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复数:exteriors exterior 显示所有例句
例句释义: 外观,外表,外面的,外部的,外表的,户外的,外景 1. So far the convective heat transfer coefficient of the building wall's exterior surface has not been studied systematically. 到目前为止建筑墙体外表面对流换热系数还没有得到系统的研究。 www.boshuo.net 2. The building seems to blend in its natural environment (a beautiful large wood) due to the materials used for the exterior finishes. 该建筑似乎融入自然的环境(一个漂亮的大木头)由于对外部完成所用的材料。 www.i-guider.com 3. One New Jersey man decided to paint the exterior of his house to save money. It was all going well until the ladder slipped. 新泽西有位仁兄为了省钱,决定自己粉刷屋子的外墙。本来一切顺利,但到了最后,梯子滑倒了。 en.v.wenguo.com 4. The clothing is usually used to a protection human body to be free from exterior environment influence or maintenance people's good image. 服装向来被用来保护人体不受外部环境影响或维持人们的良好形象。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. It may well be that the truth about him really does lie in something exterior, something in the shell rather than the kernel of the nut. 事实很可能是他在一些表面化的、外在的东西上说谎,而不是在核心的方面。 www.bing.com 6. For a cool $14 million, you can advertise for a year on the exterior of every Spirit Airlines jet. 支付$1400万美元,就可以在SPIRITAIRLINES公司的每一架飞机上做一年的广告。 www.bing.com 7. This woman voice is clear and fragile, that clumsy and timid and serene exterior even if is loudly talk to all terror to scare her to her. 这女子声音清脆,那羞涩恬静的样子就算是对她大声说话都怕吓着她。 www.cqlxjt.net 8. The test result has showed that this modified adhesive is feasible to be developed for producing exterior medium density fiberboard. 通过小试说明该胶粘剂在压制室外型中密度纤维板的可行性。 www.chemyq.com 9. To get a bit of light, windows are cut into the exterior walls, as well as regular doors. 为了能够亮一点,他们把向外的墙劈开成了窗,当然也造了日常的门。 www.ecocn.org 10. The biggest change to the exterior has to be the front end which comes straight off the Golf VI hatch. 最大的改变外观,必须在前端的是直了高尔夫六舱口。 usa.315che.com 1. Michael was the general contractor for the home, so he and Ellie decided to make minimal changes to the exterior of the house. 迈克尔是屋子装修的总负责,所以他和Ellie决定,进行一些小改动的房子外观。 www.mt-bbs.com 2. 8226; Tourism development is often driven by exterior forces without adequate local participation. 推动旅游开发的往往是外部力量,缺乏足够的本地决策参与。 www.tianya.cn 3. SARS with its tremendous exterior sex -- the influence that infects speed and dimensions to bring expect to be less than to Chinese economy. SARS以其巨大的外部性——传染速度和规模给中国经济带来意想不到的影响。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 4. A driven component is coupled to the door and disposed at least partially exterior of an outer face thereof. 受驱组件,其联接到所述门,且被布置为至少部分地在所述外表面之外; ip.com 5. The body includes an exterior part composed of a first biological material and an inner part composed of a second biological material. 所述本体具有由第一生物材料构成的外侧部分及由第二生物材料构成的内侧部分。 ip.com 6. because the various interior and exterior reasons of the large - scale selective examinations . the cheating has not always been stopped. 由于大规模选拔性教育考试内部和外部诸多方面的原因,考试作弊始终没有能够被禁绝。 www.ichacha.net 7. Highlighting affects the exterior of a button control. It has no effect on the check state of a radio button or check box. 加亮显示影响控件的外观,但对单选钮和复选框控件的选中状态没有影响。 www.zjrj.org 8. Among the first to go : those two- story low- rises with exterior corridors that defined the early years of Holiday Inn . 最先去:二层低增长与外部走廊,确定了早年的度假酒店。 www.bing.com 9. In exterior he resembled a butcher in a poor neighbourhood, and his eyes had a look of sleepy cunning. 他的外表看上去象是生意冷清的屠户,两眼露出困乏的奸诈神态。 www.showxiu.com 10. The fact that the exterior of the bed is made out of movable components make it a fun furniture item. 实际上床的外沿由可移动部件组成,使之成为一件有趣的家具。 www.bing.com 1. It was only when you observed him for a longer period that you noticed the traces of madness lurking beneath his conservative exterior. 只有你在与他相处很长时间以后你才会意识到在他趋于正常保守的外表下潜伏着随时发病的恶魔。 www.bing.com 2. The introduction of Buddhism from India was an exterior factor that has had a great influence on Chinese portraiture. 对中国人物画产生重大影响的外来因素就是印度佛教的传人。 www.kz15.com 3. When the house opens up to the garden, eastern and western side walls move towards the exterior fence creating a courtyard. 当住宅向着花园打开时,东面和西面的侧墙都可以被移动,以朝着外面的篱笆,从而创造出院落空间。 julemei.com 4. Field stone was generally of good quality and was used for exterior walls. 原野中的石头材质很好,通常用作建筑外墙。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Underneath her rather bold and cruel exterior, she had a kind heart, and she was to prove loyal and true to the very end. 在凶狠残忍的外表底下,夏洛蒂有一颗非常善良的心,而且从头到尾,她都证明了自己对威尔伯的爱和忠诚。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Currently the programme is in stage 1. For now only a few pieces of kit have been installed in Jerez Black, the colour of the exterior. 目前节目在阶段1。成套工具仅一些个片断在赫雷斯黑色暂时被安装了,外部的颜色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Pushed by both interior and exterior forces, institution change would mainly take place in cultural, economic and political fields. 在内外两种动力的作用下,制度变迁主要发生在文化、经济和政治领域。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The centre of this wooden disc was hollowed out to a diameter equal to the exterior diameter of the columbia d. 这木盘中间留着一个直径相当于哥伦比亚炮外径的圆洞。 www.bing.com 9. The house took the form of a cuboid in which parts of the exterior walls are movable. 住宅采用立方体的结构,部分外立面的墙壁是可以移动的。 julemei.com 10. Gemini girls are in fact disguised themselves will. Often in their calm exterior concealed the heart of a fear of injury. 其实双子座女孩都很会伪装自己。往往在她们平静的外表下隐藏着一颗害怕受伤的心。 