单词 | employ | ||||||||||||||||||
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第三人称单数:employs 现在分词:employing 过去式:employed employ 显示所有例句
be employed in doing sth 从事,忙于(做某事)if a person or their time isemployed in doing sth , the person spends time doing that thing
例句释义: 使用,雇用,运用,应用,服务,工作,雇佣,聘请,利用 1. As you interact with her, allow her to do the talking and employ active listening to show that you genuinely care about what she says. 当你和她交流时,让她说话并且用主动倾听显示你真正关心她所说的。 www.elanso.com 2. It will continue to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is prepared to employ these tools as appropriate. FOMC将继续根据未来相关信息对经济前景进行评估,并随时准备在适当情况下使用这些工具。 www.bing.com 3. He said the solution was not to employ a nanny or au pair until after the baby's first birthday. 他说,解决之道是在婴儿一岁生日之前,不要聘请保母或工读专案安亲天使。 suyage.com:8080 4. B-B-B has been a breakthrough for me. Finally I'm going to own my own business and I'm going to employ people. 对于我而言,B-B-B项目是一个转折点。通过它,我将最终拥有自己的企业,拥有自己的雇员。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that we do not own or control, or to people that we do not employ or manage. 该策略不会用于不由我们拥有或管辖的企业,以及不受我们雇用或管理的人员。 www.realbasic.com 6. So far, the examples shown employ a single instance of Pipe Viewer as the producer or consumer in a pair of commands. 到目前为止,示例都是使用PipeViewer的单一实例作为一对命令中的生成者或消费者。 www.ibm.com 7. employment is a social economical problem , it had brought about from employ labor when industry revolution had been done. 就业问题是工业革命后因雇佣劳动而产生的社会经济现象,它是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物。 www.ichacha.net 8. The Bank is also working with the Chinese government to make a new coal plant ready to employ "carbon capture" technology. 世行还通过与中国政府合作,使一个新的煤矿企业能够利用“碳捕捉”技术。 web.worldbank.org 9. If there is anything which you suppose his cousin might fairly ask of him, I beg you would not hesitate to employ me. 你如果认为他表弟可以向他提出什么正当的要求,请你毫不犹豫地吩咐我好啦。 10. International travel has grown to the point that many hotels find it necessary to employ bilingual or even multilingual staff members. 国际旅行发展迅速,许多旅馆都感到有必要雇用能讲两种或多种语言的职员。 1. The body example of the apparatus clearly explains the thing that you study, prove what you can employ things studied to do in practice. 用具体事例清楚地说明你所学的东西,并说明在实践中你能应用所学的东西做些什么。 q.163.com 2. Some of my girlfriends over the ensuing years might argue that it was a technique I continued to employ at times. 我以后的女朋友可能会评价说这是我惯用的伎俩。 www.bing.com 3. The Fed also disclosed it had discussed other policy options and was "prepared to employ these tools as appropriate" . 美联储也承认它已经讨论过其他可供选择的政策,正“准备视情况来采用这些做法”。 club.topsage.com 4. The scientists can control nanotube density by varying how much iron they employ within the ferritin. 科学家可改变铁蛋白中的铁含量,进而控制奈米管的密度。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 5. Employ locals, trying to get guanxi as a outsider is just as difficult as it for Chinese businessmen trying to get in the NZ old boys club. 雇佣本地人,尽量找关系来打开门路,就像中国人不可能进入新西兰的老人俱乐部一样(需要靠关系介绍)。 bbs.ltaaa.com 6. The security company does not employ Chinese; it employs only foreigners. Get out of here. 保安公司不雇佣中国人,只雇佣外国人。出去。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. All of these businesses combined, he said, employ tens of thousands of workers. 他说,所有这些企业加在一起雇用了数以万计的工人。 www.america.gov 8. When asked about how he came to be in the employ of the Shadow Thieves, EDWIN sneers that it is none of your business. 当问起他是怎么被影贼雇用时,艾德温不屑地说这不干你的事。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. The Bank will give the Customer advance written notice of its intention to employ a debt collection agency to collect any overdue account. 若本行欲委用收账公司追收任何过期款项,本行将事先向客户发出书面通知书。 www.americanexpress.com 10. There is no doubt that the company prefer to employ the capable man or the hard-working ones. 毫无疑问,公司倾向于雇佣有能力的人或者很勤奋的人。 bbs.tingroom.com 1. English gentlemen used to employ correspondents to write them once a week from London the gossip of the court and of the town. 英国绅士们曾经雇佣记者把伦敦法庭和市镇的杂谈每星期给他们写一次。 2. A medical man in his employ issued from the house and crossed the grass to the little fellow, making, as he came, expressive gestures. 一位医生从屋子里出来,穿过草地向他走来,一边打着手势。 www.bing.com 3. Most countries do not know and have no way of knowing how many health workers they employ - even in developed countries. 大多数国家,包括发达国家并不知道他们雇佣多少卫生人员,也无从知晓。 www.who.int 4. But in May, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt said the company is "unlikely to employ facial recognition programs. " 但是在今年5月,Google总裁EricSchmidt却说Google“不太可能应用人脸识别程式”。 www.36kr.com 5. While you need to employ both to get to a finished result, they cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might like to think so. 你需要做的是运用两者帮助你得到一个结果,但是他们不能同时起作用,无论我们多么想要这样做。 www.bing.com 6. Denisov took Tihon from his menial work, and began to employ him on expeditions, and to reckon him among the Cossacks . 杰尼索夫免去了他干杂活,外出侦察敌情时就把他带在身边,并把他编入哥萨克队伍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Its menu is hand written onto the wall and it was one of the first restaurants to employ the open floor concept. 餐厅的菜单手写在墙上,而且它也是最初采用开放式地板概念的餐厅之一。 www.kle100.cn 8. She knew there was no need of calling there now. He would not be in. Nothing remained but to employ the intermediate hours in search. 她知道这时去那里是没有用的,他不会在那里。没有办法,只有利用期间的时间再去找找。 www.bing.com 9. The American president Lincoln's friend once recommended someone to him. After the meeting, Lincoln did not employ him. 