单词 | fade-in |
释义 | 例句释义: 渐现,渐高,淡入,渐显,淡入苏州影视制作 1. VB timer and API function programming methods can be used to get the result of dynamic zoom - in and zoom -out , fade- in and fade-out . 用VB定时器和API函数编程方法,实现文字和图形的动态缩放和渐现渐隐效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. As our eyes scan different parts of the portrait, Mona's smile seems to fade in and out. 随着我们眼睛看画像部位的不同,蒙娜丽莎的微笑也就时有时无。 www.ebigear.com 3. FADE_IN_STEP is how much we increase the alpha value for each iteration. FADE_IN_STEP是每次迭代中alpha值的增量。 www.bing.com 4. But the world changes right along with you and suddenly those dreams that once were so important to you fade in comparison to new visions. 但世界恰恰和你一块儿发生变化,突然,那些曾对你如此重要的梦想会褪去,取而代之的是新的目标企求。 www.joyen.net 5. Fade in one of the "pickled uniform" , the women began to dress himself heartily. 褪去了一身的“臃装”,女人们开始尽情地打扮自己。 www.docin.com 6. Then, for the last 5 minutes before your wake up, a charming nature sound (Tweets, Wind, Water) will fade in and finally wake up up. 然后,在最后5分钟,然后你醒来,一个迷人的自然声音(鸣叫,风,水)将淡出并最终唤醒了。 zone.it.sohu.com 7. Just as the Japanese spike was starting to fade in late October, demand fired up in China. 就在日本需求飙升势头在10月末开始消退之际,中国的石油需求又出现急剧增长。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Each video requires a photo every 3 seconds, with a 1 second fade-in and fade-out on each. 每个视频需要一张照片,每3秒,1秒的淡入和淡出每个。 www.bing.com 9. So, why hike rates if the current price shock is bound to fade in a few, short months? 那么,如果本轮物价冲击在短短几个月后就注定会消退,现在又何必加息呢? www.ftchinese.com 10. On the right side of the page, type "Fade In: " and always start every scene with a scene header. 在纸张右侧写上“渐入”:并记得在每一个场景的开头都写上说明性的文字。 www.bing.com 1. They are usually harmless and many fade in childhood; those that do not can sometimes be removed by laser surgery or abrasion. 通常无害,有许多在孩童时期会自动褪去,褪不掉的有时可用雷射手术或磨蚀来除去。 tr.bab.la 2. The KenBurnsFader class handles the fade-in and fade-out of the image using opacity. KenBurnsFader类使用不透明度处理图像的淡入淡出。 www.ibm.com 3. It may be a filter to add effects to a video stream, like fade-in or fade-out. 它可能是一个将效果(如淡入或淡出)添加到视频流的筛选器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Start off the screenplay with "FADE IN: " right-aligned on the top corner of the page. 以“渐入:”作为剧本的开始,这几个字右对齐在剧本的右上角。 www.bing.com 5. I hope these bahavior will be fade in future, just a habit in a certain period. 希望这些能慢慢淡化,成为阶段性的习惯。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. After left the Nuggets, Allen Iverson began his stray career. Since then. Fade in heroic . Various dreariness. 离开了掘金,艾弗森开始了他的流浪生涯。至此,英雄迟暮,各种凄凉 wenku.baidu.com 7. For technical training to fade in the memory would be alarmingin a medical doctor, but it is understandable in business school alumni. 一名医生淡忘技术训练是很可怕的事情,在商学院校友之间发生这样的事情可以理解。 www.bing.com 8. Such a love, regardless of developments in mind, or the passage of time, it doesn't fade in large changes. 这样的一种爱情,不论物换星移,时光流逝,它都可以在桑田的巨变中用不褪色。 www.i21st.cn 9. Changes the overall blend factor. Use this to fade in and out the blend layer. 改变整体的混合因素。产生混合层的淡入淡出。 www.cryenginecn.com 10. Some of the classes proved useful to their current work; however, the specifics fade in their memory. 一些课程对他们现在的工作很有帮助;然而课程的具体内容会被渐渐遗忘。 www.bing.com 1. But if you sing the song "Sha La La La" when you feel sad, shadows will fade in the sun and you will cheer up. 但是,如果你唱的歌曲“沙啦啦啦”当你感到悲哀,阴影在阳光下会褪色,你会振作起来。 wenwen.soso.com 2. And even if one of them suddenly pressed me against his heart, I should fade in the strength of stronger existence. 