单词 | back down |
释义 |
第三人称单数:backs down 现在分词:backing down 过去式:backed down 例句释义: 放弃权利等,打退堂鼓,让步,放弃原主张,取消前言 1. Huge amounts of ice particles from his skate blades fly high into the air and float back down on the entire rink, resembling a snow fall. 冰靴上的刀片划出许多雪白的冰屑,高高地飞溅到空中,然后像雪花一样飘落在整个溜冰场上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. "You'll do just fine in this or any other hospital, " he told her. When you know you're right, you can't back down. 他告诉护士:“不论妳是在这所医院还是其他地方,都会干得很好的。”当妳确定自己正确时,就不能退缩。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. When you thin the top or back down in certain areas, what are you trying to do? Are you listening for a sound? 当你面板打薄到一个程度以后,你将会怎么做?你会听它的声音吗? www.helloba.com 4. Snap the front panels back down after a crash and you are ready to take on the next challenge . 撞毁对方的表板后返回并准备应付下一次挑战。 www.jukuu.com 5. "In a minute. " I replied, and sat back down on the bench, dizzy from what he had just told me. “等会儿,”我回答说,又在椅子上坐了下来,他刚刚告诉我的消息让我眩晕。 www.putclub.com 6. After jumping back up to nearly 500, 000 in late April, weekly jobless claim figures have been trending back down in recent weeks. 在4月底失业人数重新回到500,000左右以后,最近几周每周的失业申请数都是逐渐减少的。 www.ecocn.org 7. Moreover, Lane did not back down from the company's recent strategic move away from consumer products. 此外,莱茵并未放弃公司近期撤离消费产品领域的战略举措。 www.fortunechina.com 8. The elders quietly reminded me that the men could shoot me at a moment's notice, but I refused to back down. 年长者们轻声提醒我说,这些人可能会当场枪毙我,但我拒不让步。 www.bing.com 9. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice says the US will not back down in the face of Iranian threats against the Jewish state. 国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯表示面对伊朗对以色列这个犹太国家构成的威胁,美国不会妥协。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The opposition says it will not back down from its demand for the president's resignation and a rerun of the vote. 反对派说,他们在要求齐贝吉总统辞职和重新举行选举的问题上,不会让步。 www.voanews.com.cn 1. Hastily, Scarlett ran back down and after a bit of explaining, Sky loaded Brayden into the backseat of the car. 草草收场,斯佳丽跑了回去,有点解释后,天空装入汽车的后座布雷登。 www.fnovel.com 2. He said he believed Republicans would eventually back down from their absolute objection to any tax rise. 他表示相信,共和党人最终会让步,不再一味反对任何增税计划。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I made you and everyone who supported me a promise: to stand up for our shared values and to never back down. 我使你,大家谁支持我的承诺:站起来为我们共同的价值观和永不退缩。 bbs.xlzx.com 4. Mr. Obama said the U. S. would not back down in its efforts to oppose human rights abuses around the world. 奥巴马说,美国始终反对世界各地侵犯人权的行为,不会放弃在这方面的努力。 c.wsj.com 5. Given that Treasury yields have since plunged back down to 2. 5% or so, how much further can they fall? 国债收益率自1980年以来已跌回至2.5%左右,接下来还会再跌多少呢? c.wsj.com 6. That's racing. It was a racing accident, but it earned me a drive - through penalty and knocked me back down the field. 这就是比赛,比赛中的一起事故而已,可是这导致我被罚通过维修站,又掉了许多位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing like a winded rhinoceros and watching Harry closely out of the corners of his small, sharp eyes. 弗农姨父坐回椅子里,像犀牛一样呼哧带喘,斜着小眼睛目光锐利地紧盯着哈利。 bbs.hlgnet.com 8. He reached up and pulled her back down to kiss him. Just as they were beginning to lose themselves again, Cameron suddenly stopped. 他伸手把她拉回来继续吻她,就当他们开始迷失自我的时候,Cameron突然停下了。 myterminator.cn 9. soldier a : he jumps back down and pushes himself on top of the radio , as if it was like a seat , you know , just sits down on it. 士兵甲:他向后跳去,扑到无线电上面,就像那是一个座位似的,一下子坐到它上面。 www.ichacha.net 10. An interest-rate increase big enough to squeeze inflation back down in short order would cause a needlessly large rise in unemployment. 一次足够大的力度的利率升息的力量能迅速挤压通胀回落,同时也造成了不必要的失业人口的大量增多。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 1. Prices then recovered more than half of the losses over the next week, only to turn back down immediately afterward. 当时价格在接下来的一周有了起色,并且赚回了半数多的亏损,然而股市随后又再次陷入跌势。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 2. Mother, never one to back down from a fight, looked him in the eye and said, 'I'm sorry, 'but I can't throw that far! ' 而非洲却有人在挨饿。我母亲,一位从来也不会在斗争中退缩的人,瞪着他说道:很抱歉,可我没法扔那么远! blog.sina.com.cn 3. But I never back down , because it seems to me that retreat is an irresponsible act. 但我从不退缩,因为退缩在我看来是一种不负责任的行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Trying to get this person to back down on their demands could be difficult, but see this period as good practice for presenting your case. 试着让他们降低要求是很困难的,但你要将这个时期看做展示你个人能力的一个良好的锻炼机会。 www.douban.com 5. As he sits back down at his desk with his coffee he repeats the word "focus" over and over as a mantra to himself. 拿着咖啡坐回书桌前,他像念咒语一样一遍一遍重复念叨着“集中精力”,将书打开。 www.bing.com 6. NEITHER Sri Lanka's government, nor the United Nations seems ready to back down over an increasingly bitter dispute. 斯里兰卡政府和联合国之间的分歧日益扩大,但是目前看来双方均不愿作出让步。 www.24en.com 7. You stand height, away from colleagues, jump back down behind my colleagues have no doubt that you will catch. 你站在高处,背对同事,纵身向后倒,绝对相信身后的同事会接住你。 www.zzgjp.com 8. Vladimir, a state senator in the province, with a buzz cut and a nose as red as fire, sat back down in his seat. 