单词 | East Side |
释义 | 例句释义: 纽约市东部,东区,东边,东城 1. His wife still lives in their Upper East Side home and recently snapped at tabloid photographers as they pursued her on the New York subway. 他的妻子现在还住在他们位于上东区的家中,最近还被小报记者在纽约地铁追拍时拍到。 www.bing.com 2. It was by ringing doorbells on New York's Upper East Side that she really began to understand Avon's larger business. 正是在纽约上东区挨户按响门铃推销过程中,她开始意识到雅芳的广阔前景。 www.hotdic.com 3. Place a picture of a lake, waterfall or any other water scene on one of the walls on the East side of your office. 广场照片一湖瀑布的水或任何其他现场的一面墙上东侧你办。 chuntian.123ye.com 4. He said he and his family had been pinned down by heavy gunfire for more than seven hours on Sunday in their home on Sirte's east side. 他说周日密集的炮火把他和家人困在苏尔特东部的家中达七个多小时。 cn.wsj.com 5. And he made his point even as, day by day, he raised Christ's body at his church on the lower East Side of Manhattan. 他日复一日地在曼哈顿东部卑下的贫民区,高诵基督的经文,如此证明了自己的观点。 www.ecocn.org 6. Like an East Side clinic it was, with tiled walls, bare light, and marble-topped tables. And of course a big stove with an elbow pipe. 它很像纽约曼哈顿东区的一家平民诊所,砖墙,无罩的灯和大理石桌面的桌子,当然少不了一只带拐弯烟筒的大火炉。 www.bing.com 7. The big crowd on the east side of the Capitol grew quiet when Jackson and Van Buren walked out onto the front steps of the building. 当杰克逊和范布伦走上国会大厦门前的台阶时,聚集在国会大厦东侧的人群很快安静下来。 www.bing.com 8. Trapped off the coast of Maine, he was shipped to Manhattan and dumped into a tank at a posh Upper East Side seafood restaurant. 在缅因州海岸被人捕获之后,他被运到了曼哈顿,倒入位于上东区的一家高档海鲜馆的箱池里。 www.douban.com 9. Some of the most iconic buildings were demolished long ago, and neighborhoods like the Lower East Side have transformed beyond recognition. 其中一些地标性的建筑很早以前就被拆毁了,而且像下东区之类的街区已经认不出原来的模样。 www.bing.com 10. A reliable source says the Gossip Girl brain trust is gearing up to have Billy return to the Upper East Side next season. 据可靠消息称:这部剧的高层正计划着让出演和蔼可亲的老爹威廉·鲍德温在下一季回上东区转转。 www.hjenglish.com 1. placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword . . . (神)在伊甸园的东边安设基路佰,和……发火焰的剑。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In search of stability, Bernard made his way to Seward Park High School on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. 为了求得安稳,伯纳德想方设法进入了曼哈顿下东区的苏渥公园高中。 www.bing.com 3. Sensitive show, is now the east plant marked not know how things are going on, she is standing in the east side of the plant. 敏秀向东株标明心迹,固然不晓得事情是怎样回事,她是站在东株这边的。 tv.360mp3.com 4. God became furious and sent her back to the east side and allowed the couple to meet only once a year. 这可把皇帝惹生气了,将她押回天河东边,只让她和丈夫一年相会一次。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. A construction crane collapsed Friday on New York's Upper East Side, smashing into a 23-storey apartment building as it fell to the ground. 一台建筑起重机于周五在纽约上东区突然倒塌,落地时压碎了一幢23层高的公寓。 bbs.putclub.com 6. The site so far provides photographs and plans of the forum at Pompeii, focusing in particular on the buildings running down the east side. 迄今为止,网站提供庞贝广场的照片和平面图,特别集中于东边的附属建筑。 www.myoops.org 7. Grant then ordered the rest of his army to cross to the east side of the river. Some of his officers protested. 格兰特随后命令他的其余部队全部渡河到东岸去。 www.bing.com 8. THE Lower East Side of New York has long been a gateway for sweaty, dreamy immigrants. 纽约下东区长久以来一直是努力工作、心系梦想的移民的中转站。 www.ecocn.org 9. Sad to say, after they returned home to the east side of Jordan, they drifted away from God. Finally they were completely lost to Israel. 遗憾的是,当他们回到约旦河东岸建立家园,安居乐业之后,他们却逐渐离弃了神,与其他的以色列民彻底地分开。 blog.163.com 10. He operated an opium alkaloid factory in Turkey and he was a leader in the Italian underworld on the Lower East Side of New York. 他在土耳其运做着一个加工鸦片碱的工厂,他是纽约东边低地一个意大利黑帮的头目。 tntddv.blog.163.com 1. He is to remove the crop with its contents and throw it to the east side of the altar, where the ashes are. 又要把鸟的嗉子和脏物除掉,丢在坛的东边倒灰的地方。 