单词 | flashlight |
释义 | flashlights是flashlight的复数
复数:flashlights n. penlight,light,lamp,lantern,flash 例句释义: 手电筒,闪光信号灯,闪光,闪光灯,手电技术讨论区,两个手电筒 1. Flashlights , fluorescent sticks and cell phones, this could be the build up to a concert or a laser show, but it's none of the above. 手电筒,萤光棒和手机,这可以是演唱会或是雷射秀前的热身,不过它都不是。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The men train their flashlights over the dark harbor, but they do not see Kim free herself from the rope under the water. 搜寻金姆的人用他们的手电筒对着漆黑的海港照来照去,但是在他们看不到的水下,金姆从绳子中挣脱了出来。 www.bing.com 3. Lights can be used to simulate the sun, burning match light, flashlights, gun-fire, or explosions, just to name a few. 灯光可以用来模拟太阳,燃烧的火柴,手电筒,枪火光,或爆炸,等等等等,在此就不一一列举。 game.ceeger.com 4. We came to a cobbled footpath that led to the grotto, turned on our flashlights and made our way past moonlit lemon groves and gated villas. 我们到了通往洞穴的鹅卵石小径,打开手电筒,穿过月光下的柠檬树林和紧闭大门的住宅。 www.bing.com 5. The usher is always there to help. Ushers should usually have flashlights to help you find your seat. 引座员还会在那儿帮助你的,引座员通常都有手电筒帮助你找到座位。 www.bing.com 6. Further forays to the local stores furnished him with a supply of candles, flashlights, and batteries. 他又偷袭了当地的杂货店,弄回一些蜡烛,手电筒和电池。 www.bing.com 7. At the time of emergency flashlights or mirrors should be used to send light as the signal for help. 遇到紧急情况时用电筒或镜子发出闪烁的光以此作为求救信号。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. With power still out in most of the city, generators, flashlights and multiple -plug outlets were popular items. 城市大部分地区还没有电。发电机、手电筒、多头电源插座很受欢迎。 ts.hjenglish.com 9. Households store food and water and get out their matches, candles, and flashlights. 家家户户储存食物和水,还把火柴、蜡烛、和手电筒拿出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Four scientists with flashlights stick their heads inside his mouth and carefully scrutinize it. 四个拿着手电筒的科学家把头伸进去,仔细地察看着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Break out the flashlights. When a full lunar eclipse takes place on the shortest day of the year, the planet may just get awfully dark. 拿出手电筒吧。当一年里最短的一天发生月全食,地球可能会变得一片漆黑。 www.bing.com 2. As Tillamook firefighters' flashlights swept across the water, they landed on a partially submerged car farther downriver. 当Tillamook救火队员拿着手电筒向水面照去,他们发现更远的河下游的地方有一辆淹没一半的汽车。 www.elanso.com 3. Shining flashlights 13 feet down into the wreckage, they found a sign. 用手电筒向13英寸以下的废墟中照进去,他们发现了迹象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Product Information: Lighting Accessories, Night Lights, Novelty Light Fixtures, Specialty Flashlights , Table Light Fixtures. 主营产品:灯具配件,小夜灯,新款灯装置,闪光灯,台灯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Aquarius builds their costume out of spare flashlights and spends all night tinkering when it shorts. 水瓶座将废旧手电筒用在万圣节行头上,结果不整晚不停地补充能源。 www.yxtvg.com 6. Given these major benefits, LEDs are already the light of choice for traffic signals and flashlights. 如此明显的优势使得LED已经在交通信号灯和手电筒产品中得到了广泛应用。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. LEDs are common in thousands of applications, from traffic lights to jumbo television screens to intense flashlights. 从红绿灯,巨型电视的显示屏到霓虹灯,LED在无数设备上被广泛使用。 ng.trends.com.cn 8. Barely twenty minutes after we had given the signal, a string of three flashlights advanced toward us, three of the four mountain rescuers. 我们发出信号刚刚20分钟,三束手电筒光便朝我们这里走来,他们是四个山区救援队员中的三个。 www.zftrans.com 9. It was pitch-dark as the two trudged through the mud, waving their flashlights. 周围一片漆黑,他们两个人晃动着手电筒,在泥泞中艰难地行进。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 10. I read in the papers there are robbers with flashlights that shine in the dark. 我看报上写着最近有盗贼会带着手电筒在夜晚行窃。 www.tingroom.com 1. We have been specialized in manufacturing hair dryers, hair straighteners, hair curlers, hair clippers and flashlights for about 14 years. 我们一直专业生产约14年电吹风,直发器,卷发器,电推子和手电筒。 www.21004.com 2. Tom and his team drive cars, use flashlights and the evil gang used a petrol driven generator to produce electricity. 汤姆和他的团队用汽车,用手电筒,还有黑恶团伙使用汽油发电机产生电力。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Their current uses range from small LED flashlights to street signal lights , laptop computers , and giant video billboards . 