单词 | ear |
释义 | ears是ear的复数
复数:ears 例句释义: 耳朵,注意,听力,倾听,抽穗,剑鼻,长串之耳,小孩子耳朵长 1. His legs no longer obeyed him, the buzzing in his ears came back again, and the black spots once more danced before his eyes. 他不能动,他觉得两条腿已经不听他做主,而且耳朵里又是嗡嗡地叫。黑星又在他眼前乱跳。 www.jukuu.com 2. Finally the mouse crouches down, ears flattened against its head, facing the wind which it has no choice but to endure. 最后老鼠蜷缩了起来,头上的耳朵也趴了下来,面对着风别无选择,只能忍耐。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Some commentators, to my eyes and ears, seemed to suggest that Chinese people were somehow less moral than the rest of us. 我的眼睛和耳朵告诉我,一些评论家似乎认为中国人的道德水准比我们其他人的都低下。 dongxi.net 4. But the manager used the same ears, eyes and nose when he made losing investments. 但是当投资失败时,他同样用的是自己的耳朵、鼻子和眼睛。 www.bing.com 5. It is the eyes and ears of military power, with huge phone and email monitoring capability and a wide network of informers. 它是军方的眼睛和耳朵,拥有很强的电话和邮件监控能力,情报员数量众多。 www.bing.com 6. A child: his eyes like the eyes of his brother, his nose like a hippopotamus, mouth, like my mother, ears like a ghost. 儿童答:他的眼睛像眼睛哥哥,鼻子像河马,嘴巴像我妈妈,耳朵像鬼。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. No matter how much sound makes it to our ears it's impressive, considering that the water boat men are less than half an inch long. 无论我们听到的鸣叫是多么的微弱,只要考虑到它们只有半英寸长,我们就不得不说它们是了不起的。 www.bing.com 8. Tiny four-old-month Thumper had the tops of his ears hacked off in the cruel attack when yobs snatched him from his hutch. 某个游手好闲的坏蛋把四个月大的小兔子Thumper从笼子里抓出来残忍的把他的耳朵切下来一半。 gb.cri.cn 9. Ears as if funneled streams, as if the leaves of her complaisant, immigrant moist Dawn was turned into my mind space Lane CHARMS sunshine. 耳畔仿佛有溪流涓涓,仿佛有笛声婉娩,笑靥在潮湿的晨曦瞬间变成了我心空里的妩媚阳光。 xzd.2000y.net 10. It could move its eyes in and out on stalks, it had big ears and its body was fat and round and furry. 它有一双伸缩自如的柄眼、一对大耳朵,身体又胖又圆,还毛绒绒的。 www.okread.net 1. They said that the U. S. video and eyes and ears of Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden different from the previous photo. 他们称美方视频中这个拉登的耳朵和眼睛与拉登以前的照片有出入。 www.englishtang.com 2. These dogs usually have the paler face markings over the muzzle, on the cheeks, above the eyes and with cream mottling in the ears. 这些犬通常脸部有分界线,覆盖包括口鼻,在脸颊上,眼睛上部和耳朵都有奶油色的斑纹。 www.xici.net 3. 'But why don't you scream now? 'Alice asked, holding her hands ready to put over her ears again. “可是你现在为什么不叫喊?”爱丽丝问,扬起双手准备再次把耳朵捂住。 www.okread.net 4. sonya trembled all over and crimsoned to her ears , and behind her ears , and down her neck and shoulders , while nikolay was speaking. 当尼古拉说话时,索尼娅全身颤抖起来,脸红到耳根,从耳根红到脖子,从脖子红到肩膀。 www.ichacha.net 5. "Our cameras, our microphones, are becoming the eyes and ears of the web, " they write in a paper entitled "Web Squared" . 两人在名为WebSquared[注1]的文章中写道:“我们的麦克风和摄像头正在变成网络的耳目。” www.ecocn.org 6. It made his ears ring, a little, when he thought of the story of himself coming to the Waste, and he thought about not answering. 他脑海里浮现出自己和荒野地的故事。这让他的耳边传来一阵轻轻的鸣响。他在考虑,是不是不要回答她? www.bing.com 7. To the ears of a zealot, such a denunciation sounds like an invitation to go out and claim a heavenly reward by slaying the offender. 在宗教狂热者看来,这样的谴责如同是号召人们行动起来,杀死罪人以执行天谴。 www.ecocn.org 8. Getting Started At the close of chapter 14 Jesus said, He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 入题:在第14章末尾,耶稣说道:“有耳可听的,就应当听”。 www.gbicp.org 9. Music to the ears of White House aides trying to hammer the message that Republicans now have a responsibility to govern. 下面的音乐带给不想听到共和党现在处于支配地位的白宫人员。 club.topsage.com 10. So let's consider the perceptual technology you've had between your ears since the moment you were born. 那么,让我们来考虑一下在你出生时起大脑就具备的感知技术吧。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. 'Tike care no one 'ears you, ' she added, in a whisper, though why she whispered she did not know. “当心别让人听见你,”她在他耳朵边小声地说,虽然她自己也不知道为什么要这样。 u.2u4u.com.cn 2. It has no eyes and no ears. 它既没有眼睛,也没有耳朵。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. as small wisps of smoke began to float out of his ears and curl towards the ceiling. 同时一股烟雾从他的耳朵里出来,弯弯曲曲地冲上屋顶。 www.jukuu.com 4. Tomorrow I'll go back to tell him off: I'll make his ears burn for a week! 明天,我得去骂他,我得让他一个礼拜都感到害臊。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. To let the thin- ribbed mule browse in stall grasses, its long ears waggling like the tails of two happy dogs? 它的长耳朵会像两只快乐小狗的尾巴那样摇个不停吗?。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. while ever and anon, like the spirit of a departed sound, the shrill and piercing shriek of a female voice seemed to be ringing in my ears. 然而一个女人凄厉的尖叫却像声音之精灵时时响在我的耳边。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. There's people who like to set others by the ears. B: John is one of them. A: I agree with you. He hates seeing people at peace. 有人就喜欢引起争吵。乙:约翰就是其中一个。甲:我同意你的看法,他不喜欢看到别人和平相处。 www.englishfamily.com.cn 8. The engines roar in your ears as you move towards the open door. Then you're outside, falling with the wind whipping past your ears. 当你走向机门的时候耳朵里满是飞机引擎的轰隆声,接着你跳出飞机,强风扑面而来。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. The little rabbit swayed gently and began to move his ears in the direction of the music. 邦尼兔摇头摆尾,耳朵耸立转向音乐的方向,沉醉在旋律中。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It had red eyes and a pair of long ears. 