www.ebigear.com 2. A little girl from the East Side was invited to a garden party given by a very aristocratic lady to a group of little East-Siders. 一个住在城东贫民区的小女孩获得邀请,参加一位贵妇人为城东贫民区的孩子们举行的花园晚会。 www.ebigear.com 3. Except for at the East Side Gallery. Today, the one-mile-long stretch of the wall contains murals by artists from around the world. 只有东边画廊还存在,如今,这堵长一英里的墙上满是世界各地艺术家所做的壁画。 www.bing.com 4. And by the border of Ephraim, from the east side even to the side of the sea, one portion for Ruben. 靠近厄弗辣因的边界,由东界到西界是勒乌本的一份。 www.ccreadbible.org 5. These two and a half tribes have received their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan of Jericho, toward the sunrise. 这两个半支派已经在耶利哥对面,约旦河东,向日出之地受了产业。 www.ebigear.com 6. So other than perhaps a few restaurateurs on Manhattan's Upper East Side, the workforce is unlikely to be affected. 因此对小商业经营者来说,除了曼哈顿上东区的一些餐馆外,劳务市场是不大可能被影响到。 www.bing.com 7. The next stop is the East side of the Baikal with its beautiful and even more transparent ice. 下一站是贝加尔湖的东部。那是个美丽的冰雪世界。 www.bing.com 8. Wang Haijun, a real estate agent on Beijing's east side, said he can always tell when a desperate bachelor walks into his office. 汪嘿麇,对北京的东边房地产经纪人说,他可以随时知道当一个绝望的单身汉到他的办公室走。 bbs.tiexue.net 9. Along the west side of the fault the land moved five feet northward in relation to the land on the east side. 与东侧相对而言,沿着断层的西侧整个土地向北移动了5英尺。 www.englishtang.com 10. While she isn't sure if the series will come to an end in two years. Can you imagine the Upper East Side without Blair Waldorf? 然而她也不确定该剧能否在两年内结束。你能想象没有布莱尔·沃尔多夫的上东区是怎样的吗? www.kekenet.com 1. The new pavilion at east side could be used for that. 东边的新的亭子设计可以用作这个用途。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. In the beginning, TACT was restricted to the Upper East Side, an early sexual-revolution testing ground. 在一开始,TACT被限定在上东区——初期的性革命试验场。 www.bing.com 3. Lane East Side, on the wall of the Ming Dynasty established twelve stone, carved on "Enter Lin Lane, " the six characters. 巷东口墙壁上有明万历十二年所立的石碑,上刻“蔺相如回车巷”六个大字。 english.hebei.com.cn 4. The Lower East Side Tenement Museum is one of the smaller museums in New York. 下东区房屋博物馆是纽约较小的一个博物馆。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. The new find came as workers began digging up the east side of the construction area, which once housed the World Trade Center complex. 这个新发现源于工人在挖掘这个建筑地区的东侧时,而这里曾经建有世纪贸易中心的建筑群。 www.ebigear.com 6. On the upper east side, appearances are often deceiving, from friends to hair colour, there's always more than meets the eye. 在上东区,表面的东西通常都是骗人的,从朋友到头发颜色,表面之下,总有很多看不到的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. On the east side of the mountains in Spokane, the sun will shine and temperatures will reach 30 degrees Celsius. 斯波坎东部山谷天气晴好,最高温度将达到30摄氏度。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Close to the Longhai Railway, 310 State Road, the Lower East Side Industrial Development Zone, the prime location, accessibility. 紧临陇海铁路、310国道,属东城工业开发区,位置优越,交通方便。 www.tonke.cn 9. She was already submerging herself in social work for the East side tenement in New York. 她已经投身福利救济工作,为解决纽约东部经济住宅问题而努力。 dict.veduchina.com 10. A curving patch of sunshine lies across the sand on the east side of the bullring: the Plaza de Toros in Madrid. 一片弧形的阳光照在斗牛场场地东侧的沙地上,这儿是马德里斗牛场。 www.qiyeku.com 1. My family in the carefree pavilion park east side, I wants to be supposed quite good to look. 我的家在陶然亭公园的东面,我想应该比较好找。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Mr. Hoffman does not use pesticides. Instead, he planted the potatoes at the drip line, especially on the east side of the tree. 霍夫曼不使用农药,而是将土豆种在大树滴水线下,尤其是树的东侧。 www.24en.com 3. A brick-made fireplace was uncovered on the east side , inside was a trough which contains fragments of burnt coal and iron bars . 东侧有一个以砖块堆叠的方形火灶,其内包含凹槽沟内可见零星细碎的煤炭与铁条。 www.bing.com 4. With a simple, can send hoop gossip girl QueenB shape in the upper east side lady snowboarding progresses. 