单词 | emphasis | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:emphases adj. n. great emphasis,special emphasis,particular emphasis,strong emphasis,main emphasis v. n. shift emphasis emphasis 显示所有例句
例句释义: 强调,重视,重要性,重点,加重,加强 1. He said the evolution of the "pay-per-click" economy has put the emphasis on reader traffic and financial return, not journalism. 他说,“点击付费”经济的演化已经将重点放在读者的交易和财政回报上了,而不是新闻本身之上。 news.dxy.cn 2. Anti-mosquito measures continued to place emphasis on eliminating breeding places, particularly improperly disposed containers. 年内,清除蚊子滋生的地方,特别是胡乱弃置的容器,仍然是本署灭蚊措施的重点。 www.fehd.gov.hk 3. English garden styles reign with an informal look, the emphasis being on a design that looks like it might have occurred in nature. 英式园林风格统治一个非正式的外观,强调的设计,看起来似乎是在正在发生的性质。 www.cfli.cn 4. Again, the form of language is often too much emphasis on some kind of spiritual strength will weaken. 再次,对于语言形式的过分注重往往又会弱化某种精神力量。 quote.psytopic.com 5. It is as if by placing emphasis on the unexpected qualities of everyday materials we discover a fresh sense of place. 在这里,冥想和想象是重点,它强调人们在新场所发现的日常材料的超常特性。 www.abbs.com.cn 6. The framing and light emphasis the innocence of the children, and the harmonious and happy relationship between the two generations. 构图和用光突出儿童的天真无邪,祖孙和谐的天伦之乐! www.hicoo.net 7. But Mr. Obama, who vowed to put a 'much bigger emphasis' on export promotion, said the U. S. can't shy away from international competition. 但奥巴马也说,美国不能回避国际竞争。他誓言要大大加强推动出口的努力。 cn.wsj.com 8. Germany was made to financially compensate other nations, but there was more of an emphasis on rebuilding Europe. 德国要给予他国一定的财政赔偿,但更强调的是要肩负起重建欧洲的重任。 www.bing.com 9. But there is no doubt that as a student, great emphasis should be placed on his studies. 但是,毫无疑问,作为一名学生,伟大的重点应放在他的学业。 wenwen.soso.com 10. But the emphasis seems to be on cracking down on those breaking the rules. 但是不论是储行还是政府似乎都重在打击那些违反法规者。 www.tianya.cn 1. only to leave the house, he began to love him more aware of their parents (with an emphasis on sentence). 只是在离开家后,他才开始意识到父母有多爱他(强调句型)。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. one put emphasis on her . the secretary tied her with string to the corner of his office. It was the happiest hours. 一根细绳子将它挂在办公室的一个角落里,因此每天看到他是她一生中最美好的时光。与此同时,一个奇异的梦。 blog.163.com 3. Regrettably, however, is the importance of software maintenance is often far less emphasis on software development work. 然而遗憾的是,对软件维护工作的重视往往远不如对软件研制工作的重视。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. This was that China's strong economic growth and its growing emphasis on cleaner energy sources would benefit natural gas companies. 他的观点是,中国强劲的经济增长及其对更清洁能源来源的日益重视,将会使天然气公司受益。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Putting undue emphasis on the education's social-instrumental value was easy to leave the education losing its independence. 认为片面强调教育的社会工具价值取向容易使教育丧失独立性。 6. In your desire to be rich, this means that the entire emphasis is placed on the moment you reach a particular income. 当你渴望金钱时,你人生所有的重心都被放在“达得某一程度的富裕”上。 www.bing.com 7. It's been a thrilling start to the season. I can't over-emphasis how much I missed competing over the past few months. 这个赛季的开始真是有些惊险。我不能过多强调了我有多么想念过去这几个月里的比赛。 www.tennisace.cn 8. All parts of the body can be used to create emphasis that exaggerates points where the person is feeling stronger emotions. 当人对某一点有强烈感情想要夸大时,身体的任何部位都可能用来强调。 www.bing.com 9. As such, the emphasis tends to be on new approaches which transcend and outperform older methods of teaching and learning. 同样地,他们强调的重点趋向于一些新方法,这些新方法超越了那些教与学的旧方法。 www.bing.com 10. Focus: Effort, Attention, concentration, motivation, application, single mindedness emphasis, to name but a few of its synonyms. 专注的同义词很多,比如:努力,注意力,专心,自觉动力,勤勉,一心一意,等等不一而足。 www.bing.com 1. Your design needs to put the emphasis on the focal element of every page. 设计的时候需要把每个页面重点内容进行强调。 www.bing.com 2. MILTON FRIEDMAN: The emphasis of that talk was that free markets would undermine political centralization and political control. 米尔顿。弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman):那次讲座的主题是自由市场将削弱政治集权和政治操控。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 3. Collectively , these improvements produce a much refined image that, to say it again for emphasis, looks both elegant and natural. 总的来说,这些改进生产更完善的形象可以说,它再次强调,看起来既优雅和自然。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The concept of the ecosystem differs from that of the community in that more emphasis is placed on abiotic factors. 生态系统的概念不同于群落,群落更强调非生命的因素。 plb.snnu.edu.cn 5. Can't laying emphasis on how much is low pressure. 不能单纯强调低压压力是多少。 www.sokongyaji.com 6. Different emphasis is given by different companies, depending largely on how much of their business is China-related . 不同的公司对此强调的程度各有不同,这主要取决于该公司与中国相关的生意有多少。 www.jukuu.com 7. This change in emphasis, Mr Seligmann says, has not been as easy for people to agree on as he initially thought it would be. 塞里格曼说,最初他觉得大家会很快支持工作重心的这种转变,事实却不那么容易。 www.ecocn.org 8. Cropping is often used to hide or trim a part of a picture, either for emphasis or to remove unwanted portions. 裁剪常用于进行隐藏或剪切部分图片,以强调或者删除不需要的部分图片。 office.microsoft.com 9. We further develop and highlight control-oriented approaches with particular emphasis on the question of what organizations should do next. 我们进一步深入讨论控制导向的方法,特别强调组织下一步应该从事的事情。 dictionary.osun.org 10. The second thing is we could have placed greater emphasis on coaching rather than leave it up to the projects to ask for coaching. 第二是我们应该更强调指导,而不是在要求下才去指导。 