一位省参议员,有个疤,鼻子红的像火,往后一靠。 www.bing.com 9. She wiped her eyes and sat back down near the bed. 她擦干眼泪,又坐回那张病床边。 www.bing.com 10. So he finally told him to do it because he knew there was no way to get past John, but he certainly would not back down from his morals. 所以,他最终求死是因为他知道自己过不了蒋这一关,但他也绝无可能背叛自己的良心。 www.douban.com 1. I could rotate it by a third of a turn, or a half a turn, or put it back down on its image, or two thirds of a turn. 我可以把它旋转三分之一圈,或者半圈,或将它恢复到原图,或旋转三分之二圈。 www.ted.com 2. She wanted to lie back down, close her eyes, and give herself up to sleep. 她想再次躺下,闭上眼睛,然后让自己重归睡眠。 www.cndkc.net 3. Mother, one never to back down from a fight, looked him in the eye and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't throw that far! " 我母亲,一位从来不会在斗争中退缩的人,瞪着他说:“很抱歉,可我没法扔那么远!” blog.sina.com.cn 4. Clearly the burro had no intention of moving, so I reluctantly turned and began to make my way back down the wash in defeat. 明显地,驴群并不想移动,所以沮丧的我不情愿地转过头,开始沿着干涸的河床返回。 career.51youcai.com 5. We stayed in Leh for a while before flying back down to Delhi where we were much safer. We enjoyed sight-seeing and going to the Taj Mahal. 我们在列城住了一会儿,然后飞回德里,那里安全一些。我们稍事观光,还去了泰姬陵。 www.joyen.net 6. By now he was actively engaged in resistance against the regime and, as he has written, his conscience would not allow him to back down. 到目前为止,他仍然还在积极反抗这个暴政,正如他所写的“他的良心决不让他有一点退缩”。 www.ecocn.org 7. "i've got an important assignment for you, " he said, as he glanced back down at a newspaper. “我有个重大任务让你干。”他说道,一面低头瞟了眼报纸。 en.hnedu.cn 8. It really is knocking you back down, and it will continue to do so until you stop trying to get ahead like a cancer cell would. 它真的是压倒你,并且它将会持续地做,直到你停止像癌症细胞那样再生长。 www.bing.com 9. She catches her breath and lies back down on the bed, her hand resting protectively on her abdomen. 她吸了口气又躺了下来,他的手保护性的放在腹部。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Navigate back up to the parent object and back down to see the properties of a different object. 向上回到父对象并向下浏览以查看不同对象的属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. After a four-day run, markets are taking a bit of a breather today, as indexes climb back down after notching new highs earlier this week. 经过了连续4天的上涨后,美国股市周三略作休整,股指在本周初连创新高后有所回调。 www.acsf.cn 2. Every time I come over here, I have to eat celery and lettuce for a week to get back down to my normal weight. 每次我回到家,都要吃上一个礼拜的芹菜和香菜才能维持我正常的体重呀。 www.english-corner.com.cn 3. Property buyers have to pay a deposit and signed, if he did not want the house, got back down ? 购房者已交了定金并签了合同,如果他不想买这套房子了,定金能拿回来吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Go back down to the pier and click on the boat. See that the boat was scuttled. 回到码头点击小船,发现小船被凿沉。 173.cc 5. Spinning the truck around, the driver raced back down the road in the direction of the accident. 卡车司机开着车兜兜转转,沿着发生事故的那条马路又开了回来。 www.ebigear.com 6. I heard voices coming towards me. I forced myself to my feet, waving my arms, then fell back down in a heap. 我听到有声音在向我靠近,便强迫自己站起身,挥动双臂,然后我重重地倒在了地上,动弹不得。 www.bing.com 7. I thought I was dreaming and kept looking at this cat, rubbing my eyes, looking back down at it but it remained. 我以为自己是在做梦,注视着这只猫,我揉了揉眼睛,再看了一下,它还在那里。 gb.cri.cn 8. Second, China is trying to allay regional concerns, but ultimately will not back down. 其次,中国正努力缓和地区问题,但是终将不会退让的。 dongxi.net 9. I made public commitments of what I intended to do so it would be harder to back down. 我就自己想做的事情做公开的承诺,这样我就没有退缩的余地了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. After several long moments, a little hand slowly went up, dropped back down, and a moment later went up again. 一阵静寂之后,一只小手缓缓地举了起来,再放下去,一会儿又举了起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But I determined not to back down; after all, there was the moon to think about. 但我决定决不让步,毕竟,有月亮的问题放在那里。 www.bing.com 2. When your finger comes to the end of a line pick up your finger half an inch then quickly bring it back down to the next line. 当读到一行末尾时,把食指抬高半英寸然后快速地移到下一行。 www.hjenglish.com 3. But I found out later that the bobcat stayed put for over six hours before finally deciding it was safe enough to come back down. 但是之后我发现,在那只山猫确认回到地面足够安全之前,就那样呆了超过六个小时。 dongxi.net 4. I got a good start, making up a few places but then I was hit by Grosjean and that dropped me back down again. 我有一个不错的起步,提升了一些位置,但我被格罗斯让撞了一下,这使我再次掉到了最后。 www.f1-zone.net 5. Coming back down to Earth there are physical changes yet to be experienced, but we shall be in those areas as a controlling influence. 回到地球,依旧有物理的变化需要去继续的体验,但是我们将在那些地方作为一个可操控的影响力。 www.angozj.com 6. The sun got stuck, as it's making it's way back down, We find ourselves, in a familiar part of town. 太阳停滞,时间似乎就要倒转,我们在熟悉的地方找到彼此。 blog.163.com 7. Push the shoulder to air for a quicker breath, and rotate the head back down to center prior to the body. 推肩的空气,呼吸加快,并旋转头回落到中心前体。 www.topswim.net 8. "Everyone needs to race to the top floor and then come back down the same set of stairs to the bottom, " the referee said. 「每个人都必须跑到顶楼,然后再从同样的楼梯跑下来,」裁判说。 www.taipeitimes.com 9. Driver: Well, maybe if I turn left here, I can go back down the next street. 