单词 | earner |
释义 | earners是earner的复数
复数:earners n. stipendiary,wage earner,breadwinner,payee,employee 例句释义: 工资所得者,获得收入者,赚钱者,挣钱者 1. An attempt to introduce a levy on foreign workers (known as non- doms ) was botched, and may yet drive many high-earners out of the country. 一项试图对外国员工(非本地居民)征税的拙劣规定也许使更多高收入者离开英国。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Regarding the rates applicable to high earners and large estates, most Americans seem to be channeling Mark Twain. 考虑到这些税率适用于高收入人群和大地产商,多数美国人想起了马克.吐温。 www.bing.com 3. One of Jersey's biggest earners until recently was the securitisation of financial assets; that market is all but dead. 根西岛一项最赚钱的业务是金融资产证券化,但是现在已经不复存在了。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mr. Geithner said the White House would allow taxes on top earners to increase in 2011 as part of an effort to bring down the U. 盖特纳说,白宫将允许针对富人的税收在2011年提高,以此作为降低美国财政赤字的部分措施。 www.voa365.com 5. But Lampard's agent, Steve Kutner, says his client has already received a huge pay increase to put him in line with the club's top earners. 但是兰帕德的经纪人史蒂夫-库特纳表示他的委托人将会得到俱乐部的加薪,这也使得他即将成为切尔西的几名顶薪球员之一。 www.chelsea.net.cn 6. One standard measure compares the income of a household just below the top 10% of earners with one just above the bottom 10%. 一个标准的测试将一个稍低于前百分之十的家庭的收入与一个稍高于后百分十的家庭收入作比较。 www.ecocn.org 7. One of the priorities for the banks is ensuring top earners are not hit with a tax liability for the retention element of their bonus. 银行的首要任务之一就是保证最高收入群体不受奖金保留部分的纳税义务冲击。 www.bing.com 8. French labor unions are planning a nationwide strike on Thursday to call for a tax increase on high-income earners. 法国各工会组织计划周四举行一场全国性罢工,以呼吁对高收入者加税。 www.bing.com 9. The second thing that happened was that the incomes for the top earners became less stable . 其次,高收入人群的收入开始变得不稳定。 www.qeto.com 10. That reckoning, however, included measures of the dying Labour government adopted by its successor, which bear down on high earners. 然而做出这样的预计,包括从垂死挣扎的工党那里继承来的措施,都是向高收入者施压。 www.ecocn.org 1. Workers on lower wages consume much of their income, while higher wage earners and those with capital income are more likely to save. 低薪工作人群的大部分收入会用于消费,而高薪工作人群和有资本收入的人更倾向于储蓄。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The agreement includes provision to give up to $600 in tax rebates to millions of wage earners and an additional $300 refund for each child. 这项协议包括向数以百万计的工薪阶层人士每人退税最多可达600美元的条款,并特别为每个儿童退税300美元。 www.voanews.cn 3. But a survey of some of the lowest earners in Britain shows the nutritional value of what they eat is little different to everyone else. 而英国一项对最低收入人群的调查表明,这些人所摄入食物的营养价值与其他人群没有太大区别。 www.ebigear.com 4. The data shows that over the next decade, middle-earners will still struggle even if the economy recovers, he warned. 他警告道,这些数据表明今后十年中,即便经济复苏了,中等收入者仍将处于困境之中。 www.bing.com 5. The full impact of the budget on the poor was therefore muffled (though the Treasury also excluded pension changes hurting top earners). 预算对贫困人群的各方面影响仍然如雾里看花(虽然财政部也排除了养老金的变化对顶级收入者的伤害)。 www.ecocn.org 6. That outpaces a 107% increase in wages over the period -- moving homeownership further out of reach for average earners. 这个涨幅超过了同期工资107%的涨幅,使工薪阶层的买房梦更加渺茫了。 chinese.wsj.com 7. This calls for a more sustainable pace of growth, with wage-earners getting a bigger share of the national income. 要求一个更加可持续的增长,使劳动者更多地分享国民收入。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Just as government spending tapers off, America is set to raise taxes sharply on high earners and investment income. 在政府支出逐渐减少的同时,美国已准备大幅提高高收入者和投资收益之税收。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. Qianlong visible in most parts of the country there have been quite common to use the phenomenon of wage-earners. 可见乾隆年间在全国大部分地区都已相当普遍地存在使用雇佣劳动的现象。 jztu.5d6d.com 10. The House bill reflects President Barack Obama's position that tax cuts should be allowed to expire for higher earners. 众议院通过的这项议案表明了美国总统奥巴马对此事的态度,即不应延长针对更高收入者的税收减免政策。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Prime Minister Ye Hao, Finance Minister and other cabinet ministers have only a three-year contract for the electorate of the wage earners. 总理也好,财长等内阁部长们也好,只不过是三年合同期的为全体选民的打工仔。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Apparel industry is one of the largest foreign exchange earners, accounting for nearly 16% of the country's total exports. 服装工业是印度最大的外汇来源之一,占国家出口总额的16%以上。 