www.infoq.com 1. The emphasis is on play: it's easy to add in planets, zoom in and out, change the physical constants, save and load configurations, etc. 它的主题在于它的可玩性:可以方便地增加行星,对场景进行缩放,修改物理常量,保存和加载配制,等等。 osl.bsw.net.cn 2. But, delegates are divided as to how much emphasis to give to the issue. 但是,代表们在应该给予该问题多大重视上存在分歧。 www.hjenglish.com 3. My mother raised me up to be a 'Southern' novelist, with a strong emphasis on the word 'Southern. ' 我母亲将我培养成了一位‘南方’小说家,她尤为看重‘南方’二字。 www.bing.com 4. This seems to be an admission that America's emphasis on spreading democracy has not gone exactly as planned. 他的讲话似乎在承认美国散布民主的着重努力没有完全达到预期计划。 www.ecocn.org 5. Always and again, the emphasis is on knowledge, on the certainty of understanding something, of knowing some fact and its meaning. 总是这样,重点是知识,理解事物和认知一些事实及其含义的确定性。 www.bing.com 6. In countries with more flexible labour markets, the emphasis tends to be on "skilling up" young people. 在那些劳动力市场灵活性很强的国家,该重点倾向于提高年轻人的职业技能。 club.topsage.com 7. The long-standing prosperity of the Chen family should be attributed to its emphasis on education, accepted norms and family tradition. 可以说,陈家数百年的兴旺得益于这个家族世代对教育的重视,以及强调礼制、恪守本分的家风。 weilingcha.spaces.live.com 8. "It was an enjoyable game aimed at commemorating a great coach who had an emphasis on young players, " he said. “这是一场有趣的比赛,目的是纪念一位伟大的教练,他非常重视年轻球员,”他说。 www.manutd.com.cn 9. Cultural education has been a great deal of damage appraisal values directly subject to political influence, the emphasis on pragmatism. 文革时期的教育受到了极大的破坏,教学评价价值观直接受到政治的影响,注重实用主义。 www.lw23.com 10. Senate Republicans said they were ready to fight to put more emphasis on tax cuts and less on new spending. 参议院共和党人士指出,他们准备争取强化减税部分措施,减少新支出的着墨。 cn.reuters.com 1. They wanted to inform the public, and the public at that stage was fairly literate, so there was more of an emphasis on the word. 他们意图告知公众,那个阶段的公众很有文化修养,所以更强调措辞。 www.bing.com 2. In the synthesis process of mesoporous materials, large amount of templates had been used, so removing the template became the emphasis. 由于介孔材料在合成过程中使用了大量模板剂,因此模板剂的去除问题就成为研究的重点之一。 www.chemyq.com 3. Emphasis on the word "now" . SKINNER and SCULLY start to leave. KERSH takes off his glasses and faces them. 强调“现在”这个词。斯金纳和史高丽开始离开。克什摘下眼镜开着他们。 www.myxfiles.com 4. This guide's Campaign walkthrough tends to be conservative and deliberate, with an emphasis on exploring fundamental aspects of the game. 本攻略旨在以保守稳妥和从容不迫的态度关注于游戏基本层面的探索。 www.bing.com 5. "The key principle is to shift the emphasis, but to do so in a very responsible manner, " she said. 她说:“主要原则是改变重点,但以非常负责任的态度来这样做。” www.voanews.cn 6. He concluded that jurors believed he knew what was important and might have put greater emphasis on testimony he recorded. 他得出结论说,陪审员认为他知道哪些证词重要,并可能对他作笔记的那部分证词赋予更大的重要性。 www.america.gov 7. Task-based language approach puts emphasis on purposive communication and meaning expressing, and study of form of language as well. 在任务语言教学中,语言教学既强调有目的的交际和语意表达,也不忽视语言形式的学习。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Social surveys must be conducted within the framework of research ethics, a subject to which China has not given due emphasis. 社会调查必须在研究伦理的框架之内进行,这一点在中国尚未受到应有的重视。 qk.cass.cn 9. However all battles take place in classic turn-based mode with a strong emphasis on tactical elements. 当然,所有的战斗将会是经曲的回合模式,伴随着高度重视的战术元素。 www.heroworld.net 10. That emphasis on consilience, even if it came at the expense of convenience, has always been a defining trait of Steve Jobs. 强调步调一致,即便以便利为代价,这是史蒂夫·乔布斯一直以来最为典型的特质。 www.bing.com 1. One said he expects to see more emphasis on safety and less on speed. 一位专家说,预计中国会更强调项目的安全性,速度次之。 c.wsj.com 2. Regulators instead put more emphasis on improving banks' risk controls and did not require them to have excess capital. 相反,监管机构把重点更多地放在改善银行风险控制上,并不要求银行拥有过多的资本金。 www.bing.com 3. Him with special emphasis on the disease, systemic fungal infections pustule long, some parts of the infected area of up to 60%! 他病情特别重,全身真菌感染长脓包,部分部位的感染面积达60%! www.hiv-vct.net 4. but the necessary emphasis on quantity seems to rob the game of much of what make it so enjoyable. 但必要的重量不重,似乎行劫的游戏,大部分是什么使它这么愉快。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. There is so much emphasis on grammar, however, there doesn't seem to be much room for communication. It feels like a test. 我们在课堂上,经常过多地强调语法,没有多少进行交流的余地。 xiaoan0626.zhcedu.cn 6. Schools vary in how much emphasis is put on the prelims and how difficult they are to pass. 资格考试重要性如何,通过的难度多大,均视学校不同而定。 blog.ce.cn 7. But he also said he would place equal emphasis on improving ties with China, with whom Japan now has larger trade relations. 但是他还谈到将会同样关注改善与中国这个日本目前的贸易大户之间的关系。 dongxi.net 8. He says there is an over-emphasis on climate change as the only form of environmental degradation that poses challenges to the planet. 他称如今有一种把气候变化作为环境退化唯一方式而过分强调的趋势。环境退化对我们的星球提出了挑战。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Emphasis the bank's entrance of reciprocal nation as well as the supervision to the bank which have came in. 既要严格外资银行的进入资格,又要充分考虑对等互惠国家银行机构的进入; www.13191.com 10. I shall say that it is natural for everyone to pay much emphasis on his own image. 我说,这是相当自然的每自己全部付出灰常重视自己的形象。 nuu8138.chinaw3.com 1. Over the past weeks you seem to have had an enormous emphasis on travel. 在过去几周里,你的生活好像很强调旅行。 b.me.blog.163.com 2. I never miss an opportunity to call for more funding for diplomacy and development and for a greater emphasis on civilian programs. 我把握我每一个为外交事务、发展战略争取预算的机会,同时也包括对民用项目的重视。 www.bing.com 3. "The emphasis has been a bit more on labour [standards] but environmental issues are going to become more important, " he said. 