呃,也许如果我在这里左转,我就可以沿着下一条街道折回了。 www.onlycollege.com.cn 10. This time, however, the VSS was let go at the peak of its mothership's ascent, and allowed to glide back down to landing. 然而此次是让VSS达到它的母船的升程的最高点,而且使其滑翔回降直到着陆。 www.suiniyi.com 1. Turning back down the main street, we quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream where we hoped the boatman was waiting. 我们不需要进一步的警告了。便掉转身子,沿着那条主要街道加快步伐,快速地朝深溪边走去,希望船夫还在那儿等着我们。 bbs.kaoyan.com 2. The small, six-person tourist vessel boosts up further with its own engines, poking into space, before heading back down. 这艘小的、搭载六位不雅参观客的飞船操作它自己的引擎继续向上推,荡入太空,然后失踪头下降。 www.suiniyi.com 3. I talked Dave into holding on to my used tires (which still had a lot of tread on them), and I would pick them up on my way back down. 我谈戴到持有我国旧轮胎(其中仍然有大量的胎面上),我想接他们时,我的道路上后退。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. But Ford refused to back down from his original response, insisting that Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia are free from Soviet interference. 之后福特一直坚持他的这一观点,认为波兰、罗马尼亚和南斯拉夫都已经脱离苏联的控制。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Therefore, I tugged, pushed, and pulled until I managed to carry this huge, heavy turtle off the embankment and back down to the river. 所以,我又是拖又是推又是拉的,设法将这只巨大而笨重的乌龟拖离了河堤,放回河里。 bbs.51e.biz 6. You want you knees and your feet to just kind of come to the surface, and then go back down. 膝盖和脚应当向上刚好摆动到水面的位置,然后就应当向下摆。 www.topswim.net 7. And then this back down on the ground, and you can see that the fungus is actually invading this tree. 以及这后面的地表,大家可以看见真菌其实正在侵蚀这棵树。 www.ted.com 8. As I climbed, and especially on my way down, I began to realize the lessons required to reach the top and make it back down safely. 随着不断地攀爬,尤其是在下山的路上,我渐渐认识到了如何做才能到达顶峰,才能安全地返回。 www.bing.com 9. Breathing: Inhale hard pedal board, back down when the breath. Pedal board, the entire soles of the feet flat on the bottom plate to live. 呼吸方法:用力蹬板时吸气,回降时呼气。蹬板时,整个脚底平贴住板底。 www.xiami360.com 10. Investors in gold may feel as if they scaled a steep mountain in 2008, only to proceed to slide right back down the other side. 金投资者2008年的感觉可能是,他们爬上了陡峭的山峰,接着又径直从另一边滑落了下去。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In both the housing and financial markets, the chances of a dip back down, at the least-opportune time for Democrats, remain very real. 在民主党最是流年不利的时候,楼市和金融市场下滑的可能都依然切实存在。 www.bing.com 2. The activity settled into a pattern of flaring up every now and then before dying back down to a grumble. 这种活动伴随着一种模式—在每一次活动消失成一个咕哝之前时不时喷下火。 www.ecocn.org 3. The first move back down is probably fresh in your memory, but take a deep breath and set your mental sights on your destination, as well. 也许上一步的下撤还记忆犹新,可你需要深呼吸并且把注意力放在终点上。 www.bing.com 4. On the count of three, Sasha was hoisted up into the air and back down again, then up for a second time, and then for a third. 数到三下,莎夏被扯到空中又落了下来,然后又被扯上去,跟着是第三次。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A marked increase in pig stocks this year has helped push food prices back down in recent months. 今年生猪量显著增长,促使食品价格在近几个月出现回落。 www.ftchinese.com 6. If one of us feels strongly about something, the other one is always happy to back down. 如果我俩中有一个人对某事非常坚决,那么另一个人总会很高兴地作出让步。 c.wsj.com 7. repeated Professor McGonagall faintly, sitting back down on the wall. 麦康娜教授教授重复说,坐回到了墙上去。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "If you had the authority to kill me, I'd be dead back in Maralik. " She started to rise again. Again the foot pushed her back down . “如果你有杀死我的权利,我早在马拉里克就死了。”佩查再次尝试坐起来而那个大脚男人再度按倒她。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The cold air pushed the hot plumes back down in a swirling motion at sunrise. 日出时刻的冷空气又将这炽热的烟气流呈漩涡状压缩回去。 www.bing.com 10. Upward motion of the buoy causes a suction which lifts the balls, thus allowing air to be drawn back down the counterweight tube. 浮标的向上运动则产生吸力,可将阀球提起,这样可允许气流受力并返回至配重管。 www.proz.com 1. At that point there was a huge blast and in all the smoke I managed to run back down the fire escape. 就在那时候发生了一次很大的爆炸,在浓烟中我设法从防火通道中跑了下来。 www.bing.com 2. Leaping from the engine, he ran back down the tracks to search for a mangled, burning body, but there was nothing there. 司机跳下车头,向后奔去,寻找燃烧的残躯,可是却一无所获。 www.bing.com 3. But when it started to get dark and the weather closed in he realized he would not make it back down the mountain. 然而,随着天色渐暗,他意识到天黑前或许无法到达山脚。 www.bing.com 4. The doctor raised his hand as though to grasp the prince's shoulder, then put it awkwardly back down. 大夫举起一只手,象是要抓住王子的肩膀,随后尴尬地放了下来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. She sits back down on her side of the board. 她坐回了她的棋盘那边。 www.bing.com 6. Consumers may take another quarter or two to back down from spending commitments that are hard to revoke instantly. 要想从“花未来的钱”中转变过来,消费者恐怕得用一到两个季度。 www.ecocn.org 7. I reached over and pushed her hand back down into her purse so that she would not pull her wallet out. 我伸出手,把她的手推了回去,阻止了她掏出钱包。 www.joyen.net 8. The next day Ray put the cement blocks back down, only to find that the ground was too hard to keep the patio level. 