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例句释义: 背景幕布,周围陪衬景物,背景板,交流声,舞台背景 1. In my mind, it had become like the view of Emerald City just before Dorothy and the gang run through the poppies: a faux backdrop. 在我印象中,它曾经如同一座翡翠城,但后来桃乐西一伙就给这里带来了一些人为的背景色彩。 www.bing.com 2. The Christmas tree was an underwhelming two feet tall, there was no backdrop and guests dressed down for this party. 过去的表演中,圣诞树只有两英尺高,没有任何舞台背景,嘉宾们特为这个聚会而穿着朴素。 www.bing.com 3. Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pine woods and distant hills give it a pleasant and restful atmosphere. 这儿沙滩闪烁,松林掩映,远山连绵,自有一种心旷神怡的气氛。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. A bull's eye for the professor. Against a backdrop of two wars and a surly economy, Mars is no longer ascendant in Mr Obama's Washington. 反对两侧战争的交流声和阴郁的经济情况,战神在奥巴马的政府中已将不再占用优势。 www.ecocn.org 5. Names that meant nothing to me were to weave themselves inextricably into my life, first as a backdrop and then as my life's primary focus. 这些名字当时对我来说毫无意义,没想到后来就无可避免地交织到我生命之中了,初时作为背景,尔后成为生活的主旋律。 www.bing.com 6. Stalactites of calcite and a small aragonite formation appear as if in a magical backdrop. 钟乳石的方解石和一小的文石组成似乎像一不可思议的背景。 word.hcbus.com 7. Everyone likes feeling important, and nothing says important quite like a sense of uniqueness with a global backdrop. 因为每个人都喜欢被重视的感觉,特别是“你是全世界独一无二的”这样的感觉。 www.bing.com 8. Against such a backdrop, it supposes to be necessary to make a study in the modern art of painting. 在这样的背景下,对纸在现代绘画艺术中的应用作一研究是有必要的。 www.fabiao.net 9. Some of the videos indicate problems with production value. Bin Laden misses a cue in one and another shows him with a wrinkled backdrop. 一些视频也显示了制作水平的问题。本·拉登在一个视频中错过了一个暗示;在另一个视频显示了他满脸皱纹的背景。 www.bing.com 10. Details of the town with its bread sellers and horse tamers provide another memorable backdrop to the children's passage. 用它的面包和马驯兽师镇卖家提供详细的另一个孩子的通行难忘的背景。 www.xiaoshuomm.com 1. Dai pointed out that against the backdrop of the deepening globalization, the fate of nations has never been so closely linked. 戴秉国指出,当今世界,全球化深入发展,各国的命运从未如此紧密相连。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. Back then, this small town was just a backdrop that formed the unremarkable environment in which I lived my everyday life. 回想当初,这个小镇只是我童年生活一个丝毫不起眼的背景。 www.kekenet.com 3. That said, the early part of the ride, against a backdrop of mountains, fields and forests, is undeniably a feast for the eyes. 尽管这么说,在这段路线的前半段,在群山背景下的田野和森林非常养眼,也是不可否认的。 www.bing.com 4. Instead, comments one EU diplomat, Mr Sarkozy seems to see Europe as a backdrop for his own bilateral deal-making. 相反,一位欧盟外交官评论道,萨科齐似乎只是将欧洲视为一个可以达成法国自身的双边协议的舞台背景而已。 www.ecocn.org 5. Fischl's suburban upbringing provided him with a backdrop of alcoholism and a country club culture obsessed with image over content. 美国郊区的成长经历为费舍尔的作品提供了一个酗酒盛行、浮华不实的乡村俱乐部文化的创作背景。 style.sina.com.cn 6. But you also have the ability to allow the audience to see Dallas, to perform with Dallas as the backdrop of your performance. 同时还能让里面的观众看到达拉斯的城市,将达拉斯当做表演的舞台。 www.ted.com 7. The Creep was silhouetted against a backdrop of sun and light blue sky, the wild colors of autumn wreathing his head like a halo. 鬼东西的黑色剪影映照在阳光和蔚蓝天空的背景下,斑斓的秋色给他头部镶上彩边,仿佛圣像头上的光环。 www.bing.com 8. Against such a backdrop, enterprises targeted marketing strategies for market segmentation and positioning is a very effective solution. 这样的背景下,企业采取目标市场营销战略进行市场细分和定位,根据定位努力提高产品形象是一种有效的解决途径。 www.13191.com 9. McDonald's is going green - swapping its traditional red backdrop for a deep hunter green - to promote a more eco-friendly image in Europe. 在欧洲,麦当劳要变绿了--麦当劳将改变其一贯的红底色成为深绿色。麦当劳公司试图以此来宣扬其更加环保的形象。 www.foodmate.net 10. Thailand's recovery is all the more remarkable considering its political backdrop. 考虑到其政治形势,泰国的经济复苏更是难能可贵。 ielts.hjenglish.com 1. Against that backdrop, the only safe option may be to stay out of the market altogether. 在这种背景下,惟一安全的选择可能就是完全退出市场。 chinese.wsj.com 2. A peaceful end to what was a rather peaceful week in Asia despite the backdrop of unrest that still dominates Japan and the Arab world. 尽管日本以及阿拉伯世界局势依然不稳,今天亚洲时段依然平静地结束相当安静的一周。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Against that backdrop, Mr Shvartsman intends to announce today the creation of his own political movement, called For a Transparent Russia. 在这种背景下,谢瓦采曼近日宣布创建自己的政治派别,名为“为了一个透明的俄罗斯”(ForaTransparentRussia)。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Against such a backdrop, it is of practical significance to make a thorough-going analysis of Chinese enterprise groups. 在这样的背景下,深入研究中国企业集团资金管理,具有一定的现实意义。 www.fabiao.net 5. Those doubts will not stop the crowds turning out for him, even if he fails to commandeer the Brandenburg Gate as his backdrop. 这些疑虑不会阻止民众出门投票,即使他未能“征用”勃兰登堡门作为自己的演说台。 www.ecocn.org 6. Against that backdrop, interest rates could stay low 'for an extended period, ' he said. 他说,在这样的背景下,利率可能会在较长一段时间内保持在较低水平。 c.wsj.com 7. The background serves as a nicely contrasting backdrop for all the slick modern merchandise, pulling in a reference to the great outdoors. 这个背景为所有的现代商品提供了一个合宜的纹理幕布,将它们与户外运动很好地联系起来。 www.bing.com 8. Against the worsening economic backdrop, European banks are finding it hard to borrow and are increasingly reluctant to lend to one another. 在经济恶化的背景下,欧洲银行业者发现借款难度提高,同时同业间的拆款意愿也下滑。 cn.reuters.com 9. So what to make of the deals that have taken place so far this year, against the worst economic backdrop for a generation? 