他表示:“人们对劳动(标准)的重视已经有了一点提高,但环境问题将变得更为重要。” www.ftchinese.com 4. Photo Tip: Remember that light can bring emphasis to what you want the viewer to be drawn to in a photograph. 摄影小贴士:记住,光线可以强化你希望观众看到的东西。 www.bing.com 5. But they seem to put less emphasis on creating formal development methods which would be repeatable in future innovations. 但是他们似乎并不重视在将来革新中可重复的正规的开发方式。 club.topsage.com 6. Although there are a number of reference works on African American writers, the emphasis tends to be on historical and literary authors. 虽然有许多参考书对非洲的美国作家的数量,重点往往是对历史和文学作家。 www.ccemagz.com 7. As in all the forward bends, the emphasis is on lengthening the front torso as you move more fully into the position. 在所有的前屈中,重点是当你更多地进入这个体式时,要拉长前侧的躯干。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in "I could sleep for a year" . or "This book weighs a ton" . 夸张法一种比喻,使用夸张来强调或产生某种效果,比如在“我能睡一年。”或“这书有一吨重中”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Since Agile places a lot of emphasis on quality, it is often considered a dimension which sits at the middle of the triangle. 因为敏捷团队非常强调质量,而质量被认为是坐落在三角形的中间。 www.infoq.com 10. Now that the recession was over, he said, the emphasis needed to shift towards budgetary control. 他说,由于经济危机已经结束,现在需要转向对财政预算的调控。 ecocn.org 1. Like the emphasis on the heart, morality had always been strong in the American revivalist heritage. 就像强调心一样,道德一直是美国信仰复兴运动者的遗产中的重要组成。 usacultures.blog.sohu.com 2. Applicants re entering the job market: Again, this takes a little bit of emphasis off the fact that you have not been working for a while. 应聘者重新进入工作市场:还是那句话,这能减轻对你已经有一段时间没工作了的事实的注意力。 www.zhaopinhui.org 3. And with so much emphasis on early intervention, parents often want to see their children "fixed" right away. 其在早期干预中被如此强调,家长往往希望看到自己的孩子能被“修理”好。 www.bing.com 4. Of course, one of these two viewpoints are not antagonistic to the other; it's only a question of different emphasis. 当然,这两个观点并不是对立的,而是有相辅相成的作用,只是教学重点不同罢了。 www.hotdic.com 5. Asian countries put much more emphasis on status differences, he said -- and American-style humor could upset those corporate hierarchies. 他说,亚洲国家在地位差别上的重视程度要大很多--美国式的幽默会把公司上下级关系混乱。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. If the wind and the wind blowing softly satin of my face, my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, more emphasis on the . . . . . . 风如柔柔的丝缎轻轻拂过我的脸,我的眼皮越来越重,越来越重了……?。 www.bing.com 7. But his first half was dominant, it was strong and he gave us an emphasis there with his inside game. 但是他的上半场极具统治力,他在场上的时候我们就拥有一个强点。 tieba.baidu.com 8. She adamantly argues that people in my (possibly, your) generation place too much emphasis on trying to be happy. 她固执地认为我(或许也是你)这一代对快乐看得太重。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. China's leaders understand the dangers of excessive dependence on exports and are trying to shift emphasis to domestic growth. 中国的领导人了解,过度依赖出口十分危险,他们正努力促进内需增长。 www.bing.com 10. Write an analysis of two or three dramas from the era of live television, giving special emphasis to the visual aspects of each. 针对电视直播时代的两或三部戏剧撰写一篇分析文章,着重关注每部戏剧的视觉因素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This suggests an interest in deep penetration and a greater emphasis on jointness, he said. 他说,这显示出中国大陆军方对于深入渗透和联合作战的进一步强调。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. That kind of tells you a little bit of an idea of the emphasis that my parents placed on education. 这个也许可以告诉你一点印象,关于我的父母是如此重视教育。 www.ted.com 3. While emphasis will continue to be placed on new plants there should also be an understanding of the hazard potential of existing plants. 重点将继续放在新工厂,同时也应了解现有工厂的潜在危险。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. To this end, particular emphasis would be given the next few years on increasing foreign participation in the institutional investor market. 为了实现上述目标,在未来几年里须注重加大对境外机构投资者的市场开放力度。 web.worldbank.org 5. She grinned as she repeated and dwelt upon the fatal monosyllable, with the emphasis of a vindictive fiend. 她反复说着这话,象一个想复仇的魔鬼,故意拖长那个难听的字眼,并且龇牙咧嘴地笑着。 6. Marc Boderie lays down his knife and fork and leans across the table for emphasis: "So we have to make sure that this never happens again. " 马克?博尔德里(MarcBoderie)放下手中的刀叉,前倾着身子强调道:“所以我们必须确保这种情况决不会再发生。” www.ftchinese.com 7. Most of the emphasis is going to be on the landing page, The landing page should be top notch with visually appealing design! 大部分的重点将是在登陆页,登陆页应该与视觉吸引力的设计,一流的! www.bing.com 8. Sell yourself but emphasis what you can do for the company, don't talk too much about yourself. Generate excitement and be positive. 推销自己,但是要强调自己可以为公司做贡献,切不可一直在讲自己,要给人一种活跃、乐观的印象。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Mazda has always been one of the more individual big carmakers, with emphasis placed on design and engineering innovation. 马自达一直是更具个性的大型汽车制造商之一,它关注于设计和工艺创新。 www.ftchinese.com 10. As you can see, the environment is highly visual, with an emphasis on the higher-level concepts of your application. 可以看出,这个环境是高度可视化的,并且强调了应用程序的高级概念。 www.ibm.com 1. Living it up in a Singles' dive , "he repeated for emphasis . " “在一个单身汉的酒吧里尽情享受起来了,”他重复地强调说。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This paper emphasis the duty and right of the database publishers and library, and the problems between them are also mentioned. 本文重点论述数据库出版商与图书馆之间权利和义务关系以及两个权益主题之间存在的问题。 www.dictall.com 3. 'Overnight, the change of emphasis is going from banking over to solid products, and that is fish and aluminum, ' he said. 吉斯拉森说,就在一夜之间,改变的重点就从银行业转向了实体产品:鱼和铝材。 