单词 | facilitate |
释义 |
第三人称单数:facilitates 现在分词:facilitating 过去式:facilitated v. n. facilitate progress,facilitate entry,facilitate process,facilitate change,merger facilitate 例句释义: 促进,促使,使便利,使容易,帮助,推动 1. To that end, he said he and Mr. Obama discussed ways to improve infrastructure along the U. S. -Mexico border to facilitate bilateral trade. 卡尔德隆说,为了这个目的,他和奥巴马总统就如何改善美墨边境的基础设施、以便利双边贸易交换了意见。 www.voanews.cn 2. He said the agents available by phone at his company can help facilitate a sale and customize cruises for travelers. 他表示,该公司有可以通过电话联系的代理商,加快销售流程以及帮助旅行者定制设计邮轮旅行。 www.bing.com 3. We come to facilitate all this and to ensure that this next step happens at the moment specified by Lord Surea and Heaven's sacred decrees. 我们来到这里,引导事情的顺利进行,并确保下一步将在由天主Surea和天堂神圣法令指定的时刻准时发生。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This stormy passage through the rapid growing years of our youth will probably facilitate the normal progression of the adult life cycle. 这段飞快成长并充满疾风暴雨的青春旅途,会促使我们正常步入成年期。 tieba.baidu.com 5. easy to use: a wealth of high-performance software and intelligent man - machine interface, greatly facilitate the use. 易用:丰富的高性能软件及智能化的人-机接口,大大方便了使用。 www.xiami360.com 6. The dizziness brought on by spinning or circling is intended to introduce randomness or to facilitate an altered state of consciousness. 旋转会使人头昏眼花,而意图是为了产生随机性或者促进意识状态的改变。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Rudolf says that this variety will help facilitate his plans for Art Stage to be a get-together for art fans. 鲁道夫称,这种多样化将有助于推行他试图将此次“艺术登陆”打造为一场艺术爱好者盛会的计划。 dongxi.net 8. Auto-generated e-mail is often a good way to facilitate communication from automated processes. 在自动化过程中,自动生成邮件是一个非常好的便于沟通的方法。 www.ibm.com 9. We'll be glad to hear from you, and take any proposal that facilitate trade into account. 我们会很高兴地听到你方消息,并慎重考虑能达成交易的任何建议。 www.kekenet.com 10. The audit did not delve into how the money had been used to "facilitate" permits. 那次审计并没有深入探究贿赂金被使用于获取许可的具体过程。 www.bing.com 1. Where possible, throughout the guide, diagrams have been used to facilitate the learning and understanding process. 本指南中还提供有图表,以帮助咨询顾问学习和理解这一流程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. We facilitate actions of every sort: sending e-mails out to millions and millions of people, organizing tens of thousands of events. 我们让任何一种行动变得简便易行——向数百万人发送电子邮件,组织数万个活动。 www.bing.com 3. A state of relaxation and quietude will facilitate greater awareness of your Higher Presence and what your Presence wishes you to know. 一种【放松与平静】的状态将促进对于你【更高存在】的更多理解,那些你的更高存在希望你去了解的一切。 www.douban.com 4. Just as in component tests, a number of frameworks have been created to help facilitate these tests. 与在组件测试中一样,现在创建了大量的框架来为这些测试提供方便。 www.ibm.com 5. The company's products do not wish to facilitate the installation, operation is also very simple. 本公司的产品不谨安装方便,操作也非常简单。 www.tonke.cn 6. The U. S. is prepared to facilitate initiatives and confidence building measures consistent with the declaration. 美国准备按照这项声明推动主动谈判与自信的建设性的措施。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. To facilitate orchestration and aggregation of services into processes and composite applications, a registry-repository is often used. 为方便新工艺和复合应用程序,注册表,仓库业务流程和服务聚集经常被使用。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Malaysia's central-bank governor, said the swap agreement would facilitate trade and investment between the two countries. 马来西亚央行行长泽提(ZetiAkhtarAziz)说,货币互换协议将有利于两国的贸易和投资。 www.bing.com 9. He took it to mean it was in return for helping facilitate approval for the project. 奈利认为,这意味着他要帮助促成该项目获得批准。 www.ftchinese.com 10. any equipment, software, or other technology used or intended to be used to commit or to facilitate the commission of such offense. 犯罪所使用的或故意用于实施犯罪、便利犯罪的任何设备、软件或其他技术; chunfengqiushui.blog.tianya.cn 1. But they cannot risk the sort of capital that big banks will put up to facilitate trades in stocks. 但他们不能冒险将资本投到大银行用来为股票交易提供便利的用途上。 www.ecocn.org 2. This frame is known as a creel and its function is to hold the supply packages in a manner so as to facilitate warping. 该架子统称为筒子架或纱架,其作用是使供纱卷装便于整经。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Villa has said he wants to leave Llorente Valencia, but has not booted from it a commitment to facilitate the transfer. 比利亚说,他想离开略伦特和瓦伦西亚,但还没有作出承诺,以促进转会。 tieba.baidu.com 4. To facilitate modification and annotation of the image, the triangle coordinates are printed out to be applied to the image later. 为了便于对图像进行修改和注释,将输出三角形坐标以便稍后应用到图像中。 www.ibm.com 5. The TDC continued to facilitate trade through market intelligence, trade matching and an expanding range of e-commerce applications. 透过提供市场情报、进行商贸配对,以及扩大电子商业应用服务的范围,贸易发展局继续促进本港贸易。 www.jukuu.com 6. The Federal Reserve has used its authority as a bank supervisor to help facilitate the flow of credit through the banking system. 美联储利用自己作为银行监管者的权威来促进银行系统的信贷流动。 www.bing.com 7. Fermino figured that a Web-based platform would be a good way to help both sides connect and facilitate transactions between them. 费尔米诺想,网络平台是帮助买卖双方联系沟通、促进他们之间交易的一个好办法。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 8. This model is simple, easy to amend, easy to transform, followed by mesh, to facilitate the calculation of internal forces. 这样的建模方式简单,修改方便,变换容易,为接下来是网格划分,内力计算提供便利。 www.winu.cn 9. A wiki is another great way to make it easy to facilitate user feedback and to provide program documentation and information. wiki也是一种很好的方式,它可以方便收集用户反馈和提供程序文档和信息。 