单词 | exclusively |
释义 |
例句释义: 仅仅,专门地,特定地,排外地,专有地,唯一地,独占地 1. If you think of it, the Arts, and I don't say this exclusively to the Arts, I think it is also true of Science and of Maths. 也许你会认为这种情况仅仅会出现在文科和艺术领域,而我认为这样的案例同样存在于数理科。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. So far, however, it has been used exclusively as an objective to be minimized under constraints. 然而,迄今为止,它已被用来作为一个专门的目标,下应尽量减少限制。 www.syyxw.com 3. The matter of his possible move to Flamengo was exclusively born in Brazil and does not match the player's wishes. 关于他可能转会弗拉门戈的事情完全是巴西发面的一厢情愿,也不是他自己的打算。 www.milanchina.com 4. An Activity diagram must be owned by an Activity and must fully and exclusively depict the semantics of that Activity. 一个活动图必须被一个活动所拥有,并且必须全面的和专有的描述该活动的语义学; www.ibm.com 5. It occurs almost exclusively in infants and adolescents, and is often associated with Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon. 它几乎全部发生在婴幼儿和青少年,经常合并有卡-梅综合徵。 www.teps.com.cn 6. The word "Mass" means death and was coined originally by the Roman Catholic Church, and belongs exclusively to the Church of Rome. “弥撒”这个词意味着死亡,是由原来罗马天主教会创造的,并完全属于罗马教廷。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For new shots of him outside his Podracer, created exclusively for the Episode I DVD, Guo is also computer-generated. 他在飞梭赛车外的几个新镜头是专为《第一部》DVD制作的,在这些镜头里,古奥也是计算机生成的。 starwarsfans.cn 8. It was impossible for me to believe that she had botulism since she was exclusively breast fed. 我简直无法相信完全靠母乳喂养的她会患上肉毒杆菌中毒。 newztf.blog.163.com 9. Although these measures do not reflect strengths exclusively, each has some capacity to be used in practice from a strengths perspective. 虽然这些措施并不能反映长处独家,每个有能力使用,在实践中从一个强项。 www.xx178.com 10. I actually might be able to help. Yeah, I know a guy at my office who deals exclusively with music clients. 或许我能帮到你,我有个朋友专门接受音乐方面的客户。 club.topsage.com 1. Talking exclusively to LFC Weekly magazine, Johnson said: "It is all football with Rafa, but that's not a bad thing. " 在利物浦每周杂志独家采访中,约翰逊说道:“贝尼特斯脑子里都是足球,但是这并不是一件坏事。” www.jczqw.com 2. Always tremendously protective of his brand and margins, he gave the iPhone to one carrier exclusively, AT&T (T). 一直以来都极力保护他的品牌和利润,他把iPhone给了一个独家运营商,AT&T。 www.bing.com 3. The non-refundable deposit is to be exclusively used for damage compensation to contestants and consumers or as payment for fines. 不予退还的保证金,专项用于对体育竞赛参赛者、消费者的损害补偿或者抵充罚款。 www.bing.com 4. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation specializing in (dealing exclusively in )Light Industrial Goods. 现向你们自我介绍,我们是国营公司,专门经营轻工业品。 tieba.baidu.com 5. To a large degree, the return sequence of an XQuery function depends exclusively on the parameters with which you call it. 在很大程度上,一个XQuery函数的返回序列只取决于调用该函数时使用的参数。 www.ibm.com 6. Management who are so greedy that they judge investors exclusively on how much equity they receive often regret their choice. 管理层如果过于贪婪,只根据自己得到多少股权这一点来对投资者进行评判,事后往往会后悔莫及。 www.ftchinese.com 7. A State Machine diagram must be owned by a State Machine and must fully and exclusively depict the semantics of that State Machine. 一个状态机图必须为一个状态机所拥有,并且必须全面的和专有的描述该状态机的语义学。 www.ibm.com 8. "It is to be regretted that this type of discrimination should exist in any project using federal funds exclusively, " he wrote. 他写道:“令人痛惜的是,这类歧视竟然会在完全使用联邦资金的项目中存在。” www.24en.com 9. Neil said he is going to tell these stories exclusively through things that humans have made. exclusively全部地、专门地。他的故事全部都是通过人类制造的东西来讲述的。 www.in2english.com.cn 10. The edifices which belong exclusively to any one of these three layers are perfectly distinct, uniform, and complete. 分别各属于这三带之任何一带的建筑物,都各自是界限清楚的,统一的,完整的。 www.hotdic.com 1. For one thing, humanity's ancestors do not seem to have been exclusively coastal. 首先一点就是,人类的祖先似乎没有独占海岸。 www.24en.com 2. The transferred information is exclusively used for a closer malware analysis and for improving the rules set. 发送潜在危险的文件是为了用以更进一步的分析或完善我们的规则库。 bbs.kafan.cn 3. shouldn't you at least try to be with him exclusively? 你是不是至少应该尝试专一地跟他一起? www.tingroom.com 4. To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time, the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. 当你与心智认同时,就被时间束缚,然后你会强迫性地几乎完全经有记忆和期望而活。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The children can get better medical care and education is no longer limited to a small number of people exclusively. 孩子们可以得到更好的医疗保健,而且教育已不再是为有限的少数人所专有的了。 bbs.enfamily.cn 6. PTCs are often, but by no means exclusively, at the heart of a Family Office established to run a family's affairs. PTC通常是,但不绝对是,为处理家庭事务而设立的家庭办公室的核心。 www.docin.com 7. For two-thirds of its history, Homo sapiens lived exclusively in Africa. Only now are the details of that period becoming clear. 历史上现代智人有三分之二的时期独自生活在非洲,而直到现在,那段时期的细节才被了解。 www.ecocn.org 8. The origin of these particles is believed to be almost exclusively the jet drops formed during the bursting of bubbles at the ocean surface. 我们认为海洋表面气泡破裂时形成的水滴差不多是这些粒子的唯一来源。 9. It is exclusively designed for people with a busy lifestyle, limited space and a desire to stay fit. 它专门为了忙碌的而又想保持健康的人士设计的,又不需要占用多大空间。 www.360doc.com 10. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial products. 兹向你自我介绍,敝公司系国营单位,以经营轻工产品为主。 bbs.mbaedu.cn 1. I had followed Islam for years, having grown up in an area of Burnley that was almost exclusively Asian. 我信伊斯兰教好多年,生长在几乎都是亚洲人的Burnley地区。 