美国总统林肯的一位朋友,有次向他推荐某人,待见过面后,林肯却没用他。 www.xue163.com 10. Though a company decided to employ him, but it did not pay him without formal start of the work. 虽然有一家单位已经决定聘用他,但是,哪家单位愿意将工资预付给一个尚未开始工作的人呢。 www.ebigear.com 1. Nor would it employ interrogation tactics like water-boarding, which he said had only played into the hands of terror groups like al-Qaeda. 也不再采取审讯手段进行审讯,如水刑,布伦南声称此种手段过去仅对恐怖组织分子,如基地组织实行过。 www.transcn.org 2. The authentication process will allow a user to employ the services any device, public or not, as if it were its own. 认证过程将允许一个用户去雇用任何设备、公共服务与否,好像是自己的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. He and his wife opened their school in 1992, and now employ five part-time teachers, some of whom are students at a local university. 万先生和他妻子在1992年开办了他们的学校,目前学校雇佣了5名兼职教师,有些老师是当地大学的学生。 www.bing.com 4. She said that she had pretended to be a mail in order tO get a job with the company, which did not employ women. 她说她女扮男装,为的是能在这家不招女工的公司找份活干。 www.jxenglish.com 5. The last paragraph of the statement said the Fed was ready to employ 'the range of policy tools available. ' 该声明最后一段称,美联储为采取“一系列可用政策工具”做好了准备。 chinese.wsj.com 6. We try to employ experienced associates, having worked in a western environment and able to speak at least one foreign language. 我们尽量雇佣有经验的,在西餐厅里工作过的员工,至少会说一门外语。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Here are the strategies I have used for getting out of debt in the past, and the ones I'm going to employ over the next couple of months. 下面是我过去用来偿还债务的方法,而且这也是我接下来几个月将要实施的方法。 www.elanso.com 8. If an UK employer wants to employ you for a specific post, your prospective employer may wish to seek a work permit for you. 3如果一个英国老板雇用你一个特殊的职位,你的预期的老板可以为你寻求一份工作许可证。 overseaservice.com 9. With regard to his character did, but all it all to the fact that he is not a company want to employ the kind of person. 关于他的个性评估了许多,但是所有一切都归于一个事实:他不是公司想雇用的那类人。 www.bing.com 10. Another says: Did not savour, if I had money, employ two young ladies to discharge, we eats fresh nice and warm! 另一个说:没品味,我要是有了钱,雇两个小姐来屙,咱吃新鲜热乎的! www.google-web.org 1. Also, consumers want to believe government can do something and goverment projects that employ people are easy to understand. 与此同时,消费者也希望相信政府能为他们做些什么而这些改造项目能创造就业岗位。 www.bing.com 2. In this posture, a platypus can remain submerged for a minute or two and employ its sensitive bill to find food. 鸭嘴兽用这种姿势可以潜入水中一至两分钟,利用敏感的喙形嘴寻找食物。 www.bing.com 3. One was an old woman, whose name is not mentioned, and the other was William Crowder, a game-keeper in the employ of Mr. 一个是个老妇人,报纸没有提到她的姓名,另一个是特纳先生雇佣的猎场看守人威廉?克劳德。 www.voiceofgb.com 4. That seems a good rule: institutions that employ clinically qualified staff in management score better than those that do not. 这是个不错的规定:聘请有临床资格的人管理医院要比那些没有这样做的医院得分更高。 www.ecocn.org 5. Even the biggest of the hedge funds have only a few hundred employees, while the six banks employ 1m between them. 即使是规模最大的对冲基金,也只有几百名员工,而上述六大银行的雇员总数在100万人左右。 www.ftchinese.com 6. To play the part of Edie Sedgwick with any conviction Sienna Miller had to employ the skills of her enormous eyes and long, nubile legs. 为了更好地诠释伊迪-塞奇威克这个角色,西耶娜-米勒必须发挥她的大眼睛和性感长腿的魅力。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. But in the early 1980s, stainless steel arrived, and with it temperature-controlled fermentation, which many winemakers now employ. 但到了20世纪80年代初期,不锈钢被用来进行控温发酵,一直到现在许多酒类制造商仍在使用它。 www.bing.com 8. Nadler also reacted to the president's statement that the United States will not employ torture in interrogations of suspected terrorists. 纳德勒还对奥巴马总统有关美国在审讯恐怖分子嫌疑人的时候将摈弃酷刑手段的声明作出了回应。 www.ebigear.com 9. Because such devices do not employ the fragility of superconductivity, further discussion of them lies beyond the scope of this article. 不过这类装置并非运用超导性的脆弱特性,因此进一步的相关讨论已经超出本文范围。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. They often employ two or three of the Big Four in various roles, so rotating auditors is like shuffling a tiny pack of cards. 它们经常在四大中聘用两三家来履行不同的职能,不时地轮换一下,就像在洗一副只有几张牌的扑克。 www.ftchinese.com 1. We employ a holistic approach that equally considers form, business, culture and lifestyle in the design of every project. 为我们能够在项目前期全方位地分析出每个项目的商业,文化和生活方式。 search.buildhr.com 2. When trying to build new growth businesses, Christensen observes that organizations need to employ an emergent strategy-making process. Christensen观察发现,当组织试图建立新的商业增长时,它需要使用应急策略决策过程。 dongxi.net 3. And once you over-learn whatever it is you're studying, you'll always be prepared to employ the information or skill at a moment's notice. 一旦你的“反复学习”恰巧就是你研究的东西,那么,你就可以随时在一瞬间调遣你的知识和技巧了。 www.bing.com 4. Starships employ repulsorlifts as a more efficient and cleaner means of propulsion when in an atmosphere. 在大气中,星际飞船使用反重力装置作为更高效和更清洁的推进方式。 www.starwarschina.com 5. The foreign managing director is an experienced engineer, able to directly evaluate the performance of the employ. 我司外籍经理技术经验丰富,能直接对员工的表现进行评估。 js.job46.com 6. Lightsabers have changed little in the thousands of years of their employ by the Jedi Knights . 绝地武士使用光剑已经有数千年了,在这期间它几乎没有什么改变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Each of these alternatives to Management By Planning involve some form of planning, and some of them even employ very detailed task plans. 这些“以计划管理”的不同替代都有不同形式的计划,而且有些甚至采用很细致的任务计划。 