www.silkcapital.com 3. Additionally, data showed that low income earners rely more on medicines as it is an easier recourse than consulting a doctor. 另外,数据显示,低收入的人更倾向于依赖药物,因为其比咨询医生更简单便宜些。 med.essaystar.com 4. It is a golden ticket by most measures -- one that would put him squarely within the top four percent of recent graduate wage earners. 那是一张有许多保障的“幸运金卡”,会使他稳稳的成为刚毕业大学生中工资最高的那4%中的一分子。 www.bing.com 5. Its report suggests wages for low and middle earners have failed to keep pace with wider economic growth since the 1970s. 这份报告认为,自上世纪七十年代以来,中低收入群体的工资增长速度跟不上经济增长步伐。 www.bing.com 6. Empowerment of England out of the international style to attract high-income earners eyes. 总体营造出了国际化的英伦风格吸引高收入者目光。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The low income earners are looking forward to the affordable housing becoming more widely available as the price is comparatively lower. 低收入者都在盼着广建经济适用房,因为它的价钱能相对低一些。 qkzz.net 8. Far more striking would be a cut in income tax, especially for earners on low and middling incomes. 更大胆的计划就是降低个人所得税,尤其是对中低收入人群。 www.ecocn.org 9. Gallas was shocked to be left lagging behind the top earners at Stamford Bridge. 加拉对别排除在斯坦福桥最高收入群里之外非常震动! dictsearch.appspot.com 10. After years of sacrifice, wage- earners are starting to profit. 经历数年的辛苦付出,工薪阶层终于有了收益。 www.ecocn.org 1. The compensation overhaul for top earners comes as Wall Street faces criticism for its level of pay in light of the credit crisis. 在这些银行对高薪人员的薪酬进行调整之际,华尔街正因其在信贷危机环境下的薪酬水平而受到批评。 www.bing.com 2. Five Chinese banks are among the top 10 earners of core investment-banking revenue in Asia, excluding Japan. 在除日本的亚洲地区,核心业务收入排名前十的投行中有五家来自中国大陆。 c.wsj.com 3. This claim was undermined when it emerged that hundreds of its highest earners were hidden from the published figures. 但是当数百位薪资最高者与宣传形象不符的事实浮现出来时,这一透明化的举动也被破坏掉了。 www.bing.com 4. The president-elect will raise rates on high earners, including many owners of unincorporated businesses. 当选总统奥巴马将提高高收入者的税率,包括许多非法人企业的企业主。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Even high earners can appreciate a small award if it is unexpected. Even billionaires appreciate a Christmas sweeter from their mom. 如果是意想不到的小奖励,即便是高收入者也会表示感激。亿万富翁也会珍重他母亲送的圣诞节毛衫。 bbs.jinku.com 6. A study released Tuesday in Canada shows that the top 1% of earners now get more than two-thirds of their total income from salaries. 加拿大周二发布的一项研究显示,现在最富1%人群总收入的三分之二都来自薪水。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Also, a new research paper in the journal Sex Roles looks at the experiences of women who are the main earners in their family. 另外,杂志《性别角色》的一份新研究报告研究了作为家庭中主要挣钱者的女性经历。 www.unsv.com 8. Norbert Lammert, the Bundestag's president and a member of the CDU, called for raising taxes on top earners. 德国联邦议院的主席和基民盟的成员诺伯特·拉美尔呼吁对高收入者提高税收。 www.ecocn.org 9. Strong economy and open society provide necessary conditions for the medium income earners to grow up and give full play to their talents. 经济的发达与社会的开放,为中等收入人群提供了成长的土壤和表演的舞台。 bbs.ebook-cn.com 10. That means there will be a declining number of wage earners to support an increasing number of older people. 也就是将会出现这样一种情况,逐渐减少的工薪族人口将要养活不断增长的老龄人口。 www.voa365.com 1. In future years we see it as one of our greatest export earners. 将来的几年,我们会看到此项服务将成为我们最大的输出赢利项目。 www.uk.cn 2. One hand, youth wing of earners in the rivers and lakes have been hoping for oneself, for the pro-Big Brother revenge. 这边厢,少年翼仔一直希望在江湖上扬名立万,为亲大哥报仇。 www.bluraycd.com 3. "Three Sand Cake earners" to eat the fresh, mellow, set among the delicacies in a pill, can fill their stomachs can also enjoy. “三沙粿仔”吃之鲜嫩、香醇,集山珍海味于一丸之中,既可充饥又可品尝。 sites.google.com 4. One rule bars firms receiving federal funds from paying top earners bonuses that equal more than a third of their total compensation. 一则规定是禁止收到联邦救助资金的企业支付高管的奖金超过总薪酬的三分之一。 www.bing.com 5. The ability to obtain healthcare is an important goal for middle class wager earners and their families. 中产阶级另一项重要的目标是有能力保证家庭成员健康保健支出。 www.bing.com 6. Yes, there are plenty of thrifty 'Millionaires Next Door' among the wealthy and high-earners. 没错,富豪和高收入者当中,也有很多勤俭节约、举止平民化的百万富翁。 c.wsj.com 7. For the wage- earners to invest a real bargain : Field Show at more appropriate. 对想投资的工薪阶层来说,物美价廉的外地展铺比较合适。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In Sweden, an exception, average tax rates are the same; in Italy and Spain second earners' rates are 60% more than their partners'. 在瑞典除外,平均税率都一样。在意大利和西班牙第二工资获得者的税率比她们的伴侣的税率高60%以上。 www.ecocn.org 9. That means we can take the bottom 36% of wager earners out of the equation. 