了怀疑。 item.feedsky.com 2. He never fails to write his mother every week. 他从来不忘记每个星期给他母亲写信。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. It also contains several static methods used for recovery of a durable resource when the durable resource fails. 它还包含几个在持久资源失败时用于恢复持久资源的静态方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. If one of the former rays fails to eliminate the foe, this ray might at least hamper it. 即使上述射线未能消灭对手,这道射线至少能牵制对方。 bbs.bfclan.net 5. But the implementation of such a policy runs into the world-wept financial crisis. For lack of flexible measures, the implementation fails. 但在实施这一政策时与席卷世界的经济大危机重合,由于种种原因没有采取灵活的经济政策,最后只能以失败收场。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Wal-Mart's construction of a sophisticated network could prove expensive if it fails to attract local shoppers. 如果沃尔玛未能吸引当地购物者,那么建设一个完善的网络,可能会被证明是代价昂贵的。 www.ftchinese.com 7. If this restore process fails, you might be able to use the existing files to restore your MSExchangeSRS service data. 如果该还原过程失败,您或许可以使用现有文件来还原MSExchangeSRS服务数据。 technet.microsoft.com 8. And if Mr Obama fails to deliver what he has signed up to, the damage to America's reputation, and his presidency, will be incalculable. 如果奥巴马未能兑现由他签署的承诺,那么对美国声誉损害及他的总统任期的影响都将是不可估量的。 www.ecocn.org 9. You smile like the sun, kisses for everyone and tales - it never fails. You're lying so low in the weed. 你的微笑像阳光,像吻一样温暖着每一个人。战争和传说-永远不会结束。你卧倒在杂草丛中。 www.yappr.cn 10. His new book, The Mystery of Capital, talks about the question of why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else. 在他的最新著作《资本的奥秘》里他谈到了为什么资本主义在西方取得胜利而在世界其它地方遭到失败的原因。 blog.tianya.cn 1. Check your proxy server settings. If the connection still fails, there may be a problem with your proxy server or your network connection. 请检查控制中心中的代理服务器设置。如果连接仍旧失败的话,您的代理服务器可能有问题,不然就是您的网络连接有问题。 translations.launchpad.net 2. When an applicant files an application, it shall provide a guarantee. If it or he fails to do so, the application shall be rejected. 申请人提出申请时,应当提供担保;不提供担保的,驳回申请。 www.lawinfochina.com 3. onlookers said the morning talks fails, Pan out of throwing acid. 围观者说,今天上午会谈失败,潘了泼硫酸。 www.qiyeku.com 4. If it fails to inflate , or you need to top up the air , blow into this tube. are provided to attract attention. 如果不能完成充气,,可以往这个管子里吹气。灯和口哨提供来引起注意。 www.cet4v.com 5. Validation controls allow you to validate an input control (like a TextBox), and display a message when validation fails. (检测)控件允许你检测一个输入控件(像一个文本框),并在检测失效时显示一条消息。 va1314.com 6. In case of any state structure changes in the application, session migration fails. 应用的状态结构只要有变化,会话迁移就会失败。 www.infoq.com 7. If one of the servers or any connection between the federation and the source server fails, the integrated view is not available. 如果某个服务器或联合与源服务器间的任何连接失败,集成视图就不可用。 www.ibm.com 8. The system will send an SMS notice to any expert who fails to participate of informing the reason for inability to participate. 对未能参加的专家,系统向其发送不能参加原因的告知短信。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This is, of course, particularly useful when it takes a long time to start your application or to get to the point where it fails. 如果应用程序启动时间较长或执行到程序失败的地方时间很长,那么这一点特别有用。 www.ibm.com 10. Each party to the contract has agreed to do something, and is liable for breach of contract if he fails to perform his part of agreement. 合同各方同意做某些事,如果当事人一方未能履行协议中规定的义务,他应承担违约责任。 www.hn1c.com 1. If the ship owner fails to pay back the loans, he will lose the ship to the bank. 如果船东未能偿还贷款,银行可行使权利处置作为抵押的船只。 www.treasurer.org.cn 2. If it fails, with delays in reconstruction or other problems, it could dent the military's reputation. 若任务失败,会导致重建延误或其他问题,这可能会使军队的名誉受损。 c.wsj.com 3. If you forget to do this, you may wonder why your next search fails to find words you know are in the document. 