单词 | election |
释义 | elections是election的复数
复数:elections v. n. win election,call election,lose election,hold election,disrupt election adj. n. close election,congressional election 例句释义: 选举,选择,选举权,神的选择,美国的选举,选举制,选举省长 1. He has vowed to hold within the two years elections for which foreign governments have seemed ready to tolerate the suspension of democracy. 他曾发誓要在两年内进行选举,也正是为此西方政府才看起来准备容忍其民主制度的暂时终止。 www.ecocn.org 2. The turnout tends to be low in special elections, as elsewhere; but politicians can usually depend on older voters to make the effort. 和其他地方一样,此次参与递补选举的人数偏少,但一般来说,政客们依赖于老人选民为此次选举投上关键票。 www.ecocn.org 3. If the elections are to be the beginning of a new foundation for Myanmar politics, they don't want to be left watching from the sidelines. 如果选举是建立新的缅甸政治制度的开始的话,他们不想留下来在一旁观察。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. And with the fall of the Iron Curtain, elections indeed swept the world. Yet democracy doesn't seem to have delivered on its promise. 然而,当铁幕落下,竞选真正席卷全球后,民主却好像没有带来它曾经期许的自由与幸福。 www.bing.com 5. Yes, the President was just speaking to its "destroy all humans" base. -It happens every elections cycle, Robbie, you know that. 是的,总统只是对它的“消灭所有人类”基地说的。-每次选举时都会发生,罗比,你是知道的。 www.yappr.cn 6. It is the beginning of a new politics, in which party loyalties are breaking down and elections could be fought over issues, not identities. 这是一种新政治的开始,对政党的忠诚分崩离析,选举可以在具体问题,而不是选举者身份上,大做文章。 www.bing.com 7. The Bush administration says it has no plans to end economic restrictions against Cuba without changes like free elections. 布什总统说像类似自由选举没有改变的情况下,他没有结束对古巴经济限制的计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If you were fired up in the last elections, I need you more fired up in this election. 如果在上次选举中你们愤怒,我需要你们这次更加愤怒。 bbs.koolearn.com 9. The new Antipope will get a considerable boost in piety, making him one of the top-candidates for the next papal elections. 只需要点击一个它的枢机主教,然后按照建议者的指示操作。对立教皇会得到相当大的虔诚加。 www.clanlong.net 10. The Calman commission was set up in London after his Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) edged out Labour in the Scottish elections of 2007. 当他由领导的苏格兰民族党(SNP)在2007年苏格兰选举中取代工党后,卡尔曼委员会在伦敦成立。 www.ecocn.org 1. Some of the body's leading lights have aired the idea of a power-sharing agreement, as in Kenya and Zimbabwe after disputed elections. 该机构的一些领导人已经提出了权力共享的动议,就像在肯尼亚和津巴布韦在具有争议性选举后做的那样。 www.ecocn.org 2. International monitors say the last-minute changes increased voter turnout, but did not undermine the elections legitimacy. 国际监督人士表示最后时间的变化增加了投票结果,但不损坏投票的合法性。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. He made no mention of disputed presidential elections in Iran in which hard-line president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner. 他并没有提到伊朗有争议的总统选举,伊朗强硬派总统艾哈迈迪内贾德在选举中宣布获胜。 www.ebigear.com 4. He came in second in recent parliamentary elections. Netanyahu wants centrist rivals to join him in a unity coalition. 在近期议会选举中名列第二的内塔尼亚胡希望中间派竞争对手能够加入他的联合政府。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Yet, in terms of votes, the party did significantly worse than it had done in the previous parliamentary elections, in 2007. 然而,从选票上看,该党的表现明显不如它在2007年的议会选举。 www.ecocn.org 6. The party is threatening to stand on its own in future elections, an option that would look more realistic if the ANC were to split. 该党威胁要在日后选举中自立,如果非国大发生分裂,这一选择看起来更为现实。 www.ecocn.org 7. According to a leaked document, parliamentary elections were to be held in two rounds, giving the winning party total control. 根据一份泄露的文件内容显示,议会选举会举行两轮,并给予获胜一方全权控制权。 www.ecocn.org 8. A week after elections, Brazilian women bloggers continue to shout out in chorus: yes, she can. 选举结束之后一个星期,巴西女博客圈继续齐声表示:是的,她可以。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 9. but elections are won in the centre and, with the federal deficit bulging, reforming the state could be one of the main issues next year. 但只有走中间路线才能赢得选战,而随着联邦财政赤字凸显,州政府改革可能成为明年的主要议题。 www.ecocn.org 10. The current, anti-Thaksin government has said it isn't ready to call elections soon but might do so at the end of the year. 反他信的现任政府则表示,不准备很快进行选举,不过可能会在年底举行。 c.wsj.com 1. it is hard for a party to win national elections in a country that it seems to dislike. 一个政党很难赢得其似乎并不喜欢的国家的大选。 www.ecocn.org 2. However, Mr. Kan continued to deny any intention to leave office, even as he conceded the DPJ's defeat in the April elections. 不过,就在菅直人承认日本民主党在4月的选举中失利之际,他仍否认有辞职的打算。 chinese.wsj.com 3. In both India and Indonesia, elections loom next year, and inflation still remains something of a bug-bear. 印度和印尼都将在明年进行大选,而两国的通胀仍然是令人相当头疼的问题。 cn.reuters.com 4. He said he would let the Bush-era tax cuts expire for the rich, but backed down after the mid-term elections. 他说过要停止布什执政时期富人的减税政策,但却在中期选举时做出了让步。 www.bing.com 5. It looked as if he would either have to form a more broad-based government of national unity or call elections. 他要么必须建立一个有更广泛基础的联合政府,要么就号召进行选举。 www.bing.com 6. With the local elections over, the protests will probably fizzle for a while. But Mr Rajoy should have no illusions. 地方选举结束后,抗议活动可能暂时停止,但拉霍伊不应抱有幻想。 www.bing.com 7. Politicians have become more attracted by the wicked bankers line as time has passed and elections have had to be surmounted. 政界人士越来越被邪恶银行家的阵线所吸引,因为随着时间的流逝,他们须以竞选为重。 www.ftchinese.com 8. One of his first moves as prime minister was to cut funding to the Palestinian Authority after Hamas's victory in legislative elections. 他担任总理后的第一步就是在哈马斯取得议会选举胜利后,停止给予巴勒斯坦的援助。 www.ecocn.org 9. At the time, he warned Western diplomats not to interfere in Zimbabwe's elections, which he said would be held next year. 与此同时,穆加贝也告诫西方外交官不要干涉津巴布韦的大选。这对明年大选会有所帮助。 