单词 | back up |
释义 | backed up是back up的过去式
第三人称单数:backs up 现在分词:backing up 过去式:backed up 例句释义: 支持,堵塞,抢救后方,把,化粪池又回堵,后援,定期储蓄 1. The database will be zipped and backed up twice a week and protected against data loss due to any accidental computer problems. 数据库一周压缩备份两次,以防电脑故障造成数据丢失。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Like I said, you don't need a book to understand these few basic things, all of which are backed up by psychological research studies. 正如我所说的,你不必去读一本书来明白这些基本的道理,这些都是经过心理学研究验证了的。 www.bing.com 3. I backed up and went the other direction, to be honest with you. 诚实地说我换方向退后了。 www.bing.com 4. The remark was allegedly backed up with a kick to the Tory leader's head, which explains the facial blemish he took into the campaign. 他还用行动来表示不满,踢了下卡梅伦的头。难怪投入竞选活动的卡梅伦脸上带花。 www.ecocn.org 5. Twisting and slashing, he fought his way through the pack and backed up under the low branches of a hedge. 它横冲直撞地从狗群中杀出一条路来,退到树篱的低矮的枝杈下。 www.bing.com 6. But analysts say that can't be all that's going on, and at least one expert says the paid-click trend is backed up by other sources. 然而分析师们认为那不可能是全部的原因,至少有一个专家指出付费点击(增速减缓)的趋势得到其他数据来源的支持。 www.bing.com 7. By the time I backed up, tried to see it, it had moved at least a mile away, if not further. That quick. I was just astonished. 当我倒好车,尝试看它时,它已经到了至少一英里以外,可能更远。如此之快。我非常惊讶。 zhaidou.com 8. DENNIS: Well, in case of loss or theft, all of the password-protected data is automatically backed up to a web account once a day . 丹尼斯:不怕,这里所有带密码保护的资料,会每天一次自动备份到一个网络帐户里,为的就是防止丢失或被盗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The real significance of the first Kodak camera was that it was backed up by a developing and printing service. 第一代柯达照相机的真正意义在于它可以连接冲印和打印设备。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Chris, a scientist, backed up the bold statements he made during the presentation by giving everyone a copy of his research data. 科学家克里斯发给每个人一份研究资料,证实他之前发表的大胆言论是真的。 www.hjenglish.com 1. For more information about what needs to be backed up in Exchange 2007, see What Needs to Be Protected in an Exchange Environment. 有关Exchange2007中需要备份的内容的详细信息,请参阅在Exchange环境中需要保护哪些内容。 technet.microsoft.com 2. "He would ignore my opinions and never take my word unless it was backed up by someone older, " he said. 他不理会我的意见,从不采纳我的建议,除非另一个资历老点的人支持我的看法。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The authors said the research, if backed up, could have substantial implications for clinical practice. 作者说,如果这项研究结果成立,将会对临床治疗产生很大的影响。 www.bing.com 4. Engineers and army laborers worked furiously on a spillway to relieve the growing lake, which had backed up past several settlements. 一支由工程师和军队劳工组成的队伍争分夺秒开凿出一条泄洪渠以减轻日益剧增的湖泊的压力,这支队伍曾经加固过不少定居点。 www.bing.com 5. At the Onagawa missing-person's center on Wednesday, two officials backed up a cart to a set of doors leading into the stadium. 周三,在女川失踪人口中心,两位官员倒推着一辆小车通过好几道门进入体育馆。 chinese.wsj.com 6. They can ensure, for instance, that the most valuable files on a PC are automatically backed up to at least one other machine. 例如,这些软件能够自动将电脑上最重要的文件,备份至一台以上的其它电脑上。 www.ftchinese.com 7. If you do not select this option, and then you back up a mounted drive, only the path information for the mounted drive will be backed up. 如果不选择该选项,然后备份装入的驱动器,将只备份装入的驱动器的路径信息。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Exchange databases should not be backed up in the same way you backup static data files. 不应采用与备份静态数据文件相同的方法来备份Exchange数据库。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Mary's critical files are backed up in the same way, saved on dozens of disks around the world. 玛莉的重要档案也以同样的方式进行备份,储存在世界各地数十台电脑的硬碟里。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. He writes with feeling, backed up by an impressively broad list of sources as well as sharp critical insight and astute judgment. 有令人咋舌的广博资料来源,敏锐而深具批判性的洞察力和机敏的判断力为支撑,他可以随性而发的写。 bbs.ecocn.org 1. Machine failure has to be expected, so it's crucial that your data can be backed up and restored in case of failures. 计算机难免会出现故障,所以必须能够备份数据并在发生故障时恢复。 www.ibm.com 2. How do I get a list of files backed up in a filesystem object? 如何获得一个文件系统对象中备份文件的列表? e-support.hp.com.cn 3. Only the current principal server can be backed up. The mirror database cannot be backed up because it is in the RESTORING state. 只能备份当前主体服务器,由于镜像数据库处于还原状态,因此,无法备份镜像数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The files affected by the installation of this file queue have not been backed up for uninstall. 受这个文件列队安装影响的文件还没有为卸载做备份。 www.fan6.net 5. Saying " Baby " over and over again , Ace backed up to the radio and , without turning around , switched on the volume knob . 埃斯口中不停地叫着“宝贝”,他退到收音机前,没有转身就打开了音量的旋钮。 www.ebigear.com 6. Science continued to throw up discoveries which further backed up his hypothesis. 科学不断地提供新的发现,从而进一步证实了他的假设。 bbs.koolearn.com 7. A differential backup that includes files that were last backed up in distinct base backups. 包含最后一次在非重复基准备份中备份的文件的差异备份。