单词 | estimated at |
释义 | estimated at例句释义: 全部 1. The rate of nonresponse is then estimated at 10%, which is the rate in all patients who did not develop the side effect of the rash. 的应答率则估计为10%,这是所有患者心率谁没有发展的皮疹副作用。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. But it would be comfortably above the US's recent actual spending in trade- distorting farm support, estimated at $7bn-$9bn a year. 不过,削减后的上限仍远高于美国近期在带有贸易扭曲性质的农业支持方面的实际支出——估计为每年70亿至90亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Just how much is available can presently only be estimated at somewhere between 1 million and 2. 5 million tons. 可用的到底有多少目前只被估计在某个地方有一百万到两百五十万吨之间。 www.bing.com 4. William's Clarence House office would not say what the prince planned to do with the money, estimated at $500, 000 to $600, 000 a year. 据估算,威廉王子获权支配的遗产收益每年在50万至60万美元之间,他的官方住所克拉伦斯豪宅的办公室不会透露他将如何支配这些钱。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. However, the total cost of its project is estimated at $511m, so it has a funding gap of about $150m. 然而,该项目的总成本预计为5.11亿美元,因此融资缺口约为1.5亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The Red Cross has estimated at least 45, 000 died, while Haitian government officials have said the final tally could easily top 100, 000. 红十字会估计至少有45,000人死亡,而海地政府官员说最终的死亡人数很可能超过100,000人。 c.wsj.com 7. Police estimated at least five protesters were arrested and several others injured in the Tuesday evening clashes. 警方证实在星期二晚上的冲突中,至少有五名抗议者被捕,其他一些抗议者受伤。 www.ltaaa.com 8. North Korea's total legal international trade is estimated at $5bn a year by South Korea. Most of the trade is with China. 据韩国统计,朝鲜每年合法的国际贸易总额估计价值50亿美元,主要贸易伙伴是中国。 www.ftchinese.com 9. At the heart of the problem lies a public pension liability estimated at a present value of $80 billion. 造成这种惨状的核心问题在于一笔尚未偿付的现值估价为800亿美元的公共补贴。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. None of this would be possible without Angola's vast oil reserves, estimated at 13 billion barrels. 这一切全都倚赖于安哥拉大量的石油资源,据估计该国石油储量约有130亿桶。 www.bing.com 1. Extensive inventories, estimated at two years' worldwide consumption, preclude shortages. 该国拥有大量库存,估计可维持全球两年的消费,这避免了供应短缺的情况。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Morphine is more widely distributed in the form of the illicit drug heroin, with an industry estimated at nearly A$100 billion annually. 它更多的是作为非法毒品海洛因的有效成分出现,估计这一非法行业每年交易额达到一千亿美元。 www.hxen.com 3. The cost savings simply from running fewer data centers is estimated at more than $3 billion a year. 据估计,单单缩减数据中心一项每年就能节省30亿美元。 dongxi.net 4. The death toll had been estimated at 28 railway workers and "scores of unfortunate African natives, " with the total ranging as high as 135. 死亡人数一度预计为28名铁路工人,和“众多不幸的非洲本土居民,”,总人数多大135人。 www.transcn.org 5. The loss of life cannot be reliably estimated at present, but is at least 50, 000 and rising. 目前,尚不能对失去的生命作出可靠估计,但这个数字至少为5万,并且有增多之势。 www.who.int 6. An even bigger row is about the cash, estimated at euro3 billion ($4 billion) a year, needed to pay for the reform. 关于现金,甚至有一个更大的任务,估计一年达到30亿欧元(40亿美元)需要来支付改革的花销。 www.ecocn.org 7. Users in the country report the Internet having slowed to a crawl, estimated at less than a tenth of normal speeds. 伊朗的网民说,该国的网络已经慢得像爬一样,网速估计还不到正常情况的十分之一。 www.bing.com 8. It rolled out a massive economic stimulus package, estimated at 4 trillion yuan, so it looks like 8 percent could be a shoo-in. 它起来一巨大的经济的刺激经济方案,在4兆日圆估计,因此它看起来像8%一样会是一赶走鸟等时所发声音-在。 www.showxiu.com 9. This poses the question: What else is being mismanaged in a project with a bill estimated at between $530 billion and $720 billion? 这就有了一个问题:对于这个高达5300-7200亿元的管理不善的项目还会有什么其他的猫腻吗? www.bing.com 10. And yet the state still confronts a budget hole estimated at $17. 9 billion in the current and coming fiscal years. 然而这个州在本财政年度和下一个财政年度仍然面对着一个预计达179亿美刀的预算窟窿。 www.ecocn.org 1. But with a budget deficit estimated at $1, 400bn in fiscal year 2010, which began on Oct 1, it is only going to last a few more weeks. 但鉴于2010财年(10月1日开始)的预算赤字估计为1.4万亿美元,这仅够维持几周的时间。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The time for the construction of this building was estimated at two years. 建这座大楼的时间曾估为两年。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 3. Currently, the economic cost of environmental damage is estimated at 9% of GDP; nearly 90 percent of this cost is due to air pollution. 目前,环境破坏造成的经济损失约占GDP的9%,其中近90%是由于空气污染造成的。 web.worldbank.org 4. The cost of failures in domestically produced software in the United Kingdom alone is conservatively estimated at $ 900 million per year. 