www.bing.com 10. Instead the body said conditions for free and fair elections did not exist and that it was a matter of deep regret they had been held. 安理会只是说,自由和公正选举的条件不存在,安理会对照常进行决选深表遗憾。 www.ebigear.com 1. Critics of the dictatorship denounced the trial and verdict as an attempt to exclude her from elections due to be held next year. 批评独裁政权的人谴责此次审判和判决是试图将她排挤出将于明年举行的选举。 www.bing.com 2. The vote on China currency was one of the last items on the congressional agenda before the midterm elections. 对有关中国汇率的法案进行投票表决,是中期选举前美国国会议程上的最后几项内容之一。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A week before elections are due, Egypt is facing its biggest crisis since the revolution in February. 在选举一周前,埃及正面临自二月革命以来的最大危机。 www.ecocn.org 4. "The only thing that will work is an orderly transition process that begins right now" and leads to free and fair elections, he said. “现在,唯一起作用的就是,交接程序有序的进行”,有一个自由公平的竞选环境,他说。 www.bing.com 5. He said the hill people had carried me through three elections, but I would have to get my votes in the cities now. 他说在三次竞选中,我获得山区人民的多数支持,但是从现在起,我将必须获得城里人的多数支持。 www.bing.com 6. During that period, the Party member concerned has no right to participate in voting or elections or stand for election. 党员在留党察看期间没有表决权、选举权和被选举权。 www.putclub.com 7. He said he was not told when elections will be held or when an anticipated election law governing the vote will be announced. 他说,他没有被告知大选日期,以及何时宣布人们期待的选举法。 www.voa365.com 8. She said that there had been a 'very strong negative attitude towards elections in general' but that turnout was unexpectedly strong. 她说,民众对选举的态度总体上曾是非常消极的,但投票率之高让人意外。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Another youthful force which did well in the elections was Your Party, formed less than a year ago by disgruntled LDP and DPJ types. 另一股在选举中表现良好的新生力量是大家的党,成立不足一年而且令民主党和自民党感到不悦。 www.bing.com 10. After long conflicts, the second set of elections is often a story of unrealistic expectation turned to disillusion and apathy. 在长时间的冲突之后,在大选第二阶段,人们往往从不现实的期待中走出来,取而代之的是幻想破灭后的冷漠。 www.ecocn.org 1. With time running out before attention turns to mid-term elections in November, Mr Dodd's place in history is still in the balance. 随着11月份的中期选举的日益临近,多德的历史地位还是在天平上左右摇摆。 www.ecocn.org 2. It also agreed to set out a "road map" for violence-free and fair elections to be held, probably some time next year. 它还同意为可能在明年某个时候举行的非暴力公正选举制定一个“路线图”。 www.ecocn.org 3. And there were political considerations too: trying to govern, and win elections, is hard enough without the press being against you. 当然这其中也有政治考虑:即使没有媒体的反对,试图管治国家并赢得选举就已经够难了。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He said the process must "lead to free and fair elections" but that "details of this transition will be worked by Egyptians. " 他称,整个过程必须“自由公平竞选”,“具体交接方案由埃及人民起草”。 www.bing.com 5. We are glad to see that the elections proceeded in a smooth and orderly and are well-received. 我们高兴地看到,大选总体平稳、有序,各方对此反应积极。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 6. Now properly in the chair, he has less than a year to live up to his word before elections due in the first half of 2011. 现在,他正式就职了。他有不到一年的时间,在2011年上半年的选举之前去履行诺言。 www.putclub.com 7. Mix all this together with long-standing fears about outsourcing, and a potent brew can be concocted before the US mid-term elections. 加上长期以来对外包的担忧,再把以上这些因素混合,正好能在美国中期选举之前调配好了一杯烈酒。 www.bing.com 8. The demonstrators believe he lacks legitimacy and want him to call fresh elections, but Mr Abhisit has refused to step down. 抗议者认为,阿披实担任总理缺乏合法性,希望他重新举行选举,但阿披实拒绝下台。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Huawei has become a hot-button issue leading up to the U. S. Presidential elections as well. 华为已经成为事关美国总统选举的一个热点问题。 www.bing.com 10. So far, the only elections Saudis have been allowed to vote in have been for half the seats on town councils. 到目前为止,沙特阿拉伯人仅被允许在镇议会半数席位选举中投票。 www.ecocn.org 1. The elections are shaping up to be a very tight race, and no single party is expected to score a majority of seats. 大选有望成为一场势均力敌的比赛,预计没有哪个党派会获得多数席位。 www.bing.com 2. The 1983 elections were held a year early, and were a direct result of an abortive military coup attempt on August 1, 1982. 1983年举行了大选提前一年,并直接造成的未遂军事政变的企图1982年8月1日。 q.sohu.com 3. There's been a setback for the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in regional elections a month before voters choose a new federal parliament. 距离人们投票选举下一届联邦议会一个月时间,德国总理安格拉·默克尔在地区性选举中遭遇挫败。 club.topsage.com 4. Votes are being counted in Nigeria's parliamentary elections which had been postponed for a week because of a lack of readiness. 由于准备不足而推迟了一周的尼日利亚议会选举计票工作正在进行。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. He said his opponents should focus on fighting him in elections. 并称,其对手应当将精力放在“选举上放手一搏”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Many activists and individual party officials are calling for the elections to be postponed for at least a few weeks until calm returns. 很多活动人士,以及以个人身份发言的政党官员,都在要求推迟选举至少数周,直到恢复平静。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The army chief behind Thailand's coup said yesterday he would step down in two weeks and promised elections next year. 泰国发动政变的陆军总司令颂提?汶耶拉卡林(SonthiBoonyaratkalin)昨日表示,他将在两周内下台,并承诺于明年举行大选。 www.ftchinese.com 8. How much will the economy matter in November's mid-term elections, and which party will gain from it? 经济在11月的中期大选中会占多重分量?哪一方将从中获益? www.ecocn.org 9. It may not be a coincidence that they finally voted for a ban just a month before they face elections. 他们最终在选举前的一个月投票通过了禁令,这也许不是巧合。 www.ecocn.org 10. The intensified market turmoil might have changed the political calculus, even with less than two months left until the November elections. 