第二天瑞利又把水泥砖摆放下来,发现放砖的地面太硬了难以保持住天井的水平线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And when they jump up to the next place they can be and fall back down again, they make light at particular colors. 他们跳到别的地方,就会回到原地,他们发出特定颜色的光。 www.ted.com 10. When he's feeling heavy, he runs longer, and skips snacks, until he's back down to his ideal weight of seventy-five pounds. 当他在感到笨重时,他会跑更远并不吃东西,直到回到七十五磅的理想体重。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Societe Generale, the France bank, had to back down over plans to award stock options to its chief executive and non-executive chairman. 法国兴业银行不得不取消授予首席执行官和非执行主席股票期权的计划。 q.sohu.com 2. Miyakawa went back down, because he forgot to turn off his iron and was afraid it would catch fire. 后来,宫川先生又往会跑,他忘了关电熨斗,害怕着火。 blog.iqilu.com 3. Weather hot to bovine a Caesar, a group of loach as children unable to hold oneself back down into the river. 天儿热了把牛一撒,一群泥鳅般的孩子便迫不及待的扎进了河里。 www.bing.com 4. It will require all-out, indefinite strike action, general strikes - to force them to back down or to bring these governments down. 这需要全力的、无限的罢工行动,总罢工——以迫使他们让步或者推翻这些政府。 www.wyzxsx.com 5. I sat back down at my desk, dazed for a moment, and then realized I was shaking. 我在办公桌旁坐了下来,茫然了片刻,然后意识到我浑身发抖。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The Norwegian side are playing hardball with The Gunners as they are unwilling to back down on their demands for the 16-year-old defender. 这支挪威球队正在对枪手采取强硬手段,他们面对阿森纳对这名16岁防守球队的要求不想让步。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. I yelled and scrambled back up to the cab, but strong hands gripped my ankles and knees, dragging me back down. 我尖叫起来,然后想再爬回驾驶室,但那些强有力的手都紧拽着我的脚踝和膝盖,想把我往下拉。 www.douban.com 8. Looking back down on the mining operation inside the volcano, the burning sulfur, acidic lake and moonlit crater walls. 回首倒在火山内部的采矿作业,燃烧硫磺,酸性湖泊和月光下的陨石坑壁。 08062788.blog.163.com 9. Inhale quickly, then bring you head and chest back down and continue the body undulations. 吸入快,然后带你头部和胸部,继续回到身体对光。 www.xmswim.cn 10. Already, some expect both the flat-panel and semiconductor markets to be hit by a supply glut that will drive prices back down. 一些人已经预计,液晶面板和半导体市场都将受到供应过剩的打击,这将推动价格下行。 www.bing.com 1. An acre of trees, planted in a desert, could pull two to three tons of that carbon back down. 如果在沙漠中种植一英亩的树,就能吸收两到三吨的碳。 www.bing.com 2. she wants me to come after her, she wants me back down there with her. 她想让我跟着她,她想让我回到下面跟她在一起。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 3. You know what I realized as I was coming back down here? 你知道我在来这儿的路上意识到什么吗? www.engxue.com 4. When I reached the doorway I stopped to take a look back down the hall. 我走到办公室门边,回头向身后的走廊看了一眼。 gb.cri.cn 5. So I travel back Down that road, Wish she come back. No one knows I realize It was only just a dream. 于是我沿着回忆之路往回走,希望你能回到我身边。没人知道结果会怎样,但我知道,这只不过是梦一场啊。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. You are not inclined to back down, although you will seek out a common ground where the two of you can agree, if there is any. 你不会趋向于退让,虽然党双方达成一致时,你也会寻求一个共同的基点,如果能找到这样一个共同的立足点的话。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It's dark long back, rolling up surfacing out across the water and then, many yards later, rolling back down into the ocean. 它很黑,表面卷起,越过水面,几码之外,又从海洋中回落下来。 wulibing.flamesky.net 8. His girlfriend is a little flustered, her dad is obviously livid, and her mom horrified when he sits back down, but no one says a word. 等他坐回去的时候,女朋友有点紧张,岳父一张脸都是铁青的,岳母已经吓坏了,可是大家还是一言不发。 www.bing.com 9. And I absolutely positively will not back down or change the subject until you admit it. 我绝对绝对不会让步或者改变话题,直到你同意为止。 www.bing.com 10. Her arms are scabbed like she's been shinning up a rusty drainpipe and accidentally slid back down and scraped herself. 她的胳膊上满是痂疤,仿佛她在擦一个生锈的排水管时意外地滑倒擦伤了自己似的。 www.bing.com 1. There may be time, yet, for Mr Assad to back down. If he did, the Arab spring really might turn into summer. 当然,阿沙德放弃原来需要时间,如果他这么做了,那阿拉伯的春天就真的快结束了。 www.ecocn.org 2. We eventually returned to the river, but the Mekhala II was already on her way back down to Bangkok. 最后我们回到河边,但“梅克哈拉2号”已经顺水而下,回曼谷去了。 www.chinaedu.com 3. Despite the Asian and SARS crises, per capita Gross Domestic Product has risen and unemployment is now back down to pre-handover levels. 尽管有亚洲危机和非典危机,人均国民生产总值在上升,失业率如今回落到移交前的水平。 www.stnn.cc 4. At this point, both players and owners enmeshed in the NBA talks will be embarrassed if they back down. 在这个节点上,卷入NBA谈判的球员和老板一旦做出让步的话,是非常难堪的。 www.fortunechina.com 5. I said goodbye to Japhy and the others and hopped my freight back down the Coast to L. 我向贾菲和其别人道别并攀跳上我的货列内地岸回到洛杉矶。 www.sdhxkj.com 6. I head back down to the river, passing through residential neighborhoods boasting grand houses like the one in my haunting memory. 我就转过头来,沿着河边走,经过一座居民区,邻里互相挨着,犹如记忆中的那般。 www.bing.com 7. "Who's to say that the Taliban won't just start coming back down here again, " he worries. “谁能说得准塔利班会不会再次回到这里”,对此他很担忧。 www.bing.com 8. I yelped and groaned but she just shoved my head back down, saying something that I took to be, "It will be good. " 我大声呻吟著,但她却只顾将我的头按下去,嘴里一面说著据我猜测是“会好的”一类话。 