www.bing.com 2. Such a condition, known as contango, would erode the ETF's returns, because CYB invests exclusively in one-month forwards. 这种期货溢价的状况可能会损害CYB的回报,因为这只ETF只投资1个月远期产品。 www.bing.com 3. Only a relatively few of the company's machines, most of which sell in low volumes, are made exclusively in the U. S. 该公司所产设备中只有相对较小的一部分是完全在美国制造的,而且其中大部分的销量较小。 c.wsj.com 4. Today we live in a time of overpopulation, when sexuality is no longer tied exclusively to reproduction. 我们现在生活在一个人口过盛的时代,性生活不一定非要与生殖联系在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Instances that are provisioned exclusively with IP addresses on your private VLAN can only be accessed by you through the VPN gateway. 仅通过您的专用VLAN上的IP地址提供的实例只能由您通过VPN网关访问。 www.ibm.com 6. Mr. White, we wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light industry goods. 怀特先生,自我介绍一下,我们是国有公司,专营轻工业产品。 www.putclub.com 7. If the appliance is to be scrapped, it must be entrusted exclusively to a specialist waste disposal company. 若UPS需报废,必须专门委托专业废物处理公司执行。 www.mrtranslator.cn 8. This week, we seem to have been thinking almost exclusively about the Pacific. 上周,我们似乎就是在专门思考太平洋地区。 www.ftchinese.com 9. preferring to be known exclusively through the medium of his own brush. 他宁愿世人看到的是独特地通过画笔呈现的自己。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Right from its very foundation back in 1924 the company has set store exclusively by offering quality products of the highest caliber. 其根基早在1924年公司成立之初便已开始研发成产优质的产品及服务。 company.zhaopin.com 1. One of the most brilliant scientific achievements of the war was the development, exclusively by the OSRD, of the proximity fuse. 战时最为卓越的科研成就之一,是由科学研究与发展局独家研制的无线电引信。 www.kuenglish.info 2. It was until recently set up in a Baroque manner, since Ma exclusively played Baroque music on it. 直到最近开始演奏巴罗克风格乐曲,马才专门使用这件乐器演奏巴罗克音乐。 q.sohu.com 3. It might seem sensible (or at least politically useful) to ensure that taxpayer dollars would be used exclusively to support American jobs. 似乎保证纳税人的钱专门用来支持美国就业问题是明智之举(至少是政治正确的)。 www.bing.com 4. Richard says he's been dating Sherry exclusively for a while. It's time for him to settle down. 理查德说自己已经跟雪莉固定约会好一阵子,是他该安定下来的时候了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The crops in the Russian experimental station are almost exclusively crops that have to be conserved them in the field, as living specimens. 俄罗斯的农作物实验基地是专门的农作物基地,农作物都被种在地理,跟活的样本一样。 www.bing.com 6. For almost a year now, my wife Eva, my six kids and I have been walking and riding mass transit almost exclusively. 我和妻子Eva以及我的六个孩子步行或乘坐公交车出行的日子,到今天已经有一年了。 www.bing.com 7. When brought on to the Site, Contractor's Equipment shall be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works. 承包商设备运到现场后,应视作准备为工程施工专用。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Ms. Tahara says the company is profitable. Theirs is the only agency in Tokyo that caters exclusively to working women in their 30s. 田原说,公司能够盈利,这是东京唯一一家为30多岁工作女性提供服务的地产中介。 c.wsj.com 9. From May, the gym will operate every Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday - exclusively for the uninhibited. 五月份后,健身房每个星期六下午和整个星期天都会开放:只对裸体运动者。 www.bing.com 10. In a tribe composed exclusively of women, the Furies act as defenders of the Goddess and protectors of her most sacred places. 黑愤怒在部落完全组成由妇女,愤怒作为她的最神圣的地方的女神和保护者的防御者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The test exclusively focuses on operational aspects that are independent of any particular business application. 这种测试专门关注独立于任何特殊业务应用程序的操作方面。 www.ibm.com 2. The children are students in the first language school in the Washington metropolitan area founded exclusively to teach young children. 这些儿童都是大华府地区(Washingtonmetropolitanarea)第一所专门教授幼童外语的语言学校的学生。 www.america.gov 3. While this article discusses XMI almost exclusively as a sort of UML serialization, XMI's definition is actually much broader. 尽管本文几乎专门将XMI作为一种UML序列化来进行讨论,但XMI的定义事实上比这要广泛的多。 www.ibm.com 4. The team also has preliminary data onasecond DNAregion that shows an equally ancient split, where one group seems to be exclusively Asian. 而且,研究团队手中关于第二段DNA的初步资料,也有同样古老的分歧点,其中一个群体似乎也只来自亚洲。 www.bing.com 5. We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods. 我们有幸自荐,我们是一家专营轻工产品的国有公司。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. This sort of layout was once implemented almost exclusively by frames and framesets. 以前,这种布局几乎完全由框架和框架集实现。 www-128.ibm.com 7. It is rarely noted that the financial wreckage littering our world is the creation, almost exclusively, of men, not women. 很少有人注意到,世界上的金融垃圾几乎全部是男性(而非女性)创造的。 www.bing.com 8. Finally, many repositories will have no navigational organization at all and will be accessed exclusively with search. 最后,许多存储库完全不具有导航结构,只能通过搜索进行访问。 www.ibm.com 9. He snorted, and during the rest of that weary trudge addressed his remarks exclusively to Mole. 他愤愤地哼了一下鼻子,随后,在这段沉闷乏味的跋涉途中,他只跟鼹鼠一个人搭话。 www.bing.com 10. We are past the point where public policy around the world was directed exclusively to averting a depression. 全世界公共政策一概只为避开衰退的时候已经过去。 chinese.wsj.com 1. She was out again the next evening for a Thursday night AA meeting, where X17 caught up with Brit exclusively. 第二天晚上,即周四她又出去赴约,当时x17独家报道了该消息。 www.qdhgf.com 2. The conceptual space of a printed book is one in which writing is stable, monumental, and controlled exclusively by the author. 在印刷书籍的概念空间,书籍稳定不变,浩瀚而不朽,而且绝对由作者作主。 