单词 | empower |
释义 | empowering是empower的现在分词
第三人称单数:empowers 现在分词:empowering 过去式:empowered 例句释义: 授权,使能,赋权,培力,赋权使能 1. Empowering her to make her own decision, rather than trying to impose your own bias, helps her feel like the woman she is. 准许她自己做决定,而不是试图把你的偏好强加给她,让她感觉自己是个女人了。 select.yeeyan.org 2. Training for this swim has filled me with the heartening, empowering conviction that it's never too late to chase your dream. 此番训练鼓舞了我,让我坚信:追逐梦想永远不会嫌迟。 www.bing.com 3. It changes the meaning of the situation making you think about it in a different, more positive and empowering way. 它通过改变情景的含义,让你从一个全新的角度,更加积极和有控制力的方式再现情景。 m.yeeyan.org 4. Think of the far-reaching effects on your life if you only had a stronger sense of certainty to back up your empowering beliefs. 如果你的自信感更强一点,来支持你具有强大动力的信念,想想对你的人生会产生的深远影响吧。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Yeah, it's wrong to make a woman feel emasculated on what should be one of the most empowering days of her life, but it's not rape. 是的,在一个女人生命中最强大的日子里,让她感到柔弱无助是不道德的,但是这并不是强奸。 www.bing.com 6. "And that's very liberating, it's very empowering, and I think at the heart, that's a big part of the Hulu value proposition, " he added. “这样是非常令人放松、让人自由的方式,我认为,从本质上来说,这才是Hulu价值诉求的最大部分,”他补充说。 dongxi.net 7. Right now, make a decision to do something that cause you to utilize tone of your richest and most empowering emotions. 就在此刻,做一项决定,能让你调动你最丰富最具力量的一种情感去做某件事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They make it easier to get the ball in the air, something that market research shows women find particularly empowering. 它能使得球更容易地打到空中,据调查这是女性最希望被教授的。 club.topsage.com 9. Mr Brown's emphasis on empowering the users of public services through information is rather different from that of Tony Blair. 布朗先生的通过信息化来加强公众服务使用者的权利的着重点甚至不同于托尼布莱尔所提出来的观点。 www.ecocn.org 10. Cultivating self-compassion may not be easy, but it's no doubt a worthwhile, empowering and liberating way to live your life. 培养自爱心也许并不容易,但它无疑是我们生活中一种值得的,释放能量,获得自由的途径。 www.bing.com 1. Looking up to someone because of his or her achievements should be a positive and empowering experience. 由于一个人的成就而崇拜他或她应该是一个积极的和有力的经历。 mysearch.100e.com 2. Empowering your daughter to stand on her own two feet is the best gift you can give to her. 教会你的女儿自主自立才是你能给予她的最棒的礼物。 www.putclub.com 3. Empowering women and girls is already a priority of the United States, but we need more countries to step up and take on this challenge. 增进妇女和女孩的权益已成为美国的一项优先事务,但我们需要更多的国家采取进一步行动应对这一挑战。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. It might be intimidating at first, but allowing your partner to watch you masturbate can be a very powerful and empowering step. 开始时,可能像威胁人,但是,让你的伴侣看你手淫可能是一个非常有用的步骤。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Let me offer you a different way of thinking about problems that's a lot more empowering and a lot less whiny. 让我提供你一个看待问题的不同角度,这一角度多了积极进取,少了怨天尤人。 www.bing.com 6. Learning to energize people and get them on board a common vision is more empowering than trying to order people around. 学着激励他人并与他们达成共识比发号施令更有效。 www.bing.com 7. Empowering its inspection panel to look into matters of corruption, which are currently not within its remit, would also be a useful step. 授权内部调查组调研腐败事件,也将会是个有用的措施。 club.topsage.com 8. The ideal modern manager is meant to be enabling, empowering, encouraging and nurturing, which means that his default position must be Yes. 理想的现代经理要善于激励、授权、鼓励他人、培养人才,这意味着他默认的立场必须是“是”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Empowering yourself, in general, is one of the best strategies for building self-confidence. 总之,建立自信的最有效方法之一就是武装自己。 www.bing.com 10. If you haven't already, adopt the belief that everything happens for a reason. There's no other empowering way to see it. 如果你还没有相信任何事存在都有其存在的理由,那么就没有别的方式能看清自已的潜能。 www.bing.com 1. For a woman to say "no" , and have sex only when she truly wants to, is a basic but incredibly empowering act. 对于女性来说,在没准备好前拒绝性行为,只有在她确实很渴望的时候才做爱是一种基本的却无比坚强的行为。 www.bing.com 2. Taking responsibility for your life is one of the most empowering things you can do. 