那么,面对当今之一代人所经历最糟糕经济形势,如何把握好今年业已完成交易呢? www.ecocn.org 10. "While we are now technically in a bear market for equities, in terms of the economic backdrop we are still not in a recession, " he says. “从技术角度来说,股市目前处于熊市,但从经济形势来看,我们仍未出现衰退。” www.ftchinese.com 1. The economic backdrop will remain bond-friendly for at least the next six months. 至少在随后的半年里,经济总体将保持对国债的有利局势。 www.ecocn.org 2. It was upon this backdrop that an explorer, Christopher Columbus, submitted his plans for a voyage to Asia by sailing around the world. 正是在这个背景下,出现了一个叫哥伦布的探险家,提出了环游世界探寻亚洲的计划。 www.bing.com 3. SIXTEEN years ago an American presidential election was fought against the backdrop of a weak economy and a grumpy electorate. 十六年前的美国大选面对的是疲软的经济和气急败坏的选民。 www.ecocn.org 4. Set in the 1940s on an island off the coast of South Carolina, the backdrop of The Notebook may inspire as much passion as its story. 影片背景设在二十世纪四十年代南卡罗来纳州的一个岛屿上,《恋恋笔记本》里的真实拍摄场地如同该片的故事情节,激发了人们强烈的感情。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. The meetings took place against the backdrop of growing questions over whether China should be allowed to benefit from the fund's largesse. 这次会议主要是为了回应对中国是否有资格接受资助的越来越多的质疑而召开的。 www.bing.com 6. To a Christmas game against the backdrop of the screen is beautifully simple and a good casual games. 一款以圣诞为背景的游戏,画面精美,操作简单,不错的一款休闲游戏。 www.fishjava.com 7. The desire to be liberated from oil's omnipresent grip is set against a backdrop of America's love-hate relationship with energy. 使美国摆脱石油对其无处不在的控制这一愿望其实就是平衡美国人对能源的一种爱恨情绪。 www.bing.com 8. The prospect of a strong price rise comes against the backdrop of slowing growth in the US and Europe. 铁矿石价格可能大幅上涨之际,美国和欧洲的经济增长正日益放缓。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "Despite the dark policy backdrop, not all is bad, " said Joachim Fels, head of global economics at Morgan Stanley. “尽管政策背景不利,但也不全然都是不好的,”摩根士丹利全球经济主管JoachimFels表示。 cn.reuters.com 10. Against that backdrop, Goldman currently favors large-capitalization stocks over small-cap, although the strategy has not paid off so far. 基于这样的背景,高盛目前青睐大盘股甚于小盘股,尽管这种策略迄今为止尚未见到回报。 cn.reuters.com 1. "Nonetheless, the company has been far from resting on its laurels given this backdrop. " “尽管如此,公司已经远远满足于这样的背景下的现有成就。” www.bing.com 2. Looming in the backdrop is a European debt debacle that seems to get more convoluted by the week. 欧洲的债务危机已经浮现,且本周情况似乎变得更糟。 cn.reuters.com 3. The important events at the beginning of the century provided the backdrop for his novel. 本世纪初的一些重大事件为他的小说提供了背景。 www.kekenet.com 4. Ye once said, the orchid cured a female the backdrop is recondite, brought her person who came to river's building equally weird. 阿爷曾经说过,兰医女来历神秘,送她来江府的人同样神秘。 wester.com.cn 5. The trends that had helped share prices stage a remarkable recovery in 2009 continued to provide a favorable backdrop for U. S. stocks. 2009年展开精彩反弹背后的各种趋势,仍在为美国股市带来利好。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Captured by the photographer's flash, an unidentified fish takes center stage with a backdrop of a red vase sponge. 水下动物图片集。被摄影者的闪光灯俘获,是一个未经确认的鱼类占领图片的中心的背后是一个红色花瓶海绵。 bbs.scol.com.cn 7. Coming of age against the backdrop of this horror was how I came to understand the cost of Blackness. 在这个恐怖背景下长大成人的经历,让我明白作为黑人的代价。 www.america.gov 8. On the backdrop of Internet blossoming, as the fastest growing IT services CDN ushered in the golden age of development. 在互联网蓬勃兴旺的大背景下,作为发展最快的IT服务CDN迎来了发展的黄金时期。 www.fabiao.net 9. Rich characterizations invite you to look more closely at each crew member's personal stake in the sprawling galactic backdrop. 丰富的刻画邀请您来看看每个船员在分散在银河系的背景下更加密切的个人利益息息相关。 game.ali213.net 10. The Castle has been used on many occasions as the perfect backdrop for historical reenanctments and film and TV productions. 快乐的五月假日之二--游阿伦德尔城堡该城堡被用在很多作为历史教育活动的场合及电影和电视制作的完美背景。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If you drive, roll your windows down and feel the breeze. Let this groove be a backdrop for your scenery. 如果你在开车,请摇下车床,感受一下微风,让这音乐作为你眼前景色的背景吧! blog.sina.com.cn 2. He has begun to resume some duties from hospital, but a royal succession looms as the unspoken backdrop to Thailand's crisis. 他开始慢慢地重新履行起一些职责,但是皇位继承已经是泰国危机背景下不言而喻的事情。 www.ecocn.org 3. Imagine a game in the world as a backdrop to a dream become a hero of the outgoing Kam cream for the leading role, a huge open-story screen. 游戏以一个想象的世界为背景,以一个梦想成为英雄的小虾米锦霜为主角,产开一幅庞大的故事画面。 www.dssz.com 4. The hotel and its large swimming pool, flanked by towering water-chutes, stand out incongruously against the natural backdrop. 宾馆和它大大的游泳池,游泳池边还有高高的滑水槽,与自然背景极不协调。 www.24en.com 5. Previous Taiwanese elections, fought against the backdrop of this geopolitical tussle, have been tense affairs. 台湾前几届总统大选都是在地缘政治纷争的背景之下进行的,因此都制造了紧张情绪。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The production surge this spurred created the backdrop for the shift of a larger proportion of the rural labor force into manufacturing. 由此出现的生产力大幅提升为更大比例的农村劳动力转向制造业创造了条件。 cn.wsj.com 7. With Pei's pyramid as a backdrop Sometimes terrifying, sometimes almost human, the phantom soon proves to be both fearless and invincible. 这具又恐怖又人性的幽灵经过连串的活动,被证实是无惧及不可制服的。 www.yesasia.com 8. while the near-term technical backdrop remains bearish, last week selloff appeared to be overextended. 虽然标普近期技术面仍然看跌,但上周的走势看似已超跌。 www.capitalessence.com 9. Disaster 1: I cut the image with the Magic Wand and pasted it onto a red backdrop, messing up the anti-aliasing around the woman's face. 灾难一:我用魔棒工具将图像切割下来之后粘贴在红色的背景上,这样就把女人的脸部周围搞得一团糟。 