www.ibm.com 10. Bind mounts facilitate splicing any file or directory on top of any other. 绑定挂载可以将任何文件或目录放在任何其他目录上。 www.ibm.com 1. This will facilitate our settlement of the matter. 这将有利于我方处理此事。 www.chzy.org 2. Deregulation and liberalization took place in many economies in this region to facilitate international trade and capital flows. 解除管制,贸易自由化在这个地区促进国际贸易和资本流动。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Facilitate the Amiable's growth action by encouraging her to initiate activity in supportive and encouraging ways. 促进和蔼可亲的成长行动由鼓励她创始活动用支援和令人鼓舞的方式。 com.bf55.com 4. Flexible keyboard wizard to facilitate the various funds you fuzzy inquiry information, do not remember the fund code also does not matter. 灵活的键盘精灵,方便您模糊查询各个基金的资料,记不清基金代码也没关系。 www.g36.com.cn 5. To further facilitate the process, result of each of the millions of crystallization experiments are photographed. 为了更加促进这一进程,这全部的数百万次结晶化试验都被用照片记录了下来。 www.equn.com 6. Applicants will be able to complete on-line self-assessments, and a faster process will facilitate easier entry for genuine applicants. 申请者可以在线自我评估。快捷程序为真实的申请者提供简便的申请通道。 www.uk.cn 7. The 27-member bloc is trying to work out whether new legislation is required to facilitate the digitisation of European culture. 这个27国联盟正在考虑,是否需要出台规范欧洲文化数字化的新立法。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Easy to operate, facilitate converging with the other production lines. 便于操作,便于和其他生产线衔接。 www.jdol.com.cn 9. Act as an advocate for decisions of the General Manager and to facilitate the implementation of determined business priorities. 支持总经理的决定并促进既定业务重点的实施。 www.lietou.com 10. Merge Module projects allow you to package files or components into a single module to facilitate sharing. “合并模块”项目允许将文件或组件打包到单个模块中以方便共享。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. referring to archimedes ' quote , wang said the subway will play the role of a long lever to facilitate hangzhou ' s rapid economic growth. 借用阿基米德的名言,王国平说,地铁将成为推动杭州经济快速增长的有力“杠杆”。 www.ichacha.net 2. Financial innovation changed from a tool to facilitate capital flows into a moneymaking technique for the bankers and their shareholders. 金融创新从一种促进资本流动的工具,变成了银行家及其股东赚钱的技巧。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Visiting property developers, Architects , Design Offices , in view to facilitate the specification of the company brands and products. 通过拜访房产商、建筑师和设计院等将公司产品列入其设计说明。 www.tsfw.cn 4. Alternatively, a list of text links can be placed at the bottom of the image to facilitate navigation. 另一个方法是在影像底部放置以文字展示的连结清单,以便浏览该等网站。 www.info.gov.hk 5. Mr. Wen said China stood ready to facilitate better access for Indian exports but didn't specify what actions Beijing plans to take. 温家宝说,中国随时准备为印度出口提供更有利的条件,但并未说明北京方面会采取何种行动。 c.wsj.com 6. Beijing, he added, was ready to facilitate greater exports of Indian IT, pharmaceutical and other products to China. 他补充说,中国准备促进印度向中国更多出口IT、医药和其他产品。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Antidepressants help to move the Gs alpha out of these rafts and facilitate the action of certain neurotransmitters. 而抗抑郁药物有助于驱走这些脂质筏中的Gsa,从而特定递质的活动更加容易。 news.dxy.cn 8. We hope that this Thought Leader Summit each year will allow IASA to facilitate their goals throughout our professional network. 我们希望每年的思想领袖高层论坛能够让IASA通过这个专业的网络促进自己的目标实现。 www.infoq.com 9. Lead, facilitate and drive lean projects throughout the company to deliver significant improvements and financial benefits. 在全公司主导、推广和推动精益生产项目以取得生产以及财务效益。 warejob.com 10. He said Merck educated physicians, politicians and the public about the new vaccine to "accelerate and facilitate access. " 他说,默克公司向医生,政界人士和公众进行了新疫苗快速和方便的教育。 www.bing.com 1. Benefits: IVE cuts down on the number of physical Ethernet adapters and connections needed to facilitate communications. 好处:IVE可以减少通信所需的物理以太网适配器和连接数量。 www.ibm.com 2. to reduce the flow of customers link for the time savings , and to help transport clients to facilitate customer withdrawals. 为客户减少流通环节,争取时间,节约资金,并可为客户代办运输,方便客户提货。 www.ichacha.net 3. Where necessary , hawker- handling centres are set up in police stations to facilitate charging formalities of arrested hawkers . 如有需要,警署内会设立小贩处理中心,方便办理检控被捕小贩的手续。 www.bing.com 4. Question to think about: Should the U. S. government set up legal institutions that facilitate or impede international price discrimination? 思考题:美国政府应该设立法律机构,以利于(或阻碍)国际性的差别价格吗? greg-mankiw.blog.sohu.com 5. More qualitative assessment training, and do not facilitate assessment, training effectiveness evaluation mere formality. 培训考核定性的多,而且不便于考核,培训效果考核流于形式。 www.xiami360.com 6. All of these steps are necessary to facilitate the smarter transformation of a supply chain. 要让供应链变得更加智能,所有这些步骤都是必要的。 www.ibm.com 7. First, government must be careful that it does not facilitate increases in inequality by rewarding the wealthy with special concessions. 第一,政府必须谨慎地避免因给予富人特殊优惠而加剧不平等。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Bank with this customer's information, facilitate customer service, increase with the Bank. 银行掌握了这些客户的信息,方便进行服务,增加了客户跟银行的关系。 www.bing.com 9. To a lesser extent, UDDI is also able to facilitate some patterns of unfocused discovery through browsing of the repository. 在较低的程度上,UDDI还能够通过浏览资源库方便一些无重点的发现模式。 www.ibm.com 10. She forced Julie into prostitution, pimping her to facilitate her addiction. 她便强迫朱莉卖淫,为朱莉拉皮条来她的毒瘾。 www.ttxyy.com 1. Such a "neural prosthesis" could someday be used to facilitate the memory-forming process and help patients remember. 这种神经假体(neuralprosthesis)或许某一天能够用于促进记忆形成的过程并帮助患者记忆。 