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Full Text Search catalogs are not backed up with the rest of a database and the two services cannot easily share memory and CPU resources. 全文检索编目不能与其他的数据库一起备份,而且两个服务不能轻松的共享内存和CPU资源。 www.infoq.com 9. Like Beijing, traffic in many American cities gets "backed up" in the morning and afternoon. 像北京一样,美国许多城市的交通在早晨和下午经常被阻塞。 10. Only files that have changed or been added since the last complete backup are backed up. 只会备份自上次完整备份以来更改或添加的文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The corporate vision must be backed up by a set of specific, quantitative business objectives. 企业愿景可以由一组特定的、可量化的业务目标来提供支撑。 www.bing.com 2. Generally , if data was read- only when it was backed up and has remained read-only, roll forward is unnecessary and is skipped . 通常,如果数据在备份时为只读并且现在仍为只读,则没有必要前滚并将跳过。 www.bing.com 3. Once databases are backed up, some important filesystems and configurations files need to be backed up as well. 数据库备份完成后,某些重要的文件系统和配置也同样需要备份。 www.ibm.com 4. If any affected database file is inaccessible, the transaction log cannot be backed up and all operations committed in that log are lost. 如果无法访问任何受影响的数据文件,则事务日志将无法备份,并且在此日志中提交的所有操作都会丢失。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. With King Pahlavi's pro-western policy, its nuclear program was backed up by the U. S and its western allies. 由于当时的巴列维国王推行亲西方的政策,其核活动自始就得到美国等西方国家的帮助。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Because all of the stores in a storage group share a transaction log, each storage group should be backed up as a whole. 由于存储组中的所有存储共享一个事务日志,因此应将每个存储组作为一个整体备份。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Brazil, as always, and a Uruguay side that did very in South Africa with Luis Suarez and Diego Forlan up front, backed up by a compact unit. 巴西,像往常一样。乌拉圭也是一方面,南非世界杯上他们表现很好,他们在前场有苏亚雷斯和弗兰,后场有紧密的防守组合。 tieba.baidu.com 8. The logical files can be backed up to the path mentioned in the LTAPEDEV configuration parameter. 可以将逻辑文件备份到LTAPEDEV配置参数中说明的路径。 www.ibm.com 9. This wizard helps you restore data that you previously backed up to tape or disk. 向导会帮助您还原以前备份到磁带或磁盘上的数据。 www.fan6.net 10. Traffic backed up in both directions from the Don Valley Parkway to the east and as far as the Humber River in the west end. 交通支持两个方向的当河谷大道以东和至于亨伯河西端。 bbs.cjdby.net 1. The translation memory and glossary are maintained for the next release and all the related files are backed up. 项目经理维护翻译记忆库和术语表,为下一个版本的更新做准备,同时备份所有的相关文件。 www.ectranslate.com.cn 2. Some privacy experts were particularly concerned that the files were not encrypted, and that they were backed up on users' computers. 一些隐私专家十分担心这些文档未被加密就被备份到用户的电脑中。 kk.dongxi.net 3. Deliver Consistent Value: Being unique is great, but if it is not backed up by consistent value, your visitors won't stick. 价值始终如一:独树一帜很好,但如果没有始终如一的价值支撑,你的访问者也不会从一而终。 www.bing.com 4. The lectures of this course are to be backed up by a comprehensive programme of field work. 这门课程除了讲课外,还有综合性的现场实习加以补充。 bbs.wps2005.com 5. The indexes released Thursday, however, backed up the impression that the economy might enjoy a modest recovery in coming months. 然而,周四公布的指数加强了人们对中国经济可能在未来数月适度复苏的印象。 cn.nytimes.com 6. The first rush must be backed up by an ongoing logistics chain that will need to function for many months. 第一轮救援必须得到一系列后勤保障的支持,而且要持续数月。 web.worldbank.org 7. A few minutes later she came back and told him the toilet was backed up. 几分钟后她折回来告诉他盥洗室的水正往外倒流。 bbs.chinaitlab.com 8. Specify an exact set of files to be backed up using simple and flexible folder and file filtering system. 指定一个确切的文件备份设置为使用简单,灵活的文件夹和文件过滤系统。 www.pb86.net 9. Qaddafi's soldiers were largely veterans and mercenaries, backed up with significant artillery, most of it Soviet-era. 卡扎菲的士兵大部分是退伍军人和雇佣军,有充足的苏制军备。 www.bing.com 10. This explicitly specifies which profile should be backed up, enabling any copy of the script files to backup any of the profiles. 此参数会显式指定应备份的概要,从而使脚本文件的任何副本都可以备份所有概要。 www.ibm.com 1. The lectures and seminars of course are to be backed up by a heavy program of field work. 这门课程除讲课和讨论外,还有大量的实地考查作为补充。 www.hotdic.com 2. Upon hearing this, Moses was afraid. Trembling, he backed up a few steps and took off his shoes. 摩西听了很害怕,就赶快退步,把他的鞋子脱下来,在那里一直发抖。 sm2000.org 3. If the schema is NULL or the empty string, the procedure restores the schema to the name from where it was backed up. 如果模式是NULL或空字符串,那么这个过程采用备份时的模式名进行恢复。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Uncle Peter, preoccupied with the conversation behind him, had driven past the Merriwether carriage block and he backed up the horse. 彼得大叔一直在专心听着背后的谈话,因此忘记在梅里韦瑟家门前停车了。于是只得勒着马退回来。 it.bab.la 5. Fred told them that I backed up everything he said. 费雷德告诉他们,我支持他说的每一件事情。 www.bing.com 6. So up to 90 per cent of Britain's wind power might need to be backed up with flexible fossil fuel plants. 因此,英国多达90%的风力发电站可能需要灵活的化石燃料发电厂提供补充支持。 www.ftchinese.com 7. That is, as soon as you save a file in the Dropbox folder in your computer, it's already backed up in the cloud. 也就是说,一旦你将文件保存在你本地计算机Dropbox文件夹内的,那么这个文件已经在云端有了备份。 