bbs.hxsd.com 10. Booming two-way trade, likely to pass $50 billion this year, is the backdrop to all this goodwill. 双边贸易的蓬勃发展有可能今年突破500亿美元,这是一个不错的背景。 www.ecocn.org 1. Against this backdrop, a more broadly distributed military presence across the region will provide vital advantages. 在这一背景下,在整个地区作出更广的军事部署将提供极为重要的有利条件。 www.putclub.com 2. The policy debate takes place against the backdrop of high national debt and unemployment, even though the U. S. economy is growing again. 这场政策辩论的背景是,虽然美国经济开始恢复增长,但是美国债台高筑,失业率居高不下。 www.voanews.cn 3. Given the American backdrop, the Fed's recent decision to step up the pace of interest-rate cuts is understandable. 在这种美国背景环境下,美联储近来决意加快减息步伐就是可以理解的。 blog.163.com 4. The drill takes place against the backdrop of Iran's nuclear program and its threats to wipe Israel "off the map. " 举行这次演习是为了应对伊朗核项目以及伊朗威胁要把以色列从地图上抹掉威胁的背景。 www.hxen.com 5. However grim the backdrop and dangerous the journey, all of these fine works show that the human spirit remains indomitable. 严酷的背景,危险的旅途,所有这些细节都体现出了人类不屈不挠的精神。 club.topsage.com 6. So that's was the backdrop, and let me use those 4 areas as the focal points of this talk. 这就是之前的一些背景,所以我就要用这4点作为,今天讲座的关键词。 open.163.com 7. They are often used as a backdrop for rhododendrons, azaleas, or other spring-flowering shrubs. 通常作为杜鹃花和其他春季开花灌木的点缀和背景。 bbs.hongyue.com 8. They compare work values across the backdrop of different countries and cultures looking for the origins of social and economic development. 他们通过对不同国家、不同文化背景中人们价值观的横向比较,寻找社会经济发展的内在原因。 www.say666.com 9. It provides a backdrop for this powerful novel by one of the new generation of talented Indian writers. 它为这本影响至深的小说提供了背景,书的作者是一位新一辈的很有才华的印度作家。 dongxi.net 10. The big question continues to be: can European economies manage their aggressive austerity plans against a backdrop of lagging growth? 最大的问题还没有解决:通过积极的支出缩减计划,欧洲经济体能抵御不景气的整体环境吗? www.ecocn.org 1. Corruption has become out of control and is an untreatable problem against this backdrop. 在此背景之下,腐败已经处于失控和“不可治理状态”。 www.360doc.com 2. With this year's inflation surge as a backdrop, the Fed is not expected to make any move at its policy meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday. 在今年通胀率大涨的背景下,美联储料将不会在周二和周三的政策会议上采取什麽举动。 cn.reuters.com 3. They were attracted by hopes of strong growth, amid the backdrop of an expected sea-change in cross-Strait relations with China. 在海峡两岸关系有望出现重大变化之际,这些私人股本公司在经济强劲增长预期的吸引下来台投资。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The two tones of the green make for a great backdrop and let the birds stand out. 不同色调的绿色既突出了鸟儿也让背景显得饱满而丰富。 www.bing.com 5. Against such a backdrop, Fed officials at their June meeting cut their forecasts for growth this year. 在此背景下,美联储官员在6月份会议上调低了今年经济增长预期。 www.bing.com 6. Against this backdrop, the new security concept featuring dialogue and cooperation has emerged as one of the trends of the times. 在此形势下,以对话与合作为主要特征的新安全观逐渐成为当今时代的潮流之一。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. Against that backdrop of threats, Krepinevich said the Obama administration needs a better overall security strategy. 在这种威胁的背景下,他说,奥巴马政府需要一个更好的整体安全战略。 www.etiri.com.cn 8. He initially conceived of a giant flame rock as the villain's backdrop because his weapon of destruction shoots fire and metal. 他最初设想用一块巨大的火焰岩石作为这个恶棍的背景幕,因为他那毁灭性的武器发射火和金属。 www.bing.com 9. The glass facades and cement architecture of the postmodern cities are the ideal backdrop for this kind of modern theater. 后现代城市的玻璃幕墙和水泥建筑,变成了现代剧场理想的背景。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It is incredible to see the lights of the cities and small towns against the backdrop of deep space. 相对如此深邃的太空能看到地球上城市和小城镇的灯光真是令人难以置信。 www.bing.com 1. Silhouette photography against a bright, white backdrop, enhances the sense of dedication and focus. 对一个明亮的轮廓,白色背景摄影,增强了奉献意识和重点。 www.tiyuxiu.com 2. All this is occurring against a backdrop of fairly positive economic data and no sign of the worldwide recession returning. 这一切发生的大背景是:经济数据还是相当正面的,而且尚无全球经济将重返衰退的迹象。 cn.reuters.com 3. It has served as a backdrop for many Hollywood films, from "Union Station" (naturally) to "Blade Runner" and "Star Trek: First Contact" . 它曾为许多好莱坞大片布景,从“联合车站”(原始旧车站)到“银翼杀手”和“星际旅行:第一类接触”。 www.24en.com 4. In London's Trafalgar Square, fans planned a candlelight vigil under the backdrop of songs that made the singer famous. 在伦敦的特拉法加广场,歌迷们计划在播放这位著名歌手的歌声里为迈克尔.杰克逊举行烛光悼念活动。 www.kekenet.com 5. Dancer and choreographer Gregory Hines is a study in fluid grace as he pivots barefoot against a seamless backdrop. 舞蹈家兼编舞格雷戈里·海因斯(GregoryHines)在一个天衣无缝的背景前光着脚旋转的特写呈现出流畅的优美姿态。 www.america.gov 6. But the backdrop to the game was the outbreak of the Green Revolution in the wake of the disputed Presidential elections. 但是当时比赛的背景却是有争议的总统选举之后绿色革命爆发了。 bbs.internet.org.cn 7. Both sides of the bill will also feature the Temple of Heaven as a backdrop, one of China's best known landmarks. 纸币两面的背景图案都是天坛;天坛是中国最著名的建筑之一。 ept-cn.com 8. Hence the key question for 2011: how does the industry maintain long-term, high-risk investment in R&D against such a challenging backdrop? 因而2011年的关键问题是:在这么一个颇具挑战的背景下,制药业如何在研发方面维持长期,高风险的投资? www.ecocn.org 9. Against that backdrop, the Fed could begin to ponder employing even some of the more controversial policy options left in its toolbox. 在这样的情况下,美联储可能开始考虑采取其武器库中剩下的一些更具争议的政策方案。 cn.reuters.com 10. Accordingly, against a backdrop of relentlessly rising demand, supply will fluctuate more sharply as well. 于是,在需求无可救药地上涨的同时,供应则在无可救药地剧烈波动。 