select.yeeyan.org 2. Dynamic crosscutting is commonly used to facilitate the addition of logging or authentication to various methods in an object hierarchy. 动态横切通常用于帮助向对象层次中的各种方法添加日志记录或身份认证。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Israel is keen to facilitate operations aimed at "beefing up security" , said the Israeli official. 以色列官员称,以色列乐于支持旨在“促进安全”的行动。 www.bing.com 4. Dorsey is traveling with a State Department delegation hoping that new social media will facilitate greater social stability in Iraq. Dorsey是和一个美国国务院代表团一起访问伊拉克的,该代表团希望新媒体可以让伊拉克社会变得更加稳定。 www.bing.com 5. Housing loans refer to loans granted by the bank to borrowers to facilitate housing purchases. 个人住房贷款是指银行向借款人发放的用于购买住房的贷款。 insuns.com 6. You can facilitate hand-to-foot play with active abdominals by gently and directly tapping the hip extensors on the surface. 通过轻轻地直接扣击臀部伸张肌表面,你可以促进手脚配合活跃的腹肌运动。 www.kuaiyilin.com 7. IBM developed groundbreaking techniques that facilitate the SOA journey in terms of a maturity model. IBM研发了根据成熟度模型促进SOA发展的突破性技术。 www.ibm.com 8. But that would be a good thing, Zhou insists: It would "facilitate irrigation and navigation" on the Mekong. 不过这是一件好事,周世春宣称:这将使湄公河上的“灌溉和航行更加便利”。 www.bing.com 9. Q: If you are trying to facilitate our reporting work in Xinjiang, why is the internet shut down and phone service unavailable? 问:如果你想为我们的报道提供便利,为什么在新疆无法登录相关网站,而且也无法收到手机信号? www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Take advantage of this program can facilitate communication and information storage, but also easy to find, is a useful tool. 利用这个程序可以方便的存储通讯信息,也容易进行查找,是个实用的工具。,UsingClanguageaddressbook。 www.joys99.com 1. To facilitate online reviews, Microsoft Word allows you to make and view tracked changes and comments easily in a document. 为了便于联机审阅,MicrosoftWord允许您在文档中非常方便地对所跟踪的更改及批注进行修改和查看。 office.microsoft.com 2. It sounds like you're saying the only reason to have good design is to facilitate speed in development. 似乎你曾经给出的唯一理由是好的设计可以提高开发速度。 pro.yeeyan.com 3. The system can be adopted to facilitate the inquiry , Statistical data , and Automatic Processing and calculation of inventory cushion. 可以通过本系统方便的查询、统计相关的数据,并自动的进行处理和计算库存余量。 www.lwtxw.com 4. Here bribery is considered an effective means to facilitate money laundering, and its significance cannot be overstated. 行贿和受贿是促进洗黑钱活动的有效媒介,其祸害绝对不容忽视。 www.icac.org.hk 5. Advanced Segmentation is not the only tool that helps facilitate analysis. 高级细分不只是一个帮助分析的工具。 www.bing.com 6. We have provided minimal helper classes and documentation that facilitate the building of these applications. 我们提供了最小的帮助类和文档,它们可以简化这些应用程序的构建。 www.ibm.com 7. Zhongguancun and the establishment of electronic counter as a display in Chaoyang, Haidian and a warehouse for distribution to facilitate. 并且在中关村设立电子柜台作为展示,在海淀和朝阳设有仓库为配送提供方便。 www.tonke.cn 8. To facilitate reuse, transformation of those assets into a representation compliant with our common archetype model libraries is necessary. 为便于重用,将这些资产转换为符合通用原型模型库的表示形式非常必要。 www.ibm.com 9. When the whole melting was complete it was held in abeyance for a few minutes to facilitate the separation of foreign substances. 铸铁完全熔化了,他们让它在承受器停留一会儿,使铁汁里的杂质容易被隔离开来。 10. To facilitate farmers' shopping, our shop has made it one of our routines to deliver goods to the countryside. 为方便农民购物,送货下乡,已成为本商店的日常工作之一。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Design of area and materials used in construction do not facilitate cleaning and sanitation . 生产区域的设计和使用的材料不利于做好清洁和卫生工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Policymakers should facilitate the depreciation of the euro instead of trying to prevent it. 政策制定者应着力推动欧元贬值,而不是试图加以遏制。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Facilitate equipment run off, installation and ramp up to ensure flawless launch of new programs. 负责新项目的设备调试,安装以及运行,保证试生产的顺利进行。 www.job592.com 4. Bilateral trade and investment environment shall be improved and a public service platform be built to facilitate cooperation. 改善双边贸易投资环境,搭建公共服务平台,促进合作便利化。 www.nanning.gov.cn 5. I think cities facilitate more networking, and casual interaction than you might have on a daily basis. 我觉得那些城市它们可以在你以往的日常活动的基础之上给你带来更多的人际关系网,和一些比较随意的互动。 www.ted.com 6. Such a short half-life to facilitate the treatment of the operation, but also easy to play a role in radioactive antibody. 如此短的半衰期便于治疗操作,也便于放射性抗体发挥作用。 www.chinavalue.net 7. and particularly, the lateral plates can be made of one-way transparent glass to facilitate observation or photographing. 尤其是侧板为单向透明玻璃时,可以方便进行观察或拍摄。 ip.com 8. SOMA was applied to develop a service model to facilitate and understand opportunities of reuse across the business towers. SOMA用于开发服务模型,以促进业务塔间的重用和了解此类重用机会。 www.ibm.com 9. "A strong, resilient financial system is necessary to facilitate a broad and sustainable economic recovery, " the regulators said. 政府官员称,一个强有力的,有弹性的金融系统对于促进广泛的,可持续的经济恢复是必要的。 www.bing.com 10. Templates are a beautiful abstraction and can seriously facilitate long-term maintenance of your applications if used properly. 模板是很好的一种抽象,如果使用正确,它可以极大地降低应用程序的维护成本。 www.ibm.com 1. Templates are a beautiful abstraction and can seriously facilitate long-term maintenance of your applications if used properly. 模板是很好的一种抽象,如果使用正确,它可以极大地降低应用程序的维护成本。 www.ibm.com 2. The eye of a jumping spider. The spider's eight eyes facilitate exceptional spatial and focusing abilities as it hunts its prey. 跳蛛的眼睛。这种的眼睛使蜘蛛在捕食的时候具有优越的立体感和聚焦能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Finally, parametric design technique is used to facilitate the instantiation of the general template-module. 