对你自己负责是你最有能力做的事情之一。 el.swpi.edu.cn 3. So empowering China to deal with its own problems of carbon is good for everybody, and it's not a zero sum, I win, you lose. 因此赋予中国应对温室效应的能力对谁都有好处,而且这不是一个零和游戏,我赢你就输了。 www.way2english.com 4. The money is presumably empowering roguish characters as well as good ones, and setting some tribes against others. 据推测,这些钱不仅增强了敌我双方的力量,而且使得一些部落能去对抗其他部落。 www.ecocn.org 5. In a McKinsey survey, a third of executives reported increased profits as a result of investments in empowering women in emerging markets. 根据麦金西(McKinsey)的一项调查,在新兴市场国家,三分之一的企业管理层报告说,投资于妇女权益带来了利润增长。 www.putclub.com 6. "Holding a grudge really impacts your relationship, and it's empowering another person to control you, " he said. “在内心积聚怨恨不仅严重影响你的人际关系,而且使他人更容易控制你,”他说。 www.bing.com 7. But Christian Emile, founder of 121 Entertainment, the company behind the contest, says women find the event "empowering" . 活动的主办方—121娱乐公司的创始人克里斯汀·埃米尔却认为,这项赛事赋予了女人更多的权利。 www.bing.com 8. Referrals have the added benefit of empowering employees, giving them a sense of ownership and the opportunity to pick their coworkers. 内部推荐还有额外的好处,那就是向员工授权,让他们感到自己是公司的主人,并有机会挑选自己的同事。 www.fortunechina.com 9. While any positive group activity is empowering, speaking or listening in a loving and supportive group can be personally healing. 每个人都可以因为身处在有爱心的支持团体中讲话或倾听而获得治疗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Legislation empowering investors can only strengthen the workings of the market. 法律赋予投资者权力,只会加强市场的良好运行。 www.ftchinese.com 1. At the top of one piece of paper, write, "Empowering Beliefs" . At the top of another, write, "Disempowering Beliefs" . 在一张纸的顶端写下“积极的信念”几个字。在另一张纸的顶端写下:“消极的信念”。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Choose the high road and you will discover the unmatched advantage that comes with an empowering self-image and a health self-esteem. 树立远大理想,你将发现自己拥有得天独厚的条件,并伴随着魅力四射自我形象和健康的自尊心。 www.bing.com 3. Put yourself in charge. Saying "I am choosing not to get angry about this" (or the opposite) can be empowering. 主宰自己。说:”对此不生气是我的选择“(或者相反)都会给人带来力量。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. You want to have the necessary policies and procedures to ensure a safe, organized, convivial, empowering, nondiscriminatory workplace. 你想有必要的政策和程序,以确保安全,有组织,有欢乐,授权,非歧视性的工作场所。 hr.58.com.cn 5. In fact, anger and constructively expressing other negative feelings can be a very positive, empowering act. 其实生气和建设性地表达自己的“不良情绪”是一种十分积极、可行的行为。 www.bing.com 6. Now you can take time to focus on the healing and empowering energies of the sun , sea, forests, parklands , lakes and rivers . 自然的神奇力量可以治愈你的创伤,赋予你力量。它们是:阳光、大海、森林、公园、湖泊和河流。 www.bing.com 7. In fact, constructively expressing other negative feeling can be a very positive, empowering act. 其实建设性的表达自己的“不良情绪”是一中十分积极,可行的行为。 www.bing.com 8. Presumably all those are examples of good information (the empowering sort)rather than bad (the distracting or misleading sort). 想必以上这些都是好的(增益效能类的)信息榜样而非坏的(分心或误导类的)示范。 www.ecocn.org 9. Second, collaboration should be encouraged, thereby empowering children, and encouraging their involvement in the learning experience. 其次,孩子的合作精神应该得到鼓励,这样既能提高孩子的能力,还能促进孩子全身心投入到他们的学习活动中去。 www.bing.com 10. Empowering your essence allows you to accept nourishment in all areas of your reality. 授权你的本质,在你存在的各个层面接受这滋养。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Its message of a unique, empowering Taiwanese identity is unmistakable, and the main reason for its popularity. 其独特而认同台湾人身份的内容明确无误,这些内容也是电影受欢迎的主要原因。 xiaozu.renren.com 2. Questioning is the first step, but if you only do that, the possibilities of moving to a more empowering perspective stay in your head. 质疑它,只是第一步,但如果仅仅质疑,只能说你的思想上达到了一种支持性信念。 www.bing.com 3. Tapping into the subconscious mind can give anyone a wide range of possibilities - from empowering themselves to inspiring others. 利用潜意识可以给任何一个范围广泛的可能性——从赋予他们自己鼓舞他人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. One manner in which such extremes may be resolved is in the re-empowering of underpowered nations. 可以解决这些极性的一个方式,就是给那些没有力量的国家重新赋予力量。 