单词 | drug development | ||||||||||||||
释义 | drug development
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 药物开发,药物发展,新药开发 1. Developing an efficient synthetic route to natural product compounds and their analogs is often an essential step in drug development. 发展一种自然产物复合物以及类似物的有效合成途径在药物研制过程中经常是必需的步骤。 news.dxy.cn 2. "The fact of the matter is that we have found all the easy targets" for drug development. 事实是我们已经找到了药物开发的所有容易的目标。 www.elanso.com 3. Antimicrobials are typically used for a period of one to ten days, decreasing the financial incentive for new drug development. 抗菌素的使用期限一般为1-10天,这削弱了新药物开发的经济动力。 www.who.int 4. The risk that new compounds may be withdrawn from the market is a strong disincentive to new drug development. 新化合物有可能被撤出市场,这种风险对新药物开发具有强大抑制作用。 www.who.int 5. But he winces at the word, a symbol of what has gone wrong in drug development. 但是,听到这个词他忍不住一惊,这个反应说明医药开发界一直以来存在的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 6. These data were used to estimate the average pre-tax cost of new drug development. 这些数据被用来估计平均税前成本的新的药物的发展。 www.syyxw.com 7. Just take a look at venture capital investment in pharma, since it's the financial engine that drives new drug development. 看看医药领域的风投情况就知道了,因为它正是推动新药开发的资金引擎。 www.fortunechina.com 8. The guideline does not apply to contents of submissions for drug products during the clinical research stages of drug development. 本指导文件不适用于临床研究阶段制剂递交文件的内容。 zhuyujiao1972.blog.163.com 9. The next stage of drug development would normally be a large randomised study, but this may never happen. 通常,一种药物开发的下一阶段是一个大规模的随机研究,但是对于阿司匹林来说,这个阶段可能不会进行。 www.bing.com 10. Benefits of the screening bioactive compounds are crucial for innovation of pharmaceutical agents in different stages of drug development. 化合物活性筛选是创新药物研究过程的起点和具有决定意义的关键步骤。 www.chemyq.com 1. The compound of this invention has a good activity of anti-tumor and water-solubility with excellent prospects in drug development. 本发明的化合物具有良好的抗肿瘤活性、以及水溶性,该化合物在药物开发中具有极好的前景。 ip.com 2. Embryonic stem cells have been the focus in tissue engineering, developmental biology, drug development and gene research. 胚胎干细胞已成为组织工程、发育生物学、药物开发及基因研究的热点。 www.chemyq.com 3. The inventor is taught the basics of drug development and gets funding support to carry out the "drudgery. " 而发现者能够学习药物开发的基本知识,并得到资金,继续进行“乏味的工作”。 www.bing.com 4. Instead, many outsource specific parts of their drug development process. 相反,许多公司只是把它们研发过程的特定部分外包到中国来。 www.scidev.net 5. The drugs group plans to expand external partnerships and reduce the number of experiments it applies during drug development. 药业集团计划扩大对外合作伙伴关系,并在药物开发阶段减少了一系列它正实施的实验。 news.dxy.cn 6. Its emergence stirred up a new technical revolution in tbe fields of basic research, clinical trial and drug development. 它的出现掀起了基础、临床及药物开发领域新一轮的技术革命。 stae.com.cn 7. The second golden era is now underway in which cancer genomics will direct drug development. 第二个黄金时期是在目前正在进行癌症基因组学将直接药物开发。 www.syyxw.com 8. This article provides a critical analysis of some of the issues that pertain to pharmacogenomics in the drug development process. 本文提供了一个批判性分析的一些问题涉及到药物基因组学在药物开发过程。 www.syyxw.com 9. The big thrust in cancer drug development for the last few years has been so-called targeted therapies. 近几年抗癌药物发展的一大进步是被称为“针对性治疗”的药物。 www.bing.com 10. The methods might one day be used in early drug development to pick candidates with the best specificity, Barbas said. Barbas说,这些方法可能有朝一日用于早期药物开发以便筛选特异性最好的候选药物。 bbs.bioon.net 1. Its unique chemical and biological property makes the organoselenium drug development especially meaningful. 由于硒具有独特的生化、药理性质,因此开发含硒类药物极具意义。 www.76616.com 2. In today's drug-development environment, companies are under increasing pressure to improve efficiency and maintain returns on investment. 在今天的药物的开发环境,公司正受到越来越大的压力,以提高效率和维护的投资回报率。 www.syyxw.com 3. This review discusses the current and future applications of pharmacogenomics in clinical cancer therapy and cancer drug development. 本篇综述主要讨论当前和将来药物基因组学在临床癌症治疗和抗癌药物研制方面的应用。 www.lifescience.net.cn 4. The pharmaceutical and drug-development business is changing globally, with unavoidable effects on the lives of professionals. 