这也就意味着我们可以在计算时将这36%的人群剔除掉。 www.bing.com 10. Most of the top earners have several entertainment related ventures, Forbes said. 福布斯称,位于榜单前列的人大多都拥有多项娱乐事业。 cn.reuters.com 1. Taxation is already starting to rise this year with a new 50% rate of income tax on high earners. 提高税收的举措正在进行之中,高收入人群的所得税提高了50%。 www.ecocn.org 2. Capital gains tax was raised, income tax increases for high earners were announced and non-domiciles were drawn into the UK tax net. 资本利得税和针对高收入者征收的所得税被提高,非英国定居的外国居民税收被纳入英国税收体系。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It does not necessarily follow that wage- earners would make no relative gains. 这并不等于说工薪族得不到相对利益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In Britain, official data showed that deflation was about to become a reality for many wage earners. 根据英国官方数据显示对工薪阶层来说通货紧缩将要成为现实。 www.bing.com 5. The "tax wedge" (ie, the non-wage cost of employment) is too thick, especially for low earners. “税收楔子”(也就是雇佣的非工资成本)太多了,对那些低收入者来说尤为如此。 www.ecocn.org 6. Jade jade, jade pieces have obvious, one thing for wage- earners breakage, a jade restructuring outer circular perforation neat. 青玉玉质,玉件上有明显沁色,为一件破损玉璧改制,外缘有一规整圆形穿孔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But Balls said cutting the tax for the highest earners, which "raises billions of pounds" , should not be "the first priority" . 但是Balls成削减最高收入者的税收——这项税收已经“筹集了数十亿镑”,决不是当前的“第一要务”。 www.bing.com 8. His current problem high-earners start with Bentley, who signed for Spurs a few months before Redknapp's arrival in 2008. 首先是本特利,他在2008年加入球队,比雷德克纳普早了几个月。 dongxi.net 9. Our overseas operations make Cathay Pacific one of Hong Kongs biggest earners of foreign currency . 国泰的业务遍及海外,是香港赚取最多外汇的企业之一。 www.bing.com 10. In fact, income earners ranked in the top 1% enjoyed significant increases in wealth even as the middle class fell into decline. 实际上在金字塔尖上那1%的人财富还在不断增长,虽然中产阶级的财富降低了。 www.bing.com 1. The rules limit companies to buying life insurance to just the top third of earners, who must provide consent. 该规定限制公司只为薪酬排名前三分之一的高管买人寿保险,这些员工必须表示同意。 www.bing.com 2. Simply put, many of the drug industry's biggest earners are about to lose their patent protections. 简单地讲,就是许多制药行业的赢家将会失去的专利保护即将到期。 big5.chinabroadcast.cn 3. Taxing couples separately instead of as a pair could encourage more part-time, second-income earners to take up full-time work. 对夫妇单独而不是一起征税可以鼓励更多兼职或第二收入工作者去做全职工作。 www.ebigear.com 4. To rise higher, says NAFE president Betty Spence, Xerox needs more women with profit-and-loss responsibility and among its top earners. 全国女性主管协会主席贝蒂·斯朋丝说,施乐要更繁荣就需要有更多的妇女承担盈亏职责并位于最高收入者行列。 www.yuloo.com 5. On the contrary, tax systems are far easier on top earners than was true a few decades ago. 相反比起几十年前,如今税收制度在向富人征税方面要宽松得多。 www.ecocn.org 6. As the number of wage earners in manufacturing rose, the number of huge plants in Philadephia burgeoned. 随着制造业雇佣劳动者数量的增加,在费城大型工厂的数量也在迅速增长。 10305103.blog.163.com 7. The aim should be to correct the bias against agriculture and exports, which often favors urban wage earners. 其目的是纠正忽视农业和出口的偏向,这种偏向往往有利于挣工资的城市职工。 www.jukuu.com 8. Only a minority of earners benefited; many in low-income brackets were left worse off. 只有少部分工薪阶层从中获益,许多低收入人士的处境则极为糟糕。 www.ecocn.org 9. Technology has disproportionately benefited high-earning workers, who also spend far longer at work than do low-earners. 科技让高收入工作者不成比例地受益,他们的工作时间也远比那些低收入者要长。 www.ecocn.org 10. Top earners often pay tax on personal and capital income, as well as social insurance and excise taxes. 高收入者所缴的税常常是个人收入和资本收入,也包括社会保险以及消费税。 www.ecocn.org 1. Even in tax-hating America, some two-thirds of voters support deficit-reduction plans that include higher tax rates for top earners. 甚至在厌恶课税的美国,约有三分之二的选民都支持向高收入者征收重税的赤字削减计划。 www.ecocn.org 2. Double-day phenomenon: Phenomenon of women being wage-earners and responsible for children and household tasks. 双日现象,妇女的双重负担:指妇女既要上班挣钱又要负责照看子女和从事家务劳动的现象。 dict.ebigear.com 3. John Key called his increase in GST and tax cut package a 'tax switch', but for middle and low income earners it's a tax swindle. 约翰基把他上涨GST和减税并行的一揽子方案叫作‘税务转换’,可是对中低收入的国人而言,它就是一个减税骗局。 www.luuloo.com 4. The program now covers wage earners, self-employed people, members of armed forces, farmers, and people whose income comes from tips. 该计划现在为挣工资者、自由职业者、军队成员、农场主和以小费为收入的人提供保障。 netclass2.cueb.edu.cn 5. And those areas where he was willing to accomodate Clegg & Co: lower taxes for low income earners, and reforming the electoral system. 