纵然其中一个猛然将我拥在心口,我也将在他更强的存在的强力里消隐。 www.poemlife.com 3. The walls come back up in short order, but again fade in the final moments. 回来的墙壁在很短的时间,但再次消失在最后时刻。 www.yiyiys.net 4. Before its author holds CEO Zhoupin concurrently blast of the program " home of the appropriate on the net " domain fade-in rudiment. 其创始人兼CEO周品前阵规划的“网上宜家”版图渐现雏形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Turning on TV with fade in type includes following steps. The contact, brightness and volume is set to zero and outputted. 所述的淡出式开机包括:先将电视机的对比度、亮度及音量置为零并输出; ip.com 6. Sunrise and sunset of the hard life of the paper-cut fade in. 日出而作、日落而息的艰苦生活曾让赵美玲淡出了剪纸的日子。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I intend that the use of supplements fade in the greater understanding that they cause more harm than good to the biology. 我意愿在更深入理解到营养补充品对生物肌体造成了更大的伤害,而不是更大益处后,对它的使用逐渐消失。 flamboyance.siteem.com 8. I would like the photos to fade-in from black. 我想淡出来自黑人的照片。 www.bing.com 9. Step 6: Begin the very first scene with "FADE IN: " and end the very last page with "FADE OUT. " 第六步:第一个场景要以“淡入”开头,最后一页用“淡出”结尾。 www.bing.com 10. Whether the screen should slowly fade in from black when the screen saver deactivates. 当屏幕保护程序没有激活时,屏幕是否应该从黑屏的状态淡入。 translations.launchpad.net 1. Fade in reflection of what was. 却在过去的反思中,褪掉了颜色 zhidao.baidu.com 2. If enabled, the Element will fade in to full strength when it becomes visible and fade out when it isn't. 如果启用,元素当它可见时淡入大和当它不可见时淡出。 game.ceeger.com 3. If you let yourself feel the secondary responses long enough, they will eventually fade in their intensity. 如果你允许你自己足够长时间的去感受这些附属的反应,那么最终,它们会在强度上逐渐消退。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I tended to fade in the evening, while she was still alert. 我到了晚上就会变得昏沉,可她还是还是十分清醒。 www.bing.com 5. Fade in to a scene in the office. 淡入一个办公室的镜头。 www.jukuu.com 6. Ever matchless and important success or failure gain and losses will fade in color. 曾经无比重要的成败得失都将褪色。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 7. I would like every element and each page on the website to fade-in from the black background. 我想每个元素,每个网站上的淡入从黑色背景页。 www.bing.com 8. Scene transitions are typically FADE TO, FADE IN, CUT TO, DISSOLVE TO, or FADE TO BLACK. 场景转换的技巧有:淡出、淡入、切入、溶镜、黑场。 www.bing.com 9. Some of those factors should fade in the second half, letting the growth rate recover to between 3 and 4 per cent. 其中一些因素应会在下半年逐渐消失,这将令经济增速反弹至3%至4%之间。 www.ftchinese.com 10. These differences fade in comparison with their equal powers in enacting legislation. 但与它们在立法上的同等权力相比,这些差异是微不足道的。 www.america.gov 1. There is also fade-in and fade-out transparency, which means that NetMeter will fade away when you hover the mouse over it. 也有淡入和淡出的透明度,这意味着NetMeter将逐渐消失时,您的鼠标指向它。 hi.baidu.com 2. The doctor says that the scars will fade in time. 医生说这些伤疤早晚会褪去的。 www.ezikao.com.cn 3. You can have clips fade in or out, dissolve into another clip, push one scene aside as the new scene enters, and so on. 您可以使剪辑淡入淡出,溶解至另一个剪辑,在新画面进入时将一个画面放置一侧等。 docs.info.apple.com 4. Snooze times can be changed and you can make the sound fade in so as not to be too abrupt. 小睡时间可以更改,声音可设置渐响以让你不被突然惊醒。 www.bing.com 5. The memory of happiness and sufferings in our childhood will never fade in our minds. 童年时代的欢乐和苦楚的回忆永远不会从我们脑子里消失。 english.dxy.cn 6. Images fade in as the slide show plays. 随着幻灯片的播放图片会淡入。 