它有红红的眼睛还有一对长长的耳朵。 wenwen.soso.com 1. "Studying for a prosperous and rising China " , Premier Zhou's voice seems to be upon our ears. “为中华之崛起而读书”,总理之言,犹在耳畔。 www.bing.com 2. Sun shine, who quietly ears to hear but do not hear any sound, but it brings infinite wishes. 阳光静静地普照大地,人的耳朵听不见任何声响,但是它却带给人无限的祝福。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. You put one of your ears close to one end of the pipe while your friend taps the other end with a hammer. 你把耳朵贴近管子一端,而你的朋友用锤子轻击另一端。 www.fane.cn 4. This tremendous event is still on its way, still wandering; it has not yet reached the ears of men. 那大事变仍在途中,仍在漂泊,它还没到达人们的耳朵。 www.bing.com 5. In grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma's ears, eyes and mouth were all very big. 在奶奶家,小红帽发现奶奶的耳朵、眼睛和嘴巴都很大。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. If this book show grandmother, their grandfather, they do not have to wear glasses, do not rely on a pair of ears on the line yet? 如果把这本书拿给老奶奶、老爷爷们看,他们也不必再戴眼镜了,光靠一双耳朵不就行了吗? www.1001p.com 7. His intention was that these stories should only yield their meaning to those whose spiritual eyes and ears were open to his message. 他的用意是希望所讲的故事,只有那些愿意张开属灵眼睛及耳朵的人,才能明白当中的含意。 blog.163.com 8. Their eyes and ears are small and their eyesight and hearing are not as good as their sense of smell. 它们的眼睛和耳朵都很小,他们的视力和听觉不如嗅觉那样好。 www.qnr.cn 9. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. 那时义人在他们父的国里,要发出光来,像太阳一样。有耳可听的,就应当听。 www.qeto.com 10. Then my brain exploded and began to leak out my ears. Honestly, though, it took a second. Here's a good example from some of Ander's slides. 我的思想开始爆发,实际上,这花费了我一些时间。这里是一个好的例子。 www.cnblogs.com 1. By the tourists going in for a few hours a day, they are actually becoming the eyes and ears of the public. 游客每天花几个小时在这些地方参观,事实上他们主要就是来看老虎的。 www.remword.cn 2. When came the time of harvest, odd thing happened that the farmer's ears of wheat should have been shrunken, there was no any wheat seeds. 可等收成的时候,奇特的事情发生了。农夫的麦穗里竟是瘪瘪的,没有什么籽粒。 reachmyheart.blog.163.com 3. For his forehead was burning up, the blood in his veins stung him, and there was a roaring in his ears. 因为他的头滚烫,血管里的血液刺扎着他,耳朵也嗡嗡作响。 www.bing.com 4. Then he thought out a way: their ears, he thought: if their ears to hear, and the others should also ears to hear. 后来他想了一个办法:把自己的耳朵堵起来,他认为:只要自己的耳朵听不见了,别人的耳朵应该也同样听不见。 wenwen.soso.com 5. If this was not music to the ears of advocates of the humanities, they quickly found a soulmate in Steve Jobs. 如果人文学科的拥护者觉得这不中听,他们很快发现斯蒂夫·乔布斯是知音。 dongxi.net 6. With a smile, he asked his friend: "What did the bear tell you when he put his nose so close to your ears? " 他笑嘻嘻地问他朋友:“熊把鼻子凑到你耳朵旁,跟你说了些什么?” www.hxen.com 7. Acts 7: 57 But they cried out with a loud voice and covered their ears and rushed upon him with one accord. 徒七57众人大声喊叫,捂著耳朵,同心合意地冲向他去。 edu.china.com 8. As a general rule, our noses, eyes and ears wind up in pretty much the right place on our heads. 按一般的标准,我们的鼻子、眼睛、耳朵在脑袋上长得非常恰当。 www.24en.com 9. "With its ears, it looks a bit like the gesture we make on a picture to look cool, " she said referring to the popular 'V' sign. “花花公子的兔子耳朵看起来有点像我们在扮酷时摆的姿势”,她说 www.bing.com 10. Soon the bear comes up to the fat man, and even puts its nose to his mouth and ears. 不久,熊出没最多的胖子,甚至提出了他的嘴巴鼻子和耳朵。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Saoirse was also cranky and vomiting. She had swelling in both her ears and a bulge the size of an egg on her right temple. 西尔莎?罗南看起来很虚弱并有呕吐症状。她的双耳的位置都肿起来了,在右边太阳穴处有一个鸡蛋大小的肿块。 www.bing.com 2. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds hazily, without concentration and with little appreciation. 他们的眼睛和耳朵草草地接收所有的景象和声音,不会集中注意也不去感激。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. just as a cold hand touched the nape of my neck and said 'Be afraid. . Be very afraid' in my ears. 此时就像一双冰冷的手触碰着我的颈背,在我的耳边说着”害怕、很害怕“。 www.bing.com 4. Yes, it had a large mouth and small ears, and his eyes were behind dark glasses. 是的,大大的嘴巴,耳朵很小,而且眼睛藏在一副黑色墨镜的后面。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. His wife couldn't make out all this but she pricked up her ears at the word "responsibilities" . 他的妻子不明白这一切是怎么回事,但是她对“责任”这个词竖起了耳朵。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 6. Whether or not I hear God's call depends upon the state of my ears; and what I hear depends upon my disposition. 我是否听见上帝的呼召取决于我的耳朵的状态,听见的是什么取决于我的意向。 myutmost.wikispaces.com 7. I love the night like this, sober and tranquil. All on my ears are the slightly quivering breath and mild heartbeat from my own body. 我喜欢这样的夜晚,深沉,宁静,耳畔只有自己颤颤的呼吸和微微的心跳。 bbs.gxsd.com.cn 8. But Tim' hearing was too limited to hear those beautiful melodies clearly. What he could get in ears was only a light buzz. 可蒂姆的听力太有限,他很想听清那些美妙的旋律,但他听到的只有很轻的嗡嗡声。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Look deep into my eyes, and whisper to my ears. Speak with your heart, with your joy and I will know your true self. 神情地看着我的眼睛,温柔地跟我说悄悄话,用愉悦的心和我对话,让我认识真正的你。 www.bing.com 10. So the lion inquired what was the matter and why did the elephant's ears move with such a tremor every now and then. 因此,狮子询问是什麽事,为什麽大象的耳朵提出这样一个震颤每一个现在,然后。 www.en400.com:8080 1. Then from her pocket would come forth printed copies of that fateful composition, and my ears begin to redden and tingle. 这时她就从口袋里掏出那首印好的致命的歌曲,我的耳朵就开始红了起来,并伴有耳鸣。 