如果您忘记这样做,下次查找时,你可能不明白为什么无法找到你相信在文档中的内容。 ooo.pingju.org 4. If all else fails set him on fire- proving once and for all you're king of the jungle. 即使所有的其他方法都失败也可以让它惹祸上身——这证明你就是丛林之王。 www.kekenet.com 5. if it still fails , please send a complete code sample that fails , and we can take a look at it. 如果这样仍然不奏效,请将出错的全部代码发给我们,我们会仔细核查的。 www.ichacha.net 6. Note, however, that if one of the messages fails, the entire batch is put back in the queue for processing. 不过要注意,如果其中一条消息失败,那么将把整批事件发回到队列进行处理。 www.ibm.com 7. If the calling thread has no ownership of this mutex, this function fails. 如果调用线程并不拥有这个互斥信号量,那么这个函数的执行将会失败。 www.ibm.com 8. But a light that fails is still better than unchallenged darkness. 但是,一束失败的光影仍比未经受挑战的黑暗更有价值。 www.bing.com 9. So it is not easy to evaluate and predict stability of rocky slope by external deformation which is small before slope fails. 所以,对于在破坏之前变形量不大的岩质边坡,往往不易根据外部变形来判别稳定性。 10. Automated tests run test steps for you and determine whether the test passes or fails. 自动测试为您运行测试步骤,并确定测试是通过还是失败。 technet.microsoft.com 1. If one of the decodings fails, the remaining subset whose decoding failed is decoded at least in part according to the selected subset. 如果解码中的一个失败了,那么其解码失败的剩余子集至少部分地根据所选子集进行解码。 ip.com 2. If diplomacy fails and you decide that the military option is in the end the lesser evil, at least let it be our decision, not theirs. 如果外交上的努力失败了,而你又决定军事行动最终不是很邪恶,至少得让它是从我们嘴里出来的,而不是那群夜色猎人。 my.putclub.com 3. Note that sometimes the test that fails is not actually important and is only being run because a previous test failed. 请注意,有时测试失败仅仅是因为上一个测试的失败,这种失败实际上并不重要。 www.ibm.com 4. Represents a situation in which an attempted update fails because member values have been updated since the client last read them. 当由于客户端上次读取数据库值后这些值已被更新而导致更新失败时引发。 technet.microsoft.com 5. When confronted with the reality of his own deteriorating marriage, however, theory fails to rescue him. 但当面对自己婚姻恶化的现实时,理论却无法拯救他。 www.ecocn.org 6. It looks as if I'm the person who will be blamed if the plan fails, I am the fall guy . 看来,如果计划失败,我似乎是将受到谴责的人。我是替罪羊。 dict.wenguo.com 7. That wrong economic theory fails to take account of how the animal spirits affect economic behaviour. 这一错误的经济理论没有考虑到动物精神是如何影响经济行为的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If the specified project is not a deployment project, when the project that has been built is passed to be deployed, it fails with an error. 如果指定的项目不是部署项目,则当部署传递来的已生成项目时,会因错误而失败。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. A director or secretary who fails to comply with subsection (1) shall be liable to a fine. 任何董事或秘书没有遵从第(1)款,即属犯罪,可处罚款。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Praise yourself. If all else fails and no one is lavishing you with praise, do what my dad taught me to do: Pat yourself on the back. 夸夸自己。如果一切都搞砸了,没人给你鼓励和赞美,不妨听听我父亲的忠告:拍拍自己的背,鼓鼓自己的劲。 www.qeto.com 1. Officials have been forced to halt the plans, and say the plant will be scrapped if it fails to meet environmental standards. 官方不得不暂停规划,并表示如果达不到环境标准,这个焚烧厂就会放弃修建。 c.wsj.com 2. If all else fails, call in early and say you've awoken with a shattering migraine, at least you'll get the morning off. 如果这些都没戏,早点打进电话说你被严重偏头痛吵醒。这样你至少可以请一上午的假。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Besides, legally I had done the right thing, for a mad elephant has to be killed, like a mad dog, if its owner fails to control it. 何况从法律上讲,我只是做了正当的事,因为在主人控制不了的情况下,发狂的象被视同为一条疯狗,而疯狗是必须被处死的。 www.bing.com 4. When your dictionary fails you, take a look at some of these alternatives. 当你的词典让你失望的时候,不妨看看这些可选项中某些个。 www.bing.com 5. If for some reason this fails (like the specified folder does not exist), the task will fail and print an appropriate message. 如果这个操作由于某种原因失败(比如指定的文件夹不存在),则这个任务将失败并显示一条恰当的消息。 