药品制造与开发公司的改变是全球性的,不可避免的会影响到每个专家的生活。 www.bing.com 5. It is prospective that new drug development with aldose reductase as a potential target can achieve significant progress. 预计以醛糖还原酶为靶点的新药研究和开发将取得重要进展。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The drug development programme in Edinburgh is supported by a Seeding Drug Discovery award from the Wellcome Trust. 爱丁堡的药物开发计划也得到了威康信托药物开发基金的支持。 news.dxy.cn 7. Sequencing of parasite genomes opened the possibility to identify potential protein targets for drug development. 寄生虫基因组序列分析提供了可能,以查明潜在的蛋白药物开发的目标。 www.syyxw.com 8. Consequently, animal models have developed as the central paradigm in CNS drug development. 因此,动物模型已经开发为中心的模式在中枢神经系统药物的开发。 www.syyxw.com 9. As part of a drug development program, S-equol was synthesized in pure form. 作为一个药物开发计划的一部分,第S-雌马酚为原料,以纯粹的形式。 www.syyxw.com 10. Recent statistics indicate that the attrition rates during drug development remain high. 最近的统计数字表明,损耗率在药物开发仍然很高。 www.syyxw.com 1. Conclusion : The market forecast Hypolipidemic drug development prospects in the coming period. 结论:预测降血脂药物市场在未来一段时期内的发展前景。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Qinghai province medical plant resource survey and national drug development research. 青海省药用植物资源的调查及民族药物的开发研究。 www.job592.com 3. Bacterial cells differ from human cells in many fundamental ways, so there are more opportunities for new drug development. 细菌细胞在很多基本方面与人类细胞不同,因此,有更多开发新药物的机会。 www.who.int 4. Almost all major pharmaceutical companies are now focused on oncology drug development. 几乎所有主流制药企业都关注于肿瘤药物的研发。 www.bing.com 5. Acquiring details about the kinetic parameters of enzymes is crucial to both drug development and clinical diagnosis. 获取有关酶动力学参数的细节对于药物开发和临床诊断都是至关重要的。 www.chinapubmed.net 6. Drug development is characterized by high costs, long cycle and big risk, especially in clinical trial. 新药研发具有费用高、周期长和风险大的特点,尤其是在新药临床研究阶段。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 7. They also want to swap information more regularly on a wide range of drug development and safety issues. 他们也希望定期就广泛的药物开发和安全问题交换更多的信息。 news.dxy.cn 8. A second concern is that there is no significant new drug development for antimicrobials. 第二项关注是,在抗菌素方面没有显著的新药开发。 www.who.int 9. The guidelines are needed for the new approach to Alzheimer's drug development. 这个指南为老年痴呆症药物发展指明了一个新方向。 www.bing.com 10. abstract: Drug information is essential for new drug development and it is considered as a basis of decision-making. 药学信息不仅是新药研发立项的依据,也是决策活动的起点和前提。 www.bing.com 1. Breath of Fresh Air? Firm Type, Scale, Scope, and Selection Effects in Drug Development. 新视角?公司类型,规模,范围和选择效应对药品研发的影响。 lib.cueb.edu.cn 2. A potential role of micromonospora in marine drug development is proposed. 展望了小单孢菌在海洋药物开发中的前景。 www.chemyq.com 3. Both he and Hale started their own drug-development consultancy. The work gave Hale enough time to travel and explore her idea. 现在他和赫尔共同展开药物开发顾问的事业,这项工作让赫尔有足够的时间去旅行并探试她的想法。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. Recently, molecular features such as the AKT1 mutation are beginning to change drug development efforts. 现在,诸如AKT1基因突变的分子标记开始影响着药物发展的方向。 news.dxy.cn 5. In the course of the study obtained data may speed up the anti-HIV vaccine or drug development. 在研究过程中得到的数据可能会加速抗艾滋病毒疫苗或药物的研制。 www.chinavalue.net 6. As biotechs navigate the always-tricky drug development and approval world, mistakes are inevitable. 随着生物技术公司控制了通常很微妙的药物研发和报批领域,错误是难免的。 www.biozx.com 7. A number scientific and economic disincentives to new drug development exist. 目前存在一些抑制新药物开发的科学和经济因素。 www.who.int 8. In addition to meeting the primary endpoint, a "very good safety profile" was achieved, the Austrian drug development firm said. 该疫苗在满足主要终点后,也显示出了“非常好的安全特性”,这个来自奥地利的药物研究企业这样说明。 www.dxy.cn 9. Moreover, some feasible approaches and strategies in new drug development under the level of present Chinese technology were pointed out. 指出在我国目前技术水平下开发新药的一些切实可行的途径和策略。 www.chemyq.com 10. Drug development is a high cost and laborious process, requiring a number of tests until a drug is made available in the market. 