www.bing.com 3. performs well in high temperature applications and is easily joined by soldering or brazing. Wrot coper is exclusively used for fittings. 在高温环境下,铜也表现很好,而且易于通过焊接或钎焊进行连接。铜专门用作配件材料。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Republicans would not have to take an unpopular vote to raise the debt limit, a burden that would be left exclusively to Democrats. 共和党人将无需进行一次会令部分民众不满的投票来上调债务上限,这个责任将完全由民主党承担。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Q: Let me first say that Amethyst is not exclusively aimed at . NET developers but at Visual Studio users. 首先,我要说的是,Amethyst并不是针对.NET开发者的,而是针对VisualStudio用户的。 www.infoq.com 6. Both borrowed partially (but not exclusively) in a form of short-term debt known as asset-backed commercial paper. 两者都部份(非绝对)以资产支持商业票据这种短期债的形式借款。 www.ecocn.org 7. And her agreement with McDonald's required that she sell exclusively to the company. 与麦当劳的协议上要求,她生产的面包只能专卖给这家公司。 www.bing.com 8. The rate of attrition in the middle ranks has slowed a bit in recent years, but the most senior jobs remain almost exclusively male. 近几年女性在中层职位的淘汰率稍微减缓,但是大多数高层职位仍然仅限于男性。 www.ecocn.org 9. This new provision will result in exploiters being able to exclusively exploit many fully depreciated repertoires lying in their archives. 新规定将导致利用者能够独家取得在档案馆里,被低估的作品。 docs.google.com 10. A resource can be either used exclusively by one process at a time or shared between various processes. 资源可以是一个进程独占使用或者多个进程共享使用。 www3.gdin.edu.cn 1. Instead sea elves and mermen alike had been driven north by shadowy enemies that were not sahuagin, or not exclusively sahuagin. 然而海精灵和人鱼都被隐藏的敌人驱赶到了北方,那敌人并不是沙华鱼人,至少不只是。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. As I mentioned earlier, it's easy to focus exclusively on the negative aspects of being single. 像我上面提到的,我们很容易就完全聚焦到消极面上。 www.bing.com 3. Rebels sought to break the mold, to do something that was exclusively "theirs, " to be weird by way of self-expression. 反叛就是要破除已有的模式,做自己喜爱的事情,自我表述,神秘不可捉摸。 www.bing.com 4. US buyer for toys and household goods nearby said he planned to continue sourcing exclusively from the fair. 旁边一位采购玩具和家庭用品的美国买家表示,他打算今后继续专门从广交会上采购。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It's the only exhibition of its kind ever to focus exclusively on the LEGO brick as an art medium. 这是唯一的此类展览以往任何时候都集中在作为一种艺术媒介乐高砖专用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Working exclusively in Houdini has the advantage of better integration of assets and a consistent flow of data. 工作只在霍迪尼更好的整合资产和一致的数据流通的优势。 bbs.299.com.cn 7. He points her to Project Justice, a law firm that deals exclusively with death row cases. 他要她去找“终极正义组织”,一家法律事务所,只处理死刑案件。 www.bing.com 8. A round-the-clock television channel devoted exclusively to ageing, dying and death is to be launched in Germany. 一个全天候播出、专门探讨老化、垂死与死亡议题的电视频道,将在德国开播。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. However, the Delegation would not see the need to turn the organization into an exclusively developed country oriented organization. 不过,该代表团并不认为有必要将该组织变为一个全然以发达国家为中心的组织。 www.wipo.int 10. If I ran the Pulitzers, I'd hand out a dozen more every year to people working exclusively online. 如果我主持普利策奖,那么我会增加至少一打奖项给在网络上耕耘的人们。 www.bing.com 1. His transactions are focused exclusively on when the price of a commodity, currency, or an index breaks out of a trading range. 他在执行交易时只关注一点,即某种大宗商品、货币或某个指数何时突破交易区间。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Short-term foreign borrowing can exclusively be used for current capital turnover, not be used for investment projects with fixed assets. 短期对外借款只能用于流动资金周转,不得用于固定资产投资项目。 en.pkulaw.cn 3. It seemed to me that Western media were exclusively highlighting the worst side of China. 在我看来,西方媒体专门突出中国最坏的一面。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The GOODS provided by SELLER is to be used exclusively in the Contract Plant and not in any other plant. 卖方提供的货物为本合同装置专用物品,不得用于其它装置。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It was an almost exclusively Jewish government, which wielded this terror. 这是一个几乎完全是犹太人的政府,而掌握这个恐怖。 www.2muslim.com 6. IT USED to be the case that the homeless were, almost exclusively, single adults. 在过去,无家可归者几乎无一例外都是单身成年人,这是司空见惯的。 www.ecocn.org 7. Second, CFIUS focuses exclusively on genuine national security concerns, not economic competitiveness or other national policies. 其次,CFIUS只关注真正的国家安全问题,而不是经济竞争力或其他的国家政策。 www.24en.com 8. During the crisis, it was almost exclusively European taxpayers that ultimately bore the risk of investors' decisions. 在危机期间,几乎最后都由欧洲纳税人来承受投资人决定的风险.这是不能接受的。 cn.reuters.com 9. Banks have no problem borrowing money overnight, but they would be mad to rely exclusively on that as a source of funding. 现在银行从隔夜货币市场融资并不困难。但是,仅靠隔夜拆借贷款来融资也让银行非常头疼。 club.topsage.com 10. The problem here doesn't have to do with ignoring a person's mind but rather with focusing exclusively on just one part of that mind. 这里的问题恐怕不是无视一个人的意识,而是一味只专注于意识的某个方面。 www.bing.com 1. The problem here doesn't have to do with ignoring a person's mind but rather with focusing exclusively on just one part of that mind. 这里的问题恐怕不是无视一个人的意识,而是一味只专注于意识的某个方面。 www.bing.com 2. beijing austin a real estate agency co . ltd is an exclusively foreign - owned enterprise run by australian entrepreneurs. 公司企业详细介绍北京澳鑫基业房地产经纪有限公司是一家来自澳大利亚的外商独资企业。 www.ichacha.net 3. After all, that's the logical reason a guy would not want to date exclusively, right? 