单词 | earthen |
释义 |
adj. clay,stone,mud,sand 例句释义: 泥土做的,土制的,陶制的,土灵,大地的,土的 1. "I shall do what I can, ma Master, " said the earthen lamp. 瓦等说道:“我要尽我力之所能的去做,我的主人。” www.coeffort.com 2. I shall do what I can, my Master, " said the earthen lamp. " 瓦灯说:“我将竭尽所能,我的主人。” blog.sina.com.cn 3. DHIRUBHAI AMBANI grew up in a two-room home with an earthen floor in the Indian state of Gujarat, close to the Arabian Sea. 迪卢柏?阿姆巴尼成长于一个有着泥土地板的二居室的家里,这是靠近阿拉伯海的印度古吉拉特邦(音)一个地方。 www.ecocn.org 4. "But I may come in contact with you, " said the earthen pot. “但是我有可能会和你接触,”瓦锅对铜锅说。 bbs.24en.com 5. All this would not answer my end, which was to get an earthen pot to hold what was liquid and bear the fire. 但是这一切并没有达到我的目的,因为我的目的是要做一个可以装流质,可以经得起火的泥锅。 6. This earthen tub, called a pithos, and formerly been used for holding wine or oil for the sacrifices at the temple. 这个陶制的大坛叫做圣坛,过去在庙里是用来盛装祭祀用的酒和油的。 www.24en.com 7. Molten iron is poured through a trench before flowing into shallow earthen moulds arranged along the side of the trench. 溶解的铁通过在流动的一个沟槽倾吐入沿沟槽的边被安排的浅土制模子之前。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Fervent lips and a wicked heart Are [like] an earthen vessel overlaid with silver dross. 火热的嘴,奸恶的心,好像银渣包的瓦器。 www.spring4life.org 9. The main road was no more, but there was still an earthen track that my Giant "Track" bicycle could cope with. 干道已尽,但还有一条泥泞路,我的自行车尚能应付。 www.ycwb.com 10. Who is there to take up my duties? asked the setting sun. I shall do what I can, my Master, said the earthen lamp. 落日问道:“有谁继续我的职务呢?”瓦灯说道:“我要尽我所能地做去,我的主人。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. Abruptly he flew backward, crushed the door with his back and got into the earthen house. 突然间身子倒飞,背脊撞破板门,进了土屋。 bbs.wwenglish.org 2. And with an earthen pot stew, raw materials in the minerals, vitamins and a high loss rate. 与一砂锅炖,在矿物质,维生素和高损失率原料。 www.qiyeku.com 3. This led to the construction of earthen or stone steps, arranging the audience into a semicircle in front of the speaker. 这导致了泥土阶或石阶的建构,安排观众们面对讲演者坐成一个半圆形。 www.youfind.com.cn 4. The mine is still operational, but a substantial earthen buffer shields the employees of Kraft and other companies from regular explosions. 尽管此处矿场仍然在运转,不过周围有坚固的泥土可以作为缓冲带,保护卡夫及其他公司的员工免遭定期爆破所产生的影响。 dongxi.net 5. had declared that a 30-metre stretch of battered earthen wall was to be considered part of the city wall of the Roman settlement. 他们正在考虑让一段30米长的土夯墙成为罗马定居地的城墙的一部分? www.ecocn.org 6. To help them carve out the fathomless caverns beneath the earth, the Titans created the dwarf-like earthen from magical, living stone. 为了在大地上挖掘深不可测的洞穴,泰坦用具有魔力的石头创造了土灵; hi.baidu.com 7. THE earthen wall holding back the turquoise lake at Kajaki has stood as a rebuke to British forces for more than two years. 卡加克翠湖前方树立的土墙在过去2年多来一直是英国军队头痛之地。 www.ecocn.org 8. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us. 但我们有这宝贝在瓦器里,要显明这超越的能力,是属于神,不是出于我们; xn.2000y.net 9. Weathering prevention is one of the difficulties in earthen ruins conservation. 表面防风化问题一直是土遗址保护研究的重点和难点。 www.rockmech.org 10. Meanwhile, downstream communities faced a risk of a flood should the landslide lake break through the earthen dam suddenly. 与此同时,下游地区则面临着堰塞湖突然溃坝导致洪水泛滥的风险。 www.bing.com 1. Ahead of the deluge, some intrepid homeowners tried to save their houses by building makeshift earthen levees. 在洪水来袭前,有些胆大的居民尝试建造临时的“山寨”堤坝来保护家园。 