眼下市场动荡的加剧可能已改变了这一政治考量,即便现在距离11月份的总统大选已经不足两个月时间了。 www.bing.com 1. This move comes just a few days before parliamentary elections on March 7, prompting some to allege that the rehiring step is political. 这个复职措施是在伊拉克将于3月7日举行议会选举之前几天宣布的,一些人称军官复职是政治之举。 tianya.8684.cn 2. Mr. Berlusconi is hoping for a strong victory in the elections that will show that the scandal is not affecting him politically. 贝卢斯科尼希望藉由在选举中大胜,将能显示丑闻对他没有政治影响。 www.voanews.cn 3. In March he halted bombing, called for peace talks and said he would not run for a second term in elections in November 1968. 在3月份,他停止了轰炸并呼吁和平谈判,同时声称他不会在1968年11月份的大选中寻求连任。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Those supervising the elections knew that their task was one of patriotic importance. 这些选举监督者知道他们的任务具有爱国主义重要性。 www.ecocn.org 5. A source close to him told the BBC the president would not stand down and would call elections later in the year. 与他比较接近的消息来源告诉BBC,总统不会辞职,将会在今年晚些时候呼吁进行选举。 www.voanews.cn 6. He said Obama would spell them out over the next several weeks and before the midterm elections. 他指出,奥巴马将于今后几周制定出这些措施,这会在中期大选前进行。 www.bing.com 7. Niger's Consultative Council has suggested that only those with a university degree should be allowed to run in presidential elections. 据英国广播公司24日报道,尼日尔全国咨询委员会日前提出,要竞选尼日尔总统一职必须具备大学学历。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Next March a series of state elections kick off that will test her popularity and that of her government. 明年三月,一系列国家选举的开始将检测人们到底支持不支持她和她的政府。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Obama administration's health care reforms have been a central part of the US political debate ahead of midterm elections on Tuesday. 在美国周二中期选举前的政治辩论中,奥巴马政府的医疗改革是一个核心议题。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Relations between the two are still tense though Naypyitaw's first priority is to hold the general elections before year's end. 双方的关系仍然紧张,虽然内比都的首要任务是今年年底前举行大选。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But it was the result of the 2010 mid-term elections that most clearly revealed entitlements as a driving political force. 2010年的中期选择无疑更清晰的显示出了这种政治驱动力。 www.ecocn.org 2. Primary elections are held prior to a general election to determine party candidates for the general election. 预选在大选前举行,其目的是确定参加大选的政党候选人。 www.america.gov 3. He never ran for president in the 1996 elections, but might have done well if he had. 他没有参与1996年的总统选举,如果他参与的话,也许会被选上。 www.ecocn.org 4. Views about just how much trouble will harden after November's midterm elections. 11月的中期选举过后,对于他有多大麻烦将得出定论。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Vice President Biden said he was not trying to influence the elections, saying it is for the Lebanese people to decide on their government. 副总统拜登表示,他并没有试图影响选举。他说黎巴嫩人民将决定他们自己的政府。 www.voanews.cn 6. In an ideal world, the answer to such quandaries would be elections to produce a new leadership with a clear mandate. 在理想状态下,解决这种困惑的方案即是通过选举产生新的具有明确执政思路的领导层。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. The nationalist conservative had said he would seek a second term in presidential elections this fall. 保守的民族主义者曾表示,他将在今年秋天的总统选举中寻求连任。 www.bing.com 8. Public trials for both Mr Rangel and Ms Waters are the last thing Democrats want in the run-up to the much feared mid-term elections. 随着令人担心的中期选举的临近,兰戈尔先生和沃特斯女士的公开审判绝对不是民主党人所乐意看到的。 www.ecocn.org 9. "Before the elections we had so much so-called democracy that it has made us nauseated, " he said. 他说:“大选前,我们有太多的让我们作呕的所谓民主。” www.ecocn.org 10. Iran's ruling mullahs were always ruthless. But they disguised it a bit with faux elections. 伊朗的执政者毛拉们一向很残酷.但是他们试图用人造选举去掩饰。 www.bing.com 1. As you know, the primary elections are heating up here, and in a few months we'll have the real thing. 如你所知,目前初选正不断升温,几个月后将举行真正的大选。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Even starry-eyed outsiders who win elections on anti-corruption tickets seem to be captured by the system within months. 甚至那些在反腐竞选中获胜的好高骛远的局外人,也在几个月之内被腐败圈子所同化。 www.ecocn.org 3. As a precondition, all political parties and the media would be set free, and open elections promised within, say, a year. 作为先决条件,应该对所有的政党和媒体进行解禁,让其获得自由,并承诺在一年之内,开放选举。 www.ecocn.org 4. IN THE poor world, elections often seem to be accompanied by violence, civil war or worse. 在贫困地区,选举好像时常被暴力、内战甚至更严重的情况相伴。 www.ecocn.org 5. He may also be sweating it out, hoping that success in the upper-house elections will enable him to eject his awkward bedfellows. 他也许会焦急的等待着,希望上院选举的胜利能帮他赶走那些糟糕的伙伴。 club.topsage.com 6. Some members of his own Democrat Party oppose his plans to call elections a year early. 他所在的民主党有一些党员反对他提前一年举行大选的计划。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Mixing the austerity needed to fix Britain's finances with the sort of good cheer that helps to win elections is not easy. 要想解决英国的财政问题需要实行财政紧缩政策,要想赢得选举则需要讨好选民,把二者结合起来是不容易的。 club.topsage.com 8. Local elections were due, in which, as an affirmative-action measure, Shahabpur was to be reserved for a dalit pradhan. 地方选举到期了,而在选举中,作为一个肯定的行动措施,沙哈普尔的普拉丹将留给达利特来当。 www.ecocn.org 9. Opponents said the call showed that she cheated in the two thousand four elections. 反对者称,该电话显示她在2004年选举中作弊。 www.unsv.com 10. With elections for a new parliament soon to take place, MEPs are unlikely to see the reform through until at least 2010. 新议会政府选举马上要开始了,至少到2012年,认证中心可能是看不到这项改革的通过了。 www.bing.com 1. Republicans can only hope the move pushes Iraq off the front page as they turn their attention to next year's crucial elections . 共和党希望此举只能把它们作为头版对开伊拉克将目光投向明年的关键性选举。 