仅仅在英国国内生产的软件中其损失的代价,据保守的估计就多达每年9亿美元。 www.freekaobo.com 5. The total damage and the cost of firefighting efforts were estimated at $25 million. 总体伤害和成本的努力都更加估计到2千5百万。 wenwen.soso.com 6. He added that Cai might be asked to pay the commission for the sale, estimated at 7 million euros for the 30-million-euro deal. 他补充说蔡铭超也许会被要求偿付委托金,预计在三千万欧元的交易中缴付七百万欧元。 www.ebigear.com 7. On top of that, additional off-warrant stocks are estimated at about 4 million tonnes, analysts say. 此外,分析师称,另外的非仓单库存估计约有400万吨。 cn.reuters.com 8. The reductions don't erase the Treasury's expected overall borrowing needs as the U. S. budget deficit remains estimated at $1. 8 trillion. 此次借款预期下降并未消除财政部预期的整体借款需求,因美国预算赤字预计仍高达1.8万亿美元。 www.bing.com 9. The negative terms-of-trade impact of high oil prices is estimated at around three percent of income in oil-importing low-income countries. 据估计高油价对贸易条件的负面影响相当于依赖石油进口的低收入国家国民收入的3%左右。 web.worldbank.org 10. It is greased by remittances from abroad, which are estimated at between $500m and $1 billion a year. 这种经济受到了国外汇款的推进,据估计,国外汇款每年汇入的金额在5亿美元到10亿美元之间。 www.ecocn.org 1. We'll supply machinery and equipment estimated at about 40% of the total investment. 我们将提供机器和设备,大约占总投资的40%。 www.hxen.com 2. His debts have been estimated at $400m and an accountant testified in 2005 that he spent $20m-$30m more than he made each year. 据估计,他的债务高达4亿美元,一名会计师在2005年作证称,他每年的开销都要比收入多出2000万至3000万美元。 www.hjenglish.com 3. This will launch XCOR into the emerging space tourism market, estimated at over a half-billion dollars. 公司将投资超过五亿美金,来拓展空间旅游市场。 www.elanso.com 4. so the number of stars that we know exist is now estimated at about 300 million million million. 因此,我们所知道的现有恒星数目估计约有30亿X1000亿颗。 www.kekenet.com 5. The total cost of buying the new house was estimated at US$100 million. 那栋房子的总额估计大约是一百万美元。 learning.sohu.com 6. On Monday, Iranian President Mohammad Khatami pledged to cover the cost of the surgery, estimated at around , 000. 本周一,伊朗总统哈塔米许诺将承担伊朗连体姐妹分体手术的一切费用,费用估计约30万美元。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Today we need a concerted international effort that would result in freezing the assets of the ruling family, which are estimated at $10bn. 今天我们需要国际合作来冻结那个执政家族100亿美元的财产。 www.ifengwo.com 8. Vietcong numbers smoothly kept pace, despite losses estimated at 60, 000 a year. 而越共数量虽然一年损失60,000,却平稳保持同美军一致。 www.ecocn.org 9. Crude oil imports are estimated at less than 20 per cent of what they were in 1990. 估计目前的原油进口量不到1990年的20%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The annual growth rate of China's economy is estimated at about 8%, a figure which makes many developed countries sit up and take notice. 中国经济年增长率约为8%。这个数字令许多发达国家也刮目相看。 infos.edulife.com.cn 1. Annual production in France is estimated at 20 tons a year. 而法国的年产量据估计为20吨。 c.wsj.com 2. The cost of the cleanup was estimated at $10 billion, not including the investment in mass transit. 在净化空气上,整体的投入估计达到一百亿美元,这还不包含在公共运输上的投入。 www.bing.com 3. The total height of the falls from the bed of the gorge was estimated at 363 meters. 从峡谷的底部算起,瀑布的总落差达到363米。 word.hcbus.com 4. By 2008, he had a track record of annual gains averaging about 30% and a net worth estimated at about $2 billion. 到2008年,他的年均回报率约为30%,净值估计约为20亿美元。 c.wsj.com 5. The initial Sumatran quake, with a magnitude estimated at 7. 6, struck close to the coastal city of Padang, home to nearly 1m people. 起初的苏门答腊岛地震,震级达7.6级,袭击了近海城市巴东,此地人口接近百万。 www.ecocn.org 6. The estate is valued at hundreds of millions of dollars, but comes with a debt load estimated at $435 million. 杰克逊的遗产价值数亿美元,但同时他的负债据估计高达4.35亿美元。 www.ebigear.com 7. IMPORTANT: Plan enough time to complete the update. The total time to perform this ROM update is estimated at 20 minutes. 注意:请耐心等待升级进程直至完成。本次ROM升级所需的总时间约为20分钟。 bbs.pdafans.com 8. Its utility must then be estimated at another rate than exercise in thought for the sake of the exercise. 但是逻辑学的用处,却不仅仅在于其对思维的训练上,而必须在另一层面上加以估价。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The multi-year project also includes logistics support; the overall project has future potential valued estimated at more than $100 million. 这份多年项目同时包括后勤支持;整个项目未来潜在估值超过1亿美元。 www.etiri.com.cn 10. Kenya's foreign minister, Moses Wetangula, said pirates off the coast of East Africa have collected ransoms estimated at $150 million. 肯尼亚外长韦坦古拉(MosesWetangula)说,东非沿岸的海盗掠取了约1.5亿美元的赎金。 www.america.gov 1. The age of this prehistoric skeleton is estimated at 30, 000 years. 