单词 | executive chairman | ||||||||||||||
释义 | executive chairman
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 执行主席,主席团执行主席,执行董事长 1. Nicholas Curtis, Lynas executive chairman, said the deal would "increase global supply and diminish concentration of supply out of China" . Lynas执行主席尼古拉斯-柯蒂斯(NicholasCurtis)说,该交易将“增加全球供应,削弱中国之外的供应集中度”。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Executive Chairman Ray Lane strongly defended the choice of Ms. Whitman, calling her a strong communicator and leader. 惠普执行董事长雷恩(RayLane)强烈支持任命惠特曼担任CEO,称她是一位强有力的沟通者和领导者。 cn.wsj.com 3. I wish him well, and I stand ready to support him, and interim Non-Executive Chairman Kent Kresa, in every way possible. 我祝愿他,并且随时准备以一切可能的方式支持他,以及临时非执行主席肯特克雷萨。 www.hjenglish.com 4. My own experience with Rasheed dates back to the early 1990s, when I served as the deputy executive chairman of UNSCOM, the U. 我和拉希德的接触经历要回溯到上世纪90年代初期,那时我还是联合国特别委员会轮值执行主席。 www.bing.com 5. Called in by a panicking board, Hayden found himself back in charge as Executive Chairman, trying desperately to rescue what he could. Hayden被惊慌失措的董事会召集回来,他发现自己回来作为总裁团执行主席负责大局,拼命地尽其所能进行挽救措施。 club.topsage.com 6. Google's executive chairman has denied that the company fixes its search results to promote its own websites and services. 谷歌执行董事长否认公司为推广自己的网站和服务而修改搜索结果。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. People familiar with the situation have said he has previously contemplated becoming executive chairman, allowing Mr. Carey to become CEO. 一些知情人士说,他此前曾考虑担任执行董事长,让凯里担任CEO。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Henri de Castries, Axa's executive chairman, said of the offer: "It's a reasonable proposal and we are ready to discuss it. " 安盛首席执行官亨瑞-德-卡第(HenrideCastries)提及收购要约时表示:“这是一个合理的提议,我们愿意对它进行讨论。” www.ftchinese.com 9. Societe Generale, the France bank, had to back down over plans to award stock options to its chief executive and non-executive chairman. 法国兴业银行不得不取消授予首席执行官和非执行主席股票期权的计划。 q.sohu.com 10. Rod Kent, the bank's executive chairman, will doubtless pay with his job. 该行执行主席RodKent先生,无疑将丢掉自己的饭碗。 www.bing.com 1. But she made up her mind to accept the post if Mr. Lane agreed to be executive chairman, another person said. 但据另一位人士说,她后来决定,如果李恩同意担任执行董事长,那么她就接受这个职位。 cn.wsj.com 2. Founder and executive chairman of the Forum, Klaus Schwab, says these issues are interconnected and must be looked at holistically . 世界经济论坛的创办人、执行主席施瓦布说,这些问题互相联系,必须从全局来看。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Eric Schmidt, Google's executive chairman and former CEO, took a more directed swipe at Facebook last month. Google的执行主席及前首席执行官埃里克·施密特上个月对Facebook进行了更直接的攻击。 m.yeeyan.org 4. But back in New York, the investment bank he led for 15 years before becoming non-executive chairman this year was melting down. 但在纽约,他那家投资银行却行将破产——在今年成为非执行董事长之前,他曾领导这家投资银行长达15年之久。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Schmidt will become executive chairman, focusing on deals, partnerships, customers and broader business relationships. 施密特将成为执行董事长,专注于交易、合作、客户和拓展商务关系。 c.wsj.com 6. The company also disclosed that Executive Chairman Ray Lane will get 1 million non-qualified options. 惠普还透露,该公司执行董事长雷·兰恩(RayLane)将获购买100万股惠普股票的非限制性期权。 www.forbeschina.com 7. A few weeks ago its executive chairman, Bill Ford, hinted at his interest in talking to Mr Ghosn. 几周前福特的执行总裁BillFord曾暗示他希望与Ghosn先生对话。 www.ecocn.org 8. Stephen S. Roach, a senior fellow at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale, is the non-executive chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia. 斯蒂芬S?罗奇是耶鲁大学全球事务杰克逊研究所高级研究员,摩根斯坦利亚洲非行政总裁。 www.bing.com 9. Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. 尊敬的克劳斯施瓦布主席,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们。 