www.bing.com 2. The spokesman welcomed the elections, which he said were marked by high voter turnout and a near absence of violence. 麦科马克对巴勒斯坦议会选举表示欢迎。他说,这次选举的选民投票率很高,几乎没有发生暴力。 www.america.gov 3. But voters have had a chance to see PP politicians in action since the party's victory in local and regional elections in May. 但从五月的地方和自治区选举上人民党大胜后,选民已经见识了该党政客的一些政策。 www.ecocn.org 4. The opposition has demanded the president's resignation and fresh elections to be held within the next three months. 反对党要求齐贝吉总统辞职,并且在3个月内重新举行选举。 www.voanews.cn 5. Niger's military rulers have suggested that only those with a university degree should be allowed to run in presidential elections. 尼日尔军事统治者建议,只有具备大学学位的人才有资格参加总统选举。 www.enread.com 6. In much the same way, one does not wish to be reminded that the next US mid-term elections are just two years and one recession away. 同样,人们也不希望想到,距离美国下一次中期选举只有两年的时间,其间还要经历一轮经济衰退。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Already some in her coalition grumble that she has lost her knack of winning elections. But she will surely survive as chancellor. 目前联盟中部分人士已开始抱怨她“已丧失赢得竞选的技能”,但毋庸置疑,她定能担任总理一职直至期满。 www.ecocn.org 8. The prisoner asked to see Obama's two books last August, at a time when the US presidential elections were entering the home stretch. 去年八月,这名囚犯要求阅读奥巴马的两本书,当时美国总统大选已经进入冲刺阶段。 www.bing.com 9. Even if future hacks do see some advantage in trying to skew the odds of future elections, it may cost them dearly to try. 即便未来的政治打手的确发现了试图改变当选赔率的好处,那也会让他们付出昂贵的代价。 www.ftchinese.com 10. But the elections, now due to take place in April this year, were supposed to be a "transformative moment" in Sudan's history. 而即将于今年四月举行的大选,则被期望为苏丹历史上的“转折点”。 www.ecocn.org 1. For instance, "people may be wary and frustrated . . . with how much talk there has been about educational reform in previous elections. " 例如,“在前几届选举中,教育改革成了老生常谈……人们可能有挫折感,不再轻信。” www.america.gov 2. "I'm going to be available as much as they need me, " she says, acknowledging the long hours she'll be working ahead of November elections. 她说:“需要的话我都有空”。她承认在11月总统选举前自己将要长时间工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. 'We have to do everything to minimize the efforts of our opponents to delegitimize these elections, ' he said. 他说,我们要竭尽所能把反对派试图令选举失去合法性的努力降到最小。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Well, anyway that's a little bit of background of previous developer diaries, let's talk a bit more about elections this week. 嗯,反正是,星光大道了以往的开发日记,让我们有点背景,政务主任谈一点关于这个星期的选举。 bbs.52pcgame.com 5. But in response to growing pressure, King Abdullah this week announced that women would be allowed to participate in the next elections. 但为应对越来越大的压力,阿卜杜拉国王本周宣布,将允许妇女参加下届选举。 www.hxen.com 6. President Barack Obama said the American people sent a loud message in this week's midterm elections - the economy is priority number one. 美国总统奥巴马说,美国民众在这个星期的中期选举中传递出一个响亮的信息:经济是最重要的议题。 www.voanews.cn 7. Elections in Israel in February could produce a government opposed to any concessions. 二月份在以色列举行的选举可能会产生一个反对任何让步的政府。 www.ecocn.org 8. Previously jailed in 2009, Mr Xu had been helping people trying to run as independents in local elections. 许志永曾为试图以独立候选人身份参加地方选举的公民提供帮助,之前曾在2009年被关押。 www.ftchinese.com 9. On Tuesday, the United States will hold congressional and state elections in a year defined by voter dissatisfaction. 美国将在周二举行国会和州选举由不满的选民决定的期中选举。 www.bing.com 10. All that said, the wavering of independents is bound to worry Democrats facing mid-term elections next year. 以上事例说明,明年面临中期选举压力的民主党人理应为独立选民的波动忧虑。 www.ecocn.org 1. If calm is restored and genuine elections take place in the next few months, Tunisia may yet emerge as a pluralist and peaceful democracy. 如果接下来的几个月里,这个国家能够回归平静,举行真正的竞选,那么突尼斯就有望成为多元、和平的民主国家。 www.ecocn.org 2. Just over a week ago until the mid-term elections and President Bush will again be on the campaign trail today. 离中期选举还有一周,布什总统今天会再次出现在竞选活动中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Removing direct elections for regional governors in 2004 was one of the key steps in Mr Putin's centralisation of power. 2004年废除地方长官直选制度,是普京将权力集中化的关键步骤之一。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Legal challenges after previous elections have failed to produce a single conviction for electoral fraud. 以前总统大选之后的法律挑战无法对选举欺骗作出一个单一的指控。 www.ecocn.org 5. I was able to witness, first-hand, the elections of our leaders, and I learned a great deal from their campaigns. 我还可以见证到,现场的,我们的领导者的选举过程,并从他们竞选活动中学到很多。 toastmasters.org.tw 6. The proposed overhaul is a major test of Mr. Sarkozy's capacity to govern, less than two years before the next presidential elections. 该项改革计划提案是对萨科奇执政能力的重大考验,此时距下届总统选举还有不到两年时间。 c.wsj.com 7. "We're speaking about a democracy, and in a democracy you don't guarantee the results of the elections, " he said. 他说,“我们谈论的是民主。而在民主制度中,你并不能确保选举的结果。” www.24en.com 8. Not only does this deflect some of the heat onto the DPJ's rivals, but it may also put the DPJ in a stronger position after the elections. 这不仅仅将一些议论的热点转向日本民主党的竞争对手,还可能在选举后将其推至更为强势的位置。 www.ecocn.org 9. With candidates beginning to campaign for elections next January, this is the time to ask what, if anything, can be done about it. 随着候选人开始为明年一月的选举打拼,是时候问问在这方面可以做些什么了。 www.stnn.cc 10. A year from now he'll be paying the penalty in the mid-term elections, just as Clinton did. 一年之后他将在中期选举中自食其果,就像克林顿曾经那样。 www.bing.com 1. But a source close to the president stressed to the Guardian that "early elections are not a foregone conclusion. " 但一位总统身边人士向卫报强调,“提前选举并非必然结果。” www.bing.com 2. In Kurdistan the reformists of Goran, which did well in regional elections a year ago, failed to make headway. 库尔德改革派政党戈兰在去年的地方选举中取得的不错的成绩,但这次也未能更进一步。 