单词 | drug store |
释义 | 例句释义: 药店,药房,药妆店,杂货店 1. Back in the Qing Dynasty, a drug store apprentice was always scolded by his boss. He had to bear the insult for fear of losing the job. 清朝的时候,有一个药店,店里配药的小伙计常常挨老板的骂,他怕丢了饭碗,只好忍气吞声。 i.myechinese.com 2. I drove him to a local drug store, the modern version of what we used to call the "Five and Dime" . 我开车送他到本地的一家药店,现代版本是什么,我们常称“五和一角的银币”。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. When he was on his feet he turned toward the drug store, still clutching the paper, amazed and angry with himself for having been so clumsy. 他站起来后,就朝药店转过身去,手里依旧紧握着那份报纸,心里又惊慌又愤怒,想不到自己竟这样笨拙。 www.jukuu.com 4. the drug store is only around the corner . such a stupid guy ! 药房就在转角而已,真是个大笨蛋! www.ichacha.net 5. At the grocery stores you can just check it out at the spices section and you can just ask assistance from the pharmacist in a drug store. 食杂店你可以在调味品的货区找到,在药房你直接问药剂师就行。 www.bing.com 6. Here are the top 10 things that, if you hear them, should make you run screaming from the bedroom -- at least as far as the drug store. 如果你听到以下十个说法,你应该尖叫着跑出卧室,一直冲到药店---买套! www.bing.com 7. Mike agreed to go, got dressed in the dark, and walked over to the drug store. 迈克答应了,又摸黑穿上了衣服,来到药店。 www.bing.com 8. Let me see. I'm sorry, we don't have this medicine in stock right now. You can try another drug store or ask the doctor to replace it. 让我看看。对不起,目前这种药我们没有库存。你可以去另一家药店试试或者叫医生开其它药来代替它。 www.hxen.com 9. Seems to be Japan. Drug store is not ah. 似乎是日本的。是不是药妆啊。 99mrw.5d6d.com 10. As soon as he settled in she said, "Honey, can you go over to the drug store and pick me up some aspirin? " 刚躺下来就听到她老婆说:“亲爱的,能到对面的药店给我买点阿司匹林吗?” www.bing.com 1. The recalls have kept popular products off drug store and supermarket shelves for months and hit the company's bottom line. 这些召回行动促使其畅销产品撤下药店和超市货架几个月,触及了公司的底线。 www.bing.com 2. The top sign is for a drug store and the bottom is for a shoe shop. 上面的是药店招牌,下面的是鞋店的招牌。 www.bing.com 3. My other brother worked in the drug store across the street which, of course, was also frequented by my mom on a regular basis. 我的另外一个兄弟在街角那家药店做兼职,当然这也是我妈妈经常光顾的据点之一。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Bill figured he had nothing to lose, so he filled a jar with a urine sample and went to the drug store. 比尔想这样自己也没什么损失,于是他盛满一罐尿样去了那家药店。 www.bing.com 5. My daughter was a pharmacist in a drug store, so she got the medication for me right away. 我的女儿是一个药剂师在药店工作,所以她就马上帮我配药。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. At the drug store, which also kept a stock of miscellaneous stationery, his eye was caught by a "transparent slate" , a child's toy. 那家药房也备着好多五花八门的文具,他看上了一种“透明石板”,那是一种孩子玩的东西。 7. The liquid you can find in the shelves of drug store is an herbal extract with exceptional cleansing, soothing, and healing properties. 你可以在药店的架子上找到北美金缕梅的萃取液,它有清洁、镇定、修护皮肤的作用。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Did you know that for most women, 75%, said their Ideal Man would buy his grooming products in a grocery store or drug store. 你知道吗,大多数的女性,占75%,说一个理想的男人应该在小商店或是药店买个人护理产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The easy way to try and fight a zit attack is to run to the drug store and buy the best sounding acn. 