单词 | Erik |
释义 | 例句释义: 埃里克,男子名,艾瑞克,艾里克,艾力克 1. I see the way Erik looks at you and it is so obvious how much he adores you. 凌凌,我看到艾瑞克看你的眼神,便能读出他到底有多疼爱你。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Through a mirror in the wall Christine watched her lover in the torture room. Behind her Erik stood, with his hands on her arms. 透过墙里的镜子克丽斯廷看着在拷问室里的她的情人。她的身后站着埃里克,他的双手放在她的手臂上。 www.hxen.com 3. According to economists Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst, leisure time for women has increased by at least four hours a week since 1965. 根据经济学家马克-阿吉亚尔(MarkAguiar)和埃里克-赫斯特(ErikHurst)的研究,自1965年以来,女性每周的空闲时间至少增加了4个小时。 www.ftchinese.com 4. "The fear was that people were going to read this as sabotaging Firefox, " says Erik Kay, an engineer who joined the team in October 2006. 2006年10月加入团队的工程师ErikKay说,“怕的是人们会把这一举动当成是对Firefox的破坏。” www.bing.com 5. Miami coach Erik Spoelstra said the team would be focusing on its inability to close out games. 迈阿密教练埃里克?斯波尔斯特拉说这只球队将把目光集中在它无能力结束比赛上。 www.i21st.cn 6. He pried Erik from his chest--unwillingly, longingly-- as though he were in pain. 他费劲地从胸口把艾瑞克拉开——既不情愿又充满渴望,似乎处在痛苦之中。 www.hotdic.com 7. Capital Is No Constraint U. of Chicago's Erik Hurst challenges the notion that the rich are more likely than the poor to start companies. 资本是无约束美国芝加哥的艾瑞克挑战概念,即富者更有可能比穷人创办自己的公司。 ymsdine.wetpaint.com 8. Erik Bryan and Jennifer Daniel help you out with that last one. Erik和jenniferDaniel会帮你解决最后一个问题。 www.bing.com 9. Priest: Lingling, if you decide to be the wife of Erik, please repeat after me in course of the same enthusiasm and interest he showed us. 牧师:凌凌,如果你希望可以成为艾瑞克的妻子的话,就像艾瑞克刚刚的表现一样,以同样的热情,来跟我重复下面的誓言好吗。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Nordea Markets economist Erik Bruce said, 'there's been very strong economic growth, much stronger than the bank had forecast. NordeaMarkets经济学家埃里克?布鲁斯(ErikBruce)表示,经济增长非常强劲,比央行过去预测的强很多。 c.wsj.com 1. "We wanted people to see the robot as an extension of themselves, not as an [inflexible] machine, " says Erik Nieves, technology director. “我们想让员工把机器人看成是他们自身个体的延伸,而非冷冰冰的机器,”公司技术总监埃里克?涅韦斯(ErikNieves)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Through the course of her reign, negotiations were conducted with Erik of Sweden and the Hapsburg Archduke Charles. 在她统治期间,瑞典国王埃里克和奥地利查理大公都曾谈过。 www.tingroom.com 3. As the sun set I presumed we were heading back to camp, Erik urged us to drop by the marina. 太阳下山时,我想我们会返回营地,埃里克敦促我们走下游艇码头。 www.tianya.cn 4. Whether this was Erik's intention or not, I personally felt that it made the experience that bit more enjoyable. 不管这是不是埃里克原创的,个人认为这种游戏体会真的很酷。 www.bing.com 5. Erik stared at her. You kissed me! he whispered. 埃里克凝视着她。“你吻了我!”他轻声道, www.kekenet.com 6. "We are through the deepest in terms of economic contraction, " said Erik Nielsen, European economist at Goldman Sachs. “我们正经历最严重的经济萎缩,”高盛(GoldmanSachs)欧洲经济学家埃里克·尼尔森(ErikNielsen)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 7. 