毕竟这就是一个男人不愿和你单独约会的合理原因,对吧? www.bing.com 4. Some will have keyboards, he said, while others will be exclusively touch screen. 他说,一些手机有键盘,另外一些只有触摸屏。 www.bing.com 5. At the age of twenty, while reading a novel, I abandoned myself to the chapters exclusively devoted to romance. 二十岁的时候,看小说专挑和爱情有关的情节看。 blog.163.com 6. By and large, Europe has been looking at China almost exclusively from an economic standpoint, although that might be changing. 总的来说,欧洲几乎都是从经济的视角来看中国,不过这也可能正在发生变化。 cn.reuters.com 7. Seal up or seize the tools, equipment, raw materials, products (goods) and other property exclusively used for illegal activities; and. 查封、扣押专门用于从事违法行为的工具、设备、原材料、产品(商品)等财物; www.bing.com 8. The Querk, from German manufacturer Simba Toys, will be exclusively available on Emirates flights for the next two years. 科科由德国SimbaToys玩具厂为阿联酋航空特约提供,今后两年里只会出现在阿航航班上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Gay travel destinations are often large cities, although not exclusively, and often coincide with the existence of gay neighborhoods. 同志旅游圣地通常是大城市,当然也不排除同性恋社区的存在。 www.bing.com 10. In other words, run-time exceptions should be reserved for the unexpected cases exclusively as a "line of defense" against software bugs. 换句话说,运行时异常应该专门针对意外情况作为“防御线”而保留,以应对软件的错误。 www.ibm.com 1. Pyroxene is exclusively diopsidic augite, with a composition relatively close to the diopside-hedenbergite join. 所有辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石--镁铁辉石。 2. The screenings of the films will take place exclusively through the auspices of the U. S. embassies and consulates. 影片的放映活动完全在美国驻各国使领馆的主持下进行。 www.america.gov 3. The Occupy movement, decentralized and leaderless, has mobilized thousands of people around the world almost exclusively via the Internet. “占领华尔街”运动缺乏组织,也没有领导,但它几乎完全通过网络,就动员了全球数以千计的人。 cn.reuters.com 4. This new limited product will be sold exclusively in select Nixon authorized dealers as well as a selection of our very best online sites. 这个新的有限的产品销量将仅在尼克松选择授权经销商,以及对我们最好的在线站点的选择。 product.danawa.com.cn 5. Business cards used to be made exclusively of stiff paper (card), but today come in materials from plastics to thin metals and even glass! 以前名片无一例外都是用硬纸来做成的(卡片),不过现在用来制作的材料很多,从塑料到薄金属片甚至玻璃! www.hjenglish.com 6. Previously, the toxin had been known almost exclusively along the immediate coast, near beaches and harbors. 之前,相关毒素只几乎仅存在于靠近海滩及港口的近海海域。 www.bing.com 7. South Korea ultimately wants the name East Sea to be exclusively used, he explains. 金星焕解释说,韩国最终是要求只使用东海这个名称。 www.2abc8.com 8. To make a tragedy the artist must isolate a single element out of the totality of human experience and use that exclusively as his material. 要创作一部悲剧,艺术家就得把某种单一的元素从人类经验的总体中分离出来,并且把它当作唯一的素材来使用。 www.fane.cn 9. But Jackson and Winter's teams have been the only ones in the NBA to run it exclusively. 但是杰克逊和温特的球队是NBA中唯一完整使用三角进攻的球队。 lvxiaojun-kobe.blog.163.com 10. Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. Rosa Luxemburg. 自由始终是、并且只能是持不同思想者的自由。 www.crazyenglish.org 1. In the early stages of capitalism factories turning out consumers' goods worked almost exclusively for the poorer strata of the population. 在资本主义的初期阶段,工厂所生产的消费品几乎全都是为了满足较贫困人口的需求的。 www.bing.com 2. Her memories of the subsequent journey revolve almost exclusively around the generous strangers she met. 对于之后的旅行,她记忆深处一直念念不忘的几乎都是途中遇到的热情慷慨的陌生人。 www.ebigear.com 3. Daffodils, the flowers symbolising friendship, are one of the most popular flowers exclusively due to their unmatched beauty. 水仙花花语为友谊,因其独具的无以比拟的美丽而深受欢迎。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a sate-operated corporation dealing exclusively in textile. 作为一家专营纺织品的国营企业,我方有幸将一些基本情况告知贵方。 blog.163.com 5. As a result, it was able to obtain images in which the sodium signals appear exclusively from regions with cartilage tissue. 结果,能够获得这样一种图像——钠离子信号能够特异地显现在有软骨组织的部分。 news.dxy.cn 6. Reception desk is conveniently offered to deal with prompt check-in and check-out service exclusively for administrative floors. 特设专门接待台,为行政楼层客人办理快速入住和结帐手续。 www.chinahotel.com.cn 7. When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ. 西拉和提摩太从马其顿来的时候,保罗为道迫切,向犹太人证明耶稣是基督。 www.ebigear.com 8. Indeed, antitrust regulators have so far been active almost exclusively in scrutinising mergers and acquisitions. 的确,反垄断监管机构迄今几乎只在审查并购方面表现活跃。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Chinas food-safety watchdog said it was also inspecting the Hebei factory, which produced foods exclusively for the Japanese market. 广告中国的食品安全监察机构表示,也在对河北的厂家进行调查,这家工厂专门为日本市场生产食品。 www.tvsou.com 10. The registration number of a registered aquaculture farm or transit farm shall be used by the farm exclusively. 经注册登记的养殖场或者中转场的注册登记编号专场专用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The Summit is the only social media marketing conference catered exclusively for corporate practitioners. 本次峰会是唯一一个专门针对企业人士举办的社交没提营销会议。 www.damndigital.com 2. Network security is no longer exclusively the domain of dedicated information security teams. 网络安全不再只属于专用信息安全团队领域。 www.cisco.com 3. The name "Goubuli" came into existence early in 1858. A person named Gao Guiyou ran a snack pub exclusively dealing in stuffed bun. “狗不理”这个名字最早产生于1858年,一个名叫高贵友的人经营着一家小吃铺,但是只卖包子。 www.xcn-chinese.com 4. This information is exclusively used for statistical purposes. 此信息专门用于统计目的。 