dongxi.net 2. Besides, earthen model of that structure has also been found in the revealed tombs of Han Dynasty. 在汉墓的发掘现场,也发现了陶制的吊脚楼模型。 www.showxiu.com 3. The stark earthen line separating Hamburg from the dark-colored flood water is probably a levee. 一条鲜明的土地分界线将汉堡和深色洪水隔离开来,这条线可能是一座堤坝。 www.bing.com 4. I could not make above two large earthen ugly things, I cannot call them jars, in about two months labour. 结果,我工作了差不多两个月的时间,才做成两只大瓦罐,样子非常难看,简直无法把它们叫作缸。 www.jukuu.com 5. They make a rude kind of earthen and wooden vessels, and bake the former in the sun. 它们也制造粗糙的陶器和木器,陶器是放在阳光下烘晒而成的。 www.exams.cn 6. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency may be of the power of God, and not of us. 但我们是在瓦器中存有这宝贝,为彰显那卓著的力量是属于天主,并非出于我们。 www.ccreadbible.org 7. Wooden or earthen figures of men and women buried with the dead. 古代殡葬用的木制或陶制的偶人。 www.chinese.cn 8. No joy at a thing of so mean a nature was ever equal to mine, when I found I had made an earthen pot that would bear the fire . 当我发现我已经制成了一只能耐火的罐子的时候,我对于这件微不足道的事情所感到的快乐,真是无可比拟。 www.bing.com 9. Days of torrential rains and a lack of maintenance were blamed for the earthen dam breaking. 连日来的滂沱大雨以及年久失修是造成这个土筑大坝决堤的原因。 www.enfamily.cn 10. They hurriedly threw up earthen walls, stretching blankets over the top to shelter these homeless people. 他们匆匆地筑起了土墙,在顶上盖些毯子,给这些无家可归者提供住处。 www.tingroom.com 1. When you sand I first met, I would have done anything to join the Earthen Ring. I'm not a neophyte anymore! 当我和你第一次相会时,我是真的愿意做任何事情来加入陶土议会的,但我现在已经不是个新手了! bbs.farm.hk 2. Tractors are tilling the land and building earthen rows that will serve as levees once water flows into these fields. 拖拉机在耕地,并且建起一道道田埂,等水流进这些农田时,这些田埂就能起到河堤的作用。 www.kekenet.com 3. The largest earthen dam in the U. S. , it was constructed on an active fault line in the 1950s and filled in 1968. 奥罗维尔坝是美国最大的土坝,20世纪50年代建在一个活动频繁的断层带上,1968年开始蓄水。 www.bing.com 4. Perhaps much like the stony troggs or dwarves that evolved from the earthen. 这与由土灵演化出矮人与石腭怪非常相似。 k88.net 5. The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter! 锡安宝贵的众子好比精金,现在何竟算为窑匠手所作的瓦瓶。 www.ebigear.com 6. His hometown, when we reached it, proved to be a scatter of huts with earthen walls covered with cow-dung. 我们到时才发现他的家乡原来是一片零星散布的茅草房,茅舍的土墙上还糊着牛粪。 wenku.baidu.com 7. A high earthen wall, combined with a city ordinance banning high rises, ensures a clear line of sight. 土墙崩落很高,结合城市法令禁止高楼,确保一个清晰的视线。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Most residents were sleeping when the earthen dam collapsed, sending 70 million cubic feet of water crashed down on their homes. 印尼一座泥土水坝坍塌的时候,多数民众还在睡梦中,没有料到他们的家很快被事故引发的7千万立方英尺的大水淹没了。 www.voanews.cn 9. The experience may be provide some methods to the reinforcement of earthen sites in the northwestern China. 也为西北干旱地区土遗址的维修加固提供了一些思路和借鉴。 www.dictall.com 10. We climbed to the crest of a hill up earthen stairs built into the hillside. 我们顺着建在山坡上的土阶往山顶上走。 gaokao.zxxk.com 1. Aside from great museums tucked away in temples or behind earthen garden walls, I saw few traces of Sian's glorious past. 除藏在寺庙里的大博物馆或在陶制花园围墙后面之外,我看到了西安辉煌历史的几处遗迹。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We followed the contour of the site's outer ditch and stopped at an earthen bridge, where a major road we had uncovered passed over it. 我们沿著外沟轮廓而行,停憩在一个泥桥之上,通过这座桥上的是一条我们先前所发掘出的主要道路。