搭配简单发箍,就可塑造出绯闻女孩中QueenB的上东区淑女范儿。 www.smxiangji.com 5. from the east side of view, are like a rose appear on the south bank of the Pearl River carp. 从东面侧看,则似一条奋起跃上珠江南岸的鲤鱼。 blog.163.com 6. he visited a place far up on the east side , near sixty - ninth street , and it was five o clock , and growing dim , when he reached there. 他去拜访远在东区,靠近六十九街的一家酒店。当他到达那里时,已经点钟,天色渐渐暗下来了。 www.ichacha.net 7. Within twenty minutes some of girls' charred bodies were lined up along the East Side of Greene Street. 然而,二十分钟后,其中一些女孩变成了焦炭,尸体沿格林街东侧排成了行。 www.bing.com 8. Brazilian drug dealers in the lower east side of Manhattan start a war with a rival gang of Latino drug dealers. 在曼哈顿最东部的巴西毒贩发动和竞争对手拉丁毒贩的战争。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. He had been confined to his Upper East Side apartment on 24-hour home detention . 他一直被软禁在位于曼哈顿的公寓中,受到24小时监视居住。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It is inferred that the Houshiding repeated fold may be located in the east side of a main structure plunging towards north. 推测猴石顶重褶皱可能处于向北倾伏的主体构造的东侧。 www.geophy.cn 1. Go back to the first intersection, make a left turn, then turn right on the first intersection, it's on the east side of the street. 往回走到第一个交叉路口,左转,然后在第一个交叉路口右转,你要去的地方在路东。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. American Girl doll designed to be a 1914-era Jewish-Russian immigrant living on Manhattan's Lower East Side. 美国女孩玩偶公司设计的原意她是生活在1914年纽约东部曼哈顿贫民区的俄罗斯犹太人移民。 www.bing.com 3. I captured this live from my laptop in a cafe called Earth Matters on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where I live. 我在我的笔记本电脑上捕捉到了这个实况,在一个叫做EarthMatters(地球事务)的咖啡馆里,在曼哈顿的下东部,也就是我生活的地方。 www.ted.com 4. Jean-Luc Baroni, a London-based dealer, held his show at the glamorous Carlton Hobbs Gallery, a former mansion on the Upper East Side. 伦敦交易商让·吕克·巴罗尼将他的展览定在了光彩夺目的卡尔顿-霍布斯画廊,这里曾是上东区的一座大公馆。 www.ecocn.org 5. This was a wood road near Toad's End on the east side of the Passagassawaukeag (Passy) River, and it ended on a high point of land. 这是一个靠近蟾蜍的对Passagassawaukeag(帕西)河东侧完木材的道路,它的土地高点结束。 www.31a8.cn 6. Did the upper east side crown cut off the circulation to your brain? 上东区女王皇冠把你脑子切短路了? blog.hjenglish.com 7. "It's just the way we are in the Upper East Side, " she said. “这就是我们上东区居民的生活。”她说。 www.bing.com 8. If you're in NYC, Macondo is worth a visit, on Houston not far from Bowery St in Manhattan's lower east side. 如果你身在纽约,那曼卡顿是值得一去的地方,在休斯敦距离林荫大道不远,地处曼哈顿的南部。 www.bing.com 9. The free version can only send 20 address, charging version to send the East side of wealth all shares it online. 免费版本只能发送20个地址,收费版本能发送东方财富网上面全部股吧。 www.g36.com.cn 10. A few months later, on June 7, Soros hosted a packed fundraiser for Obama's Senate campaign at his upper east side home. 几个月后的6月7日,索罗斯在他位于上东区的家中为奥巴马竞选参议员举办了一场热闹的集资会。 www.ftchinese.com 1. And there was a low value center on the east side of Poyang Lake. 中部地区下降相对较小,且在鄱阳湖东侧有一低值中心。 www.iapjournals.ac.cn 2. He pulled me along toward the east side of the yard, where the forest encroached. 他拉着我向花园东侧走去,那里,是森林的领地。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. Shanghai, enclosed on east side by the sea, has an eastern Asian monsoon climate which is warm and humid with four different seasons. 上海是东亚季风气候,东面环海,气候温暖湿润,四季分明。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It resonated with my fantasies about Manhattan, the Upper East Side and New York City in general. 我对曼哈顿、上东区、纽约城的想入非非和这本书产生了共鸣。 www.bing.com 5. The plant with the higher radiation levels is fed by the Edogawa River, which runs north to south along Tokyo's east side. 被检出更高辐射水平的水厂的水来自江户川(EdogawaRiver)。这条河沿着东京东部从北向南流。 c.wsj.com 6. Many more people were trapped under debris after the building on the Indian capital's east side collapsed, said B. 印度首都东边的大楼倒塌后,许多人被困在废墟下,B。 