bbs.translators.com.cn 9. Looking back down, we see one of many decorative Hindu temples in the area of the Rock Fort. 向下俯视,我们看到在岩堡周边许多装饰精美的印度寺庙中的一座。 www.huaxia-ng.com 10. But an angry EU response and a summons to the Cannes G20 summit for a reprimand led Mr Papandreou to back down. 不过欧盟的愤怒反应和戛纳举行的G20峰会发出的邀请中暗含着即将到来的谴责让他很快撤销了这一决定。 www.ecocn.org 1. Hi! I am from Israel. At my birthday party, the grown-ups raise me up into the air and back down, again. 我来自以色列。我生日时,大人们把我举到空中,然后再把我放下。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It turns around in the trees, dives back down into the ground, followed by another giant loop and a final inversion. 这还不算完,它在树丛中调过头来,冲回到地面上,最后再来一个大回旋和翻转。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The Rays then are returning to The Creator and cycling back down through you again and back to The Creator in a continuous circular loop. 光束流回造物主又循环进入你的身体再回到造物主,这是一个持续循环的过程。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The deal was clear: to secure lower interest charges, Ireland had to back down on tax. 这是一个再清楚不过的交易:为了确保低贷款利率,爱尔兰不得不在税收上让步。 www.ecocn.org 5. It was the first time that the VSS Enterprise has had a manned glide back down to earth. 这是VSS企业号第一次由人驾驶滑翔回到地球。 www.suiniyi.com 6. They still go back down South and their relatives still come up to New York. 他们到南部州串亲戚,亲戚们也来纽约拜访。 www.24en.com 7. Round at Westminster and back down to Greenwich, please. l'll have two of these, please. Here's to dodging bullets. 先往西敏寺,然后再到格林威治,请给我两杯香槟祝你永远不挨子弓单。 www.bing.com 8. If the person starts to feel faint again, lay them back down and elevate their legs again. 如果一个人再次开始感到眩晕,再一次,让他躺下来,抬高他们的腿。 www.kekenet.com 9. Year 2009 will be a year of back to reality where excessive leveraging and excesses come back down to reality. 2009年将会是回到现实的一年,过份的槓杆和超额终于回到现实。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He does not know how he will get back down to the ground again. 他不知道怎样才能回到地面上。 www.childshop.net 1. The economic crisis brought this back down to $60 by the end of the year, but experts expected prices to continue to rise over time. 虽然由于经济危机年底的油价回落到60美元,但是专家预计一段时间以后油价还会继续上涨。 www.6eng.com 2. As the effect of the commodity shock fades, expectations are likely to follow recorded inflation back down again. 当日用品价格震荡的效应淡去,预期也会随其录入的通胀率一样走低。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 3. I lay back down and fought tears by staring into the sky. 我仰面躺下,瞪着天空,忍住了眼泪。 www.ebigear.com 4. Lucy pulled herself up against the hull of the Black Cat sub- prowler craft, her body trembling. She started to stagger back down the hill. 露西把自己拉起来靠着黑猫潜入巡游艇的船壳,她的身体颤抖着,摇摇晃晃着走下丘陵。 dict.kekenet.com 5. I saw that she was right, so I had to back down. 我知道她是对的,所以我不得不让步。 www.hjenglish.com 6. I put the phone back down, resisting the urge to call her. 我放下电话,克制住想给她打电话的冲动。 www.xielw.cn 7. She lay back down and said "Good boy. Now lie back down and go asleep. " 她躺回去,说道:“好孩子,躺回去,睡觉吧。” www.neworiental.org 8. Carol: No, it's actually 23 North Easterly Road. I'm afraid you'll have to go all the way back down the road. 卡萝:不是,地址是北东路23号。恐怕你得沿著这条路一路往回走了。 1043.english.tw 9. The engineering department head then passes the answer back down the hierarchy to the engineering functional manager. 然后工程部门的领导再把对方的答复沿层次下达给工程项目经理。 www.educity.cn 10. I moved only my eyes, up to the ceiling above, and back down. 我只动了动眼睛,先向上看天花板,再向下。 www.bing.com 1. "C'mon baby, " he commanded, and we wandered back down to the beach, where three of his younger friends were sat by the shore. “来吧,孩子,”纳希命令我,我和他一起漫步走回了海滩。 www.bing.com 2. Reverse direction of circles, exhale and lower weights back down to start position and lowering heels. 手臂反方向划圈,呼气同时将重物慢慢下放回起始位置,并且慢慢的放下脚跟。 xiaozu.renren.com 3. They finally had to back down on their unreasonable demands. 他们终于不得不放弃不合理的要求。 www.hotdic.com 4. So, if it's appropriate, take the chance to back down, back away, and invest in loss, as the Tai Chi masters say. 所以当处于这样的位置时,事情将会回退,回避,投资将会回吐损失,就象太极理论所说的物极必反。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This helps with loosening up a lot of the pieces and it also drops some power ups while you wait for the ball to come back down. 这有助于放宽许多部件,并且当你等待球回来落地时能够有利于其所消耗掉的力量力度的提升 zhidao.baidu.com 6. That's gonna help with the drips. Each time you bring your squeegee back down, make sure you wipe it off with a towel. 这会有助于防止滴水。每次把橡胶刮水板拿下来时,保证用毛巾把它擦干。 www.yappr.cn 7. Back down from its strong prohibitions , students, parents and education sectors mixed reaction. 禁令松口,学生、家长和教育部门反应不一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. And that's good news, especially because economists had feared that higher mortgage rates would send home sales and starts back down. 那是一个好消息,尤其是当经济学家害怕高的按揭率会让房地产销售者失业和开工率降低。 www.bing.com 9. Sit back down and circle your shoulders backward, with your chin tucked, about 10 times. 坐下来让肩膀向后转,收下巴,同样动作重复做大约10次。 dongxi.net 10. Before he sits back down to read he remembers that he skipped his workout yesterday. 在他坐下前,他想起自己昨天还没锻炼。 www.bing.com 1. Despite his boycott threat, he did back down and attend the Olympic opening ceremony. 