www.bing.com 8. The new apartment buildings going up in hundreds of cities will employ workers now and will later become homes for rural migrants. 如今各个城市中正在拔地而起的住宅楼项目将会雇佣大量的工人,而这些住宅在现在或者日后将会成为农村地区移民的住宅。 www.bing.com 9. The attacks that script kiddies launch look on the surface like those more organized groups or even the criminal element employ. 脚本kiddy启动的攻击表面看起来像是有组织的团体或犯罪组织。 www.ibm.com 10. He would confine himself to broad principles in order not to employ too much of the Council's time. 为了不占用“十人会”太多的时间,他愿意只讨论某些大的原则问题。 tieba.baidu.com 1. If government departments may employ one another's resources, what is the point of preparing Budgets? 若政府容许部门之间资源自行调拨挪用,则财政预算还有什麽意义? edu.sina.com.hk 2. I employ to work all day lacking taking a clarifyer in my PJ's, but I not happen ago got abundance stuff finished. 过去我常常整天穿着睡衣任务,不洗澡,但是却从没完成多少事务。 www.bing.com 3. However, console applications, which employ the text user interface of the operating system console, do not provide bi-directional support. 但是,采用操作系统控制台的文本用户界面的控制台应用程序不提供双向支持。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. When seeking comment for this article, Party Pieces said it did not employ anyone to handle media requests. 在本文寻求置评时,PartyPieces表示,公司没有雇员专门处理媒体垂询。 www.fortunechina.com 5. We now employ the MID function to integrate the various parts of the formula, as shown in the following example. 现在我们将使用MID函数把此公式的各部分整合在一起,如以下示例所示。 office.microsoft.com 6. And I am not without some defenses of my own, a few feints and tricks I can employ. 我自己也并不是一点准备都没有,我还可以使用一些伪装和诡计。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. He had to let go the two other workers he used to employ and now works only with his brother. 现在,他不得不辞退了以前雇佣的其他两个工人,只和弟弟一起打点买卖。 web.worldbank.org 8. The book serves as a reminder that investors should employ skepticism towards information coming out of corporate management. 这本书提醒投资者,应当对来自公司管理层的信息持怀疑态度。 www.bing.com 9. Most schools are trying to employ more people with practical experience. 大多数学院试图雇用更多有实际经验的人参与教学。 www.ecocn.org 10. Before dismissing her, I would employ at least two more women and only then start giving warnings to this female analyst. 在解雇她之前,我至少会再雇用两名女职员,到那时候再开始向这名女分析师提出警告。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Although these employ a soldier not as so strong as the marine corps, is all occupation soldier, this is too fantastic. 虽然这些雇佣兵不像海军陆战队那么强,但都是职业军人,这太匪夷所思了。 www.bazx.net.cn 2. The company attaches great importance to the artistic taste of products, employ digital technology arts master design, creative products. 本公司十分重视产品的艺术品味,聘请数位艺术工艺大师设计、创作产品。 www.tonke.cn 3. Employ a strong sense of curiosity and simplicity when looking for solutions. 因此,在寻找解决方法的时候,要保持好奇、简洁的心态。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. After a celebration of a winning in a match, how have to you dispose of the employ national flag? 庆祝比赛胜利过后,对于使用过的国旗我们应该如何处理? www.duyan1.cn 5. From a problem-solving point of view, this means that you can employ backward chaining to develop the methods of a mathematical class. 从解决问题的角度出发,这意味着您可以使用逆向链接来开发数学类的方法。 www-128.ibm.com 6. During the Renaissance, masters did not employ women to produce works of art. 在文艺复兴时期,大师们没有雇佣女子来从事艺术工作。 www-128.ibm.com 7. The Fed did not, in any event, employ aircraft in its open market operations. 不管怎样,美联储还没有在公开市场业务中使用直升机。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. Harli is so busy he's even had to employ his mum and two older brothers to help him cope with the sheer demand for products on his website. 哈里现在很忙,他不得不雇佣自己的妈妈和两个哥哥来帮他一起处理网上订货要求。 www.hjenglish.com 9. This energy is shining down in the Triad Portals through the emerging 144-Crytsalline Grid. Employ them, it is how the Ascension occurs! 这能量经由新兴的144-晶格,在三位一体的门户中照耀下来,使用它,扬升就是这样发生的! blog.sina.com.cn 10. He warned that terrorists might also seek to employ similar methods as he urged the public to take greater heed of the threat. 他也警告公众们对此予以更多关注,因为恐怖主义者也可能在寻求类似的方法。 www.bing.com 1. To get around the problem, one of the methods is to employ the coaxial cavities. 解决这个困难的方法之一就是使用同轴波导。 www.fabiao.net 2. Recruitment is the foundation function of the human resources management and is the main way for companies to employ talents . 招聘招聘是人力资源管理的基础工作,是企业招募人才的主要途径。 img3.zhubajie.com 3. And small business owners trying to make a living and do right by the people they employ. 小实业家试着生存下去并且公正对待他们的雇员。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. The term "turkey" were employ by the Pilgrims to mean any sort of wild fowl. 当时,朝圣者用“火鸡”一词来代表各种野禽。 www.chuxijie.com 5. A: May I venture to ask if you've decided to employ Mark? 我能冒昧地问一问你是否决定雇佣马克了呢? www.ebigear.com 6. To produce flexible transistor arrays powerful enough to drive a display, engineers employ a process called chemical vapor deposition. 为了生产强大到可以驱动显示的可弯曲晶体管序列,工程师们使用了一种称为“化学气相沉积”(chemicalvapordeposition)的流程。 www.bing.com 7. Even though the United States hopes to employ containment tactics against China, the U. S. knows that times have changed. 尽管美国希望对中国采取牵制战术,但美国知道时代已经变了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Some researchers reckon nicotine to be no more dangerous than caffeine, which coffee plants similarly employ as an insecticide. 有些研究人员就认为尼古丁的毒性还不如咖啡因,人们也经常将咖啡植株用作杀虫剂。 www.ecocn.org 9. add up to All these factors combined add up to a strong incentive to buy more machines and employ more people. 