www.bing.com 8. Waiter: Sorry. Been a little backed up. 服务员:不好意思,现在有点忙。 www.tianya.cn 9. "This is a crass act of violence by the Japanese whaling fleet backed up by the Japanese government, " he said. 他说:“这是日本捕鲸船在日本政府的支持下挑起的赤裸裸的暴力事件。” www.bing.com 10. All local brokers are automatically discovered and do not need to be backed up. 所有本地代理将被自动找出,并且也不需要进行备份。 www.ibm.com 1. Now there is a half-truth in the "backed-up" demand fallacy, just as there -was in the broken-window fallacy. “需求倒涨”谬论只讲出了一半的真相,这点跟破窗谬论一样。 dongxi.net 2. Creating a data or differential backup captures only the portion of the database containing real data; unused space is not backed up. 创建数据或差异备份只捕获数据库中包含实际数据的部分,而不备份未使用的空间。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Priority claims in patent applications need to be backed up by reliable copies of the earlier applications from which priority is claimed. 在专利申请中提出优先权要求,需要得到要求优先权的在先申请的可靠副本的支持。 www.wipo.int 4. Some of the roads in that area have been closed, and, presently, traffic is backed up, especially in the southbound lanes. 附近区域有需多道路因此而关闭,到现在交通回堵,在往南方向特别壅塞难行。 www.toeic900.com.tw 5. You have to keep your things tidy, up-to-date, and in the case of digital material, backed up. 你需要保持你的东西整洁、持续更新,对数码材料还要备份。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In the following example, the service master key is backed up to a file . 本地副本可以是您备份数据库主密钥时创建的文件。 www.bing.com 7. The mirror database in a database mirroring partnership cannot be backed up. 不能备份数据库镜像伙伴关系中的镜像数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. An RSG can be used as a target for database restores, but it cannot be backed up. RSG可以充当数据库还原的目标,但是不能备份。 technet.microsoft.com 9. The most important such point occurs when all the data in the database has been backed up and the transaction log is about to be backed up. 最重要的同步点在已备份完数据库内的所有数据且即将开始备份事务日志时出现。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Also, the virtual disks can be managed, backed-up, and quickly replicated by the hosting system. 另外,宿主系统可以管理、备份和快速复制虚拟磁盘。 www.ibm.com 1. A check mark that appears dimmed indicates that only a part of the files and folders in that node will be backed up or restored. 显示为灰色的复选标记意味着只备份或还原该节点中的一部分文件和文件夹。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Logical logs backed up on the primary system can be restored on the secondary system as they become available. 当主系统上备份的逻辑日志可用时,可以将它们恢复到辅助系统上。 www.ibm.com 3. He describes hurricanes that made landfall, backed up, regrouped, and knocked the stuffing out of cities. 他描绘了飓风造成的滑坡、阻塞、改道,以及将城市里的物体吹跨。 www.bing.com 4. CRM is an approach a company takes towards its customers, backed up by thoughtful investment in people, technology and business processes. CRM是公司应用于客户的一种方法,需要在人力,技术和商务流程方面大量投入。 tieba.baidu.com 5. The responses shown in the brain images were backed up with questionnaires(10) filled in by the volunteers. 志愿者们在调查问卷中的回答也进一步证实了脑部扫描结果的准确性。 club.edu.sina.com.cn 6. Volumes can have snapshots backed up to S3. Snapshots are incremental with only changed data. 卷拥有备份于S3中的快照,快照只随着数据的变化而增加。 www.infoq.com 7. Creating a transaction log backup involves simply copying the portion of the log not yet backed up to the backup devices. 创建事务日志备份只需将日志中尚未备份的部分复制到备份设备。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. His assessment is backed up by countless anecdotes and examples from western and Chinese business owners, as well as government officials. 中西方企业主及政府官员数不清的趣闻轶事以及案例可以为这种观点提供支持。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I have never, ever head of there being a problem with "backed-up" ships going through the Suez Canal -- never heard of that. 我从不曾驶船去那儿,问题是出于有“支援”船舶通过苏伊士运河——从来没有听说过。 www.51kantie.com 10. I backed up all the files and need someone to set up the websites again with all the files I will provide. 本人备份所有的文件和需要有人设立的所有文件,我将再次提供的网站。 www.bing.com 1. And they see a post- war world made certainly prosperous by an enormous "accumulated" or "backed-up" demand. 他们认为,战争时期庞大的需求“累积”或“倒涨”,会给战后的世界带来繁荣。 dongxi.net 2. It's raining, and the traffic cameras show that the cars are already backed up for miles on the interstate. 正在下雨。交通摄像机显示,州际公路上堵车数英里。 www.ebigear.com 3. The suggestion that it was poachers rather than licensed stalkers who shot the Emperor is backed up by the Frankpitt family. 是偷猎者而不是持证的猎手杀死了鹿王的猜疑得到了弗兰克皮特家人的证实。 www.bing.com 4. To remove inactive transactions from a transaction log file, the transaction log must be truncated or backed up. 若要从事务日志文件中删除不活动的事务,必须截断或备份该事务日志。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Polices can be created, modified, deleted, backed up and restored by using various commands provided by IBM NAS. 可以使用IBMNAS所提供的各种命令来创建、修改、删除、备份和恢复策略。 www.ibm.com 6. As saves are created and stored on the SD card, they can be backed up to your computer with ease. 由于存档是保存在SD卡带上的,所以备份起来很简单。 game.jun4rui.com 7. The underlying cause of the sewage dump was vast rainfall that backed up their system to a point of failure. 污水倾倒的潜在原因,是由于大量的降雨堵住了下水管系统而产生事故。 