药物开发是一项费时费力成本高的过程,需要一系列的测试,直到药物是可以在市场上。 www.syyxw.com 1. Discovering potential drug leads has played a key role in the drug development. 先导化合物的发现在药物研究中起关键作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. These cells can be used in applications such as cell therapy, drug development, disease modeling, and the study of cellular differentiation. 这些细胞能够被用在诸如细胞治疗、药物开发、疾病建模的应用及细胞分化的研究中。 www.chinapubmed.net 3. Professor Brian Walker and Dr Scott Webster from the University of Edinburgh are leading the drug development programme. 来自于爱丁堡大学的BrianWalker教授和ScottWebster博士正领导药物发展计划。 news.dxy.cn 4. The finding may aid new drug development and eventually lead to more targeted chemotherapy based on patients' genes. 这项发现可能推动相关新药的开发,在将来根据肿瘤患者基因的情况对他们进行靶向性更高的化学治疗。 news.dxy.cn 5. This is very unusual in the world of drug development, he said. 这将是药物发展史上不平凡的一例。 www.bing.com 6. New Drug Development: Dark Horses Lead the Way? 新药研发向冷门进军? www.ilib.cn 7. He is founder of Opsona Therapeutics, a drug development company in Dublin. 他在都柏林创立了一家名为「调理素疗法」的药物研发公司。 8. Such companies were already present in China before the programme, but their activities were mainly focused on drug development. 这些公司在该规划提出前均已在华投资,并重点进行新药开发工作。 www.bing.com 9. The study will aid malaria drug development and improves the chance of developing a malaria vaccine, Winzeler added. Winzeler还说,这项研究将有助于疟疾药物的开发,并提高开发疟疾疫苗的可能性。 www.scidev.net 10. There is virtually no financial mechanism to support innovative drug development in China, except for basic research. 周明东说:“在中国,除了基础研究之外,实际上根本没有支持新药物研发的融资体制。” www.neworiental.org 1. Driving the new drug development are some 30 genomics companies, mostly in California, Massachusetts, and Britain. 推动新的药物基因工程发展主要是大约30个公司,主要分布在加利福尼亚州,马萨诸塞州和英国。 select.yeeyan.org 2. Integration of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in antibiotic drug development and pharmacotherapy 药物动力学和药效动力学在抗菌药物新药开发和临床治疗上的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. The Role of Transporters in the Drug Absorption, Distribution and Elimination and its Significance in the New Drug Development 药物转运蛋白在药物吸收、分布和排泄中的作用及对新药研发的意义 www.ilib.cn 4. Population pharmacokinetics and its application in new drug development 群体药代动力学及其在新药研究中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Metabonomics and its application to toxicology in drug development 代谢组学及其在新药毒理研究中的应用 6. Toxicity Biomarkers: Promising Tools for Accelerated Drug Development 毒性生物标志:加速新药开发的潜力工具 www.giichinese.com.cn 7. Technology Empowerment for Biological Drug Development and Production 生物药物发展新技术 www.bio-equip.com 8. Packaging Compatibility Studies during Drug Development 药品开发过程中包装材料的相容性研究 www.lnyj.org 9. Ion Channelopathies Which Induces Cardiac Arrhythmias and Novel Target of Drug Development 心律失常离子通道病与药物作用新靶点 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Ion Channel Phosphorylation, Arrhythmias and Targets for Drug Development 离子通道磷酸化,心律失常和新药的靶点 1. Application of nanometer technique in novel drug development and studying Chinese herbal drugs 纳米技术在新药开发和中药研究中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Discussion on Current Situation of New Drug Development and the Mode of Drug Technical Evaluation 中国新药研发现状及药品审评模式探讨 www.ilib.cn 3. Aspects of New Drug Development and Research of Information Resources Construction and Information Network Service 新药研制开发中的信息资源建设和网络信息服务工作 service.ilib.cn 4. New Concepts in Therapeutics of HIV Infection--New Targets of Drug Development and New Strategies of Therapy in AIDS HIV感染治疗学的新概念--艾滋病药物研发的新靶点和药物治疗的新策略 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Small animal PET and its application in medicine and drug development 小动物PET及其在医药学研究中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Current Drug Development Market for Cytokines, Chemokines and Growth Factors 细胞激素、化学激素及繁殖因子相关目前新药开发市场动向 www.giichinese.com.cn 7. Data Management of the New Drug Development in Tradition Chinese Medicine 浅谈中药新药开发中的资料管理 www.ilib.com.cn 8. Optimization in Drug Candidate Selection and Strategy in Early Drug Development 