'Remember Joseph Buquet, and the rope around his neck? Erik is a clever man with ropes in the dark. ' 还记得约瑟夫·比凯和绕在他脖子上的绳子吗?埃里克是个聪明人,善于在黑暗中使用绳子。 www.bing.com 8. Seventeen-year-old Erik Crespo was arrested in 2005 in connection with a shooting in a New York City elevator. 十七岁的ErikCrespo在2005年因为涉嫌一起纽约电梯枪击案而被捕了。 www.bing.com 9. This last part brings me to my biggest take-away, which we heard loud and clear from Erik and Jaap, the Shanachies. 最后这一部分让我得到了我的便当,我们从Erik和Jaap那里已经清楚的听到了。 www.bing.com 10. His father, Erik the Red, was previously the first European to set foot in North America when he landed in Greenland in 982. 他的父亲--红发埃里克于982年登陆格陵兰,成为第一个踏上北美土地的欧洲人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Somewhere near the Georgia border, his cell phone rang. An online acquaintance, Erik Hersman, was calling. 不过在他的车驶到佐治亚州地界的公路某处时,他的手机响了起来-这是一个他网上认识的叫埃里克赫斯曼的熟人打来的。 www.bing.com 2. If Erik Spoelstra is not the coach of the Heat, who will be? 如果埃里克-斯波尔斯特拉不再是热火主教练,谁可能是呢? www.bing.com 3. Erik forgot to put suntan lotion on , and now he's as red as a lobster. 艾瑞克忘了擦防晒乳液,结果现在全身红像只龙虾似的。 mcbchurch.wordpress.com 4. I never predicted that on our day off during camp Erik would have more planned than the regular errands and laundry. 我从没预测到,我们在营地休息一天时,埃里克将有比常规跑腿和洗衣更多的规划。 www.tianya.cn 5. This time around, Erik Hauri of the Carnegie Institution of Washington analysed a different part of the rocks, called melt inclusions. 这一次,华盛顿卡内基研究院的艾里克豪瑞分析了被叫做熔融包裹体的另一类岩石。 www.bing.com 6. Former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince recently described the country as inhabited by "barbarians" with "a 1200 A. D. mentality. " 前黑水公司CEO埃里克·普林斯最近曾将阿富汗的描述为“由带着公元1200年心态的野蛮人居住的国度”。 dongxi.net 7. The story of American Exploration begins with a Viking called "Erik the Red" . 美洲探险的传奇始于一个名叫“红色埃里克”的维京海盗。 www.bing.com 8. After bad application logic accidentally deletes data from multiple tables, Erik comes to the rescue and restores the database. 在错误的应用程序逻辑意外地删除了多个表中的数据之后,Erik开始挽救和恢复数据库。 www.ibm.com 9. Erik's first novel is at last published, though with rather less stress and storm. 艾里克的第一部小说最终出版了,尽管少受了一点儿压力和风暴。 www.bing.com 10. Erik had been seen in flannels and an imitation Panama hat. 人们看到埃里克身穿法兰绒裤,头戴仿制巴拿马草帽。 tr.bab.la 1. A jury in Los Angeles convicted Erik and Lyle Menendez of first-degree murder in the shotgun slayings of their millionaire parents. 年,洛杉矶陪审团判定埃里克和莱尔一级谋杀罪,因其用猎枪杀害他们身价百万的父母。 www.kekenet.com 2. Priest to Erik: Are you ready to give her a kiss? 牧师问艾瑞克:你现在准备好亲吻美丽新娘了吗? www.xiexingcun.com 3. Amazing street illusion created by Erik Johansson looks like a large hole in the middle of Sergels torg public square in Stockholm, Sweden. 由ErikJohansson创作的惊人街头幻景,看上去就像是瑞典斯德哥尔摩市塞格尔公共广场中心的一个大坑。 www.bing.com 4. Law firms venture overseas in roughly three ways, says Erik Ramanathan of Harvard University's Programme on the Legal Profession. 律师事务所大致以三种模式来经营海外合资企业,哈佛大学法律专业的ErikRamanathan说到。 