www.ibm.com 6. Sends changes that were made to retrieved objects to the underlying database, and specifies the action to be taken if the submission fails. 将对检索到的对象所做的更改发送到基础数据库,并指定提交失败时要采取的操作。 msdn.microsoft.com 7. where the violator fails to make corrections within the prescribed period, it may be ordered to suspend operating petroleum. 在限期内不改正的,可以责令其停止实施石油作业;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 www.bing.com 8. If the target creature fails its save, the psychic rogue can remain hidden as long as he maintains concentration on this ability. 如果目标生物未能通过豁免,灵能游荡者可以一直隐藏,只要他保持专注于这项能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Through amicable negotiation between the Parties or, if such negotiation fails, such dispute shall be brought to the court. 因履行本合同发生的争议,由当事人协商解决,协商不成的,依法向人民法院提起诉讼。 134931.vicp.cc 10. It learned during the depression that even a rich country can become impoverished if it fails to use its wealth to benefit the majority. 但在大萧条时期美国人懂得了如果一个国家不把财富造福社会,即使再富有也会遭受贫困。 www.sdau.edu.cn 1. By going over them in detail, you will learn to let your mind guide you when your emotional evaluation of a situation fails. 通过对它们细节的仔细反省,你会学会当你的情绪处在一个不佳状况时让你的理性指导你的行为。 www.05133.com 2. Having looked at gut reactions to him in focus groups and opinion polls, they are convinced that he fails the blink test, and quite badly. 在看过焦点小组和民意调查表中公众对其第一印象的记录后,他们确信,米利班德不仅没能通过选民的“眨眼测试”,而且印象非常糟糕。 www.ecocn.org 3. If it fails to connect, then the script will either exit or continue processing the rest of the script. 如果无法连接,那么脚本退出或者继续处理脚本的其余部分。 www.ibm.com 4. This transparency is significant when a physical CPU allocated to a logical partition fails in the midst of an executing application. 在执行应用程序期间,当为一个逻辑分区分配物理CPU失败的时候,这种透明性的意义非常重大。 www.ibm.com 5. One who fails is often because of uncertain target and not for the ability. 失败者多是因为目标不明确,而非能力不够。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. The inquiry heard that widows and children have suffered as a result of a financial settlement that fails to meet their needs. 调查委员会还获悉,此次医疗灾难所造成的死者遗孀和小孩没有得到所需的经济赔偿。 www.bing.com 7. The logic is simple: If one cloud fails, just move the information to another cloud. At most it will cause a few days of discomfort. 这种逻辑很简单:如果一个云系统失效了,只需把信息转移到另一个云上,最多会造成几天不适。 newssgo.com 8. If Europe fails to follow America's lead, it would be a blow for efforts to create a joined-up approach to global regulation. 如果欧洲不愿在这件事上紧跟美国,那么这将对联合创建全球化监管的努力造成严重打击。 www.ecocn.org 9. If you move the database, or the parent program fails, OLE renders the bitmap image, and you at least see a version of the original file. 如果您移动数据库,或者父程序出现故障,则OLE会呈现该位图图像,并且您至少可以看到原始文件的一个版本。 www.tdict.com 10. If any other users have locked any of the specified items, the lock operation fails. 如果任何其他用户已锁定任何指定项,则锁定操作将失败。 technet.microsoft.com 1. He never fails to astound us with his ability to dunk a basketball backwards without looking. 我们总是惊讶于她不回头看就能背投中的扣篮技术。 www.kekenet.com 2. If the signature is not verified , the authenticator is not added to the token and the attempt to access the external resource fails . 如果未验证签名,不会将身份验证者添加到标记中且尝试访问外部资源将失败。 www.bing.com 3. Ownership of the ship is transferred notwithstanding that the former ship-owner fails to cancel such registration. 原船舶所有人不办理船舶所有权注销登记的,不影响船舶所有权的转让。 www.bing.com 4. When it fails to take advantage of these opportunities . . . it is not making itself more secure; it's making itself less secure. 当它未能利用这些机会的时候……它不是在使自己更加安全;它是在使自己更不安全。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 5. Another convenient quality of this approach is what happens when a disk fails and a rebuild is required. 此方法的另外一个便捷性体现在磁盘出现故障且需要重建时。 www.ibm.com 6. Pressure in a cylinder or other container can build up due to heat and it may rupture if the pressure-relief device fails to function. 