单词 | earlier this year | ||||||
释义 | earlier this year
例句释义: 今年初,本年初,今年早些时候 1. In a statement earlier this year, he said he had 'conducted himself lawfully in his business and in his personal life. ' 他今年早些时候发表声明说,他在公司业务和个人生活中都是依法行事的。 cn.wsj.com 2. The works council said that so far there had been very positive feedback to the new email rules which came into force earlier this year. 大众汽车工会表示,新规于今年早些时候开始生效,迄今获得的反馈非常积极。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Earlier this year, the suspicion was that growth numbers had been "smoothed" to conceal a recession. 今年早些时候,人们怀疑中国为了隐瞒经济陷入衰退,“粉饰”了增长数据。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Such a focus would have been hard to imagine during the ill-tempered fiscal battle between Mr Cantor and Mr Obama earlier this year. 在坎特与奥巴马今年早些时候气急败坏的财政辩论大战中,这样的关注是难以想象的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, spoke for many earlier this year when he said the war was lost. 参议员多数党领袖哈里?里德,在年初代表大多数人讲话,宣布伊拉克战争失败。 www.ecocn.org 6. The only question mark surrounds the strength of his neck, which he injured in a motorcycle accident earlier this year. 唯一的一个疑问在于他的颈部问题,这是他在今年早些时候的摩托车事故中受伤的。 f1-zone.net 7. I was lucky; I heard about him for years, and I finally met him earlier this year at his museum in Chengdu. 我有幸听说过他好几年,最终今年早期在他的成都博物馆我见过他。 www.ted.com 8. In an interview earlier this year, he said: 'Sometimes I feel like more of a woman, other times I feel male. 在今年早些时候的一次采访中,他说:“有时候我感到自己更像是是个女人,其他时候则感觉像个男人。” gb.cri.cn 9. She already has a discreet M on the palm of her hand - a tribute to her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, who died earlier this year. 此前,茱丽在自己的手掌上纹了一个不显眼的M,以纪念今年年初去世的母亲马歇尔琳·伯特兰。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. This anti-immigrant demonstration in Athens earlier this year was one of many to turn violent. 许多游行最后都演变成暴乱,今年年初雅典举行的反移民游行即是其中一个案例。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Earlier this year, Obama said he did not think the country should use the strategic oil reserves "at this point. " 今年早些时候,奥巴马曾说他认为国家不应“在此刻”动用战略石油储备。 www.bing.com 2. The company, which had long been an opponent of electrification, changed its stance earlier this year in light of slipping global sales. 该公司长期以来一直反对的电气化,改变了其立场,在今年早些时候,鉴于全球销售下滑。 www.bing.com 3. His financial adviser was just as shy -- until earlier this year, when he changed his mind and encouraged Mr. Allen to start buying. 他的理财顾问过去同样对投资黄金畏首畏尾——直到今年早些时候,他改变了主意,并且鼓励艾伦开始购入黄金。 c.wsj.com 4. In equities, the widespread sell-off may have been a reaction to the overoptimism that prevailed earlier this year. 而随处可见的股票抛售行为可能是支持今年早些时候盛行的乐天派观点那些人的反应。 www.ecocn.org 5. He met Ms. Hilton and her father earlier this year through a mutual friend and pitched the idea of a collaboration, he said. 他说,今年早先时候,他通过一位共同的朋友约见了帕丽斯·希尔顿和她的父亲,向他们提出了合作的想法。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Earlier this year, a written warning telling her to shape up from her producer in Georgia Rules was circulated in the press. 今年早些时候,她的《乔治亚法则》的制作人发出的告诉她好自为之的书面警告在新闻界到处流传。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The matter came up for discussion during the visit of Defence Secretary to Beijing earlier this year. 在国防部长今年早些时候访问北京的时候谈及了此事。 www.bing.com 8. Earlier this year, she had trouble finding someone to change his catheter twice a week while she was at work. 今年初,她找不到人一周两次在她工作时更换她丈夫的导管。 www.bing.com 9. Earlier this year it seemed that the Bank of England's next move might be a rise in interest rates as inflation was taking off again. 今年早些时候,英格兰银行的下一步行动可能是提高利率,因为英国通胀在次显现。 www.bing.com 10. Earlier this year, research group comScore said the game had been installed by one-third of Apple app users. 今年早些时候,研究组织comScore说这个游戏有三分之一是苹果用户安装使用的。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Earlier this year, a candidate for an administrative position at BankRate showed up to an interview with a preschooler in tow. 今年早些时候,一名应聘BankRate行政职位的求职者带着一个小孩子出现在了面试场。 c.wsj.com 2. Bush himself has said he does not view the Olympics as a political event. "I view it as a sporting event, " he said earlier this year. 布什自己说他不把奥运会政治化,他今年早些时候说,我仅仅将他看成一个体育盛事。 space.englishcn.com 3. Earlier this year, the company entered into a joint venture with Bright to help GNC sell its products in the fast-growing Chinese market. 今年初,该公司与光明食品建立了一家合资企业,帮助健安喜在快速增长的中国市场销售其产品。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The recovery, which had been flashing signs of strengthening earlier this year, is losing momentum. 美国经济复苏今年年初呈现出一系列利好标志,目前逐渐失去动力。 www.bing.com 5. So much so, in fact, that SiCortex was one of two companies Dr Metcalfe dropped from his portfolio earlier this year. 实际上,他如此诚实以致,SiCortex是梅特卡夫博士今年年初离职的两家投资公司之一。 www.ecocn.org 6. He said the reductions are possible because his decision to send additional troops earlier this year has improved security. 他说撤军如今之所以可行是因为他今年早些时候增派部队的决定改善了(伊拉克的)安全状况。 www.hjenglish.com 7. He said it was "very cool" and "such an honor" to visit the White House earlier this year. 他称.今年早些时候到白宫作客是“非常酷的事”,而且是“极大的荣誉”。 cn.reuters.com 8. Earlier this year Mr Feinberg said he would pay them for up to four times their 2010 losses. 今年早些时候,Feinberg先生曾经承诺,对于他们2010年的损失,将以四倍进行赔付。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. Britain's Tony Blair dropped in on him in Tripoli in 2004, and was back again to sign an oil deal earlier this year. 英国前首相托尼?布莱尔于2004年到的黎波里顺道拜访了他,而今年早些时候再次跟卡扎菲签订了一份原油协议。 www.ecocn.org 10. Earlier this year he said the only good thing about 2011 for Spain was that it would be better than 2012. 今年年初,他谈及有关2011年对西班牙有好处的唯一一点是,会比2012更好。 www.ecocn.org 1. He said: 'Buying the dessert was a real boost for my morale. I was dumped earlier this year and felt this could be a decent pick-me-up. 买这块甜点真的可以鼓舞我的士气,今年年初我被甩了,我觉得这个真的是很好的提神的东西。