www.ecocn.org 5. Then she took her arms away and said slowly, 'Poor, unhappy Erik. ' 随后她放下手臂缓缓地说:“可怜的不幸的埃里克。” www.kekenet.com 6. The little ones had a restful night. Keep an eye on little Erik. 这个小家伙休息了一晚上,注意点小埃里克。 www.engxue.com 7. Thirty-five years after Erik Eckholm warned of "the other energy crisis, " farmers like these were turning his predictions upside down. 35年前康锐警告会出现“另一场能源危机”,而像他们这样的农民将他的预测彻底推翻。 www.bing.com 8. give a concert in Kunming tonight. Erik, one of the singers in the band, is. 举行演唱会,埃里克,乐队的一个歌手。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Currently employed at Fidelity Information Services, Erik has spoken on XML at two different conferences. Erik已经在两个不同的会议上发表有关XML的演讲。 www-128.ibm.com 10. The following sections of the article describe the major events of the day for Erik and provide details of the actions he takes. 本文接下来的小节描述Erik在一天中遇到的主要事件,并详细说明他采取的操作。 www.ibm.com 1. Erik , one of the singers in the band , is talking to Li Weiyin, a journalist from the CCTV . 埃里克,乐队里的一个歌手,正在与来自中央电视台的记者李伟茵说话。 www.bing.com 2. Erik: I, Erik, among our family and friends, take you, ling ling, to be my wife. 艾瑞克:我本人,艾瑞克,在家人与亲友面前郑重向你发誓。我愿娶你,凌凌,为妻。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Erik Calonius poses these questions in his forthcoming book, Ten Steps Ahead. 埃瑞克·卡勒尼斯(EricCalonius)在他即将到来的新书《向前十步走》中提出了这些问题。 www.bing.com 4. If necessary, consult Erik Keller's table of frequently underestimated cost items ( "Exorcising The Ghosts Of Legacy Software, " July 2006). 如果有必要,参考一下ErikKeller的常被低估的开销项目列表(《为留软件妖除魔》,2006年7月)。 www.bing.com 5. In Erik A. Frandsens's works these motifs are though not isolated, but re-circulated as part of the visual reality of today. 但这些图案主题并非孤立存在,它们是对今天视觉现实的一次循环再创作。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. 'We're not going by the lake. Erik watches it all the time. 我们不从湖上走。埃里克一直在那儿看守着。 www.kekenet.com 7. She and her boyfriend Erik ran into the water and hid in a cave. 她和男朋友埃里克跑向水边,藏在岩石后面。 dongxi.net 8. Erik Eckel runs down some of your options. ErikEckel为您列举了部分选择。 www.bing.com 9. Synthes might even bring its own problems, says Erik Gordon of the University of Michigan, who studies drug companies. 密歇根大学药品公司研究专家埃里克*戈登表示,辛迪思甚至可能给自己带来麻烦。 www.ecocn.org 10. Erik Eckel offers some cautionary advice for IT consultants who are just starting out. ErikEckel为刚刚起步的IT顾问提供了一些警示性的建议。 www.bing.com 1. Priest: Erik and Lingling like to thank you all for this very special day, and may god bless you all. 牧师:艾瑞克和凌凌感谢您的到来,愿上帝保佑每一个人。 www.xiexingcun.com 2. The letter forces Erik and Inga to consider just how little they may have known their melancholic Norwegian parent. 这封信迫使埃里克与因加去思索为什么他们对自己忧郁的来自挪威的父亲了解是如此之少。 www.ecocn.org 3. In style, they come across as a pleasant blend of Phillip Glass and Erik Satie. 在款式上,他们遇到的是菲利普玻璃和埃里克萨蒂愉快的混合物。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 4. In Oslo, Erik Solheim, the Norwegian government minister who negotiated the agreement, was naturally downcast. 