至于保守党试图向自民党妥协的地方,声明标示的方面包括低收入者税金降低和选举制度改革。 www.bing.com 6. The Italian government has dropped plans to introduce a tax on high earners, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's office has said. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼办公室宣称,政府已放弃对高收入者征税的计划。 www.enread.com 7. By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying. 同样,家庭惟一的工资收入者在想辞去不太满意的工作时,其灵活程度也要小一些,因为这。 seam.ustb.edu.cn 8. ThehouseHouse bill would raise taxes on high earners to help pay for the plan. 白宫议案将会通过对高收入者增加税收来来帮助支付这个计划。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. The quality of the jade, jade, jade is tasted, good quality, compared with two wage-earners color, RuiShou pattern, auspicious meaning. 此玉为青玉玉质,质地、品相较好,沁色明显,两面刻有人戴兽冠图案,寓吉祥之意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This method is mainly directed against the likes of love "approved" more ordinary wage earners. 此方式主要是针对喜欢认可“多喜爱”的普通工薪阶层。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Today Indian society is accepting woman as a as professionals, as earners in families and as independent individuals. 如今印度社会已经接受了女性作为专业人士,家庭挣钱人和独立的个体的身份。 bbs.gounahaozi.org 2. Talks have been planned for some time and Chelsea are set to offer Terry a deal in line with the other top earners at the club. 这次续约已经筹备了一段时间,而且切尔西也准备为特里提供一份顶薪合同。 www.chelsea.net.cn 3. Congress chimed in with even tougher rules curbing bonuses for top earners at the same firms, among other things. 美国国会则制定了对此类公司的高管奖金更为严苛的限制,此外还有其他规定。 www.bing.com 4. High-income earners live on the outskirts of large cities while manual and lower-paid workers locate nearer the central area. 那些高收入者住在大城市的近郊而体力劳动者或低收入者则定居在接近中心地区。 tr.bab.la 5. In this vacation land wage earners' families are welcome to spend the weekend, which means great enjoyment at small expense. 本度假村欢迎工薪家庭来此度周末,花费不多,无穷享受。 chinafanyi.com 6. Nearly all the gains that wage earners made over the past three decades have gone to paying for health care. 工薪阶层收入在过去的30年里几乎都花在医疗上。 www.bing.com 7. All three technologies, if developed in Britain, could be major currency earners. 这三项技术如果得以发展,将成为英国的主要外汇收入来源。 www.bing.com 8. Preferential taxation for online businesses is good for both operators and consumers, most of whom are low-income earners. 网上贸易的税收优惠,既有利于经营者和也有利于消费者,其他们中大部分都是低收入者。 www.bing.com 9. Since around 1980, average tax rates of the top 1% of American earners have fallen as their incomes have risen. 自从1980年以来,美国收入层中最高的百分之一的人的平均税率随着他们收入的不断增长却一直在下降。 www.bing.com 10. The House bill would raise taxes on high earners to help pay for the plan. 众议院法案将提高高薪者的税收,以便资助这一计划。 www.unsv.com 1. The House bill would raise taxes on high earners to help pay for the plan. 众议院法案将提高高薪者的税收,以便资助这一计划。 www.unsv.com 2. Top earners will get tens of millions, several hundred thousand times more than a cleaner at the firm. 最高收入的员工能够拿到几千万,是大厦里一名清洁工的几千倍。 www.bing.com 3. But as the jobs market tightens, pay is picking up, giving wage earners more spending power. 但是劳动力市场紧缩,工资的提高,让挣工资的人有个更多花钱的动力。 www.ecocn.org 4. And in many countries, second earners (usually women) face higher average tax rates than the main breadwinner. 以及在许多国家,第二工资获得者(通常是女性)会面对比主要负担家计的人更高的平均税率。 www.ecocn.org 5. Even so, the percentage of total tax revenue from the top earners is surprisingly high. 尽管如此,在总税收中,来自最有钱的那部分所占的比例却惊人的高。 www.bing.com 6. At most highly ranked schools, the top earners make two to three times bottom earners. 在排名最高的学校,最高打工仔的两到三倍的底部仔。 zhidao.cfzn.org 7. Higher taxes on wages can deter some people, especially second-earners and lone parents, from working. 更高的工资税收打消一些人工作的念头,特别是家中次要收入者和单亲父母。 ecocn.org 8. To assuage public fears about being swamped, it is seeking to attract mainly high-earners while turning away low-wage immigrants. 为了缓和公众对陷入困局的担忧,政府正谋求主要吸引高薪者而拒绝低薪移民。 www.ecocn.org 9. But it's not very relevant to high earners, for whom welfare-state benefits are inevitably small compared with their overall incomes. 但这些却与高收入者没有太多关系,对于他们来说福利国家的利得笃定要比他们全部的收入要少。 www.bing.com 10. The export of tea, coffee and flowers, big foreign-currency earners, has slowed drastically. 茶叶、咖啡和鲜花出口,这些都是出口创汇的大户,现在急剧缩减。 www.ecocn.org 1. This shaves off about another 10% of borrowers, which means only the top 54% of wage earners would face 20% down payments, at most. 这就又提出了10%的借贷者,也就意味着最多有54%的人需要面对20%首付的住房贷款。 www.bing.com 2. In contrast, it's the lower earners amongst our sample of people who tended to like much more calm and much more relaxing music. 