www.bing.com 2. Gently move your hands as if massaging your ears in a smooth circular motion. Repeat in counterclockwise motion. 然后轻轻地移动双手,以平缓的圆周运动按摩耳朵并以逆时针方向不断重复此动作。 www.elanso.com 3. The CTA and the police appreciate the Angels' efforts and view them as "another set of eyes and ears. " 芝加哥交通局和警察们都很对天使们的表现赞赏不已,并且将他们看作是“另一副眼睛和耳朵”。 www.elanso.com 4. The roaring in her ears increased. Her chest muscles jerked, trying to breathe. There wasn't much more time. 她的耳鸣增强。她一试图呼吸她的胸肌便抽蓄不止。时间不能多耽搁了。 english.djtu.edu.cn 5. The voices of a tender ears, we saw a little girl ran straight into her mother's coat inside whispered. 一个稚嫩的声音传到耳边,只见一个小女孩一头栽进妈妈的大衣里轻声说。 www.tradeask.com 6. But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears. 美丽是你闭上双眼仍能看见的映像,是你捂上耳朵仍能听见的歌声。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. With this sort of endorsement ringing in his ears, Mr Mugabe smartly returned to what he knows best: intimidating his opponents. 取消制裁的呼声一直在穆加贝耳边持续,他便机灵地继续他最擅长的招儿:吓唬反对者。 www.ecocn.org 8. My teacher says land is the most valuable thing on earth. How much do you suppose the dirt behind my ears is worth? 我老师说土地是地球上最有价值的东西。你认为我耳朵后面的污垢值多少钱呢? www.kekenet.com 9. The jewel of the Word should not hang in our ears , but be locked up in a believing heart . 圣经珍宝不应权充耳环装饰,应当深置信徒内心。 www.bing.com 10. He says his ears are open, and he is ready to listen. He says he wants the opportunity to renew the public's sense of hope. 他说,他准备洗耳恭听。他希望民众能够有重获希望感的机会。 www.ebigear.com 1. "What a wilderness it is here, " thought the surveyor, trying to cover his ears with the collar of his overcoat. “这儿真是荒野!”土地测量员边想,边用外套的领子遮住他的耳朵。 www.bing.com 2. My loved ones, I do not give you a new law, but an old law which you had from the first; this old law is the word which came to your ears. 可爱的诸位,我给你们写的,不是一条新命令,而是你们从起初领受的旧命令:这旧命令就是你们所听的道理。 www.jdtjy.com 3. whose voices came into my ears , as if the whimpers of stream in my dream. 我听到传来的谁的声音,象那梦里呜咽中的小河; dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The clever ones threw a few limes and ears of corn into a shoulder bag and walked along pretending to be shoppers themselves. 几个机灵些的女人,扔几个酸橙和些苞谷在挎包里,边走边佯装着是买她们东西的顾客。 www.bing.com 5. If it happens to be Bruno, I let him in without a word and then jog back to bed, the roar of the invisible crowd ringing in my ears. 如果来人是布鲁诺,我会无声地让他进来后自己慢走回床上,而在我的耳中就会响起那些隐形的人们群情激动的欢呼声。 www.bing.com 6. warning ! do not fire in doors or near eyes and ears . do not carry caps loose in a pocket. 警告!不要在室内或近耳、近眼发射,不要将发火帽发射器放入口袋。 www.ichacha.net 7. If you've got a cellphone and a good pair of ears, you can help with the first-ever comprehensive cricket census of New York City. 如果你有一部手机和一对好使的耳朵,你就可以帮助纽约科学家进行第一次全面的蟋蟀普查。 www.bing.com 8. As dementia progresses and syntax and word finding falters, "listen with your ears, eyes and heart, " the Family Caregiver Alliance advises. 随着老年痴呆症的进展,语句变得含糊不清,“用你的耳朵,眼睛和心来听,”是“家庭看护者联盟”提供的建议。 www.bing.com 9. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sound hazily, without concentration, and with little appreciation. 他们的眼睛和耳朵承担在所有景点和健全的朦胧,没有集中,很少赞赏。 heshuibei.com 10. "Physician" farmer clutching his ears, quietly told him, a farmer, was the wait. “神医”捂着农夫的耳朵,悄悄地告诉了他,农夫一听,感到迫不及待了。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Fight double-vision and two ears horizontally, the beard on both sides, tail slapping ground up, two forelegs, ready to voldemort leaping. 争斗时瞳孔放大,两耳平伸,胡须向两边竖起,尾巴拍打地面,两前肢伏地,随时准备跃起。 ww.mf08s.com 2. From a distance she looked like a clay figure in a dingy? wool coat and a knit hat pulled down over her ears. 她穿着一件无光泽的毛线外衣,戴着一顶针织帽子,拉了下来遮住耳朵一远远看去,她就像一个泥塑的人。 www.fzfanyi.com 3. Believe it or not, your eyes and ears help you to walk! 不管你是否相信,我们行走时,依靠的是眼睛和耳朵的帮助! blog.sina.com.cn 4. However, he was not to be discouraged; he daubed his face over brown and black; pulled his cap over his ears, and knocked at the door. 不过王子并不因此失望。他把自己的脑袋涂成棕里透黑,把帽子拉下来盖住眉毛,于是就来敲门。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. The head of it there are a pair of long ears, like a pair of cotton swabs. 它的头上有一对长长的耳朵,像一对棉花棒。 www.ok06.com 6. 'It's no use speaking to it, ' she thought, 'till its ears have come, or at least one of them. “现在跟它说话没用处,”她想,“应该等它的两只耳朵也来了,至少来了一只,再说话。” www.hjenglish.com 7. And He said, He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 他又说,有耳可听的,就应当听。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. There are many American expressions that use parts of the body. These include the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and even the heart. 美国的许多表达方式使用到身体部位,包括眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴巴,甚至心脏。 www.tingclass.com 9. I must have let out a big sigh, because one of them pricked up his ears and raised his head as if waiting for me to speak. 我长出了一口气,惊动了其中一只驴,他竖起耳朵,抬起头,仿佛等待着我作发言。 www.bing.com 10. Her eyes and ears are moving into proper position on her face, giving her a more human appearance. 她的眼睛和耳朵正朝着脸上适当的位置移动,让她的面容更像人类的。 www.bing.com 1. From a distance she looked like a clay figure in a dingy? wool coat and a knit hat pulled down over her ears. 她穿着一件无光泽的毛线外衣,戴着一顶针织帽子,拉了下来遮住耳朵一远远看去,她就像一个泥塑的人。 www.fzfanyi.com 2. Believe it or not, your eyes and ears help you to walk! 