最简单的办法,试图打一场zit攻击运行到药店买最好的探空埃森哲…… www.acne-treatments-web.com 10. Next to the building, there's a drug store and a restaurant. 在大楼的旁边是一间药店和一间旅馆。 www.tingclass.net 1. It was not the same cool, bright face he saw earlier in the drug store. 不再是之前那个他在药店里看到的冷静,充满生气的面孔。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. the drug store of the non-profit medical system should be changed into medical sale enterprises. 非盈利性医疗机构门诊药房改为药品零售企业问题。 www.chemyq.com 3. After I post this, I'm going to the drug store with my list. Oh right, one more thing, it helps to keep a list. 此贴在发完后,我要带着购物单去药店。哦,还有一件事,写清单能提供方便。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. and there's a very nice Laundromat between the post office and the drug store. 邮局和药店之间有个很不错的干洗店。 www.jukuu.com 5. be familiar with the management system and operative way of drug-store, esp, the way of medicine's entry to hospital. 了解药房的管理体制和运作方式,并熟悉药品进入医院的途径和方法。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. OK. I'm going to the drug store later. Is there anything I can get for you? 好的,我过会儿要去药店,需要带点什麽吗? www.englishspeak.com 7. The designated medical institution or the designated retail drug store shall check medical insurance vouchers of employees. 定点医疗机构或者定点零售药店应当对职工的医疗保险凭证进行核验。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. At the corner stood a drug store, bright with electric lights. 在一个拐角处有家药店,灯火通明。 www.jukuu.com 9. Bevan has just recently been finished 21st birthday, is currently in the UK to do a drug store Stafford City pharmacists assistant. 贝文前不久刚刚过完21岁的生日,目前在英国斯塔福德市一家药店做药剂师助理。 www.englishtang.com 10. Umaid's head of gynecology and the employees running the hospital's drug store have been suspended indefinitely. 乌美医院的妇科主任以及经营医院药店的员工已经被无限期停职。 cn.wsj.com 1. A policeman who stood before a drug store two doors away laughed and walked down the street. 相隔两个门面的药店前,站着一名警察,他笑了笑,便沿街走去。 www.jukuu.com 2. information about the drug store industry , trends , news articles , links. 发布医药行业动态政策法规,追踪医药技术前沿信息。 www.ichacha.net 3. SHANGHAI LIANHUA FUXING DRUG-STORE CHAIN MANAGEMENT CO. , LTD. 上海联华复星药房连锁经营有限公司。 www.elansh.com 4. He went back to the drug store, located the machine, poured in the sample and deposited the $10. 然后他返回到药店,找到那台机器,把样本倒进去并放入了10美元。 www.bing.com 5. In 1976, Zhuang Yongjing, a previous farmer, porter, labor in Hongkong, ran a small-sized drug store by loans. 1976年,在香港当过种菜工、搬运工、泥水工的庄永竞,靠借贷开了一间小药店。 www.ecocn.org 6. He sent his son to knock up a drug store and get some medicine. 他叫儿子去敲开一家药店的门买一点药。 www.2jiaoan.com 7. Collins: Is there a drug store near here? Mr. Collins: It's about five minutes on foot. 科林斯太太:这附近有药店吗?科林斯先生:走路去大约要五分钟时间。 rong789.16789.net 8. Waiting in a drug store line. Folding towels. 交通、商场排队、折叠毯子、切菜。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. often , the soda fountain was inside a drug store , and people of all ages would come and meet there. 通常汽水柜台是设置在药房里头,而许多不同年龄的人会来店里买饮料。 www.ichacha.net 10. Ladies, pick up some red lipstick next time you're at the drug store. 下次去药妆店,女士们可别忘了买点口红。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Go get a bottle of sun tanning oil in the drug-store. 