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 3. Despite its large size, I find the principal part of this mausoleum remains the hill-like earthen mound. 虽然这陵园那么大,我看最主要的还是这座像山一样的土堆了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The tsunami destroyed the earthen banks of the fishponds and filled the ponds with debris and often-toxic silt. 海啸破坏了鱼塘的土筑堤坝,将池中灌满了残片和往往是有毒的淤泥。 www.fao.org 5. A medium-sized earthen jar was standing near the tree, which provided tea in hot summer days for thirsty wayfarer. 一个中等水缸被固定在大树的旁边,里面的茶水是提供给在炎热夏季里赶路的旅人的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It reduces damage from heavy rains. And vetiver planted on earthen dams may strengthen them against breaks and flooding. 它减少了来自暴雨的损失,并且在堤坝上种植的香根草可以使它们加强抵御断层和洪水。 www.anxue.net 7. A thin trickle of water exits the lake on its western side, having carved through the natural earthen dam. 湖的西部有一条细流,在通过天然的泥质堤坝时被塑造形成。 www.bing.com 8. Diggers, earthen conveyors, portable micro energy projectors, plasma fuel cells all sat in orderly rows. 挖掘机,传送带,便携式能量发射器,等离子能量电池,所有的一切都整齐码放着。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Mohammed and his neighbor stood in silence above their own private earthen seed bank that afternoon in Welo. 在威洛的那个下午,默罕默德和他的邻居静立在他们自家泥制的私人种子银行上。 www.bing.com 10. Influence of cyclic freezing-thawing on the durability of earthen architecture are researched. 研究了冻融循环对土遗址耐久性的影响。 ytlx.whrsm.ac.cn 1. Then the clay was content, and silently thanked its maker, because, though an earthen vessel, it held so great a treasure. 这时黏土心满意足了,它暗暗地感谢它的制造者,因为虽然自己只是一只泥土器皿,但里面装的却是一件稀世奇珍。 www.ebigear.com 2. The people of Ayodhya illuminated the kingdom with earthen diyas (oil lamps) and fireworks to celebration of the return of their king. 阿约提亚的人民因此而用陶制的油灯和焰火照亮了整个王国,以庆祝他们的国王的归来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Presently, domestic and international scholars hardly analyze the backoff of wall bases of earthen sites systematically. 目前,国内外学者很少有对遗址土掏蚀现象作出系统全面的分析。 www.fabiao.net 4. However, along with advanced technical application and increasing societys demanding, the earthen -site const. . . 随着大量先进技术的运用和社会需求的不断增大,它将进入快速发展期。 cnki.gzlib.gov.cn 5. Last week, the Army Corps of Engineers exploded a three-kilometer-wide hole along an earthen levee in Missouri. 上周,陆军工兵部队在密苏里堤坝炸开了一个3公里宽的大洞。 www.tingclass.com 6. The studied results can provide a reference for the protection of earthen ruins in the northwest of China. 研究成果可为河西地区土遗址保护提供参考。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Beside the earthen doorstep, bubbles in puddles of rainwater were whirling about like mad . 土阶边的水泡儿,泛来泛去的乱转。 dict.wenguo.com 8. The agile mom climbs tall trees and stands perilously astride a small earthen raft on the river. 动作敏捷的母亲可以瞬间爬上大树、也可以脚踏青草、随波漂流。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A patina of earthen clay or sandstone helps fit your landscape into its native surroundings. 一个土黏土或砂岩帕蒂娜有助于适应环境的原生景观。 www.hnylw.com.cn 10. And vetiver planted on earthen dams may strengthen them against breaks and flooding. 种植在水坝上的香根草可以加固水坝,增强抵御洪水的能力。 show.kekenet.com 1. Earthen walls of brick package, the city on all sides are equipped with gates, gate tower. 城墙土筑砖包,城四面都设有城门、城楼。 www.elycn.com 2. People buy the earthen lamps to decorate their homes during celebrations of Diwali. 人们购买迪帕瓦利装饰庆祝排灯节期间,他们的家园。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. By the end of 1703 earthen walls of the fortress were built, then stone ones. 