单词 | easel |
释义 |
复数:easels n. stand,frame,tripod,support,mount 例句释义: 画架,黑板架,绘图架,绘画架 1. Her mother's pride in the girl's appearance led her to step back, like a painter from his easel, and survey her work as a whole. 看见女儿漂亮的形体,母亲心里感到骄傲,往后退了几步,就像一个画家从画架前面走开,从整体上仔细打量自己的杰作。 www.ebigear.com 2. If your art is not flowing or enjoyable then take a break away from the easel and look to other things for a while. 如果创造思维不流畅、令人不满意,不妨离开画架一会儿,看看别的什么东西。 bbs.wwenglish.org 3. Easel Painting the apparent lack of effectiveness of this participation was to give up across the board. 架上绘画显然缺乏这种参与的有效性,被放弃也是大势所趋。 www.cutpic.cn 4. Displacing the image on the easel by the magnetic field in the new situation is the profound meaning of "transform" I said. 将架上的图像置换成新状态下的磁场,这是我所说的深层次下的“置换”意义。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. One of the first easel paintings intended to be framed and hung on a wall, the Mona Lisa fully realized the potential of the new oil medium. 作为第一幅有意被镶框并挂在墙上的画架图画,蒙娜丽莎完全实现了新油画介质的潜力。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It sat on his easel by the window overlooking the garden. For months David sat curled up naked on the floor beneath the easel, with his dog. 肖像待在窗边的画架上俯视着花园,而大卫数月裸体蜷曲在画家下得地板上,带着他的狗。 www.bing.com 7. Easel painting, confronting the consummate end of visual system, seemed to has immersed into an unprecedented predicament. 在已走向圆极的视觉系统面前,架上绘画陷入了前所未有的困境。 8. He appeared to live a bourgeois life. His studio was a smallish upstairs bedroom; it didn't even have an easel. 他把画室安排在楼上一间不大的卧房,其间甚至连一个画架都不曾摆放。 ecocn.org 9. Some investors are even venturing into the riskiest area of the market, so-called "wet art" recently off the easel. 一些投资人甚至冒险涉足市场风险最大的领域,最近出现的一种所谓“wetart”(以水下为主题背景应用电脑技术合成修改)的艺术品。 www.ecocn.org 10. Secondly how easel cartoon art took root in the great southwest and influenced across the country are introduced. 其次,介绍了架上卡通这一艺术形式是怎样在中国的大西南扎根,并发展壮大以致影响全国的。 www.fabiao.net 1. Some of the series of Landscape compositions are relatively small, the size of traditional easel paintings. 在曾梵志的风景画系列中,有些是属于小幅作品,类似传统的黑板画的那样大小。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He wrote: "It is only when I stand painting before my easel that I feel in any way alive. " 他写道:“只有当我站在画架前绘画时,我才感到自己还活着。” en.cnxianzai.com 3. Six artists are painting the dream, their fine sentiments given the reasons for the existence of Easel Painting. 六位艺术家的绘画都是梦,他们细腻的情感赋予了架上绘画存在的理由。 www.cutpic.cn 4. No, I do proper painting. I took a bunch of canvases, some paints and a little portable easel in to work. 没啊,我就是有心情就画。一张画布,一堆油彩,一个小画架就开工啦。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Lots of houses here are abandoned and one of them became Andrey's sculpture studio. There he has an easel, floodlight, clay. 因此这里许多房屋都闲置着,其中一间就成为了安德鲁的雕刻工作室,里面有一个画架,一盏泛光灯和一些黏土。 www.bing.com 6. Typically he would paint around 400 figures a day, standing almost motionless at the easel. 通常,他一天写大约400个数字,一动不动地站在画架前。 www.ecocn.org 7. Easel Painting, the artist stretched canvas, base, and then use the brush on the canvas and the power of emotion pouring. 架上绘画,艺术家绷紧画布、打底,然后用刷子在画布上倾泻情绪和权力。 www.cutpic.cn 8. The only requirement was bravery, because it turns out that when you put up an easel and canvas in the museum, everyone talks to you. 唯一的要求是勇气,因为在博物馆里支起画架放上画布的结果是,人人都来和你说话。 www.bing.com 9. Trans-avantgrade Art has achieved the return of the painting and return body art, so that the various arts tests returned to easel painting. 超前卫艺术实现了绘画的回归,回归本体艺术,使各种艺术试验回到架上绘画。 www.fabiao.net 10. The definition of "easel art" is a misplay , which has been settled on as a long target of the Chengdu Biennale. 将成都双年展的长远目标定在“架上艺术”,这种学术定位显然是一种失误。 dict.veduchina.com 1. A photograph of my mother sits on an easel next to the urn. 在骨灰盒边上有一个画架,上面放着我母亲的大照片。 