不管你是否相信,我们行走时,依靠的是眼睛和耳朵的帮助! blog.sina.com.cn 3. However, he was not to be discouraged; he daubed his face over brown and black; pulled his cap over his ears, and knocked at the door. 不过王子并不因此失望。他把自己的脑袋涂成棕里透黑,把帽子拉下来盖住眉毛,于是就来敲门。 bbs.enfamily.cn 4. The head of it there are a pair of long ears, like a pair of cotton swabs. 它的头上有一对长长的耳朵,像一对棉花棒。 www.ok06.com 5. 'It's no use speaking to it, ' she thought, 'till its ears have come, or at least one of them. “现在跟它说话没用处,”她想,“应该等它的两只耳朵也来了,至少来了一只,再说话。” www.hjenglish.com 6. Nature gives us two eyes and two ears, but only one tongue, to the end that we should do is to see and hear, more than speak. 大自然赐给我们两只眼睛,两只耳朵,而只有一张嘴;所以我们就应该多看多听,而少说。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. 我在急难中求告耶和华,向我的上帝呼求。他从殿中听了我的声音;我的呼求入了他的耳中。 new.fuyinchina.com 8. And He said, He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 他又说,有耳可听的,就应当听。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. There are many American expressions that use parts of the body. These include the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and even the heart. 美国的许多表达方式使用到身体部位,包括眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴巴,甚至心脏。 www.tingclass.com 10. I must have let out a big sigh, because one of them pricked up his ears and raised his head as if waiting for me to speak. 我长出了一口气,惊动了其中一只驴,他竖起耳朵,抬起头,仿佛等待着我作发言。 www.bing.com 1. And He said, He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 他又说,有耳可听的,就应当听。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. There are many American expressions that use parts of the body. These include the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and even the heart. 美国的许多表达方式使用到身体部位,包括眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴巴,甚至心脏。 www.tingclass.com 3. I must have let out a big sigh, because one of them pricked up his ears and raised his head as if waiting for me to speak. 我长出了一口气,惊动了其中一只驴,他竖起耳朵,抬起头,仿佛等待着我作发言。 www.bing.com 4. Her eyes and ears are moving into proper position on her face, giving her a more human appearance. 她的眼睛和耳朵正朝着脸上适当的位置移动,让她的面容更像人类的。 www.bing.com 5. This in whispers of the wind burble no escape Zhang big ears, he immediately past : " intermediary promised to you how much money? " 这小声的嘟囔却没逃过张大爷的顺风耳,他当即过去问:“中介答应给你多少钱?” www.showxiu.com 6. I cuddled up to her mother and sat down beside her, let the mother in the ears is always nagging. 我紧挨着母亲身边坐下,任凭母亲在耳边不停的唠叨。 www.bing.com 7. And then her sorrow widened, like the bow of a dreadnought and the weight of her sinking flooded my ears. 这时她的悲哀扩展了,像一艘无畏战舰的舰首,她沉下去的重量使我的耳朵被水淹没了。 www.bing.com 8. Once upon a time, there was a black cat called Ali. He hung himself on the clothesline and wanted to make his ears longer. 从前,有一只黑色的小猫叫阿狸,他把自己夹在晾衣绳上,想把耳朵拉长。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Just lately I've been up to my ears. You've no idea how much work there is. 最近我忙得不得了,你不晓得我有多少工作要做。 www.jukuu.com 10. And He passed through the grainfields on the Sabbath, and His disciples began to go along, picking the ears of grain. 当安息日,耶稣从麦地经过,他的门徒行路的时候,掐起麦穗来。 www.msu.edu 1. Once upon a time, there was a black cat called Ali. He hung himself on the clothesline and wanted to make his ears longer. 从前,有一只黑色的小猫叫阿狸,他把自己夹在晾衣绳上,想把耳朵拉长。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Just lately I've been up to my ears. You've no idea how much work there is. 最近我忙得不得了,你不晓得我有多少工作要做。 www.jukuu.com 3. And He passed through the grainfields on the Sabbath, and His disciples began to go along, picking the ears of grain. 当安息日,耶稣从麦地经过,他的门徒行路的时候,掐起麦穗来。 www.msu.edu 4. He said he was up to his ears and that he'd call the next day. 他说他很忙,他明天会打电话给她 blog.sina.com.cn 5. She said she collected 50 signatures on a petition sent to officials, but that it had fallen on deaf ears. 她说她收集50个签名在一个请愿书上,送到行政官员,但这已经被置若罔闻。 www.bing.com 6. Fear is often shown by flattening the ears against the head. 如果是把耳朵紧贴脑袋就表示它们的害怕。 www.bing.com 7. A doctor came and looked at her fingers, her ears, her eyes, her nose, and her tongue. She wasn't sick. 医生检查了她的手指、她的耳朵、她的眼睛、她的鼻子和她的舌头后,发现公主并没有生病。 news.koolearn.com 8. In mine ears said the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant. 我耳闻万军之耶和华说,必有许多又大又美的房屋,成为荒凉,无人居住。 www.ebigear.com 9. The Indians used to put their ears to the ground to hear a distant noise! 在过去,印度人常常把耳朵贴在地上来获取很远地方传来的声音。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He listened eagerly, with receptive ears, lying on his back and looking up and joying in each movement of her lips as she talked. 他躺在地上尖起耳朵专注地听着,抬头望着她,欣赏着她说话时嘴唇的每一动作,但脑子却装不进赴。 www.waiyulm.com 1. The Indians used to put their ears to the ground to hear a distant noise! 在过去,印度人常常把耳朵贴在地上来获取很远地方传来的声音。 wenwen.soso.com 2. He listened eagerly, with receptive ears, lying on his back and looking up and joying in each movement of her lips as she talked. 他躺在地上尖起耳朵专注地听着,抬头望着她,欣赏着她说话时嘴唇的每一动作,但脑子却装不进赴。 www.waiyulm.com 3. The minimalist design will appeal just as much to your eyes as to your ears, with a choice of cool white or chrome. 最低限度的设计将提出上诉,正如很多你的眼睛,以您的耳朵,选择冷静的白色或铬。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The man in the tree comes down. With a smile he asks his friend, "The bear puts its nose so close to your ears. What does it say to you? " 在树上的人下来了,他微笑地对他的朋友说:“熊吧鼻子离你的耳朵那么近,它对你说什么了?” www.qzitv.com 5. Dr. Kolff continued to work on artificial organs, including eyes, ears and limbs, until he retired in 1997 at the age of 86. 