这个史前骨骼估计有三万年之久。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The region's combined current account surplus is estimated at almost $302bn for 2006, with China holding 60 per cent of that. 预计该地区2006年的经常账户盈余合计约3020亿美元,其中中国占60%。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The total value of the programs is estimated at approximately $90 million through 2022. 这项计划的总价值大约是9000万美元,直至2022年完成。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. Potential revenue has been estimated at $1 billion-2 billion a year. 潜在的年收入估计有10亿-20亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 5. In the case of Ireland, the debts have been estimated at 230% of GDP. 以爱尔兰为例,债务总额估计将达到GDP的230%。 www.bing.com 6. The total mass of unused objects of artificial origin in the Earth orbit is estimated at 5500 tons. 在地球轨道上已废弃人造物体的总重量估计为5500吨。 www.bing.com 7. After rounds of negotiations, the current proposal for supplemental water projects is estimated at more than $1 billion. 几轮协商后,目前的水利工程的报价超过10亿美元。 www.bing.com 8. Managed timber, however, is GMO's favorite, with a seven-year real return estimated at 6 percent. 不过GMO青睐的林木业预计能实现6%的七年实质回报率。 cn.reuters.com 9. The value of that find was estimated at more than $2 million. 据估计,这次发现的宝藏总价值超过200万美元。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The largely unregulated market in derivatives is estimated at six hundred trillion dollars. 这些不受监管的庞大金融衍生品市场估计有600万亿美元。 www.bing.com 1. In Europe, the economic cost of neurological diseases was estimated at about 139 billion euros in 2004. 在欧洲,神经疾病的经济代价在2004年估计为1390亿欧元左右*。 www.who.int 2. The average age of the women was estimated at 26. 据估计,这些女性的平均年龄为26岁。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. California's unfunded pension liabilities are staggering, he points out; they have been estimated at between $240 billion and $500 billion. 他指出,加州的养老金负债额高的惊人,据估计负债大概在2400亿美元到5000亿美元之间。 www.ecocn.org 4. The temperature of ice water can be estimated at zero degrees Celsius. 冰水的温度可以视作是零摄氏度。 www.suiniyi.com 5. The population of this city is roughly estimated at about one million. 这个城市的人口粗略计算大约是100万。 www.bing.com 6. Saudi Arabia has official reserves estimated at $277bn by the International Monetary Fund. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)估计,沙特阿拉伯官方储备达到2770亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 7. About 100 million farmers make a living on the four corps, and it is estimated at least one in 10 will be affected. 对于依赖于这四种作物的1亿农民来说,预计将会有10%都会受到影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Infrastructure damage was estimated at 90 percent of Hiroshima's buildings being either damaged or completely destroyed. 基础建设的损坏情况估计为广岛90%的建筑物或被损坏或完全毁灭。 q.sohu.com 9. The most expensive dog breed ever existed is "Tibetan mastiff" which is estimated at a whooping cost of $350000. 现存最名贵的犬种是“藏獒”,叫价大约要350000美元。 www.bing.com 10. Four years ago, the ILO estimated at least eight million children work in these areas. 四年前,国际劳工组织估计,至少有八百万名儿童在这些领域工作。 www.voanews.cn 1. This will add to the existing overcapacity in the European car industry, currently estimated at approaching 20%. 这将使现有接近于20%的欧洲汽车行业过剩生产量更为膨胀。 www.ecocn.org 2. China's massive military presence across the border estimated at 3 lakh troops. 我国大规模的军事存在跨越边界估计在3万人。 www.uc321.net 3. The film's budget is estimated at up to $100m. 这部电影的预算估计是1亿美元。 tieba.baidu.com 4. The value of this painting was estimated at several thousand pounds. 这副画的价格估计在几千磅。 joejoewu.blogchina.com 5. Damage to Iowa's agricultural economy was estimated at more than two billion dollars. 对爱荷华州农业经济的损害估计在20亿美元以上。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. BHP has a cash pile estimated at $11 billion, but shareholders might complain that it is paying too much. 必和必拓现金流预计为110亿美元,但股东可能会抱怨支付过高。 cn.reuters.com 7. So the number of stars that we know exist is estimated at about 300 million million million. 因此我们现在知道恒星的数目估计约为3万亿亿颗。 jukuu.com 8. The Hubble observations allow for the planet's mass to be estimated at 2. 6 Jupiter masses. 哈勃的观测也使得那颗行星的质量得到确定,据估计是木星质量的2.6倍。 www.bing.com 9. But with software piracy estimated at more than 90%, the firm's profits fail to reflect its popularity. 但由于软件盗版率约在90%以上,该公司的利润没能反映出它的流行程度。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. California's merchandise exports last year have been estimated at $110 billion, much of it electronics, computers and industrial equipment. 美国加州去年的商品出口额估计为1100亿美元,主要出口商品是电子、计算机和工业设备。 