所有这些因素结合在一起,形成了购买更多机器和雇用更多人员的强烈刺激。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. The factory cannot afford to employ any more workers, so it will have to cut down on production. 这个工厂没有能力再增雇工人,所以它只好减少生产。 www.tingroom.com 1. Before you attempt to employ continuous delivery you need a few prerequisites setup. 在真正开始进行持续交付之前,需要做一些必要的设置工作。 www.infoq.com 2. The term electrical machining may be applied to a group of processes that employ an electric current or discharge to remove material. 电加工这一术语适用于使用电流或放电以去除材料的一类加工方法。 www.tiantianbt.com 3. for as a man had a right to all he could employ his labour upon, so he had no temptation to labour for more than he could make use of. 既然一个人对于他的劳动所施与影响的物品拥有权利,所以他也就没有诱惑为他所享用不了的物品付出劳动。 www.bing.com 4. The boss of the company refused to employ Ms King because he looked down upon women. 公司老板拒绝雇用金女士,因为他轻视妇女。 www.engnety.com 5. A: Yes Please tell him that I called to discuss the new employ-ment procedure with him. 好的。请告诉他,我打电话来是要和他讨论新的雇用程序。 www.ushi5.com 6. China should be able to employ its educated young people as they are not suh a large percentage of the population. 中国有能力雇佣他们那些受过教育的年轻人,因为年轻人的比例不是特别大。 www.bing.com 7. She says the most secure systems will employ multiple layers of protection, just as the human body does. 她说最安全的系统如同人体那样采用多层次的保护。 www.kancaimi.cn 8. In fact, it might even be unskilful when you're in such a state to try to employ one. 事实上,当你在如此的状态中,还试着应用方法,那就非常不善巧了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Almost all competitive athletes strategically employ a session or two of interval training every week to improve their speed and endurance. 几乎所有竞争力强的运动员都会在每周进行一两次无氧间歇训练来提高他们的速度和耐力。 www.bing.com 10. For the children to enter college , many parents employ tutors . 为了让孩子考上大学,许多父母亲雇了家庭教师。 www.bing.com 1. That's what I was thinking. It means we're going to have to employ more production people. 我刚才也是这么想的。这就得雇更多的生产工人。 www.slideshare.net 2. A veteran campaigner or a character in the employ of a lord will have access to more equipment than normal, and of better quality. 一个老冒险者或者给大领主办事的人可能有比一般人更多,也更好的装备。 ellesime.anetcity.com 3. The team should employ a slightly narrower formation than at home, with a more direct, higher tempo approach to passing. 球队应该采用比主场稍窄的阵型,并且采用更直接,高节奏的传球。 club.163.com 4. In other viewpoint, a man of really perfect practice can employ everything and everyone. 从另一个角度看,一位真正修行完备的人,无物,无事,无人不能交往与接触应用。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. He is revered by all fire elementals and creatures that employ fire as a primary weapon, as well as more than a few pyromaniacs. 他被所有火元素和使用火为主要武器的生物所敬畏,这些敬畏的分量要比少数纵火犯的多。 www.xlmagic.com 6. If you want me to look for somebody for you, you can employ me. 如果你们要我为你们找人,你们可以雇佣我。 blog.cntv.cn 7. commercially It was the first commercially available machine to employ artificial intelligence. 这是第一台作为商品出售的采用人工智能技术的机器。 www.for68.com 8. B: : Sometimes we carry out our own research, but for major products where development costs are likely to be high, we employ specialists. 有时候是我们自己搞调研,但对于那些开发费用高的主要产品我们请专家调研。 www.examw.com 9. This enchanting pool, one of the largest in the Maldives, was the first to employ fiber optics. 这座迷人的泳池是马尔代夫最大的泳池之一,也是第一个采用光纤的泳池。 www.kekenet.com 10. Most applications that request this data, however, employ some form of caching, as network round-trips are very expensive. 然而,大多数请求这个数据的应用程序使用了一定程度的缓存,因为网络往返开销很昂贵。 www.ibm.com 1. In this paper, we employ Foucault's concept of "governmentality" to solve the paradox between modernity and folk religion. 本研究援用傅科「治理性」的概念,尝试解释现代性与民间信仰之间的吊诡。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. "If you employ a cleaner for five to six hours a week, pay a decent wage and pay national insurance, there are consequences, " one said. “如果雇佣一个清洁工每周工作五到六个小时,同时还要为他支付像样的工资和国家保险,那么开销并不算小”有人说。 www.bing.com 3. Both firms used to be part of the People's Liberation Army and still employ lots of former officers in their upper ranks. 这两家公司都曾是人民解放军的一部分,在高级领导层内仍有许多是解放军的退役军官。 bbs.kekenet.com 4. Ensure the company you employ to set up you scaffolding is reputable and has been doing this for quite some time. 确保你的公司雇用你脚手架设立信誉良好,并已做了一段时间了。 blog.hinews.cn 5. No one would employ him or give him so much as a crust of bread to keep him from starvation. 没人雇他,也没人给他一块干面包果腹。 6. Keeping them safe is one of the biggest running costs, because their sponsors have to employ real people to police their realms. 网站的赞助者会雇佣真人来监管他们的空间,所以保证安全是运营该项目所要花费的最大的成本。 www.ecocn.org 7. "Well, we haven't anything here, " he said. "We employ only experienced help. " “嗯,那么我们这没有合适的岗位,”他说。“我们只雇用有经验的人。” www.bing.com 8. One mechanism we employ to guide this process is one-hour retrospective sessions that take place at the end of each iteration. 我们用来指导这个过程的机制就是在每个迭代结束时进行一小时回顾会议。 www.infoq.com 9. They employ a great florist, at least when I stayed there, the flowers on display were spectacular. 他们雇了位杰出的花匠,至少当我住在那里时,展出的花儿是那么的引人入胜。 weike.taskcn.com 10. He may need to employ all of his charm and personal skills to convince the Canadian public of the benefits CIC can bring to that country. 他可能需要运用自己全部的魅力和个人技巧,让加拿大公众相信中投可以为该国带来益处。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In Los Angeles, designers employ VIP handlers, who work to get the designers' clothes on celebrities who might be photographed in them. 在洛杉矶,设计师们聘用了专门针对贵宾的人员,他们的工作就是让这些设计师的服装出现在明星们的身上。 