www.bing.com 1. Outside his house the day before, with mountains and a river as a backdrop, he had hinted that the past year has been very difficult. 之前一天,在他的家门外,在湖光山色中,他曾暗示过去的一年非常艰难。 cn.reuters.com 2. All of this sits against a backdrop of EU leaders who seem unable to secure a viable plan for stability in the region. 这些也都是欧盟领导人面对的背景,这些领导人看来无力推出稳定欧元区的可行方案。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The bathhouse I go to on a regular basis (and is the backdrop to all of these stories) is known in my city as the friendlier place to go. 我比较固定去的浴室(也是我所以这些故事的背景浴室)在我们的城市是比较出名的因为待人友好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Against this backdrop, our nation's insurance industry faces all-round challenges and uncertain factors as an escort of the economy. 在这种大背景下,我国保险业作为经济的“保驾护航”者,也面临着多方位的挑战和不确定因素。 www.qikan.com.cn 5. Strong growth in unit wage costs against the backdrop of a tight-looking jobs market might limit the Fed's scope for rate cuts. 在形势严峻的就业市场背景下,单位工资成本的强劲增长可能会限制联储降低利率的力度。 club.topsage.com 6. At the same time, Europeans do not view all foreign affairs against the backdrop of the war on terror, Dettke emphasized. 德特克还强调,欧洲公众并不把所有的外交事务都放在反恐之战的背景下来看待。 www.america.gov 7. It is far from an easy call, especially against the backdrop of a turbulent, dangerous world. 这并非易事,特别在这样一个狂暴、危险的全球背景下。 www.bing.com 8. Poles find the wording infuriating: the Hitler-Stalin carve-up of eastern Europe was a crime, not a mere historical backdrop. 波兰人对俄罗斯的措辞勃然大怒:希特勒和斯大林瓜分东部欧洲是一种犯罪,而不仅仅是历史背景。 www.ecocn.org 9. Including Fromm's growth of the environment and personal growth experience, Fromm got his thinking over the backdrop of the reality-based. 包括弗洛姆所生长的家庭环境及个人成长经历、弗洛姆所生活的时代背景对其思想产生的现实基础。 www.zidir.com 10. With blue sea, white sandy beach as backdrop the new airport aims to provide passengers with a unique and memorable travel experience. 蓝色的海洋,白色的沙滩是新机场的背景,机场旨在为乘客提供独特难忘的旅行体验。 www.julemei.com 1. The strengthening economic backdrop has prompted a flurry of capital raisings to help fund expansion plans. 在经济不断走强的背景下,一波为业务扩张计划筹措资金的热潮出现了。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Yes, against the backdrop of desolation and desperation, the soldier does it with her. 是的,虽然凄凉和绝望,士兵还是和她在一起了。 www.bing.com 3. Given the bleak economic backdrop, China's emergence as an election issue is no big surprise. 在惨淡的经济背景下,崛起的中国成为大选话题并不奇怪。 dongxi.net 4. Against the backdrop of growing economic globalization, trade liberalization has attracted increasing attention. 在经济全球化不断发展的背景下,贸易自由化问题日益受到人们的关注。 dict.bioon.com 5. The relative simplicity of the showroom creates a perfect backdrop for exhibitions, as well as projections and screenings . 相对简单的创建一个完美的展示背景展览,以及预测和放映。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Technology shares fueled a broad market surge Friday afternoon amid a backdrop of better-than-expected economic news. 比预期更好的经济数据在周五午后点燃美股市,科技股带领股市喷涌向上。 bbs.55168.cn 7. The fundamental backdrop further supports this view given the weakened view for Eurozone rates over the past few days. 支持这一论点最根本的背景是欧元区利率在过去几天走弱。 www.blancgroup.com 8. And you can always take yet another picture of you with the ruins as a backdrop, this time from another angle. 在此,你还可以以大三巴牌坊为背景,从不同角度拍近照。 www.deltabridges.com 9. Melbourne, capital of Victoria, forms a backdrop, with the San Street Bridge, for a coxless four rowing on the tranquil Yarra River. 以维多利亚州首府墨尔本和桑街桥为背景,一艘四人无舵手艇在静静的耶那河上划行。 dict.bioon.com 10. An open living room grounded by a mural forms a backdrop for a mix of contemporary and traditional furnishings. 起居室的背景墙上是一面大型壁画,前面摆放着现代和古典的家具。 www.bing.com 1. It was against this backdrop of the times, the majority of people on the American "democracy" have doubts and social disappointment. 正是在这样的时代背景下,广大民众对美国的“民主”社会产生了怀疑和失望。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Our vision was to create a building to behold the impressive vineyard against backdrop of picturesque mountains. 设计师想让这个建筑能看见美丽的葡萄园,依傍风景迷人的山川。 www.julemei.com 3. It is worth remembering that the backdrop to the political turmoil of the 1930s was the Wall Street crash of 1929. 我们应当记住:上世纪30年代政治动荡的背景,正是1929年的华尔街股灾。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Haiti should be an unlikely backdrop for the latest failure of the humanitarian relief system. 海地不应该是人道救援系统失效的最新例子。 www.bing.com 5. Maudlin's work occurred against the backdrop of a new and profound shift in the intellectual environment. 莫德林的著作正好出现在一个全新的氛围,那是在智性上发生深刻变化的时代。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 6. Against backdrop of this, recent years has witnessed the increasing appeals of "Info Integration" in electricity industry. 因此在电力行业内“信息一体化”的呼声越来越高。 www.fabiao.net 7. A lovely background texture with a spotlight effect creates a beautiful backdrop for this resume. 一个带有灯光照射效果的可爱的纹理背景,创造出一个美丽的背景。 www.bing.com 8. Against that backdrop, companies like The Walt Disney Co. and Katzenberg's DreamWorks are entering a delicate dance. 在这种背景下,像沃尔特迪斯尼公司和卡森的梦工厂要面临利益博弈。 www.bing.com 9. At least the backdrop to the heated exchange was glamorous. 至少这次激烈争论的背景依然光彩照人。 www.bing.com 10. with ironic humour she foils interactions between men and women by a natural world that serves as a powerful mysterious backdrop. 她以自然界的强大神秘为背景,用反讽的幽默手法衬托了其所设定的男女交往关系。 news.99ys.com 1. the movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop. 幕布在剧院或大厅内,隔开舞台和观众或作为背景幕的可移动遮蔽物或帷幕。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This was with the backdrop of the global financial crisis, that could negatively impact spending on health. 