尽管他说要抵制奥运会开幕式,但他也确实放弃了他所说的并参加了开幕式。 www.bing.com 2. Marcus : What a shame! Never mind, you can wave to me and I'll tell you all about ut when i get back down. 马卡斯:真可惜。不要紧,你可以在下面向我挥手。我回到地面之后,再把经历一一告诉你。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For instance, when doing biceps cures, curl up the weight and SQUEEZE before letting it slowly go back down. 比如你做二头弯举时,将重物举起,在放下前挤压肌肉,然后再缓慢放下重物。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus. 在你更衣完毕并拿起你的公事包后,你下楼去,望出窗外,你看到你的孩子正在上巴士。 www.jiexieyin.org 5. The man, who has not been named, later floated back down to Earth on a parachute which opened automatically. 这个不愿透漏姓名的人,后来乘着自动打开的降落伞飘回了地球。 www.bing.com 6. The other car in front of the silver car did not back down either. 而在银色车前面的另一辆车也没有后退。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 7. A 78-day bombing campaign by Nato led to an escalation of Serb-on-Albanian violence, but attacks on Belgrade forced it to back down. 针对塞族武装对阿族的暴力行动,北约军队对贝尔格莱德发起了长达七十八天的轰炸行动,这次攻击迫使塞尔维亚做出让步。 www.bing.com 8. Lift your finger briefly and press it back down to proceed reading the next character. 电梯手指简单,然后按了回去继续读下一个字符。 www.xjttt.com 9. Then they cut the wires securing two Renoirs and race back down the stairs with their booty, past a woman who lies whimpering on the floor. 随后,又切断了两幅雷诺阿画作的保险丝,带着战利品跑下楼梯,跨过正在地板上哭泣的女人。 www.bing.com 10. Girls be all on us, from London back down to the U. S. (s, s). We rockin' this (contagious), monkey business (outrageous). 女孩们朝我们蜂拥而来,从伦敦一直回到美国(嘘、嘘)。我们在摇滚(传染),不轨行为(蛮横无理)。 www.bing.com 1. I couldn't back down, and even though my motivation came and went, I stuck with it and completed it. 我不能放弃,即使我的动机时有时无,我仍坚持到底,最后完成了计划。 www.bing.com 2. This technique also guarantees that if an item is already at the beginning ofthe data set, it won't move back down. 这项技术也确保了如果一个数据项已经在数据集的开头,就不会移动到后面了。 www.cnblogs.com 3. I didn't want to leave and secretly hoped he would back down. 其实我不想离开,暗自希望他能让步。 www.ecocn.org 4. In Western and Eastern regions, peaking power is being provided by thermal plants, some of which have to back down during off peak hours. 在东部和西部一些地区,峰期电力是由火电厂提供的,因此有些电厂只好在峰期停机。 www.tianya.cn 5. They followed the officer back down the boulevard and down a side street. 他们跟随那个官员走过主街,进入到一条侧道。 www.starwarschina.com 6. The machinery, like the nation itself, seemed unprepared to cope with a mission that went and didn't come back down. 机器也像整个国家的人民一样,对应付一去不返的穿梭机没有丝毫准备。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 7. Hold down A button when you jump and Yoshi will flutter through the air temporarily before falling back down. 在起跳的时候按下A键,耀西就会暂时的跳到空中去。 www.bing.com 8. She refused to back down on a point of principle. 她在一个原则问题上拒绝让步。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Rick: My flight helmet will protect me. I could float out, get some help, come back down here for you. It's a simple plan. 我的飞行头盔能保护我。我能够漂出去,去寻求帮助,然后在回来接你。这个计划很简单。 bbs.robotechzone.com 10. He sat back down in his seat. 他向后靠着坐在他的座位上。 www.nciku.cn 1. Michael walks back down to the floor, and one inmate calls out that the prisoners in Sick Bay are about to get to Sara. Michael走到牢房区的第一层,有个犯人大叫道,在病房区的囚犯们马上就要捉住Sara了。 www.bing.com 2. We went straight back down to reception to state there must be a mistake - but no. 我们径直来到接待处,这中见一定有一个错误,但他回答说没有。 www.6m.com 3. My father would never back down not when he felt there was an injustice against poor people. 只要我的父亲感到穷人受到了不公正的待遇,他就绝不会退缩,绝不会放弃。 feifei.ws 4. Speaking to Senate Democrats yesterday, Mr Obama warned that the US should not back down from trade with China. 奥巴马昨日对参议院民主党议员发表讲话时警告,对于与中国开展贸易,美国不应打退堂鼓。 www.ftchinese.com 5. After that, the overloading is someone else's problem - until, of course, you want to go back down again. 之后,超载就是别人的问题了——当然,直到你想再次下楼的时候。 www.ftchinese.com 6. into the air, stay there a little while, and kind of float back down. 你将发现你能够轻轻的跳一下而进入空中,在那里停留一会儿而后像是飘浮著回到下面。 dict.veduchina.com 7. The capsule can be separated into two parts, allowing a miner to lower himself back down if the nose gets stuck. 救生舱分为两部分,如果前端卡住,矿工可下降返回原地。 c.wsj.com 8. Every summer, it shrinks back down, and the minimum has for the most part been getting smaller and smaller. 每到夏季,它又下降,大部分时间里,最小值一直下滑、变得越来越小。 www.ecocn.org 9. To back down now and abandon our plans would be the road to economic ruin. 现在打退堂鼓并放弃我们的计划将是一条经济毁灭之路。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Terry was soon back down the other end making a crucial interception to prevent Alan Shearer snatching up a loose ball in front of goal. 特里马上退回去做了一个至关重要的拦截,阻止阿兰·希勒在球门钱夺取一个因松懈而来的险球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The politicians are unlikely to back down, especially once a series of state elections is out of the way, in May. 政客们不太会善罢甘休,特别是在一系列的州选举即将在5月拉开帷幕。 www.ecocn.org 2. the same command thought cause the skin to shrink back down to its former size. 同样的命令思想可以使灵皮缩回原来的大小。 www.lkong.net 3. Assad to back down. If he did, the Arab spring really might turn into summer. 如果他真这么做,阿拉伯之春可能真的会变成阳光灿烂的夏季。 www.ecocn.org 4. Do not stop, don't back down and don't give up! 