相反,在我们的调查对象中,收入越低,越倾向于平静的,轻松的音乐。 www.qiewo.com 3. In reality, however, the men who are the sole wage earners for their families suffer many stresses. 在现实中,不过,男性谁是唯一的打工仔,为他们的家人受到许多压力。 bulo.hjenglish.com 4. Some estimate the top fifth of income-earners account for more than half of all spending. 有人估计,工薪阶层中收入最高的五分之一群体,其消费支出占总体支出的比例超过一半。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The leisure shoes of this brand are comfortable and light to wear, the price of which is suitable for the wage earners. 这种牌子的休闲鞋,穿着舒适轻便,价钱适合工薪阶层。 chinafanyi.com 6. At present, top earners in this group take as big a slice of national income as they did in the 1940s, the report says. 报告指出目前高收入者的收入占国民收入的比例就像在上世纪40年代占的比例那么大。 www.bing.com 7. It is likely that many of those top earners were either top hedge-fund managers, private-equity chiefs or investment bankers. 这些高收入者中,很多人是顶级对冲基金经理或是私募股权公司老板或投资银行家。 www.putclub.com 8. Many economists say raising rates on top earners could prompt consumers to rein in spending. 很多经济学家认为,对高收入阶层增税有可能促使消费者控制支出。 www.voa365.com 9. Among people with asthma, 41% of low earners reported feeling unhappy, compared with about 22% of the wealthier group. 在哮喘患者当中,有41%的低收入者感到不幸福,而在较高收入者中这个比例仅仅22%。 www.bing.com 10. But over the years, many families found they needed two earners to pay for their houses, cars and other costs of living. 但是多年以来,许多家庭发现他们需要两份工资来支付他们的房子、汽车以及其它生活开销。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. But over the years, many families found they needed two earners to pay for their houses, cars and other costs of living. 但是多年以来,许多家庭发现他们需要两份工资来支付他们的房子、汽车以及其它生活开销。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. In their communiqué , party leaders promised to give more of the pie to wage-earners. 在公报中,中共领导人承诺将分配更多的经济蛋糕给工薪阶层。 blog.qq.com 3. It is the first time that the State Administration of Taxation requires high-income earners to report their earnings themselves. 这是国税总局首次颁发有关高收入者须自行进行纳税申报的规定。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. Currently, the top 20% of earners pay 69% of federal taxes, and that share is rising. 现在,收入最高的20%的人负担了联邦税负的69%,而这一比例还在升高。 www.ecocn.org 5. Summer vacation to make full use of spare time to join the ranks of wage earners, out of school in life. 寒暑假充分利用空余时间加入到打工仔的行列中,走出校园体验生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. High-earners will have to pay more income tax. 高收入人群将要支付更高的税额。 www.ecocn.org 7. Happiness rose along with per capita income until earners reached the highest bracket, at which point it dipped somewhat. 幸福随着收入的增加而增加,直到收入达到一个最高值,超过这个临界点,幸福值有点下降。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 8. Indeed, in about 30% of all American households with two earners, wives are already earnings more than their husbands. 确实,美国有两位赚钱的人的家庭当中,有30%妻子的收入已经比她们的丈夫要多。 www.bing.com 9. We wage earners were in the same boat during those hard times. 在那艰苦的岁月里,我们这些靠工资生活的人都处境相同。 www.hotdic.com 10. it is also very delicious so high earners are also attracted. That's why it has a large consumer group. 又因为“物美”,也吸引着高收入者,使其拥有了庞大的消费群体。 i.myechinese.com 1. it is also very delicious so high earners are also attracted. That's why it has a large consumer group. 又因为“物美”,也吸引着高收入者,使其拥有了庞大的消费群体。 i.myechinese.com 2. It added that "many low and middle income earners will in fact receive a larger pension at retirement. " 它还说“许多中低收入者的养老金还会增加”。 www.bing.com 3. A low or zero rate of tax on corporate and capital income may simply encourage top earners to change how they take their compensation. 对企业所得和资本所得实行低税率或者免税,可能只会鼓励高收入者改变他们获取薪金的方式。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. And it includes a plan to sharply cut taxes on corporations and to bring the tax rate on high earners down to its lowest level since 1931. 同时,提案还包括大幅削减公司税收,并将高端收入人群的税率降低到1931年最低水平的内容。 www.bing.com 5. " God asked, " to think about, he showed a long-earners, which are more important and need to change million? 造物主问,“再仔绷想想,还有哪个更重要的地万需要变?” zhidao.baidu.com 6. Both are major foreign currency earners, with some harmful side-effects. 汽车业和酿酒业是主要创汇行业,都具有一些有害的副作用。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Obama's plan would end Bush-era tax cuts for top earners and would limit their deductions. 奥巴马的计划将终结布什期间针对劳动收入的税收减让,还将限制劳动收入的税前扣除。 www.bing.com 8. Ideally, he would offer the tax cut only to low earners. 理想的做法是,他仅对低收入者减税。 