去药房买一瓶日晒油。 www.x-inwei.com 2. I'm going to the drug store now, can I get you anything? 我现在要去药店,有什麽需要我带的吗? www.englishspeak.com 3. There's a computer at the drug store that can diagnose anything quicker an cheaper than a doctor. 现在的药店有一种计算机,能够比医生更快地做出诊断并且花费更少。 www.bing.com 4. Taking all of her coins , Tess went to the drug store. 带所有的她收集的硬币,苔丝去药房。 www.tiantianbt.com 5. And the tinsel and the holly were decorating the drug store. 杂货店又被装饰满了冬青树和闪闪的金片。 www.hjenglish.com 6. SHENZHEN WEDGE CHAIN DRUG STORE CO. , LTD. 深圳市万泽医药连锁有限公司。 www.ccgpf.com 7. Sometimes the Doctor heard the gossipers in the drug-store wondering why Rosicky didn't get on faster. 有时医生听取了药物gossipers店奇怪,为什么罗西基没有得到更快的。 home.24en.com 8. The cashier at the drug store told me. (是)药店出纳告诉我的(的)。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Some people find it hard to find alum but it can just be found in grocery stores and drug store. 有些人觉得明矾很难找,其实一般的食杂店或者药房就有卖的; www.bing.com 10. Why don't you try the drug store? It's open late. 你为什么不试试药店呢?他们很晚才关门。 www.4158.net 1. I trust from time to time compare drug store. 所以我不时比拟信任药妆。 99mrw.5d6d.com 2. Is there a drug store nearby? 左近有药店吗? www.wxtguanwang.com 3. Said at his drug store drug store was, in fact, to buy cosmetics in pharmacies. 日自己才说药妆药妆,其实就是在药店买的化装品。 99mrw.5d6d.com 4. Of course, the most safe to use acne most effective way, I think it is drug store. 祛痘当然要用最平安最有效的方法,我觉得还是药妆。 99mrw.5d6d.com 5. But the Japanese drug store to buy cosmetics in general, so that in fact is a drug store to promote, not much different. 不过日本药妆店一般的化装品都买,所以说药妆其实也就是个宣扬,没什么大的不同。 99mrw.5d6d.com 6. A client waked into the drug-store and said to the fat boss: "I want to buy a bottle of Medicated Wine. " 一个人走进药房,对胖老板说:“请给我一瓶铁打酒。” zhidao.baidu.com 7. You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid , not condoms and pregnancy tests. 去药房买的是止痛药和胃药,而不是保险套和验孕棒。 www.showxiu.com 8. Oh, I catch a cold and decide to go to drug store. 哦,我有点感冒,去药店买药。 www.bing.com 9. In the West you probably don't go to the hospital, you go to the pharmacy or drug store. 西方人买药时经常不去医院,而是到药房或杂货店。 www.hotdic.com 10. Objective To study a standardized quality control system of hospital drug-store management. 目的研究建立医院药库质量管理的规范化体系。 www.chemyq.com 1. Excuse me, this morning I bought some medicine for flu at this drug store. 打扰了,今天早上我在这家药店买了流感药。 www.hxen.com 2. Hospital, library, post office, bank, laundries, stores, barbershops and drug store around 周边有医院、图书馆、邮局、银行、洗衣店、超市、发廊和药店等设施 www.move2rent.com 3. I'll give you a prescription that you can have filled at your local drug store 我给你开点药,你可以到当地的药房按处方去买药。 www.e-say.com.cn 4. Application of Computer Network in the Management of Drug Store 药库管理的计算机网络技术 www.ilib.cn 5. All materials were purchased at a local Drug store 这些材料当地药店就可以购买 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Network management on drug store of outpatient wards 门诊药房的网络化管理 www.ilib.cn 7. Honesty is the Root of Drug Store Operation 诚信是药店经营之本 www.ilib.com.cn 8. Chain road of drug store 药业连锁之路 www.ilib.cn 9. The first time I went to a drug store to buy condoms 我第一次到药店买避孕套的时候。 www.bing.com |
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