最后应用参数化设计技术实现了通用模板模块的实例化。 www.lunwentianxia.com 4. Dexamethasone, used to facilitate extubation and treat severe BPD, is known to have adverse effects on growth. 地塞米松,用来促进拔管和治疗严重桶,是众所周知的产生不利影响的增长。 www.syyxw.com 5. In the choice of mode of transportation, college students tend to facilitate low-priced car, the train of such public transportation. 在交通方式的选择上,大学生倾向价格低廉方便的汽车、火车这类大众交通工具。 fanrengu.net 6. Intensive surveys are continuing around the MOST recent detection points and in outlier areas to facilitate containment of this pest. 为进一步封锁这种害虫,在最近发生点和外围地区正继续进行严密监测。 dict.ebigear.com 7. How the host targets of these effectors facilitate pathogen infection is largely unknown. 对于宿主是如何把这种促进病原菌感染的效应子作为靶标的,目前还所知甚少。 www.ricedata.cn 8. seizing the opportunity for further reform and opening up to facilitate development and stability. 抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定 www.24en.com 9. Interpreting, as an oral communication tool, serves as a bridge to facilitate the exchanges between parties who speak different languages. 口译作为口头交流工具,是说不同语言的人们顺利交流的桥梁。 www.13191.com 10. A few of these features facilitate the implementation of auditing functions. 这些特性中的几个促进了审计函数的实现。 www.ibm.com 1. An ISOS would facilitate a new paradigm in which it would be routine to make use of resources all across the Internet. ISOS将促成新典范,使用整个网路上的资源将成为常态。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 2. Interface defines members to implement that facilitate the passing of a parameter from a consumer to a provider. 接口定义要实现的成员,这些成员有助于从使用者到提供者传递参数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The patient should be completely undressed , usually by cutting off the garments to facilitate thorough examination and assessment. 患者应该完全裸露,通常可以剪掉患者的衣服,从而可以进行彻底检查和评估。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In the collective signing gathering to be held tomorrow, we shall also place donation boxes to facilitate immediate fundraising . 在明天举行的集体签署备忘大会上,同时也会设立捐款箱方便同工即时募捐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The company manufacturers a line of 6800 compatible products which facilitate the interface requirements in small or medium- size systems . 公司生产了一系列与6800兼容的产品。在中、小规模集成电路系列中,这些产品简化了接口的要求。 www.bing.com 6. The identification of these biological "surrogate" markers would facilitate EBV vaccine development. 这些具有密切联系的生物替代标记可促进EBV疫苗的研究。 news.dxy.cn 7. To facilitate that goal, it begins operating Jaguar plants all over the country, subsidizing production with tax money. 为了促进这一目标,政府开始将生产捷豹汽车的工厂遍布全国,用税款补贴生产。 www.bing.com 8. The form, when completed, and its contents shall be kept confidential and shall only be used to facilitate the treatment of seafarers. 填好后的该表格及其内容应予保密,只应用于方便海员的治疗。 www.shipman.org.cn 9. Bevel the burr hole on the edge of the side where the Micro Sensor will exit. This will facilitate removal of the Micro Sensor. 在微传感器探出的边将单孔削成斜角,这能辅助微传感器的移走。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. Facilitate the establishment of the transport company for the Changzhou municipal building to make a certain contribution! 交通方便公司成立以来为常州的市政建设做出了一定的贡献! www.tonke.cn 1. Our goals were to increase the availability of our services and to facilitate the collaboration between our staff. 我们的目标是提高服务的可用性,并希望能推动人员之间的协作。 www.google.com 2. The whole apparatus is usually located in one room so as to facilitate supervision of the operation. 全套设备通常设置在一个工房中,以便操作管理。 www.bing.com 3. The child's senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste are used to facilitate language acquisition. 儿童的视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉都将被调动起来促进语言学习。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. And by reducing the need for countries to set aside foreign exchange reserves, it would also facilitate some reduction in global imbalances. 同时,通过降低各国留出外汇储备的必要性,这还将有利于在一定程度上减轻全球失衡。 www.ftchinese.com 5. To promote the development of business in the future, we request the payment method for you to facilitate a great deal of inconvenience. 为促进今后业务的发展,我方要求的付款方式为你方提供了很大的交易便利。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Stored water provides an essential reserve and can greatly facilitate distribution, particularly when water is pumped up to elevated tanks. 贮存水源能够有一个基本的存储量备用并且能够极大的方便分配,特别是抽水并向抬高的储水池注水时。 pro.yeeyan.com 7. One of the goals of the service learning project described in this article is to facilitate student participation in such agencies. 这篇文章所阐述的服务学习项目的目标之一是帮助学生融入此中。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Someone else was able to facilitate this meeting at a more appropriate time. 其它的人可以在一个更合适的时间主持这个会议。 www.ibm.com 9. It enables separate parts of the business to get started on their own, but does not facilitate reuse or the sharing of best practices. 它使业务的各个部分能够自我控制,但是不方便重用和共享最佳实践。 www.ibm.com 10. You made up of the new picture. is to proofing or as long as the production of injection mold. I send samples to facilitate production. 你新发过来的图片。是要打样还是只要制作注塑模。请寄样品给我。方便制作。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Accounting records and financial statements shall be prepared in a clear, concise manner to facilitate understanding, examination and use. 第十五条会计记录和会计报表应当清晰明了,便于理解和利用。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Facilitate traffic around the building to facilitate the procurement. 周围交通便利,方便居民采购。