单词 | be mapped to |
释义 | be mapped to例句释义: 全部 1. The total weight of the part should be mapped to this field. Digits only. Do not enter the unit of measure. 零件的重量映射到此域,纯数字,不要带单位。 club.hi-product.com 2. To mimic this behavior, another logical mapping must take place in a test case -- JSP form names must be mapped to values. 要模拟这个行为,在测试用例中必须有另一个逻辑映射——JSP表单名称必须映射到值。 www.ibm.com 3. Regions in a process's virtual address space can be mapped to physical memory, to a file, or to any other addressable storage. 进程的虚拟地址空间中的区域可被映射到物理内存、文件或任何其他可寻址存储。 www.ibm.com 4. Each of the first three can be mapped to a VM problem type described in the next section of this article. 前三项都可映射到某类VM问题,这些问题在本文的下一节阐述。 www.ibm.com 5. Figure 2 shows how the general architecture could be mapped to robust, existing Java open-source infrastructure for this implementation. 图2显示了通常的架构是如何通过映射到已有的、健壮的Java开源架构来实现的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There must be a mapping from an algorithm name to a class before an object identifier can be mapped to a simple name . 属性的值。在对象标识符可以映射到简单名称之前,必须存在从算法名称到类的映射。 www.bing.com 7. The credentials sent as part of a digest authentication over HTTP must be mapped to a valid Windows domain account. 作为摘要式身份验证的一部分通过HTTP发送的凭据必须映射到有效的Windows域帐户。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. You can then create user friendly URLs, which can be mapped to any specific page in any of the content roots. 于是您可以创建用户友好URL,该URL可以被映射到位于任意上下文根的任何特定页面。 www.ibm.com 9. Abbreviations must be added to a synonym dictionary to be mapped to the full term for index and query processing. 缩写词必须添加到同义词词典中才能映射到索引和查询处理的完整词汇。 www.ibm.com 10. At least one field must be mapped to a valid communicator field. 至少必须将一个字段映射为一个有效通信器字段。 www.mjsunny.com 1. The longer text fields can be mapped to an RTF Fields (rich text format) portlet in the next column of the mapping. 长一点的文本字段可以在下一个映射的专栏中映射到一个RTFFields(richtext格式)入口。 www.ibm.com 2. The name of the person you deal with at the supplier should be mapped to this field. 您的供应商联系人名称映射到此域。 club.hi-product.com 3. The structured portion of an XML document can be mapped to a dataset, and be efficiently stored, indexed, and searched. XML文档的结构化部分可以映射到一个数据集,并可以有效地存储、索引和搜索。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. You can say that MusicXML's element with a g child should be mapped to a Bezier curve that draws a G-clef . 也可以规定MusicXML中带有g子元素的元素,应该映射成一条Bezier曲线,以便绘制G-clef。 www.ibm.com 5. The name attribute of the column tag defines the name of the column to be mapped to the Employee datamember. column标记的name属性定义将被映射到Employee数据成员的列名。 www.ibm.com 6. If there is disk mirroring, they may be mapped to one LPs that points to two or more PPs. 如果存在磁盘镜像,则会将镜像映射到指向一个或更多PP的LP上。 www.ibm.com 7. Each of these services can be mapped to software solutions provided by IBM or Acme's other software vendors. 可以将其中每个服务映射到IBM或Acme的其他软件供应商提供的软件解决方案。 www.ibm.com 8. The name of your supplier should be mapped to this field. 供应商名称映射到此域。 club.hi-product.com 9. The high-level activities for this scenario can also be mapped to the phases of the SOA lifecycle, as shown in Figure 7. 此场景的高级活动也可以映射到SOA生命周期的各个阶段,如图7中所示。 www.ibm.com 10. Figure 3 shows how parts of a JCA resource adapter can be mapped to corresponding artifacts of WSDL. 图3展示了如何将JCA资源适配器的一些部件映射为相应的WSDL构件。 www.ibm.com 1. Learn about four different realizations of SOA connectivity, and how their implementations can be mapped to the phases of the SOA lifecycle. 了解四种不同的SOA连接性实现,以及如何将这些实现映射到SOA生命周期的各个阶段。 www.ibm.com 2. Relational data must to be mapped to XML if it is not stored as such. 如果关系数据没有存储为XML格式,就必须把它们映射到XML。 www.ibm.com 3. Multiple addresses can be mapped to a single address because each private address is tracked by a port number. 多个私用IP地址可以对应转换到一个单一公共IP地址,是因为可以依照埠号(portnumber)来追踪每一个私人地址。 www.cyut.edu.tw 4. New or updated rules must be mapped to a content spot and published to a run-time environment (such as a publish server) to go into effect. 新的或者更新过的规则必须映射到“内容点”并且发布到运行时环境(例如,发布服务器)以使之生效。 