cqly186.blog.163.com 5. It also focuses on empowering young boys and girls to be responsible and effective citizens in their communities. 它也注重授权男孩、女孩在他们的社区做有责任和有影响力的公民。 home.gounahaozi.org 6. Instead of empowering themselves, some people actually empower their Guru and turn them into a demi-god. 有些人不去强化自身能力,却去强化他们的导师,把他们变成自己的崇拜对象。 www.bing.com 7. Whether you are raising daughters or feel like you are crashing into a glass ceiling, you will find her words empowering. 如果你在抚育子女上遇到了问题或者工作中遭遇玻璃天花板,她的话总会能你支持力量。 www.bing.com 8. The considering on application of the law is deal with appropriately the empowering and restricting of rights. 对法律适用的思考是正确把握权利的赋予与限制。 www.13191.com 9. Imagining oneself as a builder of skyscrapers or a superhero defending the planet in games or plays is empowering to a child. 在游戏中,儿童会把自己想象成摩天大楼的建筑师或拯救地球的超级英雄。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Innovative applications can greatly improve the user experience, empowering companies to differentiate their services and solutions. 有创意的应用程序可以极大地提升用户体验,增强公司的竞争力以使其服务和解决方案脱颖而出。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Empowering women across the globe is not simply the right thing to do, it is also smart foreign policy. 增强全球妇女权益不仅符合道理,而且也是明智的外交政策。 www.america.gov 2. Microfinance gives people more options, empowering them to make their own choices and build their own way out of poverty. 小额信贷给了人们更多的选择,使他们有勇气去做自己的选择,并且找到自己摆脱贫穷的方式。 www.ngocn.org 3. Ditto for a government that remains wary of immigration and empowering women to offset a rapidly aging workforce. 政府也是一样,对移民和日本妇女参加工作依然持排斥态度,所以劳动力快速老龄化的问题也得不到解决。 www.bing.com 4. The old 'command-and-control' style is being replaced with an empowering, collaborative style. 传统的“指挥与控制”领导风格正在被一种充分授权、相互协作的领导风格所取代。 www.qeto.com 5. Meanwhile, Tesco gets to look all smug by boasting that it is doing its bit by empowering the consumer with such information. 同时,乐购放出烟雾说,他们使消费者了解这些信息只是他们应尽的本分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It's also aimed at empowering the local communities in the region, one of the poorest in Vietnam. 它还把目标放在强化该地区(越南最贫困的地区之一)的当地社区的权利上。 web.worldbank.org 7. Given her big-name guests and dedication to "empowering" women, Tyra has been compared to her onetime employer Oprah Winfrey. 鉴于泰拉节目嘉宾的大名以及她致力于“赋予女性权力”的贡献,有人将泰拉和她昔日的雇主奥普拉?温弗瑞相提并论。 blog.renren.com 8. In a Washington File interview, Burr said most people would agree that such "user-empowering" technology is important for families. 伯尔在接受《美国参考》采访时说,大多数人都认为,这种所谓“用户自主”的技术对家庭来说是很重要的。 www.america.gov 9. In 1999, it earned a corporate conscience award from the U. S. -based Council on Economic Priorities for "empowering employees" . 1999年,企业因为“授权员工”而荣获“公司良知奖”(由美国的经济优先委员会评选)。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And I considered it an empowering choice, for which I was grateful, to step off the career track and onto the mommy track. 我接受教育,并对此满怀感激,之后开始工作,成为人母。 career.51youcai.com 1. While women are finding the winds of change to be somewhat empowering, men are also feeling the impact. 当女人们发现这个风气改变的同时还带来些许权利之时,男人们也开始感受到这股冲击力了。 www.elanso.com 2. The Automation Principle states, "Technology makes the governance solution empowering and unobtrusive. " 自动化原则声明“技术令治理解决方案可授权并且不冒昧。” www.ibm.com 3. For the individual small donor, it's empowering and satisfying to give to personally-selected projects at home or abroad. 对于个人小额捐赠者,能够个人自行选择国内外的项目进行捐赠无疑是让人鼓舞的。 dongxi.net 4. Imagining oneself as a builder of skyscrapers or a superhero defending the planet is empowering to a child. 让孩子假装是摩天大楼的建造者或者保护星球的超级英雄,他们就会自我感觉很强大。 gb.cri.cn 5. Ironically enough, the notion of usingalgorithms as trading tools was born as a way of empowering traders. 讽刺的是,为了便捷交易员的工作才启用计算机算法作为交易工具。 www.bing.com 6. I believe in transformational leadership and really empowering the people who work for me to take on more leadership roles. 相信转变的领导和鼓励我的员工承担更多的管理角色。 www.bing.com 7. The mammoth government we have today is a result of politicians rushing to solve "crises" by creating and empowering new federal agencies. 如今,我们有如此庞大政府,就是为了解决所谓“危机”,政客们蜂拥而上成立新的联邦机构并授权他们给所造成的。 