单词 | every step of the way |
释义 |
例句释义: 奔跑属天的每一步,生命中的每一步,在离途的每一步路上 1. There is nothing worse than trying to use something when you're fighting it every step of the way. 没有比当你试图使用什么东西你却要与他每一步的工作方式作斗争更糟糕的了。 www.bing.com 2. To my chief strategist David Axelrod who's actually been a partner with me every step of the way. 我的首席政策师大卫——阿克塞尔罗德,在一个合作朋友与我的每一步。 zszc.hdjxjz.com 3. (Injected with a poison) If I should stay, I would only be in your way. So I'll go, but I know I'll think of you every step of the way. (注射了一种情毒)如果我留下,我只能在您一条路上。所以我离开,但我知我将每一步都想著您。 www.yappr.cn 4. And thanks to your families, as well, because your sacrifice was theirs, too. All of you were there for me every step of the way. 也谢谢你们的家人,因为你作出的牺牲也是他们的牺牲,你们所有人都与我一路走来。 tieba.baidu.com 5. You know where you're going but you're fighting yourself every step of the way, and sometimes even sabotaging your own progress. 你知道你要去哪里,但你要在每一步上和自己在奋斗,有些时候甚至阻碍了自己的进步。 www.bing.com 6. To my chief strategist Peter Chen, who's been a partner with me every step of the way. 还要感谢我的首席策略师陈皮特先生,她是我竞选征程中的好搭档。 tieba.baidu.com 7. If it wasn't for Melanie, she'd start home, right this minute, if she had to walk every step of the way . 要不是为了媚兰,她会即刻动身回去的,哪怕只能一路上步行到家也行! www.jukuu.com 8. Ventress fought every step of the way, but was stronger and her movements only managed to leave her breathless . 文崔斯每走一步都要挣扎,但是他更强壮,她的动作只是让自己更加上气不接下气。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. 'Your country will be there with you every step of the way. We're not going anywhere, ' the president said to cheers. 他说,前行路上的每一步,国家都将与你们同在,我们会坚守在这里。 c.wsj.com 10. I keep my steps slow and deliberate until I'm out the door. I feel the salesgirl's eyes every step of the way. 我有意放慢脚步,显得从容不迫直到出了门,我感觉那位售货员一直在盯着我。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. We are with you every step of the way. Be at peace and do not worry about the outcome. We will speak again very soon. Good day. 我们每一步都伴随着你。处于平和中,不要担忧结果。我们很快会再次对话。祝你美好的一天。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Every step of the way feels a bit like climbing a really steep set of stairs, which becomes steeper the higher it goes. 每一步都感觉像是在攀爬一个真实的陡峭的楼梯,越高也越陡峭。 www.bing.com 3. I'll be your campaign manager and I'll be with you every step of the way. 我就是你们的竞选经理人,我将同你们一起前进 www.tingroom.com 4. So, as you search for a partner, enjoy yourself every step of the way. 因此,在找寻性伴侣的旅途中,你仍然可以享受自慰的每一刻快感。 www.bing.com 5. s been a partner with me every step of the way. 艾克斯罗德,他一直是追随我的伙伴。 wap.putclub.com 6. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored every step of the way. 生活不是一场赛跑,而是一次时时驻足观赏的旅行。 www.biodiscover.com 7. We've got to make sure that we are there with them every step of the way, even after this fire is put out. 我们必须确保我们自始至终与他们在一起,即使这次火灾被扑灭后。 www.kekenet.com 8. As Battier would say: "Trust the process. " There is no fast-forward button, so you might as well enjoy every step of the way. 正如巴蒂尔说:“信托的进程。”没有快进按钮,因此您可能以及享受每一步。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And, of course our professional technical support staff is there to assist you every step of the way. 当然,我们的专业技术支持人员在那里协助您的每一步 wenku.baidu.com 10. They have made every effort to follow every step of the way bear witness to a democratic and caring and the growth of the country. 他们所做的每一个努力,所走的每一步路都见证着一个民主和仁爱国家的成长。 