www.h6688.com 1. E. g. : The cost of the damage to the US caused by Hurricane Ike was estimated at USD 18 billion. 艾克飓风给美国造成了约180亿美元的损失。 learning.sohu.com 2. The value of the painting was estimated at several thousand pounds. 这幅画的估价是几千英磅。 vod.swjtu.edu.cn 3. The wild population of the Sumatran tiger is estimated at between 400 and 500 animals. They live mainly in the island's national parks. 目前,世界上存活的苏门答腊虎估计有400只至500只,它们大都生活在爪哇岛的国家公园内。 gb.cri.cn 4. The total value of worldwide illicit trade in 2009 was estimated at $1. 3 billion and growing, the WEF said. 世界经济论坛称,全球2009年的非法贸易总额估计为13亿美元,并且还在不断增长.(完) cn.reuters.com 5. Rumaila's reserves are estimated at close to 18bn barrels. 鲁迈拉油田的储量估计接近180亿桶。 www.bing.com 6. Indirect job opportunity, including services, suppliers and distributors, is estimated at more than 150, 000. 提供间接就业机会,包括服务人员,供应商和经销商,估计超过150,000个。 www.54yjs.cn 7. The largely unregulated market in derivatives is estimated at 6 hundred trillion dollars. 在派生物中最大的缺乏监管的市场估计有6万亿美元。 bbs.diandian.net 8. 1. The temperature of ice water can be estimated at zero degrees Celsius. 1、冰水的温度大概在0℃左右; www.bing.com 9. Its latest offer was to cap them at $14. 5bn but that well exceeded current payouts, estimated at $9bn. 其最新提议是将补贴限制在145亿美元以下,但这远远超出其当前的补贴水平(估计为90亿美元)。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Excess capacity has been estimated at 50% or more for automobiles, ferrous alloys, and semiconductors, and 30% for steel. 据估计,汽车、有色金属和半导体产业的过剩产能达到了50%,而钢铁业也达到了30%。 www.bing.com 1. The country's total spending on treatment of the disease is estimated at 900 billion yuan annually. 国家花费在治疗乙肝上的开销大约是9千亿元。 www.hbvhbv.com 2. Health costs of treating the consequences of smoking are estimated at 422 million euros annually. 治疗吸烟带来的后果的健康费用估计每年达到4.22亿欧元。 www.tobaccochina.com 3. The largest SWF remains Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, created in 1976 to invest oil trade surpluses and now estimated at $875bn. 该机构创立于1976年,目的是将石油贸易顺差用于投资,目前估计价值为8750亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A significant reduction in exploration cost is predicted, estimated at 50%. 可以预测,勘探成本会大大降低,预计将降低50%。 bbs.e5zj.com 5. This year's spill in the Gulf of Mexico is estimated at almost five million barrels. 今年的墨西哥海湾漏油事件估计泄漏原油近五百万桶。 dongxi.net 6. Costs for the new CCTV complex are estimated at $1 billion, although nobody dares publicise the true pricetag. 新中央电视台整体的费用估计为10亿美元,然而无人敢于披露其真实的造价。 www.bing.com 7. In 1961, the Soviet Union tested a hydrogen bomb with a force estimated at 58 megatons . 1961年,苏联测试了一个暴力估计在58兆吨的氢弹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The number of adults suffering from insomnia in the UK has been estimated at around 30%. 据估计,英国失眠症患者的人数占全国成年人的30%。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The fish was estimated at around 100lb, which would have broken Miss Ballantyne's record. 据估计,这条鱼重达约一百磅,这也许将打破巴兰提耶女士的记录。 www.ecocn.org 10. Maximum range on a single charge is estimated at 111 miles for the city model and 200 miles for the extended-range model. 最大射程一次充电估计一一一英里的城市模型和200英里的扩展范围的模式。 usa.315che.com 1. Last month the prime minister accepted responsibility for Vinashin's problems - its debts are estimated at $4. 5 billion. 阮晋勇总理上个月对越南船舶工业总公司的问题承担了责任。该企业的债务估计达到45亿美元。 www.voanews.cn 2. The infection rate in Brazil is estimated at seven-tenths of one percent of adults. 在巴西成人感染艾滋病毒的比例估计有十分之七。 forum.putclub.com 3. The market for these so-called embedded chips is estimated at $150 billion or more. 这些称作嵌入式芯片的市场,预计在1.5千亿美元或更多。 www.bing.com 4. As estimated at the end of 2006, 39. 5 million people around the world are now living with HIV. 到了2006年底,全球大约有三千九百五十万人携带HIV病毒。 bbs.netat.net 5. Car makers account for about 30 percent of the global aluminium market estimated at around 37 million tonnes. 汽车制造业约占全球铝市场的30%,该市场规模估计大约为3,700万吨。 cn.reuters.com 6. This means the reduction in capital is estimated at $172bn by the regulators, $111bn by the IMF and $601bn by Mr Roubini. 这意味着美国监管机构估计资本将减少1720亿美元,IMF和鲁比尼的估计分别为1110亿美元和6010亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It was estimated at £ 180, 000 to £ 250, 000, but two covetous phone bidders drove the price up to £ 493, 000. 原估价为250000英镑,但两个贪婪的电话竞拍人最终将价格推高到493000英镑。 www.ecocn.org 8. BP has spent almost $4 billion on clean-up costs to date, with the eventual total estimated at $39 billion. 