www.ecocn.org 8. They should be empowering smart phone owners to accomplish complex and simple tasks with the minimum of fuss and the maximum productivity. 应便于智能手机用户完成复杂或简单的任务,最高效,且不受干扰。 www.bing.com 9. We're trying to level the playing field by empowering individuals to change the world. 我们正在试图通过令个人能够改变世界来创建一个公平的游戏环境。 www.bing.com 10. And, we travel to Argentina, to look back on Tzu Chi's 19 years of commitment to empowering local communities. 我们再带大家到阿根廷,看看慈济在当地深耕19年的回顾报导。 www.newdaai.tv 1. The Automation Principle: Technology makes the governance solution empowering and unobtrusive. 自动化原则:技术令治理解决方案可授权并且不冒昧。 www.ibm.com 2. I answered every challenging question with an equally difficult and dis empowering one. 我给了每个富有挑战性的问题一个同等艰难且毫无自信的答案。 www.bing.com 3. You can't go on reacting to every new customer-empowering technology or employee-led technology choice. 你不能继续对每个新的customer-empowering技术或employee-led技术做出同样的选择和控制。 www.bing.com 4. Micro-finance is one powerful enabler, empowering domestic entrepreneurs to create their own micro-enterprises. 小额信贷是一种有力的赋权工具,让内部创业者建立自己的微型企业。 www.bing.com 5. One vision drives everything we do: A computer on every desk and in every home using great software as an empowering tool. 我们的愿景驱动着我们所做的每一件事情:每个家庭的每张桌子上的计算机使用优秀的软件作为授权工具 wenku.baidu.com 6. As well as empowering people economically and socially, they are a wonderful political tool. 它们不仅增强人们经济和社会方面的能力,而且也是一项奇妙的政治工具。 www.ecocn.org 7. ClearQuest-enabled UCM is the ideal configuration for empowering a development governance program with traction. ClearQuest启用的UCM是向开发治理计划授权牵引力的理想配置。 www.ibm.com 8. By empowering the poor, the G20 can take practical steps towards ensuring the availability of nutritious food. 通过增加穷国的控制权,G20可以采取务实的举措,来确保人们能够获得富含营养的粮食。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In contrast, HIV treatment is activist-led and concentrates on empowering individuals and applying the latest research on the ground. 相比之下,艾滋病治疗是由活动家所领导的,把重点放在了赋权个人和应用最新研究成果之上。 www.scidev.net 10. More transparency would help too, by empowering patients to choose hospitals and doctors providing good value and better results. 更多的透明度也能带来更多裨益:赋予病人选择医院的权利,并能让医生提供更有价值、更好的服务。 www.ecocn.org 1. That niche consists of empowering civil society to hold government accountable. 这就是增强民间团体的实力以保证政府的可靠性。 dongxi.net 2. For all the fashionable talk about empowering employees, bosses are ultimately the masters of their own domains. 尽管有对雇员授权的种种时髦说法,但老板们毕竟只是他那行的专家。 www.ecocn.org 3. About The Miracle Foundation: The Miracle Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering orphaned children in India. 关于Miracle基金会:Miracle基金会是一个非赢利性机构,其宗旨是致力于帮助印度的孤儿。 50x15.amd.com 4. Work with the capacities, skills and resources of vulnerable people , empowering them to take charge of their lives. 帮助易受损人群提高他们的能力、技能和掌握资源,使他们能够自力更生。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In Version 4, data is collected under the Analyze Problem activity, further empowering you to perform your own problem analysis (Figure 8). 在V4中,数据在AnalyzeProblem活动下收集,为您执行自己的问题分析提供了进一步的支持(图8)。 www.ibm.com 6. Not by empowering the tool users, but by enabling their internal clients, the consumers of the information. 不是采用授权工具给用户,而是采用支持它们的内部客户,即信息的使用者。 www.ibm.com 7. Making self-empowering decisions under stress is what leads you authentic personal growth and solidifies inner change. 在重重压力下鼓励自己会让你走向真正的个人成长,而且会让你的内心变得更坚强。 www.bing.com 8. We view these trends as favorable without the slightest question because we clearly see computer technology as empowering. 我们毫不怀疑这种趋向是有利的,因为我们清楚地看到了计算机技术能赋予人开拓能力。 www.ebigear.com 9. Choose to get yourself more often around more positive, enthusiastic, empowered and empowering people. 尽量多去接触积极,热情,有力量及给人力量的人。 zhishi.sohu.com 10. The result was disgrace, and the empowering of the political left and its socialistic ethos. 结果当然是脸上无光,特别是其对政治左派的授权及其社会主义情结。 www.bing.com 1. Whether you feel stunning or stressed surrounding yourself with artists who want to celebrate your form can be empowering. 不管你感觉良好还是紧张有压力,让这些艺术家为你作画来庆祝下是值得的。 