www.voa365.com 2. And, to be honest, if this continues, we may not be able to employ you here. 而且老实说,如果再这样继续下去的话,我们也许不能再雇用你了。 ts.hjenglish.com 3. On the whole, to employ electricity as an alternative power is undoubtedly an ideal way out to tackle the problem of vehicle pollution. 总的来说,使用电力作为一种替代能源无疑是一个解决汽车污染问题的理想方法。 wenku.baidu.com 4. When looking to optimize your CSS files, one of the most powerful measures you can employ is to use every declaration just once. 在对CSS文件进行优化时,可以使用的一种很强大的做法是每种声明只使用一次。 www.bing.com 5. The exposure guidelines for mobile devices employ a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate or SAR. 曝光指南为移动设备使用测量单位以具体吸收率或SAR著名。 bbs.dospy.com 6. Only a handful of centers in the United States routinely employ the skinny scope as part of clinical practice. 在美国,仅仅少数几个中心常规开展这种膜状窥镜检查。 emuch.net 7. The company prefers to employ older, more experienced workers rather than younger but cheaper workers. 比起雇用年轻廉价的员工,这家公司更喜欢雇用年轻较大,经验丰富的员工。 anypkk.anyp.cn 8. The banks they employ to sell their bonds and loans have a mandate to push the envelope on trying to get investors to accept easier terms. 它们请来销售债券和贷款的银行,则有义务努力让投资者接受更宽松的条款。 chinese.wsj.com 9. But Rotman speculates that they employ a built-in genome censor, known as the RNA interference machinery. 但罗特曼猜测,它们是利用细胞里内建的基因组纠察队,就是所谓的「RNA干扰装置」。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Then they would employ all their analytical abilities to reveal other impacts of his ancestry on his ambiguous life. 然后他们会利用他们的分析能力来揭示他的血统对他那双重的生活影响。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. I employ signal processing and imaging techniques to give quantitative estimates of hydrocarbons around the well . 我采用信号处理和成像技术对油井周围的碳氢化合物进行量化估算。 www.bing.com 2. Some countries employ creative definitions of aid, including such things as the cost of repatriating illegal immigrants. 一些国家对“援助”赋予了创造性的含义,连将非法移民遣送回国的费用也包含在内。 www.ecocn.org 3. Watch sellers employ a logical Italian dictum: a well-dressed man owns at least three timepieces. 手表经销商流传的一句意大利格言不无道理:穿着得体的男人至少拥有三块表。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The concurrent director of board is required to attend the board conference and employ his specialty to serve the company. 兼职董事必须参加董事会议并运用其特长为公司服务 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The cranes will also employ radioactivity monitors as well as cameras to help remotely operate the tools. 这些起重机还装备了放射性现象监视器和摄像头来使工作人员能够远程控制这些工具。 www.bing.com 6. Mr Bernanke also hinted that he was prepared to employ more asset purchases if necessary. 伯南克先生还暗示道他准备在适当时候买进更多的资产。 www.bing.com 7. As a non-QFLP firm, it will not be able to employ Singapore-qualified lawyers to practice local law. 作为非合格外国律师事务所,律所将不能聘用有新加坡执业资质的律师进行当地法律顾问。 www.fatisia.com 8. The cash is to be employ to first specific purpose: the building of the new hospital. 这一部分钱只能花在特定的用途上:那根本那是建新诊所。 www.ffenglish.com 9. The facility enabled UPS to employ its own people and use its own infrastructure for loading and unloading of goods from its cargo carriers. 这个处理中心允许联合包裹可以自主雇用员工并使用其自己的基础设施来装卸来自其货物承运人的货物。 my.putclub.com 10. What other protein analysis technique could you employ to determine whether the polypeptide chains in this protein are similar or different? 还有什么其它技术可用于确定此蛋白中的多肽链是相同的或是不同的? 1. I called the boss many times and finally changed his mind. "I'll employ you" he said. 我给老板了多次电话,才终于说服他改变了意见,说:“我决定雇用你了。” 2. At the end of the day you're not the manager any more - I don't know why they employ them in some situations. 你能得到的就那么多,到了结束的那天,你就不再是教练了-有时候我也不知道俱乐部为什么聘请他们。 www.manutd.com.cn 3. They all proved inefficient, however, and the workmen had to bore into one of the inferior strata, and employ gunpowder. 然而,实践证明,这些工具都非常地低效。于是工人们不得不在亚岩层上钻孔,然后使用火药。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Yoga and Tantra employ techniques by which we are able to reverse this process , so that the amrit does not fall down to Manipura. 瑜伽和TNATRA使用某些技术能够扭转这个过程。这样的话,分泌物AMRIT就不会落到脐轮。 q.sohu.com 5. If I were a manager, I would have a private talk with this employ to figure out the reasons. 如果我是经理,我在私底下和这个员工进行交谈,指出原因。 www.hxen.com 6. It also differs from conventional hearing aids, which employ air conduction to simply turn up the volume of sound travelling into the ear. 同时也不同于常规的助听器,其是将空气传导的声音简单放大了再传入耳内。 news.dxy.cn 7. For the description of these facts economics does not need to employ the terminology of psychology. 为著陈述这些事实,经济学无须使用心理学的术语。 www.douban.com 8. This classification is no longer used by paleontologists, who now employ a cladistic approach. 这种分类不再被古生物学家使用,他们现在使用亲缘分支分类法研究。 www.showxiu.com 9. Once employ, the company provides the perfect development space and welfare treatment. 一经录用,公司提供完善的发展空间及福利待遇。 www.job592.com 10. The Internet is widely used for applications that employ a range of human capabilities. 互联网被广泛的应用程序调用,这些程序都需要各种的人类技能。 dongxi.net 1. The women of the village, too, used to employ him to run their errand. 村里的女人也常常差遣他为她们跑腿。 www.jukuu.com 2. She has promised that the much-manipulated inflation index will in future employ a similar methodology to that in the United States. 她承诺,被政府实时操控的通货膨胀指数今后将采取类似美国使用的方法。 www.ecocn.org 3. During these days of serving by Rinpoche's side, I found he used to employ humorous metaphor and story to convey his meaning cleverly. 在仁波切身边的日子里,我发现仁波切常用幽默生动的譬喻和故事巧妙的来表达他的意思。