www.liebherr.com 5. The state-owned banks had been commercialized and lending to state-owned enterprises took place exclusively under market conditions. 国有银行已经商业化,对国有企业的信贷完全按照市场条件进行。 www.tdict.com 6. I am the only way, so I require you to focus exclusively on me in your obedience. 唯有我是道路,我要你对我谦卑顺服,一无挂虑,专心跟随我。 www.bing.com 7. Guo Bo once took confident to catch on to let to paint pedagogue to exclusively paint for Ms. Zhao of portrait, one face is dark. 郭博拿过心腹管事让画师专门为赵小姐画的画像,一脸黑色。 www.wjtts.net 8. We hope to introduce weselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in Light Industrial Goods. 现向贵司自我介绍,咱们是国营自己搞,专门经营轻工业品。 www.ffenglish.com 9. This evian by Issey Miyake bottle will exist in two versions, one of them sold exclusively at Issey Miyake shops. 三宅一生此次为依云设计的瓶子有两种版本,其中一种只在三宅一生专营店专售。 www.ad518.com 10. The Volt is a plug-in vehicle rechargeable from a conventional wall outlet and runs exclusively on battery power for up to 40 miles. Volt车是一款外接电源式汽车,可以通过常规的壁装电源插座充电,完全依靠电池电量最多可行驶40英里。 img.ftchinese.com 1. Sears will be the only mall-based department store to exclusively offer an assortment of mass, specialty and prestige beauty brands. 西尔斯将是唯一的商场,百货公司的独家提供一个大规模,专业美容品牌和信誉品种。 bzxw.512121.com 2. By this definition, "going holistic" means turning away from any conventional medical options and using alternative treatment exclusively. 在这一定义下,选择整体医疗意味着放弃任何形式的常规医疗而只选择另类疗法。 www.bing.com 3. They stimulate the heart in the way pornography exclusively stimulates sexual excitement. 他们打动人心的方式和色情杂志激起性兴奋的方式一摸一样。 www.bing.com 4. Exclusively available with a six-speed manual transmission, the gearbox uses a transaxle configuration to aid weight distribution. 专与6速手动变速箱,该变速箱采用桥配置,以援助的重量分布。 usa.315che.com 5. It is not a best practice to rely exclusively on browser settings to determine the UI culture for a page. 完全依赖浏览器设置来确定网页的UI区域性并不是最佳做法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. DJ: Well, I'm glad you decided to tell it here, exclusively. . . 你决定在这里讲述让我很高兴,独家访问… bbs.suzhou.liba.com 7. Budapest, Hungary, is holding the world's first pageant exclusively for girls convicted of Mafia-connected crimes, the Sun reported. 据英国《太阳报》报道,匈牙利首都布达佩斯正在为曾经有过犯罪记录的黑帮女孩举行有史以来第一次选美比赛。 www.china.org.cn 8. An Arabiya official said the report was based on a statement sent exclusively to the news network. 一位Arabiya的官员表示,此篇报导来自于送给该电视新闻网的一份独家声明。 cn.reuters.com 9. The ? next to the tiny 5 and 6 numbered boxes seems to be exclusively for scrolls, although I can not be sure. 小数字5,6旁边的?看起来似乎是为卷轴专门准备的位置,不过我不能确定。 d3.uuu9.com 10. A receipt for the collected forfeit printed exclusively by the municipal finance department shall be issued for the collected fines. 收缴罚款应当出具市财政部门统一印制的罚没财物收据。 www.bing.com 1. Your letter addressed to . . . has been forwarded to us for attention, as the export of this article is exclusively handled by us. 你们寄给……的信已转给我们办理,因该项商品的出口由我公司专营。 blog.cnexp.net 2. Tags deeply nested in the HTML tree, allowing the extraction process to work exclusively within a small portion of the document. 标记隔离开来。这使得抽取过程可以专门在文档的一小部分内执行。 www-128.ibm.com 3. On Sina Weibo, by contrast, trends are fed almost exclusively by excessive re-sending of a very diverse array of content. 相反的,在新浪微博,关注趋势大部分只是由一些非常多样的内容过度转发形成的。 www.bing.com 4. the data of an international airport shall be exclusively provided by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. 国际机场资料由国务院民用航空主管部门统一对外提供?。 www.bing.com 5. Although OSPF and RIP can be used together, we preferred to work with a simpler configuration and used OSPF exclusively. 尽管OSPF和RIP可以同时使用,不过为了配置的简化,我们现在只使用OSPF。 www.ibm.com 6. As the name indicates, this source is concerned exclusively with lists of names, in the form X begat Y. 正如名字所指出,这个来源以X生出Y的方式,专有地在名字列表里面。 www.chinaufo.com 7. The star has wind up asking a ski slope reserved exclusively for her. 这位明星有一个特地留给她的滑雪场地。 www.bing.com 8. The company is dealing exclusively with the world's finest imported lingerie brands from Europe, USA and Australia. 本公司专门运营从欧洲,美国以及澳洲进口的世界最知名女士内衣品牌。 www.renhe.cn 9. Although it has been driven almost exclusively by food prices, pressures have been broadening on the back of higher global commodity costs. 尽管只是食品价格上涨,但压力已经扩大到紧接而来越来越高的全球商品成本 www.bing.com 10. Our company, with a powerful technical force, exclusively produces laser audio-video equipment of quality guaranteed. 本音响公司专业生产激光音响设备,技术力量雄厚,产品质量保证。 www.yylj.info 1. I remember when computers were, for me at least, exclusively for work. 至少对我而言,电脑曾经只是为工作专用。 www.bing.com 2. Google has created one of the world's most effective search engines by ignoring metadata completely and focusing exclusively on the data. Google通过完全忽略元数据并仅集中处理数据已经创建了世界上最高效的搜索引擎之一。 www.ibm.com 3. However, these membranes do not withstand high pressures and are used almost exclusively for ultrafiltration. 可是,这些膜不能承受高压。所以只能用在超滤上。 dict.ebigear.com 4. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a sate-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light iindustrial goods. 向您介绍一下,我们是一家专业经营轻工产品的国有企业。 infos.edulife.com.cn 5. By comparing the 2009 statement to the 2008 one, I can exclusively reveal that there has been a sharp increase in the use of jargon. 通过将2009年的声明与2008年加以比较,我可以独家揭示出,行话的使用急剧增多。 www.hxen.com 6. With creative dishes as the shop signature, the dinning room by no mean exclusively relies on "creative cuisine" to get the upper hand. 本城打创意菜招牌的餐厅里,这绝不是靠“创意的菜”制胜的一家。