www.aitrans.net 7. I discovered one creative approach to multiple identities at the Indian consulate on New York's Upper East Side. 在位于纽约上东区的印度领事馆里,我发现获得多重身份的一种富有创造性的方式。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mass on Sundays, she also lived merrily on the Upper East Side, meeting girlfriends for drinks and date dissections. 她也曾经愉快地居住在上东区,和女伴们共进下午茶或是与分析师谈话。 www.bing.com 9. What if we imagined the Upper East Side with green roofs, and streams winding through the city, and windmills supplying the power we need? 如果我们想象在上东区,有绿色的自然屋顶,溪流蜿蜒穿过城市,风车提供我们所需的能量,世界又会怎样? www.ted.com 10. On the east side of the village there is a small white house with a blue roof. 在村外往东有一幢蓝顶的白房子。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Michael made significant money in Lower East Side real estate before moving to Wall Street, and Leslie joined an ob-gyn practice in SoHo. 在去华尔街之前,迈克尔就在下东区的房地产经营中挣了一大笔钱。莱思莉则参加了安全及职业保健署的妇产科医生实习。 www.bing.com 2. A squat, brick-faced house on the east side of Detroit, its front yard is a rectangle of dry soil, flecked with trash and tufts of grass. 在底特律的东边,有这么一个一个低矮地、砖墙裸露的房子,前院是一块满是垃圾和杂草覆盖着的长方形湿土地。 www.eminemcn.com 3. The lower rooms had an entrance on the east side as one enters them from the outer court . 在圣屋以下,东头有进入之处,就是从外院进入之处。 www.bing.com 4. By the 1950's, the congregation had dwindled as Jews left the Lower East Side and moved uptown and to Brooklyn. 由1950年的,会众有所减弱,作为犹太人离开下东城搬到小区,并到布鲁克林。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. An employee at East Side Deli on Avenue B said his manager was approached by Square but was not tempted by its system. B大道东区美食城的一名雇员说Square也来找过他的经理,但经理对他们的系统并不动心。 dongxi.net 6. Across Baghdad, especially on the city's east side, the Mahdi Army continues to operate from de facto safe havens. 在整个巴格达,特别是在东侧,马赫迪军继续从事实上的安全避难所行动。 www.stnn.cc 7. And as for the rest of the tribes: from the east side to the west side, Benjamin, one portion. 论到其余的支派,从东到西,是便雅悯的一分。 www.71630.com 8. on the upper east side, appearances are often deceiving. 在上流社会外表通常都具有欺骗性 www.tingclass.net 9. And over against the border of Benjamin, from the east side to the west side, one portion for Simeon. 靠近本雅明的边界,由东界至西界是西默盎的一份。 www.ccreadbible.org 10. The two countries instead conducted the drill on the east side of the Korean peninsula. 美韩后来改在朝鲜半岛东面海域举行了那场军演。 c.wsj.com 1. The Beidaihe Friendship Hotel is located in the east side of Beidaihe Seashore with the beautiful scenery. 北戴河友谊宾馆位于风景秀丽的北戴河海滨东面,是一所园林式别墅度假宾馆。 pekinghotels.cn 2. A chain locks the doors of a vacant church for sale on Detroit's east side. 在底特律东区,空荡荡的教堂铁链紧锁,等待出售。 newssgo.com 3. From Blake Lively to Leighton Meester, these Upper East Side gals (and guys) can't live without their must-have accessory : a pooch! 从布莱克·莱弗利到莉顿·梅斯特,曼哈顿上东区的这些姑娘们有件必备品可少不了(小伙子们也一样):那就是一条宠物狗! www.hjenglish.com 4. And by the border of Issachar, from the east side to the west side, one portion for Zabulon. 靠近依撒加尔的边界,由东界到西界是则步隆的一份。 www.ccreadbible.org 5. A lectern and platform were set up on the east side , facing an array of seats arranged in a semicircle . 厅的东侧设置了主席台和讲台,面对讲台排列着呈半圆形的一排排座位。 www.bing.com 6. And by the border of Issachar, from the east side unto the west side, Zebulun, one [portion]. 挨著以萨迦的地界,从东到西,是西布伦的一分。 www.spring4life.org 7. The St. Mark's Bookshop has a long tradition in the Lower East Side and serves an admirable and increasingly rare function. St. 圣马克书店在下东区(纽约市曼哈顿区沿东河南端一带)有悠久的历史,并且一直提供令人赞叹的有特色的服务。 www.bing.com 8. And by the border of Benjamin, from the east side unto the west side, Simeon, one [portion]. 挨著便雅悯的地界,从东到西,是西缅的一分。 www.spring4life.org 9. and you know, basically in 1990, a lot of artists started doing paintings on here. And it's called the East Side Gallery now. 你知道,在二十世纪九十年代,很多艺术家开始在这里绘画。它现在叫做东侧画廊。 qac.yappr.cn 10. And by the border of Naphtali, from the east side unto the west side, a portion for Manasseh. 挨着拿弗他利的地界,从东到西,是玛拿西的一分。 