publib.boulder.ibm.com 5. For inbound traffic to the NAT, the destination IP address must be mapped to a private IP address. 对于到NAT的传入流量,目标IP地址必须映射到一个专用IP地址。 blog.163.com 6. Each tier defines a logical group of software modules that can be mapped to a physical piece of hardware. 每个逻辑层都定义了一组软件模块,它们可以映射到硬件的物理部分。 www.ibm.com 7. Not all dynamic output terminals that are created on a Route node need to be mapped to an expression in the filter table. 并非所有在Route节点上创建的动态输出终端都需要映射到筛选表格的表达式。 www.ibm.com 8. The title or position of the person you deal with at the supplier should be mapped to this field. 您的供应商联系人的职位或者称呼映射到此域。 club.hi-product.com 9. Credentials sent as basic HTTP authentication must be mapped to a valid Windows login. 作为基本HTTP身份验证发送的凭据必须映射到有效的Windows登录名。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. When you import data, you choose a map that defines how the data in the source program should be mapped to information in Project. 在您导入数据时,可选择一个映射,以定义如何将源程序中的数据映射成Project中的信息。 office.microsoft.com 1. Fortunately, all the older architectures can be mapped to the newer device architectures. 幸运的是,所有旧的体系结构都可以映射到较新的设备体系结构。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Your model must provide some notification mechanism, and this mechanism must be mapped to the appropriate updates in your application. 您的模型必须提供某种通知机制,该机制必须映射到您应用程序中相应的更新。 www.ibm.com 3. The TMap phase Specification can be mapped to Test and Evaluate in RUP, as shown in Table 4. TMap规格说明阶段可以被映射到RUP中的测试和评价,如表4所示。 www.ibm.com 4. Once the link aggregation device has been created, it needs to be mapped to a virtual adapter. 创建链路聚合设备之后,需要把它映射到虚拟适配器。 www.ibm.com 5. In a mapping model, you can specify exactly where a UML element should be mapped to in the target project and what should be its name. 在一个映射模型中,您可以具体地指定一个UML元素应该映射到目标项目中的什么地方,以及它的名字。 www.ibm.com 6. However, most of the properties, methods, and events can be mapped to equivalent members in the. NET Framework. 但是,大部分属性、方法和事件可映射到.NETFramework中的等效成员。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The output of the second parser needs to be mapped to the output links in the output step to complete the scenario. 第二个分析器的输出需要被映射到输出步骤中的输出链接来完成场景。 www.ibm.com 8. AttributeMapPasswordQuestion and attributeMapPasswordAnswer must be mapped to attributes in the Active Directory schema. attributeMapPasswordQuestion和attributeMapPasswordAnswer必须映射到ActiveDirectory架构中的属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Users can only be mapped to the security identity at deployment time, using the Administration console. 用户只能在部署时使用管理控制台映射到安全标识。 www.ibm.com 10. SCA intents are abstract requirements that can be mapped to concrete policies in an operating environment. SCA意图(intent)抽象了那些能映射到运行环境中具体策略的需求。 www.infoq.com 1. The form fields need to be published so they can be mapped to the workflow data fields during the creation of the form workflow policy. 需要发布表格字段,以便在表格工作流策略创建期间将其映射到工作流数据字段。 www.ibm.com 2. In the output step, the employee information needs to be mapped to the output sequential file. 在输出步骤中,需要将员工信息映射到输出顺序文件。 www.ibm.com 3. Multiple file servers can be mapped to the same name, thus providing redundancy and locality of data access. 可以把多个文件服务器映射到同一个名称,从而为数据访问提供冗余和位置。 www.ibm.com 4. As you can see any value that falls between 32767 and 65535 will be mapped to a negative value in the Java short. 那么你可以看到,对于任何在32767到65535之间的值映射为Java的short以后将成为负数。 www.ibm.com 5. Those characters that cannot be mapped to the target code page are lost forever. 那些无法映射到目标代码页的字符将永远丢失。 www.ibm.com 6. Sustainability requirements can be mapped to show complex dependencies across domains. 可持续性的必要条件可以映射展示出领域间相互依赖的复杂程度。 www.bing.com 7. Finally, GMF does some magic for us to figure out what model elements should be mapped to what visual elements. 最后,GMF会像变魔术一样算出哪些模型元素必须映射到哪些可视化元素上。 www.ibm.com 8. Many business rules may be mapped to business activities, which in turn drive the definition of business services. 很多业务规则都可以映射到业务活动,后者又可以驱动业务服务的定义。 www.ibm.com 9. However, this example makes the arbitrary assumption that an ambiguous time should always be mapped to the time zone's standard time. 