至今BP石油公司已经在清理石油上花费近40亿美元,估计最后总投入将达390亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 9. Since 1999, the cumulative application cost avoidance resulting from Web Identity use has been estimated at $47 million. 从1999年开始,使用WebIdentity所带来的累计应用程序成本节省估计已达4700万美元。 www.ibm.com 10. Hulu Can Hulu increase revenue (estimated at $140 million in 2009) and keep impatient parent companies at bay? HuluHulu的收入是否能继续增长(2009年为1400万美元),并安抚住丧失耐心的各个母公司? www.bing.com 1. Li Ka-shing, 81, retained his perennial perch atop the list, with a fortune estimated at $21. 3bn. 现年81岁的李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)依然保有其常年把持的首富位置,财富估值达213亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 2. With a death toll currently estimated at more than 70 000, few families in the earthquake-affected areas escaped the loss of human life. 目前估计死亡总人数超过7万人,震灾地区很少家庭无人丧生。 www.fao.org 3. The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $6 million. 地震造成大约600万元的财产损失。 g5.baidu.com 4. Fourteen million people in the US are officially unemployed, though the real figure is estimated at being possibly double that. 目前美国登记的失业人数是1400万,根据估计,真实的失业数字大概是它的两倍。 www.bing.com 5. GM's global ad expenditure is estimated at a massive $3 billion. 通用汽车全球广告费用估计可达30亿美元。 www.fortunechina.com 6. In contrast, the Census Bureau has reported a steady increase in median household income in the District, estimated at $58, 000 in 2008. 而与之相反的是,美国人口普查署的报告称,按2008年年收入5.8万美元的标准计,华盛顿中等家庭收入呈稳步增长态势。 www.bing.com 7. Cuiyun estimated at around eight Cooper is when the explants . 估计翠云廊上一米七八左右的古柏就是这时所植。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The theoretical price for the shares post the issue was estimated at 668p. 增发后的理论股价估计为668便士。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Wall Street titan, he spent 32 years at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and has a personal fortune estimated at $500 million. 作为金融界巨头,他曾在高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc。)任职32年,个人财产据估计达5亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. Spain's financing needs over 2011-13 to cover its budget deficits and its debt maturities are estimated at 350 billion euros ($467 billion). 西班牙2011-13年为弥补其预算赤字和债务到期所需要的融资需求预估为3,500亿欧元(合4,670亿美元)。 chinese.wsj.com 1. This sum has been estimated at six or seven hundred thousand francs. 据估计,该款达六七十万法郎。 www.chinabaike.com 2. The global cost of NCDs from 2005 to 2030 is estimated at $35 trillion, according to a World Bank study. 据世界银行的一项研究,从2005年到2030年,全球非传染性疾病的费用预期为35万亿美元。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. Merchandise exports rose by 35. 4%, with production at foreign- funded enterprises estimated at about 58% of exports. 商品出口量上升了35.4%,其中外资企业的产量估计约占出口的58%。 4. Scores of people died and hundreds were missing in New Zealand's worst natural disaster for 80 years. Damages were estimated at $6 billion. 在这次80年来最严重的自然灾害中十几人死亡,数百人失踪,造成损失估计60亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 5. The floating population of unregistered urban migrants is estimated at between 50m and 140m people. 据估计,未注册城市移民组成的流动人口在5000万至1.4亿之间。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Sales for the whole of China were estimated at Rmb11bn according to China Reports Hall, a market research firm based in Xiamen. 厦门市场研究机构中国报告大厅(ChinaReportsHall)的数据显示,全国的销售额预计在110亿元人民币。 www.ftchinese.com 7. India's domestic hardware market is estimated at about $24bn. 印度国内硬件市场价值估计约为240亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Temporary repairs cost $40 million and the cost to replace the bridge is estimated at $318 Million. 临时维修花费了400万美元,桥梁的替换估计要花费3.18亿美元。 www.bing.com 9. The world's population is currently estimated at 6. 4 billion, and is expected to increase by another billion before 2015. 据估计,全世界人口目前为64亿人,并将在2015年以前再增加10亿人。 www.america.gov 10. The industry's sales are estimated at more than $100 million. 该行业的销售额预计超过1亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Project costs are currently estimated at US$500 million. 项目成本目前估计为5亿美元。 web.worldbank.org 2. The overall economic benefit of the programme during 2000-2007 is conservatively estimated at US$ 24 billion. 2000-2007年期间,按保守估计,该规划的总体经济利益是240亿美元。 www.who.int 3. That is nowhere near enough to pay for federal spending, estimated at 24% of GDP in 2020. 这离足够支付联邦开支还差得远,足够额据估计是2020年GDP的24%。 www.ecocn.org 4. Again, based on the empirical analysis before, we determine the equations which should be estimated at first. 再次,在前面经验分析的基础上,确定出估计方程组。 sard.ruc.edu.cn 5. Outdoor display revenues last year were estimated at $2. 