dict.kekenet.com 1. The invention aims at proposing a tool used for testing the adhesion property between an exterior trimming part and an arc automobile body. 本发明的目的是提出一种方便测试外饰件与弧形车身之间粘附性能的工装。 ip.com 2. Conclusion The exterior roughness of model and the form of material assignment have great effect on the calculating result of models. 结论模型表面的粗糙程度和材质赋予的形式对模型的计算结果有较大影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. An inorganic crystalline ceramic coating is received on at least a portion of the inorganic amorphous glass tube exterior surface. 在所述无机多孔玻璃管外表面的至少一部分上设有无机晶状陶瓷涂层。 ip.com 4. The exterior of the house was white with green trim, with sloping roofs over the front entrance and the two sides. 房子的外墙是白色的,镶着绿边,斜屋顶覆盖着门廊和房子的两边。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If he was devoted his wife and children, then he must have a soft heart below that hard exterior. 如果他把他的妻子和孩子们,然后,他必须有柔软的心在坚硬的外部。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Don't let its tough exterior fool you, bamboo shoots have been a popular food staple in Asia for centuries. 不要让竹子坚硬的外表迷惑了你,在亚洲竹笋几世纪以来都是很受欢迎的美食。 www.bing.com 7. When restoring the building , the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations . 修复这座建筑时,首先要做的是沿着地基给外墙增添木支撑。 www.bing.com 8. Urban culture visualization is an exterior character of a city. The importance to the exterior trait of urban culture should be attached. 城市文化形象是城市文化的外在表征,更注重城市丈化的外显性。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. A series of courtyards introduce space and light. From the viewing rooms, the only sight of the exterior is the sky. 一连串的采光井在创造空间的同时引入了自然光。从室内往外能看到的唯一景观就是天空。 archicn.spaces.live.com 10. Triple energizer has no exterior-interior relationships with the zang-organs, it is therefore called "solitary fu-organ" . 三焦和脏之间没有表里关系,因此也称为“孤腑”。 www.tcmer.com 1. The exterior of the museum utilizes the shape of an ancient bronze ding, specifically a Chen ding, with its rather archaic flavor. 外表采用了博物馆的形状一个古老的青铜鼎,特别是一陈定,其相当陈旧的味道。 zhishi.sohu.com 2. American great architect John Portman said, the exterior should reflect the interior spaces. 美国伟大建筑师约翰波特曼说,外观应该反映内观的表现。 blog.163.com 3. If interior was eastern, at least the exterior is not totally western, it can be a mixture of both eastern and western design. 如果内观是中式,外观也不应该是完全西式,至少是中西合拼式。 blog.163.com 4. We hope that a bigger model is not the only change to the exterior styling, and that VW makes the new Passat more bold and less dull. 我们希望,更大的模式不是唯一改变的外部造型,并让大众汽车的新帕萨特更大胆和不太沉闷。 usa.315che.com 5. Combined the exterior design with its brand content, the building is of charming and powerful. 外形设计上与品牌的内涵相结合,突出品牌的魅力与力量。 haoduo.org 6. Underneath the abusive exterior of your man is a loving heart he's just dying to share with you. 藏在你的男人暴虐的外表下,有一颗充满爱的心,他渴求与你分享。 www.bing.com 7. While the exterior is pretty much a well-known entity at this point, despite all the cammo, it was the interior that interested many people. 虽然外观几乎众所周知的实体,在这一点上,尽管所有的cammo,它的内部有兴趣的许多人。 usa.315che.com 8. Its glistening, pepper-studded exterior can look splendid presented on a wooden board and surrounded by a branch or two of bay leaves. 把它放到木板上,周围点缀上一两片月桂叶,即可呈现出它那绚丽并嵌有辣椒的精美外观。 www.elanso.com 9. A strong, high density foam glass tile having a small pore size which can be used as a facade on both exterior and interior building walls. 可在建筑物墙壁的内和外表面上作为立面使用的具有小孔径的坚固、高密度的泡沫体玻璃瓷砖。 ip.com 10. That the exterior of the gloves has no conducting wires, a plug or a socket makes the use convenient. 由于手套外部上没有导线、插头、插座,所以使用非常方便。 ip.com 1. The romantic and whimsical appeal is all but apparent in the fantasy exterior of turrets and gabled baroques. 梦幻般的角楼和巴罗克风格的山形墙让城堡那异想天开的浪漫魅力呼之欲出。 www.tctopclub.com 2. Exterior washing is usually means a drive through washing machine which will wash the sides and, perhaps, the roof. 外表清洗就是让列车驶过洗车机,清洗其两侧,也许还可洗车顶。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. From doing this, you are supposed to get a clear picture of your inner development as it is reflected by the exterior environment. 通过这样做,你们应该对你们的内在发展获得一个清晰的画面,当它由外在环境所反映出来时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. TCM holds that the human body is an organic whole. The exterior of the body is closely related to the internal organs. 中医认为人体是一个有机整体,体表和内脏是紧密联系的。 www.yixuesheng.cn 5. This level is, in fact, done in an exterior state. Meaning that it is done completely exterior from the body. 实际上,这个层次是在外层状态中运行的,这意味着它要彻底在身体之外。 www.bing.com 6. If anything, the interior is even more impressive than the exterior, with an almost endless sense of space thanks to the massive naves. 教堂内部比外部更豪华,由于正厅异常宽阔,里面的空间看起来无止无尽。 english.dxy.cn 7. American factors are the main exterior factors which lead the long-term separation between Taiwan and the Mainland. 美国因素是海峡两岸长期分离的主要外部原因。 www.dictall.com 8. They cite a a few tweaks to the exterior paint scheme and interior trims and a beefed-up propulsion systems for faster speeds. 他们提到列车只是对车身外部图案和内部装饰进行了细微变动,再就是改进了推进系统以提高速度。 c.wsj.com 9. The exterior and interior decoration is in line with international standard, providing passengers with a superior feeling of traveling. 该列车的内外装饰都达到了国际统一标准,给乘客优越的旅行体验。 pinqing10.blog.163.com 10. In the condition of opening, exterior investment is a necessary choice of a country or an area when economy develops to a certain stage. 开放条件下,对外投资是一国或地区经济发展到一定阶段的必然选择。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. But at any rate, if we have no enemies in the interior, they may come from the exterior, for parts of the Pacific are very dangerous. 