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Prior to his nomination to the vice-presidency earlier this year, Daniel Morris was an intensely-some would say obsessively -private person. 在今年早些时候他还没有上任副总统之前,丹尼-摩尔斯是一个还算热情的人,愿意谈论一些私人方面的事务。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Earlier this year, Chatham House, a think-tank, commissioned twin polls of the general public and a group of "elite opinion formers" . 今年早期,一个名为皇家国际事务研究所的智囊团对大众和一组“杰出理念构思者”进行了民意调查。 www.ecocn.org 4. Earlier this year the Prince, who works at RAF Valley in Anglesey, revealed how he gave Kate his mother's blue sapphire engagement ring. 今年春天,在英国安格尔皇家空军基地工作的王子,展示了准备赠送凯特——已故母亲佩带的蓝宝石订婚戒指。 www.bing.com 5. All three groups sold their stakes in Rongsheng earlier this year, according to a person familiar with the matter. 据一名知情人士介绍,三家集团都在今年早些时候出售了自己持有的熔盛股份。 www.ftchinese.com 6. This anti-immigrant demonstration in Athens earlier this year was one of many (demonstrations) to turn violent. 今年年初雅典的反移民示威活动是众多示威游行中演化为暴力的案例之一。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Earlier this year, she bought a sailing boat and is training to be proficient enough to sail the boat on her own. 今年早些时候,奥德丽买下了一艘帆船,并接受了驾驭帆船的训练。 dongxi.net 8. You may find this lecture I gave at my workplace (University College London) earlier this year helpful to expand on some of these ideas. 你可以在我今年年初在我工作的地方(伦敦大学)所做的演讲中找到更多对上述观点的阐述和解释。 www.bing.com 9. However, he said the Fed is unlikely to repeat in the near term the extensive stress-tests done on major U. S. banks earlier this year. 不过他也指出,联储近期内不太可能重复今年稍早针对美国大型银行的压力测试。 cn.reuters.com 10. Earlier this year an editorial by a leading practitioner in the American Journal of Psychiatry argued in favour of such a move. 今年早些时候,《美国精神杂志》一篇由顶级专家撰写的社论中对此举措也表示赞同。 www.bing.com 1. Earlier this year, Mr. Murphy flew to Moscow for a week with a laptop Center had told him to buy: an Asus EE PC 1005HA-P. FBI的文件显示,今年早些时候,墨菲飞往莫斯科待了一周时间,随身携带着“中心”让其购买的一台华硕(Asus)EEPC1005HA-P型号的手提电脑。 www.voa365.com 2. Earlier this year, the Observer reported that the total area being bought up by rich nations was more than double the size of the UK. 今年早些时候,观察家报道富国购买的土地总面积是英联邦大小的两倍多。 www.bing.com 3. Earlier this year, scientists concluded that she was the planet's last known female Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle. 科学家下了结论说这只扬子巨龟是地球上唯一的一只母龟了。 runescape106.blog.163.com 4. Earlier this year, a (public) report by the IEG said the bank could congratulate itself on promoting energy efficiency. 今年初,IEG做的公共报告表示世行会庆祝其提高了能源效率。 www.ecocn.org 5. He unwrapped the black-and-white photo he took of her earlier this year and left her almost speechless. 海博向冯姐展示了他今年年初为她拍的黑白照片。冯姐惊喜得说不出话来。 www.bing.com 6. Lenovo earlier this year bought back Lenovo Mobile, its handset unit, which it had sold little more than a year earlier. 今年早些时候,联想购回了约一年前售出的手机部门——联想手机(LenovoMobile)。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Earlier this year, NHTSA Chief Counsel Kevin Vincent said the auto industry isn't certain about whether the vehicles are safe after a crash. 今年早些时候,NHTSA首席法律顾问文森特(KevinVincent)说,汽车行业不能肯定汽车在撞击后是否安全。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Earlier this year, he was nearly hit by a speeding lorry while out on his bicycle scouting for locations for new cycle routes. 今年早些时候,当他骑车外出为新的自行车骑车路线踩点时,差点被一辆高速行驶的载货卡车撞个正着。 www.bing.com 9. Earlier this year Ding said he, too, wanted to get into pig farming, with a focus on raising organic livestock. 今年早些时候,丁磊说他也想进军养猪业,并将重点放在饲养有机牲畜上。 www.bing.com 10. Earlier this year, Sir Alex described Foster's capture as "a great bit of business" and tantamount to "guarding the future of the club" . 今年早些时候,Sir形容福斯特的加盟是“一桩出色的交易”并认为是“球队未来的保障”。 hk.netsh.com 1. No-one was more critical than Bolivia, which earlier this year hosted its own 'social summit' on climate change. 没有哪个国家比玻利维亚更持批评态度,该国在今年早些时候主办了它自己的气候变化“社会峰会”。 www.scidev.net 2. New Entity's parent group was shocked into action earlier this year when investors began to pull out of the group. 在投资者开始退出时,新实体公司的母公司在今年的早期由震惊变成行动。 www.bing.com 3. Lou Miscioscia, an analyst with Brigantine Advisors, said the tech-spending falloff appears to have bottomed out earlier this year. BrigantineAdvisors分析师米西奥斯西亚(LouMiscioscia)说,技术开支下滑的势头似乎已在今年早些时候触底。 www.bing.com 4. The Duchess of Cambridge was also acclaimed earlier this year for her remarkable poise at the royal wedding. 今年早些时候,身为剑桥公爵夫人的凯特也因其在皇家婚礼上那份非凡的淡定而广受赞誉。 www.rr365.com 5. The matter was first brought to my attention earlier this year. 这件事情最初是在今年早些时候引起我注意的。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. When Secretary of Defense Robert Gates asked if he could come to Beijing as part of his five-nation tour earlier this year he was rebuffed. 今年初,美国防部长罗伯特·盖茨被问及他的五国行中是否包含北京时,他断然否认。 www.bing.com 7. And with an astonishing discovery made earlier this year, the cost of superconducting cable might soon plummet further. 由于今年早些时候的一项惊人发现,超导电缆的成本可能很快还会大幅下降。 www.bing.com 8. Dow Chemical Co. also confirmed it had a two-week phenol shutdown at its plant in Oyster Creek, Texas, earlier this year. 道化学公司也证实说,今年初,他们在德克萨斯的工厂也有过两周的碳酸断供。 www.frponline.com.cn 9. Earlier this year, First Lady Michelle Obama took some heat for wearing a sleeveless shift dress in her official White House portrait. 今年早些时候,夫人米歇尔·奥巴马在白宫的官方照片中穿了一件无袖裙装受到指责。 www.ttxyy.com 10. But the president said he is not open to major changes to health-care reform legislation passed earlier this year. 但是奥巴马说,他并不准备对今年早些时候通过的健保改革法案作出重大调整。 www.voanews.cn 1. Since the dark days earlier this year, the stock market has bounded sharply higher. 美国股市自年初重挫之后已出现了迅猛反弹。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The iconic ready-to-eat cereal forms the basis of a new snack mix that debuted earlier this year. 经典即食谷物形式的基础上一个新的小吃组合,推出今年早些时候。 bzxw.512121.com 3. Earlier this year, Exxon Mobil broke the record for this sort of long-distance drilling with a well over 11km (7 miles) long. 