www.ftchinese.com 9. There is the boredom, and, for millions of wage earners, there is also desperate economic worry. 城里到处都是无聊,而且对于几百万的工薪阶层来说,还有令人绝望的经济忧虑。 www.bing.com 10. Do you think higher earners work harder? 你认为高收入人群工作更辛苦么? www.bing.com 1. Do you think higher earners work harder? 你认为高收入人群工作更辛苦么? www.bing.com 2. And while overall wage growth is a solid 4. 1 percent over the past 12 months, economists say the increases are mostly for the top earners. 虽然在过去的12个月里,整体工资增长为4.1%;一些经济学家指出,增长工资的大部分为高收入者。 www.bing.com 3. And then there's his insistence on letting the Bush tax cuts lapse for higher earners. 随后,他坚持废除小布什对于高收入者的减税措施。 www.bing.com 4. In other words, Wilder's target audience is the top 10% of income earners! 换句话说,王尔德的目标读者是收入最高的10%的那群人。 www.bing.com 5. In reality, however, the men who are the sole wage earners for their families suffer a lot of stresses. 然而,实际上作为家庭惟一挣钱者的男人要承受很多压力。 wiki.jukuu.com 6. One measure is to raise the tax threshold to 3500 RMB. Around 60 million wage earners benefit from such tax reduction. 其中一个措施就是提高个人所得税薪酬起征点至3500元人民币,大约6000万工薪阶层受益。 www.putclub.com 7. Top earners like Chelsea's Michael Ballack and Thierry Henry of Arsenal reportedly pocket around $12. 5 million each year. 薪酬最高的球员如切尔西的巴拉克和阿森纳的亨利,据报道他们每年能挣到1250万美元。 www.bing.com 8. But no, the second highest earners from last season's Champions League were not Liverpool. 但是错了,上赛季在欧冠联赛中赚钱第二多的球队并不是利物浦。 www.qieerxi.com 9. High earners claiming the personal tax allowance ofof EUR12, 000 ($16, 270) will need to provide receipts of at least that value. 申请个税减免至1万2千欧元的高收入者需要提供至少不低于该价值的支出凭证[4]。 www.ecocn.org 10. Well over half of Italy's 40m taxpayers are wage earners and pensioners who have their taxes deducted at source. 意大利有超过2千万的纳税者都是在源头上就已经扣除了税款的工薪阶层和靠养老金度日的人。 www.ecocn.org 1. Well over half of Italy's 40m taxpayers are wage earners and pensioners who have their taxes deducted at source. 意大利有超过2千万的纳税者都是在源头上就已经扣除了税款的工薪阶层和靠养老金度日的人。 www.ecocn.org 2. By some estimates, the top 1% of American earners captured 58% of the country's economic growth between 1976 and 2007. 有人估计,从1976年到2007年美国经济增长的58%被1%的高端工薪阶层获取了。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. Casualised jobs appeal to students and to young, mobile economic migrants who want to be wage-earners but not citizens. 临时工作吸引了学生们,对年轻人来说,流动经济移民是想取得工资收入的,但不是本国公民。 www.bing.com 4. He thinks the government should give low- and middle-income earners extra tax relief, even after the economy starts to recover. 他认为即使经济复苏,政府也应额外减轻中低收入者的税收负担。 www.ecocn.org 5. Loss of land by those who labor in a growing number of wage-earners. 失去土地靠出卖劳动力的雇佣劳动者越来越多。 jztu.5d6d.com 6. At the same time, college students set foot on society in general belong to the community in the upper-income earners. 同时高校学生踏上社会后一般属于社会的中上层收入者。从支付能力上讲,他们将是以后旅游的主要消费者。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. For average bread earners, it is beyond their means to afford houses and cars. 对一般工薪阶层,购房买车是他们力所不及的。 bbs.sh.liba.com 8. Even in the financial sector, high earners have come back strong. 甚至在金融领域,高收入者也强势地恢复。 www.bing.com 9. So even as it exempts many people from paying taxes, the government is tightening up on the top earners. 在上调起征点、使大量低收入人口免缴所得税的同时,政府加大了对高收入人群的税收征管力度。 www.neworiental.org 10. Meanwhile real incomes for average-wages earners fell in 15 OECD countries. 同时15个经合组织成员国的一般收入者得实际收入有所下降。 www.ecocn.org 1. Meanwhile real incomes for average-wages earners fell in 15 OECD countries. 同时15个经合组织成员国的一般收入者得实际收入有所下降。 www.ecocn.org 2. Many people believe that, while this may be good for women as income earners, it bodes ill for their marital prospects. 很多人相信尽管这也许能帮助女性多赚取些收入,但对他们的婚姻前景却不妙。 www.bing.com 3. To really stoke tax revenues, in particular the big ticket earners such as value-added and income tax, domestic demand needs to grow. 若要确实提高税收收入,特别是增值税和所得税等较大的来源,就必须扩大内需。 cn.reuters.com 4. In 1931 almost a third of wage earners were unemployed and poverty was widespread. 1931年,几乎三分之一的雇佣劳动者失业,贫困弥漫全国。 studyinaustralia.gov.au 5. High earners won't work much less; they might even work harder, because it takes more effort to make enough to buy that fourth home. 高收入者不会工作得更少,也许会更卖力地工作,因为只有更卖力才能挣够买第四套房的钱。 www.bing.com 6. It isn't the absolute number of people that is about to become the issue, it is the number of wage earners. 即将成为问题的并非绝对人口数量,而是工薪族人口。 www.voa365.com 7. Half of U. S. consumer spending came from the top 20% of earners in 2000, according to economists Dean Maki and Michael Palumbo. 