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. There must be sufficient background knowledge on the part of the reader to facilitate understanding of the concept expressed. 就读者而言,需要充足的知识背景去有助于表达这个概念的意思。 www.bing.com 4. Form then on, it has played a great role to promote and facilitate the China's reform of opening up and economic development. 自其实行以来,对我国的革新开放和经济发展起到了极大的推动和推动作用。 www.zidir.com 5. The system can take photos of the intruder, taking of evidence and public security personnel to facilitate the investigation process. 该系统可拍下入侵者的照片,便于公安人员取证和侦破案件。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The CBPR is an important component in efforts to open markets and to facilitate regional trade, the Honolulu APEC Leaders' Declaration says. 檀香山APEC领导人宣言说,《跨境隐私规则体系》是为开放市场和促进地区贸易所作努力的一个重要组成部分。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 7. The system is to facilitate the teaching and administrative staff job evaluation and design colleges and universities. 本系统便是为了方便高校教职工职称评审工作而设计的。 www.myeducs.cn 8. Newspapers may be rushing to charge for online content, but the infrastructure to facilitate the payments is in its infancy. 或许报纸正急于实现在线内容收费,但方便用户付款的基础设施仍不完善。 www.bing.com 9. However, to facilitate e-commerce growth in these countries, the relatively underdeveloped information infrastructure must be improved. 然而,为了有利于这些国家电子商务的发展,必须改善相关落后的信息技术的基础设施。 www.bing.com 10. As Fatih Birol, the IEA's chief economist, puts it: "If governments do not facilitate the investment, I don't think nuclear will fly. " 正如国际能源组织的首席经济学家法提赫?比罗尔(FatihBirol)所说,“要是政府不支持投资,核能就热不起来。” www.ecocn.org 1. Visio scheduling diagrams facilitate communication at all stages of a project. Visio日程安排图表有助于项目各个阶段的交流。 office.microsoft.com 2. Hold positive attitude whenever facing different opinions or other problems and take necessary actions to facilitate solutions. 出现意见不合或其他问题时能够以积极的态度应对,并采取行动积极配合以促进问题的解决。 www.gao8dou.com 3. This allowed them to construct a blueprint of how the thousands of proteins work together to facilitate neurite formation. 最终他们就能得到一张关于数千个蛋白分子共同促进神经突形成的蓝图。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. To facilitate tracking of paper originals, the Scanner 2500 supports imprinting on the front or back of documents. 为了便于纸张跟踪原件,2500年的扫描仪支持印记的前面或后面的文件。 shop.9wsg.cn 5. The basic purpose of dog shows is to facilitate the evaluation of breeding stock for use in producing the next generations. 举行犬展赛的基本目标是促进那些用于繁殖下一代的(各类犬)种群的评价。 baike.goumin.com 6. They facilitate trade, as they provide a common interpretation of what constitutes a sound product to importing and exporting countries. 这些国际标准为食品进出口国家提供了一套合格产品的统一标准,方便了食品贸易。 www.kekenet.com 7. Are the unrealistic expectations these devices facilitate not setting staff up for burnout? 对智能手机不起实际的期望会否让员工疲于奔命? www.bing.com 8. A number of organizations and institutions in the United States facilitate transnational judicial exchanges. 在美国有不少组织和机构致力于促进跨国司法交流。 www.america.gov 9. Jump between the statements and targets mainly related to a indicators to facilitate analysis of the reasons for the changes. 报表之间的跳转主要和指标相关,便于分析某个指标变化的原因。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. This project will encompass all development components necessary to develop PHP-based Web Applications and will facilitate extensibility. PDT工程将包含PHPWeb应用程序开发中需要的所有组件,并提供简单易用的扩展能力。 www.bing.com 1. So far much work has been done at home and abroad to look for ways to facilitate students' listening competence. 针对改进听力教学的方式方法,国内外研究者曾进行过一系列的研究。 www.fabiao.net 2. Now comparative genetics has been used to facilitate the isolation of gene, and it indicates a new field of evolution. 比较遗传学已经被应用于植物基因组的基因定位,并预示出进化研究的一个全新领域。 www.chinagene.cn 3. Again, simple command scripts or sophisticated system management tools, if available, can be used to facilitate this monitoring. 同样,简单的命令脚本或者复杂的系统管理工具(如果可用的话)都可以用于帮助实施这种监视。 www.ibm.com 4. In other words, if you want to be a writer, you need to have the tools that facilitate writing at your disposal. 换句话说,如果你想成为一名作家,你需要有随心所欲的工具帮助自己来写作。 www.bing.com 5. Another suggestion might be to facilitate better access to the public domain. 另一个建议可以是为更好的利用公共领域提供方便。 www.wipo.int 6. Are appropriate questioning techniques used to facilitate students answering questions? 课堂提问是否有利于学生回答问题? www.alcanta.com.cn 7. I have learned I need to limit the number of days in a week that I facilitate, especially if there is conflict in the group. 我已经学到了,一定要规定自己每周作为建导师时的工作天数,尤其是当小组内部存在冲突的情况下。 www.infoq.com 8. The carton has an integral ramp at the top, enabling the product to be rolled backwards to facilitate ease of filling. 纸箱已不可分割的坡道顶端,使产品推出后,以方便填写。 bzjs.512121.com 9. Fortunately, the same computer interface that poses such an obstacle can also be made to facilitate the interaction of assistive devices. 幸运的是,可以将造成这类困扰的计算机界面设计为便于和辅助设备交互。 www.ibm.com 10. Rather they aim to put things in their right context and facilitate the work of the mission. 相反,这样做是适应环境,为使团工作提供便利的。 www.voanews.cn 1. "We will open a 'green pass' to facilitate investment projects with low-carbon technologies, " he said. “我们将开辟绿色通道,给低碳技术投资项目大开方便之门,”他说。 www.bing.com 2. A memorial to creation, the day is meant to facilitate renewal of life in Him through the ages. 这是创造的纪念日,经过了许多年日,这一天的意义也包括了让生命在祂里面得到更新。 hosanna-tod.com 3. In these situations, a message dictionary must be deployed to a broker installation to facilitate parsing. 在这些情况下,代理的安装中必须要有消息字典的部署,以方便进行解析。 www.ibm.com 4. If it wants its claims on the US to be safe, it must facilitate an adjustment in the global balance of payments. 