今年早些时候,埃克森美孚用一个长度超过11千米(7英里)的钻井打破这种长距离挖掘的纪录。 www.ecocn.org 4. Earlier this year, Pausch spoke with Reader's Digest about what matters most in life -- making memories with his wife and three children. 今年的早些时候,Pausch曾和《读者文摘》谈论过他生命中最重要的事情——与妻子和三个孩子共同书写美好回忆。 www.elanso.com 5. StartUp Britain, launched earlier this year, is trying to do much the same as Startup America. 今年早些时候启动的英国初创,正在做和美国初创差不多的工作。 www.bing.com 6. The Shanghai market was one of the catalysts earlier this year. 答:上海股市就是今年早些时候的催化剂之一。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Earlier this year a pig adopted a tiger cub and raised him along with her piglets because his mother couldn't feed him. 今年的早些时候一头母猪收养了一头老虎幼仔,她把小老虎和小猪仔放在一起喂养,因为老虎妈妈不喂养它。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The prospects for a second stimulus package (on top of the tax rebates sent out earlier this year) will rise, as a result of the jobs data. 人们因为对失业状况的不满,对第二波刺激方案(减退税款在今年早期已经施行)的期待将会继续。 www.bing.com 9. Earlier this year, when he was up against all Republican contenders, he was down in the polls. 早些年,当面对众多的共和党对手时,他在民意调查中曾处于下风。 www.ecocn.org 10. Though the plan had to be scrapped in the end, GM tried earlier this year to position China as a factory floor for the U. 今年早些时候,通用汽车曾试图让中国成为美国的生产基地,不过最后不得不放弃了该计划。 www.bing.com 1. Earlier this year, Wen said China would target 7% growth over the next five years, rather than 8% as it has done previously. 今年早些时候,温家宝表示中国未来5年经济增长目标定为7%,而不是以前的8%。 www.ltaaa.com 2. Earlier this year the firm wouldn't extend credit to a real estate agent in Florida who made $2 million a year. 今年早些时候,公司拒绝向一家年利润200万美元的佛罗里达房地产代理公司提供贷款。 www.bing.com 3. Earlier this year my family and I were in San Diego when a large aircraft carrier returned home from its tour of duty. 今年较早时候,我和家人在圣地牙哥,当时有一架航空母舰完成任务回国。 www.chinesetodays.org 4. Earlier this year, the State Administration of Taxation decided that university students were going to have to pay taxes on their earnings. 去年早些时候,我国税收部门作了以下决定:大学生应该对他们的所得纳税。 www.qwind.net 5. The penguins had been joined temporarily by a group of Gentoo penguins earlier this year while they were in transit. 今年早些时候曾有一群巴布亚企鹅在转运途中暂时加入这些洪堡企鹅的群体。 dongxi.net 6. The central bank played down the threat from deflation, a threat it had emphasised earlier this year. 央行淡化了通货紧缩的威胁,这种威胁在今年早些时候被强调过。 www.bing.com 7. Pyongyang pulled out of the long-running six-party nuclear disarmament talks earlier this year. 朝鲜于今年年初从针对解除核计划的长期六方会谈中退出。 www.elanso.com 8. Encouraged by her new boyfriend Wang Ning, a keen snowboarder, Vicky decided earlier this year to take up the sport as well. 王宁是Vicky的新男朋友,一个忠实的滑雪爱好者,在他的鼓励下,去年初,Vicky打算也要试试这项运动。 www.bing.com 9. The bank admits that a theft occurred at its warehouse earlier this year, but it's not exactly sure what was stolen. 台银表示是因为保存的仓库遭窃,不过纸币收藏家说,这两三年失窃事件,发生不只一次。 www.bing.com 10. And a survey conducted by the British Department of Transport earlier this year supports what Metz said. 今年年初英国交通部所做的一项调查证实了麦兹的观点。 www.englishto.com 1. Cook has been filling in for Jobs since he took a medical leave earlier this year. 今年早些时候乔布斯病休以来,库克一直暂代其职。 www.bing.com 2. Earlier this year, two officers approached me as I was exiting Tokyo Station and asked to see an ID and the contents of my purse. 今年初,在我要离开东京火车站时,两位警察突然向我靠近,叫我出示身份证,并要求看我背包里边的东西。 www.bing.com 3. Hyundai launched the new version earlier this year, after redesigning it in just four years, a year faster than the industry norm. 今年初,现代发布了重新设计的新版伊兰特轿车,这款车距上一代伊兰特仅四年时间,比行业标准提前了一年。 www.bing.com 4. Earlier this year, the police launching a new round of action, clamp down on satellite antenna installation without permission. 今年早些时候,警方发起新一轮行动,取缔私自安装卫星天线。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Earlier this year, Ford said it would be satisfied if it could stabilize its market share. 今年年初,福特表示如果能一直保持这样的市场占有率就好了。 www.hjenglish.com 6. "It would have been lovely if we could have launched this fund earlier this year, " he said. 他说:“如果我们今年年初就建立这个基金就好了。” www.bing.com 7. A commemorative MSN. com piece flatly asserted earlier this year that "taking the pill has no impact on breast cancer risk. " 今年早些时候出现在MSN上的一小块广告断然宣称,“服用避孕药不会带来患乳腺癌的风险”。 www.bing.com 8. I raided my stash of fabric that was given to me earlier this year when a relative wasn't going to do a project she had planned. 我赶紧翻出了我的针线包,这是今年早些时候一个亲戚因为没有按计划做她想做的东西而给我的。 www.bing.com 9. Cheng abruptly quit the airwaves earlier this year, citing political pressure, but had vowed to be back in September. 郑经翰今年较早时以政治压力为由突然封咪,但承诺会在九月卷土重来。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. Earlier this year I left my church and along with that I left the approval of my friends some of whom I had known for 14 years. 早些年我离开了教堂,那些我认识了14年得朋友都不同意这么做。 www.bing.com 1. Segway Inc, the company established to commercialize the technology, was sold to a British firm earlier this year. 赛格威公司建立商业化的技术,在今年早些时候被出售给一家英国公司。 bbs.ecocn.org 2. Possibly in an effort to chase the coffeehouse crowd, Coke decided to give it another go, starting in France earlier this year. 这次又有可口可乐再战该市场,于今年年初在法国开始试水,也许是实在不想错过那些涌入咖啡馆的人群吧。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The app will also show geographical information courtesy of the Google Maps Layers feature the company introduced earlier this year. 这个系统也提供免费地理信息服务,即谷歌公司早年引进的谷歌地图板层特征。 www.elanso.com 4. A recent major development expected to reduce fraud considerably is China's Social Insurance Law that came into force earlier this year. 今年早些时候生效的中国社会保险法是最近取得的一项重大发展,预计能大大减少欺诈行为。 www.who.int 5. Earlier this year it joined three of the largest secular parties in a united front to demand guarantees that the voting would be fair. 年初,穆斯林联盟联合了埃及最大的三个世俗党派,以形成统一战线对抗民族民主党,令其确保投票的公平性。 www.ecocn.org 6. Earlier this year, Turkish soldiers entered Iraq in a week-long operation. 