科尔夫博士在1997年86岁高龄退休之前,一直从事人工器官研究,包括眼睛、耳朵以及肢体。 news.dxy.cn 6. His vision and hearing became so bad that he had rely on his wife to be his eyes and ears. 罹癌后,他视力和听力逐渐恶化,必须倚赖他的妻子作为他的眼睛和耳朵。 tr.bab.la 7. After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man's ears. Then he spit and touched the man's tongue. 耶稣领他离开众人,到一边去,就用指头探他的耳朵,吐唾沫抹他的舌头, www.ebigear.com 8. Expression: writing feeling is refreshing, then paint a portrait of the human eyes and ears of the narrative as it's mouth is also. 曰:写情则沁人心脾,写景则在人耳目,述事则如其口出是也。 www.cutpic.cn 9. The ears are never cropped and the tail is usually docked, but can be left in its natural state as well. 耳朵从来都不裁减和它的尾巴被罚分,但可以通常在它的自然状态。 www.6m.com 10. "Loud White Ears" had set such a trend back in the ancient times that they decided to build a large effigy of him in commemoration. 白色耳机的潮流居然流到了古代,连祖先们都决定给他雕像以示纪念了。 www.elanso.com 1. The ears are never cropped and the tail is usually docked, but can be left in its natural state as well. 耳朵从来都不裁减和它的尾巴被罚分,但可以通常在它的自然状态。 www.6m.com 2. "Loud White Ears" had set such a trend back in the ancient times that they decided to build a large effigy of him in commemoration. 白色耳机的潮流居然流到了古代,连祖先们都决定给他雕像以示纪念了。 www.elanso.com 3. Presently her ears detected the beginning of a well-known melody and unconsciously she began to play the air of Rigoletto. 过了一会儿,她的耳朵感觉出了一支著名曲调的前奏,于是她几乎是下意识地开始弹奏黎果赖妥的咏叹调。 4. At this, the man's ears were opened , his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly . 他的耳朵就开了,舌结也解了,说话了清楚了。 www.bing.com 5. Our principal has short hair on level with his ears, it suits the expression in his eyes and shows the poise of a leader. 我们的校长有着齐耳的短发,配合他的眼神,显示出领导人的风范 zhidao.baidu.com 6. On the deficit he said, We've got to collect taxes to eliminate it, but if anyone had a better idea, I'm all ears. 就赤字问题他说:“我们必须征税来消除赤字,但是如果谁有更好的主意,我愿意洗耳恭听”。 www.bing.com 7. Wu Yu : And I'm allowed to choose my own clothes, but I'm not allowed to get my ears pierced yet. 吴玉琴:我可以选择我自己的衣服,但我不容许让我的耳朵,戳穿了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I could still hear Frank's words in my ears as well as if he had said them only a few seconds earlier. 弗兰克的话还在我的耳边回荡,就好像刚刚跟我说过一样。 www.bing.com 9. Yamaguchi says he could not believe his ears when he heard the prime minister say he was ignorant about the matter. 山口那津男说,当他听到首相说他不了解情况的时候,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。 www.voanews.com.cn 10. Guess how much I love you Little Nutbrown Hare, who was going to bed, held on tight to Big Nutbrown Hare's very long ears. 小栗色兔子该上床睡觉了,可是他紧紧地抓住大栗色兔子的长耳朵不放。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Guess how much I love you Little Nutbrown Hare, who was going to bed, held on tight to Big Nutbrown Hare's very long ears. 小栗色兔子该上床睡觉了,可是他紧紧地抓住大栗色兔子的长耳朵不放。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Then, "You are going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But it's a secret" said the father. 那么,父亲说,“你准备去医院,儿子。我和妈妈找到了那个人,他愿意捐献给你所需的耳朵。但这是个秘密。” www.bing.com 3. He is full time, far from his only, run around, drinking alcohol, but this spread to his beloved wife of the Lie ears. 正在他全情投入的时候,远方传来了他只是在,跑来跑去、喝喝酒而已,这话传到了他爱妻李群的耳里。 bookapp.book.qq.com 4. If they did, the only sound action movie fans would hear as they staggered out of the theater would be the ringing in their ears. 如果他们,唯一的酣然的动作片风扇会听见当他们摇摆了在剧院外面会是敲响在他们的耳朵里。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. The sea otter is very cute . It has a small round head , a small nose, little eyes and ears , and a fat body. 海獭特别可爱,它有圆圆的脑袋,小鼻子,小眼睛,小耳朵和胖胖的身体。 blog.163.com 6. It has a pair of black stones like the eyes, ears, long tail, short of sharp claws, feels fluffy hair. 它有一双像黑宝石的眼睛,短短的耳朵,长长的尾巴,爪子尖尖的,摸起来毛绒绒的。 www.yingyubo.com 7. This voice, Socrates says, "I seem to hear humming in my ears, like the sound of the flute in the ears of the mystic. " 苏格拉底说,这个声音“我仿佛听见是在我的耳中嗡嗡作响,好象是神秘者耳中的笛声那样”。因而他就决定,他的责任是留下来甘心接受死刑。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. You give it a pat behind the ears, and everything is all right again. 轻抚它的耳背,一切就会归于平静之中。 www.ted.com 9. e. g. He seemed a very lively young man, certain of his own abilities and eager to set people by the ears . 看来他是个非常活跃的青年,对自己的能力十分自信,且急于一鸣惊人。 www.for68.com 10. The only thing what I do in this work is just opening my tiny two ears to hear what the space is talking to me. 我在这个作品里几乎甚么也没做,只不过张开我的一双小耳朵去聆听空间对我的喃喃私语。 art.china.cn 1. The only thing what I do in this work is just opening my tiny two ears to hear what the space is talking to me. 我在这个作品里几乎甚么也没做,只不过张开我的一双小耳朵去聆听空间对我的喃喃私语。 art.china.cn 2. And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 又说,有耳可听的,就应当听。 linlicun.go1.icpcn.com 3. And all it takes is to open no, not your wallet, but your eyes and ears, to appreciate the wildlife around us. 其实,您不需要掏腰包,只要张开眼睛,竖起耳朵,就能接触和欣赏到在我们身边的自然生态。 www.visitsingapore.com 4. Often, they would talk, murmuring against each other's ears and faces, whispering into the dark, until the sun rose in the morning. 多数时候,他们都在说话儿,耳鬓厮磨、喃喃低语直到深夜,直到太阳在黎明的天际升起。 www.bing.com 5. In the early years of his deafness, he suffered from tinnitus (humming and buzzing in the ears), and loud noises caused him pain. 在他听觉丧失的初期,他的耳鸣(耳中有翁翁作响之声),大一点的声音会引起疼痛。 