如果中国希望其对美国的债权安全,就必须促成全球收支平衡的调整。 www.ftchinese.com 5. By working with the information available in the event arguments of these events, you can easily facilitate drag-and-drop operations. 通过使用这些事件的事件参数中的可用信息,可以轻松地实现拖放操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. In the iteration demo the Project Manager's primary responsibility is to facilitate smooth flow of the event. 在迭代演示时,项目经理的主要职责是帮忙让演示顺利进行。 www.infoq.com 7. The system also offers XML format output mode, on this basis can facilitate the conduct of secondary development. 本系统同时提供XML格式的输出方式,在此基础上可以方便的进行二次开发。 www.13191.com 8. The Office of Student Affairs aims to facilitate the all-round personal development and growth of students of the University. 学生事务处的目标,是要协助本校学生的全面个人发展及成长。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 9. It would facilitate matters [things] greatly if you could tell them in advance. 如果你事先能告诉他们,事情会容易进行得多。 www.59edu.com 10. All data are placed with a local database, the effective protection of privacy of personal investment, security, facilitate efficient. 所有数据均存放本地数据库,有效保护个人投资隐私,安全利便高效。 www.htygp.com 1. The facilitator's job, he said, was simply to facilitate dialogue. 他说,调解人的工作只是为了促进对话。 www.ecocn.org 2. Third-party software can be used to facilitate the management of your LDAP server. 第三方软件可用来协助LDAP服务器的管理。 www.ibm.com 3. And part of our job is to help facilitate and coordinate that effort. 另外一部分,我们的工作是帮助促进和协调这方面的工作。 www.kb120.com 4. Cross-school project teams facilitate cultural exchange, encouraging students to think globally. 跨校的项目小组推动了文化交流,鼓励学生从全球角度考虑问题。 www.think.com 5. Mr Kuroda told the Financial Times yesterday that heavy investment in infrastructure was crucial if Asia was to facilitate further growth. 黑田东彦昨日向英国《金融时报》表示,如果亚洲想推动进一步增长,基础设施方面的巨大投资是至关重要的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. So, to facilitate such situations, the beginners note using real concepts to help direct their mind to these realities. 所以为了应对这种情况,初学者观照时使用真实概念以助其心导向究竟真实法。 wap.folou.com 7. The other four returns are designed to facilitate monitoring of aux return signals and do not assign to subgroups. 其他四名返回旨在促进辅助返回信号监测,不分配给群。 35475689.wamake.com 8. Teachers organize curriculum to facilitate students'understanding of the central themes, concepts, and skills in the subject area. 教师有机组织课程以促进学生对学科领域的课题中心、概念和技能的易于理解。 blog.cersp.com 9. It has been a consensus to strengthen mental health education in primary school and facilitate the development of pupil "s mental health. " 加强小学生心理健康教育,促进小学生心理健康发展,已经形成共识。 www.lw23.com 10. You could write the monitor information to a table to facilitate analysis of the results, such as the performance trend over time. 您可以将监视器信息写入到一个表中,以便于对结果的分析,例如性能趋势。 www.ibm.com 1. An interface is a window environment designed to facilitate the interaction between the user and the system. 界面是一个窗口环境,其设计是用来促进用户和系统之间的相互作用。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 2. With the support of state power, this kind of contract can reduce the cost of property transaction to facilitate social improvement. 这类合约引入国家,通过国家的力量,减低交换的交易费用,以保证社会改进的项目得到执行。 www.yidu.edu.cn 3. Provide interpretation support to DGM so as to facilitate DGM's communication with Chinese staff of the company. 为副总经理更好地与公司中方员工交流提供翻译支持。 www.classescn.com 4. The availability of a comprehensive and accurate list of protein interactions can facilitate drug target discovery. 是否有全面和准确的名单,可以促进蛋白质相互作用的药物靶标发现。 www.syyxw.com 5. What's training? Training refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees' learning of job related competencies. 培训指的是一个公司制定的计划结果去促进员工学习工作相关的任职资格或能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Analysts also design report models for others in an organization to organize data into meaningful entities that facilitate report creation . 分析人员还负责为单位内的其他人员设计报表模型,以便将数据组织成便于创建报表的有意义的实体。 www.bing.com 7. Players can obtain a bullet-proof equipment, ammunition, the key pass, and a small map to facilitate the provision of key players. 玩家可以通过取得防弹装备,弹药,过关钥匙,还有小地图提供方便玩家攻关。 www.sjjia.com 8. The main advantage of the mobile phone is to facilitate communication, or even the Internet. 手机的优点主要是方便通信,甚至可以上网。手机的缺点主要是干扰他人。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Nowadays, Remote Technical Support also takes advantage of many online resources to facilitate this interaction. 现在,远程技术支持还可以充分地利用各种联机资源来实现这种交互。 www.ibm.com 10. World markets were mostly lower on Wednesday amid more dire U. S. economic news and a move by Germany to facilitate bank nationalization. 世界大部分股市星期三走低,与此同时,美国经济传出更加黯淡的消息,德国政府采取措施促使银行国有化。 www.voanews.cn 1. Resources should be published in formats that facilitate both use and editing, and that accommodate a diversity of technical platforms. 资源应当以同时促进应用与编辑的形式进行发布,并能适用于多种技术平台。 sociallearnlab.org 2. Facilitate students during the "packaging design" fundamental knowledge learning, through online message exchange with teachers. 方便学生在进行《包装结构设计》基础知识学习的同时,通过在线留言与教师进行交流。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Facilitate transition to an SOA-based architecture, as each layer in the architecture corresponds to a different process controller. 促进过渡到基于SOA的体系结构,因为此体系结构中的每个层对应于不同的流程控制者。 www.ibm.com 4. Facilitate the Lian rent house constructive biggest of the crux carry out a coffers. 推进廉租房建设的最大难点是落实资金。 www.0734.coolline.cn 5. Through the system tray icon changes color to facilitate the understanding of the market trend. 通过系统托盘上图标颜色变化能够方便了解大盘走势。 www.g36.com.cn 6. To facilitate their shipment, every road now led to the seaports during those few days. 