4bn and the advertising sector as a whole is growing by about 20 per cent a year. 据估计,中国去年户外广告收入为24亿美元,整个广告行业在以每年20%的速度增长。 www.ftchinese.com 6. On March 11, the plant was hit with a magnitude 9. 0 quake, followed by a tsunami estimated at 45 feet. 3月11日,该核电站遭受了里氏9.0级的地震,之后又发生了浪高约45英尺(约合14米)的海啸。 c.wsj.com 7. Economic damage from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was estimated at about $10 billion. 2004年印度洋海啸地震的经济损失估算为100亿美元。 cn.reuters.com 8. Bollywood brings in an estimated at $2. 3 billion. 宝莱坞带来了大概23亿美元的收入。 www.bing.com 9. Chinese officials say it helps that Sao Paulo has a sizable Chinese community, estimated at 200, 000. 中国官员称其有助于在圣保罗形成一个成规模的中国群体,据估计人数为200000。 m.yeeyan.org 10. The UDIC liability is estimated at close to RMB6, 000bn or 14 per cent of the outstanding loan base . 城投债务总额估计接近6万亿元人民币,相当于未偿贷款总额的14%。 www.bing.com 1. But the backlog of cases in the legal system is estimated at more than 30m. 但是据估计,未处理的法律案件已积压超过了300万分。 www.ecocn.org 2. Local media reported that the value of the first two French reactors is estimated at 7 billion euros ($9. 4 billion). 当地媒体报道,法国两个核反应堆的价值预计在70亿欧元(94亿美元)。 chinese.wsj.com 3. This policy setting is broadly consistent with the prevailing US output gap, estimated at about -1. 2% of GDP in 2003. 这种政策背景大体上与美国通行的产出缺口是一致的,估计在2003年约为国内生产总值的-1. 4. The initial visitor target is 20, 000 and the promotional budget is estimated at several million euros. 吸引参观人数的初步目标为2万人,预计促销预算将达数百万欧元。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Economic losses, mostly because of flooded farmland, were estimated at $26 million, China Daily reported. 主要由洪水冲毁的农田导致的经济损失据估计达2千6百万美元,中国日报报道。 www.bing.com 6. Ltd. last month won a bid to build a dam in Laos whose cost is estimated at $2 billion. 上个月中标修建老挝的一座大坝,造价预计将达20亿美元。 www.ebigear.com 7. The life of the two-headed snake was estimated at 50 thousand Euros. 这条双头蛇的价值大约在5万欧元左右。 www.bing.com 8. A crowd estimated at 300, 000 gathered to watch the match live on giant TV screens in downtown Madrid. 约有30万人聚集在马德里市中心巨大的屏幕前观看了现场直播。 www.voa365.com 9. Already, the virtual goods economy is estimated at more than $3. 1 billion. 无可否认,虚拟物品的经济体规模已经估价超过31亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. Iraqi civilian deaths are estimated at more than 54, 000, possibly much higher. 据估计,伊拉克平民的死亡人数已超过54000人,实际数字可能更多。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Two of the best-performing major economies in 2010 were China and Brazil, with growth estimated at 7. 5% and 10. 5%, respectively. 2010年两个表现最好的经济体是中国和巴西,预计这两国的经济增长率分别是7.5%和10. c.wsj.com 2. Their net worth was estimated at $35 million not long ago. 他们的净资产不久前估计已达到3,500万美元。 c.wsj.com 3. In November 2007, the amount in circulation of the highest value denomination notes was estimated at 69 trillion. 据估计2007年11月流通中最大面值的钞票数量达69万亿张。 www.bing.com 4. The Botswana's elephant population is currently estimated at around 120, 000. 估计博茨瓦纳象群目前大概有12万头象。 www.bing.com 5. Local government debt is officially estimated at $1. 68 trillion. 地方政府债务官方估计为1. www.bing.com 6. BP faces losses estimated at $5. 1 billion due to the oil spill, according to ING analyst reports. 据荷兰国际集团(ING)估算,BP在这次漏油事故中将会损失达51亿美元。 www.bing.com 7. The annual tax gap is estimated at about $350 billion. 据估计,每年的税收缺口大约有3500亿美元。 www.bing.com 8. Global production is estimated at 150, 000 tons this year, according to the Industrial Mineral Company of Australia. 据澳大利亚工业矿产公司(IndustrialMineralCompanyofAustralia),今年全球稀土产量估计为150,000吨。 c.wsj.com 9. His income was estimated at about $10000 per year. 他估计每年能收入10000美元。 gb.cri.cn 10. Kuwait's sovereign fund is estimated at $200bn, Qatar's $60bn, and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority at $500bn to $850bn. 据估计,科威特主权基金的规模为2000亿美元,卡塔尔为600亿美元,而阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)则在5000亿美元至8500亿美元之间。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The combined fuel economy for the S400 is estimated at 29 miles per gallon, a 30 percent increase over the S550. 合并后的燃油经济性的S400估计二十九英里每加仑增加百分之三十以上的S550。 usa.315che.com 2. In 2005 world production of sulphuric acid was estimated at 193 million tonnes. 据估计,2005年全球硫酸产量达到一亿九千三百万吨。 www.bing.com 3. The annual benefits (savings or cost avoidance in healthcare services) are estimated at $6. 1B and to be $82. 4B over 20 years. 每年收益(节约或医疗服务中的成本规避)估计是61亿美元,20年后将是824亿美元。 www.infoq.com 4. Costs of the quake are initially estimated at $1-$2 billion, according to JPMorgan. 