www.bing.com 4. Laying emphasis on punctuation has great significance for the progress of our law and the cultivation of the concept of law. 重视标点符号对于中国法治进程的影响和法治观念的培养意义重大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It would appear that the credit specified that the goods were to be shipped by sea OR by air [emphasis added]. 显然,信用证明确说明货物海运或空运(这里强调的是“或”)。 www.10588.com 6. In view of this point, this article studied the enterprise to implement the tax affairs risk management with emphasis the related question. 针对这一点,本文重点研究了企业实施税务风险管理的相关问题。 cn.qikan.com 7. He said these would include a greater emphasis on the economics, as well as ethical and humanitarian concerns. 他说该报告将更多的关注经济方面,另外也有道德和人道主义层面的考量。 www.bing.com 8. The curly-haired legend went on to say that he believes Juventus should put more emphasis on Serie A, not the Champions League. 这名卷曲长发的传奇人物接着说他相信尤文图斯会把更多的精力放到意甲联赛,而不是欧洲冠军联赛。 www.juvezone.com 9. We usually place the part to be stressed at the beginning of a sentence so as to give emphasis. 我们往往把强调的部分放在句首。收藏指正 wenku.baidu.com 10. Emphasis was made to put forward the possible mechanism of the realization of the ANAMMOX process in sludge granulation technology. 着重提出了厌氧氨氧化在污泥颗粒化技术中的实现的可能机理。 www.chemyq.com 1. They said the Obama administration's emphasis is on an appropriate - rather than speedy - response. 他们说,美国政府强调要作出适当的反应,而不是迅速的反应。 www.24en.com 2. The main lyric is to emphasize the individual nature of fantasy and exaggerated emphasis on tactics. 其中主要的就是强调个人的抒情性,偏重幻想和夸张的手法。 www.fabiao.net 3. The meeting will provide two and a half days of broad continuing education with an emphasis on infectious diseases. 本次会议将提供两年半广泛的继续教育,重点为传染病。 www.med365.com.cn 4. But North Korea's official news agency said the "main emphasis" of the talks was bilateral. 但朝鲜官方新闻社称会谈的“重点”在于与美国的双边会谈。 www.ecocn.org 5. "There is so much emphasis on being close to your kids that it plays tricks with personal identity, " Bowman says. “父母们这么看重与自己孩子的亲密程度以至于我们怀疑是不是他们的身份认同感出了问题,”鲍曼说。 www.putclub.com 6. After that, the emphasis on family and home will fade from your schedule, for Mars will have moved on to a new part of your chart. 在此之后,对家庭和家庭的重点将淡出你的时间表,因为火星将转移到一个新的部分的图表。 www.chinatarot.com 7. This emphasis on treatment is clearly associated with the technological advances that have taken place in the past ten to fifteen years. 很明显,这种治疗法和过去10~15年间技术的发展是紧密相关的。 www.ebigear.com 8. Some of you may think that's just a normal fact and I emphasis a normal fact too much. 也许你们中的一些人会认为那只是一个普通的事实并且我太过强调普通事实。 xianguo.com 9. I suppose the emphasis would be on the emotions of war, and the lesson, for the pupils, that wars come with a cost. 我想对于学生来说,重点在于战争的情感面以及战争的教训,在于战争是有代价的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Over the last few years, more emphasis has been placed on asset management and how it affects the bottom line. 近几年,开始越来越强调资产管理以及它怎样影响公司的基本运行。 www.gongkong.com 1. Your chart has been showing a strong emphasis on foreign interests, and this trend will begin to be intensified now through the summer. 你的星图显示出对外来收益的强烈重视,从现在开始直到经过整个夏天,这一趋势都在强化。 www.douban.com 2. Think of this time as a "baby moon" -like a honeymoon, with emphasis on establishing a relationship with minimal intrusions. 把外界的干扰因素减到最小,把重心放在和宝宝建立一种亲密的亲子关系上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Mr Brown's emphasis on empowering the users of public services through information is rather different from that of Tony Blair. 布朗先生的通过信息化来加强公众服务使用者的权利的着重点甚至不同于托尼布莱尔所提出来的观点。 www.ecocn.org 4. Liugong (pronounced lu-GONG) exports equipment to most parts of the globe, with a particular emphasis in Latin America and Southeast Asia. 广西柳工生产的设备已出口至世界大部分地区,其中尤以拉美和东南亚为重。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The U. S. government places an extra emphasis on the better qualities of its people and achieving a more civilized image in the world. 美国政府特别重视人民的素养,以便在世界上有个文明形象。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. Newspaper publishers hope that this emphasis on distinctive content may ease the move from print to digital distribution. 报纸出版商希望对特色内容的注重可能会给印刷媒介向数字媒介发行带来便利。 www.ecocn.org 7. A draft of the report showed that marketing executives in both countries put a strong emphasis on good communication skills. 研究报告草稿显示,两国的市场营销高管都强调良好的沟通能力。 www.common-talk.com 8. In addition, emphasis should be selected to join the project to carry out the kind of prospects there, fit to carry out regular brands. 另外,选择加盟项目应当偏重那种有开展前景的、契合开展规律的品牌。 99mrw.5d6d.com 9. If an area of emphasis is selected, student must take at least 12 more credits to bring the total credits to no less than 48 credit hours. 如果一个地区的重点是选定,学生必须至少有12个以上的学分,使总学分不得少于48学分。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The subject needs cooperation, and detection algorithm is the core technology, but it is not the emphasis of this paper. 该课题是一个多人协作的大课题,其中以检测算法为最核心的技术,但这一部分不是本文的重点。 www.fabiao.net 1. university education in management with an emphasis on accounting, involving the use of computers. able to comprehend financial statements. 在大学修管理学,以会计为主,包含电脑的应用。能懂得财务报告。 www.yjbys.com 2. Emphasis is often put on economic success in this regard. 重点往往是放在这方面的经济成就。 beijing.newchannel.org 3. The nose exhibits fresh and tropical fruit with a strong emphasis on stone fruits, pineapple, mango and honeysuckle. 散发着新鲜热带水果,尤其是核果、菠萝、芒果和金银花的香味。 www.ttwines.com 4. Thereafter the emphasis will shift to the question of how various aspects of the visual scene are processed in the visual system. 然后重点将转移至在视觉系统中的视觉画面的众多因素是如何加工的。 