www.exam8.com 10. Johann Rupert, Richemont group executive chairman and chief executive, has warned that the past year's momentum might not be maintained. 历峰执行主席兼首席执行官约翰?鲁珀特(JohannRupert)已发出警告,过去一年的增长势头或许无法继续下去。 www.ftchinese.com 1. is executive chairman and co-founder of comScore Inc. Previously, he was president and chief executive of Information Resources, Inc. 吉安?富尔戈尼是ComScore公司(全球知名的互联网统计公司)的创始人和执行主席,此前,他担任过信息资源公司的主席和首席执行官。 www.bing.com 2. James Murdoch, pictured above, has stepped down as the executive chairman of News Corp. 's publishing arm. 照片中的人就是詹姆斯·默多克,辞去新闻集团旗下新闻国际集团执行董事长职务。 www.bing.com 3. When they tried to kick Mr Dangeard upstairs to be non-executive chairman, he chose to resign instead. 当董事们试图委任唐夏先生为非执行主席来架空他时,他却选择了辞职。 www.ecocn.org 4. "We are pleased with the outcome of today's vote, " said Bill Wrigley , Jr. , Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board. “我们很高兴的结果,今天的表决表示,”条例草案箭牌小执行主席和董事会主席。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Ladies and Gentlemen. 尊敬的施瓦布主席,女士们,先生们,朋友们。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In 2009, Hoffman passed the reins to current CEO Jeff Weiner, but remained as executive chairman with a 20% stake in the venture. 2009年,霍夫曼把权利移交给目前的CEO杰夫?威纳,但依然担任公司的执行主席,并持有公司20%的股份。 www.fortunechina.com 7. Nevertheless Ms Russo and Serge Tchuruk, executive chairman of Alcatel, were confident the risks could be overcome. 然而,鲁索女士和阿尔卡特执行董事长塞吉·特鲁克(SergeTchuruk)表示有信心克服这些风险。 www.ftchinese.com 8. That is one of the reasons why my son Howard will act as a non executive Chairman. 这就是我的儿子霍华德作为非执行主席的原因之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. moreover , the role of non - executive chairman in scbhk does not demand excessive time from the incumbent ceo. 此外,现任的行政总裁处理渣打银行非执行主席的职务所花时间亦不多。 www.ichacha.net 10. John Elkington is executive chairman of Volans and non-executive director at SustainAbility. 约翰?艾尔金顿是“可持续”公司的创建者和总裁。 new.chinadialogue.net 1. He was twice elected Organization of African Unity (now African Union) Executive Chairman. 他两度当选非洲统一组织(现为非洲联盟)执行主席。 www.englishtang.com 2. ' Mr. Franklin relinquishes the CEO spot at next month's annual meeting, but will remain executive chairman. 富兰克林将在公司下个月的年度股东大会上辞去公司CEO一职,但仍将保留执行董事长的职位。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Eric Schmidt, Google's executive chairman and former CEO, posted his first public message when Steve Jobs died. 在乔布斯去世时,谷歌的执行董事和前任CEOEricSchmidt才首发公众信息。 www.bing.com 4. Mr. Lane, a venture capitalist at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, was appointed H-P's executive chairman. 雷恩被任命为惠普执行董事长。他是风险投资公司KleinerPerkinsCaufield&;Byers的风险投资家。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The project site for the Canton Finance Centre is currently 50 per cent owned by Keng Wong, Canton Properties' executive chairman. 广州金融中心的项目用地目前由广东置地的执行主席KengWong持有50%股权。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Gates ceases day-to-day involvement with Microsoft, but retains a position as non-executive chairman. 盖茨不再介入微软日常事务管理,但仍保留非执行董事会主席一职。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Last year he also wrote that it would be "wise" for the board to choose one of them as non-executive chairman. 去年,他还写道,如果董事会选择他子女当中的一人担任非执行董事长,那将是“明智”的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Professor Klaus Schwab is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. 克劳斯·施瓦布教授是世界经济论坛的创使人兼执行主席。 www.bing.com 9. EPAD's 18-member board is expected to elect a new non executive chairman on Dec. 4, and Jean Sarkozy is the only declared candidate. 拉德芳斯区区域开发公司的18人董事会预计将于12月4日推选出一名新的非执行董事长,而让?萨科齐是唯一宣布的候选人。 www.mingren365.com 10. Most British companies split the roles of chief executive and non-executive chairman. 大多数英国公司将首席执行官与非执行董事长的角色一分为二。