据经济学家马奇(DeanMaki)和帕隆博(MichaelPalumbo)估计,2000年美国一半的消费开支来自占总人口20%的富人。 www.acsf.cn 8. The Commission recommends that Germany take steps such as creating more child care places and reducing income tax for dual earners . 欧盟委员会建议德国采取措施,建造更多的讬儿所,降低双职工家庭的收入所得税。 big5.cri.cn 9. To lighten the burden for low earners, Dr Rö sler would subsidise them through the tax system. 为减轻低收入者的负担,Rö;sler将通过税收系统对他们予以补贴。 www.ecocn.org 10. Gives high earners big breaks on the payroll tax. 给予高收入者较大幅度的收入税减免。 www.bing.com 1. Gives high earners big breaks on the payroll tax. 给予高收入者较大幅度的收入税减免。 www.bing.com 2. According to a recent AP-gfk poll, 44% of the country is opposed to raising taxes on the highest earners. GFK公司的调查显示,全国44%的人反对提高高收入者的税率。 www.bing.com 3. It will be a long time before Brazil's low wage earners become property speculators. 在很长一段时间内,巴西低收入者都不会成为房地产投机者。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A quarter of all of Britain's income tax revenues this year will be paid by just one per cent of earners, according to official data. 官方数据显示,今年英国四分之一的所得税收入将来自于1%的纳税人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Income tax on wage earners constitutes the main body of individual income tax revenue in China. 对工薪所得课征的所得税是中国个人所得税收入的主要部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The president's approach would mean the marginal tax rate would increase to 39. 6 percent from 35 percent for the highest earners. 总统的这一计划意味着高收入者的边际税率将从35%上升到39. www.bing.com 7. Its wage earners are out of work. 他们是失去工作的打工仔。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Next year, almost half of all income earners will pay no tax. 明年,几乎一半的国民收入将不会带来任何税收。 www.ecocn.org 9. Also, high-income earners pay Social Security tax only on their first $97, 500 of income. 而且,高收入人群只在他们第一笔收入中的97,500美金中扣除社保税。 www.bing.com 10. Q: Many economists say we should extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone, including high-income earners. 问:很多经济学家说我们应该将布什减税法案(Bushtaxcuts)对所有人进行延长,包括高收入者。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Where second earners are not penalised by taxes or where child care is cheap (or subsidised), they can have both. 在第二工资获得者的税率公平的或者孩童照料是便宜的(或者下降的)地方她们可以同时选择(孩子和工作)。 www.ecocn.org 2. During the year, 0. 1 working days were lost per 1 000 wage earners and salaried employees, which is among the world's lowest rates. 以每千名有工资收入人士及受薪雇员计算,香港在年内损失工作日0.1天,是世界上损失最少工作日的地方之一。 www.hotdic.com 3. Furthermore, his planned tax rises on high earners may well yield less revenue than he hopes. 此外,他计划对高收入者增加税收,这产生的收入少于他的预计。 club.topsage.com 4. Suppose that the top marginal tax rate is 20 percent, so that high earners get to keep 80 percent of what they make. 设高端的边际税率为20%,那么,高端所得人能留存其所产出的80%。 www.bing.com 5. The gap between more- and less-educated earners may be widening. 教育程度高与教育程度低之间的收入差距可能正日益扩大。 www.ecocn.org 6. The bulk of effective wage earners in the country only gets up 23%. 这个都市实际靠薪水外国国家国家日常表达的人仅占23%。 www.ffenglish.com 7. The number of couples of two average or high earners increased from 27. 9 to 30. 5 per cent. 夫妻两个平均或高收入者的数量已经从27.5%上升到30。 www.hxen.com 8. The highest 1% of income earners paid more in taxes as a share of GDP in 1988 at lower tax rates than they had in 1980 at higher tax rates. 据统计,在1988年减税后每1%的收入群体缴纳税款为GDP做出的贡献要比1980年处于高税率状态下大得多。 www.bing.com 9. Using mortgage purchases at the highest price, it is also our wage- earners . 用按揭在最高价买房的,也恰恰正是我们的工薪阶层。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Results showed that credit cards are most popular among young earners aged between 25 and 35 with annual household incomes over Rmb100, 000. 调查结果显示,在家庭年收入在10万元人民币以上、年龄在25-35岁之间的年轻人中间,信用卡最受欢迎。 www.ftchinese.com 1. or by letting low-wage earners keep more benefits (which the government may do). 或者让低收入者得到更多的津贴(政府参与); club.topsage.com 2. But if a $6 million payout places Mr. Weadock among Bank of America's top 100 earners this year, his pay could be affected in 2010. 不过,如果一笔600万美元的薪酬使威多克进入今年美国银行前100位薪酬最高的员工之列,他2010年的薪酬就可能受到影响。 www.bing.com 3. That is about equivalent to letting the Bush tax cuts for high earners expire. 这大致相当于让布什出台的面向高收入者的减税措施失效。 www.ftchinese.com 4. We have two wage earners in the family. 我们家有两个人挣钱。 www.dqeyy.com 5. In the top 10 per cent of earners, the gap is 32 per cent. 在收入最高的10%的人当中,男女收入差距为32%。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The fifth part in high earners and puts forward the legal countermeasures to tax erosion problems. 