再说,即使我们岛内没有敌人,外面还是可能有敌人来的,因为太平洋的某些地方非常危险。 novel.tingroom.com 2. The exterior and the public rooms look wonderful, but it really is just a facade. 外观和大厅看起来不错,但其实只是假象而已。 weike.taskcn.com 3. As a double attribute and exterior organization, neighborhood committee and its enviroment forming a dissymmetrical dependent structure. 作为一个具有双重属性的外源性组织,居委会与其环境之间形成了非对称性的依赖结构。 www.boshuo.net 4. The automatic fluid level control equipment is independent of any exterior drive and adopted a mechanical structure. 自力式液位控制装置是一种完全不依赖外部动力的全机械式装置。 www.dictall.com 5. Conceptual art is only an exterior form; the core of Ai Jing's painting is connected to the soul of a human being. 这表明观念艺术在艾敬的绘画中只是一种表面形式,她的绘画本质上还是与心灵的联系。 www.artgean.com 6. The invention relates to a light magnesium cement heat preservation exterior wall panel and a processing method thereof. 本发明是一种轻质镁水泥保温外墙板及其加工方法。 ip.com 7. One New Jersey man decided to paint the exterior of his house to save money. 新泽西有位仁兄为了省钱,决议本身粉刷房子的外墙。 www.wwzjt.com 8. A concrete heat pipe is produced by wrapping compact concrete around the exterior surface of the heat pipe. 通过在热管的外表面上包覆致密的混凝土,形成混凝土热管。 ip.com 9. For two long months I've stared at the humongous icon's elusive, gridded exterior and wondered what strange secrets wait inside. 漫长的两个月中,我无数次凝视着这个外观呈网状、巨大而令人难以捉摸的建筑标志,希望对里面隐藏的秘密探个究竟。 2008.qq.com 10. In "Bipolar" , I use the conical forms of the Tibetan trumpet that encloses the concept of the Yin-Yang, interior and exterior. 在作品“两极”上,我采用了西藏喇叭的圆锥造型,这种造型从内部和外部去观察,刚好符合了阴阳的概念。 www.futogp.com 1. The fire was not burning their exterior physical bodies but it was inside them. It burned their insides consuming much rubbish inside them. 这些火焰不是烧著他们的身体,乃是烧著他们的内心,烧去里面所有的垃圾,所有的卑情下品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Paint and stain. Exterior paint tends to chip, peal and fade. Look for signs of wear and touch up where needed. 油漆和涂料。房外的油漆容易开裂、脱落和褪色。找找磨损的地方,该修补的要修补。 www.bing.com 3. While we've seen plenty of exterior shots of helicopters in the trailer, this scene is one of the few where you're in the cockpit of one. 我们在视频中已经看到了许多直升机的外表(雾,这一句我看不太懂),这个是你在较少出现的驾驶舱中的情景之一。 tieba.baidu.com 4. The exterior shots of the SUV, CUV, or whatever you want to call it, are more of the same. 外观杆的越野车,CUV,或任何您想将它命名,更多的是相同的。 usa.315che.com 5. Use an exterior resistor to be able to control the average electric current of LED easily only. 只用一颗外部电阻就能简单节制LED的平均电流。 testoo.cn 6. This diagram shows how the light reaches into the home from the exterior windows as well as the light wells. 这张图表显示出光线如何通过外窗和采光井进入室内。 www.bing.com 7. Or it was said that it is the exterior of the private parts; or the private part itself, whether of a man or a woman. 或者说它就是私处的最外部,就是阴部它自己,无论男女。 www.bing.com 8. Why should such a promising being as this have hidden his prepossessing exterior by adopting that singular occupation? 为什么象他这么一个有出息的人,却会把这么一副好看的外表,埋没在这么一种奇怪的职业里呢? chinafanyi.com 9. At the bottom of the exterior entry stair. Exterior entry door is to the right. 户外入口处的楼梯底部,向右是进户门。 www.bing.com 10. Fraught with emotional turmoil and shattering hallucinations, they're unable to differentiate their interior trauma from the exterior world. 充满了情感上的骚动与支离破碎的幻觉,他们无法将自身内在的创伤与外界世界区分开来。 dongxi.net 1. Besides the styling changes to the exterior, there will almost certainly be some updates to the interior and a number of mechanical changes. 除了造型变化外,将几乎肯定会有些更新的内饰和一些机械的变化。 usa.315che.com 2. But they lied to me. Their music led me to believe all boys were romantic and sensitive underneath that masculine exterior. They aren't. 但是他们欺骗了我。他们的音乐让我相信所有的男孩是浪漫的、理智的,在他们外在的雄壮之下。他们不是! scott87.blog.hexun.com 3. Though the restored exterior of these buildings holds the look and feel of the 19th century, the inside of the museum is quite different. 虽然经过修复的大楼依然保留着19世纪的外观和风格,但其内部却截然不同。 www.joyen.net 4. But cross me and you'll discover that under this playful boyish exterior beats the heart of a ruthless sadistic maniac. 但是跟我对着干,你们会发现这个顽皮孩子气的外表下,跳着一颗无情虐待狂疯子的心。 baike.soso.com 5. But underneath his controlled exterior lurks a passionate and romantic soul that has been quashed during his years of unblemished service. 过去他克制的外表下潜伏的那个充满激情和浪漫的灵魂,在年复一年尽善尽美的服务中被逐渐埋没。 www.bing.com 6. To be responsible for the contact of the local tax administration, public finance etc the related exterior organization. 负责当地税务、财政、外管局及相关外部机构的联系。 www.showxiu.com 7. The terrace design uses a similar-looking cement surface, transforming living space and exterior into a unified whole. 露台的设计为配合住宅的外部环境同样采用灰色的材料,使得生活空间与户外环境形成统一的整体。 www.dooland.com 8. as an exterior strategy , merger is the preference to most of the enterprises . of course , it is by no means good for anything. 兼并作为企业的一种外部型战略,是企业对外扩张最常用的手段之一,深得企业经营者的喜爱。 www.ichacha.net 9. Skin care products are always more then cosmetics, it would be better to adjust then exterior protection. 桌上的护肤品永远比化妆品多,贵,好,对于女人来说外养不如内调。 。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Comparing the church exterior is plain, facing a pair of towers, decorated with soft curves, rich in kindness. 教堂外观比较平淡,正面有一对塔楼,装饰有柔和的曲线,富有亲切感。 wenda.tianya.cn 1. Engineers will conduct a block by block inspection of the monument's exterior over the next five days. 未来五天,工程人员将逐一认真检查纪念塔的外部。 bbs.tingroom.com 2. The upper half the exterior is powered by solar panels and a collector of rainwater is used for recycling water. 馆外层上半部以太阳能板作为能源提供,在内部有一个雨水收集器,用作水的循环再使用。 