药物在筛选中的优化以及在早期开发中的策略 sinoboss.bokee.com 9. Challenges for drug development in early clinical phase Johannes Nagelschmitz, Bayer Healthcare Company Ltd 药物研发中早期临床试验阶段的挑战 wenku.baidu.com 10. Early Stage Drug Development of Biologics - Clinical Pharmacology Perspective 生物制品早期研发阶段-从临床药理学的角度 www.sdatc.com 1. Train of thought on the application of molecular biology technology in new drug development of traditional Chinese medicine 分子生物学在中药新药开发中的应用思路 service.ilib.cn 2. Discoveries and Challenges in Early-Stage Apoptosis Drug Development 早期细胞凋亡药研发之发现与课题 www.giichinese.com.cn 3. Discussion on Syndrome-related Problems in Clinical Trials for New Drug Development 中药新药临床研究证候相关问题探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. Thinking of Chinese herbal drug development for treating cerebrosis according to theory of collateral 从络论治脑病的中药研发思维探索 www.ilib.cn 5. Establishing Basic Level for New Drug Development and Exploring the Starting Point of the Development in Senior Medical Vocational School 构建新药开发的基础平台,探索医药高职学院新药开发的切入点 www.ilib.cn 6. Antigen Presenting Cells: From Mechanisms to Drug Development 呈现细胞的抗原:从机制到药物开发 book.cnpeak.edu.cn 7. Cardiac Safety of Noncardiac Drugs: Practical Guidelines for Clinical Research and drug Development (with CD-ROM) 非心脏病药物的心脏安全性:临床研究与药物开发实用指南(书和光盘) bibf.cnpbook.com 8. Steering Committee on Clinical Research and Drug Development; 临床研究和药品研制指导委员会; www.powerdict.com 9. Elective Courses Principles and Practice of Drug Development 药物开发原理及实例 www.8wen.com 10. Application of high throughput screening in drug development 高通量药物筛选在新药研究中的应用 service.ilib.cn 1. Some Important Issues of New Drug Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中药新药开发若干重要问题的思考 www.ilib.cn 2. Enzymes in drug development and clinical diagnostics; 酶与药物研发、临床诊断; lib.nwnu.edu.cn 3. The application of bioinformatics in drug development 生物信息学在药物开发中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Progresses in Antiviral Research and Drug Development 抗病毒药物研究与进展 www.gschool.sjtu.edu.cn 5. Metabolic Drug Interactions in Drug Development 药物代谢所致的药相互作用 sinoboss.bokee.com 6. Enlightenment on Indian generic drug development for China 印度非专利药发展模式对我国制药业的启示 www.ilib.cn 7. Clinical and Industrial Drug Development 临床药物与产业发展 search.edutime.net 8. Strategy and Practice of Clinical trials in drug development 药物临床试验的策略和实践 sinoboss.bokee.com 9. New drug development and high throughput screening 药物创新与高通量筛选 www.ilib.cn 10. The Mechanism of Anti-arrhythmic Agents and New Drug Development 抗心律失常药作用机理及新药开发 www.mpsky.com.cn 1. Progress in Renin-Targeted Drug Development 以肾素为靶点的药物研究进展 service.ilib.cn 2. Model Based New Drug Development and Evaluation 以模型为基础的新药研发及评估 sinoboss.bokee.com 3. The application of small animal PET in drug development 小动物PET在药物研究中的应用 service.ilib.cn 4. Considerations on New Drug Development in TCM 关于中药新药开发的思考 www.ilib.com.cn 5. Genomics In Cancer Drug Development 癌症药物开发的基因组学 psop.cnpbook.com 6. Global Alliance for TB Drug Development 全球结核病药物研发联盟 www.pdbpa.cn 7. Role of Drug Metabolism in Drug Development 药物代谢在新药研究中的作用 www.ilib.cn 8. Principles and Practice of Drug Development, Fall 2005 2005秋季课程:药物发展之原则与实践 cn1.myoops.org 9. New drug development in glaucoma 青光眼药物治疗的新进展 www.ilib.cn 10. Basic Model of Drug Development 药物研发的基本模式 wenku.baidu.com 1. A flexible blueprint for the future of drug development 一项有关药品开发未来出路的灵活性蓝图 blog.sina.com.cn 2. New Trends in Drug Development 目前的新走向 365u.com.cn 3. Medicine and Drug Development in the 21st Century 21世纪的医疗与药品开发 www.ilib.cn 4. Introduction of Preclinical and Safety Research for New Drug Development in China (Tentative), Guowei Sang, SFDA (China) 中国新药临床前研究和安全性评价的现状和发展(暂定),桑国卫,院士,中国国家食品药品监督管理局。 www.dxy.cn 5. Drug Development in China: Challenges and Opportunities 中国的医药发展:挑 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Methods of patent document utilization in China's new drug development 我国新药研发中专利文献的利用策略 www.ilib.cn 7. New Drug Development of TCD on Diabetes in China: Present Situation and Analysis 我国研制治疗糖尿病中药新药现状与分析 www.ilib.com.cn |
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