www.ecocn.org 3. WHEN a great democracy such as the United States holds elections at a time of war, voters are torn between two instincts. 一个良好的民主政体,如美国,若在战时迎来一场选举,选民通常都会在感情上被迫作一抉择。 www.ecocn.org 4. Also, Russia's still smarting at the humiliation over Kosovo (though May 11 elections show Serbs seem to be getting over it). 而且,俄罗斯仍然为科索沃问题上的耻辱而痛苦(倒是5月11日的选举显示塞尔维亚人已经克服了这种心态)。 www.stnn.cc 5. A year after that, Libyans should hold their first multiparty elections for a proper parliament. 之后再过一年,利比亚人民就该举行首届多党派选举从而选出适合自己的议会。 www.ecocn.org 6. He took several strong steps to show his leadership in the months following the Democratic defeat in the congressional elections. 民主党在议会选举中失败以后,杜鲁门采取了一系列行动来显示自己的领导能力。 www.remword.cn 7. Yet, if Africa's recent history is any guide, many of those elections will fail to live up to the name. 然而,如果非洲近代史是一个指南的话,很多国家的选举都会名不副实。 www.ecocn.org 8. A woman holds her identification card as she waits to cast her vote during the second round of parliamentary elections in Giza, Egypt. 在埃及吉萨市,一名女子正拿着自己的身份证,准备在议会选举的第二轮投票中投出自己的一票。 www.bing.com 9. But otherwise, in most areas, these first Syria-free elections for over thirty years, have been a disappointing stitch-up. 但是,在大多数地区,三十多年来唯一没有受到叙利亚影响的大选,其实也是很令人失望的。 www.24en.com 10. The president said he'd step down by January next year, but only after organising parliamentary elections. 总统表示他明年一月份之前会下台,但是要在举行议会选举之后。 www.hxen.com 1. On May 3rd he proposed the holding of elections in November, a year before his term ends, as part of a reconciliation package. 5月3日,他提出11月份——距他到任还有一年,举行选举,把这作为和解一揽子计划的一部分。 www.24en.com 2. Yet Mr Sarkozy faces an imminent political humiliation, as disillusioned voters snub him in regional elections. 然而,萨科齐即将在政治上蒙羞,因为他会在地区选举中受到对其大失所望的选民们的冷落。 www.ecocn.org 3. Their congressional seats are then filled by special elections. The president and vice president are supported by an appointed cabinet. 他们的议会席位由一个特别选举填补。 www.ebigear.com 4. Islamists who are not violent, like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, should be able to contest free elections. 那些非暴力的伊斯兰分子,如埃及的穆斯林兄弟会,应当可以角逐自由选举。 www.ecocn.org 5. The party of sitting presidents often sees losses in mid-term elections, and with the poor economy, many Democrats had expected losses. 在任总统的执政党通常会在中期选举中丢失席位,在当前艰难的经济形势下,很多民主党人事先就料到会损失席位。 www.voanews.cn 6. A good showing by the Congress party, which leads the governing coalition, may encourage it to call national elections. 而领导联合政府的印度国大党甚至打算鼓励将它变成一次全国性的选举。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The interim president is required to call early presidential elections within two weeks from the day the president dies. 这位临时总统将在总统死亡之日起两周内宣布提前举行总统选举。 chinese.wsj.com 8. AMERICA'S mid-term elections are turning into a referendum on the role of the state, and George Bush junior's tax cuts are the litmus test. 美国中期选举正在演变成为一场关于国家职能的全民公决,小布什的减税政策成为了试金石。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Muslim Brotherhood is a powerful force in Egypt, even if it is not allowed to contest elections openly. 穆斯林兄弟会即便不能公开参加精选,其在埃及势力十分强大。 www.ecocn.org 10. "These types of operations you are going to see continue up until the elections, and after the elections, " said Whitman. 类似的行动将会一直持续下去,甚至到选举以后。 www.24en.com 1. Similarly limited elections for members of the upper house of parliament also are under consideration, he said. 他说,联邦委员会成员进行类似的有限选举的方案也在考虑之中。 chinese.wsj.com 2. On Saturday, President Victor Yushchenko said the country will hold early parliamentary elections with no conditions. 在星期六,副总统尤先科指出国家提前举行议会选举是没有任何条件的。 www.eoezone.com 3. The French trained former policeman said he wanted more autonomy for Anjouan and in recent days offered to hold new elections. 穆罕默德.巴卡尔原来是法国训练出来的警察,他说,他希望昂儒昂能够获得更多的自治,并提议在最近几天举行新的选举。 www.voanews.cn 4. Al - Sadr supporters were quick to respond that the prime minister has no constitutional power to interfere with elections . 萨德尔的支持者们对此做出迅速反应,他们说,宪法没有赋予马利基总理干涉选举的权利。 www.bing.com 5. Mugabe also said the inclusive government is drawing up a new constitution before new elections. 穆加贝同时表示,在举行新一轮选举之前,联合政府将出台一套新的宪法。 www.bing.com 6. With parliamentary elections scheduled for the coming week, the next several days look just as rough as the past few. 尽管下周就将进行议会选举,情势依然向过去几周那么不明朗。 www.bing.com 7. Elections were held a year ago to a provincial council, won by a party representing a faction that split from the Tigers in 2004. 一年前,在一场选举中,由一个在2004年自猛虎组织分裂出来的党派赢得了选举,并组成一个省级议会。 www.ecocn.org 8. He is probably trying to hold on until the presidential elections in September. 他很可能正试图坚持到9月总统大选之时。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In several elections, Republicans did not even bother to run candidates against these two. 而在一些选举过程中,共和党人甚至都没有麻烦去让他们的候选人来针对这二位进行反驳。 www.ecocn.org 10. Women will also be able to run in future elections and be appointed to the king's advisory council. 女性在未来也可以参加选举,并且指派进入国王的谘询委员会。 www.ctcvn.org 1. With mid-term elections next autumn, a bill on such a sensitive issue will need to pass before summer. Much depends on the president. 下个秋季将举行期中选举,针对如此敏感问题的议案必须在夏季前通过决议。 www.ecocn.org 2. When UN-sponsored elections took place in 2006, the first in four decades, Congo seemed to have embraced democracy. 当2006年刚果举办了40十年来首次联合国赞助的总统选举时,这个国家似乎已经支持民主。 www.ecocn.org 3. Empowered at the time of elections, the citizen often feels powerless until the next elections arrive. 在选举期间获得权力的民众,常常在下一次选举到来之前都会感到自己毫无权力。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Burma's elections are shaping up to be the detestable sham the dictatorship's sternest critics have warned. 缅甸的选举正逐渐发展成为对其独裁政府持最严厉批评态度的人士警告过的那种可憎骗局。