fanyida.com 3. The exterior wall of the building was make of stone; the interior walls were made of bricks. 这座楼的外墙是石头垒的,而内墙是砖砌的。 www.bridging.com.cn 4. Institutional investors governance consists of interior governance and exterior governance, interior governance as the main. 机构投资者治理包括内部治理和外部治理,应该以内部治理为主。 www.fabiao.net 5. One of Mr Kittel's current projects is a custom-built Victorian-style farmhouse with a green exterior. 基特尔正在进行的工程之一是仿维多利亚风格的农舍,农舍外表是绿色的。 www.showxiu.com 6. Despite its unassuming exterior, the long lines of young men waiting for entry on most weekend nights are a giveaway. 尽管外表毫不起眼,周末夜里,年轻男子组成长长的、排队等待进入的人龙却泄漏了秘密。 www.stnn.cc 7. Exterior event-oriented collective action is one of the most frequent occurrence forms of the collective action. 外生性集体行动是集体行动中最为常见的一种形式。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The power plant outward provides the steam that hot equipments and system result in and condenses aqueous loss to be called exterior loss. 发电厂对外供热设备和系统造成的蒸汽和凝结水的损失称为外部损失。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Inside of the firewall the only permit destination for traffic from the interior or exterior route is the bastion host. 在防火墙内部,对于来自内外部路由器的通信量来说,唯一允许到达的目的地是bastion主机。 www.godict.com 10. Alternatively, the compositions can be used to form skin coatings on exterior portions of a honeycomb body. 或者,该组合物可用来在蜂窝体的外部形成外皮涂层。 ip.com 1. By means of analyzing the interior and exterior environment of tourism development, we adopts SWOT strategy analysis method. 用SWOT战略分析方法对永州旅游业发展的内、外部环境进行分析。 www.fabiao.net 2. The system can be opened to use and exterior unit and interior unit are opened simultaneously, which saves energy. 系统即开即用,室外机与室内机对应开启,充分节省能耗。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Metallic accents on the door panels and steering wheel spokes are another link to the exterior design. 车门面板和方向盘轮辐的金属色与其它外饰相映成辉。 tr.bab.la 4. The work Chang does on both the exterior and interior of the vans is impressive, whether you've asked for a cutesy, oceanic, or retro style. 张明洁在车外观和内部的改造都令人印象深刻,不论你要求的是可爱风、海洋风或是复古风。 word.hcbus.com 5. A woman with exquisite sensitivity, unique and genuine, who projects her self- assuredness and inner light to the exterior. 这个女人聪慧,精致,敏感,自信且内心充满阳光。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The purpose of the research would be used in test, design and construction of the exterior reinforced concrete frame joint. 为以后现浇钢筋混凝土框架外节点抗剪承载力的试验、设计和施工提供基本依据。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Digital means have taken the place of paper, and fill up the exterior and interior side of humans through exponential calculation. 数码替代纸媒,运算由一级而二级而三级,填充着人类的内在和外在。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Outside it was fully dark, the only exterior lights came from occasional passing vehicles. 外面漆黑的,只有过路的车辆偶尔照进亮来。 dict.veduchina.com 9. The HS 250h is, in essence, a Lexus version of the Toyota Prius, but with a more sedate exterior design. HS250h本质上相当于雷克萨斯版的丰田普锐斯(Prius),但外观设计更显稳重。 www.bing.com 10. Although the building is old-fashioned in its construction, the tapering tower is modern in its lack of exterior ornamentation. 虽然大厦是古板的在它的建筑,逐渐变细的塔是现代的在它的缺乏外部装饰。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. The main room of the congress centre tries to recreate the sensations of an exterior space but whit the comfort of an interior space. 议会中心的门厅被设计成外部空间的感觉,不过为其作为室内空间而保留了一点舒适性。 archicn.spaces.live.com 2. The exterior is fitted with vertically-running LED daytime running lights, a stainless steel mesh grille and a redesigned front apron. 外观装有垂直方向运行的LED日间运行灯,不锈钢网重新设计的格栅和前停机坪。 usa.315che.com 3. Difference analysis was used to remove the transition line between the exterior circle and the inner circle. 差分分析用于去除阴线和阳线之间的过渡线。 cjig.cn 4. Her exterior appearance doesn't entitle her to special treatment. 她的外表她无权作特殊处理。 paoxue.com 5. It transmits the motive machine mechanical energy or other exterior energies gives the liquid, causes the liquid energy increase. 它将原动机的机械能或其他外部能量传送给液体,使液体能量增加。 blog.hnce.com.cn 6. Another system in reinforced concrete for office buildings combines the traditional shear wall construction with an exterior framed tube. 办公大楼中用钢筋混凝土的另一种系统是把传统的剪力墙结构和一个外部的框筒结合起来。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. However, it should be affirmed that the criminal mind can be estimated from exterior conduct without simplifying it. 同时,必须坚持行为人主观心理是可以通过外在化的客观方面认识的,但不能简单化。 epub.cnki.net 8. The exterior facade of aluminium screens depicting frangipani leaves provides a breezeway and shade at the rear of the building. 建筑后的铝网外立面带有鸡蛋花叶子的图案,既通风又阴凉。 c.wsj.com 9. At night, the inside lights up and a soft glow transmits through the rods to the exterior. 晚上,内部灯光和柔和的辉光通过烯酸棒传输到外表面。 www.docin.com 10. Thus, the building's exterior is affixed with bronze-colored screens inspired by the color of the city's golden temples. 于是,受曼谷这些金碧辉煌的寺庙的启发,他们给酒店的外设计了一层青铜色幕。 www.qeto.com 1. In the steel structure factory, the exterior wall uses inlay plywood and its roof is made of colored aluminum and zinc steel plates. 而在钢构厂房方面,外墙面采用三明治嵌板,屋顶则以彩色铝锌钢板构成。 www.teco.com.tw 2. Each collet includes a conical exterior and a lengthwise collet gap, and each collet receptacle includes a conical interior. 每个夹头包括一个锥形夹头外观和纵向的差距,包括每一个圆锥形套筒插座内部。 www.1168818.cn 3. The exterior noise of a truck was analyzed and predicted with the nearfield acoustic holography and the space transformation of sound field. 以某载货汽车为研究对象,利用近场声全息和声场空间变换方法对其车外噪声进行了分析预测。 