www.thnu.edu.cn 6. With its soft fur, leathery nose, rounded ears, and big eyes, most people seem to melt when near one. 有着柔软的毛皮、皮革般的鼻子、圆圆的耳朵和大眼睛,大部分的人一靠近无尾熊心都软了起来。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. Once upon a time there was a very, very old man. His eyes had grown dim, his ears deaf, and his knees shook. 从前有个很老很老的老人,眼睛花,耳朵也背,双膝还不住地发抖。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. If it suits extremist ends to spin a fantastical tale of survival or trickery to gullible ears, expect to hear it. 如果编造一个令人难以置信的幸存故事或一个令人轻信的诡计更适合极端分子的终结的话,那愿意信的人就去信吧。 www.bing.com 9. He was a light sleeper, and the tram-conductors' bells were probably ringing in his ears, summoning him to the meeting. 康斯坦特先生通常都睡不深,可能现在康斯坦特先生的耳边已经回荡起火车工会领导人召唤他去开会的催命铃声了吧。 book.douban.com 10. There was no sound except for that of his own blood booming in his ears like a distant ocean. 周围没有任何声音,只有他耳中血液的冲击声,象是遥远起伏的海洋。 blog.tianya.cn 1. There was no sound except for that of his own blood booming in his ears like a distant ocean. 周围没有任何声音,只有他耳中血液的冲击声,象是遥远起伏的海洋。 blog.tianya.cn 2. Rabbits from a pair of long ears and large, it's very sensitive hearing, even if there is movement, will be up to his ears. 小白兔有一对长长的大耳朵,它的听觉很灵敏,哪怕有一点动静,耳朵就会竖起来。 wenwen.soso.com 3. 'But if it should reach the ears of your friends at Emminster that you are walking about like this with me, a milkmaid--' 但是如果传到爱敏寺你家里的人的耳朵里,说你这样和我散步,和一个挤牛奶的姑娘—— www.hjenglish.com 4. There was a roaring in Marjourie's ears and a faraway thudding that was not the ship's engines but her pounding heart. 玛卓丽耳朵里一阵雷鸣,又觉得远处有轰隆轰隆的声音,这并不是船上引擎发出来的,而是她的心房在怦怦地跳。 dict.veduchina.com 5. His ears, which had been laid flat back on his skull, came into their proper position, and the fire went out of his eyes. 先前一直贴在脑袋上的耳朵现在恢复了正常的位置,眼睛也有了神。 novel.tingroom.com 6. It turns the music concept of passive "listening" into the positive "enjoying" , and makes our ears, eyes, and hands enjoy the fun of music. 将被动“听”音乐概念转化为主动的“汲”取音乐,让耳、眼、手多种感官都来享受音乐的乐趣。 www.boco.com.tw 7. Always seems to set the family by ears. I wish he would not spend his holiday with us. 叔叔好像总使一家人不和,我希望他不要与我们一起度假。 bbs.newmov.com 8. Trying hard not to hear, but they talk so loud. Their piercing sounds fill my ears, try to fill me with doubt. 努力不去听,但他们说话的声音很大。他们刺耳的声音灌满我的耳朵,试图让我充满怀疑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. She had been up to her ears doing laundry all day long. 她已经洗了一整天的衣服了。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. What has a head like a giraffe, a body like a horse, stripes like a zebra, and a blue tongue long enough to clean its own ears? 它的头像长颈鹿,身体像马,又有斑马的条纹,还有长到可以用来舔耳朵的蓝色舌头,它是什么来的呢? www.bing.com 1. What has a head like a giraffe, a body like a horse, stripes like a zebra, and a blue tongue long enough to clean its own ears? 它的头像长颈鹿,身体像马,又有斑马的条纹,还有长到可以用来舔耳朵的蓝色舌头,它是什么来的呢? www.bing.com 2. Obama described the group, to be led by former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker as "additional eyes and ears" . 奥巴马形容这个团队,是由美联储前主席保罗沃尔克领导的“另外的眼睛和耳朵”。 www.bing.com 3. With his bowed legs, barrel chest, and prominent ears, he presented a comical appearance, but Jon knew better than to laugh at him. 他相貌特有喜感,罗圈腿,招风耳,胸膛壮如水桶,但琼恩知道最好不要嘲笑他。 www.cndkc.net 4. The ears of a small gray doves, as if into the cotton, with a tree-like chunks stamp there, there is no move. 小灰鸽的耳朵里,好像塞进了棉花,跟树橛似的戳在那儿,没有动弹。 daziranys.com.cn 5. In the corner stands the coal box, just as I left it. The fire is out. A silence so intense that it sounds like Niagara Falls in my ears. 装煤的箱子像我离开时一样仍摆在角落里,炉火熄了,这极度的寂静倒叫我觉得像是听到了尼亚加拉大瀑布的水声似的。 www.bing.com 6. But no matter how much irony we cake it in, the L-word grinds the ears of many people over the age of 25. 但是不管我们说得多么讽刺,这个以L开头的词仍会划过很多25岁年轻人的耳畔。 www.bing.com 7. Residents who had refused to go outside before would join him on the front lawn to scratch his ears. 疗养中心那些原来不愿意出来的老人们也开始来到楼前草地搔它的耳朵。 www.bing.com 8. She put her thumbs into her ears, wagged her fingers, crossed her eyes and made a loud farting sound with her tongue. 她将两个拇指塞入耳朵,煽着手指,斗起双眼,用舌头打出一个响屁样的声音。 dict.veduchina.com 9. In 1991, infrared thermometers that you place into your ears took the work out of it, simplifying and speeding up the process. 在1991年,人们发明了红外式体温计,将它伸入耳腔,它就能够计算出你的体温,这样测量即简单又迅速。 www.xici.net 10. Her dummy wiggled its wooden ears and looked at me with irritation and contempt. 她的木偶扭动着它的木鼻子,用愤怒而且轻蔑的眼神看着我。 www.bing.com 1. In 1991, infrared thermometers that you place into your ears took the work out of it, simplifying and speeding up the process. 在1991年,人们发明了红外式体温计,将它伸入耳腔,它就能够计算出你的体温,这样测量即简单又迅速。 www.xici.net 2. Her dummy wiggled its wooden ears and looked at me with irritation and contempt. 她的木偶扭动着它的木鼻子,用愤怒而且轻蔑的眼神看着我。 www.bing.com 3. Keep your eyes and ears open as much is about to take place that should have an impact upon the media. 继续开放你们的眼睛与耳朵,因为许多事情就要发生,将对媒体产生影响力。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. To be a good audience, it is not enough to hear by ears. 做一个好的听众远不止是用耳朵去听。 wenwen.soso.com 5. And then if the fisherman was in a bad temper he would box Shasta's ears and tell him to attend to his work. 如果渔夫心情不好,他就要打沙斯塔的耳光,叫他专心干好他的话儿。 novel.tingroom.com 6. Don't shut your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you know is the right thing to do. 