但是,这个范例会自行假设,模稜两可的时间应该要永远对应至时区的标准时间。 technet.microsoft.com 10. This restriction is required to avoid ambiguity during SQL Type resolution if a CLR type can be mapped to more than one user-defined type. 如果一个CLR类型可被映射到多个用户定义类型,则要求使用此限制来避免SQL类型解析过程中的混乱情况。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Specifies that the user should not be mapped to an existing login. 指定不应将用户映射到现有登录名。 technet.microsoft.com 2. A Business Service in WBSF can be mapped to the Visa Information Verification Service. 可以将WBSF中的业务服务映射到签证信息验证服务。 www.ibm.com 3. One potential use is to allow portions of a document to be mapped to and from a document model (such as DOM, JDOM, or dom4j). 一种可能的用法就是允许在部分文档和文档模型(例如DOM、JDOM或dom4j)之间相互映射。 www.ibm.com 4. The name of a credential to be mapped to a SQL Server login. 将映射到SQLServer登录的凭据的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Next, the cache monitor must be mapped to a virtual host. 接下来,必须将高速缓存监控器映射到虚拟主机。 www.ibm.com 6. The user identity must be mapped to credentials by the login module. 登录模块必须将用户标识映射为凭据。 www.ibm.com 7. These profiles can then be mapped to one or more courses, which could serve as a learning path for the student. 然后可以将这些配置文件映射到一门或多门课程,这可以充当学生的学习路线。 www.ibm.com 8. They can be mapped to a specific domain and used for model transformation, code generation, and so on. 可以将其映射到特定的域,并能用于进行模型转换、代码生成等工作。 www.ibm.com 9. The revision date of the supplier's part should be mapped to this field. 供应商的零件修订日期映射到此域。 club.hi-product.com 10. Each class in the relationship model can be mapped to an entity EJB component. 关系模型中的每个类均可以映射一个实体EJB组件。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Now the test cases can be mapped to the test scripts in the Quality Manager solution. 现在测试用例就可以映射至RationalQualityManager解决方案中的测试脚本。 www.ibm.com 2. One or more fields of the intermediate object can be mapped to columns in a table. 可以将中间对象的一个或多个字段映射到某个表中的列。 www.ibm.com 3. If so, the returned values should be mapped to columns in a dataset table. 如果是这样,返回值应映射到数据集表中的列。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The supplier's number specifying the part should be mapped to this field. 供应商提供的零件序号映射到此域。 club.hi-product.com 5. This process enables a user to present a single certificate to multiple resources and be mapped to different local accounts. 这个过程允许用户将一个证书呈现给多个资源,并可以将它映射到不同的本地帐号。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The unit in which the part's length or the part's volume is measured should be mapped to this field. 零件的长度或者体积单位映射到此域。 club.hi-product.com 7. Results should be mapped to according column headers and exportable. 结果应根据映射到列标题和导出。 www.bing.com 8. Most of the MSF artifacts can be mapped to the RUP artifacts. 大多数MSF的工件可以映射到RUP工件上。 www.ibm.com 9. Elements in the EJB DD should be mapped to the fields in the relational database schema. 元素应如何映射到关系数据库模式中的字段。 www-128.ibm.com 10. The name of a credential to be mapped to the new SQL Server login. 将映射到新SQLServer登录名的凭据的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Each record type has to be mapped to a unique work item type. 每一个记录类型都需要映射到一个单独的工作项类型。 www.ibm.com 2. The supplier's name for the part should be mapped to this field. 供应商提供的零件名称映射到此域。 club.hi-product.com 3. You might even have multiple business objects whose individual parts need to be mapped to or from one business object. 您甚至可能有多个业务对象,它们的各个部分需要映射到一个业务对象,或者从一个业务对象映射到各个部分。 www.ibm.com 4. Multiple host names must be mapped to the single IP address by using a DNS server or a Hosts file. 多个主机名必须使用一个DNS服务器或Hosts文件映射到单个IP地址。 support.microsoft.com 5. Any comments from the supplier about the part should be mapped to this field. 供应商对零件的任何说明映射到此域。 club.hi-product.com 6. The revision level of the supplier's part should be mapped to this field. 供应商的零件修订级别映射到此域。 club.hi-product.com 7. A SQL Server login can only be mapped to one credential at a time. 一个SQLServer登录名一次只能映射到一个凭据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. All virtual SCSI disks must be mapped to whole LUNs on the SAN. 