www.bing.com 2. The projects I could see firsthand reaffirmed my belief that our focus on empowering women is the right way forward in Africa. 我亲身看到的发展项目,使我更相信,为妇女充权是推动非洲进步的正确途径。 www.oxfam.org.hk 3. For this our national leadership is expected to devise a political mechanism to create a social atmosphere by empowering of people. 为此,我们国家的领导下制定的政治机制,以创建人民赋权的社会氛围。 verywind.com 4. Some secularists fear that the new regime is empowering the Brotherhood in exchange for help in calming the streets. 一些现世主义者担心新政权为换取帮助街头重归平静才授权兄弟会的。 www.ecocn.org 5. Thanks for your interest in empowering the world with Internet access and good luck! 感谢您用互联网接入来开拓世界,祝您好运! 50x15.amd.com 6. The integrated empowering method is proposed combining the Delphi method and improved entropy method. 提出了德尔菲法与“改进的熵权法”两种方法综合的组合赋权法; soso.361xs.com 7. Managers, always suckers for jargon, talk a lot about empowering their workers. However, they often fail to do so in practice. 经理们总是喜欢胡言乱语,分权给他们的工人常挂在嘴边,然而,实际上他们常常没有做到。 www.ecocn.org 8. If just one Arab monarchy finds a new people-empowering model that works, the rest will be pressed to follow. 如果有一个阿拉伯国家找到一种新的民主模式并且能平稳运行时,那些其他的阿拉伯国家就会照葫芦画瓢。 www.ecocn.org 9. How Buck survived and transcended this destiny is the empowering theme of the book. 赛珍珠如何在这样的宿命中生存,并且超越宿命,是这本书的主题所在。 www.bing.com 10. Her empowering hit "A Little Bit Stronger" was co-written by Lady Antebellum's Hillary Scott. 她的赋权达到“一点点更强”的研讨会由夫人战前的希拉里斯科特写的。 www.englishtang.com 1. Exploring your own body is a key first step in empowering yourself to maintain and improve your sexual life. 探索自己的身体是一个关键在增强自己保持和改善你的性life。 www.ttbuy168.com 2. Instead, give yourself an empowering focus. Lock your focus solidly on the positive possibilities. 相反,你要给自己一个明确的目标并锁定,尽一切可能积极地去实现它。 www.bing.com 3. Simply put, it's about changing policies, and empowering every person, man or woman, not just providing aid packages. 简单来说,我们需要改变政策,赋予每个人——男人和女人——权利,而不只是提供援助。 web.worldbank.org 4. I believe open relationships are empowering for everyone, especially women. 我相信开放的关系都对每一个人来说都有权利的,特别对女人来说。 www.bing.com 5. Say this to yourself, right now, and you'll feel that even as self-talk, it's empowering. Offer that same encouragement to others. 此刻就对自己说一说看,你会感到即便自言自语,这话也是给与人力量。将同样的鼓励给别人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. AAC's agenda includes empowering parents while escalating the debate over vaccine-related issues. AAC的纲领包括增强家长的能力和信心,同时逐步扩大疫苗有关问题的讨论。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 7. While not perfect, empowering citizens can be powerful. 尽管这一方式并非尽善尽美,但是赋予公民权力会激发巨大的力量。 web.worldbank.org 8. In hopes of empowering others even earlier, he's compiled a list of tips for parents of children on the autism spectrum. 为了能够尽快地帮助其他人,他亲自为自闭症儿童的父母列出了一些小贴士。 www.bing.com 9. This step is admittedly difficult, but it is empowering and liberating once it's fully accepted and internalized. 这一步确实很困难,但是一旦它被接受并完全内在化,结果会明朗很多。 www.bing.com 10. SIFE is an engine, empowering us to innovate, create and overcome all the difficulties. SIFE是发动机,它富裕同学们创新创造和不畏艰难的力量; sife.szu.blog.163.com 1. In contrast, democracy is seen by some[who? ] as a collectivist ideal, concerned with empowering the masses. 相比之下,民主是被[谁?]作为集体主义理想,是与民众自主权有关的。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 2. Among its values are "empowering students to overcome obstacles, no matter how daunting" . 学校的价值观是“让学生去克服障碍,无论困难有多么艰巨。” www.bing.com 3. The other technology empowering next-generation mobile Web applications is Ajax. 另一项助力下一代移动Web应用程序的技术是Ajax。 www.ibm.com 4. That's why I'm leading UnCollege: a social movement empowering individuals to take their education beyond the classroom. 这就是我为什么要领导这么一场UnCollege运动:一场通过在课堂外接受教育而强化个体的社会运动。 dongxi.net 5. The cloud can help by empowering individual developers to innovate and compare platforms side by side. 云可以帮助开发人员进行创新和对比不同的平台。 www.ibm.com 6. Speakers called for educating and empowering women to give them more control over their bodies. 发言人呼吁赋予有权力和受教育妇女,加强对她们的身体控制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself. 这将是你能为自己做得最有积极影响力的事情之一。 www.bing.com 8. By following these steps you will begin to rid your inner conversations of negativity and instead have empowering thoughts. 