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 4. Most of the watermarking schemes that have been proposed until now employ a correlation detector (matched filter). 大多数水印计划,提出了到现在雇用了相关检测器(匹配滤波器)。 www.syyxw.com 5. If the alternative is unemployment, it is better to employ people to do something, even if it is not very value-adding. 如果替代方案是减少就业,那么最好还是让更多的人就业,尽管这样并不能大量增加价值。 www.bing.com 6. Employ all your senses--try to see, hear, smell, feel and even taste the images you create. 用你的五官--力图去看、听、嗅、感知或者甚至尝一尝你构想出来的图像。 www.pkuschool.com 7. State-owned firms employ about 5% of the total workforce, compared with less than 1% in Britain. 法国政府控制的企业雇用总劳动力的大约5%,在英国只有不到1%。 www.ecocn.org 8. You will employ different levels of granularity as you diagram, depending on where you are in the software development life cycle. 根据软件开发生命周期中所处的不同阶段,可以绘制详略度不同的图。 www.ibm.com 9. It differs from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly transmitted, though it may employ point to point wireless links. 尽管某些监控点采用无线传输方式,闭路电视监控还是有别于传统的广播电视系统并不公开传播。 www.wjabbs.com 10. Employ non-text go, has been firm, and has been passed to the south Caocao Hanshui, Brunei employed only to see Cao Cao. 文聘不去,一直在坚守着,一直到曹操南下过了汉水,文聘才去见曹操。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. Is it right to call on your closest circle for assistance if you can afford to employ professionals? 如果你足以支付聘请专家的费用,你是否还觉得应该打电话给那些最亲密的人? www.ftchinese.com 2. Many firms employ surveillance software to track employees' Internet activity in an effort to limit liability and improve productivity. 很多公司利用监控软件跟踪员工在网络上的活动以限制其“摸鱼”行为同时提高工作效率。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. The crucial issue for the United States and many other world governments centers on how Japan will employ this growing economic power. 对于美国的关键问题和许多其他世界各国政府,日本将如何使用这种日益增长的经济力量中心。 wenwen.soso.com 4. It has reportedly agreed to stop waterboarding people. But it is unclear which subtleties it still plans to employ. 据悉,中央情报局已同意不再施“水板刑”*,但仍不确定它将采取什么奇术。 www.ecocn.org 5. We employ a staff of consultants and a well-trained service department which makes routine checks on all equipment purchased from us. 我们雇有一个咨询人员和一支受过良好训练的服务队伍,可以为从我处购买的设备进行日常检查。 www.8875.org 6. Wu does not employ typical Western methods of perspective in his composition, nor does he deliberately seek to enhance depth. 他并没有依循西方的透视点方式来构图,也没有刻意追求景深。 www.christies.com 7. It will employ thousands of workers: good news in a state where unemployment hovers around 10%. 波音将雇佣数千名员工:这对于一个失业率徘徊在10%左右的国家来说是一个好消息。 www.ecocn.org 8. "The IT department is much more open-minded and a bit more adventurous in the people they employ. " “IT部门的思想远为开放,而对于雇佣人,IT部门的冒险精神更多一些。” www.ftchinese.com 9. All kindergartens are now required to employ at least 60 per cent professionally trained Qualified Kindergarten Teachers (QKTs). 根据规定,现时所有幼稚园聘用的教师,必须至少有六成为受过专业训练的合格幼稚园教师。 www.hotdic.com 10. Korea's large companies employ slightly less than a quarter of the workforce and produce more than half the country's output. 韩国的大企业只雇佣了韩国将近四分之一的劳动力,但其产出却比全国的一半还多。 www.bing.com 1. Mathematical formalization consists of what is written, but it only subsists if I employ, in presenting it, the language I make use of. 数学的公式化由书写过的内容组成,但是只有当我运用我使用的语言来呈现它,它才会生存。 springhero.wordpress.com 2. It would be possible to employ a more logical method, but none could be more favourable to tyrants. 人们还可以采取另一种更能自圆其说的方法,但也不见得对于暴君更为有利。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. One who has fully served an apprenticeship in a trade or craft and is a qualified worker in another's employ. 熟练工,满师学徒工在某个行业或手艺中做学徒已满师的人,并且是受他人雇佣的合格工人。 www.1stenglish.com 4. it was donin hirata , in the employ of the shogunate , who was the first to use cloisonne to decorate sword brims and horse saddles. 服务于幕府的平田道仁是第一个将东京景泰蓝用于刀的护手和马具上作装饰的人。 www.ichacha.net 5. None of the company agreed to employ me. 没有一家公司同意雇佣我。 www.kekenet.com 6. Prevarication is one of the techniques the businessman prefers to employ. 搪塞是这个商人喜欢使用的技巧之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Furthermore, an institution needs to employ or have access to experienced personnel who are able to implement and maintain OSS. 而且,一家机构需要雇用或者有权使用能够实施和维护OSS的有经验人员。 www.bing.com 8. Bipolar Junction Transistor Text Today, industrial electronic systems employ several devices that are described by the term transistor. 目前,目前,工业电子系统使用了多种由术语晶体管描述的器件。语晶体管描述的器件。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Link personal growth and employ ability to the strategic direction of the business. 使员工的个人成长和能力公司发展相一致。 www.lietou.com 10. But periphery countries without large export surpluses are not in a position to employ countercyclical policies. 但是,没有大量出口顺差的边缘国家无法采用反周期的政策。 www.america.gov 1. The consultants shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced personnel as are required to carry out the services. 咨询者应雇用并提供资深的、经验丰富的符合进行此项咨询服务的人员。 flguwen.com 2. Gas chromatography employ inert gas, commonly Nitrogen, to carry the volatile substances through the column. 气相色谱应用惰性的气体,通常是氮气,来携带挥发性物质通过色谱柱。 www.sepu.net 3. the company decided to employ him. 考虑到他有经验,公司决定聘用他。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. They set up to find and warn the employers who employ the most creative and most effective ways to give their workers flexibility. (他们开始发现并且警告那些运用最有创造力和效率方式的雇主,给他们的工人灵活性。)因此答案为D。 