今年早些时候,土耳其军人进入伊拉克对库尔德工人党展开长达一个星期的军事行动。 www.voanews.cn 7. Foster and Usher announced their engagement earlier this year, and later, that she was expecting his first child. 培养和引进公布的亿万富翁今年早些时候,后来,她期待着他的第一个孩子。 www.sjgcz.cn 8. But the true depth and extent of the losses did not become clear until earlier this year, Mr. Paulson said. 但是,损失的实际深度和广度直到今年早些时候才变得清晰起来,保尔森说。 www.bing.com 9. But Sri Lanka says, with some justification, that this is more the result of the LTTE having been defeated earlier this year. 但是斯里兰卡,需要一些理由,说这更多的是在今年早些时候击败LTTE的结果。 www.armsky.com 10. Earlier this year, Iran started its own 20% enrichment and insists that this will continue. 今年初,伊朗开始生产百分之二十的浓缩铀,并坚称会继续生产。 www.24en.com 1. When Mr Ribadu's anti-corruption investigations got too near the top of government earlier this year, he was promptly relieved of his post. 今年早些时候,当利巴杜先生的反腐调查开始触及国家政府高层时,他很快被解除了职位。 www.bdza.cn 2. In an attack earlier this year in western Kenya's Kisii district, five old people were dragged out of their homes and burned alive. 今年早些时候,在肯尼亚西部基夕地区的一次搜捕中,五位老人被拖出家门,活活烧死。 www.ecocn.org 3. Earlier this year Josef Ackermann, the head of Deutsche Bank, warned that unilateral pay limits would leave it unable to attract good staff. 今年的早些时候,JosefAckermann,德意志银行的领导,提醒到单方面的收入限制将无法吸引优秀员工。 club.topsage.com 4. Icahn had criticized Yahoo chief executive Jerry Yang and others for blocking the sale of the company to Microsoft earlier this year. Icahn一直批评雅虎的CEO杨和其它一些决策者阻止了将雅虎出售给微软。 space.englishcn.com 5. The company introduced its feisty little compact earlier this year, the first in a planned wave of new vehicles. 该公司于今年年初推出了这款紧凑小车,而且还计划将推出更多车型。 www.fortunechina.com 6. When I decided to write this column earlier this year, I chose to focus on a single aspect of my personality and its effect on my life. 在今年早些时候构思这个专栏时,我决定将重点放在我性格中的节俭上,并写出这一方面的性格对我的生活有何影响。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. Oil's rebound earlier this year seems to have choked sales again. 今年早些时候油价的反弹,似乎再次抑制了销售。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Its current-account surplus would vanish and it might suffer the same sort of turbulence as Greece did earlier this year. 它的现金账户盈余将消失,而且还可能遭受希腊在今年早些时候发生的那种动荡。 www.bing.com 9. It did not help when two Iraqis in Kentucky were charged with supporting extremists earlier this year. 今年初,两名肯塔基州的伊拉克人被控支持极端主义份子,这使情况更加不利。 www.ecocn.org 10. Martin Fowler presented a great analogy in a joint keynote he and I gave earlier this year about why agile practices work. MartinFowler在联合主题方面提出了一个很好的类比,这是我和他在今年年初在讨论关于为什么运行敏捷实践(agilepractices)时得到的。 www.ibm.com 1. Earlier this year, Mr Lee proposed a unification tax to help prepare for the costs of a united Korea. 今年早些时候,李明博曾提议开征一项统一税,以筹备国家统一后的建设成本。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The issue featured in a complaint to the German cartel office earlier this year from German magazine and newspaper publishers. 今年早些时候,德国一些报纸期刊出版商向德国卡特尔局提出申诉,反映了上述问题。 www.ftchinese.com 3. And earlier this year there was a 'Putin party' at a top Moscow nightclub where strippers sang to Mr Putin's rendition of Blueberry Hill. 今年早些时候在莫斯科最著名夜总会之一,举行了一个叫“普京聚会”的活动,脱衣舞女们伴着普京翻译的歌曲《蓝莓山》翩翩起舞。 dongxi.net 4. Earlier this year several thousand likely matches were identified on Facebook, prompting the company to suspend or remove the accounts. 今年早些时候,在Facebook上共识别出数千名疑似目标,促使该公司冻结或注销其账号。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Earlier this year, the company's executives expected memory-chip prices to rebound around August or September, reviving profit margins. 今年早些时候,三星电子的管理层还预计内存芯片价格会在8、9月时出现反弹,公司利润率也会因此上升。 www.ebigear.com 6. Google said earlier this year that it would phase out censored search deals with its Chinese partners. 谷歌年初表示,它将逐步解除与中国的合作伙伴达成的具有信息审查机制的搜索协议。 c.wsj.com 7. Herbert Hainer, Adidas chief executive, said earlier this year that the Olympics would be "an inflection point" for Asian consumers. 阿迪达斯首席执行官赫伯特?海纳(HerbertHainer)今年早些时候表示,对亚洲消费者来说,这届奥运会将会是一个“转折点”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Earlier this year, Mister Sipan received money from the United States to help support traditional arts. 今年初,西庞先生收到了美国的资助,帮助他挖掘这些传统的艺术品。 www.bing.com 9. The bank shut the subsidiary earlier this year and earned a 30 per cent discount on its fine by settling the case early. 汇丰在今年早些时候关闭了NHFA,并因提前了结此案减免了30%的罚金。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Earlier this year, President Obama called for the United States to double its exports within five years. He says that goal can be met. 今年早些时候,奥巴马总统要求五年内将美国的出口翻一番。他说,这个目标可以实现。 www.tingroom.com 1. Peru's FTA with China came into force earlier this year, while it concluded one with South Korea in September, and soon with Thailand. 智利与中国的自由贸易协议是在今年年初生效的。9月份,它与韩国缔结了协议,不久也将完成与泰国之间的协议。 www.voanews.cn 2. Earlier this year an official report found that village dwellers lived an average of two years longer than those living in towns and cities. 这并非头一回有资料表明农村生活更健康。今年早些时候,(英国)一份官方报告指出,农村居民的平均寿命要比城镇居民多两年。 www.hxen.com 3. Irina is clearly becoming accustomed to posing in her underwear after modelling for Italian lingerie brand Intimissimi earlier this year. 很明显伊琳娜在年初为意大利内衣品牌Intimissimi拍摄广告后,对于内衣展示越来越轻车熟路。 www.bing.com 4. Earlier this year the Russian Ministry of Economic Development has estimated that this year Russia's GDP growth of 4%. 俄经济发展部今年早些时候曾预计,今年俄国内生产总值增长4%。 www.englishtang.com 5. From there he made a move to Internazionale in 2009 and earlier this year he helped his team win the 2010 Champions League Final. 2009年他转投国际米兰并在今年早些时候帮助球队夺得了2010年欧洲冠军杯。 www.bing.com 6. Adm Willard revealed earlier this year that China's ASBM was undergoing extensive testing and was close to deployment. 威拉德上将在今年早些时候透露,中国的反舰弹道导弹正在接受广泛的测试,已接近部署阶段。 blog.163.com 7. Addressing perceived internal threats, the regime clamped down on private market activities earlier this year. 