单词 | exhort |
释义 | exhorted是exhort的过去式
第三人称单数:exhorts 现在分词:exhorting 过去式:exhorted 例句释义: 告诫,力劝,勉励,倡导 1. In one of his last speeches, made weeks after Tripoli fell and he was a fugitive, he exhorted Libyans to defeat the uprising. 的黎波里陷落后几周,流亡之中的他发表了最后一次演说,号召利比亚人民抵抗起义。 dongxi.net 2. He said the natural disaster and nuclear crisis were a "great test for the Japanese people" , but exhorted them all to persevere. 他称自然灾害和核危机为一次“对日本人民的巨大考验”,这让大和民族整体更加坚韧。 www.bing.com 3. Recruitment posters exhorted young men to "Remember Edith Cavell" and the numbers volunteering for the front doubled. 征兵海报鼓励青年们“缅怀卡维尔”,自愿奔赴前线的士兵成倍增加。 www.ecocn.org 4. Yet only 23 MPs were "brave" enough to sign the "no confidence" motion that exhorted him to. 也仅有23位议员足够“大胆”地对劝说他这一“没有信任”的提议示意。 ecocn.blogbus.com 5. When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose. 他到了那里,看见神所赐的恩就欢喜,劝勉众人,立定心志,恒久靠主。 www.occca.net 6. as a way of apology. She exhorted me gently that I should never say that. 没想到那位女士很温和地告诉我,我不应该当着孩子的面这么说。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It exhorted CEOs to re-examine their corporate vision; and redefine their markets in terms of wider perspectives. 它敦促CEO们重新审视他们的企业视野;从更宽广的角度来重新定义他们的市场。 www.bing.com 8. Pointing to the fragments, the couple is always exhorted to guard jealously the sacred relationship into which they have entered. 面对这些玻璃碎,就是劝诫一对新人要极力保守他们神圣的夫妻关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Franklin exhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography. 富兰克林在他的《自传》里力劝读者要勤俭。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Both public and private institutions are exhorted to be more forthcoming about their operations, funding, and governance. 公共和民间机构都被要求更多地提供有关其运作、资金来源和管理状况的信息。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 1. The Grand Mufti , Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili exhorted Muslims to be pious and obey Allah the Almighty. 伟大的伊斯兰教领袖哈玛,激励穆斯林要虔诚及顺服全能的阿拉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Beneath her scrawl, boldfaced words exhorted "Give American Business a Chance! " 下边儿是粗体字的劝诫“给美国商业一个机会!” www.bing.com 3. And with many other words he solemnly testified and exhorted them, saying, Be saved from this crooked generation. 彼得还用许多别的话郑重地作见证,劝勉他们说,你们要得救,脱离这弯曲的世代。 edu.china.com 4. Martin exhorted his audience to adopt his preferred word for the "pleasurable feeling, joy, gaiety of mind" that humor elicits. Martin鼓励他的听众采纳他所喜欢的表达“愉快、快乐和欢乐”的单词,那些都引自笑话。 dongxi.net 5. Pascale exhorted them to look at what it was that Japanese companies were doing better than them, and to learn their lessons. 帕斯卡尔叮嘱他们看看日本公司究竟在哪些方面比他们做的好,并从中吸取经验教训。 www.ecocn.org 6. Throughout the ages men have exhorted other men to consider the whole and not to neglect any essential part. 世代以来,一些人已经告诫另外一些人在考虑问题时要从整体出发,并且不要忽视任何实质性的局部。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. The Labour ministry has also exhorted employers to reduce dependence on recruitment of staff from overseas countries. 劳动部门同时忠告雇主们降低对外国员工的依赖度。 www.168tex.com 8. And Judas and Silas, also being prophets themselves, exhorted the brothers through much speaking and confirmed them. 犹大和西拉也是申言者,就用许多话鼓励并坚固弟兄们。 edu.china.com 9. I've given her every chance, I have exhorted her to repent , she is an evil woman. 我已经给了她一切的机会。我告诫她痛改前非,她真是个邪恶的女人。 www.showxiu.com 10. He carried her in his heart; he prayed for and exhorted her, while there was yet time to bring her soul to God. 他心里装着她;只要还有时间使她的灵魂皈依上帝,他就要规劝她,为她祈祷。 1. Therefore, we have the utmost care when young, my heart enlightenment, now earnestly exhorted. 