www.for68.com 1. And by the border of Ephraim, from the east side even unto the west side, a portion for Reuben. 挨着以法莲的地界,从东到西,是流便的一分。 www.for68.com 2. And by the border of Asher, from the east side even unto the west side, a portion for Naphtali. 挨着亚设的地界,从东到西,是拿弗他利的一分。 www.ebigear.com 3. Classical hell, then alone will be engraved Creek Village in places away from the East side down. 晁盖大怒,就去西溪村独自将青石宝塔夺了过来在东溪边放下。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. As for the rest of the tribes, from the east side unto the west side, Benjamin shall have a portion. 论到其馀的支派,从东到西,是便雅悯的一分。 www.bing.com 5. Guangzhou Lower East Side Hotel in downtown living, totally renovated, new rooms. 广州东城宾馆住于市中心、珠江边、全新装修、房间新。 www.gt-w2.com 6. A city landmark, the shopping mansion stands at the east side of the plaza. 商厦作为这个城市的地标卓立在广场的东侧。 www.nciku.cn 7. The coastal strip on Libya's east side remains firmly under control of the rebels, with their headquarters at Benghazi. 利比亚东部沿海地带仍稳固地由叛军控制,他们在班加西设立总部。 www.ecocn.org 8. Address: North-East Side of the Intersection of East Ring Road and South Ring Road. 地址:浙江省嘉兴市中环东路与中环南路交界处东北侧。 www.jiaxing.gov.cn 9. On the Upper East Side, that might be normaI. 这在上东区可能没什么大不了 www.tingclass.net 10. And by the border of Simeon , from the east side unto the west side, Issachar a portion. 沿着西缅的边界,从东到西,是以萨迦的一份。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The Tennessee River sculpts the east side of the Cumberland Plateau. 田纳西河刻蚀着坎伯兰高原的东部边缘。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. By contrast, a pack of the same cigarettes runs as much as $13 on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. 相比之下,一包香烟的相同运行在曼哈顿上东区高达13。 www.englishtang.com 3. Jewish cemeteries on the east side are pristine whereas the few Muslim ones in the west lie desolate. 东边的犹太人墓地原始的,西边有少数伊斯兰墓地,这些却是废弃的。 www.ecocn.org 4. Stroll the white sand beach on the east side of Ocean Drive, and check out the goofily colored lifeguard stands. 在海洋大道的东边的白色沙滩上漫步,看看那五颜六色的救生台。 cn.reuters.com 5. And by the border of Reuben, from the east side unto the west side, a portion for Judah. 挨着流便的地界,从东到西,是犹大的一分。 www.for68.com 6. He's an Ivy League med school graduate who came to the Lower East Side and opened a community practice. 他是常春藤医学院的毕业生,来到西城开了个社区诊所。 www.bing.com 7. The visitor center was built underground on the east side of the Capitol. 游客中心建在国会大厦东侧的地下。 www.bing.com 8. And by the border of Zebulun , from the east side unto the west side, Gad a portion. 沿着西布伦的边界,从东到西,是迦得的一份。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And for the east side eastward fifty cubits. 院子的东面,宽五十肘。 www.for68.com 10. In another call, Messrs. Drimal and Goffer agreed to meet on Manhattan's Upper East Side, the complaint says. 起诉书说,在另外一次电话交谈中,德里摩尔和高佛尔约定在曼哈顿的上东区会面。 c.wsj.com 1. And by the border of Dan, from the east side unto the west side, a portion for Asher. 挨着但的地界,从东到西,是亚设的一分。 www.for68.com 2. He's usually here, but today he went out to a site on the east side. 他通常都在,但今天他到东边的部门去了。 www.bing.com 3. I'm looking at a property on the lower east side. 我正在看一个在东边较低的房产。 bbs.24en.com 4. But one cannot blame the rich for all the Upper East Side's air problems. 但我们不能把造成上东区空气污染的全部原因归于某个富人身上。 www.bing.com 5. On the west side, you can stand on the North American plate. On the east side is the Eurasian plate. 站在裂谷西边,你的脚下是北美洲的土地,而裂谷东面则是欧亚板块。 www.joyen.net 6. Most were from East Harlem or the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and three-quarters of them were low-income. 这些孩子大部分来自东哈莱姆或曼哈顿上东城区,其中四分之三属于低收入家庭。 www.bing.com 7. Liqin Wang House at the West City West Street west of Imperial root, miso Square East Side alley northbound . 礼亲王府位于西城区西皇城根南街西侧,即大酱坊胡同东口路北。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Red square is the east side of the national department stores. 红场的东侧是国立百货商场。