今年早些时候,朝鲜还整顿私人市场活动,以排除他们眼中的内部威胁。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Earlier this year Veronica Berlusconi, Silvio Berlusconi's wife of almost three decades, tired of her husband's reported boorish behaviour. 今年早些时候,西尔维奥-贝卢斯科尼近30年的妻子维罗尼卡-贝卢斯科尼(VeronicaBerlusconi)厌倦了丈夫据称的粗鄙行为。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Arsenal fan Poulter launched his 'IP' fashion range earlier this year to: 'sex up golf a bit, make it more funky'. 阿森纳球迷Poulter今年发起了他的‘IP’时尚,目的是:“给高尔夫一点性感,是这个运动更有趣”。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. The State of California removed the bird from its own endangered species list earlier this year. 加利福尼亚州今年年初在自己的濒危物种名单上删掉了这种鸟。 www.yappr.cn 1. Earlier this year Mr Ghosn brought Daimler, a German maker of trucks and luxury cars, into a three-way alliance with Renault and Nissan. 今年初,戈洛斯将德国的卡车、豪华轿车制造商——戴姆勒与雷诺、尼桑一起组成三体联盟。 www.ecocn.org 2. "Wherever she has worked, she has had a strong voice and impact, " Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank, observed earlier this year. 世界银行(WorldBank)行长罗伯特?佐立克(RobertZoellick)今年早些时候表示:“无论在哪里工作,她都能够表达和坚持自己的看法,发挥自己的影响。” www.ftchinese.com 3. Taiwan notified the US earlier this year that the 2006 shipment did not contain the batteries requested. 今年早些时候,台湾知会美国,2006年发运的货物中并没有他们想要的电池。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In response to a suggestion from BBC Wales audiences earlier this year, the British government is considering a ban of all plastic bags. 今年初,响应听众在英国广播公司的建议,英国政府考虑禁止使用所有的塑胶袋.。 bbs.24en.com 5. Earlier this year, Chinese officials had suggested they were uncomfortable with the Federal Reserve's rapid expansion of its balance sheet. 今年早些时候,中国政府曾暗示过他们对美联储迅速扩大其资产负债表的不安。 bbs.m4.cn 6. Taylor struggled with health issues most of her life and was hospitalized earlier this year with congestive heart problems. 泰勒的一生大部分时间都在于病魔抗争,她于今年年初因充血性心力衰竭(congestiveheartfailure)住进医院。 www.bing.com 7. The company said earlier this year that it was seeking $7. 7 billion in Energy Department loans to push ahead on more energy-efficient cars. 该公司今年早些时候说,正在争取从能源部获得77亿美元贷款,以推动更多节能型汽车的生产。 www.bing.com 8. Earlier this year, famine was declared in six areas of southern Somalia after back-to-back years of poor rain. 今年早些时候,由于降雨连年稀少,索马里南部六个地区宣布出现饥荒。 www.voa365.com 9. Earlier this year, the strong euro did not pose a threat as demand was still upholding. 今年早些时候,欧元走强没有造成威胁,因为需求仍然提供了支撑。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mr. Martin is a freelance photographer who led photo coverage for The Wall Street Journal of the Egypt uprising earlier this year. 马丁是一名自由职业摄影师,今年早些时候他是《华尔街日报》对埃及起义摄影报道的负责人。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The Indian stock markets have been falling since worries rose about a slowdown in the U. S. economy earlier this year. 自从今年年初美国经济走软在印度引发焦虑后,印度股市一直走低。 www.voanews.cn 2. Earlier this year he said a financial crisis reveals which players have been "swimming naked, " because the tide goes out. 今年初他曾说过由于金融潮汐的消退,金融危机揭露出了游戏者们一直呈“裸泳”状态。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. "I feel like a second parent in the sense that I helped raise my family, " Lindsay told Alluremagazine earlier this year. “我感觉自己就像第二家长在某种意义上,我认为有助于提高我的家庭,”达文波特说魅力杂志今年早些时候。 www.sjgcz.cn 4. His team made its first claim that it could crack the code in 2007 and again earlier this year, she said. 她说,诺尔的小组2007年首次宣称可以破解编码,今年早些时候又再次这样说。 c.wsj.com 5. In three speeches in Prague, Cairo and Accra earlier this year, he used the full power of his rhetoric to win people over. 今年早些时候,在布拉格、开罗和阿克拉三地发表的演说中,他极尽辩口利辞之能事,笼络人心。 www.ecocn.org 6. Earlier this year he signalled that he might step aside to make a bipartisan government happen. 帕潘德里欧今年早些时候曾发出信号,称可能会为组建两党联合政府而退位让路。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Earlier this year the DPP grumbled that it was a conduit for immigrants, undermining Denmark's strict controls. 今年初,丹麦人民党抱怨这是一个移民通道,损害了丹麦对移民的严格管制。 www.ecocn.org 8. Earlier this year, there was an apparent breakthrough. 今年早些时候,情况看似出现了转机。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Apple has been under heavy fire since the publication, earlier this year, of a Times expose on the Apple supply chain. 自从今年早些时候时代周刊曝光关于苹果供应链上的这些问题以来,苹果已经饱受猛烈的攻击。 www.bing.com 10. The long-beleaguered Test and Performance Tools Platform project was terminated earlier this year, and won't be part of Indigo. 困难重重的测试与性能工具平台(TPTP)项目在今年初终止了,并没有纳入到Indigo当中。 www.infoq.com 1. Earlier this year, Fidel Castro, who ruled Cuba for decades, stepped down and ceded power to his brother, Raul. 今年早些时候,统治了古巴数十年的菲德尔.卡斯特罗将权力移交给了他的弟弟劳尔。 www.bing.com 2. The young star put her education on hold at America's Brown University earlier this year to focus on her acting. 这位年轻的偶像今年早些时候宣布从美国布朗大学休学,专注于自己的演艺事业。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Kim Jong-il did not attend the parliament's previous one-day meeting earlier this year. 金正日并未出席今年早些时候召开的为期一天的上一次议会会议。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Earlier this year, there was a series of violent clashes between the two sides inside the National Assembly. 这一年的早些时候,在国会内两大势力之间发生了一系列的暴力冲突。 www.ecocn.org 5. Deloitte resigned as Longtop's auditor earlier this year after discovering alleged accounting improprieties at the company. 在发现东南融通存在会计不正当行为后,德勤于今年早些时候辞去该公司审计人职务。 www.forbeschina.com 6. As soon as the democracy bug began to spread earlier this year, Mr. Assad wavered between promises of reform and growls of repression. 民主“病毒”今年早些时候一开始传播,阿萨德就在承诺改革与扬言镇压之间摇摆不定。 www.ecocn.org 7. Actually, during some periods earlier this year the wind provided almost 40% of Spanish power. 实际上,(今年)比现在更早些的时候,有段时间西班牙将近40%电力是风力提供的。 www.bing.com 8. The carmaker sacked three senior executives earlier this year, claiming they had sold information about the company's electric-car business. 