不要堵住耳朵,而是要倾听他们所说的,但是你要记住那些有意义的话,做你觉得对的事。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Alice put her hands over her ears. 'What is the matter? 'she said, in between the Queen's screams. 'Have you cut your finger? ' 爱丽丝用双手捂住了耳朵,在王后尖叫的间隙,问:“怎么回事?你割破了手指头?” www.okread.net 8. My heart was beating so fast, and there was such a singing in my ears, that I could scarcely stammer I had no objection . 我的心跳得很急,耳朵里嗡嗡直响,好不容易才期期艾艾回了一声不反对。 www.jukuu.com 9. They did not seem to walk as we walk, but to move through the air above the ground. They stood about four feet high and had pointed ears. 他们不像我们那样走路,而是离地飘行,他们大约有四英尺高,头上竖着一对尖角般的耳朵。 dec3.jlu.edu.cn 10. Mrs. Roosevelt assumed this essential role, which she said was like being his "eyes and ears. " 罗斯福夫人代替他从事这项重要工作——用她的话说,充当丈夫的“眼睛和耳朵”。 www.america.gov 1. Mrs. Roosevelt assumed this essential role, which she said was like being his "eyes and ears. " 罗斯福夫人代替他从事这项重要工作——用她的话说,充当丈夫的“眼睛和耳朵”。 www.america.gov 2. Re-released as a video screen changes very light and pleasant to the ears of music, although easy to start but challenging. 放像重影有着极具修改的画面与轻快动听的音乐,虽然极易上手但却富挑战性。 www.fishjava.com 3. Visitors are greeted by a bronze rabbit, 11 feet long with ears blown back as if by the wind. 参观者先看到的是11英尺高的青铜兔子,两只耳朵好像随风摆动。 www.ecocn.org 4. The name of the horse Robert bad bet on was called out as the winner. "Ah, " he said, "that's music to my ears ! " 罗伯特押了赌注的那匹马被宣布为优胜者。“啊,”他说,“这消息真让我高兴。” tr.bab.la 5. I rose to help him, he lay in my ears says mumblingly, Mimi, lend me a few days, accompany me around your city. 我起身去扶他,他俯在我耳边喃喃地说,米米,借给我几天时间,陪我逛逛你的城市。 www.aixxs.cn 6. Gimmerton was an unsubstantial name in her ears; the chapel, the only building she had approached or entered, except her own home. 在她耳中吉默吞是一个虚幻的名字;除了她自己的家之外,礼拜堂是她走近或进去过的唯一建筑物。 www.putclub.com 7. Garner "s approach is to emphasize that handsome John used to be a trial lawyer; hence the cash, some of it even stuck in his ears. " 加纳的讽刺方式是强调英俊的爱德华兹以前曾是一名辩护律师,因而在漫画中出现了钞票,有些钞票甚至塞进了他的耳朵。 gz.xdf.cn 8. The children were all ears as the old man told them a fairy story. 那位老人给孩子们讲童话时,他们听得入了神。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The changing of clothing makes my ears ache as the clothes keep on scraping my ears. Anyway, it is all over now. I am very happy! OK! 然后换到我的耳朵很痛,因为衣服一直在刮我的耳朵,不过还是结束了,很开心,OK! www.suenyiuwai.com 10. The bear came up and sniffed at the man's head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears. 熊走过来,闻闻这个人的头,又把鼻子凑近他的嘴和耳朵。 dict.ebigear.com 1. The bear came up and sniffed at the man's head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears. 熊走过来,闻闻这个人的头,又把鼻子凑近他的嘴和耳朵。 dict.ebigear.com 2. It is neither fit for the land nor for the dunghill, but men throw it out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! 或用在田里,或堆在粪里,都不合式,只好丢在外面。有耳可听的,就应当听! pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 3. "It is time of war, " he said. "The enemy's ears are everywhere. " “这是战争时期,”他说。“到处都有敌人的耳目。” 4. I need to go to her, to see her, to whisper in her ears with the softest tone that you are not alone, Sister, you are not alone. 我需要去她那儿,去见她,在她身边用柔软的声调耳语,告诉她,姐姐,你不是孤独的,你不只是一个人。 www.douban.com 5. When you think of mind control, you know you dream of having furry cat ears of your own that you can control with your brainwaves. 提到思维控制,你一定在想一款属于自己猫耳吧?毛茸茸的,可以通过脑波控制。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 6. She reached out to bend her legs . She even managed to balance on her bottom and pull her legs up around her ears in her show. 她伸出手弯曲她的腿,她甚至设法平衡,将她屁股表现在她的耳朵周围秀。 wenwen.soso.com 7. There was sand in his ears, and his eyes and nose were soiled. 他耳朵里有沙子,眼睛和鼻子脏兮兮的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. One of his ears was seriously injured, and doctors said he may never recover his hearing completely. 他的一只耳朵受损严重,医生说他的听力可能永远无法恢复如初。 c.wsj.com 9. And Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, "Let me go to the field and glean among the ears of grain after him in whose sight I shall find favor. " 摩押女子路得对拿俄米说:「容我往田间去,我蒙谁的恩,就在谁的身后拾取麦穗。」 www.galcc.org 10. Thanks to a Japanese company, you can show off exhibit your innermost feelings somewhere else - a pair of fluffy ears on your head. 多亏了一家日本公司,你可以通过带一对毛茸茸的耳朵来表达自己的感情。 www.hxen.com 1. Thanks to a Japanese company, you can show off exhibit your innermost feelings somewhere else - a pair of fluffy ears on your head. 多亏了一家日本公司,你可以通过带一对毛茸茸的耳朵来表达自己的感情。 www.hxen.com 2. The only problem was that people clapped and yelled at him just to see him cover his ears. 唯一的问题是,人们为了看到他捂住耳朵的样子不断拍手叫喊。 www.ebigear.com 3. Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear with thine ears. 他又对我说,人子阿,我对你所说的一切话,要心里领会,耳中听闻。 www.ebigear.com 4. Her eyes have moved from the sides of her head to the front of her face and her ears are standing out from the sides of her head. 她的眼睛已经从头的两边移到了脸上,她的耳朵现在也长到了头的两边。 www.bing.com 5. She seems to be losing all the fur of her ears. 她的耳朵似乎开始掉毛了。 www.hjenglish.com 6. The Norwich Terrier, spirited and stocky with sensitive prick ears and a slightly foxy expression, is one of the smallest working terriers . 挪威梗,勇敢而矮小壮实,灵敏的小耳朵竖着,表情略带狡猾,是最小的工作梗之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. When a happy new mother moved the cloth to look upon her new baby's tiny face, she was shocked. The baby had been born without ears ! 