如果减压装置失效的话,容器内的压力会由于热而积累,从而导致钢瓶破裂。 www.51qiti.com 7. He is a real good manager of this department, but always fails to take care of his own stuff. 虽然他是很好的部门主管,但对自己的生活老是照顾不周。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. If it fails to do so, the contract provides for an immediate switch to pre-payment for gas supplies. 如果公司无法在3月7号之前偿清,按照合同规定,可以转为直接支付天然气供应的预付款。 www.ecocn.org 9. Relationships are established where you do all the giving and a one way relationship results, and that inevitable fails. 建立在你包揽所有付出之上的关系只有一种结果,那就是不可避免的失败。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But officials at the EPA also say that they are prepared to use the law if Congress fails to act. 但是环境保护机构的官员也声明如果国会不采取行动,那么他们准备好了使用这项法案。 www.bing.com 1. A person must be most slow-witted if he fails to see what is already widespread and abundant. 事物已经大量地普遍存在,还看不见,那就太迟钝了。 dict.wenguo.com 2. If any node in the cluster fails, subsequent requests can be processed by any other node in the cluster. 如果集群中有任何节点失败,后续请求便可由集群中的任何其他节点进行处理。 www.ibm.com 3. where consultation fails, it shall be handled according to the provisions of this Law and of other laws or administrative regulations. 协商不成的,依照本法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定处理。 www.bing.com 4. Finally, the message displayed if the validation fails needs to be added to the properties file, as shown in Listing 15. 最后,如果验证失败,需要将所显示的消息添加到属性文件,如清单15所示。 www.ibm.com 5. Anyone who fails to pay is issued with a fine by post. 任何未缴费的车辆将被公布并处以罚款。 www.ecocn.org 6. The last is of the drippy scion of the once-formidable founding family, who fails even to announce the paper's closure properly. 在故事结尾,创建报社、一度令人敬畏的家族传到不肖子孙手中,甚至都不能体面地宣告这家报纸倒闭。 www.ecocn.org 7. After his attempt to escape fails, he joins in the effort to save the city and finds the strength to fight the horrible plague. 他在尝试逃跑失败之后,加入了拯救该城的行列,并且找到对抗恐怖瘟疫的力量。 mysearch.100e.com 8. Apparently you can even have it delivered to your mobile phone, but your diarist fails to find that out on the website. 很明显你甚至可以将它发送到你的手机上,但我们的记者没有在网上找到这个。 www.ecocn.org 9. Meanwhile, when rock fails, stress is no completely released. After stress arrives to a new stress equilibrium strength, rock will fail. 同样,当岩石完全破坏之后,应力也没有立即完全释放,亦是达到新的应力平衡之后,才完全失去其强度。 www.rockmech.org 10. If conservative therapy fails or typical signs of peritonitis are present, aggressive surgical intervention would be the best choice. 如果行胃肠减压不见好转或有明确的腹膜炎体征应积极手术治疗。 www.zpwz.net 1. Redundant memory provides the system with a failover memory bank when a memory bank fails. 冗余内存在某个内存块故障时为系统提供一个故障转移的内存块。 support.microsoft.com 2. And he fails to provide footnotes to his sources, despite relying simply on his "journalist's instincts" . 但是,尽管有“记者的直觉”可以依靠,他也没有为他的见闻提供更好的注脚。 www.bing.com 3. This latest wireless equipment mostly fails to live up to expectations and in some cases underperforms against the previous generation. 这种最新的无线设备普遍有负众望,有时候性能还不如上一代产品。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This enables you to take advantage of more than one path to disk and allow failover to occur if the preferred path fails. 这使您能够利用多个磁盘路径,如果首选路径失败,可以进行故障恢复。 www.ibm.com 5. When an assertion fails, a message dialog box displays the name of the source file and the line number of the assertion. 当断言失败时,将有一个消息对话框显示断言的源文件的名称和行号。 technet.microsoft.com 6. When a man fails to achieve erection once, the next time he has sex he worries whether the same thing will happen again. 当一个男人曾经早泄过一次,那么当他下一次做爱的时候他会担心是否会发生同样的事。 www.bing.com 7. Check-in fails if you try to check in files that are part of a solution, but the solution is not currently open. 如果尝试签入作为某个解决方案一部分的文件,但该解决方案当前未打开,则签入会失败。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. But their critique fails to recognize that what went on in Atlanta most assuredly was not a case of individual bad actors. 