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Aerial view over the Upper East Side of Manhattan and Central Park (R) 01 July 2007 in New York City. 在鸟瞰图上东城曼哈顿和中央公园(R)的07月01日在纽约市2007年。 dm2008858124.blog.163.com 10. You've Completely And Entirely Prejudged The Upper East Side. 你对于上东区的人完全是妄下定论 www.tingclass.net 1. east side retaining wall construction was in progress. 东面挡土墙毛石墙施工; wenku.baidu.com 2. Graffiti on a chapel on Detroit's east side predicts a renaissance. 底特律东区一座教堂上的涂鸦,预示着复兴。 newssgo.com 3. Small forest Liang Shan area is located in traverse mountain chain east side. 小凉山地区地处横断山脉东侧。 blog.163.com 4. As a result, many residents in Chinatown and the Lower East Side have been displaced by new development projects, according to Ms. Lee. 结果就是,唐人街和下东区的很多居民由于新的发展规划被迫搬迁。 chinese.wsj.com 5. But the irony is that the creature was fund on the west side of the line, however, its Sisters breed all live on the east side. 然而具有讽刺意味的是,这种新物种是在华莱士线西边发现的,而它的姊妹品种都生活在华莱士线东边。 www.elanso.com 6. One east-side resident plants her boulevard with beans and other vegetables for public picking. 东边一个居民还在林荫道里种上了豆子,供众人采摘。 www.bing.com 7. But on the Upper East Side, the holiday thankfully returns. 但谢天谢地在上东区这个节日返璞归真了。 www.tingclass.net 8. We come now to the first floor off the east side of East. 我们现在来到第一关东城楼的东侧。 www.da345.com 9. Many students from the east side of town never continue on through high school. 城东许多学乐器的学生上高中后都坚持不下去。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Himalayan Southwest Chu, Ussuri River north-east side. 喜玛拉雅西南矗,乌苏里江东北边。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Our house is located in a quiet neighborhood on the east side of town, five blocks from the University of Oregon campus. 我们的房子位于镇上东边一个安静的临近区域,距离俄勒冈州大学校园有五个blocks的路程。 www.di2jiayuan.com 2. The east side has the island, zhuangruo elephant drinking water, therefore also famous elephant island. 岛内东侧另有小岛,状若巨象饮水,故亦名象岛。 yantai.qite8.com 3. Question 12: The blue line on the east side of the planning sketch means water channel? 问题12:规划图东侧蓝线表示是否为水渠?答:是的。 www.crecc.com.cn 4. Some say love is hearing laughter in the rain. But on the upper east side, we all know love is pain. 有人说爱是雨中传来的欢笑,可在上东区,我们都知道爱即痛。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. KAREN: Oh. You mean Jerry's, over on the east side. That wasn't my idea going there. 凯伦:喔,你是指杰瑞酒吧,在东区那边。不是我说要去的喔。 www.englishto.com 6. Uptown Manhattan is divided by Central Park into the Upper East Side and the Upper West Side , and above the park is Harlem. 小区除以曼哈顿中央公园到上东城和西城上,最重要的公园是哈莱姆。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Come out to the streets on the east side of the school. 出了房间后我们来到学校东面的街道上。 www.gotaobaowang.com 8. Mono Lake is located on the east side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains at the junction of Highways 395 and 120. 莫诺湖位于内华达山脉东侧395和120公路交界处。 www.bing.com 9. It is located about mid-way along the east side of Yu Mountain. 它大约坐落在虞山东面的半山上。 weike.taskcn.com 10. Grass runway on the east side of the concrete runway. 草地跑道位于水泥跑道的东侧。 bbs.gter.net 1. Her pictures were mostly of Spanish Harlem and the Lower East Side. 她的照片通常有关西班牙移民居住的哈莱姆区与纽约下东区。 www.ecocn.org 2. And now that S is back, will the upper east side ever be the same? 既然S回来了,上东区还会一如既往吗? zhidao.baidu.com 3. This large country on the east side of Africa is full of adventure. 这个位于非洲东部的泱泱大国充满著各种冒险旅程。 nciku.com.tw 4. Gossip girl: Some might call this a "fuster cluck" , but only on the upper east side, we call it Sunday afternoon. 绯闻少女:有认为这是“一团乱”,但在这,我们称为“星期天的下午”。 www.tiantianbt.com 5. but on the upper east side, we call it sunday afternoon. 但在我们的圈子里这就是个周日下午 www.tingclass.net 6. A man from the National Institute of Trades was sent to inspect the condition of an installment of duplexes on the upper east side of town. 国家贸易协会的一个人被派去检查城镇东部靠北的复式结构建筑安装的情况。 