到1703年年底,堡垒的土质墙建成,随后建成了石质墙。 www.bing.com 4. In some Australian species, the attending ants even build thatched or earthen corrals to contain the caterpillars. 澳大利亚有些种类的蚂蚁甚至修建起“茅草屋”或者是“土畜栏”将幼虫圈起来。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The faces of these men were earthen in hue. 那些人的面色都是土色的。 www.ebigear.com 6. The flame met the earthen lamp in one, and what a great marvel of light! 火焰邂逅瓦灯并从此结合,创造出多么光明的奇迹呀! blog.sina.com.cn 7. In this novel Kerwick and his servant sam, are England's Don Quixote and the mulberry earthen mound. Mr. 这部小说中的匹克威克与他的仆人山姆,就是英国的堂吉诃德与桑丘。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. When the world was sundered by the Well of Eternity's implosion, the earthen were deeply affected. 永恒之井的大爆炸把艾泽拉斯世界撕裂的同时,也深深影响到了土灵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Neb and Pencroft had taken away the fat from the dugong, and placed it in large earthen pots. 纳布和潘克洛夫已经把儒艮身上的脂肪全部取下来,装在大陶土罐里了。 novel.tingroom.com 10. Earthen is unique in the world of the mythical mountain village residential buildings. 土楼是世界上独一无二的神话般的山村民居建筑。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Zhengzhou where has sells the earth soybean flour the earthen pot? ? ? 郑州哪里有卖土豆粉的沙锅的??? www.showxiu.com 2. Chengqi lou, a 17th-century tulou, or earthen building, in Yongding, China, consists of concentric rings rising four stories. 承启楼—一座具有同心圆结构,高四层的土楼,建于17世纪,位于福建永定县。 www.bing.com 3. Workers then assembled the oven and placed it onto an earthen mound. 工人进行组装,放在烤箱上一个土冢它。 www.bugutang.com 4. In onshore operations, an earthen-bered storage area for discarded drilling mud. 在陆地钻井作业中,排放钻井液的土质泥浆储存池。 www.infopetro.com.cn 5. Excavations of 12th- and-13th-century burial mounds in the highlands of Brazil and Argentina revealed numerous earthen ovens. 在巴西和阿根廷高原所发掘出的12和13世纪的墓葬土丘还原了大量的地炉面貌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Sado entered, treading softly on the earthen floor. 进入船舱,踩在泥地上细语。 www.cqwx.net 7. An artisan paints an earthen lamp at a workshop before Diwali in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata October 6, 2009. 一个工匠描绘了土灯在排灯节之前在东部的加尔各答2009年10月6日印度城市讲习班。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This combined a stone and earthen embankment with plantings of pines and spindle trees. 这道防波堤由石头与泥土筑砌而成,上面种植了松树与丝棉木。 www.ftchinese.com 9. An earthen fortification; an earthen pot. 土制筑垒;陶罐 dict.hjenglish.com 10. The firm also keeps stacks of Chinese wine in round earthen jars in the cave, which they sell to visitors. 该公司同时在溶洞内设置摊点向游客出售陶罐装白酒。 www.bing.com 1. The quietness of the chapel has casted away noises from the earthen world. 教堂的寂静把外面的嘈杂关在了门外。 www.ebigear.com 2. so that PS is suitable for conservation of the earthen ruins in arid area of the Silk Road. 这就证明PS适用于丝绸之路干旱区古代土遗址的加固保护。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. We have a group of business skills, mastery of Earthen landscape, customs and excellent tour guide. 我们拥有一批业务精湛、熟悉掌握土楼景观,风土人情的优秀导游。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. and in earthen sites disease survey, a modern acme non-destructive analytical techniques and so on high tech have few section applications. 在遗址病害调查中,现代尖端无损分析检测技术等高科技手段的应用较少。 www.fabiao.net 5. After that the earthen pot floated away. 随后,土制的壶就漂走了。