今年早些时候,这家汽车制度商解雇了三名高级主管,声称这三人出卖了公司关于电力汽车生意方面的信息。 www.ecocn.org 9. The investigation was launched earlier this year after glitches were discovered in the company's add-value machines. 今年年初八达通增值系统故障的问题被发现后,公司展开调查。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. One of the key objectives in adopting WP7 earlier this year was to improve Nokia's lamentable US performance. 诺基亚公司之所以采用WP7的关键目标之一就是为了改善诺基亚公司在美国市场的极差表现。 www.bing.com 1. We are pleased with the commitments that came out of President Hu's visit earlier this year. 胡主席在今年年初访问时提出了一些承诺。我们感到十分高兴。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. As I wrote earlier this year, the US's monetary policy has already laid the seeds of the next Crisis. 正如我今年早些时候说,美国的货币政策已经奠定了未来危机的种子。 www.wyzxsx.com 3. Average daily turnover for yen-dollar trading earlier this year was over $550bn, according to the Bank for International Settlements. 根据国际清算银行(BIS)的数据,今年早些时候,日元对美元的日均交易额超过了5500亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Earlier this year I was kicking around the Solomon Islands and ended up one day at a small resort just south of the port of Gizo. 今年早些时候,我曾在所罗门群岛呆过一阵子。有一天,我闲逛到了Gizo港南边的一个小景区。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It was finally tamed earlier this year, when a group of mathematicians managed to construct a map that describes it completely. 这还是今年(2007)年初一伙数学家绞尽脑汁画了一个地图来彻底地摸它,才最终把它搞定的。 www.bing.com 6. China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom had earlier this year said they will reduce network investments over the next few years. 中国移动、中国联通和中国电信今年年初发表消息称在未来几年,将会减少在网络建设上的投资。 xiatian.123465.blog.163.com 7. Andconfident predictions of that, earlier this year, have come to nothing. 今年更早些时候的充满自信的预言终成泡影。 www.ecocn.org 8. RIM partly assuaged India by setting up the small Mumbai facility earlier this year to handle surveillance requests from India. RIM安抚印度的方法之一是今年初在孟买安装了上述设施,可处理印度政府的监视要求。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Earlier this year, five Chinese vessels were involved in a stand-off with a survey ship from the US navy off China's Hainan Island. 今年早些时候,五艘中国舰艇在中国的海南岛与一艘美国海军的侦察船相对峙。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Earlier this year, the British Journal of Sports Medicine published new guidelines for concussions in children and teens. 今年年初,《英国运动医学杂志》发表了儿童和青少年脑震荡新的指导方针。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. GM agreed to spin off the Opel division before the troubled company went into bankruptcy earlier this year. 今年早些时候因陷入困境而申请破产保护之前,通用同意剥离欧宝业务。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In an incident earlier this year, Afghanistanreleased five top Taleban prisoners in exchange for an Italian journalist being held hostage. 今年上半年,阿富汗政府用五名高级塔利班囚犯作为人质交换一名意大利新闻记者。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Earlier this year Audi's plans for a lighter pair of next-generation S4 and S5 performance variants were revealed. 今年早些时候,奥迪的计划,一个打火机对下一代中四及中五的性能变种被发现。 usa.315che.com 4. Earlier this year, when flooding washed out large portions of the track, the venerable train was put out of commission. 今年早些时候,洪水冲垮了大部分的路轨,备受尊敬的火车停运了。 www.bing.com 5. Earlier this year, the Treasury Department supplied the company with $5 billion through its Troubled Asset Relief Program. 而今年早些时候财政部通过不良资产救助计划为GMAC提供了50亿美元资金。 www.bing.com 6. Earlier this year the firm said it wanted applications running on its platform to accept its virtual currency, known as Facebook Credits. 今年早些时候,公司表示希望在其平台上的应用程序接受其虚拟货币。 www.bing.com 7. Earlier this year Hunan TV persuaded Qinghai Satellite TV to carry some of its programmes. 今年的早些时候,湖南电视台说服青海卫视转播它的一些节目。 www.bing.com 8. Earlier this year, the head of Iran's navy said that mining the strait of our moves would be as easy as drinking a glass of water. 而今年早些时候,伊朗海军负责人称限制我们的矿业就像喝一杯水一样非常简单。 www.kekenet.com 9. After relative calm earlier this year, some other European countries also have had their borrowing costs rise. 在今年早些时候相对的平静之后,欧洲其他一些国家的借贷成本也有所上升。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Originally considered a caretaker leader, the mayor of Lille led the party to a sweeping victory at regional elections earlier this year. 同时本被认为是看守领导的理勒市市长早在今年年初就带领本党势如破竹地赢取了地区选举。 www.ecocn.org 1. It certainly doesn't do any harm. Of course, this is something that we've been trying to do earlier this year. 这不会有什么坏处,当然这是我们在更早的时候就想尝试着做的。 ferrari-china.com 2. The United States believes North Korea helped Syria build a nuclear production facility, which Israeli warplanes bombed earlier this year. 美国认为,北韩帮助叙利亚建造了一个核设施,今年早些时候,以色列轰炸了这个设施。 www.kekenet.com 3. Earlier this year a state regulator siphoned off some of Ambac's most toxic assets and put them into "rehabilitation" . 今年早些时候,一家州监管机构抽取Ambac的一些最为不良的资产,将它们投入“改造”。 www.ecocn.org 4. Earlier this year, Rosberg was quoted as warning that without a race-winning car, he will seek a move to a more competitive team next year. 今年早些时候,罗斯伯格引述警告说,如果没有比赛获奖汽车,他将寻求转会到一个更具竞争力的球队明年。 usa.315che.com 5. Mr Askew and Ms Guthrie left the company earlier this year for no given reason. 魏诗杰和高美娴也在今年初相继离开公司,没有透露原因。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Yet when asked for business advice from Google CEO Larry Page earlier this year, he obliged, telling him to focus on just five products. 今年早些时候,谷歌现任CEO拉里?佩奇虚心向他求教,他没有拒绝,告诉佩奇谷歌只需将重点放在五项产品上。 www.fortunechina.com 7. He remains a member of Singapore's parliament but stood down from his cabinet position earlier this year. 他仍是新加坡国会议员,但在今年早些时候卸去了内阁职位。 www.qeto.com 8. Against this background, power companies have been refusing to pay the prices they negotiated with the coal companies earlier this year. 在这种背景下,煤炭企业拒绝按照今年早些时候与电力公司谈好的价格供货。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "The disagreements of earlier this year should not be seen as the norm for the relationship, " said a US official. “今年早些时候的分歧,不应被视为两国关系的常态,”一名美国官员表示。