在奥斯陆,挪威政府部长ErikSolheim曾参与过停火协议的签订,他自然对此感到沮丧。 www.ecocn.org 5. In contrast, anthropologist Erik Trinkaus of Washington University in St. Louis views the new genetic data skeptically. 相对比下,圣路易斯华盛顿大学的人类学家ErikTrinkaus对这种新的基因数据则持怀疑态度。 www.bing.com 6. The two boys, Cole and Erik, start each morning with text messages, video games and Facebook. 两个儿子科尔和埃里克,每天早上第一件事就是发短信,玩视频游戏,登录Facebook。 www.bing.com 7. In fact, I eventually gave in and asked Erik for some explanations! 实际上,我最后不得不妥协而去向艾瑞克跪求一些内部消息。 www.bing.com 8. At the end of the concert, Erik sang a song in Chinese. He sang very. 在音乐会结束时,埃里克唱了首中国歌曲。他唱得很好。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Budget Division spokesman Erik Kriss said fiscal analysts factored a 22 percent drop in cigarette sales into their estimates. 预算部的发言人埃里克·克里斯说,财政分析师将卷烟销售下降22%作为一个因素计入了他们的估计中。 www.tobaccochina.com 10. Though it now costs around $500 in Africa, Erik Hersman, a tech expert in Nairobi, expects its price to fall by half in the coming year. 尽管其目前在非洲售价约500美元,但内罗毕一位技术专家ErikHersman预计其价格来年将下跌一半。 www.ecocn.org 1. No, we go round the lake and get into Erik's house from the back. I know some secret doors. ' 不,我们绕过那湖从背后进入埃里克的房子。我知道一些秘密的门。 www.kekenet.com 2. Born as Erik Weisz in Hungary in 1874, Houdini moved with his family to America at the age of four. 1874年于匈牙利出生、本名为艾瑞克?怀兹的胡迪尼,四岁时便举家搬迁至美国居住。 www.360abc.com 3. Aalto moved his office to Turku in 1927, and started collaborating with architect Erik Bryggman. The office moved again in 1933 to Helsinki. 阿尔托1927年把他的事务所移到了图尔库,并与埃里克?布里格曼合作,他的事务所又于1933年迁往赫尔辛基。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To claim Erik and Lingling to be husband and wife. 现在我正式宣布,艾瑞克和凌凌正式结为夫妻。 www.xiexingcun.com 5. He did, and in addition to collaborating with Erik on mathematical research, he's now the department's first artist in residence. 他做到了,现在除了在数学研究上与埃里克合作之外,他还是这个系第一位住校艺术家。 www.bing.com 6. Although he could not enjoy the view, Erik felt the excitement of being on the summit of Everest. 虽然不能饱览壮丽的景观,立于珠穆朗玛之巅仍令他兴奋。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. At the end of the concert, Erik sang a song in Chinese. 在音乐会结束时,埃里克用汉语唱了一首歌。 8. But in a paper just published in Nature Martin Jutzi and Erik Asphaug of the University of California, Santa Cruz, examine yet another idea. 但在一份刚刊登于《自然》杂志的论文里,加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的马丁于茨和艾瑞克阿斯福却研究了另外一种理论。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. When I adopted my son, Erik, Jerry was almost as exuberant as I was. 当我领养了儿子埃里克后,塞林格几乎和我同样兴奋。 www.bing.com 10. She is the only woman in the world next to you, that Erik truly cherishes. 因为妈妈是在这个世界上,除你以外唯一被他珍视的女子。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Last week Erik Qualmann posted a list of "All Star Social Media" players in his ClickZ column. 上星期埃里克·昆曼(ErikQualmann)在自己的ClickZ专栏上发了一个列表——“社交媒体全明星”成员。 www.bing.com 2. 