在全球金融危机的背景下,可能对卫生支出产生消极影响。 www.who.int 3. Finishes and detailing are simple and economical, allowing a backdrop for art and a foreground for views. 涂面和细节都是简单经济的,为艺术提供了一个背景,为景色提供了一个前景。 julemei.com 4. Against this backdrop, it is highly necessary to enhance exchanges between leaders of the two countries. 在这一背影下,加强中缅领导人的相互交往十分必要。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Against such a backdrop, Tudou will be attempting to raise $180 million with a Nasdaq listing under the symbol TUDO. 在这样的背景下,土豆将尝试在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市,筹集1.8亿美元资金,股票代码为TUDO。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The strong growth at Samsung and HTC come on the backdrop of disappointing earnings from rivals in the U. S. and Europe. 三星和宏达国际销售强劲增长的同时,是美欧等竞争厂商报出令人失望的盈利数据。 c.wsj.com 7. Innovative design and a unique style of building was green backdrop, even in winter is full of life. 设计新颖、别具一格的楼房被葱绿掩映,即使在冬季也显得生机盎然。 www.bing.com 8. Beans' mild flavor makes them a great backdrop for a wide range of additions. 在现代这个大背景下,大豆温和的的味道使它们成为各式各样的餐饮的补充品。 www.bing.com 9. The number of undernourished people has increased against the backdrop of economic recession. 在经济衰退的背景下,营养不良人口的数量已有所上升。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It is against this backdrop that independent filmmakers in China are trying to make themselves heard. 正是在这种背景下,中国的独立电影人想努力让人们听到他们的呼声。 cn.nytimes.com 1. With gunfire and shelling as the backdrop, around 400 people have ventured into the center of Gaza city protesting against the violence. 大约四百民众冒着枪林弹雨不顾一切地到加沙城中心抗议暴力行径。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Such life experiences become far more humorous as the backdrop of the original cause of the dance in one's ancient ancestry is understood. 当你远古祖先舞蹈的原始致因的背景被理解,这样的生命体验会变成更幽默。 www.tisheng.org 3. 'It's just unfortunate that various other signs of Japan's decline stand out so much against that backdrop. ' 他说,不幸的是,日本衰退的其他各种迹象在这种背景下太过突出。 c.wsj.com 4. Natural scenic sites, which were large scale gardens built against the backdrop of naturally existing mountains, valleys, lakes, etc. 自然风景点,这种大型的园林通常是依山、依谷、依水而建。它们是皇室宗亲或者是贵族的娱乐场所。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. TRAVELLERS flying into Tehran were recently denied their usual view of the sprawling metropolis and its majestic mountain backdrop. 最近,乘飞机到德黑兰的游客们发现以前的景象——不断延伸的大都市,背景雄伟的山脉——已然不在。 www.ecocn.org 6. This human network is spread over a vast territory, like a uniform backdrop. 这种人际网络占据了广阔的领域,像是一个统一的背景。 www.bing.com 7. In addition, Chinese paintings are a unique form of mounting, painting a backdrop of the role. 另外,中国画还有着独特的装裱形式,起到衬托画体的作用。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Despite the inflationary backdrop, consumers are more confident this year about their financial prospects. 管通货膨胀压力增大,中国消费者对未来收入仍然信心十足; blog.sina.com.cn 9. A hint of his dromedary is visible against the simple backdrop of golden sand. 单调的金色沙洲背景中,能看见一点他所骑的骆驼。 www.showxiu.com 10. Many companies have stalled and even went on the verge of bankruptcy against the backdrop of the global economic downturn. 在经济衰退的大背景下,许多公司纷纷陷入困境,甚至走向破产倒闭的窘境。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The colors of the stage will be white, red, and black with a picture-like backdrop and gorgeous costumes. 舞台的色彩是白色、红色和黑色,配以图画式的背景帷幕和华丽服装。 www.bing.com 2. It's illuminated by more than 1, 000 of the little lights, and its shoreline deck often becomes a backdrop for glamorous events. 它由超过1000盏小灯来照明,靠近海岸线的这边平台常常成为各大精彩活动的美丽布景。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We were asked to bring in flowers and paint them against the backdrop of a green velvet curtain. 老师让我们自己带花来,然后在绿色天鹅绒帘幕的背景下画出来。 www.fzfanyi.com 4. The immediate cause varied, but economic austerity was the common backdrop. 直接原因不尽相同,但共同的背景是经济紧缩。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Against that backdrop, your company's rigid no-flextime policy seems out of step with the times. 在这种大背景下,贵公司严苛的无弹性工作时间政策有些落伍于时代了。 www.bing.com 6. Against this backdrop, the common interests between our two countries are increasing and the areas of our cooperation widening. 在新的国际形势下,中美两国共同利益在增多,合作领域在扩大。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. These supply problems, set against a backdrop of rising energy demand, have had a big effect on coal prices. 在能源需求不断上升之际,这些供应问题对煤炭价格构成了巨大影响。 www.ftchinese.com 8. South Africa's Table Mountain is an icon in Cape Town, a magnificent backdrop for the city, with ocean spread in front. 南非的平顶山是开普敦的标志,加上山前蔓延的海洋呈现令人叹为观止的城市背景。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. The embargo comes against the backdrop of a tight commodities market. 这次禁运,是在农产品市场已经颇为紧张的背景下实施的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Against this backdrop, Little Shenyang is both cutting-edge and old-fashioned in his evocation of pre revolutionary China. 在这种背景下,小沈阳对中国观念尚未扭转的展现,显得既前卫,又老套。 dongxi.net 1. Part Five views Mao Dun's translation practice and theories against the backdrop of modern mainstream translation theories. 第五部分是用当代的主流翻译理论来分析茅盾的翻译实践和理论思想。 www.fabiao.net 2. The paper general introduces the definition, its backdrop and character of the charter for financial hire purchase firstly. 本文开宗明义论述船舶融资租购合同的涵义及产生背景,列举式地介绍合同的法律特征。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 3. As we skirt along these memories, we clothe everything in the same quiet garb, and death looks like a backdrop whose colors have faded. 