www.myoops.org 5. During this period, there was an emphasis on providing clean water, improved sanitation and housing. 在这个时期中,重点被强调的是提供干净的水,改善卫生设施和住房情况。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Note that the emphasis on the word MUST isn't editorial commentary: The all caps is part of the specification. 注意,对必须一词的强调并非编辑注:所有内容都是规范的一部分。 www.ibm.com 7. This attribute is lacking in US corporations and is a result of a direct emphasis on shareholder wealth rather than customer satisfaction. 美国公司缺乏这样的特质,并且导致了他们直接强调股东利益而不是客户满意。 www.ecocn.org 8. Most scholars studied the old age both in rural areas and cities, but they did not put emphasis on the old age in rural areas. 但是,一方面,这些研究往往是针对一般的老年人,而没有对农村老年人这个特殊群体给予特殊的研究与描述。 www.fabiao.net 9. But the emphasis this year was as much on playing down dangers as playing up volumes. 但是同保持增长一样,降低风险是今年的重点。 www.ecocn.org 10. It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The beginning of reform and opening up the importance of English is a great benefit, but now the emphasis is clearly excessive. 改革开放之初对英语的重视是大有裨益的,但如今的重视显然过度。 www.ziyuangongxiang5.com 2. One was the emphasis on the fact that other regions of WIPO had to be included. 第一就是强调事实上技术援助也应该包括WIPO的其他地区。 www.wipo.int 3. The treatment emphasis should vary with the beginning time of rehabilitation treatment. 康复医师应根据康复介入的时间,确定康复治疗的重点。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. Animation itself is exotic, domestic animation did not need too much emphasis on Chinese style. 动漫本身就是个舶来品,国产动画也没必要过于强调中国风。 www.dw188.com 5. Force For the Long Run Some new emphasis on irregular threats was warranted , but overcorrection can be dangerous . 建设一支面向未来的部队内容提要:对非常规威胁进行一些强调是需要的,但纠枉过正就变得危险了。 www.bing.com 6. To capture the eye of observer, the product must be properly executed in terms of balance, emphasis, proportion, rhythm, and harmony. 为了吸引评论家的眼球,产品必须严格按照平衡、强调、比例、韵律与和谐这些流程执行。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. To perfect the law system gradually, we ought to put emphasis on the reality, acting on the legislative tendency of the whole world. 我国应尊重现实,顺应国际立法趋势,逐步完善有关法律制度。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. This unwelcome development is a direct result of Beijing's emphasis on heavy industry in its most recent fiscal stimulus campaign. 北京当局在最近的财政刺激行动中对重工业的强调,直接导致了这种不受欢迎的发展。 www.bing.com 9. He said more than 9, 000 people are still engaged in clean-up operations with a special emphasis on restoring marshlands and beaches. 他说,超过9000人仍然在清理行动和一系列关于恢复沼泽地和海滩的特别重视。 www.englishtang.com 10. The packaging team's emphasis on using 100% recycled materials was an across-the-board source reduction strategy. 包装小组的重点放在利用100%回收材料是一种全面的源头削减战略。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Indeed, Warburg placed as much emphasis on moral standing as he did on capital or connections. 事实上,华宝将人品看得与资金和人际关系同样重要。 www.ecocn.org 2. IPython is a "comprehensive environment for interactive and exploratory computing" with a heavy emphasis on parallel programming. IPython是“用于交互及探索计算最全面的环境”,它非常强调并行编程。 www.infoq.com 3. This example clearly illustrates why there is so much emphasis on making the right choices for your project and organization. 这个示例清楚地解释了,为什么总是强调要为您的项目和组织作出正确的选择。 www.ibm.com 4. The strength of her emphasis, indeed, as well as her manner, caused Hetty to look up reproachfully. 她那一字一顿的加重语气,加上她那神态,使得海蒂抬起头来,带着责怪的神情瞧着她。 5. We argue that such a shift in emphasis would reverse the decline of wild tigers and do so in a rapid and cost-efficient manner. 我们认为这样转移重点将会让野生虎的数量转降为升,而且这么做的成效显著、效率更高。 www.bing.com 6. "In current Chinese society, people put an emphasis on power more than on individual liberty, " he said. “在中国现代社会中,人们更注重权利而不是个人自由,”他说。 www.bing.com 7. Service will be elegant at all times with emphasis on friendly service. The style of service will vary subject to time of the day. 无论何时服务都必须是周到的,更重要的强调是亲切友善。服务的形式可以根据一天中的时间而不同。 wenku.baidu.com 8. His emphasis was on investment as the motor of the economy; but influential US Keynesians airily dismissed this as a peculiarity of Keynes. 他强调投资是经济增长的动力;但势力强大的美国凯恩斯主义者轻率地将其描述为凯恩斯的一种怪癖。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I sometime wish that people would put a little more emphasis upon the observance of the law than they do upon its enforcement. 有时候我但愿人们多把重点放在遵守法律上,而非强调其实施。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 10. 'You meant that I recite the answers as an emphasis? Wonderful! You wake up the dreamer with one word. ' ‘你的意思是让我重点背诵那些答案?太棒啦!真是一言惊醒梦中人啊。’ blog.sina.com.cn 1. Web server controls are a second set of controls designed with a different emphasis. Web服务器控件是设计侧重点不同的另一组控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. In one bay, a Robert Gober sculpture and a Lee Bontecou relief are united by an emphasis on orifices and craft and a predatory air. 一湾,一个罗伯特戈伯雕塑及李庞特寇救济是由美国一个侧重开口,工艺和空中捕食。 www.sjgcz.cn 3. The emphasis was on the development and presentation of simple scripts to illustrate the fundamental ideas, but much more is possible. 本文主要通过开发和呈现几个简单脚本来展示一些基本概念,但是,除了给出的示例之外,还有更多可能性。 www.ibm.com 4. The emphasis on solar energy is as much a lifeline for floundering Chinese firms as it is an effort to reduce emissions. 这些关于太阳能的强调(措施)犹如一股生命甘泉之于这些苦苦挣扎的企业,同时也是旨在减少排放量的一个努力。 www.ecocn.org 5. There will also be an emphasis on interpersonal communications with patients and conducting research in a clinical setting. 同时也强调同病人的人际沟通和临床研究。 college.strong-study.com 6. Within a few years there were many companies specializing in EDA, each with a slightly different emphasis. 在几年内有许多公司,专业从事电子设计自动化,每一个稍微不同的重点。 