word.hcbus.com 4. To clean the exterior , use a soft cloth slightly moistened in water . Do not use alcohol , benzine or thinner . 清洁外壳时使用稍蘸水的软布。不要使用酒精、汽油或稀释剂。 www.bing.com 5. The exterior is faced with horizontal, open-jointed cedar batten cladding, which further emphasises the geometry of the building. 外立面雪松板覆层,更加强调了建筑的几何造型。 project.zhulong.com 6. The texture of the exterior Citadel walls is meant to be visually reminiscent of the Death Star surface when seen from afar. “堡垒”外墙的质地有意被设计成从远处看时,在视觉让让人想起死星的表面。 starwarsfans.cn 7. In the end, it gives some productive advice to the prevention of the exterior fire during coal mining and a successful ignition to UCG. 在此基础上,提出了预防煤矿外因火灾及煤炭地下气化点火过程中再生火源产生的一些可行性措施。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Cool-gray markers also seem to represent exterior windows more believably. 冷灰色标志似乎也更信是代表外窗。 www.biwen.org 9. As an intermediate paint in alkyd paint systems on interior and exterior steelwork, wood, plaster, etc. In moderately corrosive environment. 作为醇酸漆系列的二度漆,涂布于中等腐蚀性环境下的钢板,木材及灰泥等材料的内、外表面。 www.mcbcoating.com 10. But in terms of physical distribution itself, it has a negative exterior-ness. 但就物流活动本身而言,它具有负的外部性。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Practical besides, exterior adornment style also is one of issues that stylist should consider. 实用性之外,外观装饰风格也是设计师要考虑的问题之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In the noisiest areas mechanical ventilation will have to be installed in the exterior walls. 在噪音最大的地区,通风机械要安在外墙, bbs.24en.com 3. A numerical method for an anisotropic problem in an exterior elliptic domain is presented in this paper. 给出了椭圆外区域上各向异性问题的一种数值解法。 www.dictall.com 4. The main products are fuel evaporative emission control systems(canister assembly ), exterior decoration and interior decoration parts . 汽车燃油蒸发控制系统(碳罐总成)、外饰件和内饰件。 lfjob.inhe.net 5. The Liuting Pavilion looks like an abstract ship hull in exterior shape, and lotus fills the entire pond. 留听阁在外观上看起来像一个抽象的船体,其池塘中荷花满溢。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Interior & Exterior Materials wood, Stone, paint, tiles, wallpapers, plastic, materials, other interior & exterior finishing materials. 内部和外部材料木材,石材,油漆涂料,瓷砖,墙纸,塑料,材料,化学建材,其他内部和外部休整材料。 www.cnrmc.com 7. The exterior framework of The Sound and the Fury is polyphonic, so is the internal sensibility of it. 《喧哗与骚动》不但外部结构是复调的,而且内在情感也是复调的。 www.dictall.com 8. The body and the material world are naturally open to exchange. Body becomes media linking the interior ego and the exterior world. 躯体和物质世界具有天然的开放性的交换关系,躯体成为内在自我与外在世界沟通的中介。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. In many hot countries, telecoms firms paint the exterior of base-stations white to deflect the sun. 在许多炎热的国家,电信公司将基站漆成白色以减少日光的影响。 www.ecocn.org 10. The exterior of the building is maintenance-free, too, thanks to its texturized surface. 外观的建设是免维护,也由于其纹理表面。 rbzwyj.a1pak.com 1. To be specific, the exterior plug-in can magically convert customer's target objective to target particle promptly and reliably. 此插件的具体目标是:迅速而可靠地实现用户目标物体与目标粒子之间的特殊幻化成形。 www.boshuo.net 2. During the year, the work focus moved from the exterior to the interior of the building. 年内,施工重点已由外围转移至大楼内部。 www.hotdic.com 3. You are supposed to get a clear picture of your inner development by perceiving the exterior environment. 你们应通过感知外在环境来获得一个你们内在发展的清晰画面。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Traditional European carved stone corner waterfalls can be added to patios that adjoin exterior walls, adding visual variety to plain walls. 传统的欧洲石刻角落瀑布可以添加到毗邻院子的外墙,增加品种为纯视觉墙壁。 www.hnylw.com.cn 5. EXTERIOR CLOSING APPARATUS FOR BUILDINGS. DEFINITIONS. CLASSIFICATION. DESIGNATION. 建筑物外部闭锁装置.定义.分类.名称 www.mapeng.net 6. The large axial fan with exterior drive motor draws the air out of the space. 外部电机驱动的大型轴流风扇排出试验箱内的空气。 www.hairui17.com 7. With the exception of the gallbladder, they have no exterior-interior relationships. 除了胆,其他的都没有表里关系。 www.jukuu.com 8. Its shiny exterior renders it an alien creature, and yet at the same time, reflects the surrounding wood, brick, and greenery. 它光泽的外观让它看起来像外星生物,可是同时它又反射出周围树木、砖瓦和草坪的光影。 www.bing.com 9. Material and colour of lining shall be same as that of the jacket exterior. 材料和衬里的颜色应相同的夹克,外貌。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Any exterior finish like brick or wood can be added, but Galvin says most clients want to highlight the fact that they're going green. 集装箱外体还可以加上砖头或木板,不过加尔文称大多数客户都希望凸显自己重视绿色环保这一事实。 www.fortunechina.com 1. A device (501) comprising a component (501) and an adhesive (506) attached to at least one exterior portion of the component. 一种设备(501)包括:组件(501);和附贴到该组件的至少一个外部部分的粘合剂(506)。 ip.com 2. In China, XPS plate is usually used in exterior wall external insulation system because of its closed honeycomb structure. 挤塑聚苯板具有密闭蜂窝结构,在国内常应用于外墙外保温。 www.shigongjishu.cn 3. The implications of research findings may help the importer and retailer to draw up the exterior package and price strategy. 研究结果意涵可提供进口商与零售业者研拟商品包装与定价策略。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the thermometer display and exterior. Do not use abrasive cleaners. 应以柔软乾爽的抹布清洁耳温计的显示器及外部,切勿使用带磨蚀性的清洁剂。 www.info.gov.hk 5. EXTERIOR BUILDING PAINTS. CONVENTIONAL DETERMINATION OF THE WATER PERMEABILITY OF MICROPOROUS CLADDING PAINTS. 建筑物外部涂料.饰面用微孔涂料水渗透性的常规测定 www.mapeng.net 6. Cues appear on the exterior as well as the interior, including the steering wheel design and elongated numbers on the gauges. 