通过遵循这些步骤你能够开始摆脱掉你内心的消极的交谈,用伟大的思想来代替它。 www.suiniyi.com 9. "Empowering women economically is smart economics, " explains Mayra Buvinic, World Bank Director for Gender. “提高妇女的经济权利是明智的经济学,”世界银行的性别局局长MayraBuvinic解释道。 web.worldbank.org 10. This can be so empowering because it dismisses denial in favor of understanding. 这是极重要的,因为这可以消除嫌隙,促进理解。 www.elanso.com 1. That's exactly what will happen if you don't condition a more empowering pattern. 假如你没有选择一个更强有力的模式的话,这种情况就会发生。 www.bing.com 2. Create new, more empowering metaphors for life and for each of the areas you focused on. 为你的人生和你关注的每个领域,创造新的更加积极的隐喻。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. God uses the empowering message of the gospel to give Christians the desire and strength to do the good works that God desires. 神以福音独具权能的信息赐予基督徒属灵的力量与渴望去做蒙神喜悦的事。 gbicp.org 4. But leadership also means empowering people to make their own choices, rather than intervening and taking those choices away. 不过,作出表率还意味着帮助别人作出自己的选择,而不是干涉和剥夺那些选择。 www.america.gov 5. Here we highlight two efforts that are in the vanguard of empowering women in Africa. 在此,我们重点介绍在非洲率先向妇女赋权的两个实例。 web.worldbank.org 6. Many spiritual aspirants enjoy burning tree resins as incense and find it empowering of their field and inner process as a result. 很多灵性实践者很喜欢将树脂燃烧作为熏香,并发现能给其能量场和内在过程充能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Empowering employees means giving them the tools and the authority to do great work. 而是说给予他们工具与权力去做有价值的工作。 www.bing.com 8. The era of Ramadan may inspire another time period of empowering mastery ahead; or may cause further war leading to extinction of earth. 拉玛丹时代,会要么启迪前方另一个力量掌握的时代,要么造成进一步战争而带来地球毁灭。 rfive.blog.sohu.com 9. The message that working in the sex industry is normal, exciting - sometimes even empowering - is a popular one in our culture. 我们的文化里盛行着一种潜台词,在色情产业中工作既正常又刺激,有时甚至可以说显得你有能耐。 www.bing.com 10. This empowering 2-days conference was designed based on our 21 years of experience in training secretaries. 21年培训秘书的经验打造而成了2天精彩的大会。 www.ciichr.com 1. Lead project team with positive direction, empowering them to develop skills. 领导项目团队,给与积极指导,使团队能力发展。 www.gao8dou.com 2. And it is an awesome thing to be a part of empowering someone in this way. 这是非常美妙的事情,能参与到以这样的方式来发挥挖掘人的才能的项目中。 www.ted.com 3. As a result, empowering staffs to perform their core competencies and functions are fast becoming a challenging reality. 因此,要使员工彻底发挥其能力和职能正迅速发展成为一个具有挑战性的现实。 www.jobcn.com 4. Empowering love requires intention. 为爱赋予力量需要意愿。 cqly186.blog.163.com 5. The economic advantages of empowering women are so vast as to persuade nations to move in that direction. 赋予女性权力对经济的好处是如此广泛以至于很多国家都在逐渐朝这方向改革。 www.bing.com 6. Empowering others to better their lives contributes an even greater impact to our communities and beyond. 让其他人有能力去改善他们的生活,此举可以对我们的社区,甚至是社会产生更深远的影响。 www.fortunechina.com 7. Empower: Empowering employees doesn't mean that you stop managing. 授权:赋予雇员权利不是说你不去管理了。 www.bing.com 8. Secretary Duncan: "We Need to Do a Much Better Job of Listening to and Empowering Teachers" 教育部长邓肯:“我们必须在倾听和激励教师方面做更多更好的工作” blog.sina.com.cn 9. A leader in empowering women and protecting victims of violence, HAWCA has several ongoing projects. 作为增进妇女权益和保护暴力受害人的带头者,阿富汗妇女和儿童人道救援组织有若干个正在开展的项目。 www.america.gov 10. It should also lead the way in protecting and empowering women by ending so-called honor killings. 它也应该率先终止所谓的“荣誉谋杀”,从而保障妇女的权益。 www.bing.com 1. Empowering. Releasing the talent, energy, and contribution of people. 授权者。充分发挥聪明才干之士的作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. You are someone with core values and standards. To create an empowering self-image you need to get in touch with those values. 与你紧紧相连的是核心价值和标准造魅力四射的自我形象,你需要向那些价值而靠拢。 www.bing.com 3. She wasn't good at listening to others or empowering them or helping them feel good about themselves or the team. 她不太善于倾听他人和授权他人去做事,亦或是鼓励其他团队让他们感觉自我良好。 www.bing.com 4. We are using open-document formats for much the same reason: transparency is empowering. 同样,我们使用开放文件格式,也是基相同的原因:增强透明度。 