'One of the elegant aspects of Erik's article is that it links these two puzzles together. 埃里克的文章让人极为称道的一个方面就是,它将这两大谜题联系在了一起。 dongxi.net 3. What are your other questions? Yes, whoever Erik is pointing to. 你们有什么其他的问题吗?是的,Erik指到的任何人。 source.yeeyan.org 4. Once connected to the GSDB database, Erik wants to view the row count of selected tables. 连接到GSDB数据库后,Erik想查看选中的表中的行数。 www.ibm.com 5. What did Erik do at the end of the concert? 音乐会结束时埃里克做了什么事? edu.sina.com.cn 6. Erik attended Beverly Hills High School in Los Angeles. 埃里克在洛杉矶就读于贝弗利山高中。 www.bing.com 7. Barnouw, Erik. Tube of Plenty: The Evolution of American Television. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 埃里克·巴尔诺:《充足的显像管:美国电视发展史》(第2版)。纽约:牛津大学出版社,1990年版。 www2.myoops.org 8. How will Wade's heroics affect the Race to the MVP? Coach Erik Spoelstra, take it away, please. 韦德的出色默示若何影响MVP的争夺?埃里克·斯波尔斯特拉教练,请将MVP拿走吧。 www.suiniyi.com 9. "We have the ultimate respect of them as champions, " Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. “他们是冠军,我们对他们无比尊重,”热火队主教练斯波尔斯特拉说。 www.bing.com 10. During his Congressional testimony in October 2007, Erik Prince corrected that figure, saying Blackwater had actually paid $20, 000. 在2007年10月出席美国国会听证会期间,埃里克·普林斯纠正了这个数字,他称黑水公司实际支付了2万美元。 www.bing.com 1. Erik Johannson, 24, used a computer programme to manipulate his original pictures into mind-boggling pieces of art. 24岁的埃里克·约翰森使用计算机程序,把原本的图片修改成令人难以置信的艺术作品。 www.bing.com 2. Last week, Erik and Elsa visited another part of China. 上星期,埃里克和埃尔萨参观了中国的另一个地方。 www.tjjy.com.cn 3. For Erik Yehl, an 11-year-old Chicago boy who began stuttering in preschool, the movie's powerful message is, "I'm not stupid. " 对一个从幼儿园起就口吃的11岁芝加哥的男孩ErikYehl来说,这部电影传达了一个重要信息:“我不笨。” www.bing.com 4. Erik laid his tiny head upon the man's ragged shoulder. 艾瑞克将小小的头靠在那老人瘦骨嶙峋的肩上 dict.hjenglish.com 5. Lyle and Erik Menendez murdered their parents at their Beverly Hills home in 1989. 1989年,莱尔和埃里克·梅内德斯在他们位于贝弗利山的住宅内谋杀了他们的父母。 www.bing.com 6. It soon was obvious that both the Lord and Erik had other plans. 可我很快发现上帝和艾瑞克都另有打算。 www.fzfanyi.com 7. After Max left, there were only two singers----Erik and Elsa. They didn't want to stop the. 马克斯走后,就只有两位歌手了——埃里克和埃尔萨。他们不想中断。 8. ERIK: We call it Yesterday because we like old music. 埃里克:我们喜爱老曲子,所以我们给乐队取名为“昨日”。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. "It's all about having fun, " he says of Erik and Martin's work. “这纯粹就是为了好玩,”他这样说埃里克和马丁的工作。 www.bing.com 10. At the end of the concert, Erik sang a song in Chinese. He sang very well. After the concert, he. 在音乐会结束时,埃里克用汉语唱了一首歌。他唱得很好。音乐会结束。 1. Erik was lunging for him, arms spread wide. 艾瑞克张开双臂朝他扑过去。 www.fzfanyi.com 2. QUESTION FROM ERIK DONNELLA: Why should (or shouldn't) health insurance be for profit? 埃里克.多内拉的问题:为什么医疗保险应该(或不应该)盈利? www.bing.com 3. Erik is the math genius, having joined MIT at 20, making him the school's youngest professor ever. 埃里克是一个数学天才,20岁时就加入MIT,成为这所学校史上最年轻的教授。 