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If you want any political party to enter parliament, to be won in national elections at least 10% of votes. 任何政党若想进入国会,须在全国大选中至少拿下10%选票。 www.englishtang.com 6. For the moment a caretaker government is in power, but new elections must be held in the coming year. 目前暂时是看守政府执政,而新选举必须在明年举行。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that five months after parliamentary elections, a Lebanese government is only now being formed. 国会选举五个月后,黎巴嫩政府才得以建立,也因此,这个问题进一步恶化。 www.bing.com 8. The proof was that we wanted to win national elections, something Democrats apparently weren't supposed to do. 而证据便是我们希望赢得全国范围的选举,而民主党人显然是不应该这样做的。 www.bing.com 9. Campaigning is drawing to a close across the United States in national elections that will decide control of Congress. 美国全国范围内的中期选举竞选活动已经结束,这次选举将决定对国会的控制权。 www.tingclass.com 10. The moment Mr Gaddafi leaves, a "roadmap" for free elections and a constitutional referendum would take effect. 卡扎菲一离开,自由选举和宪法公投的“路线图”将启动。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They sound good because what they replace is usually bad: riotous civilian leaders, corrupted institutions, stolen elections. 听起来不错,因为他们取代的通常是糟糕的政府:煽动暴乱的平民领袖、腐败的政治体系、瞒天过海的选举; www.ecocn.org 2. Sunday's result signals continued support for AK in the run-up to nationwide parliamentary elections that must be held by next June. 周日出炉的公投结果表明,正发党在备战明年7月议会选举的道路上将继续获得民众支持。 www.bing.com 3. Uruguay has voted in elections which pitted a left-wing ex-guerrilla leader against a former president - and the result too close to call. 乌拉圭总统选举,左翼前游击队领袖对抗前总统,结果难分胜负。 www.enread.com 4. Primary elections will continue across the country. The general election is in November. 初选将在美国各地继续进行。大选(或称换届选举)将于11月举行。 www.bing.com 5. But historically the party that controls the White House suffers losses in elections halfway through a president's first term. 但是根据历史事实来看,控制白宫的政党历来都是在总统的第一任期的第二年所举行的(国会)中期选举中失败。 www.unsv.com 6. Free and fair elections will produce a secular government that would have the legitimacy to tackle extremism. 自由与公正的选举能够产生一个世俗的政府,将会用合法的手段去处理极端主义。 www.elanso.com 7. One of his hallmarks was a special effort to meet lots of average citizens who, in the end, really decide elections. 布罗德的特点之一就是,他付出了巨大的努力以满足普通百姓的需求。 www.bing.com 8. What has looking at online porn after elections got to do with evolution, you ask? 你可能会问,选举后看网络色情图片与进化有何干系? www.bing.com 9. At least 10 people have been killed in an upsurge of violence in Nigeria on the eve of Saturday's parliamentary elections. 在尼日利亚周六议会选举前夕高涨的暴力事件中至少十人被杀害。 www.hxen.com 10. Opposition parties are accusing supporters of Mr. Musharraf of trying to rig the elections. 反对派各政党指控穆沙拉夫的支持者企图操纵选举。 www.ebigear.com 1. Once the primary elections or conventions conclude, the general election is held to determine who will be elected to hold office. 在预选(或提名大会)结束后,接下来便是决定最终当选者的大选。 www.america.gov 2. But you sir seem to be one amongst those 50 per cent Indian's who never cast their vote and treat elections as public holiday. 但是,先生你似乎是那些从来不参加投票的50%印度人中的一位,而只是将选举看作是公共假日。 www.santaihu.com 3. A BBC Baghdad correspondent, however, says critics have questioned the government's timing with parliamentary elections only a week away. 然而,一位驻巴格达的通讯员说,评论对政府所选的时间以及一周以前的议会选举表示怀疑。 blog.163.com 4. Ms. Palin's decision not to run for a second term may fuel speculation about whether she may make a presidential bid in the 2012 elections. 佩林决定不寻求连任第二个任期,这引发了外界对她是否打算角逐2012年总统大选的猜测。 www.bing.com 5. As Russia gets closer to elections, its budget expenditure (which is already growing by more than 10% a year) is bound to increase. 俄罗斯大选在即,其预算支出肯定也要增加(之前的年增长率就已达到10%)。 www.ecolion.cn 6. Her years in detention were a result of her calls for peaceful democratic reform and free elections in Myanmar (Burma). 她因在缅甸要求和平的民主改革和自由选举而被监禁数年。 www.bing.com 7. With most of the prominent reformists blocked from competing, the parliamentary elections turned into a contest of conservative factions. 在大多数优秀的改革派人士被剥夺竞选资格的情况下,议会选举成为保守派派系之间的竞争。 www.voanews.cn 8. The political opposition must also be able to present credible candidates at next year's parliamentary elections. 反对政党也必须能够推选出可靠的候选人参加明年的议会选举。 www.ftchinese.com 9. She added that it was no coincidence the proposals had come before the World Cup and local elections. 她补充说,无独有偶,世界杯前夕出笼的这项提案也正值地方选举前夕。 www.bing.com 10. Eulalia Garcia-Maturey said the first thing she wanted to do as an American was vote in the November midterm elections. 尤拉莉亚·加西亚-玛图瑞表示,加入美国籍后的第一件事,就是想参加11月举行的中期选举。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. At least by trying, they reason, they might win the ability to improve conditions in time for the next scheduled elections, in 2015. 至少通过努力他们或许能为下一届-2015年的大选创造条件。 bbs.ecocn.org 2. And I think Obama came back after the midterm elections, after taking a drubbing, and said, "I'm going to play centrist with you. " 中期选举后,我认为奥巴马经历一次挫败就能回归,届时他可能还会说,“我打算跟你们玩中立。” kk.dongxi.net 3. She announced through her lawyers that "she would not even think about registering in the upcoming elections. " 她通过律师称“即将到来的选举她不会考虑注册”。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. Barak threatened to pull his Labor Party out of the coalition government and force early elections if the Prime Minister does not comply. 巴拉克威胁说,如果奥尔默特不下台,他领导的工党就会退出联合政府,迫使提前选举。 www.voanews.cn 5. President Bush says if new elections are held in Ukraine they must be fair, open and free of any foreign influence. 美国总统布什说,如果乌克兰重新举行选举,这些选举必须是公平的、公开的、不受任何外国影响的选举。 www.voanews.cn 6. It is reported that this year she plans to attend Southern hometown of Volgograd region on behalf of the local council elections. 