为了加速运输,在那几天里,所有的道路都直通港口。 osholovers.com 7. The fact that rapamycin is already clinically approved for other uses will facilitate future clinical trials of the drug. 实际上,瑞帕霉素已被批准临床用于其他用途,这将有助与将来该药地临床验证。 news.dxy.cn 8. Self motivated individual and a proven ability to facilitate meetings and provide leadership when necessary. 工作动力强,有能力召开会议以及在必要情况下发挥领导力。 jobs.zhaopin.com 9. From a real-world perspective, web services facilitate a centralized access point for information interchange. 在实践中,WebServicess利用了一个集中访问点进行信息交换。 www.ibm.com 10. The association's regionally representative board structure and national membership facilitate the execution of its mission. 该协会的区域代表性的董事会结构和国家的成员,协助执行其使命。 www.med365.com.cn 1. Spring can facilitate good programming practice by reducing the cost of programming to interfaces, rather than classes, almost to zero. 可以使良好的编程习惯更容易培养,利用接口代替。 java.mblogger.cn 2. This resolution imposes immediate measures to stop the violence, ensure accountability and facilitate humanitarian aid. 决议决定立即采取措施,制止暴力,追究责任,协助人道救援。 www.america.gov 3. Sometimes, like with me, circumstances and people around you help facilitate change without much conscious effort. 有时候,就比如我,你周围的环境和人协助你在不需刻意努力的情况下,推动改变。 www.elanso.com 4. The work station face of the kitchen should choose marble, scagliola or flashing is done, facilitate clean wholesome. 厨房的操作台面应选择大理石、人造大理石或防水板来做,便于清洗又卫生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. the machines are learning to understand and facilitate real human action and behavior. 机器正在学会理解并助力现实的人类动作与行为。 career.51youcai.com 6. These findings indicate that industry expertise does be able to facilitate audit quality. 这样得出本文的结论:事务所行业专长与审计质量正相关。 www.fabiao.net 7. In a nutshell, these products help facilitate the financial interactions between distributors and retailers regarding network usage. 简要地说,这些产品有利于促进批发商和零售商之间关于网络使用情况的财务交互。 www.infoq.com 8. The program is implemented to facilitate a wide range of queries with no restriction on the length or complexity of the query expression. 该程序被实现以促进一系列广泛的查询,没有对查询表达的长度和复杂性进行限制。 chinapubmed.net 9. To facilitate handling efficiency, products in the form of cans, bottles, or boxes are typically combined into larger units. 为了装卸效率,在罐,瓶,箱或形式的产品通常合并成较大的单位。 www.023java.com 10. Such compositions need to be designed, implemented, and deployed on a middleware layer to facilitate seamless connectivity. 这样的组合需要在某个中间件层上进行设计、实现和部署,以促进无缝连接。 www.ibm.com 1. Using WPAI, you can effectively facilitate remote manipulation of the data of various systems that are critical to your enterprise. 使用WPAI,可以有效地促进对不同系统中对企业至关重要的数据的远程操作。 www.ibm.com 2. We also will like to see development of some standard patterns and best practices that will facilitate BPMN learning. 我们也希望看到能促进BPMN学习的一些标准模式和最佳实践的出现。 www.infoq.com 3. Coordinating with other functions, departments in an effort to achieve synergy and facilitate team working environment. 协调其他职能部门,努力发挥协同效应,促进团队的工作环境。 www.lietou.com 4. This article aims to explain what you need to do to facilitate a retrospective for your team. 本文旨在说明为推动你的团队进行回顾,你需要做些什么。 www.infoq.com 5. The answer is: only if the creditors countries facilitate adjustment in the global balance of payments. 答案是:债权国只有促成对全球国际收支平衡的调整,才能保证债权的安全。 q.sohu.com 6. The height of the lamp pole can be freely and flexibly regulated to facilitate the luminaire to be more humanity. 灯杆可以自由伸缩调节高度,使灯具更人性化。 ip.com 7. Commander Bob Broadhurst, in charge of the operation, said his aim was to facilitate peaceful protest. 负责这次行动的BobBroadhurst指挥官说他的目的就是使这次示威运动能和平进行。 www.bing.com 8. Act as an advocate for decisions of the Chief Executive Officers and General Manager and facilitate implementation. 支持首席执行官和总经理的决定并促进决定的执行。 www.lietou.com 9. In many cases, a neuromuscular-blocking agent and a potent sedative are needed to facilitate intubation. 在许多病例中,需要使用神经肌肉阻断剂和有效的镇静剂。 www.med66.com 10. True, we have technology that can facilitate early detection, but this technology by no means confers prevention of disease on any of us. 诚然,我们的技术可以方便早期发现疾病,但是这决不是说疾病的预防依赖这些技术。 www.bing.com 1. These suggested design changes facilitate componentization, the next SOA-enablement pattern discussed. 这些建议的设计更改可促进组件化(要讨论的下一个SOA支持模式)的实现。 www.ibm.com 2. Keen awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate FL learning. 对两种语言相似与相异点的敏锐意识能促进外语学习。 www.03964.com 3. In the case of toxic or hazardous materials, MSDSs should be posted on the outside of the package to facilitate safe handling. 如果是毒性物料或危险性物料,则在外包装上要贴上MSDS,以便于安全处理。 word.hcbus.com 4. Its purpose is to facilitate meeting business goals by producing good quality software products and services in a timely fashion. 其主旨是帮助团队在有限的时间内发布高质量的软件从而实现业务目标。 www.bing.com 5. The system works done on the basis of PPT entry for streaming media courseware, streaming media sites to publish to facilitate remote users. 本系统做的作品是关于PPT的基础入门的流媒体课件,发布到流媒体网站上,方便远程的用户使用。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 6. I sincerely hope this World Expo will, as expected, facilitate the achievement of better cities and a happier life for people. 我衷心祝愿上海世博会能够如愿地推动城市更加美好,人们的生活更加幸福。 www.hjenglish.com 7. These sites facilitate the easy, attracting tourists from around the world to make their trip to Melbourne, a richer more value for money. 这些景点方便易行,吸引着来自世界各地的游客,使他们的墨尔本之旅更加丰富更加物超所值。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. Remember, your job is to facilitate the work of your employees, but not to do it for them! 