www.ebigear.com 5. Should all sites employ these methods to help retain users who can't be bothered to follow a multi-step process? 所有网站都使用多步骤程序的方法来阻止用户的流失吗? www.bing.com 6. It's a waste of John to employ him on this easy work. 利用约翰做这项容易的工作是大材小用。 www.tdict.com 7. Another business strategy is to employ cultural advisers to guide managers who are not familiar with the culture across the field. 企业的另一项策略是聘用文化顾问,指导经理人跨越不熟悉的文化领域。 wenwen.soso.com 8. It became usual for a successful feudal monarch in those period to employ a great many talents as their secretaries . 礼贤下士,延揽大量人才入幕、以为己用成为这一时期有成就的封建君主最常用的办法。 www.lw23.com 9. We've diagrammed only two of them so far, but the average use case will employ somewhere between three and fifteen transactions. 迄今为止,我们只列出了其中的两个图表,但是一个普通的用例使用大约3到15个事务处理。 www.ibm.com 10. But if you do not have so much money, na Erdi suggests, employ an amateurish fabricant , of course his style should attract you. 但如果你没那么多钱,纳尔蒂则建议,雇用一名业余的制作者,当然他的风格要吸引你。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Size-up now can include a host of technological advances to help employ the best strategies. 现在评估包括东道国的进步技术用来帮助聘请最好的战略。 www.showxiu.com 2. To employ excellent college graduates as villages officials is an important decision made by the Party. 选聘优秀大学毕业生到农村任职是党中央做出的一项意义深远的重大决定。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. A New York insurance company was once started from scratch by someone whose overriding aim was to employ nobody but himself. 纽约保险公司创立初衷就是不雇用任何其他员工只是(创始人)他自己(在运作)。 www.ecocn.org 4. Hongkong Tramways began to employ female employees. 开始聘用女车长及女售票员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Would the better option be to employ a much smaller fighting force focused just on uprooting al Qaeda and its sympathizers? 如果调派一只规模小得多的作战部队,只管清除基地组织及其支持者,这样是不是一种更好的选择? c.wsj.com 6. Many other municipalities know so little about voting that they employ voting companies to run the election and report the results. 其他许多地方政府对选举比较生疏,往往直接发包给选举公司举办选举及报告结果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. They also intend to employ new, continuous manufacturing processes that promise to reduce the cost of solar panels very quickly in future. 他们还将启用新型的连续生产线,希望能尽快降低太阳能板的成本。 www.ecocn.org 8. Limited war need not always employ a counterforce strategy. 有限战争并不一定非采用进攻军事力量的战略不可。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. One counter-measure you can employ is to try to erect as many walls around your code as possible by running with least privilege. 您可以使用的一种措施是:尝试使用最小特权来运行代码,在代码周围树立尽可能多的障碍。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Whenever an unit in culture and arts, sports and special arts and crafts needs to employ young persons under the age of sixteen. 文艺、体育和特种工艺单位招用未满十六周岁的未成年人。 www.dictall.com 1. Overseas, U. S. -based corporations still employ more people in Europe than in any other part of the world. 不过,美国跨国公司在欧洲雇佣的员工的数量仍然高于全球任何其他地方。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Galileo recruits professionals worldwide who seek to employ their skills in a fast-paced technology company redefining the travel industry. 加利略是一家技术更新迅速、为旅游行业赋予全新操作方式的公司。 support.galileo.com 3. Article 32 It is prohibited for the private enterprise to employ child labour who has not reached the age of 16. 第三十二条私营企业不得招用未满十六周岁的童工。 www.24en.com 4. Sunny D has had to employ new filling kit, as well as new bottles, blow moulding and new suppliers, to cope with the reformulated drink. 阳光D不得不雇用新的填充工具,以及新瓶,吹塑和新的供应商,以应付重新饮料。 bzxw.a1pak.com 5. Such compositions and methods employ protease inhibitors and a lung surfactant mixture. 这样的组合物及方法应用蛋白酶抑制剂和一种肺表面活性物质混合物。 ip.com 6. A more elegant and ultimately more flexible solution is to employ static crosscutting to add the behavior to desired objects. 一个更优雅且根本上更灵活的解决方案就是使用静态横切来对预期对象添加行为。 www.ibm.com 7. Employ professional and business assistance as may be appropriate, including attorneys, accountants, and real estate agents. 如有需要,可雇佣专业及商务助理,包括律师、会计、不动产经纪人。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Unfortunately, Confucius wasted half of his life without finding a wise ruler with vision and courage willing to employ him. 可惜耗费半生,也遇不着一个有眼光,有魄力的明君用他。 www.ccfy.net 9. Applicant should employ his own specialist technician to operate the audio system panel and lighting panel . 申请机构必须自行聘请专业技术员操控音响系统控制板及灯光控制板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Toyota has said in recent ads that the company and its dealers employ 172, 000 people in the U. S. 丰田汽车公司最近在其打出的广告中说,该公司及其经销商在美国雇佣了172,000人。 c.wsj.com 1. They employ teams of meteorologists to scour the world for the best places to put turbines. 他们雇佣大量的气象专家在全世界范围内寻找最适合安装风力发电机的地方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But like I said, we don't employ this press on every possession. 就像我说的,我们无法总是给对手这样的压力。 www.kobechina.com.cn 3. In determining whether to use RMI over RPC or vice versa, it's important to look at the means of interaction the two employ. 在决定是否用RMI而不用RPC或者反之亦然时,看一下这两者采用的交互方式是重要的。 www.ibm.com 4. The Company will not employ involuntary or forced labor . 公司不会聘用非自愿或强制性劳工。 www.bing.com 5. Likewise, a corresponding simulation process is also developed to help project managers to employ the FaSS-Curves. 相同,本研究亦提出一对应之模拟程序,方便管理者在专案之绩效评估中使用FaSS-Curves。 6. Instruct, supervise and check working of subordinate staff, hold employ, training, adjustment and evaluation for the department employees. 