www.chinavalue.net 1. It's been a very tortuous process, partly because the Cambodian government has fought every step of the way to keep control of the process. 这真是个迂回曲折的诉讼,部分原因是柬埔寨政府努力争夺该诉讼案的控制权。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. It's all arranged. You'll be with him every step of the way. 都安排好了路上你会一步不离地跟着他 blog.sina.com.cn 3. And *'s been there with him every step of the way. 并且我们一直陪伴着他的每一步成长。 wenwen.soso.com 4. All of you were there for me every step of the way. 一路走来的每一步都有你们的陪伴。 www.elanso.com 5. I'm now having a brain operation which is scary but luckily my mum can be here with me every step of the way. 我现在正在做一个可怕的颅脑手术但幸运地是我的妈妈能在这儿陪我度过每一个阶段。 tieba.baidu.com 6. She was a comrade, an amigo every step of the way. 她是我每一步人生路上的伙伴和朋友。 www.gounahaozi.org 7. Patents protect every step of the way, allowing incumbent drug makers to launch a legal broadside against those that follow suit. 生产过程中每一步都有专利保护,使药品专利所有人能够对仿冒者采取法律行动。 cn.reuters.com 8. The Galactic Federation is with you at every step of the way forward, and we will inspire you and guide where we can. 银河联邦与你们一起,每一步的向前迈进,并且我们会鼓励你们,以我们所能引导你们。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. After the two lamas had passed, the two men quickly walked into the East Hall. Li Busu followed them every step of the way. 等两个喇嘛过去了,那二人快步走进东殿,李不俗亦步亦趋地也跟了过去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Please know we love you and support you every step of the way. 请了解我们爱你并支持你路上的每一步。 www.shuimo.com 1. For me, law school was drift, and it was hard every step of the way, from the LSAT to the New York Bar exam. 对我来说,法律学院是游离,从LSAT到纽约律师考试,每一步走得都非常地艰难。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. For the past four years, we have been guided every step of the way, with painstaking care and patience. 在过去四年中,我们在老师和父母们的悉心关怀和谆谆教诲下走过了每一步。 www.tingclass.net 3. And of course, my wife Eva helped every step of the way. 当然,我妻子伊娃在这一路上一直帮助着我。 www.bing.com 4. Every step of the way, he fought off opposition, and debated, often publicly, the shape and pace of the reforms. 改革的每一步,他都战胜反对派,经常公开争论改革的方式和步伐。 www.bing.com 5. And the same God who knows all about the year ahead promises to go with us every step of the way. 这位对未来一年了如指掌的神,亦应许每一步与我们同行。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We love you and support you every step of the way. 我们爱你们并支持你前行中的每一步! www.chinaufo.com 7. As the flocks moved from pasture to pasture I carried him every step of the way. 当羊群从一个草地走向另一个草地时,我就抱着它一步步地走在路上。 www.bing.com 8. We hold you in honor and unconditional love as we continue accompanying you, albeit unseen, every step of the way. 我们以无条件的爱和钦佩继续伴随着你们,虽然还无法被你们看到,不过始终伴随着每一步的前进。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This is one of the ways I know God is with me, every step of the way. 这,就是我在旅程中的每一步知道上帝与我同在的方式之一。 www.bing.com 10. I should stop all not at all, I want to walk with you every step of the way. 我该阻止所有未发生的事情,我想跟你走每一步路。 www.bing.com 1. I'm going home if I have to walk every step of the way. 即使我只能一步一步走,我也要走回家去。 www.1363.cn 2. Spain is not a country with an F1 culture, and we had to fight alone, every step of the way, to make this happen. 西班牙不是一个拥有F1文化的国家,取得今天的成绩,我们需要一步一步地孤军奋战。 www.peonysquare.net 3. 20-course meals, and our own personable, experienced and knowledgeable guides every step of the way. 享用20道美味,并拥有经验丰富学识渊博的私人导游全程陪伴。 