aideqijikecheng.blog.163.com 8. The truck backed up to the hole and dumped the trash In it. 卡车倒开到洞边,将垃圾倒进洞里。 dict.ebigear.com 9. The project. dat file is backed up by Lifecycle Manager but it is still good practice to back up these files and the project. dat文件由LifecycleManager备份,但备份这些文件和项目仍然是一个良好实践。 www.ibm.com 10. we've updated everything for your 2010 needs, considering that slow, malware-prone, never-backed-up computers are as timeless as turkey. 考虑到那些变慢的,有恶意流氓软件的,从不备份的电脑像火鸡一样永恒,为了适应2010年的新需求我们已经对此贴做了相应的更新。 www.bing.com 1. The pyramid, if we jam things in the bottom, can get backed up like a sewer line that's clogged. 如果我们在金字塔食物链底部塞入一些东西,食物链可以像下水道那样回堵上来。 www.ted.com 2. A final experiment using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the men's brains backed up this finding. 最后的实验使用男人脑部电磁共振图像支持了这种发现。 www.bing.com 3. Estimates the number of files and bytes that will be backed up or restored during the backup or restore operation. 估计在备份或还原操作过程中将备份或还原的文件数和字节数。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Therefore, the contents of the files and subdirectories on the first Unified Messaging server to join the dial plan should be backed up. 因此,在要加入拨号计划的第一个统一消息服务器上的文件和子目录中的内容都应当进行备份。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Only pages that have changed since the last Level-1-Backup will be backed up. 只备份自上一次0级备份后发生更改的页面。 www.ibm.com 6. Kovalainen's team-mate, world champion Lewis Hamilton, backed up his impressions, adding that he was surprised by the improvement made. 科瓦莱宁的队友,世界冠军刘易斯·汉密尔顿,证实了他的印象,并补充说,他很惊讶的提高作出了。 tieba.baidu.com 7. new information about the industry and its problems, frequently backed up papers presented in seminars or technical sessions. 关于产业和它的问题的新的信息,在研讨会介绍的常常地支持的论文或技术会议。 zhishi.sohu.com 8. the service master key should be backed up and stored in a secure , off - site location. 应当对服务主密钥进行备份,并将其存储在另外一个单独的安全位置。 www.ichacha.net 9. A second study presented at the conference backed up the warning. 在年会上呈交的另一份研究报告支持这种警示。 www.bing.com 10. The short-sellers' claim that they make markets more efficient is backed up by almost every academic study on the subject. 卖空者声称自己会使市场更有效率的观点,得到了几乎所有相关学术研究的支持。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Vance Fried, of Oklahoma State University, recently conducted a fascinating thought experiment, backed up by detailed calculations. 最近,俄克拉荷马州立大学的万斯?弗里德进行了一次很有意思的思维实验,并提供了详尽的计算结果作为支持。 www.ecocn.org 2. So the decision was made to specialise in marketing and branding for small- and mid-sized firms, backed up by production. 因此作出决定,专注于市场营销和品牌,为小型和中型公司的后盾,由生产。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The guide provides background on TB prevalence, vulnerability, diagnosis and socioeconomic impact, backed up by statistics and case studies. 这份指南提供了由统计数字和个案研究支持的结核病流行程度、弱点、诊断和社会经济影响的背景。 www.scidev.net 4. To go back and try an alternate route was equally impossible because traffic behind was backed up. 折回去走另外一条路,同样行不通,因为后面的车辆越堵越多。 www.jukuu.com 5. To see which files will be backed up or restored, expand the node. 要查看将备份或还原哪些文件,请展开该节点。 technet.microsoft.com 6. This illustration shows each of the four filegroups being backed up one at a time. 此图显示共有四个文件组,一次备份其中的一个。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Microsoft's third-quarter figures backed up this optimism around the PC market. 微软第三季度的销售额恰恰也印证了个人电脑市场的这种乐观情绪。 www.bing.com 8. In fact it may issue administrative orders backed up by law, forcing content to be deleted. 事实上它却凭借着法律撑腰,可能发布些行政命令去强制删除这些内容。 www.ecocn.org 9. When a Lotus Quickr place is backed up, each component is notified to back up its own content. 当一个LotusQuickr位置完成备份后,每个组件将收到通知,要求备份其自身的内容。 www.ibm.com 10. Backed up by the central cities of Liaoning, the shipping centre of Northeast Asia should be established early. 以辽宁中部城市群为依托,支撑东北亚航运中心的尽快形成; www.liaoning-de.gov.cn 1. Backup creates a checksum for every file as it is backed up, and stores those checksums in the actual backup. “备份”在备份每个文件时为其创建一个校验和,并将这些校验和存储在实际的备份中。 technet.microsoft.com 2. They have already informed the stewards of their intention, which must be backed up with letters within two days. 他们已经通知了赛会的打算,必须后盾信两天内。 usa.315che.com 3. Blog posts are backed up as part of the standard file system rather than requiring database dumps or checkpoints. 博客文章被备份为标准文件系统的一部分,而不需要数据库转储或检查点。 www.ibm.com 4. Database cannot be backed up to %1. 无法将数据库备份到%1。 www.fan6.net 5. And they see a world made prosperous by an enormous "accumulated" or "backed-up" demand. 并且他们看到了在大量“积累”或“储备”需求推动下而繁荣起来的世界。 www.bing.com 6. The more adversarial assessment was backed up by a Pentagon study Mr. Bush commissioned shortly after assuming the presidency. 更多对手的评估报告在小布什担任总统之后允许的一项五角大楼研究中得出。 www.bing.com 7. Later, the United Nations and Red Cross backed up the higher tallies. 之后,联合国和红十字会则支持更高的伤亡记录。 www.kekenet.com 8. After that, the transaction log can be backed up during any backup, except another log backup. 然后,可以在除日志备份以外的任何备份过程中备份事务日志。