别停下来,别后退,别放弃! blog.sina.com.cn 5. She says the group that froze got lost on the way back down the summit, after their guide got altitude sickness and became disoriented. 她说,在向导出现高原反应、无法辨别方向后,那个团队在从峰顶折返时迷路了,最终被冻死。 c.wsj.com 6. If you feel like some greater force keeps knocking you back down every time you try to get ahead, you're not imagining it. 你可能没想到,当你尝试生长时,如果你感觉到每次都有一股强大的力压倒你。 www.bing.com 7. But because we refused to back down, and kept fighting, we now stand on the verge of victory. 但是,由于我们拒绝让步,我们坚持斗争,我们现在站在了胜利的前沿。 www.hjenglish.com 8. If your conflict becomes public, your boss will have no room to back down. 如果你们的冲突公开化了,你的老板就没有后退的空间了。 www.elanso.com 9. I came back down to find my classmates staring at me. I looked at all six faces in puzzlement. 我回到楼下,同学们都盯着我看,我疑惑得看着他们六个人。 gb.cri.cn 10. "Nothing is more certain, " said the old woman. And she gave Lizette a hug. "Now, do you not need some help for the journey back down? " “这没有什么,”老妇人说着,给了莉莎特一个拥抱,“现在,你下山的路程上是否需要一些帮助?” www.bing.com 1. A: But I thought you always wanted to finish college. Why back down now? 可你一直都盼望着完成大学学业。你怎么会现在放弃呢? rrting.com 2. Thumping noise? Oh, I was lifting weights and dropping them back down on the floor. 撞击声?啊,我刚在举重,那是把杠铃放回地面时发出的声音。 www.kekenet.com 3. It is designed to bring some of the advances of modern programming languages back down to the systems arena where C still dominates today. 它被设计为将现代编程语言的先进性带入到目前仍由C语言占统治地位的系统层面。 www.infoq.com 4. Cooler air then gets sucked in to the column, which creates an inward spiralling vortex (the mushroom cap) until it falls back down again. 冷空气被吸入柱形物,产生一个向内螺旋涡(蘑菇帽)直到它再次回落下来。 www.bing.com 5. I have been sure they are going to back down, but there isn't a sign of that. 我原来以为他们一定会让步的,但此时尚无迹象。 6. He pulls them up, starts running again, but they fall back down, when he reaches for me. 他提起了裤子,重新追上来,但是当他抓住我的时候,裤子又掉了下来。 www.xici.net 7. DAVID: Well, I guess I will have to drive back down then. Hmm. I didn't think of that. 大卫:那么到时我必须把车开下来,我还没想到这点。 club.topsage.com 8. Off South Africa, a southern right whale Eubalaena australis takes a peek above water before heading back down to the depths. 南非海域,一头南方露脊鲸(南方脊美鲸)窥视海面后转身潜入海里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Then, an hour later, the garage door rolls back up, car full of family pulls into the garage and the garage door rolls back down. 然后,一小时之后,车库门打开,汽车开进车库内,车库门关上。 www.bing.com 10. Intel, naturally, hopes that they will back down but much depends on what the "business-practice provisions" really amount to. 英特尔自然希望监管机构会收手,但是他们会不会收手很大程度上取决于“商业运作规则”究竟是哪些规则。 club.topsage.com 1. Turning the CPU speed back down to its rated value solved the problem. 后来,当把CPU的频率调回它的标称速度后,问题迎刃而解。 debian.fr 2. There were so many plot twists , it was hard to tell who would back down first. 这里的情节似乎太过曲折,谁能知道谁将会首先退步呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I'm noticing that whenever I slip back down to cellular level thinking, I get a good smackdown. 我注意到,每次我回到细胞层次去思考,我会得到狠狠的攻击。 www.bing.com 4. Hot rocks are shoved to the top, and erosion brings them back down the sides. 滚烫的熔岩冲上顶端,但是冰川的侵蚀又让它们退到一边去。 www.bing.com 5. It predicts that food prices are unlikely to fall back down for another two years. 据预测,今后2年里,粮食价格不太可能回落。 www.bing.com 6. In Europe the ECB's intervention certainly had an effect where it mattered: yields on Spanish and Italian bonds came back down to 5%. 欧洲中央银行的干预当然会在重要方面产生影响:西班牙、意大利债券收益降回5%。 www.bing.com 7. But they became nervous when they saw Jobs coming back down the corridor with Phil Schiller, Apple's head of marketing. 但当他们看到乔布斯和苹果市场部头头PhilSchiller一起走下楼梯回来时,又变得紧张起来。 www.bing.com 8. The Turkish prime minister accused China of committing atrocities, Beijing retorted telling Turkey to back down. 土耳其总理指责中国犯下暴行,北京则回应告诉土耳其少管闲事。 www.bing.com 9. He is tough (and will not back down from a fight) but plays ball with the neighborhood kids in the field which joins Birdy 's house. 他很强硬,并且不会在打斗中退缩,却会跟邻居小孩在鸟人家旁边的空地上打球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. We'll never back down on this issue. 在这个问题上我们决不让步。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The only way you can come back down is either by refraining from good social behavior or by actively engaging in immoral behavior. 你能回来的唯一方法就是要么远离良好的社会行为,要么是积极参与不道德的行为。 www.bing.com 2. Indeed, U. S. officials insist privately that Washington is not pressuring Japan to back down. 事实上,美国官员私下坚持说,华盛顿方面并没有向日本施压,要求其做出让步。 www.bing.com 3. But when the danger has passed, the calming parasympathetic circuitry tamps everything back down to baseline flickering. 但是当危险过去,平静的副交感神经通路将所有的反应都清零。 www.bing.com 4. "This is an incredible encounter with a manta. I'm speechless. We've been just feet apart. I'm going back down now. " “这次零距离接触鲾鲼真是令人难以置信。我激动得不知怎么说了。我们的距离就1英尺。我现在要再下去。” www.ted.com 5. I placed them in a cloth bag, and headed back down the slope. 我把它们一个一个放进布袋中,转身走下了斜坡。 wiki.jukuu.com 6. In this case, it was a high-stakes bet between two office-mates, neither of whom cared to back down. 这下清楚了,两个同事在打赌,哪个都不愿意让步。 www.bing.com 7. With HIV rates still steadily increasing amongst bisexual and gay men, the CDC is willing to try anything to bring those rates back down. 