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Send me the love which is cool and pure like your rain that blesses the thirsty earth and fills the homely earthen jars. 赐予我这样的爱吧,清凉纯净,像你赐福于干渴的大地、注满家中陶罐的雨。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The house was built of earthen-bricks. It is surrounded by beautiful bamboo grove. 房子由土砖盖成,房子四周翠竹环绕。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The people who also is in the cards delighting in music in the earthen jar has been very few! 也有可能坛子里喜欢音乐的人太少了吧! club.qingdaonews.com 9. Wherefore I apostrophise myself and say: "O Earthen Pot! " 因此我规劝自己说:噢!你这个土砂锅! www.bing.com 10. Some enterprises and construction units to buy cheap, use these earthen simple elevator. 一些企业和施工单位贪图便宜,擅自购买使用这些土制简易升降机。 sp1717.com.cn 1. Or is GanZhuEr temple reception main remit Pope as earthen zhangjia and built two mansion siba. 左右是接待多伦诺尔汇宗寺甘珠尔瓦呼图克图和章嘉国师而建造的两座府邸。 0471t.com 2. They lived in earthen lodges and traded with other Plains tribes and English and French traders. 他们住在土制小屋内,与其他的平原印地安部落、英国商人及法国商人进行交易。 www.24en.com 3. After Mu Du left, Darky had to sleep on the big earthen kang alone. 木犊一走,偌大土炕又睡个黑氏。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The cabin has an earthen floor. 小屋的地板是泥地。 bbs13.xilubbs.com 5. When I first came to live in the Bijia Hill neighborhood in 1995, there was only an earthen path leading to the top of Bijia Hill. 1995年我刚来深圳住在笔架山附近的时候,只有一条土路通往山顶。 sztqb.sznews.com 6. They built up an earthen dam. 他们建起了土坝。 www3.060s.com 7. Why did the people in Yongding County construct earthen buildings? 永定人为什么要循八卦建造土楼? www.kle100.cn 8. This is a "zeng" earthen utensil for steaming food. 韩佳:这是甑,是用来蒸食物的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. That is why Paul tells the Corinthians in II Corinthians 4: 7 We have this treasure in earthen vessels. 这就是爲什么保罗在林后4:7说,我们有这宝物放在瓦器里 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The earthen architecture surface temperature did not affected by PS reinforcement; PS加固对土遗址表面温度变化没有影响; www.fabiao.net 1. Wonderful Works Standing out in Quanzhou Culture--Entering the Earthen Towers of Quanzhou 卓立于泉州文化之奇葩--走进泉州土楼 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Thus saith the LORD, Go and get a potter's earthen bottle, and take of the ancients of the people, and of the ancients of the priests; 耶和华如此说,你去买窑匠的瓦瓶,又带百姓中的长老和祭司中的长老 www.ebigear.com 3. Partially Fluorinated Polymers As Consolidates For The Conservation of Earthen Materials 偏氟聚物加固保护土质文物的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Four Points about Historical Pictures--The Related Description of Bone Whistle, Bone Flute, Earthen Bell and Crocodile Skin Drum Picture 乐史图说四则--骨哨、骨笛、陶钟和夔鼓图像的相关描述 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Highway asphalt coagulation earthen road pavement surface layer construction quality control 高速公路沥青混凝土路面面层施工的质量控制 service.ilib.cn 6. Cement coagulation earthen road pavement construction performance test standard 水泥混凝土路面施工的质量检验标准 service.ilib.cn 7. Study on Extrude Dominance and Planting Technique of Transplanting Strong Maize Seedling with Maize Nutrition Earthen Bowl 玉米营养钵壮苗移栽突出优势及栽培技术 service.ilib.cn 8. a fine little earthen doll 一个精巧的小小的泥娃娃 www.hxen.com 9. Asphalt coagulation earthen road pavement construction main flaw and preventive measure 沥青混凝土路面施工的主要缺陷及预防措施 service.ilib.cn 10. Studies on a Technique of Intermittent