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This e. g. helps to reduce downtime of databases if large database files have to be backed up dramaticly. 这样有助于减少必须对一个大型数据库文件进行备份时数据库的关闭时间。 e-support.hp.com.cn 10. As long as the source is backed up or restored, the Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service replicates the content. 只要备份或还原了源,MicrosoftExchange文件分发服务就会复制其内容。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Restore the node configuration you backed up in Step 9. 恢复您在步骤9中备份的节点配置。 www.ibm.com 2. We are also proud of our sales structure backed up by field-application engineers trained with skills to handle high-tech products. 让我们引以为荣的是拥有各专业领域训练的高科技产品工程师后勤支援的销售体系。 www.hicoo.net 3. This was unsurprising as it backed up previous work on the halo effect. 这并不奇怪,因为它支持了之前关于光环效应的研究。 www.bing.com 4. What you need is a good, strong argument that's long on logic and backed up with facts and figures. 你所需要的是一场良好的、强大的辩论:有充足的逻辑观点,有事实和大人物为你撑腰。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Replicated databases and their associated system databases should be backed up regularly. 应定期备份复制数据库及其关联系统数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. She's pretty famous; I don't know if you've heard of her. She's pretty backed up. 她最近事情很多,我不知道你最近是否听说到她的近况。 page.renren.com 7. For a term we had one-to-one tuition, backed up by excellent library and learning facilities. 有一个学期,在优秀的图书馆和学习机构的帮助下,我们开展了一对一教学。 www.bing.com 8. He is now backed up by experts from headquarters, sent at the request of Pakistani authorities. 他现在得到总部应巴基斯坦当局请求而派遣的一些专家的支持。 www.who.int 9. When multiple filegroups are used, the files in a database can be backed up and restored individually. 当使用多个文件组时,可以分别备份和还原数据库中的文件。 technet.microsoft.com 10. If the Analysis Services database contains remote partitions, the remote partitions can also be backed up. 如果AnalysisServices数据库包含远程分区,同样也可以备份这些远程分区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Characterized by simple and effective design backed up by innovative concepts, the work of GuangDesign brings clients with profitability. 以创新的设计理念和简洁有效的表现风格,创造视觉价值。 www.71096.com 2. In DB2 V7, if you backed up a database on your node using TSM, only the user executing the backup could restore it. 在DB2V7中,如果使用TSM在节点上备份一个数据库,那么只有执行该备份的用户才能恢复这个数据库。 www.ibm.com 3. During a Delete operation, the current record is not backed up within a transaction. 在Delete操作期间,当前记录不备份在事务内。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Had I backed up my applications, not just my personal data files, I could have recovered the data. 假如备份了我的应用程序,而不仅是我的私人数据文件,那么可能已经恢复了数据。 www.ibm.com 5. [align=left]This interdisciplinary approach was backed up by an obsessive attention to detail. 这种跨领域的方式是以他对细节的极度关注作为支持的。 www.ecocn.org 6. Full backups and incremental backups were only run "off shift, " with archive logs backed up during the day. 完全备份和增量备份只能空闲期间(offshift)运行,带有一天内的存档日志备份。 www.ibm.com 7. He backed up to the loading platform. 他(把车)倒退到装货平台。 www.bing.com 8. You enabled an LCR copy remotely that previously was backed up and therefore does not have all the logs. 远程启用了先前备份的LCR副本,因此没有全部日志。 technet.microsoft.com 9. This means that anything you reference outside of this directory also needs to be backed up if you intend to change it. 这意味着,如果您要更改在此目录之外引用的任何内容,则还需要对该内容进行备份。 www.ibm.com 10. A secured Canadian credit card is a card backed-up or secured by funds that he have deposited with the financial institution. 加拿大是一个有担保信用卡卡备份或担保基金,他已存入财政机构。 actuafreearticles.com 1. The exception is for long field and large object data in "dirty" table spaces, which are always backed up. 不过有一个例外,对于“脏(dirty)”表空间中的long型字段和大型对象数据,总是需要进行备份。 www.ibm.com 2. She stared down at me and backed up, concerned but afraid. 她向下凝视着我和猬缩,担心,但害怕。 www.83130.com 3. These files are backed up as a complete file and are tracked by the robust TSM database. 这些文件作为完整的文件备份,并由健壮的TSM数据库跟踪。 www.ibm.com 4. after exceptions are recovered or the data are backed up, the operation system is returned. 在修复异常或备份数据之后,返回到操作系统。 ip.com 5. On your list or tree, place markings next to those decisions that are backed up by your intuition. 在你的列表或树上,在那些受到你的直觉支持的决定旁做标记。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. This interdisciplinary approach was backed up by an obsessive attention to detail. 这种跨学科的方法得到一种讲究细节近乎强迫症的支撑。 www.ecocn.org 7. The Restore Database dialog restores a database when multiple databases are backed up within a single. Bak file. 在单个.bak文件中备份多个数据库时,“还原数据库”对话框可还原数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Mr. King's team later backed up the finding with independent research. 之后,金先生的团队经过研究,证实了这个发现。 www.bing.com 9. The following procedures represent a simple restore scenario; these procedures assume that you have already backed up your storage groups. 下列步骤表示了一个简单的还原方案;这些步骤假定您已备份了存储组。 technet.microsoft.com 10. The differences in the way databases are backed up and recovered contribute to the complexity of migration. 数据库备份和恢复方式的区别也增加了迁移的复杂性。 