www.bing.com 4. Erik please, be the better man. You have it in. Erik求你了做个更好的人你骨子有。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. COACH ERIK SPOELSTRA: The important thing about that that we didn't necessarily do in Game 2 was trust. 斯波:第二场中我们有一件重要的事没有做到,那就是信任。 m.hoopchina.com 6. It is nice to meet you too, Erik. 也很高兴认识你,艾利克。 iq300.en101.blog.163.com 7. How can you do this, Erik! Why don't you kill me? ' 你怎么能这样做,埃里克!你为什么不杀了我? www.bing.com 8. Priest: Erik, if you wished to decide becoming the husband of Lingling, are you pleased to repeat after me. 艾瑞克,如果你希望成为凌凌的丈夫,请跟我重复下面的誓词。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I hope Erik keeps his job. 我希望埃里克能继续他的职位。 www.kle100.cn 10. This approach has been championed by Erik Verlinde at the University of Amsterdam who put forward the idea in 2010. 这一观点得到阿姆斯特丹大学的ErikVerlinde的支持,他在2010年提出这一想法。 www.bing.com 1. In 1996, I met Erik and Max, and we started our band. 在1996年,我遇到了埃里克和麦克斯,然后我们就组建了我们自己的乐队。 www7.blog.163.com 2. This is Erik's torture room-the room of mirrors! 这是埃里克的拷问室——那个都是镜子的房间! www.kekenet.com 3. ERIK: No, we were here last year. 埃里克:不,我们去年来过。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Erik, just 11 years old when his father was killed, is about to start college. 艾瑞克的父亲死时,他才11岁,刚要去读大学。 www.elanso.com 5. Li Weiyin talked to Erik about his trip to China last year. 李薇忄音与埃里克谈有关去年到中国的旅行。 www.xj-zx.com 6. ERIK: Er. . . well, there was a famous band called The Beatles. I like their. 埃里克:嗯……有个很出名的乐队,叫“甲壳虫”。我非常。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. There was nothing feverish or hectic about his vigor(Erik Erikson) 他精力充沛但却毫不忙乱或狂热(埃里克埃里克森) www.jukuu.com 8. The legacies of history? Colonization and immigrant integration in Britain and France; Erik Bleich 历史的遗产?——英法的殖民化和移民融入 www.qianyan.org.cn 9. A typical MIT student 'hack' or prank: a replica Apollo lunar module on top of the university's famous dome. Photograph: Erik Nygren 一个经典的麻省学生的恶作剧:大学屋顶上的阿波罗登月舱 www.bing.com 10. Erik Erikson's Stages Theory of Psychosocial Development 艾里克森的心理社会发展阶段理论 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Erik Berglof Chief Economist of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 艾瑞克?博格洛夫欧洲复兴开发银行首席经济学家 pkunews.pku.edu.cn 2. Erik S. Lesser for The New York Times 图片由埃里克为纽约时报提供。 www.bing.com 3. Erik Hatcher shows you how he modified the popular Ant 1. 3 And the JUnit test framework for complete, customized ErikHatcher向您介绍了他如何修改流行的Ant1.3和JUnit测试框架,以提供完整、可定制的 www-128.ibm.com 4. According to Erik Erikson's theory, the process of development occurs 根据埃里克森的理论,发展的过程中发生 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Erik Vendt, not Ryan Lochte, is his closest friend 他最亲近的朋友是埃里克·文特,而非里安·罗切特。 ts.hjenglish.com 6. Saga of Erik the Red 红胡子埃里克传奇 www.bing.com 7. In 1996, I met Erik and Max, and we started our band. My father said, 1996年,我遇见埃里克和马科斯,我们开始组建我们的乐队。我父亲说: edu.sina.com.cn |
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