摩根大通初步估计,地震所造成的损失在10-20亿美元。 www.bing.com 5. In emerging economies, the proportion is estimated at 10% but in many of the former Soviet republics it can be as high as 20%. 在新兴经济体中,估计这一比例为10%,但是在许多前苏联加盟共和国中,比例可能高达20%。 www.who.int 6. Its monthly cash burn is estimated at $300 million to $400 million. 该公司每月消耗现金3亿至4亿美元。 www.ebigear.com 7. Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno told reporters Sunday that repair costs were estimated at $1. 4 million. 本周日罗马市长GianniAlemanno表示,修复这些损毁物品预计需要花费140万美元。 dongxi.net 8. The shortage of qualified accountants in China is acute and has been estimated at 300, 000, a figure almost certain to be conservative. 中国严重缺乏合格的会计师,缺口预计达到30万人,而这个数字几乎肯定是保守估计。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In 1990 the Indian vulture population was estimated at between 20m and 40m, divided between three species. 1990年,印度的兀鹫数估计在两千万到四千万之间,其中包括了三种兀鹫。 www.ecocn.org 10. She is a 14 year old millionaire many times over with a franchise estimated at 1 billion dollars. 她是一位年仅14岁的百万富翁,她的资财估计能达到10亿美元。 www.elanso.com 1. For instance, in the same sale as the Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol's Cagney was estimated at $1m-$1. 5m, but sold for $2. 48m. 比如,此次拍出利希滕施泰因画作的同时,安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)的Cagney估价在100-150万美元,最终以248万美元拍出。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The life expectancy for Mexican- Americans is estimated at 57 years , and for American Indians at 44 years . 美籍墨西哥人的估计寿命是57岁,美国印第安人为44岁。 www.bing.com 3. the angles estimated at different times are auto associated, so we can omit the process of data association. 不同时间段之间各个目标的角度是自动关联的,省去了运算量较大的数据关联过程; www.ceps.com.tw 4. The death toll is currently estimated at more than 300, 000. 死亡统计数字现估计已超过30万人。 www.for68.com 5. Estimated at $59bn, Mr Slim's fortune is equal to 6. 6 per cent of Mexico's gross domestic product. 斯利姆的财富估计为590亿美元,相当于墨西哥国内生产总值(GDP)的6. www.ftchinese.com 6. Front-to-rear weight distribution is estimated at 48 percent to 52 percent, according to Mercedes. 前端到后方的重量分布估计为百分之四十八至百分之五十二,根据梅赛德斯。 usa.315che.com 7. It's not easy researching this thin population slice (estimated at . 8 percent), because the US Census doesn't track religion. 要调查这个占总人口份额很小的群体并不容易,因为美国的人口不追踪宗教。 www.stnn.cc 8. The global art market was estimated at around $60 billion in 2010, of which China accounted for 23%. 据估计,2010年全球艺术品市场总规模在600亿美元左右,中国占23%。 www.putclub.com 9. The river would offer power production estimated at 500, 000 kilowatts if a dam were constructed. 如果筑起水坝,这条河就能提供大约50万千瓦的电力。 www.enfang.com 10. Africa-China trade was estimated at $55bn in 2006. 据估计,2006年中非贸易额为550亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Based on previous projects, and GAF project price-comparisons, the project has been estimated at us$400-450. 在以前的项目,和GAF项目价格进行比较的基础上,该项目已被我们估计$400-450。 www.bing.com 2. He is currently placed 11th on the list of China's richest people, with personal assets estimated at $1. 1bn. 目前,他在中国富豪榜上排名第11位,估计其个人资产达11亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Maybe that's what it takes to develop a net worth estimated at billion. 也许正是这样的一种思维方式创造了一张价值约估为570亿美元的“网络”。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. The incidence rate for adults in China is estimated at around one percent. 中国成年人的哮喘发病率估计约1%。 www.hxen.com 5. The cost in lives was estimated at 600. 据估计丧生人数为600名。 www.mhedu.sh.cn 6. The world's endowment (including unconventional sources such as tar sands) is estimated at 15 trillion barrels. 据估计,全世界的储量(包括像含油砂这样的非常规能源在内)大约有15万亿桶。 www.bing.com 7. The number of people newly infected with HIV (the virus that causes the disease) in the past 12 months is estimated at 4. 3m. 过去12个月里新感染上人免疫缺陷病毒(引起该病的病毒)的人数估计在430万左右。 www.ecocn.org 8. The construction of the 1, 318-kilometer line was started in April 2008 with total investment estimated at RMB 220. 9 billion. 这条长达1318公里的铁路线路从2008年四月就开始竣工,共投入资金两千两百零九亿元。 www.bing.com 9. These were estimated at between $200m and $300m in 2001. 据估计,2001年的新增成本达到了2-3亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 10. By 2012, Shanghai will have the most internationally-branded hotel rooms, estimated at 45, 000, followed by Beijing with 34, 000 rooms. 截止至2012年,上海拥有的国际品牌星级酒店客房数量将居于首位,预计将达到45,000间客房。 1. liers and distributors, is estimated at more than 150, 000. 务人员、供应商和经销商,估计超过150,000个。 www.xyzp.net 2. Growth in the first quarter alone is estimated at 11-12 per cent. 仅第一季度的增幅估计就已达到11%-12%。