www.ibm.com 1. But, worryingly, none of those 10 criteria were backed up by site data. 不过令人担忧的是,这10项标准中无任何一项有数据支持。 www.bing.com 2. A number of scientific studies have backed up this productivity loss from brainstorming. 许多科学研究都证实了这种在头脑风暴过程中“创造性丢失”现象的存在。 www.bing.com 3. JSF also uses ResourceBundle as a localization Pack, which is backed up by a set of properties files. JSF也使用ResourceBundle作为地方化的Pack,它由一系列属性文件来支持。 www.ibm.com 4. His interdisciplinary approach was backed up by an obsessive attention to detail. 他的跨学科的方法是对细节过度着迷而积聚起来的。 www.yayan123.com 5. Additionally, the documents may be backed up using third-party applications. 另外,文档也可以通过第三方应用程序备份。 www.bing.com 6. The databases can be backed up sequentially or simultaneously. 可以按顺序或同时备份数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. More than 10, 000 vehicles had been backed up along a 75-kilometer-long section of the road, while soldiers worked to remove ice. 在一段75公里长的路上,有1万辆汽车堵塞在那里。一些军人在清理道路上的冰。 www.kekenet.com 8. It gets a dramatic new look that's backed up by a range of hi-tech small- capacity turbocharged engines. 这已经成了一片神奇的新外观的后盾一系列高科技小容量的涡轮增压发动机。 usa.315che.com 9. Inside feelings must be backed up by evidence, otherwise you just can't trust them. 内心感觉必须被证据支持,否则你就不能信任它们。 www.douban.com 10. The greetings advice is backed up by a new study of hand hygiene. 这种行见面礼的建议,获得一份手部卫生新研究的支持。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 1. If you do not select this option, Remote Storage reparse points are not backed up. 如果不选择此选项,将不会备份远程存储重解析点。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Your workout data is automatically backed up on your computer when you HotSync. 在热同步时,您的锻炼数据将自动备份在计算机上。 www.acrocat.com 3. These messages have not changed in recent years and are backed up by convincing evidence built up through decades of research. 这些建议并没有随着时间的推移而改变,它们是几十年的科学研究充分论证过的。 www.ebigear.com 4. The simple recovery model minimizes administrative overhead for the transaction log , because the transaction log is not backed up . 简单恢复模式可最大程度地减少事务日志的管理开销,因为不备份事务日志。 www.bing.com 5. Is the name of the database being backed up. 是被备份的数据库的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. We celebrated a release this morning, and that always throws the schedule off a little, so things get backed up. 今天早上我们为一个要被抛弃的老人办了一个庆祝会,那通常会把日常程序推迟一点,所以很多事需要有人帮忙。 www.easeparts.com 7. The key cannot be changed for the backed-up objects. 已备份对象的密钥不可更改。 www.ibm.com 8. The dangers of obesity are well known and are backed up by a wealth of robust and peer-reviewed research. 肥胖的危险性是众所周知的,并且有众多的富有信服力并经过同行审评的研究做支持。 news.dxy.cn 9. The database can be backed up at any time with any number of users logged on (and active). 数据库可以在任何时间进行备份,可以带有任何数量的登录(和活动)用户。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. These should be backed up with millions of solar lanterns, which shine by night and recharge by day. 还应该有百万计的太阳能灯提供照明支持,这些灯在晚上发光并在白天再次充电。 www.ecocn.org 1. A better word to use is "accomplished, " backed up with specific examples of projects you've participated in, the more recent the better. 一个更好用的词是“熟练”,再具体列举你参与了哪些项目,越近的越好。 www.bing.com 2. This would be backed up by the European Court of Justice. 这将得到欧洲法院的支撑。 www.ecocn.org 3. If the tough talk is not backed up by tough action, what does that do to American credibility? 如果强硬言论没有得到强硬行动的支持,对于美国的诚信会有什么影响? www.ftchinese.com 4. Each and every word you utter will carry a tone of deep concern -- an entirely genuine tone, backed up by genuine feelings. 你说出的每一个字,都带着深切关怀的语气,完全诚恳的语气,是由真正诚恳的内心来支撑的。 www.12xz.com 5. Filesystems are generally backed up incrementally to minimize the backup window and to optimize storage space. 文件系统通常为递增备份,这是为了最小化备份窗口和优化存储空间。 www.ibm.com 6. Only the contents of the Analysis Services database are backed up. 只备份AnalysisServices数据库的内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Device that the original data or log file resided on when it was backed up. 原始数据或日志文件备份时所在的设备。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. These methods, the art, have validity but should be backed up with data and facts, the science. 这些都是非常虚无的艺术方法。但是这种制定方法是需要科学的数据和事实支持的。 www.bing.com 9. Is critical data on computer systems regularly backed up and stored offsite? 电脑系统中的关键数据是否定期备份并且离线存储? zhidao.baidu.com 10. Next, it discusses the content stores and files that should be backed up periodically. 然后,讨论应该定期备份的内容存储库和文件。 www.ibm.com 1. That change in perception is not readily backed up by statistics. 统计数据并不是太支持这种感觉上的变化。 www.ftchinese.com 2. So all those text messages, apps, and settings cannot be easily backed up at once. 因此,所有的文本信息、应用程序和设置都无法轻易地一同备份。 www.bing.com 3. It's like staring into a backed-up toilet. 就像盯着一个倒吊的厕所。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Otherwise, master must be backed up more frequently. 否则,必须更频繁地备份master。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Water may have backed up into the septic tank, which in turn backs up into the plumbing system. 水可能会灌入化粪池,再回灌入管道系统。 