q.sohu.com 7. The vice chancellor of UEA, Professor Edward Acton, said this was "not a demotion but a shift in emphasis of role" for Phil Jones. 东英吉利大学副校长爱德华·艾克顿教授说,这项任命对菲尔·琼斯而言“不是降级,而仅仅是职责重心的改变”。 www.bing.com 8. Bayer's Aspirin remains widely advertised, with an emphasis on the company's high quality and the product's breadth of use. 拜尔至今仍在为阿司匹林大打广告,广告中特别强调拜尔出品的质量保障以及该药广泛的用途。 www.ftchinese.com 9. And designers will continue to put a strong emphasis on artisanal craftsmanship, such as using recycled yarn, patchwork and crochet. 另外,设计师将一如既往地强调手工工艺,比如使用再生纱线、拼布和钩针织物。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Four is to three standard emphasis is not balanced, the re-emergence of a quality and light environment, occupation safety situation. 四是对三个标准的侧重不均衡,出现了重质量而轻环境、职业安全的情况。 km.cnqr.org 1. Commerce will be unlikely to grow if we do not lay emphasis on profits or economic returns, which goes against the law of business activity. 如果不讲利润,不讲经济效益,商业就不可能有发展,这也不符合经济活动的规律。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The emphasis on the latter was at the heart of new forms of nationalism. 关于后者的重点是在新形式的民族主义的核心。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Moreover, the author puts the emphasis on the general measures and methods usually used in tax avoidance. 同时重点研究了企业避税的常用的手段和方式, zhidao.baidu.com 4. From the time, the contents of this book ZhaoTingWu period depicting completely, the emphasis on the two person "s horn shopping. " 从时刻内容上看,赵廷武的这部书对这段时代的描画有头有尾,全书重点放在了两个风云人物的角拼上。 mmmdx.com 5. But she was careful to emphasis that the figures were estimates averaged across all of the families. 但她也谨慎地强调到这些数据是综合这些家庭的平均值。 www.bing.com 6. But a shift in emphasis to security issues offers a new set of challenges for the president. 而重点转向安全问题,是对总统的种种新考验。 www.voanews.cn 7. One is to fund research with a strong emphasis on energy engineering and science. 其一,资助以能源工程和科学为重点的研究。 www.ecocn.org 8. flexible working hours and, if Scandinavia is anything to go by, a strong emphasis on sexual equality. 弹性工作时间,还有(如果斯堪的纳维亚还能靠得住的话),重视男女平等。 club.topsage.com 9. By the concept of the impact of European culture and values of the individual Issac, a high-level emphasis on individual needs. 受这一观念的影响,欧洲文化祟尚个人的价值观,强调个人高层次的需求。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Designer Akiue Go said he created the dress with emphasis on the back for a specific reason. 礼服设计者伍秋植称,他将礼服背面作为设计重点,有特别的用意。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The bank's rate-setters have in any case placed greater emphasis on the strong expansion of credit that goes with buoyant deposits. 央行的汇率制定者有充足理由随着存款量上升而不断壮大信贷市场施加更大压力。 www.ecocn.org 2. Such an emphasis can breed a belief that bright people do not have to work hard to do well. 如果侧重会滋生聪明的人无须努力工作就能得心应手的理念。 tiancailin.good.blog.163.com 3. The rest of the book covers programming- and processing-specific tips and ideas, with an emphasis on Java tools and idioms. 本书的其他部分讨论了与编程和处理有关的技巧和观点,特别强调了Java工具和惯用法。 www-128.ibm.com 4. By the end appreciates the fact that the heroine Eleanor because she was another reason that the emphasis on feelings. 作者最终赞赏的是女主人公埃莉诺,因为她即重感情又有理智。 www.6edu.net 5. You see where I intend to put the emphasis: on the privilege at a certain level of elements that we could quality as amboceptors. 你们看出,我强调的重点在哪里。某些层次的元素,具有特权,我们能够给予的特质是「细胞介体」。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. The Wall Street Journal, with its emphasis on long features that upset the conventional wisdom, suited me. 因此目光长远且善于挑战传统观念的《华尔街日报》很适合我。 dongxi.net 7. Strategists from the Warring States era began, there has been a great emphasis on eloquence. 从战国时代的纵横家开始,人们就已经非常注重口才了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The emphasis on clinical relevance alongside fundamental research is part of a more general trend at the institute. 该研究所更一般性的方向是同时强调临床应用与基础研究。 www.scidev.net 9. The language was a boy of knowledge to be learned, with an emphasis on intellectual rigor. 语言是一门须学习的学问,重点放在智力的严密上。 word.hcbus.com 10. They are taking advantage of a growing trend among busy salaries to put more emphasis on relaxation and fun. 繁忙的工薪族越来越强调放松和休闲,玩具制造商们就利用这个不断增长的趋势。 www.xuehuiedu.com 1. Expect to see an emphasis on the scholarly and research implications of the acquisition. 该馆博客作者MattRaymond称此次收购的重点在于其学术和科研内涵。 www.bing.com 2. This was added recently, probably to put an emphasis on XML as the underlying universal language. 这是最近添加上去的,可能是用来着重强调作为底层通用语言的XML。 www.ibm.com 3. Technically, an important predecessor is surrealism , with its emphasis on spontaneous, automatic or subconscious creation. 技术上来说﹐抽象表现主义的前身可以说是超现实主义﹐超现实主义强调自发﹐自动以及潜意识创造。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But Kanner's emphasis, like that of most people since, was on autism's drawbacks. 但是卡纳的重点,和从那以后的大多数人一样,在自闭症的缺点上。 www.bing.com 5. Emphasis hierarchy or focus is not giving each object (like a bed or curtain) in a project (like a bedroom decor) equal dominance. 重点分层或重点不是让每一个对象(如床或窗帘)在一个项目中(如卧室装饰)都享有平等的地位。 www.bing.com 6. They went on to say that their lives are not fun because there is such an emphasis on studying. 他们(中国大学生)继续说,他们的生活没有乐趣,因为学习被看得很重。 www.douban.com 7. Zhuo Xinping said there should be more emphasis on members of occupation disease prevention, prevention, was more active. 卓新平委员也认为应该更多强调职业病的防治,以预防为主,才更主动。 www.cnqr.org 8. University education in management with an emphasis on accounting, involving the use of computers, Able to compare. heedfinancialstatements在大学修管理学,以会计为主,包含电脑的使用。能理财务报告。 www.8875.org 9. In terms of a quantitatively strong mind versus the ability to communicate, we place an emphasis on both. 