www.bing.com 2. The Easel Art in the open times, "rebellion" isn't something new, and its risk is getting lower and lower. 当今“开放”时代的架上艺术,“反叛”已不是什么新鲜玩意,风险越来越小。 news.cb.com.cn 3. Artists fully express individuality, passion and commitment with the easel cartoon art. 架上卡通艺术无不充满了对个性的表达,对艺术的热爱和执著。 www.fabiao.net 4. These results provide fundamental basis for optimization of the planet easel. 为行星架的优化设计提供了重要的依据。 www.chemyq.com 5. He's slowly painting a picture on an easel that's facing away from you. 他(德隆)在离你很远的地方在一个画架上神情自若地、慢慢地画著一幅画。 www.hicoo.net 6. If Christmas were truly the season for art, every child would want an easel under his tree instead of an Xbox. 如果圣诞节是真正的艺术季,每个孩子都希望他下树,而不是一个Xbox画架。 www.englishtang.com 7. Use large (about 2x2. 5-foot) easel pads or poster board. This allows information to be viewed easily. 用大的(约2x2.5英尺)画架或海报板,这样可以可以轻松自如地浏览到信息。 www.6sq.net 8. If I see a nice sunset light that I want to paint, I don't have to take 10 or 15 minutes to get ready with my easel or - and everything. 如果看到我想画的美丽的夕阳景色,我不必花10或15分钟时间去准备我的画架或者其他什么东西。 www.yappr.cn 9. From the artist's view, the easel sculpture is the materialization of emotion. 在作者看来,架上雕塑即是情感的物化。 www.bjbiennale.com.cn 10. Such conceptions of contemporary art language as "Model" and "on easel" should not only be weakened but also be pushed forward. “样板”、“架上”这种现代艺术语言概念,不但不应该在艺术实践中被削弱,而且应该得到深入的图式推进。 www.dictall.com 1. you can either use a table and prop your board somewhat , or an upright easel. 您能或使用表和扶植,或一个挺直画架。 www.ichacha.net 2. But he also depicts of man, painting at his easel, staring at this wall, and this is Canaletto, the most celebrated painter of Venice. 但他也会描绘人物,如画面中对着墙在画架上作画的著名威尼斯画家加纳莱托。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. addressing a canvas tilted back on a tall easel. 在一块高脚画架上的画布忙活。 item.feedsky.com 4. His studio was a smallish upstairs bedroom; it didn't even have an easel. 画室在楼上的房间,有点小,连画架也没有。 www.ecocn.org 5. Zou Tao, born in 1984, graduated from luxun art college in 2009. Living and working in shenyang. The works mainly is easel painting. 邹涛,生于1984年,2009年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,现在沈阳工作居住,作品以架上绘画为主。 blog.artintern.net 6. n. He paused in the middle of folding up his easel. 他画架收到一半,却停了下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In this image times, how to treat the value of traditional easel painting and the conflict and integration with new media is very important. 在这个图像时代,如何正确看待传统架上绘画的价值以及与新媒材的冲突融合是非常重要的。 www.dictall.com 8. He went round from easel to easel. 他一个画架一个画架来回转悠。 9. He indicates a photo that is sitting on an easel. 他指着在一个画架上的一幅照片。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. This is a well designed easel which folds up quickly and neatly. 这个画架设计得很好,可以迅速而整齐地折叠起来。 www.hxen.com 1. Editor: Do you do performance act or easel painting recently? 艺术经纬:您最近主要做行为艺术还是架上绘画? blog.sina.com.cn 2. In the second part, it elaborates the mutual promotion between business investment and easel painting's development; 第二部分论述商业投资与架上绘画发展的相互促进; www.fabiao.net 3. The Perspective of the Easel Painting's Present Condition 架上绘画现状透视 www.ilib.cn 4. In the third part, it analyses the commercialization tendency of economic operational mechanism and Easel Painting; 第三部分分析经济运行机制与架上绘画的商业化趋势; www.fabiao.net 5. Broadening the Expressive Space of Easel Oil Painting 拓展架上油画的艺术表现空间 www.ilib.cn 6. Self-Portrait with Dark Felt Hat at the Easel 画架前带深色毛毡帽的自画像 4629165.blog.hexun.com 7. in this " the Picture-Reading Times " the "picture" - painting, particularly the easel, whether it is a powerful conditions, or a breakage ; 在这个“读图时代”中“图”—绘画,特别是架上绘画究竟是一种有利的条件,还是一种破坏; paper.pet2008.cn 8. Self-Portrait in Front of the Easel 画架前的自画像 4629165.blog.hexun.com |
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