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Mr Bester had become executive chairman. 贝斯特尔成为执行董事长。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Semel, Yahoo will become non-executive Chairman of the Board, we will continue to support and guide his benefit. 塞梅尔将就任雅虎非执行董事会主席,我们将继续从他的支持和指引中获益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He stayed on as chief software architect until July 2008, leaving his full-time job but remaining as non-executive chairman. 此后,盖茨继续担任公司的首席软件架构师,直到2008年。之后,他就不再担任全职工作,但留任公司非执行董事会主席。 www.fortunechina.com 4. When America's second richest person Buffett Sr. dies, 56-year-old Howard will be "non-executive chairman" , an unpaid position. 将来美国第二富豪巴菲特去世后,现年56岁的霍华德将出任“非执行总裁”一职,但没有薪水。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Eric Schmidt, Google's executive chairman, said Tuesday he still hopes Nokia will use Android software to power its devices in the future. 谷歌公司首席执行长施密特(EricSchmidt)周二说,他仍希望诺基亚公司未来能在其手机上采用Android系统。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Nominees for the award were announced by Liu Haofeng, executive chairman of the award, on Saturday, according to AFP. 据法新社(AFP)报道,“孔子和平奖”执行主席刘浩峰在上周六公布了提名名单。 cn.wsj.com 7. They renamed it Seventh Generation , where Mr. Hollender, 55, now is executive chairman . 后来他们将公司改名为七世代,55岁的霍伦德担任执行主席。 www.bing.com 8. He is executive chairman China, Pacific Star Group, a property investment firm. 他是总部位于新加坡的地产投资公司太平星集团(PacificStarGroup)的大中华区执行主席。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But Peter Cruddas, executive chairman, says there are "considerable opportunities still to realise" . 但该公司执行董事长彼得?克鲁达斯(PeterCruddas)表示,还有“很多的机会有待把握”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mr Niu, who now serves as non-executive chairman, was sidelined. 牛根生现为集团非执行董事,已经靠边站。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Banga joined Hindustan Lever in 1977 and remains its non-executive chairman. 邦加在1977年加入了HindustanLever,至今仍是该公司的非执行董事长。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Mr Green will cede responsibility for group strategy to Mr Geoghegan, though he will remain executive chairman. 葛霖将把集团战略事务交给纪勤负责,自己将继续担任执行主席。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 3. Ms. Bartz served as executive chairman of Autodesk, of San Rafael, Calif. , which she ran as chief executive from 1992 to 2006. 巴尔茨曾是欧特克执行董事长,并于1992年至2006年出任该公司首席执行长。 biz.bossline.com 4. This is a blow to Mr Bouton's standing as executive chairman. 成立特别委员会之举对溥敦执行董事长的地位是一个打击。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Non-executive chairman, GUS; Chairman of the trustees, Natural History Museum GUS非执行董事长;自然历史博物馆(NaturalHistoryMuseum)托管人委员会主席 www.ftchinese.com 6. Non-Executive Chairman and Director of various companies; Chairman and Member of numerous NGOs 多家公司之非執行主席及董事;多個非政府組織之主席及委員 wenku.baidu.com 7. Deputy Executive Chairman of the Special Commission; 特别委员会副执行主席; www.sinobay.com 8. Mr. LiuJingmin, vice executive chairman of Beijing's bid committee, once said Beijing has less advantage in sports and facilities, 北京申奥委常务副主席刘敬民曾经说过,北京在体育设施和环境方面缺乏优势, www.kekenet.com 9. Executive Chairman of the Special Commission; 特别委员会执行主席; www.powerdict.com 10. Eric Schmidt, executive chairman, Google 埃里克?施密特,谷歌的执行董事长 www.hxen.com 1. The executive chairman of the conference 大会执行主席 bbs.gscn.com.cn 2. The writer is executive chairman of Kudos Productions 本文作者系KudosProductions执行董事长 www.ftchinese.com 3. As Klaus Schwab, the executive chairman of the World Economic Forum concludes, “ 世界经济论坛执行主席克劳斯•施瓦布(KlausSchwab)发表了这样的结论:“ wap.putclub.com 4. Executive Chairman - Dubai World Chairman Tejari 迪拜世界执行主席、特佳易董事长 wenku.baidu.com 5. Executive Chairman of Shell Companies in China 中国集团执行主席 www.iccfed.gd.gov.cn |
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