这些线索出现在车的外形上,也出现在车的内观上,包括方向盘的设计与仪表板上拉长的数字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. From the exterior , many of the mobile homes showed some dents in walls or roofs and a certain amount of distortion . 从外部来看,许多活动住房的墙壁或房顶有凹痕和相当程度的扭曲。 www.bing.com 8. As a matter of fact, in this period the national consciousness of Han has been variated by the change of interior and exterior environment. 当然,汉民族意识也在这一时期随着民族内外部环境的变化发生了变迁。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Besides, a layer of water-soluble material protection layer also can be adhered on the exterior of the described bentonite granules layer. 此外,还可在所述膨润土颗粒层外再粘附一层水溶性材料保护层。 ip.com 10. They will be used for the fully automated base and clear coat application of the interior and exterior of car bodies. 它们将被用于完全自动化的工厂和车身内部和外部透明涂层的应用。 blog.gkong.com 1. For missile flight test, telemetering data and exterior ballistic measuring data are the basis of precision and reliability analysis. 在导弹飞行试验中,遥外测数据是进行精度和可靠性分析的依据。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. As a finishing coat in MCB chlorinated rubber paint series on interior and exterior steel in moderately to severely corrosive environment . 涂布于中等至严重腐蚀性环境中的钢板内、外表面,作为名盾牌氯化橡胶漆系列的配套面漆。 www.bing.com 3. The loft maximizes natural light provided by an exterior light court. 阁楼最大化的自然光由一个外部光线法院提供的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The plans retain the building's exterior facade as well as its original doors, hallways and interior features. 该改建计划将会保留原有建筑的外立面,原有的大门,走廊和室内原有的特色。 dongxi.net 5. Convex: Having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere. 凸起的:具有向外弯曲或凸出的表面或边界的,如球体的外表面。 chinafanyi.com 6. On the exterior is a goofy yellow smiley face grinning back at you, encouraging you to "Have A Nice Day! " 袋子的外面印了一个傻乎乎的黄色笑脸,咧嘴朝着你笑,旁边还写着祝你“天天好心情!”。 www.bing.com 7. The pharmaceutical composition of the invention has good effects of expelling wind, relieving the exterior, clearing heat and detoxifying. 本发明药物组合物具备很好具有疏风解表,清热解毒作用。 ip.com 8. Again business layer breakdown divided into exterior layer services, the main business services, library services and database layer. 又把业务层再细分,分为外观服务层,主业务服务,及数据库库服务层。 nulung.com 9. As the exterior structure, Glass curtain wall structure is widely used in buildings in nowadays. 玻璃幕墙作为建筑外墙结构,在现今建筑中应用较为广泛。 www.fabiao.net 10. The core concept of seven sections creates a continuity of exterior and interior spaces that correspond to each other. 这七种不同部位相互连接,核心概念是创建一种室内外空间的连续性,使得每个部分都相互满足。 photo.zhulong.com 1. "Your elder sister. " The exterior of mother, in the Mou but flash along one silk is to the abhorrence of this appoint. “你们的姐姐。”慈母的样子,眸中却闪过一丝对这个名称的厌恶。 www.fenyouwang.com 2. At this part, from the company exterior and company inner two parts carried on analysis and summary. 在启示部分,从企业外部与企业内部两个方面进行了分析与总结。 www.fabiao.net 3. This thesis focuses on the study of the interface between exterior spatial substantiality of mountainous city and its space. 本文抓住山地城市外部空间实体与空间的交接面——界面进行研究。 www.fabiao.net 4. equipment exterior do beautiful, delicate, convenient maintenance, upkeep, provide convenience for emergency. 设备外型做到美观、精细、方便维修、保养,为应急提供方便。 www.mdd99.com 5. When I commented that the patterned exterior resembled bubbles, she disagreed: "Those are too big to be bubbles. " 当我说其外面的造型组成了一组泡泡,曹不同意,“太大了不象是泡泡”。 www.bing.com 6. The exterior of the clockmaker's home was trim and tended and perfectly inconspicuous in its working-class neighborhood. 钟表匠家的外面很齐整,这在这片工薪阶层住宅区里一点儿也不显眼。 www.bing.com 7. This paper could be used for roofing, on exterior or interior walls or even as flooring. 本文可用于屋面,在外部或内部的墙壁或地板均匀。 corrugatedroofing.info 8. From these and other spy pictures it appears the Cross will strongly resemble the MINI Crossover Concept in terms of exterior design. 从这些图片和其他间谍似乎将在十字架强烈类似于迷你交叉概念方面的外观设计。 usa.315che.com 9. Since reforming and opening, the foreign trader invests directly (FDI) becomes the main channel that gets exterior resource without stannum. 改革开放以来,外商直接投资(FDI)成为无锡获取外部资源的主要渠道。 www.showxiu.com 10. But when conflicts with the exterior power, the literature field again always be placed in to be ruled position. 但在与外部权力场的关系中,文学场又总是处于被统治地位。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The feasibility about lowering the interior and exterior temperatures of the double base propellant combustion chamber is discussed. 对降低双基推进剂燃烧室内外温度进行了可行性探讨,同时对装置中存在的问题进行了分析和改进。 www.chemyq.com 2. Capable of working independently on interior and exterior garden and green project's budget and final accounts. 具有独立进行室内外园林绿化工程预算、结算能力; www.114news.com 3. This is a building made of tough materials on its exterior, but gives way to a more refined and enriched interior. 这个大楼的外立面是由坚硬的材料做成,但是室内则呈现出非常平静丰富的感觉。 project.zhulong.com 4. Plastering Mortar: thermal insulation plastering mortar, interior & exterior wall coating mortar, color decoration mortar, etc. 抹灰砂浆:保温隔热抹灰,内外墙打底抹灰,彩色装饰砂浆等; znsite2.myce.net.cn 5. The reinforcing structure is bonded to the exterior of the bladder, and may be recessed into the bladder. 该加固结构粘接到该囊的外部,并可以凹进入该囊。 ip.com 6. Human's name is may by exterior factor decision, his conduct is actually, the outside strength which itself has cannot impose in him. 人的名字是可以由外部因素决定的,他的品行却是本身所具有的,外界力量不能强加于他。 www.bing.com 7. The exterior materials consist of a light-weight limestone panel system with aluminum windows and doors. 室外建筑材料使用了轻质的石灰岩板和铝制门窗。 www.archgo.com 8. A worker moves along the edge of a tower to clean its exterior in Beijing on Wednesday. 