www.ebigear.com 7. Rescue stayers are not tITetoe drilling a hole on the east side of the mine. 因此,营救打务工佣大家正在矿井的北侧钻一个洞。 www.ffenglish.com 8. Tonight you're hosting your first upper east side party. 今晚是属于你的第一个上东区派对 www.ebigear.com 9. A four-storey building on the East Side of Manhattan collapsed after a thunderous explosion this morning. 曼哈顿东区的一栋四层楼房今晨因发生爆炸而倒塌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The gateway is situated in the highest point of the site sloping to the east side. 建筑场地大体上为一个东向的坡,建筑入口位于坡面的最高点。 www.archiant.com 1. Yes, the Catholic Church is on the east side of the street, which is quite famous in Beijing. 是的,天主教堂就在步行街的北边,是北京市相当有名的教堂。 arabic.china.org.cn 2. They journeyed to the entrance of Gedor, to the east side of the valley, to seek pasture for their flocks. 他们往平原东边基多口去,寻找牧放羊群的草场。 www.galcc.org 3. He had to sleep on his brother's couch on the Lower East Side to get by. 他不得不到曼哈顿下东区的哥哥家睡沙发来解决生活的窘迫。 www.bing.com 4. to Western medicine on the Upper East Side. 到上东区的西方医学 www.tingclass.net 5. And bye the border of Dan, from rne the east side to the west side, a portion for Afher. 挨着丹的地界,从东到西,是Afher的一部分。 www.bing.com 6. Four brothers from Manhattan's East Side, they ruled the world of burlesque for decades. 来自曼哈顿贫民区的四兄弟,统治了滑稽舞数十年。 www.bing.com 7. It's on the east side, about one minute's walk from the bridge. 是的,很容易的。就在东岸,从桥那里大概分钟走路就到。 www.bjenglish.com.cn 8. will the upper east side ever be the same? 各位富贵闲人的生活还会一样吗 www.tingclass.net 9. Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east side so plain? 为什么有些上东区过着奢华生活的女人看起来相貌平平? www.xici.net 10. Could an upper east side, peace accord be far off? 东区的和平协议还会远吗? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Welcome to the upper east side. 欢迎来到东上城富人区 www.tingclass.net 2. Rufus: Wait, upper east side unity? 等等上东区那伙的?。 www.ebigear.com 3. Here we are now, going to the east side. I pick up my friends and we start to ride. 现在就在这里,朝着东方前进。我和朋友一起骑车奔跑。 www.yappr.cn 4. Display area of the east side stands the classic carpenter style of the three windmills in China, demonstrating a deep pastoral style. 展示区的东侧耸立着三个中国木匠经典风格的风车,展示出了浓浓的田园风情。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Yes. You must see the veranda. It's on the east side facing the Potomac River. Washington designed it. 是的。你们一定要看看阳台。阳台在右边,对着波特马克河。 6. and deep into summer I have found snow under that black hollow on the north-east side! 盛夏时,在东北面那个黑洞里我还发现过雪哩! putclub.com 7. And if we have to wander the Upper East Side Iike outcasts, so be it. 要是我们真在上东区流浪的话 www.tingclass.net 8. I grew up on the Upper East Side. 我在阳光上东区出生。 www.ce.cn 9. Return on the east side of Kuming lake so that you eventually reach the '17 Arch Bridge'. 从东面的昆明湖回来后,最后会到十七孔桥。 www.beijingguide2008.com 10. The two bus shelters on the east side of 35th Avenue will be installed in summer 2008. 将被安装在2008年夏天的第35大道东侧的两个巴士站上盖。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 1. The east-side parking lot is very congested. 本校东侧停车场位少,非常拥挤,容易出事故。 nwcsny.org 2. Which subway should I take to get to the East Side? 我要搭哪趟地铁才能去东区。 www.hxen.com 3. In September, Mack bought a 9, 000 square foot carriage house on the Upper East Side of Manhattan for $13. 5 million. 9月份,麦晋桁花了1,350万美元在纽约曼哈顿的上东区买下了一座9,000平方英尺的房子。 c.wsj.com 4. Now we are on the east side of the house. 现在我们位于房子的东厢。 5. It is on the east side of Seventh Zhenxing Road and the south bank of Niuwei River. 该项目位于邢台市高开区东部,振兴七路东侧,牛尾河南岸。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I don't see one until I am on the bridle path on the East Side. 直到我走到东区的骑马专用道上,才看到一位。 dongxi.net 7. It's on the east side. 就在东岸。 www.thefirst.cn 8. They live in a high rise on the East Side. 他们住在东区的一幢高楼里。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. There Road east side of the chicken hot pot, because it is only because of time and not watch. 还有道东那边的火锅鸡,因为只是吃过一次,也不能乱说。 