指导、监督、检查所属下级的各项工作,主持本部门员工的任用、培训、调配和评估等各项工作; jobs.zhaopin.com 7. Company agrees to employ and Nurse accepts employment upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement . 公司同意雇佣护士,护士并同意接受合同规定的内容及条款。 www.bing.com 8. Passengers are advised not to employ the services of touts for taxi or other services. 建议旅客不要雇用出租车或其他服务的吹捧的服务。 baike.soso.com 9. I have my basic tools but once I get a compressor, and a few more items I can employ two more people. 现在,我只有一些基本工具,但一旦我得到一台压缩机和其他一些物件,我就可以再雇佣两个人。 web.worldbank.org 10. Hybrid clouds are the answer when a company needs to employ the services of both a public and private cloud. 当公司需要使用既是公共云又是私有云的服务时,选择混合云比较合适。 www.ibm.com 1. Don't you wish to employ RMB of ours? US Dollars might be adopted. 如果你们不同意用我们的人民币结算,美圆也可以。 learning.sohu.com 2. I think so, do you think you could employ me , Miss Lin ? 我也是这样认为的,你打算录用我了吗,林小姐? www.reader8.cn 3. of so many antelopes, the game keepers began to employ new methods for catching the hunters. 失去了那么多藏羚羊之后,猎物保护区的工作人员开始采用新的方法去抓捕偷猎者。 www.bing.com 4. It was found that viruses, overall, employ remarkably diverse and seemingly clever molecular mechanisms to assure their survival. 结果发现,病毒,总体而言,采用极为多样化的,看似聪明的分子机制,以确保其生存。 wenwen.soso.com 5. He has no work experience, so at least at this moment we can't employ him. 他没有工作经验,所以至少目前我们还不能录用他。 school.ecp.com.cn 6. The Standards employ terms that have been given specific meanings that are included in the Glossary. 采用的标准用语,已获得具体的含义中所包含的词汇。 bbs.esnai.com 7. Fast reactors, in contrast, do not employ moderators and use much faster neutrons to produce fissions. 快反应堆,相反,不使用调节器而是使用更快的中子来产生裂变。 club.topsage.com 8. However, I have told the farmer that he has no right to employ women at steam-threshing. 我已经告诉那个农场主了,要他知道他没有权利雇用女工用机器打麦子。 www.ebigear.com 9. However, the couple both work full time in London, which means they have steep travel costs and also need to employ a part-time nanny. 然而,这两口子都在伦敦做全职工作,这意味着他们要支付极高的交通费用,还得请一位兼职保姆。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We employ this approach to value stockpiling of antiviral drugs as a precautionary measure against a possible influenza pandemic. 我们聘请作为一项预防措施,防止流感大流行可能将此值抗病毒药物储存方法。 www.syyxw.com 1. A spin-off from a university may employ only a few, highly skilled workers. 而由大学派生出的企业或许只能雇佣少数高技能的工人。 www.ecocn.org 2. Firms routinely employ thousands of workers and move billions of dollars-worth of goods and services within their borders. 公司大多坐拥成千上万的雇员,同时将数十亿美元的商品和服务尽收麾下。 ecocn.org 3. As a fundamental principle, we do not employ children or support the use of child labor. 作为基本原则,我们不会雇用儿童或是赞成使用童工。 www.alcoa.com 4. The League's simple , brutal and effective strategy was to employ a militia to raid the toll gatherers' hideouts . 这个联盟简单、野蛮而有效的战略是:雇佣民兵袭击收费者的藏身之处。 www.bing.com 5. Therefore, you employ views for the conversion steps by transferring the spatial data in its well-known binary (WKB) encoding. 因此,在转换步骤中可以使用视图,按照其well-knownbinary(WKB)编目传输空间数据。 www.ibm.com 6. However, at times when speed is not an issue, you could employ efficient check-in. 然而,如果速度不是问题,那么可以采用高效签入。 www.ibm.com 7. Manufacturing continues to employ 8% of the workforce and the city is still home to US Steel. 制造业仍然雇佣了8%的劳动力,匹兹堡还是美国的钢铁之家。 www.ecocn.org 8. The owners of the enterprises employ the professional managers to manage the enterprises, then, the principal-agent relations are formed. 企业所有者雇佣职业经理人管理企业,便产生了企业所有者与经理人的委托-代理关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Now what weapons does the child employ in this attack on his united parents? 现在孩子在这里对付联合的父母用的是什么武器呢? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Do employ the same security mechanisms for your APIs as any web application your organization deploys. 为你的API启用其它任何你的组织已部署的web应用同样的安全机制。 www.infoq.com 1. Photographers employ it for decreasing contrast, saturating blues and reducing harsh reflections. 摄影者通常用它来降低对比度,增强饱和度,还有减少强的反射光。 www.bing.com 2. Which interface you ultimately employ will depend a great deal on end-user preference. 您最终将采用的接口在很大程度上取决于用户的偏好。 www.ibm.com 3. Rarely, if ever, do we employ a concerted effort to help find workable solutions to social problems. 但我们很少利用共同的努力,来帮助找出对于社会问题可行的解决办法-如果在任何时刻有这样做的话。 www.023java.com 4. Since Brady refused to give individual credit to photographers, a number of them, including Gardner and O'Sullivan, left his employ. 由于布雷迪拒绝在作品上署上他们的名字,包括加德纳和奥沙利文,很多人都离开了这个工作小组。 www.bing.com 5. But it has proved counterproductive and employers feel reluctant to employ workers short-term. 但适得其反,雇主借此拒绝雇佣短时工。 www.readywin.com 6. You might employ someone outside the company who can give impartial feedback that might not otherwise be possible. 你或许可以聘请公司外部的人来提供客观公正的反馈评价,因为通过其他途径也许是不大可能实现这一点的。 cn.wsj.com 7. Employ reference counting to provide the appearance of garbage collection. 使用了引用计数来提供垃圾收集的特性。 www-128.ibm.com 8. However, as part of our coverage, we also employ commentators who provide robust opinions that generate debate. 不过,作为我们报道内容的一部分,我们也会请那些能提供活跃的并引起争议的言论的评论员。 word.hcbus.com 9. That you consider her gender speaks volumes about why your company does not employ more women. 你考虑她的性别问题,充分解释了你们公司没有雇用更多女性的原因。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Cooking is chemistry, and the only way to know for sure would be to employ the scientific method. 烹饪是化学,而求解的唯一途径是使用科学的方法。 www.bing.com |
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