至于发达的数量分析头脑和沟通能力,我们两者并重。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The complexity of his identity as well as abundant practical experience, so his Chuanqi of greater emphasis on performance. 他的复杂身份和丰富的实践经历,使他对传奇的演出性更加重视。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. The emphasis is that this new machine introduces every single person as someone special and in possession of a useful resource. 重点在于,这种新的机制把每个个人都当某个特别的人物来介绍,而且每个人都拥有有用的资源。 www.bing.com 2. But after graduating from college as an art major with a pottery emphasis, she realized how cumbersome it could be. 大学毕业时她的重点方向是陶器,但是大学毕业之后她才意识到这活儿有多笨重。 www.bing.com 3. Here we review some of the processes that contribute to song learning and production, with an emphasis on the role of auditory feedback. 在这里,我们综述的一些进程,有助于歌曲学习和生产,重点中的作用的听觉反馈。 www.syyxw.com 4. Britain is now leading the British emphasis on science, research and practice of science. 英国现在处于领先地位,就是英国重视了科学,研究并实践了科学。 wenwen.soso.com 5. And IBM has gone on to record growth with its emphasis on software and services. Ultimately, both companies' game plans were validated. 同时,IBM将重点放在软件与服务,公司仍然日益壮大。 www.bing.com 6. In teaching and learning process, the emphasis is on? how students must be able to communicate and? express messages orally well. 在教与学的过程中,我们把重心放在如何让学生以口语更好地进行沟通和表达。 www.918lunwen.com 7. Globalisation needs to be stopped and a new emphasis placed on local trade and local production for local needs. 全球化需要被遏制,新的重心应该放在本地贸易和为了本地需要而进行的本地生产上。 www.chinadialogue.net 8. The month's strong emphasis on communication will also help you do well in matters of the heart, dear Sagittarius. 亲爱的射手座,这个月特别强调的交流将帮助你处理好感情问题。 hi.baidu.com 9. An emphasis on academic standard and neglect on teachers ethics standard in its evaluation leads to its flaw in significance. 强调评选的“学术标准”而淡化“师德标准”也导致其意义缺失。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. I really have great hopes with the new administration because I understand there's going to be a real emphasis on diplomacy. 我对新一届政府的确寄予很大希望,因为我知道将会十分强调外交。 www.america.gov 1. Maintaining this equilibrium is not always easy, because emphasis inevitably shifts from one area to another. 保持这种平衡并不容易,因为这种平衡会不可避免的在各个领域中转换不停。 www.bing.com 2. Stress test refers to tests that put a greater emphasis on robustness, availability, and error handling under a heavy load on the product. 压力测试注重于产品在较大负载下的健壮性、可用性和错误处理效率。 www.ibm.com 3. the fund invests in a portfolio of north american equities , with the main emphasis on the united states of america. 基金旨在透过以美国为主之北美洲上市公司股份投资组合达致长期资本增值。 www.ichacha.net 4. The key of the law in rule of law is administrative execution whose emphasis should be the police administrative execution. 依法行政中行政的关键是行政执法,行政执法的重中之重应该是公安行政执法。 epub.cnki.net 5. The topics involve all the procedures of confirmation, computation, register and report, with an emphasis of confirmation and computation. 课题包括所有的决策、估算、记录和报表的所有流程,特别强调决策和估算。 bbs.xmfish.com 6. A greater emphasis will also be placed on a language volunteer support system in the event of a disaster. 加强采用语言志愿者支持这一系统的工作,来应对地震的突发情况。 www.metro.tokyo.jp 7. The work you will be doing during the next week is an example of the change in emphasis from space exploration to space exploitation. 你在以后一星期所要做的那些工作,正可以说明空间飞行的重点已从空间探索转移到了空间的开发利用。 8. Has studied the heat preservation temperature, the soaking time, the cooling time vrum sensory evaluation influence with emphasis. 重点研究了保温温度、保温时间、冷却时间对奶皮子感官评定的影响。 www.chemyq.com 9. Along with the American emphasis on individual freedom, the belief in equality has had a strong effect on the family. 除了美国人对个人自由的注重外,对平等的信念也在家庭中有一个强而有力的影响。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The author goes on to put an emphasis in common factors and limit factors of defining the scope of the mental damages. 之后作者着重分析了确定精神损害赔偿范围的一般因素和限制因素。 www.fabiao.net 1. When it comes to a wardrobe, there no longer the same emphasis on distinguishing between going to work and socializing. 说到衣橱里的衣服,人们已不再强调职业装和便装之间的区别。 www.tvsou.com 2. The Police College participates extensively in international police cooperation, where training issues are receiving increasing emphasis. 警察学院广泛参与国际警察合作,培训问题在其中愈来愈受到重视。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. He couldn't understand why there should be so much emphasis on fixed rules rather than creative thinking. 他不明白为什么这么重视固定的规则,而不重视创造性的思考。 shantiangang163.blog.163.com 4. Its strength, continued the examination and supervision, blithe indifference metapositive to the company's emphasis on product quality. 其执行力度、持续度和监督考核度,毫不亚于公司对产品质量的重视。 www.bing.com 5. Note: The main idea with most of these changes is to emphasis the timing aspect of the echo slam more. 注意:这样进行改动主要的目的在于加强回音击在游戏后期的作用。 www.yo-yi.com 6. The final phase of this section, is devoted to the tools and techniques that we use in the Set Shop with an emphasis on safe tool usage. 该课程的最后部分,我们将把时间花在我们在布景工作坊中将用到的工具和技术,其重点在于安全的工具使用。 www.myoops.org 7. "United States of America Dream" is an emphasis on individual entrepreneurship struggle, the main point is the individual. “美国梦”是一种强调个人奋斗的企业家精神,主要的指向是个人。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 8. Our firm aim is to be a student-centred institution with a special emphasis on flexiblity. 我们公司旨在成为一个以学生为中心并且强调学生的自由发展的机构。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. At a cat "cafe, " the emphasis is not on food and beverages but relaxing in the company of cats. 在猫咪咖啡馆,重点不在于食物和饮料,而在于有猫咪陪伴的那份轻松愉快。 