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. Watch real men learn how to become better husbands from the Brawny Man himself in this exclusively online reality show. 观赏真正的男人了解如何成为强壮的男子从这个独家网上真人秀自己更好的丈夫。 movingshop.org 8. It has become the focus of an intense effort to stop smuggling activities, but the focus has been exclusively on security. 它成为制止走私的焦点地区,但是焦点只对准了安全方面。 www.bing.com 9. The small pig is exclusively what girl runs to a toy factory to look for person make to order, fee very big idea. 小毛猪是女孩专门跑到一个玩具厂找人定做的,费了很大的心思。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Spermatogenesis is characterized by phase-specific expression of many genes exclusively expressed in the spermatogenic cells. 生精细胞许多特异基因的阶段特异性表达,参与了精子发生这一特殊的细胞分化过程。 www.chinagene.cn 1. The canard that they communicate exclusively in Stalinist or postmodernist jargon is decades out of date. 说他们交流时只用斯大林主义或后现代主义术语的谣言早在几十年前就已经过时。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A complicated structure has many masters and none of them can be served exclusively. 复杂结构中有许多主导装置,但没有一个装置会受到专门的服务。 www.bing.com 3. The prestigious institution came third in a table ranking universities exclusively on their reputation among academics worldwide. 这所知名大学在世界学术知名度排行榜上排名第三。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The prototype spotted also seems to support reports that the R8 Spyder will be offered exclusively with V10 power. 原型发现似乎也支持报告说,奥迪R8Spyder将独家提供的V10引擎。 usa.315che.com 5. Excerpts of that story, prepared exclusively by TIME, appear below. 以下是故事的节选,由《时代周刊》为您独家奉上。 dongxi.net 6. A yearly renewable personal accident insurance plan with 20% more coverage exclusively for women and a weekly disability benefit . 这是一个每年续保的个人意外保障计划,女性可以获得额外20%的保障,但不包括每周残障利益。 www.bing.com 7. Someone with whom you are intimate and at least somewhat committed, typically exclusively. Symmetric. Not transitive . 此人是你的亲密对象,且某种程度上是忠诚的,往往也是排它的。双向。不可传递。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. After the 17th century, Shoton developed from an exclusively religious observance into an all-out festival for local residents, he said. 他还说,从17世界以后,雪顿节就从一个纯宗教活动变成了一个全民的节日。 group.2u4u.com.cn 9. It was a kind of love letter, you see: it just happened to be framed exclusively in the past tense. 那是一封情书,你瞧:它只是恰巧用了过去时专门限定罢了。 www.bing.com 10. The size of the unduplicated audience that listens exclusively to one station within some specified period. 在特定时段内只收听某电台的非重叠听众总量。 www.fane.cn 1. The promotion and advertisement of THE TRADEMARK shall be exclusively performed by the owner thereof. 推广和广告的商标。决定权应完全由业主掌握。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Shanghai Phoenix Imp. & Exp. Co. , Ltd. exclusively specializes sales in the international marking of "phoenix" bicycle and its parts. 上海凤凰进出口有限公司是独家营销凤凰牌系列自行车及零部件的工业自营外贸公司。 job.yn16.com 3. The report also said that climate change cannot be battled by relying exclusively on cutting emissions or market-based solutions. 报告也说,对抗气候变化不能只依赖减少废气排放和那些以市场为基础的解决方案。 www.ebigear.com 4. Those employees who refused to enter treatment were offered structured cognitive behavioral psychotherapy exclusively via telephone. 拒绝治疗的工人主要通过电话进行认知行为心理治疗。 news.dxy.cn 5. And finally, I gave IT a tear to ITd. This is ITs exclusively to use whenot happen before it is commanded. 最后,我让她没去外国疑问流泪。只要她愿意,这是她所独有的。 www.emioo.com 6. Remember that you are exclusively responsible for all acts that you perform and for the content you post or repost in Meme. 请谨记您将对您的所有行为和在Meme上发布和转发的内容负全部责任。 www.bing.com 7. One of our secretaries deals exclusively with customer's complaints. 我们的一位秘书专门处理顾客的意见。 blog.163.com 8. A dog heads indoors for a bite to eat at a soup kitchen recently opened exclusively for pets of the homeless and unemployed. 一只小狗为了一顿饭正走进一间专门为无家可归和被抛弃宠物开放的流动厨房。 www.huaxia-ng.com 9. But a key event in 1993 changed the almost exclusively one-way flow of trade in military aircraft and equipment. 但是1993年的事件改变了军用飞机及装备独有的单向流动交易的状况。 www.bing.com 10. Regulators used in oxygen service should be maintained exclusively in oxidizer service. 用在氧设施里的调整器应该一直用在氧化剂设施里。 www.airproducts.com.cn 1. Not many years ago retaining walls were almost exclusively made of reinforced concrete, and were designed as gravity or cantilever walls. 在不多的数年以前几乎独家地保有墙壁是用加强的具体物做成的,而且被设计如地心引力或悬桁墙壁。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 2. Many of the online computer stores used to sell exclusively through printed catalogs, addressing the technically astute. 许多网上电脑商店过去主要靠打印出来的产口目录进行销售,上面清楚地写明了技术需求。 www.24en.com 3. Temasek, the Singapore sovereign wealth fund, invests more than three-quarters of its portfolio exclusively in Asia. 新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡(Temasek)将逾四分之三的投资专门放在了亚洲。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The villagers here speak almost exclusively Hakka, making them part of a linguistic minority. 这里的村民几乎只说一种语言——客家话,这使他们成语语言少数民族。 haizi0001000.blog.163.com 5. The adjusting motions of the hand, arm, and body serve exclusively to help the fingers. 手、手臂和身体的调节运动专门帮助手指。 www.pianoweb.cn 6. Not surprisingly, most Chinese graduate students begin their U. S. experience in a shared apartment or house exclusively with other Chinese. 大多数中国研究生开始他们在美国的生活时毫无例外地都是与其他的中国学生合租公寓或合租住房。这是不会令人感到意外的。 www.kekenet.com 7. Fortunately for you, we secured a handful of sets and are offering them exclusively to New York Mint customers. 