我们迂回着绕过这些记忆,给一切都笼上了一袭素淡的外套,而死亡就像是褪了色的背景幕布。 www.bing.com 4. This increase in absolute enrollment has come against the backdrop of one of the highest population growth rates in the world. 但与其身为世界人口高增长率的国家相对比,这入学率的增长并不乐观。 www.ebigear.com 5. These photographs take the backdrop of the Red Guard cemetery in Chongqing to illustrate various dichotomies . 这些作品以重庆红卫兵墓群墓碑为背景,阐述了不同的派系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Reine still has a few fishing boats, ranged against a backdrop of sawtooth mountains where sea eagles fly. 在雷尼仍能看到一些渔船,渔船背后是起伏的群山,海面上有海鸥在飞翔。 www.bing.com 7. At the mall, a large white faux church complete with imitation stained-glass windows showing Jesus and Mary serves as a backdrop. 在太平洋百货商场里还搭了一座装有仿制彩色玻璃窗的白色大教堂,背景包括耶稣和母玛丽亚(Mary)。 www.tvsou.com 8. Singapore high : A motocross rider takes off with the skyline of Singapore's financial district as a backdrop. 图为摩托车手以新加坡繁荣的金融区为背景做出拔地而起的精彩跳跃。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This decision comes against a backdrop of bad employment news and a cooling economy. 这个决定是对有关令人失望的就业率这一不好的新闻和萎靡不振的经济形势的回应。 news.koolearn.com 10. In its horror and in its backdrop of a crystal blue sky, the day echoed one almost exactly 17 years before, when the Challenger exploded. 在万顷碧空下人们的一片惊骇中,这一天重新上演了17年前“挑战者”号凌空爆炸的悲剧。 www.bing.com 1. Kashmiri boys sits on a parapet of the Dal Lake as a boat man rows his boat in the backdrop of the setting sun in Srinagar, June 14. 克什米尔男孩坐在船的人行作为他对在斯利那加,6月14日夕阳的背景下艇上的达尔湖栏杆。 q.163.com 2. Following the announcement, the national anthem will be screened in the backdrop whilst television screens display a picture of the royal. 在宣布死讯之后,国歌响起,同时大屏幕将会显示王室照片。 www.hbqnb.com 3. "Dialogue teaching" is a new form of teaching under the backdrop of the new curriculum reform. 对话教学是新课程背景下出现的一种新的教学形态。 www.fabiao.net 4. Its long, curving white-sand beach was once used as a backdrop for the television series Baywatch Hawai'i. 它的长,弯曲白色海滨沙滩曾用作背景的电视连续剧夏威夷海岸救生队。 forum.home.news.cn 5. Afghan boys play with a soccer ball against the backdrop of newly constructed residential apartments in Kabul Afghanistan June 21 2011. 阿富汗男孩玩一个足球反对在阿富汗喀布尔,2011年6月21日新建住宅的背景。 www.ysdmimi.com 6. That isn't a great backdrop for listings or capital raising but survivors' margins should benefit from less competition. 对于上市和融资而言不是什么太好的消息,但竞争的减少应当有利于幸存者利润的增长。 chinese.wsj.com 7. In the economic globalization in the backdrop, Chain supermarket faced with the ever-changing market and improve quality, and lower costs. 在全球经济一体化的大背景下,连锁超市面临着不断变化的市场和提高质量、降低成本的压力。 bulo.hjenglish.com 8. The backdrop for the debate is one of dramatic progress. 这场辩论的背后是一项引人注目的科学成就。 www.bing.com 9. Its that blurry, chilly , windy cruise along the Li river with the hazy mountain ranges as backdrop! 模糊的,寒冷,多风游航沿漓江为背景朦胧的山脉! blog.sina.com.cn 10. Other industrial metals have also risen sharply since midyear, reflecting both the economic backdrop and supply-demand dynamics. 其它工业金属自年中以来也出现大幅上涨,这既反映了宏观经济情况,也体现出了供需关系。 c.wsj.com 1. In between Fowler travels through the country, escaping an attack against a spectacular backdrop of Vietnamese rice fields. 福勒为躲避袭击,游历了整个越南,背景是越南壮观的稻田。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. The rolling hills and clear blue sky are the perfect backdrop to this trendy waterside area. 连绵起伏的青山以及一望无垠的蓝天完美地衬托了这片时尚水域。 english.dxy.cn 3. Many had a backdrop of posters, graffiti or billboards, which gave a commentary of sorts. 许多影像都有海报、涂鸦或广告牌这样的画面背景,这些东西代替了解说词。 www.ecocn.org 4. Fresh yet intense. Pineapple, citric and green apples with a backdrop of vanilla. 香味新鲜浓郁的香味,充满菠萝、柠檬、绿苹果和香草的气息。 www.ttwines.com 5. Veil, landscaping, illumination and the design of the space merge to become a breathtaking backdrop. 面纱,一种景观美化,一种灯饰,一种空间混合的设计,一种壮观的背景幕布。 bbs.zhengjingjianzhu.com 6. In the square's side streets, youths fought the police to the backdrop of unending ambulance sirens. 在广场星期围的小巷上,年轻人在不绝于耳的救护车呼啸声中与警察进行着对抗。 club.topsage.com 7. "Against this backdrop, royal land scams increasingly have become a point of public contention. " “在此背景下,皇室的土地诈骗日益成为公众争辩的焦点。” www.bing.com 8. Play as the alien and unleash massive destruction against the backdrop of free love , the Cold War and other Sixties era icons. 在异域驰骋,在自由恋爱的背景下对世界造成严重的破坏,例如冷战以及其他六十年代的标志事件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It takes place outdoors on a lake in a 3, 000-seat amphitheater surrounded by the hills, which become the backdrop for the performance. 表演是在丘陵环绕的湖面上,有着3000个座位的露天剧场,丘陵变成了表演的背景。 www.bing.com 10. But against the backdrop of the major transatlantic tie-ups, this plan is looking fairly small beer. 但与跨大西洋的大型结盟交易相比,这一计划就显得很微不足道了。 cn.reuters.com 1. It was against this backdrop, shortly after my arrival in Chicago, that my own ties to the Latinocommunity were formed. 在这种背景下,当我到芝加哥不久之后,我自身与拉丁裔社区的联系成形了。 blog.163.com 2. Against this backdrop, much of the participants' discussion centered on alternatives to the RCCs, of which there are a growing list. 在此背景下,多数讨论的重点关乎除了农村信用合作社的其他选择,而这些机构也呈日益增多的趋势。 woaijiatanchun.blog.sohu.com 3. welcome cocktail party at adventure land , where a pulsating exotic jungle motif serves as the backdrop. 参加在探险世界设下的欢迎酒会,该园区以奇特的森林风情为主题背景。 www.ichacha.net 4. Then you'll need an image of Lance holding on to the signpost to insert against the tornado backdrop. 然后你需要兰斯抓住路标的图像来插入龙卷风背景中。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Swarms of butterfly together when when scattered, colorful wings in sunshine backdrop silks and satins as extremely beautiful. 