男性双性恋和同性恋中艾滋病病毒的携带比率仍然持续上涨,CDC期望用任何方式使此比率下降。 www.elanso.com 8. Either a failure to diversify, or merely a failure to protect against inflation, can bring a family's wealth back down to size. 如果不能将其多样化,抑或未能防范通胀风险,都可能导致家族财富的规模缩水。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This explosion pushes the piston back down the cylinder and drives the crankshaft. 产生的能量将活塞推回汽缸下端,带动机轴。 www.jxcad.com.cn 10. Fold the bottom edge back down to form the trunk of the tree. 把底部向原有方向对折,这样就产生了圣诞树的树干。 www.kekenet.com 1. Go for a walk - outside is better, but up two flights of stairs and back down is good too. 散散步,如果能到外面就更好了,但如果能在两段台阶间做阶梯运动也能达到同样效果。 www.i21st.cn 2. China suddenly intervened and sent U. S. forces hurtling back down the peninsula. 中国突然介入并迅速使美国军队溃退回南朝鲜半岛。 www.wyzxsx.com 3. Atmospheric gravity waves form when buoyancy pushes air up, and gravity pulls it back down. 当浮力把空气向上推,而重力又把它向下拉的时候,就会形成大气的重力波。 www.bing.com 4. Even mighty Google had to back down from its plan to flood all of San Francisco with free wi-fi. 就算那伟大的谷歌也打消了在三藩市实现Wi-fi全面覆盖的计划。 www.bing.com 5. Her hands blindly groped for the bars as she came back down. 她下来的时候,两手盲目地摸索双杠。 www.24en.com 6. In silence they walked back down the stairs. Hope and despair and fear tugged at them by turns . 他们沉默的走下楼梯,希望、绝望与恐惧交替着袭来。 www.bing.com 7. Lions frequently suffer injuries when killing dangerous game, and have been known to back down when the prey species stands its ground. 我们知道狮子在面对这种危险的猎杀游戏时常常受伤,而且由于长颈鹿的顽强死守,狮子也会退却。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Both the government and the opposition insisted that they won't back down of their dispute over the reelection of President Ahmadinejad. 政府和反对党双方据称不会放弃他们之间对总统内贾德再次当选的争议。 club.topsage.com 9. From the top you can look back down at the buildings, courtyards and KunMing lake beyond. 从这个佛香阁的顶部你可以回望到下面的庭院和远处的昆明湖。 www.beijingguide2008.com 10. After a while it climbs back down, looking here and looking there. 过了一会儿,又从树上跳下来,在地上东张西望地看看那边。 infos.edulife.com.cn 1. And if you didn't set out to pick a fight, it's OK to back down if the other side feels aggrieved. 如果你不想干一场架,当别人认为被冒犯的时候承认错误是个好办法。 www.bing.com 2. Each had lifted the toilet seat, which fell back down and crushed his penis. 这几个男孩都因没掀好马桶圈致其掉落而砸伤了阴茎。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. beyond that, visits started to drop back down, replaced by full-service, sit-down dining at slightly higher prices. 除此之外,光顾快餐店的频率会因坐在桌边就餐接受全面服务的价格变高而有所回落。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. After a few minutes I started to climb back down. But the trip was much harder in reverse. 几分钟后我开始往回爬,但是旅程比相反方向更艰难。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The man dived back down the staircase out of sight. 那人跑下楼梯不见了。 dict.hjenglish.com 6. So I went back down again, through the hall leading to the entrance, and stopped in front of the opaque glass of the door. 于是我又走下来穿过通往大门的门厅,站在大门的磨砂玻璃面前。 9.yeezhe.com 7. But he didn't back down on the core feature and it became the backbone for the social web. 但他并未放弃这项核心业务,它最终成为社交网络的基石。 www.fortunechina.com 8. When these droplets freeze and fall back down, they collide with warmer droplets on the way, freezing them and releasing their heat. 冻结的水滴降落的同时不断与暖的水滴碰撞,并使得那些水滴凝结,并释放出热量。 forum.typhoon.gov.cn 9. The light turned away, bobbed and swayed back down the logging road. 那短短的摇摆的光,纽转方向,顺着伐木路向下。 www.bing.com 10. That would push prices back down and start the cycle anew. 这将导致油价回落,开始新的一轮循环。 www.bing.com 1. It means to take a stand on something and not back down under pressure and to earn the respect of intelligent people . 它意味着做事要表明自己的立场并不因为压力而退缩和赢得志者的尊敬。 www.bing.com 2. Make a big show of using the expensive stuff then pick his up, look at it, and put it back down with a sigh. 用这些借来的昂贵的美容品上演一出好戏吧:把他的美容品拿起来,看一会儿,然后叹口气把它放回去。 www.elanso.com 3. The law of gravity would keep the plane on the ground or pull it back down. 万有引力的定律会阻碍飞机起飞,或即使飞起也拉扯它降落地面。 blog.163.com 4. Since most of the people present agreed with her, I had to back down. 大多数到会的人都同意她的意见,我只好放弃原来的意见了。 wenwen.soso.com 5. You get up from seated position on the quilt and begin walking back down the dirt path. 你从软毡上的位子上起身,开始顺着泥泞之路返回。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But let's go back down to symmetries that I got for these two objects. 让我们回到这两个物体的对称性上。 www.ted.com 7. He shrugs his shoulders and leads me back down the path we had just come -- back through the endless yet stunning fields, peaks and trees. 他耸耸肩带我们走上了回头路,重新走过那漫无边际而景色宜人的田野,山峰和森林。 www.bing.com 8. On that fateful summer day in 1995 the company's shares zoomed from $28 to $75 before settling back down to $58 at the session's close. 在1995年夏天意义非凡的那天,网景的股票从28美元飙升到75美元,然后稳定下来到58美元。 www.bing.com 9. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and lift up and over your head. Bring back down to ear level. 一手拿一只哑铃,提起来举过头,然后把哑铃放回与耳朵平齐的位置。 gzmp.dayoo.com 10. Maintaining a calm, level tone of voice, simply apologise, confess your mistake, and back down. 保持冷静平和的语调,简单地道歉,承认自己的错误,然后退让。 www.kekenet.com |
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