mysearch.100e.com 4. Her shopping had tired her and her basket and grown heavier with every step of the way home. 去商店买东西把她搞得筋疲力尽;在回家的路上,她每走一步,就感到手里的篮子又重了一点。 www.joyen.net 5. from the Abrams tank to the Army combat uniform, we're there every step of the way. 从阿布拉姆斯主战坦克到陆军作战服,我们准备好了每一个环节。 www.fyjs.cn 6. Instead, it is a major stage of the writing process, and writers revise every step of the way. 相反,它是写作过程中的一个重要的阶段,而创作者在每一个阶段都要进行修改。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. You must communicate with me every step of the way and I want a daily report of the things completed that day. 你必须和我的每一步,我想了一些东西,每日报告完成的那一天。 www.bing.com 8. Over the past 30 years, political reform has come with economic changes every step of the way. 中国改革开放30多年来,政治体制改革一直随经济体制改革推进、深化。 www.kekenet.com 9. Programmers want to make great software without being hassled every step of the way. 程序员希望不被方法的每一步所困扰就能生产出优秀的软件。 www.ibm.com 10. "Every step of the way, when there'sa new technology, we explore it, " said Bunimovitz. 在不断发展的路上,只要有新的技术,我们就探索它。 www.bing.com 1. Your body, of course, is fighting you every step of the way. 当然,你的身体,是战斗你的每一步的方式。 www.englishtang.com 2. Friends are there to comfort and guide you every step of the way. 在人生的每一步中朋友都会安慰和指引你。 www.bing.com 3. her basket had grown heavier with every step of the way home. 在他回家的途中,随着迈出的每一步,他感觉篮子越来越重。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. and her basket had grown heavier with every step of the way home. 路上,她每走一步,就感到篮子又重了一点。 www.rrting.com 5. Inoll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫冗长路的每一步。爱情。 bbs.chifan5.com 6. So far, you have used visualization and abstraction at every step of the way -- and it doesn't end once the solution has been deployed. 到目前为止,您已在该过程中的每一步使用了可视化和抽象——而且该过程在部署解决方案之后后并未结束。 www.ibm.com 7. The competition for jobs has made it even more important to stand out and make a great impression every step of the way. 每一个细节都会令你脱颖而出,引起招聘方的注意。 www.bing.com 8. Many blessings upon your journey . Please know that we love and support you every step of the way . Namaste . 无尽祝福你的旅程。请了解我们爱你并支持你的每一步。合什致敬。 www.bing.com 9. Every step of the way they go is not easy. 他们的每一步路走得并不容易。 www.chinavalue.net 10. They have been there every step of the way. 他们在全过程中的每一步都提供帮助。 www.america.gov 1. Build in user feedback every step of the way. 针对每个步骤获得用户反馈。 www.ibm.com 2. And we can provide our service and support every step of the way - from initial planning through implementation to maintenance and support. 我们可为您提供从初始规划到实施和支持在内的全方位的服务和支持。 www5.ncr.com 3. Ill think of U every step of the way. 我每迈出的一步都会想着你。 wenwen.soso.com 4. He rejected me every step of the way. 他拒我于千里之外。 www.hxen.com 5. For example, for some children the best answer will be an online tutor who guides them every step of the way. 举个例子,对于有些学生来说,最好的教学方式可能是一个远程家教手把手地教他们分数的每一步。 kk.dongxi.net 6. I will support you every step of the way. 你每一步我都会支持着你。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. But I'll know I'll think Of YOU Every Step Of The Way 但我知道每走一步我都会想念你 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Ll think of you every step of the way 离去的每一步都承载着对你的思念 xiangfei04.blog.hexun.com 9. I chase you every step of the way yeah yeah 我追随你的每一步 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Every step of the way, we walk the line 我们沿着这条路走,每一步 zhidao.baidu.com |
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