www.laptop.org 5. Reduce poverty by empowering rural people to participate in what happens to forest resources. 通过让农村人口参与与森林资源有关的活动减轻贫困; web.worldbank.org 6. Very empowering, but weeks passed and nothing changed. 非常积极,但是几个星期过去了却没有任何改变。 www.ecocn.org 7. Encouraging and empowering the client. 鼓励并为客户赋能。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Always the emphasis is on empowering girls, good citizenship and community service, according to the organization's website. 该网站表示,女童子军组织所强调的是让女童学习掌握自己的命运、培养好公民意识和从事社区服务。 www.xici.net 9. This helps give back to the community and teaches people about the need to respect our natural environment, which is empowering for all. 这有助于回馈社会,并教导人们必须尊重我们的自然环境,这会影响一切。 www.bing.com 10. An example of an empowering statement is as simple as. . . 一份授权证明的样本简单的如同… www.bing.com 1. For me, learning the skill of creating a new habit has been empowering and life-changing. 对于我而言,学习培养新习惯的技巧提高了自身,并改变了生活。 www.bing.com 2. This is an unfair position in which doctors place patients, under the guise of empowering them. 医生在给患者授权的幌子下使他们处于不公平的地位。 www.bing.com 3. This is aimed at empowering end users to authenticate medicines, without the need for any new technology platform or devices. 这项服务致力于增强终端消费者鉴别药品的能力,而不需要借助新的技术平台或仪器。 itbbs.pconline.com.cn 4. (Laughter. ) We have people like Soraya Salti of Jordan who are empowering the young men and women who will be leaders of tomorrow. (笑声)来自约旦的索拉亚·萨尔迪(SorayaSalti),增进了将成为明日领导人的男女青年的力量。 www.putclub.com 5. I disagree with his logic at one major turning point, but overall the message is good, strong and empowering. 我不同意他逻辑中的一个主要的转折点,但总体来说他的观点很不错,也很强有力。 www.infoq.com 6. The recession has us reeling and fearful, and there's something in the air these days that is also very empowering. 经济的衰退让我们惊慌失措,然而,这些天来,另一股力量正在孕育而生。 www.ted.com 7. It's also an incredibly empowering exercise. 这也是一个令人难以置信的有用的练习。 www.bing.com 8. A writ empowering an officer to enforce a judgment . 执行令授予官员执行判决的令状。 www.bing.com 9. Empowering citizens is good, say advocates, because it will rebuild social capital eroded by the state. 但其支持者表示给民众权利是对的,因为这能重铸被政府侵蚀的社会资源。 www.ecocn.org 10. Empowering all people to freely connect, create and share in the digital world! 在数字世界中,让所有的人自由地沟通,创造和分享 blog.sina.com.cn 1. She says empowering women in Afghanistan is hard when many people are still struggling for basic needs like food. 她说,赋予阿富汗女性更多的权利是非常困难的,因为许多人仍然在为食物等最基本的需求而苦苦挣扎。 bbs.dbank.com 2. It can be an extremely difficult task and the psychosocial side of empowering the patient is very important. 这是一项极其艰巨的任务,从社会心理学方面激励患者具有非常重要的意义。 www.idiabetes.com.cn 3. Project base education is empowering students to learn, where the instructor is a coach, a facilitator. 基础教育是提高项目学生学习,而教练是教练,一名调解人。 www.self-edu.org 4. I think we need to do a much better job of listening to and empowering teachers. 我认为我们需要做更多的工作去倾听和鼓励老师们。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And what better way to improve living conditions than by empowering women. 没有什么方法能够比加强妇女的权力更有效地改善生活条件了。 web.worldbank.org 6. In fact, take it as an exciting, empowering moment where you can have a say in what's being published in the future. 事实上,不如把这看成一个令人兴奋的掌控决定权的机会,对于将来出版什么,你也有了发言权。 kk.dongxi.net 7. I try to find a healthy balance between empowering people and having control. 我尽力在授权和控制下属这两个方面找到一个合理的平衡。 c.wsj.com 8. Besides, there is more to establishing a solid risk culture than empowering risk officers. 此外,建立牢固的风险文化要比授权给风险官要难得多。 www.ecocn.org 9. And some feminists called for less focus on population control and more on empowering women. 一些女权主义者则呼吁少关注人口控制多关注赋予妇女权力。 kk.dongxi.net 10. This series offers recipes with an eye towards empowering you to cook healthy meals every day. 本系列提供旨于让您每日做出健康膳食的食谱。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. We can attain a greater quality of life if we feed ourselves empowering words and practice saying them until they become a habit. 如果我们喂养自己具有强大威力的话语,反复实习,直到它们成为一种习惯,我们就可以拥有更佳素质的人生。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. which is empowering and sharing with others. 那就是要将此秘密与他人分享。