幸运的是你,我们获得了少数的集合,并为他们提供专门为纽约造币厂客户。 www.ttbuy168.com 8. The ownership that copyright law grants comes with several rights that you, as the owner, have exclusively. 版权法所有权授予你作为所有者独享几项权利。 www.bing.com 9. The solid-cystic tumor of the pancreas is an uncommon, low-grade malignant tumor occurring exclusively in young women. 胰脏合并实心与囊状肿痛好发于年轻女性,为罕见的低恶性肿瘤。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The contractual relations between the parties shall be exclusively governed by Chinese law. 双方之间的合同关系受到中国法律的专属管辖。 www.wirtgenchina.com.cn 1. First, medical malpractice cases are usually (though not exclusively) litigated in state courts rather than federal courts. 首先,治疗失当案件诉讼通常(虽然不完全)是在州级法庭,而非联邦法庭中进行的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Taken to Germany at the end of the 1500s, the potato was grown almost exclusively as animal feed for the next 200 years. 从十六世纪末到之后的二百年间,德国种植的马铃薯被完全用作牲畜饲料。 www.potato2008.org 3. Palm oil, also used to make soaps and cosmetics, comes almost exclusively from Indonesia and Malaysia. 生产肥皂和化妆用品的棕榈油几乎都产自于马来西亚和印尼。 www.ecocn.org 4. Accordingly, they decided to use these colors almost exclusively. 因此,他们决定几乎是排他地运用这些颜色。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 5. The described equipment is being imported for use exclusively by the U. S. Government. 该进口设备只供美国政府使用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Modern China's economic growth is based exclusively on state investments while GDP growth figures are backed by nothing at all. 现代中国的经济增长仅仅是基于国家投资,而国内生产总值仅增长数字没有任何根基支持。 www.bing.com 7. Each add-in is loaded exclusively into its own application domain in an external process. 每个外接程序以独占形式加载到外部进程中其自己的应用程序域。 8. In 1978, in a momentous departure, Flanagan formed his own trio and has since performed almost exclusively in that format. 在1978年,在重大的离开,弗拉纳根形成了他自己的三人一组而且自从已经几乎独有地以那的格式运行后。 bk.baidu.com 9. Sucking lice are exclusively hematophagous ectoparasites of eutherian (placental) mammals, and are worldwide distribution. 吸虱是寄生于真兽类哺乳动物体表的专性吸血寄生虫,广布于世界各地。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Just before the crisis broke, there had been talk of securities made up exclusively of riskier development loans. 就在危机爆发之前,曾讨论过完全由高风险的开发贷款所构成的债券。 www.ecocn.org 1. Indeed, kidnapping is no longer a crime inflicted exclusively on the rich. 确实,绑架已不再是一项专门针对富人的犯罪。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The Lodge was built using exclusively local wood and has a very unique architectural style similar to a volcano. 这所旅社的主体——一座山林小屋,完全是由当地的树木加工而成,其独特的建筑结构据说很像火山。 dongxi.net 3. I do not think any relationship between great powers can be sustained exclusively on the economic level. 我认为大国之间的关系不可能纯粹限于经济方面。 4. Revenue from subsidiaries or internal corporate groups , divisions or business units engaged exclusively in non- construction activities . 附属机构或集团内部、业务部门从事非工程业务所得收入。 www.bing.com 5. But red is not exclusively a male trait. It's the female black widow spider that is venomous and displays a menacing red dot on her abdomen. 但红色并不仅仅是雄性的特征,在雌性毒蜘蛛“黑寡妇”的腹部同样可以看到有威慑作用的红点。 www.ebigear.com 6. What differ exclusively is, the hero of the photograph is not her queen, however an appearance is exactly like queenly model. 唯一不同的是,照片的主人公不是女王本人,而是一位长相酷似女王的模特。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. To do this, you want touse two data link layer encapsulations: one exclusively for data and the other exclusively for signaling. 为此,你需要使用两个数据链路层封闭:一个为数据专用,而另一个为信号专用。 dict.kekenet.com 8. By law, charitable foundations must conduct exclusively nonpartisan activities that promote the public welfare. 从法律上讲,慈善基金会应组织、发起以公众福祉为基准的无党派活动。 www.bing.com 9. Authentic american ginseng is exclusively distriButed-By Shanghai Pharmaceutical Corporation . 正宗美国西洋参,上海医药公司总经销。 www.bing.com 10. We worked in an almost exclusively, indeed aggressively, masculine environment. 我们所工作的环境中几乎只有强悍的大老爷们。 www.bing.com 1. " Pharmaceutical producing enterprise " means an enterprise exclusively or partly engaged in the production of pharmaceuticals. 药品生产企业,是指生产药品的专营企业或者兼营企业。 www.bing.com 2. sweetheart - Someone with whom you are intimate and at least somewhat committed, possibly exclusively. 爱人–与你非常亲密的,至少非常忠一的某个人。 www.zzbaike.com 3. Much like the class diagram, developers typically think sequence diagrams were meant exclusively for them. 很象类图,开发者一般认为序列图只对他们有意义。 www.ibm.com 4. Mr. Burke was able to quiz the recruiters almost exclusively through email. 布尔克可以基本上只通过电子邮件向招聘人员提问。 www.voa365.com 5. Lufthansa is the first airline to build an entirely new terminal dedicated exclusively to its first-class passengers. 德国汉莎航空公司专门为头等舱乘客建立了一座全新独立的候机楼休息厅,这在国际航空领域内是绝无仅有的。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Walnuts and almonds are grown in the U. S. almost exclusively in California; hazelnuts mostly in Oregon. 美国的核桃和杏仁几乎只产于加利福尼亚州,榛子多数出产于俄勒冈州。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Since the late 1990s, urban China has privatised housing, a commodity once exclusively in the hands of the state. 自从上世纪90年代末期以来,中国已经使住房这一曾经由国家唯一控制的商品私有化。 www.ecocn.org 8. Currently, management of strawberry root rots relies nearly exclusively on chemicals, particularly fumigation with methyl bromide. 当前,草莓的管理根腐烂几乎完全依靠化学制品,特殊熏蒸与甲基溴化物。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Additionally, classical, pre-agile development often involves code and designs that are exclusively "owned" by individuals. 