第五部分提出治理我国高收入者个税流失问题的法律对策。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. A household with two blue-collar earners, for example, could take in more income than one headed by a single professional. 例如,两个蓝领收入的家庭能够超过一个单身的专业级人士。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The study also showed that low earners are choosing to eat unhealthily. 调查表明,低收入人群不健康的饮食方式是他们自身造成的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Time magazine asked Americans, "Are you in the top one percent of earners? " 19 percent of Americans are in the top one percent of earners. 时代杂志问美国人“你是美国人中收入最好的那10%吗?”19%的美国人是那10%。 www.ted.com 10. In 1928, the top 10 percent of earners received 49. 29 percent of total income. 在1928年,10%最高收入人群占总收入的49. dongxi.net 1. The state's economy actually grew last year, but its revenues crashed because its top earners had lower incomes and capital gains. 加州经济从去年开始回暖,但财政收入却因高薪人员收入和资本收益缩水而大幅下降。 www.bing.com 2. There are two wage-earners in the family. 这家有两个人挣钱。 www.hotdic.com 3. Fiery market, prices rise, many earners now is how to "get" a house, after a month how "for the Housing" mentality. 楼市火热,房价上涨,不少工薪族正为现在如何“抢”一套房子,以后每月怎样“供房”发愁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. As we've seen, wage earners are expected to care for not only their children but also their aging parents. 正如你所见到的,工薪阶层不仅要养育他们的孩子,还要赡养他们的老人。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Low-income earners in China are net savers. 中国的低收入者是净储蓄者。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. America's top 1% of earners now receive 16% of all income, up from 8% in 1980. 美国1%的高收入者目前拥有所有收入的16%,在1980年这个数据是8%。 www.ecocn.org 7. How many earners are there in your family? 你们家几个人挣钱? www.my789.com 8. The UK is ranked 23rd, while the lowest female earners are in Saudi Arabia, where women earn $7, 157 to men's $36, 727. 英国排第23名,收入最少的女性在沙特阿拉伯,女人赚7147美金,而男人转36727美金。 www.bing.com 9. in 2007, the top 1% of earners took home 23. 5% of all income earned, the highest share since 1928. 在2007年,全民收入的23.5%被最富有的1%的人获得,这是自1928年以来最高的比例。 www.24en.com 10. METI estimates that within five years there will be more high earners living in other parts of Asia than in Japan itself. 日本经济产业省(METI)预测,5年之内,生活在亚洲其他地区的高收入者数量将超过日本本国数量。 www.ecocn.org 1. Recommendation concerning the protection, before and after childbirth, of women wage-earners in agriculture; 关于保护生产前后农业妇女的建议; www.powerdict.com 2. For context: the top 5 per cent of UK earners take in a quarter of the country's income and pay almost half of all income tax; 背景知识:英国收入最高的5%人口占有该国四分之一的收入,而缴纳的所得税约占总额的一半; www.ftchinese.com 3. Cut taxes in the last budget for working families and low income earners; 给家庭和低收入者减税,在过去的预算工作里; skill-labour.blog.163.com 4. Britain's biggest bank, HSBC, is expected to reveal salaries and bonuses for its top earners alongside its 2010 figures 英国最大的银行-汇丰银行,期望随着2010年的数据一起披露向最高工资者发放的工资和红利。 www.bing.com 5. Rent rebate (given by a local authority to low wage-earners) 租金减免款(地方当局给予低工资者的)。 dict.ebigear.com 6. The recommendations include a 5% surtax on corporations and high-income earners; 这些建议包括:对公司及高收入人群增收5%的附加税; www.ecocn.org 7. gravely affect the livelihood of ordinary wage-earners 首先,这严重普通工薪阶层的生活质量 blog.hjenglish.com 8. I warn you: don't ever try to bully us bread earners! (BOXIE) 警告你,我们打工仔可不是好欺负的!(张小盒) blog.sina.com.cn 9. A New Stage of the Developing History of the Wage Earners (B) 雇佣劳动者发展史的新阶段(下) www.ilib.cn 10. Ed Miliband: 'Wage stagnation' has affected middle income earners, he will argue 埃德?米利班将会认为,“工资停滞不涨”已给中等收入者带来影响。 www.bing.com 1. Local farmers top earners in Fujian Province 农民收入全省第一 www.common-talk.com 2. the house consumption desire of urban wage - earners 城镇职工家庭住房消费意愿分析 www.ichacha.net 3. Ireland Doubles Tax Take On High Earners 爱尔兰对高收入人群加倍纳税 q.sohu.com 4. High pay commission forecasts top earners' slice of national income will rise from current 5% to 14% by 2030 高收入委员会预计到2030年,高收入人群的收入占国民收入的比例将从现在5%提高到14%。 www.bing.com 5. Guardian pay survey 2009: Top 10 female earners | Business | guardian. co. uk 09卫报薪酬调查:收入前十女性 www.bing.com 6. Household spending for the middle fifth of all U. S. income earners was down 3. 5% in 2009, the steepest decline on record 2009年,美国全部的收入人群中,中产阶级的家庭开支平均下降3.5%,是有史以来降幅最大的。 www.bing.com 7. The government would look at "overcoming barriers for second earners" , such as 又说,政府会致“解决第二挣钱者的拦路虎”,比如儿童保育工作。 www.bing.com |
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