Feeding in Artificial Breeding of Mitten Crab in Earthen Ponds 河蟹土池育苗阶段性养水给饵技术的探索 www.ilib.cn 1. About asphalt coagulation earthen road pavement wheel rut origin and preventing and controlling 关于沥青混凝土路面车辙的成因与防治 www.ilib.cn 2. Highway cement coagulation earthen road pavement service craft discussion 高速公路水泥混凝土路面的维修工艺探讨 www.ilib.cn 3. Lime pulverized coal ash stable earthen road pavement subbase construction and quality control 石灰粉煤灰稳定土路面底基层施工及质量控制 bbs.ly.shangdu.com 4. On being queried the death of one's father, The Buddha breaks a pot of butter and an earthen pot and delivers a sermon 当被询问有关一位民众的父亲死后归宿的问题时,佛陀打破一个黄油罐子和一个陶土罐子,借此来进行说法; blog.sina.com.cn 5. Comparison on Water Quality in Nursery Tanks and Earthen Ponds Cultured with and without Muscle Whitish Disease Macrobrachium rosenbergii 罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病发病池和未发病池水质状况比较 www.ilib.cn 6. Application of double-sided ribbed earthen screen wall in earthquake zone of high earthquake intensity 双面加筋挡土墙结构在高烈度地震区应用的研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Earthen foundation snapping back module influence factor research 土基回弹模量影响因素研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Preliminary Experiment on Artificial Seed Rearing of Malabar Grouper Epinephelus malabaricus in Outdoor Earthen Pond 室外土池点带石斑鱼人工育苗初步试验 www.ilib.cn 9. The Evaluation of Producing Hydrocarbon of Medium-up Proterozoic Earthen the West of Liaoning 辽西地区中上元古界生烃量评价 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Several New Types of Transplanters for Paddy Rice Seedlings with Earthen Bowl 几种新型水稻钵秧移植机 www.ichacha.net 1. Further development of Hakkas culture and tourist resources of the earthen building in Yong Ding 客家文化与永定土楼旅游资源的深开发 www.ilib.cn 2. On the Conservation against Efflorescence of Earthen Sites 土遗址防风化保护概况 service.ilib.cn 3. The Beautiful: Ancient queen of the earthen season and her name is Autumn 美丽的妇人:大地远古的季节女王,她的名字是秋天 beautycute.blogcn.com 4. On the Architecture of Hakka Earthen Buildings in Yongding County 浅论永定客家土楼的建筑艺术 www.ichacha.net 5. Survey Design of Asphalt Concrete Earthen Road Pavement 旧水泥混凝土路面加铺沥青混凝土面层勘测设计 www.ichacha.net 6. Study on immature earthen sites reinforced with wood anchor 木质锚杆加固生土遗址研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Characteristics of Tourism Resources of Fujian Hakka Earthen Dwellings and the Development Countermeasures 福建土楼旅游资源特征与开发策略 www.ilib.cn 8. Cultural Details and Value of Rounded Earthen Buildings in Fujian 土楼的文化底蕴与价值 www.ichacha.net 9. Study on breeding technology of ruditapes philippinarum in earthen ponds 菲律宾蛤土池育苗的技术探讨 www.ilib.cn 10. Culture of Soft-shelled turtles in earthen ponds in plastic film shed 土池简易大棚增、加温养鳖技术研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Earthen basin painted with the design of five fish 五鱼纹陶盆 www.bpmuseum.com 2. Earthen basin painted with the design of deer 鹿纹陶盆 www.bpmuseum.com 3. Earthen basin painted with the design of fish 鱼纹陶盆 www.bpmuseum.com 4. Steel Ring of Earthen Resilience 土质弹力精钢指环 www.pactofshadow.com 5. A Peddler of Selling Earthen Basins 卖瓦盆的小贩 www.crazyenglish.org 6. the earthen pot is glazed inside 瓦罐里面挂了一层釉子。 www.ichacha.net 7. Stability analysis of loss of stability caused by freeze and melt of earthen side slopes of highways 公路土质边坡冻融失稳稳定性分析 www.ilib.cn |
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