www.kekenet.com 10. There was also a heavy emphasis placed on designs that would decrease energy consumption. 设计上的另一个亮点,是在减少能源消费上的努力。 www.tctopclub.com 1. Avoid the overuse of exclamation points or emoticons: Your words should be so clear and strong that they don't require extra emphasis. 避免过度使用感叹号或表情符号:你的语言应该清楚,并不需要额外重视。 www.bing.com 2. There has been a long-term shift of emphasis in the US economy away from manufacturing and towards finance. 美国长时期的转移经济重点,忽略生产但倾向于金融。 www.bing.com 3. Therefore, I The design of the hotel with particular emphasis on the handling of light, the integration of the environment. 因此,我在设计酒店时特别注重对光的处理,对环境的融合。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Placing less emphasis on the lines, and coloring counties as you select the major cities might make this more clear. 如果使用颜色较浅的线条并将你所选择的城市进行着色,那么从图上看的话那些主要城市就能较明显的显现出来。 www.bing.com 5. Novel and attractive models are included to simplify difficult-to-understand concepts, with emphasis on therapeutics. 新颖和有吸引力的模型,包括简化很难理解的概念与治疗方法为重点。 www.ccebook.net 6. Principles which are used for the elements of design are balance, emphasis, rhythm, and proportion and unity or harmony. 适用于设计要素的原则是平衡、重点突出、韵律、比例、统一或和谐。 tr.bab.la 7. MTV Japan was re launched with an emphasis on extensive audience research and a new focus on local music and artists. 随后日本MTV又重新改版,聚焦于对观众的广泛调研以及开始关注当地音乐和艺术家。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Combined with government policy emphasis on the cultural industry, the art ceramics industry enters into a new phase. 艺术类陶瓷工厂也因为政府政策对文化产业的重视,而进入崭新阶段。 www.cetd.com.tw 9. The United States, while being careful not to take sides, is clearly comfortable with Mr. Ma's emphasis on stable relations with China. 美国在小心翼翼地表示不偏向那一边的同时,明显地对马先生强调保持与中国稳定关系感到舒服。 m.yeeyan.org 10. Emphasis should be on eating a healthy balanced diet applicable to the general population. 应该强调的是饮食健康的均衡饮食,适用于一般民众。 www.rourou88.com 1. Hilton Shanghai places heavy emphasis on a continuous upgrade in an effort to sharpen the hotel's competitive edge. 为了保持酒店的竞争力,上海希尔顿酒店配备了高速宽带上网和无线上网等先进的设施。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The emphasis throughout all the courses is to provide quality English Tuition in a personal, relaxed and friendly atmosphere. 所有课程强调要在一个个人,轻松和亲切友善的环境里提供高质素英语教授。 atlanticlanguage.com 3. Stone printing cylinders is one of our products with emphasis for development, and have occupied 80% of the market for stone texture. 石纹版是我们重点开发产品之一,占有80%的石纹市场。 www.nfzb.com 4. The University conducts world-class research across the whole range of disciplines - with increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary work. 本大学在所有领域里进行世界一流的研究工作,而且越来越强调跨学科领域的工作。 www.edush.com 5. However, Ancelotti has refused to put too much emphasis on the location, preferring instead to focus on the teams. 安帅不想对比赛场地和裁判抱怨太多,现在他只想专注于这场比赛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Emphasis on the studies of Real-time image control technology and data integration technology between the system and MES. 重点对实时画面控制技术和系统和MES数据集成技术停止了分析。 www.lunwenzhiku.com 7. It produced much verbiage about colonialism and neocolonialism, with a heavy emphasis on the Western version. 该运动催生了许多冗长的空话,有关于殖民主义的,也有关于新殖民主义的,而且十分强调西方的观点。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. The Puritan doctrine of the Sabbath includes a strong emphasis on literal resting from labor, recreation, and other cultural activity. 清教徒之安息日的教义,强调字面的休息,不可从事休闲娱乐和其他的文化活动。 www.51zanmei.net 9. "We'll be shipping white from Day One, " he said with emphasis, to laughs from the audience. “我们会从第一天起就发送白款”,面对观众的笑声,他强调说。 www.bing.com 10. They first returned to a more orthodox Marxist emphasis on the determining role of economic forces in history. 他们首先返回到正统的马克思主义那里,强调经济力量在历史中的作用,接着将毛泽东主义的仪式化。 www.bing.com 1. Once we can speak directly with you as the Human Race, there will be naturally an emphasis upon the end times and what is about to happen. 一旦我们能够与你们人类直接对话,自然地会在时间的终结和什么将要发生上有一个强调。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This article will give you tips for finding a good stylist for your curls, with an emphasis on natural care. 这篇文章将告诉你几个小窍门,帮助你找到一个好的发型师。 www.bing.com 3. We are trying to shift the emphasis from curing illness to preventing it. 我们正在努力把工作重点从治疗疾病转为预防疾病。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Emphasis is also laid on the importance of properly positioning of the head and neck prior to any operation especially in craniotomy. 我们更强调在任何手术开始前就要注意头颈部的位置是否过度伸展或屈曲。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Emphasis was put on reading and writing at the expense of listening and talking. You need to motivate the children early on. 人们把重点放在了阅读与写作上,却忽视了听与说的训练,事实上,孩子需要被早日激发。 www.blcu.edu.cn 6. Four major points to be considered: simplicity, clarity, distinctiveness, and emphasis. 简约、清晰、区别性和重点突出,这四个要点需要被权衡。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. At the moment it seems too much emphasis has been placed on "development" whilst people's well being in general has become secondary. 目前看起来太着重于“发展”,而同时人们的健康幸福和良好行为等都变成次要的了。 www.tianya.cn 8. There was a strong emphasis on greenery and open space. 有强的重点在绿叶和露天场所。 shaikhsiddiqui.com 9. Q: This film places an emphasis on the value that books have. Was that in the original script? 问:影片着重突出了书的价值,这是剧本的初衷吗? www.bing.com 10. "Application of virtual topic" is a form of conceptual design, emphasis on concept and creativity, design method and design workflow. 推荐阅读:摘要:“虚题实做”的概念设计,注重概念与创新、设计方法与设计过程。 www.21mishu.com |
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