theboy.cn 10. And they went to the entrance of Gedor, even unto the east side of the valley, to seek pasture for their flocks. 他们往平原东边基多口去,寻梢牧放羊群的草场, www.enread.com 1. I grew up and went to school to the south, but since college I have lived and worked on the east side , where ther have been more changes. 我在南边长大,上学,但从大学开始我就在东边生活,工作了,那里有更丰富的变化。 www.666so.com 2. Children convene and adults shop near the corner of Broome Street and Baruch Place in the Lower East Side 下东区靠近布鲁姆街和巴鲁克广场拐角处聚在一起的孩子们和买东西的大人 select.yeeyan.org 3. The Spot: A cloud formation converges with sandstone and a ponderosa pine on the east side of Zion National Park 拍摄现场:形成的云层汇聚在锡安国家公园的砂岩和一棵杰克松的上面。 www.bing.com 4. Simulation of Impact of Steep Terrain on East Side of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on Mesoscale Vortex and Rain Storm over the Basin 高原东侧陡峭地形对一次盆地中尺度涡旋及暴雨的数值试验 www.ilib.cn 5. Located at the east side of lobby on the first floor, refined and splendid, is an ideal place to meet with distinguishedguests. Telephone 位于一楼大厅东侧,豪华考究,是会见贵宾的理想场所。 cbshotel.gotojilin.com 6. A Preliminary Study on the Result of Enclosure in East Side of Qilian Mountains 祁连山东端封山育林效果初步分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Variation of Summer Air Temperature on the East Side of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Its Probable Causes 青藏高原东侧地区夏季气温变化及其可能成因 www.ilib.cn 8. Synthetic Analyses of An Extreme Heavy Storm Rain on the East Side of Qinghai- Xizang Plateau in Early Summer 初夏青藏高原东侧一次特大暴雨的综合分析 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Numerical Simulation Experiment about A Typical Heavy Rain Process on the East Side of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau 青藏高原东侧一次典型暴雨过程的数值模拟试验 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Analysis on Productive Test of Tensile Anchorage Bar in East Side-wall of Underground Power House of Dongping Hydroproject 洞坪水电站地下厂房东端墙张拉锚杆生产性试验分析 service.ilib.cn 1. Shaoxing Horticulture College, Shaoxing 312000; East Side Construction Supervision Co. , Ltd. Shaoxing, Shaoxing 312000 绍兴园艺学校,绍兴312000;绍兴东城建筑监理有限公司,绍兴312000 wenku.baidu.com 2. Preservation Commission Turns Down Proposal for Upper East Side Tower 提案委员会轮流上保存下来大楼东侧 www.2getnews.com 3. divert traffic and trams to east side over already completed part of roof 交通流改移到东边完成的半边顶板上? wenku.baidu.com 4. Analysis on Characteristics of Storm Runoff of East Side of Dianchi Lake 滇池东岸暴雨径流特征分析 www.ilib.cn 5. On Flood Forecast of Tidal Barrage of East Side of Dafengjiang Basin during Construction 大风江流域东场挡潮闸施工洪水预报 www.ilib.cn 6. Lower East Side of Manhattan She goes shopping for new clothes 而她在曼哈顿下东区逛街买新衣服 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Coalition to Protect Chinatown and Lower East Side 唐人街及东下区保护联合会 chinese.wsj.com 8. Could an upper east side, peace accord be far off? upper: 上部的,上层的accord:协定东区的和平协议还会远吗? zhidao.baidu.com 9. At the east side, there are also monk selection hall and water-land hall; 东侧还配置有选僧堂及水陆堂等; blog.sina.com.cn 10. The old Fulton Market in the Lower East Side 下东区的老富尔顿市场 select.yeeyan.org 1. Lower East Side Tenement Museum 贫民区房屋博物馆 sfl.csu.edu.cn 2. the east side of the shopping mall 购物中心的东区 answer.2u4u.com.cn 3. Public Bus Stop east side of Kunlun Hotel 昆仑饭店东汽车站 www.sino-swisshotel.com.cn 4. Horse and cart: Men and boys are seen collecting salvage on the Lower East Side on October 4, 1941 马车:下东区男人和男孩们收集废料,摄于1941年10月4日 dongxi.net 5. It's 100 metres from the bridge on the east side of the lake 离桥100米,在湖的东侧。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Danced to death at an east side night club 在东区夜店跳到心力衰竭而死 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Upper East Side For Sale 出售阳光上东 www.thatsbj.com 8. who is basically everythingI hate about the upper east side 正是我憎恨的上流社会的代表 www.tingclass.net |
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