周三,北京,一位工人在清洁大厦楼顶。 www.bing.com 9. Through 5 years, cabaret the exterior feature of the building is old and old already, the wall shed skin. 经过5年时间,酒店建筑的外部面貌已经老旧,墙壁脱皮。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 10. Changes have taken place throughout the vehicle, with enhancements to the exterior, cabin and powertrain lineup all included in the update. 的变化,在整个车辆,并增强了外观,动力舱和阵容都列入更新。 usa.315che.com 1. Smoking also no longer will be allowed at some exterior locations where smoke could waft into open doorways, a violation of the ban. 同时,根据禁烟令,禁止在一些烟雾可能会飘进室内的户外区域吸烟。 news.dxy.cn 2. Nameplates shall be supplied for the exterior and interior of panels and shall indicate the instrument tag number and service. 室外或室内用的盘应配备铭牌,并且应指明仪表位号和用途。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For years he was a "hot reactor" . On the exterior, he was cool, calm and collected, but on the interior, stress was killing him. 多年来,他一直是一个“热核反应堆式的人”。他那时表面上显得冷静,成稳和泰然自若,但内心深处的压力正摧毁着他的生命。 www.haishi0301.com 4. Wheat straw is used for its exterior walls, and various halls are joined up through the blue non-light tight ETFE membrane. 展馆以天然麦秸板为外墙建筑材料,各厅之间通过顶部的蓝色透光ETFE膜连成一体。 robertnxd.blog.163.com 5. Its exterior semantics can be expressed general explanations, conclusions or results of evaluation, sum up. 其外部语义一般可以表示解释说明、结论性或结果性评价、总括。 www.fabiao.net 6. To this end we consider an elastodynamic state in an exterior region R with a boundary B. 为此目的,我们考虑以B为边界的一个外域r中的一个弹性动力学状态。 www.jukuu.com 7. Finally, the small stepped exterior was encased in a layer of finely finished limestone, creating a true smooth side of pyramid. 最后,在每一层阶梯里嵌入磨光的石灰石,这样使得金字塔的表面光滑。 www.eoezone.com 8. Exterior paint tends to chip, peal and fade. 房外的油漆容易开裂、脱落和褪色。 www.bing.com 9. The latest model of this car, whose exterior dimensions remain unchanged, gives much more passenger room. 最新型的这种小汽车,外部尺寸没有变化,但乘坐空间却大多了。 edu.21cn.com 10. Are the resist lamination and exposure areas in the cleanroom utilizing yellow lighting and do all exterior windows have UV blocking film? 无尘室的压膜与曝光区是否用的是黄灯并且所有的外部窗户使用的是UV膜? www.anzhi.net 1. Materially the exterior of the houses are clad in dark stained wood plank, transitioning to white on its interior surfaces. 材料上讲,住宅室外覆盖黑色的木质板面,室内则是白色的表面。 www.julemei.com 2. Perhaps the exterior concrete panels removed in the renovation could be reused as salmon habitat in a nearby river. 或许翻新时移除的外围混凝土面板可以被再利用,作为附近河里鲑鱼的栖息地。 www.bing.com 3. Moral Hazard of CPA is one kind of dissimilated behavior, and exterior system arrangement is "the chief criminal" which causes it. 注册会计师道德风险是一种行为异化,从一定意义上说,外部制度安排是行为异化的“罪魁祸首”; www.fabiao.net 4. The person of exterior adamancy, heart and certain adamancy? The person with flimsy surface, is the heart certain and flimsy ? 表面坚强的人,内心及一定坚强吗?表面脆弱的人,内心就一定脆弱吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Completed the interior columns, exterior columns and construction reinforcement calculation based mapping. 完成了内柱、外柱的基础配筋计算及施工图绘制。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. As a rough rind sometimes covers the sweetest fruit, so a rough exterior often conceals a kindly and hearty nature. ----Samuel Smiles. 如同粗糙的果皮可以包裹最甜蜜的水果一样,丑陋的外表往往掩盖着善良和诚挚的本性。---塞缪尔。斯迈尔斯。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. An artificial boundary numerical method for the exterior problems of the hyperbolic equation is considered. 研究了数值求解双曲方程外问题的人工边界方法。 www.dictall.com 8. Differences of exterior environment influence the quantity and availability of opportunity of farmer entrepreneurship. 外部环境的优劣影响农民创业机会的多少和农民对创业的获得及把握。 www.fabiao.net 9. For the New York scene, the few hundred extras used each had three different costumes that they would wear for different exterior scenes. 在纽约的戏中,几百名群众演员,每人都有三套戏服,在不同的外景中扮演不同的角色。 www.bing.com 10. and a fluid absorption material attached to the exterior of the shell. 和附于所述外壳外部的流体吸收材料。 ip.com 1. Every house built nearest to the airport requires the exterior walls to be double-brick to reduce noise. 建造在机场附近的住房都要求采用双层砖的外墙来降低噪音。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The PF resins could be used for exterior grade plywood and particle board. 该胶适用于制造室外级胶合板、刨花板、中纤板。 www.chemyq.com 3. Clarissa thinks this looks awful and that it's dangerous to have a gas flame right next to an exterior door. 克拉丽莎觉得这太难看了,而且外门旁边就是灶火也很危险。 www.bing.com 4. Syncretizing of them can be found in increasing exterior and interior contacts in industrial clusters . 二者之间的融合则体现在产业群不断增强的外部联系与内部联系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Thirdly, exterior trajectory models of electromagnetic railgun are simulated and characters of exterior trajectory are analyzed. 然后,进行电磁轨道炮外弹道仿真试验和外弹道特性分析。 www.boshuo.net 6. New additions, exterior alterations or related new construction shall not destroy the historical materials that characterize the property. 新的填加部分,外部局部变更,或者新建筑构件不应当损害代表其遗产特点的历史建筑材料特征。 login.sina.com.cn 7. Leaves usually alternate, lateral veins conspicuous; inflorescences much branched; calyx exterior deep brown- purple to almost black. 叶通常交替,侧脉明显;花序多分枝;花萼外表深对几乎黑色棕色紫色。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Brief rectangular masonry units are used to build up interior and exterior spaces in diverse styles and rendering people different feelings. 利用简洁的长方形体块围合勾勒出风情、意境异样的室内外空间。 www.david-architect.com 9. It also covers the exterior walls of government buildings and compounds all over China. 但在中国,政府建筑和机关大院的外墙也会使用这种绿色。 