所有虚拟SCSI磁盘都必须映射到SAN上的整个LUN。 www.ibm.com 9. More than one port can be mapped to the same NUMA nodes. 可以将多个端口映射到同一NUMA节点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. If this data type cannot be mapped to an SQL-92 type, the value is NULL. 如果此数据类型不能映射到SQL-92类型,则值为NULL。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Logins names are server-wide accounts that can be mapped to individual users or user groups. 登录名是可以映射到私人用户或者用户组的服务器端账号。 www.ibm.com 2. The schema XML file that describes the database schema that the EJB will be mapped to. 模式XML文件,描述EJB将要映射到的数据库模式。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Now you can choose them to be mapped to the necessary levels in your DOORS toolset and import them. 现在您可以选中它们,以映射到DOORS工具集中需要的层次,并导入它们。 www.ibm.com 4. Service levels to be mapped to ports 9082 and 9083 on the server hosting the gateway instance. 请求服务级别映射到安装了网关实例的服务器的9082和9083端口。 www-128.ibm.com 5. The XML Schema data type you have specified cannot be mapped to the. NET data type. 已指定的XML架构数据类型无法映射到.NET数据类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. They are logical, application-specific names that can be mapped to users and groups at deployment time. 它们是特定于应用程序的逻辑名称,可以在部署时映射到用户和组。 www.ibm.com 7. If this is a data type that cannot be mapped to an ODBC type, this value is NULL. 如果是无法映射到ODBC类型的数据类型,则该值为NULL。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Other logical or physical data models, such as ESB, applications and data warehousing, can all be mapped to this common logical data model. 其他逻辑或物理数据模型(如ESB、应用和数据仓库)都可以映射到这个公共逻辑数据模型。 www.ibm.com 9. For CMMI level 3, in particular, the 43 Specific Goals need to be mapped to RUP workflows and activities. 尤其是对于CMMI层次3来说,43个特定目标需要被映射到RUP工作流和活动中。 www.ibm.com 10. You must first export the roles used in your process, so they can be mapped to the actual groups from the directory used by Process Server. 您必须首先导出流程中使用的角色,以便能够将它们从ProcessServer使用的目录映射到实际组。 www.ibm.com 1. You must first export the roles used in your process, so they can be mapped to the actual groups from the directory used by Process Server. 您必须首先导出流程中使用的角色,以便能够将它们从ProcessServer使用的目录映射到实际组。 www.ibm.com 2. Dependent aliases will be mapped to the new database owner. 相关别名将映射到新数据库所有者。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. On the server level, these IDs can be mapped to application-specific information such as presence. 在服务端层面,这些ID可以被映射到应用相关的信息中,比如用户名等。 www.bing.com 4. In this way, the client runtime will know which user exception it should be mapped to. 这样,客户端运行时将知道应该将其映射到哪个用户异常。 www.ibm.com 5. A login can be mapped to users in any database. 登录可以映射到任何数据库的用户。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Review the service model interfaces and how they can be mapped to physical data stores. 审查服务模型接口,了解它们如何映射到物理数据存储。 www.ibm.com 7. For example, if a destination column does not allow null values, an input column must be mapped to that column. 例如,如果目标列不允许出现空值,则必须将输入列映射到该列。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. These will be mapped to the database. 这些字段映射到数据库。 www.ibm.com 9. The topic could be mapped to some key terms on the page. 可把主题映射为页面上的一些关键项。 www.ibm.com 10. However, a SQL Server login can be mapped to only one credential. 但是,一个SQLServer登录名只能映射到一个凭据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. If FOR LOGIN is omitted, the new database user will be mapped to the SQL Server login with the same name. 如果已忽略FORLOGIN,则新的数据库用户将被映射到同名的SQLServer登录名。 technet.microsoft.com 2. A single credential can be mapped to multiple SQL Server logins. 单个凭据可映射到多个SQLServer登录名。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. If the application had three soft buttons, all commands can be mapped to soft buttons 而且它也给我一个图,就是下面放了三个软按钮 static.itpost.cn 4. Specifies a character that will be mapped to a glyph for presentation 指定将被映射为字形表达式的字符 www.w3pop.com 5. An XPath expression to identify the nodes to be mapped to rows (rowpattern) 标识要映射到行的节点的XPath表达式(rowpattern) msdn2.microsoft.com |
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