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Ms. Whitman, who joined H-P's board earlier this year, conceded the company had lost investors' confidence. 今年早些时候加入惠普董事会的惠特曼承认该公司失去了投资者的信任。 cn.wsj.com 1. Earlier this year it estimated that 19, 000 cancers a year in the UK could be prevented if people lost their excess weight. 今年早些时候该基金会曾预计,如果体重超重者能够减肥,那么英国每年将可以预防19,000起癌症病例。 www.hxen.com 2. A group of real-estate developers earlier this year submitted an alternative plan to that being prepared by the Chinatown Working Group. 今年初,针对唐人街工作小组(ChinatownWorkingGroup)的计划书,一群房地产开发商提交了另外一个提案。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Earlier this year, the company found fake retail outlets in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming. 今年早些时候,苹果在中国西南城市昆明发现了山寨苹果门店。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The U. S. had extended the invitations earlier this year as part of the administration's outreach. 美国今年早些时候发出了邀请,作为美国政府扩大接触的一部分。 www.bing.com 5. Musa Hilal is among six Janjaweed leaders singled out by the United States for travel and economic sanctions earlier this year. 穆萨·希拉勒是美国政府今年早些时候提出实行旅行和经济制裁的六名阿拉伯民兵组织马枪队的领导人之一。 www.24en.com 6. In a speech earlier this year, Mr Paulson eloquently made the case for China to accelerate the reform of its capital and financial markets. 在今年早些时候的一次讲话中,保尔森竭力呼吁中国加速其资本与金融市场改革。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Earlier this year Microsoft announced that all versions of the browser were at risk of being hacked due to a flaw in the program. 今年早些时候微软公司宣布所有版本的IE浏览器由于存在程序缺陷而面临被入侵的风险。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Earlier this year SAS launched a product capable of analysing the "sentiment" of chatter on social media, including Facebook and Twitter. 今年早些时候,赛仕公司便推出了一款能够分析包括脸谱和推特在内的社交媒体中聊天者“情绪”的产品。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. Earlier this year Dawa Steven Sherpa was resting at Everest base camp when he and his companions heard something buzzing. 今年年初,在珠穆朗玛峰探险营地休息的时候,达瓦·史蒂文·夏尔巴和同伴们突然听到什么东西发出的嗡嗡声。 www.bing.com 10. Muddy Waters also targeted Sino-Forest Corp. earlier this year, alleging it was engaged in a fraud that overstated assets and revenue. 今年早些时候,MuddyWaters还瞄准了在多伦多上市的嘉汉林业(Sino-ForestCorp.),声称它参与了一场夸大资产和收入的骗局。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Gary Neville has admitted he thought his career was coming to an end earlier this year. 内维尔承认自己以为今年初就得挂靴了。 www.hubuxiang.org 2. Earlier this year, Google announced that it was using DoubleClick Ad Exchange to expand into the video marketplace. 今年早些时候,谷歌宣布它正在利用DoubleClickAdExchange向视频市场扩张。 chinese.wsj.com 3. In an incident earlier this year, Afghanistan released 5 top Taleban prisoners in exchange for an Italian journalist being held hostage. 在今年早些时候的一次事件中,阿富汗政释放了5名塔利班头目,以换取一名意大利记者人质。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Measures taken earlier this year to control property speculation have so far not succeeded in bringing down prices. 今年早些时候为抑制房地产投机而采取的举措目前为止未能使房价下跌。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Earlier this year Patricia Espinosa, Mexico's foreign minister, renegotiated $400m of debt on which Cuba had defaulted. 今年早些时候,墨西哥外长帕特里夏?埃斯皮诺萨对古巴拖欠的4亿美元的债务进行了重新谈判。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In the first TV interview since filing for divorce from Brad Pitt earlier this year, Aniston said that she's now in a good place. 与布拉德·皮特离婚后,珍妮弗·安妮斯顿近日首次接受电视采访并且表示她现在过得很好。 www.common-talk.com 7. The White House earlier this year released the Obama administration's first National Security Strategy. 美国政府今年年初发布了奥巴马政府的第一个国家安全战略。 www.etiri.com.cn 8. Felix graduated into a top level Apache project earlier this year; the project team released version 1. 0. 1 back in October. 今年初,Felix从Apache孵化器毕业,成为一个顶级项目;该项目团队在十月份发布了1.0.1版本。 www.infoq.com 9. Earlier this year, unfounded rumours of a march in Georgia sparked off several days of counter-demonstrations in the coastal city of Batumi. 今年早些时候,无证可寻的关于佐治亚州游行的谣言就引发了沿海城市巴统为期几天的反游行运动。 www.ecocn.org 10. One only has to look at its masterful but unconventional handling of the iPhone 4 antenna issue earlier this year to see how that works. 你只需看看苹果年初对IHPONE4天线问题傲慢且一反常规的处理方式,就会清楚他是多么“与众不同”了。 www.bing.com 1. A memo from SEEC to Caijing editors earlier this year pressing for that more-narrow purview helped fuel tensions, according to one staffer. 据一名员工说,今年早些时候联办致《财经》编辑们的一份要求进一步缩小报导范围的备忘录加剧了紧张关系。 www.bing.com 2. That's why I was so incredibly happy to see the Phusion team come out of nowhere earlier this year with Passenger (aka mod_rails). 当今年年初Phusion团队推出Passenger(也叫mod_rails)的时候,我高兴得有点忘乎所以了。 www.bing.com 3. But earlier this year the EU said it would hold up the agreement until Israel did more to alleviate the plight of Gaza. 但今年早些时候,欧盟表示他们将中止该协议,直到以色列进一步缓和加沙困境。 www.bing.com 4. Earlier this year the airline postponed or cancelled half of the 29 plane deliveries it had expected in 2009. 今年早些时候,东航推迟或取消了今年计划的29架飞机交付量的一半。 www.bing.com 5. Politicians also see the advantages of these arrangements and legislation was passed earlier this year to promote employee co-ownership. 政客同样看到了这些协议的有利之处,于今年早些时候通过了鼓励企业职工参股的立法。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A drought earlier this year quickly turned into a full-blown famine that has hit 4 million people and already killed tens of thousands. 今年年初的干旱引发了一场大规模的饥荒。四百万人食不果腹,很多灾民饿死。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Australia's central bank has cut its forecast for growth due to a "slower-than-expected" recovery from floods earlier this year. 澳大利亚央行已调低其经济增长预测,受今年早些时候的洪灾的影响,经济恢复低于预期。 www.bing.com 8. By blaming the short sellers, Mr Fuld echoed the testimony of a fellow victim of the credit crisis earlier this year. 富尔德对卖空者的指责,与今年早些时候另一位信贷危机受害者的证词如出一辙。 