于是,我们便有了幼时的备至呵护,儿时的经心启蒙,现在的切切叮咛。 www.bing.com 2. Martin exhorted his audience to adopt his preferred word for the "pleasurable feeling, joy, gaiety of mind" that humorelicits. 对于幽默所引发出来的东西,马丁劝他的听众采纳他偏爱的表达方式:“令人开心的感觉、快乐愉悦的心情”。 www.youfind.com.cn 3. In Russia, Lenin at one stage exhorted Soviet workers to "try out every scientific and progressive suggestion of the Taylor system" . 而在苏俄,列宁在演讲台上呼吁苏联工人“实践每一个泰勒系统里的既科学又先进的建议。” www.ecocn.org 4. Gore exhorted scientists to speak out and educate the public about climate change. 戈尔告诫科学家要大声疾呼,向公众进行气候变化问题的教育。 www.america.gov 5. So help XUE Hai took a pseudonym "Linda Lang" and exhorted his poor line away. 就这样帮薛海取了个假名「林达浪」,并叮咛他走贫民路线。 www.zzzdao.com 6. He also exhorted firms to be more open with investors about the logic behind their decisions on pay. 他同时要求企业详细地向股东阐述他们工资政策背后的逻辑。 www.ecocn.org 7. Mr Chaudhry's principal lawyer, Aitzaz Ahsan, constantly exhorted the judges to protect and support their "chief" . 乔杜里的首席律师阿齐兹·阿桑也不断地劝告最高法院的法官们,要求他们保护和支持自己的“领袖”。 www.ecocn.org 8. Judas and his men thanked them and exhorted them to be well disposed to their race in the future also. 因此犹大与其部下表示感激,也忠告他们以后对自己的民族继续表示友善。 dict.kekenet.com 9. In the 1800s, Horace Greeley exhorted his countrymen to "Go west, " and millions took up his call. 十九世纪时,格利礼力劝他的同胞们「西进」,数以百万的人回应了这个呼召。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. The chairman exhorted the party workers to take action. 主席敦促党的工作人员采取行动。 www.baike.com 1. She exhorted us with lots of "positive thinking" and even advocated sticking your fingers in your ears when people speak negatively. 她用了很多“积极思考”的言语来勉励我们,甚至倡导我们说,如果有人说消极的东西就用手指堵住自己的耳朵。 www.elanso.com 2. UK citizens are exhorted to take their holidays at home. 英国劝说本国公民在国内度假。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I've seen 10-year-old memos posted in organizations that exhorted personnel to perform obsolete job steps. 我见过有10年之久的广告张贴在组织里,宣传已不存在工作的完成步骤。 www.iso.org.cn 4. He exhorted his workers to increase production. 他力劝自己的工人增加生产。 www.jukuu.com 5. On Tuesday, Vice Premier Hui Liangyu exhorted rescuers to step up their efforts before the window for finding survivors closed. 周二,国务院副总理回良玉勉励救援人员抓紧时机加大搜救努力。 c.wsj.com 6. Again and again they exhorted the king of Chu to ally with them against Qin. 他们向楚王反复说明联合抗秦的好处。 chinese.cscc.org.sg 7. Emerson exhorted them to "cast behind you all conformity, and acquaint men at first hand with Deity. " 爱默生鼓励他们“摒弃一切俗尚,直接和神灵交往。” 8. This is exactly what Paul had in mind when he exhorted us to "be imitators of God" (Eph. 5: 1). 保罗劝我们要「效法上帝」(以弗所书5章1节),正是这样想的。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 9. Mother exhorted the sound of my voice to answer, is repeated every day, living content. 母亲的叮咛声,我的回答声,是每天都得重复的生活内容。 blog.wtojob.com 10. The backbencher exhorted his colleagues to vote against the motionto censure him for his prolonged absences from the House 一位后座议员力劝同僚投票反对谴责他长期不出席国会的动议案 blog.hjenglish.com 1. And when he had passed through those parts and had exhorted them with many words, he came into Greece, 他走遍了那一带地方,用许多话劝勉众人,然后来到希腊。 edu.china.com 2. On his death-bed in 1324 he was exhorted to prepare himself for absolution of his sins by retracting some of his lies; 在1324临死的这一年,他被神父规劝撤回一些谎言好准备得到罪衍的赦免; sojourn-tu.spaces.live.com 3. Whereupon his admirers were still more elated and exhorted him not to lower his pretensions for any man 于是他的敬慕者更加得意洋洋,依旧告诫他继续对每个人呈现出他的虚荣——慷慨 spaces.msn.com |
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