www.zzbaike.com 7. Winter brings shorter days and sunshine can quickly fade in the afternoon. 冬天的白天更短,下午的阳光很快就没了。 www.bing.com 8. Many designers make this mistake by using Flash menus such as those fade-in and animated menus. 很多设计师使用淡入的动画菜单从而犯了这个错误。 www.bing.com 9. FADE IN: WE ARE FLYING through mist, a dimly glimpsed forest below. 淡入:我们正飞越薄雾,下面朦胧可以瞥见森林。 www.bing.com 10. The puzzling clusters of dark lines fade in winter and reappear in the spring. 这些令人费解的深色线条会在冬天销声匿迹,春季时又重新出现。 gb.cri.cn 1. We will need profile photo's to fade in and out. 我们需要的个人资料照片的褪色和退出。 www.bing.com 2. The color screen has a huge viewing angle and doesn't fade in direct sunlight. 颜色屏幕上有一个巨大的视角和不褪色的阳光直射。 www.bugutang.com 3. If the furs that furs especially dye starts fade in color, this is the function that oxidize. 如果皮草特别是染色的皮草开始褪色,这是氧化的作用。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. leaves wilt fade in time, in exchange for the earth a golden, fruity cooked rice. 叶子在枯萎退色的时候,换来了大地一片金黄,稻熟果香。 www.tradeask.com 5. They'll fade in to an outdoor scene. 他们将淡入至户外的一个场景。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. We gather in haste, and part in haste, as flowers bloom and fade in an endless cycle. But our friendship will remain in our hearts. 离也匆匆,聚也匆匆,花开花落总无穷,唯有友情在心中。 bbs.crazyenglish.com 7. Even now I can recall minute details of the ceiling and the temple This is very different from night dreams that fade in time. 即使是现在我还能记得天花板和这个寺庙的微小细节,这些与随着时间褪色的夜晚的梦境非常不同。 www.elanso.com 8. The example command will fade in the "red text example" string over 500ms in a 40pt red font at position -150, -150. 示例命令将在500ms后淡入“redtextexample”字符串,字体为红色40pt,位置为(-150,-150)。 www.ibm.com 9. Is the magic starting to fade in the Chinese auto market? 中国汽车市场的魔力是不是开始消退了? chinese.wsj.com 10. will never fade in our minds. 永远不会从我们的脑子里消失。 cet.hjenglish.com 1. is used to change the skys color , and the moon and the stars fade in by animating their opacity. 来改变天空的颜色,通过变化月亮和星星的不透明性使它们渐渐显现出来。 www.ichacha.net 2. For example , you can make a shape fly in quickly from one side of your screen or slowly fade in . 例如,您可以让形状从屏幕的一端快速地飞入或缓慢地淡入。 www.bing.com 3. Is this a destructive fade in & out? 这是一种破坏性的淡入淡出吗? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Friendship will not fade in the correct time to help English friends 不能淡化友谊要在正确的时间给予朋友帮助的英文 zhidao.baidu.com 5. An Optimization Design of Compensation for Atmosphere Fade in ATP Subsystem ATP子系统中补偿大气衰减的一种优化设计 www.ilib.cn 6. Light vertical linear fade in each input box background 输入框背景中淡淡的垂直线性渐变 www.bing.com 7. Added fade in transition for start of video playback 视频播放开始时增加淡入特效 www.chinahobby.net 8. But should my voice fade in your ears, and my love vanish in your memory, then I will come again, 但假如我所说的话在你们耳中消退了,我的爱在你们记忆中消散了,那时我会再回来。 www.zftrans.com 9. Bright linear fade in Webinar banner Webinar广告中明亮的线性渐变 www.bing.com 10. Carries on the western languages to fade in the effect, 进行中西文的渐显效果 www.88pl.com 1. And the embers never fade in your city by the lake 你湖边城市的余烬永远不会散去 sou91.blogbus.com 2. And the embers never fade in my city by the lake 湖畔,我的城市里,灰烬永不散烬 colonmellie.blogbus.com 3. I will call it solitude when all my songs fade in vain 我称他为孤独,当我所有的歌唱都徒劳的淡出 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Scale interface fade in time 接口淡入时间 luox.com 5. but share it the fade in light 你却在阳光中褪色 wenwen.soso.com 6. They fade in the end 终将褪色枯萎 gb.cri.cn |
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