pro.yeeyan.com 6. CAUTION: Ensure that there is no important data (or the data has been backed up) on the disk module you are installing in the disk array. 警告:确保您要安装到磁盘阵列中的磁盘上没有重要数据(或者已经进行了备份)。 e-support.hp.com.cn 7. If you delete the key from the registry, you can choose a new key only for the objects that will be backed up afterwards. 如果将密钥从注册表中删除,则仅可为之后将备份的对象选择新密钥。 www.ibm.com 8. Table 1 showed several TDB files that persisted across reboots and that should be backed up. 表1显示了几种在重启持久存在并应该备份的TDB文件。 www.ibm.com 9. The political rhetoric of foreign aggression is backed up by very brisk policing at home. 对外侵略的政治修辞总有相当犀利的国内政策来支持。 www.bing.com 10. To keep control of the backed up data, why not burn all the photos and videos onto a DVD? 要对备份数据进行控制,为什么不丢掉一个DVD上的所有照片和录像呢? www.bing.com 1. A cleared check box means that nothing in its corresponding node will be backed up or restored. 已清除的复选框意味着不会备份或还原其对应节点中的任何内容。 technet.microsoft.com 2. When you back up the quorum disk resource, the following files are also backed up. 在备份仲裁磁盘资源时,还应备份下列文件。 technet.microsoft.com 3. We are a professional firm backed up by China Insurance Group, Ming An Insurance and Cheung Kong Group. 我们是一家得到了中保集团民安保险公司和长江集团支持的专业公司。 www.haoqiantu.cn 4. Likewise, if you want to restore a corrupt database from a backed-up copy, you can attach the backed-up database file. 同样,如果您要从备份的副本中还原损坏的数据库,则可以附加备份的数据库文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. She stepped back a few paces. ; She backed up several steps. 她往后退了几步。 6. Select the folder where the WINS server should place the backed up database files. 请选一个供WINS服务器放置备份数据库文件的文件夹。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 7. Reducing data also improves the speed of backups, because less data has to be backed up. 减少数据还可以加快备份的速度,因为只需要备份更少的数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Perform a trial data restoration periodically to verify that your files are correctly backed up. 定期执行试验性数据还原,以验证您的文件是否已正确备份。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Database, so these objects also are not backed up with the database that contains the service. 数据库中,因此这些对象也不随包含该服务的数据库一起备份。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Select the folder where the WINS server can find the backed up database files. 选择WINS服务器在哪个文件夹可以找到备份的数据库文件。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 1. As the1979 deadline came nearer, some states which at first had backed up the Equal Right Amendment changed their mind and voted against it. 1979年这个期限临近了,最初支持平等权利修正案的一些州后来改变了主意,投票反对这个法案。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Therefore, these routes are not backed up with the database that contains the service. 因此,这些路由不会随包含该服务的数据库一起备份。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Unlike offline backup, online backup only requires that data files and control files be backed up. 与脱机备份不一样,联机备份只要求备份数据文件和控制文件。 www.ibm.com 4. Select the folder where the WINS server will store the backed up database files. 选择WINS服务器要将备份的数据库文件储存在哪个文件夹中。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 5. NOTE: A database must also be backed up immediately after it is enabled for rollforward recovery. 注意:在启用数据库进行前滚恢复之后,还必须立即对该数据库进行备份。 www.ibm.com 6. The other data can be backed up using a regular backup software. 其他的数据可以使用普通的备份软件进行备份。 e-support.hp.com.cn 7. If a 20-GB database is backed up to all three tape backup devices simultaneously, the third tape will fill up before the backup completes. 如果将20GB的数据库同时备份到这三个磁带备份设备上,第三个磁带将在备份完成之前填满。 technet.microsoft.com 8. If you need to perform a restore, you can view the old logical-log files that were backed up by ON-Bar to find out the exact problem. 如果需要执行恢复,可以看一看ON-Bar备份的旧逻辑记录文件,以确定问题所在。 www.ibm.com 9. Hugh: I was driving home today and the traffic was all backed up. 休:今天我开车回家时,交通堵塞。 www.joyen.net 10. The TDB files shown in Table 1 should be backed up. 应该备份如表1所示的TDB文件。 www.ibm.com 1. That fear was backed up by salespeople at China Merchants Bank in downtown Beijing yesterday. 这种担心在招行销售人员的身上得到了印证。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If you want to view old historical data on the new machines, these files should be backed up. 如果你想要在新机器上查看老的历史数据,这些文件应该被备份。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Select the database component to be backed up. 选择要备份的数据库组件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Select Optimize the whole database backup by skipping unchanged files such as read-only and offline data files that have been backed up. 选择跳过无变化文件,优化整个数据库,例如,已备份的只读物件和离线文件。 bbs.tacsoft.cn 5. The garage floods, windows are drafty and backed-up toilets flood apartments with sewage. 车库进水,窗户漏风,厕所被堵使公寓里充满了下水道污物。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Exchange ensures that all logs needed for replay into the backed up databases will be present on the tape. Exchange确保所有重播备份数据库所需的日志将出现在磁带上。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The master key must be open and, therefore, decrypted before it is backed up. 主密钥必须为打开状态,因此在备份主密钥之前应对其进行解密。