bbs.med66.com 9. A cyber attack earlier this year on the International Monetary Fund was also said to have connections to China. 据说今年早些时候国际货币基金组织(IMF)受到的一次网络攻击也与中国有关。 cn.wsj.com 10. The report also contradicts pledges by senior officials earlier this year that grandparents would be given far greater rights. 今年早些时候,曾有高级官员许诺祖父母将在子女离婚后得到更多的探视权,但该报告有悖于此项承诺。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The meeting is the latest opportunity to address trade and strategic issues that exacerbated bilateral tensions earlier this year. 一些贸易与战略问题曾在今年早些时候加剧了两国之间的紧张关系,而此次对话则是解决这些问题的最新机会。 c.wsj.com 2. Mr Strauss-Kahn had confessed to French journalists earlier this year that, with his numerous liaisons, he was vulnerable to a trap. 今年早些时候卡恩也已经向法国媒体坦言,因他有为数众多的私情绯闻,而容易遭人构陷。 www.ecocn.org 3. Earlier this year we talked about the usefulness of a simple command line to query multiple web services via a set syntax. 之前我们谈过如何用一条简单的命令语句、通过一组语法规则去查询多个万维网服务。 www.bing.com 4. I went and seen Russ Taff sing earlier this year (2000), and as he was singing, he began weeping and crying out to God. 2000年初的时候,我曾经看过RussTaff的演出。他在演唱的过程中,竟然开始哭泣,并向上帝呼喊。 www.tesoon.com 5. Earlier this year, it launched an online reporting system that allows brands to submit product listings they believe to be fakes. 今年初,淘宝启动了在线举报系统,让名牌企业可以提交确凿的仿冒品清单。 www.ddeaw.com 6. Earlier this year I got pretty bored and decided to do something creative in my spare time. 今年早些时候,我感觉比较无聊,于是打算在我闲暇之余做些新鲜玩意。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. One of the leading IT outsourcing companies, Satyam, revealed a massive fraud earlier this year. 而一家领先的信息技术外包商Satyam,在今年早些时候被曝有严重的欺诈行为。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But earlier this year Louis Freeh, the FBI's boss, listed both organizations among the most active domestic terrorist groups. 但是今年初,联邦调查局局长路易·弗里将两个组织列为国内最活跃的恐怖主义组织。 www.iliyu.com 9. Earlier this year the MoD was forced to allow Nepalese Gurkha mercenaries who have served in the British army to settle in Britain. 今年早些时候,国防部被迫允许英军中的尼泊尔廓尔喀族佣兵在英国定居。 www.ecocn.org 10. Earlier this year, the university announced that it would no longer expect its courses to conclude with final exminations. 今年初,哈佛宣布将不再依据期末考试成绩来为某门课程的学习情况做出结论。 www.bing.com 1. If you'd like to see some month-by-month specifics, I posted my 2005 Adsense revenue figures earlier this year. 如果你想看看每月的情况的话,你可以去看看我在年初写的一篇文章《2005年广告收入报表》。 www.bing.com 2. That, after all, was the fate of investors who bought preference shares in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac earlier this year. 毕竟,今年早些时候购买房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)优先股的投资者命运就是如此。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Mali, for instance, was accused of feebleness when it freed some Islamists earlier this year in exchange for a French hostage. 例如,马里在今年上半年就释放了几名伊斯兰恐怖分子作为换回法国人质的交换,这被外界指责为软弱无能。 www.ecocn.org 4. Earlier this year I announced the release of an app I had been working on for Android called PaceMaker. 今年早些时候,我宣告发布了我为Android开发的一款名为PaceMakerd应用。 www.bing.com 5. Dick Cheney, after 40 years in Washington, hinted earlier this year that he might write a book after leaving the vice-presidency. 迪克?切尼,在华盛顿呆了40年之后,今年早前暗示离开副总统职位之后将写一本书。 www.suiniyi.com 6. His replacement was earlier this year forced to admit that the high-speed trains would be less speedy than promised. 而刘志军的继任者又被迫在今年初承认,高速铁路将降低运营速度。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The terminal building, opened earlier this year, is said to be bigger than all of Heathrow's terminals combined. 今年早些时候开放的航站楼据说比希斯罗机场全部航站楼还要大。 www.douban.com 8. Trials of the S-ICD began in Europe earlier this year, and Cameron Health hopes to win regulatory approval by the summer. 今年年初欧洲也开始进行S-ICD的研发实验。CameronHealth公司希望夏天前可以获取医药管理部门的许可证。 www.ecocn.org 9. Earlier this year, he told me a story that, he says, keeps coming back to him. 今年早些时候,他给我讲述了一个故事,他说这些事不停的萦绕在他的脑海里。 www.bing.com 10. Earlier this year, thousands of people rated the Paleo diet the best way to lose weight, despite a report claiming it was ineffective. 今年早些时候,数千人评价史前饮食是最佳的减肥方法,但有报告称其无效。 www.bing.com 1. That tension eased slightly following Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States earlier this year. 在今年早期中国胡主席访美之后,这一紧张局势才稍为缓和。 www.nn5566.com 2. Porsche went into significant debt earlier this year acquiring a majority share in Volkswagen. 保时捷进入重大债务今年早些时候收购的大多数股份大众。 usa.315che.com 3. Earlier this year, I promised that I would sprint to the finish of my time as President. We are working hard to keep that promise. 我在年初曾向你们承诺,只要担任一天总统就会冲刺到底,我们正努力去达成这项承诺。 kouyi.5d6d.com 4. Earlier this year, an investigation was launched after Jaffa oranges said to have originated in Israel were discovered on sale. 今年早些时候,据说有产自以色列的迦法柑桔在市场上销售,因此有关部门展开了相关调查。 www.bing.com 5. Relations have worsened since the killing of Osama bin Laden at his home in Pakistan earlier this year. 自从今年早些时候本·拉登在巴基斯坦的家中被美军打死后,两国关系开始恶化。 www.bing.com 6. Earlier this year, however, a mother panther and her two kids were seen as they walked along the road. 但是,今年早些时候,发现了一只雌性美洲豹和她的两个幼崽。 www.remword.cn 7. An investigation held earlier this year revealed officers had mistakenly taken down the wrong details from motorists' documents. 今年早些时候进行的一次调查披露警官曾误记驾驶证件的错误信息。 www.bing.com 8. China's government was unhappy when India, Japan and the U. S. held a smaller naval exercise in the western Pacific earlier this year. 今年早些时候,印度、日本和美国在西太平洋举行一次小型的海军演习,中国政府就不高兴了。 www.stnn.cc 9. In a mock courthouse earlier this year, the smack of a gavel opened a case for the ages. 今年稍早在一个假的法院中,槌的风味为年龄打开了一个情形。 forum.eviloctal.com 10. But since the death earlier this year of its chairman, Sulaiman al-Gosaibi, the group has suffered a reversal. 但是年初其董事长苏莱曼铝阿尔戈萨伊逝世后,该集团走向了滑坡。 www.ecocn.org |
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