成群的蝶儿时聚时散,绚丽多彩的翅膀在阳光映照下仿佛极美的绸缎。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The good news must be viewed against a worrisome backdrop of rapidly expanding rice consumption in Africa. 我们必须要对照非洲水稻消费迅量速增加这一不太好的背景来看待这些好消息。 web.worldbank.org 7. Step five: add the complete backdrop and effects of light and reflection for the animation image, then it is done. 第五步:添加完整的背景,添加光线和反射效果,完成。 www.globaltimes.cn 8. Much of the world is now paying for their timidity: witness the increasingly dark economic backdrop. 世界大部分国家都在为他们的胆小付出代价:见证愈发暗淡的经济形势。 www.bing.com 9. Then take your lunch to the market courtyard and watch the street musicians perform with the backdrop of the downtown skyline. 然后把你的午餐带到市场的广场去,欣赏以远方市区建筑为背景的街头音乐家表演。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Against that backdrop, analysts say the markets are likely to remain unsettled for some time. 在这种背景下,分析人员表示,市场一段时间之内可能会继续保持动荡。 www.24en.com 1. The scene will also build one to surpass 100 square meters giant backdrops , this backdrop will only take a decca vehicle. 现场还将搭建一个超过100平方米的巨型天幕,仅此天幕就将占用一台卡车。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In 2012 they and the rest of London's glorious cityscape will provide a backdrop for the greatest show on earth. 在2012年,这些景观以及伦敦其他美丽的都市风景将成为地球上最伟大的表演的背景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. But although it's served as the backdrop for many John Ford movies, this corner of the Navajo Nation is for real. 尽管它被作为许多约翰福特的电影的背景,这个纳瓦霍族人的地区是真实的。 www.bing.com 4. This took place against a backdrop of considerable change in the organisation and funding of community health care. 这发生在这一背景下相当大的变化的组织和资助的社区卫生服务。 www.syyxw.com 5. Against this backdrop, the topic, solving problems by the vector, receives rebound attention. 在此背景下,“运用向量法解题”是一值得关注和研究的问题。 www.lw23.com 6. the distance, tree-lined airtight, jagged backdrop of small houses which, as a new era of pastoral painting. 远处,绿树密不透风,参差不齐的小洋楼掩映其中,如一幅新时代的田园画。 www.bing.com 7. The sky forms a backdrop curtain to the Taj . It's the background. 天空就像一块幕布一样罩着泰姬陵,构成其背景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The broadly risk-friendly backdrop in the markets kept the dollar under pressure on the currency markets for most of the session. 在风险友好的大背景下,外汇市场上美元汇率大部分时间都承受卖压。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The market declines on Tuesday also occurred against the backdrop of corporate earnings reports. 美国股市周二下跌的背景还包括企业季度财报。 dongxi.net 10. The backdrop at the press conference was two Cuban flags hung upside down to protest the state's violations of human rights. 记者会上,两面古巴的旗帜倒挂着,表示对政府违反人权的抗议。 www.ecocn.org 1. Spain had won their first and to date, only major international trophy with the majestic Bernabeu as the backdrop. 在雄伟的皇马主场内西班牙赢得他们的第一次,也是迄今为止,唯一的重要国际比赛奖杯。 www.bing.com 2. Conventional outdoor media is long distance backdrop -- similar to landscape, traffic and pavilions. 传统的户外媒体,是远距离的,是如花草山水,车水马龙,亭台楼阁一般的生活背景。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. So the stage is cluttered with microphones, monitors and cables. A video-screen serves as a backdrop. 舞台上会布满麦克风,监视荧屏和电缆线,背景则是一块荧幕。 www.ecocn.org 4. Jingshan is the backdrop of the entire palatial city, thus enriching the horizontal line visible there. 景山作为整个富丽堂皇的紫禁城的背景,从而丰富了水平线上的视觉。 word.hcbus.com 5. It is against this backdrop that the latest contest between India and China must be assessed. 正因为如此,中印之间的对抗必须在这种新的背景下予以评估。 www.bing.com 6. It may sound a little strange that I am comparing acts of public life against backdrop of Agile in IT. 我把现实生活的行为与IT行业中的敏捷作比较,这听起来有点诡异。 www.infoq.com 7. A large portrait of Solzhenitsyn and a Russian flag completed the backdrop. 巨幅索尔仁尼琴的肖像和俄罗斯国旗组成了背景。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. The city's mountains, while providing a beautiful backdrop to the old capital, helped to trap pollution. 阿拉木图的山地曾经是城市的美丽背景,现在已经成了积聚空气污染的帮凶。 www.bing.com 9. In the comprehensive implementation of quality education in the backdrop, a new round of basic education curriculum reform in full swing. 新一轮基础教育课程改革是在我国全面实施素质教育的大背景下启动的,是实施面向21世纪素质教育工程的重要体现。 www.juhe8.com 10. Now, against the backdrop of the Great Recession and because of the coming spending cuts, universities are set to contract. 现在,因为大萧条的背景及未来开支的削减,大学都开始在缩减。 www.bing.com 1. Against that backdrop, the FOMC decided to lower the target for the federal funds rate 50 basis points, to 3 percent. 据此,FOMC决定降低联邦基金目标利率50个基点,至3%。 www.bing.com 2. but the juxtaposition of McDonald's , KFC , Pizza Hut and high-end retail outlets adds a very different backdrop . 但比肩而邻的麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客和奢侈品店却为这道风景增添了迥异的色彩。 app.fortunechina.com 3. A fisher poles his raft down the Li River, against the backdrop of limestone hills. 在石灰岩群山的背景下,一位渔夫正用竿子撑着木筏沿漓江而下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. An orange-tinged sunset provides the backdrop for a sailboat on Lake Michigan. 一个带有橙色色彩的夕阳为航行在密歇根湖上帆船提供了的背景。 www.bing.com 5. Retailers also see the tablet as a more appealing backdrop for presenting their goods. 商家也看到平板电脑能更好、更炫的展示他们的产品。 www.bing.com 6. The famous skyline of lower Manhattan rises before them, glittering in sun, afloat in mist, against a backdrop of sky never twice the same. 在变化万千的天幕衬托下,曼哈顿著名的天际线在他们面前升起——在阳光中闪烁着,在雾霭中飘浮着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Spitzer's composite image of the actual cosmic backdrop simply didn't convey the crisp, dazzling canvas that the data described. 