另外,经典的前敏捷开发是个体独自“拥有”那些设计和编码。 www.infoq.com 10. First, to be concerned with self in the Hellenistic and Roman periods is not exclusively a preparation for political life. 首先,在希腊跟罗马时期,关怀自己并不是政治生涯的准备。 springhero.wordpress.com 1. "I switched from being interested in genomes to being interested in his genome exclusively, " Dr. Rothberg said. “我从被有意在基因组中基因组被他的兴趣完全转向,”博士Rothberg说。 www.bing.com 2. Professors at top research institutions are valued exclusively for the quality of their scholarly work; time spent on teaching is time lost. 著名研究型大学的教授评价完全靠学术成果的质量来衡量,花费在教学上的时间完全是浪费。 landaishu.zhongwenlink.com 3. I gave her a tear to shed, it's hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed. It's her only weakness. . . 我给她眼泪,这眼泪只属于她,需要时便会流下,这是她唯一的弱点…… www.tianya.cn 4. I may give another instance of a structure which apparently owes its origin exclusively to use or habit . 我可以再举一例来表明,一种构造,显然是完全由于使用或习性的影响而起。 www.bing.com 5. the concepts , techniques and applications of the various sciences are interdependent and not exclusively a part of one science or another. 概念,技术和应用的各种科学是相互依存和不完全是一个部分的一个或另一个。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Some publications killed their print editions to publish exclusively online; others redefined themselves or disappeared entirely. 有些出版商甚至关闭印刷版而改为指从网上发布;而另一些不是改头换面,就是彻底倒闭。 www.bing.com 7. Where deprivation of political rights is imposed exclusively, the Specific Provisions of this Law shall apply. 独立适用剥夺政治权利的,依照本法分则的规定。 www.ebigear.com 8. Derek's brain is now almost exclusively dedicated to hearing, processing and creating music. 如今,德里克的脑子专用于聆听、处理和创作音乐。 qikan.syn.cn 9. Coupled with the registration process, users immediately understood that the site was exclusively for use by college students. 结合主页的显示和注册过程,用户很快就意识到该网站是只为高校学生服务的。 www.bing.com 10. From about 1960, China began to introduce an exclusively Chinese film industry. 大约从1960年起,中国便开始发展完全建立在自己基础上的电影事业。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Olympic Village The Olympic Village is a safe and secure accommodation complex reserved exclusively for athletes and accompanying officials. 奥运村奥运村是指专门为运动员及随行官员预留的安全可靠的住宿综合区。 www.hxen.com 2. It encourages the would-be American poet to rely too exclusively on a rapt and bardic intuition . 它鼓励未来的美国诗人完全依靠发狂似的诗人的直觉。 www.bing.com 3. We are a state-operated company, handling exclusively the import and export of Cotton Piece Goods. 我们是国营公司,专门经营棉布的进出口业务。 www.slideshare.net 4. Professional consulting service from LIMITLESS is available to customers intending to exclusively using LIMITLESS products. 对有意向整体选用LIMITLESS的客户,就能得到limitless专业的咨询服务。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A page cannot be created exclusively except by the administrator. 除了管理员之外,其他角色不能独自创建页面。 www.ibm.com 6. At the height of the Cultural Revolution, cross talk was exclusively used as a propaganda tool. 在文化大革命的鼎盛时期,相声被利用为一种政治宣传工具。 www.bing.com 7. Focused exclusively on their sprint goals, Scrum teams must demonstrate results at the end of each 30-day cycle (each sprint). Scrum团队完全集中于他们的“疾跑”目标,在30天的周期内必须展示工作成果。 www.ibm.com 8. "You have to make it so the original intent of commodity markets, to be used almost exclusively as hedging tools, is returned, " he says. “你必须把它用作唯一的对冲工具,以至于商品市场的原始目的才能重现,”他说。 www.bing.com 9. The Employment License and the Employment Permit shall be designed and prepared exclusively by the Ministry of Labour. 许可证书和就业证由劳动部统一制作。 gzjy.gzlm.net 10. "Into one of the words, " almost exclusively as a later historian will is. “成一家之言”,几乎只是后来的史学家的一种意愿而已。 jztu.5d6d.com 1. It was this segment of the population, almost exclusively, that held the key to future growth and future returns. 正是这些人口,几乎就是仅仅这些人,掌握着未来的经济发展和盈利的命脉。 www.bing.com 2. Special railways refer to railways managed by enterprises or other units exclusively for their internal transportation. 专用铁路是指由企业或者其他单位管理,专为本企业或者本单位内部提供运输服务的铁路。 www.lawyee.org 3. Meanwhile Jinghua Shasha (Caizhuoyan exclusively) on the front disguised as police fascinated. 同时警花莎莎(蔡卓妍饰)对伪装成警察的锋着迷。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development and health. 在生命的最初六个月,婴儿应完全母乳喂养,以实现最佳生长、发育和健康。 www.who.int 5. Another performer who used to shoot exclusively in California now finds she travels as far as Brazil to work. 另一位曾经只在加州本地拍摄的演员现在发现,她要到巴西那么远的地方去工作。 www.bing.com 6. Disposable plastic glasses. Exclusively: disposable glasses dedicated to contain drinks for human consumption. 一次性塑胶杯。仅为:用于盛装人饮用饮料的塑胶杯。 wenku.baidu.com 7. AS substandard goods will not sell well in the domestic market, they shall be market exclusively by you at reduce price. 因等外产品在国内销售有困难,应采取折价的办法由贵方包销。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Tsinghua University Press is authorized by Thomson Learning to publish and distribute exclusively this English language reprint edition. 本英文影印版由汤姆森学习出版集团授权清华大学出版社独家出版发行。 www.golden-book.com 9. They give their biggest donations almost exclusively to universities and colleges, hospitals and medical centers, and arts institutions. 他表示,他们把最大的捐赠几乎全部给予了大专院校、医院和医疗中心以及艺术机构。 c.wsj.com 10. The State Department has a tendency to insist on its prerogative that it is exclusively entitled to conduct foreign policy. 国务院有一种要维护其特权的倾向,它完全有权实施外交策略。 www.bing.com |
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