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I say we should start by reforming and empowering the institutions we already have. 我的建议是我们应该首先改革和赋权给现有的机构。 web.worldbank.org 4. This is an empowering message. 这是一种赋予能力的讯息。 dict.bioon.com 5. We are empowering people to plan their own itineraries. 我们给予人们权利,让他们自己计划行程。 www.bing.com 6. And it's a -- it's a powerful and empowering tool. 小刀是一个强大的万能工具。 www.ted.com 7. The first step is both the scariest and the most empowering. It's also the most important. 走出第一步是最惊险的,同时也是最有力的。 www.elanso.com 8. By empowering choice, we can create a culture of opportunity. 赋予选择以权利,我们能创造出一个富于机会的文化。 www.ted.com 9. Responsibility we can make a choice, we can say no and its empowering. 责任:我们可以做出选择,我们可以说不而且从中获取力量。 www.infoq.com 10. It might just be the most liberating and empowering thing you ever do. 这也许是你做过的最释放,最积极的事情。 www.bing.com 1. Better yet, are you empowering them to engage even more supporters? 你有没有给他们去动员更多支持者的权力呢? www.bing.com 2. The ability to pull felt ridiculously empowering at first, and it gave me huge confidence. 这种能力让你感觉到荒诞的强大,这给了我巨大的信心。 www.bing.com 3. It is an empowering shift for citizens because they have a lot more control over it. 对市民来说这是一种权利变革,因为他们拥有了更多的控制权。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. It's empowering shifts for citizens because they have a lot more control over it. 由于公民对此能够控制很多,所以对他们来这是权利上的转变。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. It's just an empowering workout. -Are you working hard? -Wooh! 这只是一个授权锻炼。-你努力工作?-哇! www.yappr.cn 6. as a means of achieving greater popular participation and of empowering local communities; 它可以达到更广泛的公众参与,赋予地方团体权力。 cai.jnu.edu.cn 7. Empowering Teachers: Teacher Leadership in Teacher Professional Development 赋权予教师:教师专业发展中的教师领导 www.ilib.cn 8. Empowering Empowering Collaboration Collaboration and and Teamwork Teamwork 领导协作能力领导协作能力 wenku.baidu.com 9. Empowering Marginal Communities with Information Networking 边缘团体授权与信息连网 book.cnpeak.edu.cn 10. Confidential paper from council president Herman Van Rompuy proposes empowering the commission to impose austerity 欧洲理事会主席海尔曼·范龙佩许诺给予欧盟委员会实施紧缩措施的权力 www.bing.com 1. Consideration on empowering the administrative opposite party with procedural rights 试论行政相对人程序性权利的设定原则 www.ilib.cn 2. Empowering patients through health information literacy training 通过健康信息素质培训强化患者的力量 www.sclib.org 3. Empowering Squatter Citizen: Local Government, Civil Society and Urban Poverty Reduction 水上公民授权:地方政府、全民社会与贫困降低 bibf.cnpbook.com 4. To review the Proposal in Respect of Appointing Accounting Firm and Empowering the Board of Directors to Decide its Remuneration 审议关于续聘会计师事务所并授权董事会决定其报酬的议案 wenku.baidu.com 5. Basic business communication skills for empowering the internet generation 基础商务沟通激活因特网一代的技能 lib.jci.jx.cn 6. Probe into the choice between Centralizing and Empowering of Group Company's Financial Control 集团公司财务控制集权与分权选择问题浅探 www.ilib.cn 7. The organizational problem of a company: paradox of empowering and control --an analysis structure based on knowledge 企业的组织问题:授权与控制悖论——一种基于知识的分析框架 www.ilib.cn 8. Empowering others to think for themselves 使别人能更好的为自己思考 www.bing.com 9. Empowering others to carry out those strategic actions 赋能授权他人来执行战略行动 wenku.baidu.com 10. An Empowering Approach to Managing Social Service Organizations 管理社会服务组织授权方法 book.cepiec.com.cn 1. Political philosophy and empowering citizens; Avner de-Shalit 政治哲学与被授权的公民 www.cctb.net 2. Empowering People With Severe Mental Illness: A Practical Guide 严重脑疾患者的授权:实践指南 book.cnpeak.edu.cn 3. Rose Quartz for empowering unity based energy flow 为基于统一的能量流赋予力量 flamboyance.siteem.com 4. Empowering literacy from babies to teens 从婴儿到少年的激发素质 www.sclib.org 5. Arts and skills of effective empowering 技能七:有效授权技能 001job.net 6. Empowering Human Potential at Work 工作中人的潜能挖掘 www.siphrd.com 7. KEYS (Keys to Empowering Youth) 项目(授权年青人的关键) bbs.ebigear.com 8. ICT for all: empowering people to cross the digital divide 为所有人服务的信息通信技术:赋予人们跨越数字鸿沟的能力 www.bing.com 9. Here are some simple approaches to empowering your employees: 这里有几种简单的方法来: www.bing.com |
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