可以说,这幅实际宇宙背景的合成照片并没有传递出观测数据所描绘的那幅令人眼花缭乱的真实宇宙图景。 www.oobang.com 8. A decade later succession plans once again unravelled spectacularly, against a backdrop of pro-democracy unrest. 十年后,继任计划再次在民运动荡的背景中轰然倒塌。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. They also took place against a backdrop of falling interest rates, with depreciating currencies helping to boost growth. 此外,它们是在利率下滑的背景下发生的,同时货币贬值也有助于促进增长。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Against that backdrop, investment banks are revising their headcount requirements on almost a weekly basis. 在这种背景下,投资银行几乎每周都在修改员工编制要求。 www.ftchinese.com 1. All of this is occurring against a backdrop of a sinking bond yields which makes matter all the more perverse. 所有这一切正在发生的背景下对一个下沉的债券收益率,使所有的事,更有害。 www.wzde.com 2. The firmer risk backdrop has put the USD on the back foot, with the USD index dropping sharply overnight. 风险胃纳上升不利美元,美汇指数隔夜大幅下跌。 www.mpfinance.com 3. Mahe also provides a beautiful backdrop for a day at the spa. 马埃岛同时为在温泉浴室度过全天的人提供美丽的背景。 www.i21st.cn 4. Picnics formed the typical backdrop to a number of Jane Austen's novels. 在简·奥斯汀的很多小说当中,野餐总是必不可少的一个活动。 www.hjenglish.com 5. In this backdrop, IP networks should also from the extensive mode of development change to the refinement of development. 在这样的时代背景下,IP网络发展也必须由原来粗放的发展方式向精细化发展转变。 www.fabiao.net 6. Mexico City's fabled Estadio Azteca has been the backdrop for some of history's most unforgettable FIFA World Cup TM moments. 梦幻般的阿兹特克球场位于墨西哥城,世界杯历史上几个最令人难忘的经典镜头都和它有关。 www.bing.com 7. Low carbon economy is born right under such an international backdrop. 在这样的国际背景下,低碳经济应运而生。 www.bjbixi.com 8. Austria's stunning mountains and lakes provide the backdrop as the artists proudly strike a pose. 奥地利迷人的山脉和湖泊提供了天然的背景,艺术家们毫不吝惜的摆出各种姿势。 edu.163.com 9. Amid this backdrop of rising tension, UKFI had become ominously silent. 在这种紧张局势不断升级的背景下,英国金融投资署令人不安地保持了沉默。 www.ftchinese.com 10. An imposing and fascinating backdrop, factories form important regional landmarks and create a focus for work. 气势和迷人的背景下,工厂形成重要的区域标志性建筑,创造一个工作重点。 img7.zhubajie.com 1. The jihadist offensive comes against a backdrop of anti-government political protests which began four months ago. 圣战进攻来对抗反政府抗议活动的政治背景下四个月前开始的。 www.maynet.cn 2. Against this backdrop, Korea's ruling Grand National Party is spearheading a move to toughen laws on Internet chat room abuses. 为防止以上情况重演,执政党——大国家党的第一步棋,便是增强旧法,严格管制网络聊天。 www.kuaiyilin.com 3. The upbeat corporate profits, outlooks and acquisitions come against a backdrop of still mixed economic data. 企业利润、前景和并购均超过举起,但各项经济数据依然喜忧参半。 www.bing.com 4. The banana and banyan trees are an exotic backdrop seen through the authentic vintage wood windows. 从正宗老式的木头窗户看出去,香蕉和榕树形成异国情调的背景。 www.bing.com 5. Rich Romans built villas, tombs and mausoleums here, against a backdrop of the purple Alban hills. 富有的罗马人建别墅,墓和烈士陵园在此背景紫色阿尔邦山头。 www.sjgcz.cn 6. As seen by quantum theory, space and time are a static backdrop against which particles move. 从量子力学角度看,空间和时间是粒子运动的静态舞台。 www.bing.com 7. Against this backdrop, the effectiveness of central bank policy, however well executed, is limited. 在这种背景下,无论央行的政策执行得多么到位,其效力终究有限。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In the backdrop for Europe, Asian markets posted losses, with resource stocks slipping on lower commodity prices. 亚洲股市走低,大宗商品价格下跌,导致资源板块下滑。 www.bing.com 9. A mountain range provides dramatic backdrop for a cluster of mailboxes along a stretch of Arizona's Route 66. 连绵的山脉为这些位于亚历桑那州66号公路分叉路上的邮箱提供了壮丽的背景。 www.bing.com 10. The area's regeneration comes against the backdrop of job cuts, pension reform and recession. 这个地区的复兴是在裁员、退休金改革和经济萧条的背景下进行的。 www.hxen.com 1. Against such backdrop, a new supply chain management strategy, Vendor-Managed Inventory, or VMI, comes to reality. 在此背景下,供应商管理库存这一新的供应链管理策略应势而生。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. Ricoh started to sell products to China in the mode of foreign trade, in the backdrop of normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relations. 以中日邦交正常化为背景,通过贸易方式开始向中国销售商品。 www.ricoh.com.cn 3. And the geopolitical and economic backdrop presents significant obstacles to agreement. 地缘政治和经济背景对达成共识构成了重大障碍。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Political Order in Changing Societies appeared against this backdrop, and frontally challenged these assumptions. 《变化社会中的政治秩序》正是在这个背景下出现的,全面挑战了上述假设。 www.bing.com 5. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of colour that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. 秋季到来时,橡树、枫树和白桦树五彩缤纷,在大片松林的衬托下如同一片火海,熠熠生辉。 www.nexoncn.com 6. Against this backdrop, Mrs Clinton came to Pakistan not just to pledge support in counter-terrorism but to prop up its fledgling democracy. 在此等背景下,希拉里的到来,为的恐怕不只是对反恐的支持,更为了给巴基斯坦襁褓中的民主添砖加瓦。 club.topsage.com 7. The young girl in the painting stands naked against a burgundy backdrop, one leg bent, an elbow crooked behind her back. 画中的年轻女子裸体而立,一条腿弯曲,一支胳臂放在身后,后边是勃艮第背景。 dongxi.net 8. Under the backdrop of economic recovery worldwide, Chinese companies are also brisk to go public abroad. 全球经济逐步复苏的背景下,中国企业海外上市也日渐活跃。 news.cen.com 9. It was in that backdrop, the Delegation continued, that they had initiated the present exercise. 该代表团接着说,正是在这一背景下,它们发起了现在的讨论。 www.wipo.int 10. Against this backdrop Freud who was suffering from cancer of the jaw retreated yet again to the alps. 此背景下的弗洛伊德正遭受下颚癌症的折磨只好又一次从阿尔卑斯撤离 www.bing.com |
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