单词 | explain away |
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第三人称单数:explains away 现在分词:explaining away 过去式:explained away 例句释义: 巧辩过去,把…解释过去,解释掉,辩解 1. public opinion was around and the republican spokesman held a press conference to explain away the matter. 舆论为之哗然,于是共和党人就举行了一次记者招待会对这件事进行解释以求解脱。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. For a man to excuse himself in this way and stop listening is much better than trying to explain away her hurt. 男人这样先行道歉及停止倾听,比试图去分析她的伤害好得多。 gaoqiaoling.blog.163.com 3. The idea of a Nilotic invasion was a way to explain away the existence of sophisticated kingdoms in the heart of Africa. 尼罗河人入侵的说法是为何在非洲心脏地带存在如此复杂的王国的一种解释而已。 www.bing.com 4. The man could not explain away the gun and the marked money from the bank robbery that the police found in his ear. 这个人未能解释清楚警察在他车上发现的枪以及从银行抢劫来的带有记号的钱。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I knew I wasn't crazy. What had happened? There was no way to explain away what I'd seen. 我知道我没疯。发生过什么事情呢?没有办法能解释通我所见到的一切。 www.kekenet.com 6. This has been used to explain away two other notable anomalies: the size and value effects. 这种观点曾被用来解释掉了另外两种显著的不规则市场现象:规模效应和价值效应。 www.bing.com 7. Katrina was partly the result of a normal weather cycle, but that cannot explain away stronger hurricanes world wide. 卡特里娜,部分原因是由于有这样的天气正常循环,但不能自圆其说,更强的飓风世界各地。 www.tech-domain.com 8. "We just report what we find, and no one has been able to explain away these results in a decade of trying, " Murphy told New Scientist. “我们只知道已经发现和举报了的,没有人能够解释在这十年里努力的结果”,墨菲告诉《新科学家》。 www.cnphys.com 9. But he does not just admit oneself is, always tries to explain away for oneself. 可是他偏偏却不承认自己是,总会为自己辩解。 www.chinavalue.net 10. I never make a mistake in my life; at least, never one that I can not explain away afterwards. 我一生未曾犯过错误,至少,没犯过在事后不能解释过去的错误。 www.1stenglish.com 1. Nevertheless, the ownership concentration degree can explain away significant issues regarding innovation of corporate products. 尽管如此,股权集中度能够解释企业产品创新等许多重要问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Until now, attempts to explain away the lithium problem have involved secondary modifications of the amount around. 直到现在,极力解开“锂之难题”的尝试牵涉到了元素量的二次变异。 www.ecocn.org 3. S. leaders are desperately looking for a scapegoat to explain away the problems they've created in the first place. 美国领导人现在正在尽力寻找能为他们澄清这个问题(最初是由他们造成的)的替罪羊。 www.bing.com 4. Some critics have attempted to explain away the Turtles as a careful selection of very smart students. 有些评论还说被聘用的海龟都是非常聪明的学生。 www.irich.com.cn 5. Coke tried to explain away claims like "vitamins water = all you need" as "only puffery. " The judge disagreed. 可口可乐公司试图辩解,他们所声称的“维生素 水=你所需要的全部”不是一种“吹嘘”,对此,法官给予了驳斥。 www.bing.com 6. No sophistry, no jugglery in figures can explain away the evidence the skeletons in many villages present to the naked eye. 再狡猾的辩词,再巧妙地耍数字花招也无法解释为什么在很多村庄里出现具具骷髅,这可是有目共睹的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. To some degree, we may be able to literally explain away many devastating physical problems. 从某个程度来说,我们也许可以真正地将许多破坏性的身体问题通过解释给消除。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. It attempts to explain away potential theological problems like dinosaurs, carbon dating, and the fossil record in general. 他们希望借此也一并解释一些潜在的神学问题,例如恐龙、碳(14)测定年代和化石等。 www.elanso.com 9. He tried to explain away the missing money. 他试图为丢失钱而进行辩解。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In the present case the phlogistonists attempted to explain away the anomaly in a number of ways. 目前,化学家们用数字的方法试着解释反常。 www.tdict.com 1. He tried to explain away his lateness, but we didn't accept his excuse . 他竭力为自己迟到辩解,但是,我们不相信他的托词。 www.jukuu.com 2. When defects are triaged and reviewed, we often explain away the reasons for the defect. 当缺陷被修复和评审的时候,我们经常为缺陷自圆其说。 www.ibm.com 3. eg. She tried to explain away the missing money. 她试图为丢失的钱辩解。 www.ecocn.org 4. The murder suspect couldn't explain away his fingerprints at the scene. 这个杀人嫌疑犯解释不清为什么在杀人现场会留有他的指纹。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. One woman said it this way: "Don't try to use logic to explain away her feelings. " 一位女士曾经这样说:“不要试图用逻辑来解释她的感受。” www.bing.com 6. Many of my clients find ways to explain away this feeling of being bored. 我的许多顾客会找法子来解释那不是无聊的感觉。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Death and vulgarity are the only two facts in the nineteenth century that one cannot explain away. 死亡和庸俗是十九世纪仅有的无法用巧辩逃避的东西。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 8. You will find it difficult to explain away your use of such offensive language . 你将发现难以为你使用如此无礼的语言而辩护。 www.bing.com 9. Don't explain away the facts. 别对事实强词夺理。 imqun.com 10. How can she explain away her error? 她是怎样把错误解释过去的? www.bing.com |
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