释义 |
- n.〔技〕草稿;拖;压缩量;吃水
- 网络通风;拖拉;气流
n. breath,breeze,current,flow,waft n. | 1. 〔技〕草稿;拖;压缩量;吃水;拔模斜度;通风,通风装置;重量损耗折扣;〔金〕汇票 1. 〔技〕草稿;拖;压缩量;吃水;拔模斜度;通风,通风装置;重量损耗折扣;〔金〕汇票 |
n. | 1. a current of uncomfortably cold air penetrating a room or other space 2. a current of air, especially one that is moving through an enclosed space such as a chimney or tunnel 3. a valve that regulates the flow of air to or from a pipe such as a chimney 4. the act of pulling something along, of drawing something in, or of breathing or drinking something 5. the amount of air, liquid, or smoke taken in in a single breath or swallow 6. a dose of medicine in liquid form 7. beer that is stored in and served from barrels or casks rather than bottles 8. the amount of fish found in a net when it is hauled in 9. the distance between the water line of a ship and the lowest part of its hull, which is the minimum depth of water it requires in order to float 10. any one of the 24 flat round pieces used in the game of draughts. 11. cold air that blows into a room and makes you feel uncomfortable 12. an amount of liquid that you swallow at one time 1. a current of uncomfortably cold air penetrating a room or other space 2. a current of air, especially one that is moving through an enclosed space such as a chimney or tunnel 3. a valve that regulates the flow of air to or from a pipe such as a chimney 4. the act of pulling something along, of drawing something in, or of breathing or drinking something 5. the amount of air, liquid, or smoke taken in in a single breath or swallow 6. a dose of medicine in liquid form 7. beer that is stored in and served from barrels or casks rather than bottles 8. the amount of fish found in a net when it is hauled in 9. the distance between the water line of a ship and the lowest part of its hull, which is the minimum depth of water it requires in order to float 10. any one of the 24 flat round pieces used in the game of draughts. 11. cold air that blows into a room and makes you feel uncomfortable 12. an amount of liquid that you swallow at one time |
1. | | 2. | 拖 ter…-的意思 中文翻译 ... dratted 口>讨厌的 可恶的 draught 拖, 拉, 一网(鱼), 气流 draught angle 牵引角 ... www.qiongdian.com | 3. | |
4. | 拖拉 英语六级复习资料大全(2012) - 豆丁网 ... drought 天旱 draught 通风, 拖拉 draughts (英)国际跳棋 47) ... docin.com | 5. | 气流 ter…-的意思 中文翻译 ... dratted 口>讨厌的 可恶的 draught 拖, 拉, 一网(鱼), 气流 draught angle 牵引角 ... www.qiongdian.com | 6. | 穿堂风 穿字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 穿堂〖 hallway〗 穿堂风〖 draught〗 穿孝〖 dressinmourning〗 ... xh.5156edu.com | 7. | | 8. | |