当一个开心的母亲挪开襁褓端祥新生婴儿精致的脸蛋,她给吓着了,小宝贝天生没有耳朵。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. on the contrary, she boxed his ears when she was ready to leave him. 相反,起身离开时,还要赏他几个耳光。 www.joyen.net 9. i listen with my feet , i talk with my toes and i respond with my ears . the telephone lines are burning almost all night and all day. 我甚至用脚来听电话,用趾尖讲话,用耳朵回应,整天整夜,电话线都发烧了。 www.ichacha.net 10. In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears. 我在急难中求告耶和华,向我的神呼求。他从殿中听了我的声音。我的呼求入了他的耳中。 www.dioenglish.com 1. In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears. 我在急难中求告耶和华,向我的神呼求。他从殿中听了我的声音。我的呼求入了他的耳中。 www.dioenglish.com 2. Why do we wait until someone's ears can't hear before we let them know how much they mean to us? 为什麽我们非要等到某人再也听不到声音了才让他知道他对我们是何等重要? big5.cri.cn 3. At first my eyes and ears did not work very well, but after a while I began to see and hear clearly. 开始时我的眼睛和耳朵不大灵便,但过了一会儿我就能看清楚、听明白了。 www.kekenet.com 4. This week Chinese spokesmen called for restraint in responding to the protests. Their pleas seem to be falling on deaf ears. 本周中国政府发言人多次呼吁缅甸对那些示威游行保持克制,但看上去缅甸并未理睬这个呼吁。 www.ecocn.org 5. Memory is the smell flowers, all filled with the color of lavender, people run the eyes and ears of the heart lit incense, warm heart! 记忆就是阵阵花香,处处弥漫着薰衣草的颜色,润人耳目,点燃心香,温暖心房! www.bing.com 6. Before closing her eyes, her mother's voice rang in her ears. 在闭眼睡觉之前,她听见妈妈的声音。 www.bing.com 7. Helen would like to go with us but she can't; she's up to her ears in work. 海伦想和我们一起去,但是不行,她有很多工作要做。 www.bdks.net 8. When she said he cook, it was music to my ears. 当她对我说,我爱你的时候,我真是太感动了。 oral.ebigear.com 9. Thy mother hath filled the earth with the wine of her iniquities, and the cry of her sins hath come up to the ears of God. 你的母亲将不义染满了大地,她的罪孽已经传到神的耳里。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Because nonverbal communication is so important, you need to use your eyes to listen as much or more as you use your ears. 非语言交际既然非常重要,那就需要用眼睛当成耳朵,“听”别人谈话。 www.bing.com 1. Because nonverbal communication is so important, you need to use your eyes to listen as much or more as you use your ears. 非语言交际既然非常重要,那就需要用眼睛当成耳朵,“听”别人谈话。 www.bing.com 2. We were given: Two hands to hold, Two legs to walk, Two eyes to see, Two ears to listen. . . But why only one heart? 上帝给了我们什么:两只手去拥抱,两条腿去行走,两个眼睛去观察,两只耳朵去倾听,可为什么只有一颗心? hi.baidu.com 3. They both are a pair of long the long ears, as well as large and round red eyes, long and short tail and small, there is a mouth 3. 它们两个都长着一双竖着的长耳朵,还有又大又圆的红眼睛,长着又短又小的尾巴,还有一个三瓣嘴。 www.bing.com 4. His ears were in the way. So he took off his ears and put them through the hole. 他的耳朵停在半路,于是他把耳朵拧了下来丢出了洞外。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In a last-ditch attempt to silence the ringing in his ears, Ridder's team implanted electrodes near the patient's TPJ. 经过一系列尝试,最后他的团队在病人的TPJ区域附近植入电极。 www.examda.com 6. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high, and his tail wagging as fast as he could. 它耳朵竖的高高的、尾巴摇的尽可能快,并沿着门口朝屋子里看了过去。 bbs.tingroom.com 7. Cooperation with the private sector, which serves as the "eyes and ears" for government enforcement efforts. 与作为政府执法努力“耳目”的民间企业进行合作。 www.america.gov 8. He would bite people's ears like a flea, he said, and yell, "Wake up! " 他说,他愿意象只跳蚤一样咬着世人的耳朵,向他们大声地呼唤“醒醒吧!” www.ecocn.org 9. Next , gently rub the back of the neck behind the ears with your forefingers for a few seconds . 接下来,用食指温柔的摩擦狗狗耳后脖子下部,保持片刻。 www.bing.com 10. Nor do lyricists "explain" their more obscure lyrics; if you have to ask, a song clearly is not meant for your ears. 就如同很难要求歌曲的作词人“解释”任何艰涩难懂的歌词,如果你需要问,显然那首歌不适合你。 www.publishedscholar.com 1. Nor do lyricists "explain" their more obscure lyrics; if you have to ask, a song clearly is not meant for your ears. 就如同很难要求歌曲的作词人“解释”任何艰涩难懂的歌词,如果你需要问,显然那首歌不适合你。 www.publishedscholar.com 2. It was funny because when we said our vows Keith had these green ears sprouting from the top of his head. 当我们宣读誓言时,他头上的两只耳朵一动一动的,太搞笑了。 gb.cri.cn 3. I'll keep my ears open and if I hear of something, I'll let you know. 我会留意的,如果我听到什么我会让你知道的。 www.jjjxx.com 4. Ticks prefer to attach on the head and neck, in the ears, around the anus, near the shoulder blades, and between the toes. 蜱喜欢附在头和脖子上,进入耳朵,在肛门(菊花)旁边,接近肩胛,或者在脚趾中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. As it was said in the holy Writings, God gave them a spirit of sleep, eyes which might not see, and ears which have no hearing, to this day. 如经上所记:神给他们昏迷的心,眼睛不能看见,耳朵不能听见,直到今日。 springbible.fhl.net 6. I know you were all ears last night to the president's speech and the new plan for Afghanistan. 我知道,昨晚你们都听到了奥巴马总统的讲话和关于阿富汗的新计划。 www.ryedu.net 7. " have got big ears to hear you with, " said the wolf. “我耳朵大才好听你说话呀。”狼说。 www.ebigear.com 8. When night fell, two bees with poison stingers came out of the jasmine flowers and bit the brother's ears and mouth, and then they vanished. 到了晚上,从白色茉莉花中飞出了两只带毒刺的蜜蜂。它们在那位邪恶的哥哥嘴唇和耳边蛰了一下以后,然后就消失了。 www.chnxs.com 9. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 他们不再追随自己的梦想,聚集在他们周围的很多(所谓的)老师,将会宣扬他们想听的话。 www.bing.com 10. He read it loudly, his hands on his ears, in a passionate voice, following a liturgical rhythm. 他按照礼拜仪式的韵律,手捂着耳朵,以充满激情的声音大声地朗读起来。 www.bing.com |
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