有消息说,她计划今年年底代表家乡参加南伏尔加格勒地区的地方议员选举。 www.englishtang.com 7. Income disparity and the trade deficit are likely to be big issues in the next congressional and presidential elections. 在下一届美国国会和总统选举中,收入差距和贸易逆差可能会成为最重要的议题。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Back in Mathare, residents were quick to say that they will continue being friends after the elections are over. 回到玛莎,居民很快表示,他们将在选举结束后继续成为朋友。 www.bing.com 9. Elections in the disputed city of Kirkuk were to be postponed until a separate agreement could be reached. 在存有争议的城市基尔库克,选举将被推迟直至协议另行达成。 www.ecocn.org 10. On Tuesday, Mr. Samaras came out against the idea of a referendum and called for elections instead. 周二,萨马拉斯站出来反对全民公决的提案,并呼吁举行选举。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The military have conceded for the first time that parliamentary elections due to be held in September might be delayed. 军方首次承认原定于九月份举行的议会选举可能会被推迟。 www.24en.com 2. President Mubarak has said he'll continue to do his duty under the constitution until power is transferred after elections in September. 穆巴拉克总统已经表示,他将依照宪法继续履行自己的职责,直到权利在九月份的选举过后移交。 www.voanews.cn 3. The key new demand is to postpone presidential elections for two months to allow a real opposition candidate to run against Vladimir Putin. 主要的新要求还包括,将总统选举推迟两个月举行,以便让真正的反对派候选人与普京展开竞争。 www.bing.com 4. With a peace agreement signed, general elections are expected to take place in 2009. 随着和平协议的签署,预期将于2009年举行大选。 www.who.int 5. Analysts said the simultaneous elections for the legislature seemed on course to bring a reduced but still comfortable majority for Ma. 分析家说同时进行的立法机构的选举仿佛会在规定的过程中带来一些减少,但对马来说依然保留了足够的多数。 www.bing.com 6. Deep in the corridors of the Kremlin, it is clear the starting gun has been fired for presidential elections just under a year from now. 在克林姆林宫的深宅之中,总统选举角逐的发令枪显然已经打响——目前距离选举不到一年时间。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Warnings of foreign influence have often been a feature of U. S. elections, especially in times of economic insecurity. 提醒美国警惕海外影响力经常是美国中期选举的一大特色,在经济不稳时尤其如此。 c.wsj.com 8. Still, problems persist, especially in the long run-up to elections. 早在选举前的准备阶段,问题就存在了。 www.bing.com 9. Mr Cook cautions that the body count would have to rise very sharply indeed to affect the mid-term congressional elections next year. Cook先生提醒道:死亡人数必须迅速上升才会影响到明年中期的议会选举。 www.ecocn.org 10. Before the elections Mr Rutte had indicated he would like to see a government formed in time to draft and submit the budget in September. 在竞选前,鲁特先生表示他希望看到政府及时组建以起草并在九月份提交其财政预算。 www.bing.com 1. And the seemingly solid legislative majority that ushered him in may fall apart after the November elections. 而且,看上去坚不可摧,并一直指引奥巴马的立法机构的主体,也在11月的选举之后土崩瓦解。 www.bing.com 2. The unease about job levels have framed many debates leading up to the mid-term Congressional elections that will take place Tuesday. 关于就业水平的不安是周二将举行的国会中期选举之前很多辩论的主调。 www.bing.com 3. Asari have no politicians or elections, but a free-wheeling, all-inclusive legislature that citizens can participate in at will. 阿莎利族没有政治家或选举,而是一种不受约束,包罗万象的立法体系,公民可以任意的加入。 wiki2.gamer.com.tw 4. Finally, the conditions to have credible presidential and parliamentary elections do not exist as yet. 最后一项因素,令人民信任的总统大选和国会改选的发生条件尚不存在。 www.24en.com 5. Yet whenever elections come around politicians treat the people at the bottom of the heap as the embodiment of American values. 可是不论什么选举,只要这选举一来,政治家们就把最底层民众拿来作为美国价值观的代表。 www.ecocn.org 6. Fine Punishment elections can be divided into gold, a single fine in addition to a fine, and subjected to punishment or a single gold. 罚金刑可以划分为选处罚金、单处罚金、并处罚金、并处或单处罚金等四种适用方式。 lib.cqvip.com 7. But keep in mind that most of the country would be in a satisfactory position for elections, if they were being held next month. 可是,需要记住的是,如果伊拉克下个月就举行全国选举的话,大多数地区的选举准备情况将会是令人满意的。 www.24en.com 8. More than a year before the elections in March, Sadr and his top aides set up an election strategy committee they dubbed the "machine. " 三月大选的一年多以前,萨德尔和他的高级助手成立了一个被他们称为“机器”的选举战略委员会。 www.bing.com 9. But since the advent of the German elections, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's position has been different. 但此后德国大选来临,施罗德的立场有了不同。 www.englishtang.com 10. But yes, elections aren't democracy: An openly contested and fairly decided election is only a precondition to democracy. 然而,选举不等于民主——公开竞争、公平决定的选举只是民主的前提条件之一。 www.bing.com 1. Thanks to those issues, the midterm congressional elections are looming larger in importance than is usually the case. 正因为有这些问题,今年的国会中期选举才显现出比以往更加重要的意义。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The new local governments that come out of these elections will face very tough economic conditions for everyone. 在这次选举中当选的新的地方政府将面临非常严峻的经济形势。 www.hxen.com 3. Benazir Bhutto was campaigning for parliamentary elections when she was murdered as she left a mass political rally in Rawalpindi . 布托在离开拉瓦尔品第的一个政治集会时被人刺杀,当时她正在参加议会选举的竞选活动。 www.bing.com 4. [Elections must not become] the kind of "winner-take-all" contests that now produce factional warfare. 不能让选举成为一场引发派系战争的‘赢家通吃’竞赛。 www.bing.com 5. Any referendum over Kirkuk's status may be at least as dangerous as national parliamentary elections. 任何关于基尔库克的全民公决可能至少都和国家议会选举一般布满危机。 www.ecocn.org 6. And it is too late for him to do anything about this predicament until after November's elections. 这种窘境在十一月份的选举之前不会得到改变,因为他没有时间了。 www.bing.com 7. Mr. Vejjajiva's reconciliation plan calls for holding parliamentary elections on November 14, about a year ahead of schedule. 阿披实总理的和解方案要求在11月14日举行国会选举,这比原定选举时间提前了大约一年。 