但是从他们的评论中可以看出,他们并没有意识到亚特兰大作弊丑闻在很大程度上确切来说并不是个人的不端行为。 www.fanyitie.com 9. If it fails to restart halted reactors, Japan will be without nuclear power in less than nine months. 如果无法重启暂停工作的反应堆,再过不到九个月,日本就将没有核电了。 chinese.wsj.com 10. but the party fails to comply contract, the other party the right to request the court or arbitration to force or urge them to fulfill. 而是一方当事人不履行合同时,另一方当事人有权请求法院或仲裁机构强制或敦促其履行。 www.xiami360.com 1. Mr Grantham's lament reflects an underlying problem: valuation often fails to be a good short-term guide to the stockmarket's prospects. Grantham的哀叹揭示了个潜在的问题:价值对于股市短期预测毫无指导作用。 www.ecocn.org 2. In failover groups, however, access to the disk only needs to be prevented when VCS fails over the service group to another node. 然而,在故障恢复服务组中,对磁盘的存取的防止只需要在VCS将服务组切换到另外一个节点的时候。 www.bing.com 3. If the establishment fails to be completed within the time limit, the original approval becomes void automatically. 逾期未完成筹建工作的,原批准筹建文件自动失效。 www.lawyee.org 4. The memory model allows what is known as "out-of-order writes" and is a prime reason why this idiom fails. 内存模型允许所谓的“无序写入”,这也是这些习语失败的一个主要原因。 www.ibm.com 5. The procedures to be followed if the system fails or breaks down should be defined and validated. 一旦系统出现错误或崩溃,则应当按照一定的、经过验证操作规程来执行。 news.dxy.cn 6. Alternatively, you might have the program exit or display an error message if the open fails. 此外,如果打开失败,可以退出程序或让程序显示错误消息。 www.ibm.com 7. The least cost routing path calculation is used to determine a backoff path when message delivery to the next hop fails. 通过计算开销最低的路由路径,以确定在将邮件传递到下一个跃点失败时的回退路径。 technet.microsoft.com 8. A lioness may try to defend her cubs against infanticide, but if she fails she does not plan vengeance against the male who did it. 雌狮可能会力图保护她的幼崽不被杀害,但如果失败了,她不会试图报复杀婴的雄狮。 www.bing.com 9. The gentleman never fails to help whoever is in need of his help. 这位老先生从来没有拒绝过任何需要他帮助的人。 www.yourblog.org 10. Jack hits its nose with a tree branch but this time the croc fails to be distracted. 杰克用树枝攻击鳄鱼鼻子,但这次鳄鱼并未分心。 1. All this means you can test the entire system at any time without inconvenience, and quickly see what passes and what fails. 所有这些意味着你可以方便的在任何时候测试你系统,并且能够迅速看到测试结果是通过还是没通过。 wiki.woodpecker.org.cn 2. All client connections can be configured with a default channel and alternative channels if that configuration fails. 所有的客户端连接都可以配置默认管道和备选管道,如果默认管道失败则可以切换到备选管道上。 www.infoq.com 3. Sharding also conceivably improves reliability, because even if one shard unexpectedly fails, others are still able to serve data. 切分还可以改善可靠性,因为即便一个切分意外失效,其他切分仍然可以服务数据。 www.ibm.com 4. As this occurs, the energy moves up the field rather than down, and one disconnects with earth and fails to ground properly. 当这发生时,能量就会在能量场中向上而不是向下运行,你就会和地球断开而无法正常根植。 www.lingyuan.net 5. Although I keep taking this medicine, the effect fails to live up to what is claimed in the advertisement. 虽然我坚持服用这种药物,但其效果似乎并不像广告中宣称的那样。 www.kancaimi.cn 6. Anyone who fails to meet the basic prerequisites will have to sit in an examination designed for this purpose. 达不到基本条件者,都要通过专门考试。 freebird35.bokee.com 7. Specifies the number of seconds that the system waits after a message transfer fails before re-sending a message across an open connection. 指定在邮件传输失败之后、在通过打开的连接重新发送邮件之前系统等待的秒数。 technet.microsoft.com 8. If it fails, a new cargo spaceship must be launched to transport cargo to the orbital station. 如果失败必须发射新的载货飞船为轨道站运送货物。 learning.sohu.com 9. He works hard and wants some of his students to be famous players, but he fails. 他努力工作,希望他的一些学生成为著名的球员,但是他失败了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. A silence passes between them as each considers the consequences if the plan fails. 两人都沉默不语,思索着如果计划失败后每种设想和结果。 www.bing.com |
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