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The backed up files are stored separately, with the same hierarchy as in the source. 备份的文件分开储存,与同一层次,作为在来源。 xtdownload.com 9. If the table space is not backed up, tables within that table space can be queried, but not updated. 如果没有备份这个表空间,那么只能对其中包含的表进行查询,而无法更新它们。 www.ibm.com 10. A connection to the database being backed up is required to execute the backup procedure. 为了执行这个备份过程,必须有到所备份数据库的一个连接。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Your old configuration will be backed up to the file that is referenced in the dialog box. 系统会将您的旧配置备份到此对话框中引用的文件。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The name of the database that was backed up. 已备份数据库的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Under the full and bulk-logged recovery models, the log must be backed up separately. 在完整恢复模式和大容量日志恢复模式下,必须单独备份日志。 technet.microsoft.com 4. A change in consumption habits is seldom effective unless it is backed up by government action. 除非有政府支持,否则单单改变消费习惯很少奏效。 www.bing.com 5. It can be run on the same machine as the database that needs to be backed up. 它可以在需要备份的数据库所在的相同机器上运行。 www.ibm.com 6. have backed up the information and files you want to keep. 备份你想保留的信息和文件。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. You should inspect your environment to generate a complete list of files and directories that should be backed up. 您应该根据自己的具体环境来生成要备份的文件和目录的完整列表。 www.ibm.com 8. Exit signs must be illuminated with an internal light source that is backed up by battery. 出口指示必须由内部电源供电,此电源有电池备用 wenku.baidu.com 9. This emphasis on emerging markets is backed up by Tim Wright, remuneration director at PwC. 这种强调新兴市场的现象,在普华永道(PwC)薪酬总监提姆?莱特(TimWright)那里得到了佐证。 www.ftchinese.com 10. These concerns are backed up by the fact that the number of mortgages offered in April slumped to a record low. 这些担忧的事实依据是四月份提供的按揭贷款金额降到了历史最低点。 www.24en.com 1. Because the data in the database is transient, this database uses circular logging and is not backed up. 由于数据库中的数据是暂时的,因此该数据库使用循环日志记录,并且不备份。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Databases can be backed up individually. 数据库可单独备份。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The surviving friend, still recovering in the hospital, backed up his version of events. 幸存的女伴仍在医院休养,她证实了穆尔的说法。 dongxi.net 4. Is the database from which the transaction log, partial database, or complete database is backed up. 备份事务日志、部分数据库或完整的数据库时所用的源数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. In this example, an typical ERP database was backed up with the compression option. 在这个例子中,我们使用压缩选项备份了一个典型的ERP数据库。 www.ibm.com 6. Note that the executables for external procedures are not backed up. 注意,对外部过程的可执行代码不进行备份。 www.ibm.com 7. Decidedly sweet wines are also described as rich when the sweetness is backed up by fruity, ripe flavors. 当甜葡萄酒的甜度具有果味,成熟的风味作为后盾也可称为丰富。 blog.163.com 8. The log needs to be on tape, because it contains operations applicable to the databases that were just backed up. 日志需要放在磁带上,因为它包含可应用到刚刚备份的数据库上的操作。 technet.microsoft.com 9. I Incremental mode; tar files are only backed up if they have the archive bit set. The archive bit is reset after each file is read. 指定增量模式;tar文件只备份设定归档位的文件。在对每个文件进行读取时归档位可以重新设定。 www.jijiao.com.cn 10. During a restore, dbspaces are restored in the same order in which they were backed up, reducing restore time. 在恢复期间,dbspace按照备份时的顺序进行恢复,从而减少了恢复时间。 www.ibm.com 1. This model fully logs all transactions and retains the transaction log records until after they are backed up . 与完整恢复模式相同,大容量日志恢复模式也将事务日志记录保留到对其备份完毕为止。 www.bing.com 2. Note that the executables for external functions are not backed up. 注意,对外部函数的可执行代码不进行备份。 www.ibm.com 3. Assertions are backed up by logical argument and key point reference sources. 主张要有逻辑的论点和主要的参考支持。 spaces.msn.com 4. I have a copy on my computer which I access on a daily basis and a backed up copy in an external harddrive. 在我电脑里,我有一个每天都要用到的备份。另外,在可移动硬盘里我也保存了一份。 www.bing.com 5. For example, consider a case in which a database was backed up to four tape drives connected to the server. 例如,假设将某个数据库备份到与服务器连接的四个磁带机上。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Each media family contains three media volumes, which are backed up one time per mirror. 每个媒体簇都包含三个媒体卷,这些媒体卷在每个镜像中都备份一次。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Traffic was backed up a mile outside of Cairo's main airport. 开罗主机场车队延伸到机场外一英里长。 www.bing.com 8. He can be a powerful voice for democracy and human rights. But unless his words are backed up with some substance his appeal may fade. 他可以高声宣扬民主和人权,但除非他的话能有一些实际行动来支撑,否则他的光环会逐渐褪色。 www.ecocn.org 9. WARNING: All the files in the backup directory you select will be deleted before the database is backed up. 警告:所有在备份目录中选定的文件会在备份数据库之前将被删除。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 10. If you make a mistake, copy the file back onto your site from the backed up files. 如果你出了什么错误,把备份文件复制回来。 www.zzbaike.com |
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