www.voanews.cn 8. Free and fair elections are the keystone of any democracy. They are essential for the peaceful transfer of power. 自由公正的选举是任何民主制度的基石,对于和平的权力交接至关重要。 www.america.gov 9. After a week of elections across the country, that still remains the case. 经过全国一周的选举后,这一形势依旧没有发生改变。 www.ecocn.org 10. Elections alone do not assure democracy since dictators can use the resources of the state to tamper with the election process. 单凭选举不能确保民主,因为独裁者可以利用国家资源不正当地干预选举程序。 www.america.gov 1. The question for Russia under Mr Putin has never been about elections or the occupancy of the Kremlin. 普京先生统治下的俄国,选举谁胜谁负,谁来入驻克里姆林宫从来都不成其为问题。 www.ecocn.org 2. We're seeing right now that states and localities are beginning to slash budgets for conducting elections. 现在我们看到各州和各地方都开始削减选举预算。 www.bing.com 3. With the mid-term elections less than a week away, Democrats are looking for help from the young voters, aged 18 to 29. 在离中期选举还有不到一个星期的时间,民主党再次向18到29岁的年轻人寻求帮助。 www.ecocn.org 4. 'Up until now, our observers have judged these elections peaceful and transparent, ' she said. 她说,目前为止我们的观察员认为选举是和平且透明的。 cn.wsj.com 5. An unaccountable SPLM would be perfectly happy to get through to its own referendum in 2011 without elections. 一个不用对谁负责的苏丹人民解放运动将非常乐于进入2011年它自己的全民投票而不进行选举。 www.ecocn.org 6. It was rather the challenge to the Kremlin's "vertical of power" ; in Mr Luzhkov's case a hint that regional elections ought to be revived. 真正冒犯政府的是他们对克里姆林宫“垂直权利”的挑战;卢日科夫一事暗示地区选举应该重新开展。 www.ecocn.org 7. President Joseph Kabila said he had fulfilled his promise of organizing elections. 约瑟夫·卡比拉总统称他已履行了组织选举的承诺。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. The imminent presidential elections and current downward slope of the American economy are enough to induce fear and anxiety in all of us. 日趋逼近的总统大选、时下的美国经济滑坡,这些事都足以使我们导致恐惧焦虑。 www.elanso.com 9. But most Indonesians seem to expect the army to remain neutral during the elections. 但是大多数印尼人希望军队在大选期间恪守中立。 www.ecocn.org 10. When Mr Ahmadinejad and his allies did badly in recent local elections, criticism came into the open. 最近艾哈迈迪内贾德总统及其执政党在最近的地方选举当中表现不佳,批评声逐渐公开明朗化。 www.ecocn.org 1. The Obama administration has struck a more conciliatory tone towards business since the Democratic defeat in November's midterm elections. 自去年11月民主党在中期选举中告败之后,奥巴马政府对商界采取了更为和缓的论调。 www.ftchinese.com 2. We want to see all parts of Iraq participate to the fullest extent possible in these elections, " he added. " 我们希望见到伊拉克的各个阶层都能尽可能充份地参加这次选举。 www.24en.com 3. Expect even louder reactions from politicians, especially those facing elections in the next two years. 预计政治家会做出更响亮的回应,尤其是那些未来两年将面临选举的政治家。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Opponents said the call showed that she cheated in the 2004 elections. 反对者称该通话表明了她在2004年大选中作弊行为。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. America's political parties rallied their core supporters as the electorate prepared to vote in the mid- term elections on November 7th. 当全体选民准备在11月7日进行美国中期选举投票时,美国的政党召集他们的衷心支持者们以应对此次选举。 www.ecocn.org 6. Iraq also has verbally committed to a compromise by holding free elections to its national committee under IOC observation. 伊拉克同时口头上承诺妥协,将在国际奥委会的监督下对其本国奥委会的构成进行自由选举。 club.learning.sohu.com 7. Hurricane Gustav pushed Louisiana's congressional elections back by a month, making them the last ones to be held in the country. 由于飓风“古斯塔夫”的影响,路易斯安那州推迟了一个月才举行国会选举,这使其成为全国最后举行的国会选举。 www.ecocn.org 8. ONCE upon a time Britain had a long-serving Labour prime minister, one who had won four general elections. 许久以前,英国曾有一位工党首相接连赢得四次大选而得以长期在任。 www.jydoc.com 9. The junta refused to honour the result of the last elections in 1990 when Suu Kyi's party won by a landslide. 在1990年的上次选举中,素季女士领导的党派曾大获全胜,但军政府拒绝承认这一结果。 www.bing.com 10. In the video the young woman gets increasingly excited as she votes for the Socialist Party in this month's regional elections in Catalonia. 在这段视频中,一名女子在其为本月社会党在加泰罗尼亚的地区选举投票时显得格外兴奋。 www.bing.com 1. Politically, he had wrung out of the Democratic Party some of the excesses that had kept it from winning elections. 从政治上说,他已经超脱了那些在民主党中妨碍他赢得大选的一些累赘。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The elections were an even bigger setback for her coalition partner, the Free Democrats (FDP). 选举结果对她的执政伙伴自民党是个更大的挫折。 www.ecocn.org 3. In 2005 Saudi Arabia held elections (men only) for new local councils (though half the representatives were to be appointed, not elected). 2005年,沙特阿拉伯举行了市政委员会投票选举(女性禁入),虽然最后半数代表都由政府指派。 www.ecocn.org 4. But considering what America and the West have, are the elections really free. . . of money and corruption? What a mess is what I see. ? 但是,想想美国和西方的选举,是真正的自由选举,只不过这“自由”是钱跟腐败的自由。?。 www.kidtong.com 5. In his scarce times of emergence, usually attempting to run in rigged elections, he needed all the protection he could get. 他为数不多的几次抛头露面(通常是参加那些受到幕后操控的选举),都需要周全的贴身保护。 www.ecocn.org 6. The legislative elections are fairly easy to predict. 国会改选的结果很容易预测。 www.ecocn.org 7. Once elections were won, the issues that fired up the base almost always took a back seat to the economic concerns of the elite. 一旦选举胜利,激起并构成基础的议题几乎从被精英们对经济的关注而束之高阁。 blog.163.com 8. Unlike the last three elections, in which Labour led by Tony Blair sauntered home, this time the outcome is uncertain. 不像最近的三届的选举都是由托尼?布莱尔领导的工党获胜,这次的结果具有不确定性。 www.ecocn.org 9. With the local elections over, the protests will probably fizzle for a while. 地方选举结束,抗议活动也许会萎靡一阵子。 www.ecocn.org 10. Opposition groups and El Tigre then teamed up to form an interim government and promised to hold elections in the captain's absence. 在枪击事件发生后,反对党和科纳提将军联合成立了临时政府,并承诺在卡马拉上校离国期间举行大选。 www.ecocn.org |
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