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Internet use has expanded rapidly in China, which now has the largest online population in the world, estimated at nearly 340 million. 在中国,Internet的应用飞速增长,现在中国已经是世界上网络用户最多的国家,网民人数总计共约3.4亿了。 www.bing.com 4. Growth this year is estimated at about 7. 5 per cent. 今年的增长估计在7.5%左右。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In America, the core scientific publishing market is estimated at between $7 billion and $11 billion. 美国核心科技出版市场据估计市值70亿美元到110亿美元之间。 www.hjenglish.com 6. It saves much more than it invests, resulting in a vast current-account surplus, estimated at 8% of GDP last year. 他们的储蓄比投资要多不少,因此产生了巨量的经常项目盈余,估计在去年占到GDP的8%。 bbs.winos.cn 7. His wealth is estimated at $19. 5bn. 据估计,安巴尼拥有195亿美元的财富。 www.ftchinese.com 8. As of July 1 Russian grain stocks were estimated at between 21. 6 million tonnes and 24 million. 截至7月1日,据估计俄罗斯谷物库存在2,160万-2,400万吨。 cn.reuters.com 9. Total information consumption from televisions, computers and other media was estimated at 3. 6 zettabytes (3. 6 million gigabytes) in 2008. 据估计,在2008年,从电视、计算机和其它媒体上消耗的信息达3600万亿兆字节。 www.bing.com 10. That surge in inflation has come along with strong growth in China's economy, with 2010 GDP growth estimated at 10 percent. 通胀急速上升的同时,中国经济也在强劲成长,2010年国内生产总值(GDP)增幅料达10%。 cn.reuters.com 1. It is more than 3, 000 million million miles away and the temperature is estimated at 2, 400F, making it an unlikely home for alien life. 这里超过30亿万英里远,并且温度估计达到2.400F,不可能是外星人居住的环境。 www.bing.com 2. The odds of having a third child at the same time were estimated at being around 300 million to 1. 至于第三个孩子也在同一时间里出生的机率大约是三亿分之一。 times.hinet.net 3. the whales come to feed on the world ' s largest concentration of spring - spawning herring , estimated at several million tons last year. 虎鲸会来捕食世上最大一群在春天产卵的鲱鱼,据估计去年约有数百万吨鲱鱼现身。 www.ichacha.net 4. Wild pink salmon, for example, are listed as a "recovered" species, evidenced by a 2007 run estimated at 11. 6 million fish. 例如被列为“已恢复”物种的细鳞大马哈鱼,2007年时的数量为1160万尾。 www.bing.com 5. Her wealth is estimated at between 600 million and 3. 5 billion euros ($4. 9 billion). 据估计资产总值在6亿至35亿欧元(约合49亿美元)之间。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Including specified items estimated at $0. 26 per share, GAAP EPS guidance is $2. 09 to $2. 14. 把特定项目包括在内,预计收益每股为26美分,每股收益指导范围为2.09美元到2.14美元。 www.bing.com 7. The medical costs due to obesity were estimated at $147 billion in 2008, according to a study in the journal Health Affairs last year. 据《健康事务杂志》(inthejournalHealthAffairs)去年的一项研究表明,2008年治疗肥胖的医疗成本为1470亿美元。 www.bing.com 8. Japan is the world's number two market for beauty products and services, with sales estimated at over $15 billion last year alone. 日本是全球第二大美容产品与服务市场,仅去年一年的销售额就。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Global revenue from all virtual-goods transactions last year was estimated at $10 billion. 去年全球虚拟产品交易的收益是100亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. Now it is estimated at only 3. 8m, thanks to emigration and some 100, 000 war dead. 现在估计只有380万人口,由于移民和10万战争死难者。 www.bing.com 1. For example, deaths are estimated at 83 per 100 000 population in 2006 in the African Region, compared with a target for the region of 21. 例如,非洲区域2006年的死亡人数估计为每10万人口83例,而该区域的目标是21例。 www.who.int 2. The annual jobless rate in the metro area was estimated at 11. 3 percent last year. 去年年度失业率估计有11. blog.sina.com.cn 3. The cost of the car repairs was estimated at roughly fifty dollars 修理汽车的费用估计在五十元上下 blog.hjenglish.com 4. This could pare one-third of the COST, now estimated at several hundred million dollars, according to program manager David Berwald 据项目负责人大卫·伯沃德讲,这样可以削减1;3的费用,现估计约几亿美元。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Software Maintenance costs are estimated at 22% of the license costs; 软件维护费用估计占许可证费用的22%; www.wipo.int 6. This manor is estimated at $25, 000 and boasts running water, lighting, air conditioning and heat! (Link) 这座狗狗庄园的估价高达$25000,并且以自来水、照明、空调和暖气而标榜! www.bing.com 7. Estimated at HK$1. 4-2m, the moonflask sold to a private Hong Kong collector in the room for HK$4m. 其估价为140万至200万港元,最终被一个香港私人收藏家以400万港元购得。 www.bing.com 8. The National Alliance to End Homelessness estimated at first that an extra 1. 5m people could become homeless in this recession; “结束无家可归国家联盟”起初估计在这次经济萧条中差不多得有150万多人无家可归; www.ecocn.org 9. Gou's wealth was estimated at $5. 5 billion 郭台铭的财富约为55亿美元。 www.ecocn.org |
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