单词 | extended family |
释义 | extended families是extended family的复数
复数:extended families 例句释义: 大家庭,家族,大家族 1. She was an AIDS orphan being handed across different extended families to be cared for. 她是一名艾滋孤儿,寄人篱下,从亲戚家传到另亲戚家。 www.ttxyy.com 2. With extended families, distant relatives may not know one another. 在大家庭里,远亲未必互相认识。 paper.wenweipo.com 3. Suddenly three or four extended families were often packed into a courtyard house that had once been occupied by a single family. 原来只住一户人的房子,现在却突然挤进了三四户人家。 www.bing.com 4. In industrial societies today, the members of most nuclear families live together, but most extended families do not live together. 在今天的工业社会里,大多数核心家庭的成员生活在一起,但是大多数大家庭的成员不住在一起。 www.ebigear.com 5. Egyptians prepared for the first day of fasting, gathering extended families to break fast traditionally on Thursday with dates and milk. 埃及人依照传统,聚集各家一起用椰枣和牛奶为周四的第一天封斋及开斋做准备。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. All things being equal, Chinese managers would prefer to work close to their immediate and extended families. 事情的原理都是相似的,中国的管理人员工作时更偏好于靠近他们的直系亲属和大家庭。 www.bing.com 7. These cultures reinforce extended families and collectives where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group. 这些文化强调家庭式的观念和情感依赖以及成员对于组织中其他成员的责任感。 www.360doc.com 8. More often, Afghan widows are shrouded from view, ordered by male relatives in extended families to stay at home. 更为普遍的是,阿富汗寡妇们被从视线中遮盖起来,其本家男性亲戚令其停在家中。 www.bing.com 9. The Cook Islands community is intricately woven often with large extended families living in a single house, or collection of houses. 库克岛社区交织分布着很多居住在一所大房子的大家庭。 www.ebigear.com 10. but most extended families do not live together. 而大部分扩大的家庭成员却分散而住 www.tingclass.net 1. More broadly, technology increases the role of extended families, migrants and diasporas in dealing with disaster. 更宽泛而言,技术增强了大家庭、移民和散居者(diasporas)在灾害应变中的角色。 www.ecocn.org 2. Almost always, urban migrants are providing financial support to extended families back home that depend on their income. 农民工不是危机的唯一受害者,他们在乡下的大家庭都得依靠他们在城里的收入。 www.bing.com 3. Friction between foreign brides and their extended families is common, particularly if they don't speak a common language. 外埠新娘与她们嫁入的大家庭之间发生矛盾是非常普遍的事情,尤其是当他们语言不通的时候。 www.bing.com 4. "I would imagine that many of these mortuary caves are for large extended families, " Aldenderfer said. “我能想象这些许多安葬洞穴都是那些大型的几世同堂的大家庭的。”Aldenderfer说。 www.bing.com 5. In extended families, older member's opinion was respected, and the youngest members are loved and taken good cane of by all. 中国家庭一向尊老爱幼。在大家庭里,老一辈人的意见受到尊重,小一辈的人得到全家的爱护。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Strong bonds among extended families, neighbourly solidarity and the Muslim tradition of charity support many of the needy. 大家庭内部之间强健的联系,邻里之间团结和睦,穆斯林传统的施舍帮助了很多需要帮助的人。 www.ecocn.org 7. So even prior to the Internet's widespread popularity, folks were already becoming distanced from their extended families and neighbors. 所以,甚至在因特网普及之前,人们就已经开始远离他们的大家庭和邻居了。 www.hotdic.com 8. Generally several extended families live in such a compound. 通常全家人生活在一个大院里。 etc.bjut.edu.cn 9. More than 90 percent of our non-teaching staff are all parents and extended families. 我们的非教学的职工中,超过90%是父母亲和大家庭中的成员。 www.ted.com 10. We also visited your brothers and sister, our aunts and uncles and their extended families. They are also doing well! 我们也看望了你的兄弟姐妹——我们的姑妈和叔叔伯伯,以及他们的子孙,他们日子都过得很好! dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Laid-off factory workers tend to return to the countryside and rely on their extended families. 被解雇的工厂员工往往选择返回农村老家,依赖大家庭维持生计。 www.ecocn.org 2. In both nuclear and extended families, the culture imposes set roles upon parents. 在“核心式”和“外延式”的家庭中,这种文化决定了父母的角色。 www.ok06.com 3. There are basically two kinds types of families: nuclear families and extended families. 家庭大致有两种类型:核心家庭和大家庭。 www.bing.com 4. Extended families remain important to Chinese Americans. 对于美籍华人来说大家庭观念是很重要的。 eng.hzu.edu.cn 5. Their extended families were some 3, 500 miles away in Pittsburgh and New Jersey, but my folks might as well have lived on the moon. 虽然父母的其他家庭成员就住在离我们3,500英里以外的匹茨堡和新泽西州,但我感觉他们就好像住在月球上一样。 hi.baidu.com 6. There are basically two types of families: nuclear families and extended families. 基本上有两种家庭类型:核心家庭和大家庭。 www.ebigear.com 7. She said she considered adopting a child a rare occurrence in Japan other than within extended families. 她表示考虑过领养孩子,在日本除了大家族普通家庭领养孩子还很少见。 gb.cri.cn 8. Succession is complicated by Hong Kong's large extended families and a business culture that stresses the importance of lineage. 香港的大家族文化以及看重血统传承的企业文化导致了遗产继承问题的复杂化。 c.wsj.com 9. Two generations ago, Japanese children grew up in large extended families; 两个世代以前的日本儿童通常是在一个大家族中长大; dongxi.net 10. No wonder most Infosysians like to bring their extended families to tour the campus. 这就是大多数Infosy人喜欢带他们的家人来校园参观的原因。 www.ecocn.org 1. Discussing the Extended Families in Song Dynasty 宋朝大家庭论略 scholar.ilib.cn |
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