记住:你的工作是使雇员的工作更容易,而不是为他们做事! www.kekenet.com 9. You can facilitate deeper coverage testing by analyzing your code base from the top level as well as analyzing individual class coverage. 通过从顶层开始分析您的代码库,以及分析单个类的覆盖,可以促进深入的覆盖测试。 www.ibm.com 10. Customizable templates facilitate the generation of a model's complete physical design and definitions. 自定义的模板有助于建立一个模型的完整的物理设计和定义的一代。 baike.soso.com 1. In the case of junk, the metal must be broken into smaller pieces to facilitate removal from the wellbore so that drilling can continue. 当铣鞋用于除去井底的碎屑时,金属必须被破碎成很小的片、块,以有助于从井眼内除去。 www.infopetro.com.cn 2. Manual part programming for such machine tools, if available, does not facilitate the integration between design and manufacturing. 手册的一部分,编程,例如机床,如果可用,不利于之间的整合设计与制造。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Callbacks are implemented as real classes to help facilitate code reuse and associated with client data at run time. 将回调实现为真正的类,从而促进代码重用并允许在运行时与客户机数据关联。 www.ibm.com 4. This should facilitate the creation of new value chains and additional jobs to provide lasting economic growth throughout the region. 使新的利益束缚处理变得容易,提供了整个区域持续经济增长的附加的就业。 swc.178.blog.163.com 5. The forum will facilitate an analysis of what works, of what has not worked and why, and of how to accelerate progress. 论坛将促进分析哪些对策有效,哪些对策无效,原因何在,以及如何加速进展。 www.who.int 6. Instant messengers facilitate communications in accompany with some secure questions that should not be neglected. 即时通为人们带来便捷的同时也存在安全方面的问题。 www.dictall.com 7. The new underground and railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city . 新的地下铁路将为去城市各处提供方便。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Detergents are not part of the manufacturing process and are only added to facilitate cleaning during the cleaning process. 清洁剂并不是生产工艺中的成分,加进去只是为了便于清洗。 bbs.jsvd.org.cn 9. The Panel supported in general the proposed merger to facilitate the link between the formulation and implementation of education policies. 事务委员会普遍赞同此拟议合并,以加强制定和推行教育政策两者之间的联系。 www.legco.gov.hk 10. During shooting, Thompson wore a blue sock to facilitate the digital removal of his leg by Industrial Light & Magic. 在拍摄期间,汤普森穿了一只蓝色袜子以便工业光魔用数字技术把他的腿去除。 starwarsfans.cn 1. Such codes facilitate bit-rate variability while minimizing interference and are formed through a code-tree principle. 这些守则促进比特率的变化,同时尽量减少干扰,并通过形成代码树的原则。 www.03964.com 2. Facilitate the construction and installation of this product, energy-saving effect is remarkable, with high cost performance. 本产品施工及安装便利、节能效果显著,具有很高的性能价格比。 www.metalnews.cn 3. Design by Contract can also facilitate code reuse, since the contract for each piece of code is fully documented. 契约式编程也可以用来代码重用,因为每段代码的契约都被完全地文档化了。 www.cnthub.com 4. The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city. It is really terrific. 新的地铁将为去城市各处提供方便。地铁真好。 wenku.baidu.com 5. It should facilitate the kind of collaboration that helps individuals compensate for their blindnesses, instead of cultivating them. 它应该促进合作,这种合作帮助个人克服他们自身的盲点,而不是助长了这些盲点。 www.bing.com 6. When you think about it, we use the Internet to facilitate nearly everything in our lives, so why not dating? 想想吧,我们使用因特网让我们周围几乎所有的事情都便捷起来,所以为什么不使用在约会中呢? lovelyparrot.spaces.live.com 7. The only viable path is to facilitate a proper collaboration between non tech business people and IT development teams. 唯一可行的道路是促使非技术业务人员和IT开发团队之间的合作。 www.360doc.com 8. with other local sewerage improvement projects, will facilitate the early re-opening of the closed Tsuen Wan beaches. 配合区内其他污水收集系统改善计划,该设施将有助早日重开已关闭的荃湾泳滩。 dict.ebigear.com 9. A low-foaming surfactant and dispersant may be used to facilitate the wetting of the particles and to stabilize the dispersion. 可以用低泡沫表面活性剂和分散剂来帮助微粒变湿以及稳定分散。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. Detailed plans were made to facilitate media coverage without affecting the overall security arrangements. 当局为此制定了详细的计划,既协助传媒采访,又不影响整体保安工作。 www.jukuu.com 1. The bath comes with an optional panel cut-out to facilitate a hoist if required. 洗澡时带有一个可选的面板断路器等,以方便有需要的升降器。 bbs.canjiren.net 2. Specialties facilitate commerce, and promote efficiency in the professions, but are often narrowing to individuals. 专业化促进了商业发展,提高了各行业的效率,但个体的空间却被日益压缩了。 www.bing.com 3. Internet renovation plan should be refined as much as possible to facilitate the actual construction work, renovation of the operation. 网吧的装修规划方案应尽可能地细化,以方便实际装修施工工作中的操作。 blog.soufun.com 4. a sledge plate is also provided on the bottom of the machine frame to facilitate propelling of the minisize windrower in the field. 机架的底部还设有雪橇滑板,方便微型割晒机在田面上的推动。 ip.com 5. Since it is a plain clerical error, we deem it preferable not to ask for amendment in order to facilitate delivery. 由于是明显的笔误,我们不再提请修改,以利及时发运。 www.51lunwen.com 6. Finally, to facilitate the reuse of this component, it's helpful to assign a meaningful name to it. 最后,为了方便组件重用,最好为其指定一个有意义的名称。 www.ibm.com 7. The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city. 新建的地铁将便于人们去城市各处。 dxwy.sru.jx.cn 8. All the kitchen layout should be appropriate to facilitate the operation of the kitchen. 厨房的一切布置都应以方便厨房操作为宜。 www.citynoon.com 9. Temporary channels shall be provided to facilitate run-off discharge into the appropriate watercourses, via a silt retention pond. 提供临时的渠道,使地面径流经淤泥沉积池排入适当的水道。 www.epd.gov.hk 10. They therefore supported the elaboration of a treaty, which would facilitate access to basic information. 因此他们支持制订条约,这样才便于获取基本信息。 www.wipo.int |
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