news.99ys.com 10. The sober and elegant colors of the building exterior facade will remain fresh even after several years. 稳重、典雅的建筑外立面色彩,即使若干年后看起来依然历久弥新。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. To make matters worse, exterior slats give the illusion that the building is actually falling apart. 外板条带来的错觉使整个建筑好像真实的分裂一样变得更加恶心。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. Therefore, these unique geological heritages and scenic spots were formed by the important inner and exterior geologic process. 这一得天独厚的地球内外营力作用,造就了年保玉则景区独特的地质遗迹和景观分区。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Chinese assume responsibility by evading and making excuse in exterior behaviour and by melancholy consciousness in interior behaviour. 逃避、推诿是中国人责任承担的外在表现;忧患意识则是其内在体现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Return to trueness means getting rid of exterior trimming and returning to reality of a thing. 返璞归真是指去掉事物的外饰,还其原始的淳朴本真状态。 lib.cqvip.com 5. There are obvious differences in plant exterior performance and internal physiological activities between the two varieties. 在植株外部表现和内部生理活性上,两绿豆品种表现出明显差异。 www.fabiao.net 6. Within a corporation, the relationship is simplified both in the interior and exterior of the law firm. 在一个公司内部的关系比合伙制的律师所要简单。 www.24en.com 7. EXTERIOR BUILDING PAINTS. DETERMINATION OF THE ALKALI RESISTANCE OF MICROPOROUS CLADDING PAINTS. 建筑物涂料.饰面用微孔涂料碱基含量测定 www.mapeng.net 8. Research pays off. The most appealing and seductive (that word again) exterior can hide the most danger and chance of loss. 研究表明,最诱人(又用到这个词了)的表象下往往潜藏着最深重的危机和最惨痛的损失。 www.bing.com 9. Induced by exterior electric field, semiconductor microcrystal doped glasses show better optic properties than glasses and crystals. 在外部电场诱导下,半导体微晶掺杂玻璃具有与玻璃和晶体所不同的优良的光学性能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Facing splitting was the ma in problem in exterior insulation for external walls with EPS . 外墙EPS外保温墙体,其质量问题多为面层开裂。 www.showxiu.com 1. But even these images paint only a basic exterior portrait of how molecular electronics might change our world. 但即使这样的想像也只能肤浅地描绘分子电脑对世界可能产生的影响。 www.fzfanyi.com 2. Secondly, it analysises the exterior mode trinity and interior mode mutual interaction in and the dialectical relations and organic unity. 然后,分析了网络时代IT企业人才激励三位一体的外在模式与双向互动的内在模式,及其辨证关系、有机统一; www.lw23.com 3. Feiteng file is too large is illegal operation " " exterior- one of the main reasons why. 飞腾文件过不小是导致“不法操纵”本体爆发的次给来因之一。 www.bing.com 4. The two colours on the exterior cladding, red and beige are borrowed from the original colours of those wall paintings. 外墙覆盖层的两种颜色——红色和米黄色源自那些壁画的原色。 www.ebigear.com 5. At present, how to gain data from computer exterior memory fast is always a problem in computer hardware development. 目前,从计算机外部存储器当中快速获取数据一直是计算机硬件开发当中的一个问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The exertion of incentive mechanism can bring effectual exterior stimulation and mobilize hominine sensibility and enthusiasm. 激励机制的运用往往会产生有效的外部刺激,从而调动人的情感和积极性。 www.fabiao.net 7. The all characters of your present works are exterior outline of big persons, but you change their faces. 您现在的作品怎么都是伟人的外部轮廓,而脸部做了不同的变体? muqun.blog.artron.net 8. Other devices fitted are a spill-resistant water bowl, an extendable cargo area load-in ramp and "Dog Friendly" exterior emblems. 其他设备安装有防泼溅水的碗,一个可扩展的货物区负载在坡道和“宠物友善”外部标志。 usa.315che.com 9. At present yet guide three years, afresh bring up, the exterior is remove, imitate like yesterday. 如今已过三年,再提起,画面清晰,仿如昨日。 cnxp.tk 10. has a groove (13) open toward the exterior of the door, the ledge (8) engaging with said groove. 2’)具有向着门的外部敞开的凹槽(13),所述凸缘(8)接合在所述凹槽(13)中。 ip.com 1. A second method is to furnish the surfaces with hinges and to use an exterior sector with drilled holes for each angle setting. 第二种方法是在翼面上装置铰链,用一个对不同安装角钻有不同孔的外部扇形件与之配合。 www.jukuu.com 2. I am a woman sensitive to emotions, I am warm, kind-hearted, quiet exterior with a fiery heart, I love home, but will also love my husband. 我是一个感情细腻的女人,我热情,心地善良,文静的外表下有着一颗火热的心,我爱家,更会爱我的丈夫。 to.webcamlivefreex.com 3. Industrial Light & Magic's innovations in creating computer-generated water allowed the exterior shots of Kamino to become a reality. 工业光魔在计算机生成水面图象方面的创新使卡米诺的外景拍摄成为现实。 www.starwarschina.com 4. Antiozonant is an ingredient that helps to prevent the exterior rubber surface from cracking, checking, oxidizing, and deteriorating. 它是一种可以防止外部的橡胶表面破裂、氧化甚至更加恶化的一种材料。 www.biodic.cn 5. The Management Committee represents the Association for exterior matters. For legal and financial matters, two signatures are required. 管理委员会可代表协会处理对外事务。法律和财务文件需有两人同时署名。 www.tc104.com 6. Other parts of the Hood's exterior are more prepossessing. 小屋外观的其他部分更赏心悦目。 www.52mb.info 7. The large-scale commercial building's exterior public space is a transition which is between the urban public space and the building space. 大型商业建筑外部公共空间是城市公共空间与建筑空间之间的过渡空间。 www.zidir.com 8. Lastly, the exterior orientation parameters are refined by bundle adjustment using the corner points of corner features as control points. 最后,将角特征的角点当作控制点,利用传统的摄影测量光束法区域网平差解求影像新的外方位元素。 jors.cn 9. The simulation results showed that the temperature difference between plate's interior and exterior increases with cool-down rate. 模拟结果表明:中厚板内外温差随着冷却速度的增加而加大; www.ceps.com.tw 10. The exterior underground-coal-fire (UCF) is largely similar to the ignition of the underground coal gasification (UCG). 煤矿外因火灾发生与煤炭地下气化点火过程具有很大的相似性,两者皆会发生再生火源现象。 www.ceps.com.tw |
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