他们当前的使用范围从小型闪光灯到街头信号灯,手提电脑,和大型视频广告牌。 www.bing.com 4. In accordance with the Department's requirements and the time line patrolled, must carry walkie-talkies and Flashlights. 按照部门规定的时间和路线巡逻,巡逻时必须携带对讲机和手电。 job.veryeast.cn 5. Flashlights can be seen by search and rescue teams from a great distance. 搜寻和营救人员能从很远的距离看到手电筒的亮光。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. However, they do this with a canoe, a couple of flashlights, and two spears. 但他们只有独木舟、一些电筒和两柄长矛。 www.bing.com 7. After the quake subsided, the workers grabbed flashlights and made their way to the exit, Mr. Bamba recalled. 卓也邦巴回忆说,地震平息后,工人们抓起手电筒,好不容易到了出口。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Perhaps the Web page selling flashlights would contain a check box saying "include batteries, " checked by default. 或许在手电筒的销售页面下应该有个默认为勾选的选项,写着“内含电池”。 www.bing.com 9. The lights are off, and they must be looking for the fuse box or something, cause them flashlights they're, they're keeping me awake. 灯灭了,他们一定在找保险盒什么的,因为他们在用手电筒,让我睡不着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. They filled sandbags and stocked stuck up on supplies, things like bottled water, butteries and flashlights. 他们装填沙袋并储存食品,诸如瓶装水,电池和手电筒等。 www.kekenet.com 1. And that hospital could have afforded flashlights. They could have afforded to purchase these things, but they didn't. 而其实那个医院应该是可以提供手电筒的,他们有那个钱去买这些东西,但是他们没有。 www.ted.com 2. Front part of the frame under the barrel is shaped as an accessory rail to accept laser sights or flashlights. 在枪管下面的枪架前面部分被成形当作一个附件导轨去安装激光瞄准器或手电筒。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Transform the yard by equipping your children with headlamps or flashlights and letting them explore at night. 让孩子们带上矿工用的小型照明灯或者手电筒去给自家的院子来场改革,让他们晚上探索院子。 www.bing.com 4. Prepare candles and flashlights. Stock up on food, potable water, batteries and first-aid supplies. 准备蜡烛和手电筒。储备食物,饮用水,电池和急救用品。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Our main products are flashlights, laser pointers, and LED application products. 我们的主要产品有手电筒,激光笔,LED系列产品等。 www.cjol.com 6. Anticipating that it would soon be dark, all of them took flashlights. 考虑到天很快就会黑下来,他们大家都带了手电筒。 www.hstc.edu.cn 7. Flashlights are not listed explicitly in Annex IB of the WEEE Directive. WEEE指令附录IB中没有明确列出闪光灯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. electric lamp (bulb), filament for portable flashlights, battery or magnetolamps. 白炽电灯(泡),手电筒,电池灯或磁电灯用。 www.dictall.com 9. When entering damaged buildings, use flashlights only. 进入受损的建筑物时,只可使用手电筒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Hand-cranked or Faraday flashlights are handy, should a spirit drain the batteries. 手弯或法拉第手电筒是得心应手,应本着消耗电池。 www.sjgcz.cn 1. This is a very dark film, the gloom often penetrated only by the flashlights of the detectives. 这是一部非常黑色的电影,幽暗常常只被侦探的手电光刺穿。 www.bing.com 2. So it's also looking for acquisitions in such areas as camping stoves, grills, flashlights and knives, he says. 因此,该公司还在寻求野营炉具、烤架、手电筒和刀具这些领域的收购机会。 c.wsj.com 3. Shoot stuff in your garage or basement with the lights of and experiment with flashlights and strobe flash. 比如,在你的车库或基地中用闪光和频闪的手法,拍摄一些东西。 www.elanso.com 4. As night falls, flashlights waved by unseen figures signal that the way ahead is clear. 夜幕降临,黑暗中有人挥舞着手电筒,发出前方道路安全的信号。 www.bing.com 5. Currently, we often use batteries to make energy for flashlights. 现在我们通常用电池为手电筒提供能量。 www.bing.com 6. Overall I'm quite pleased with my TK15 and am impressed with the quality and value of Fenix flashlights. 大致上我很满意我的TK15和留下很深刻的印象的质量和价值菲尼克斯手电筒。 www.shoudian.com 7. They winked their flashlights hopefully. 他们怀着希望将手电筒一开一关地打信号。 www.jxenglish.com 8. Flashlight - Better than Appstore's many flashlights because it makes the screen brighter. What good is a dim light? Sheesh. Flashlight-比苹果商店里的很多手电软件都好,让屏幕更亮。暗暗的手电有啥用? blog.sina.com.cn 9. Common tools and flashlights are available to reflective items such as mirrors, canned Paper, glass, glasses, etc. back to spectrometer. 常见工具有手电筒以及可利用的能反光的物品如镜子、罐头皮、玻璃片、眼镜、回光仪等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Fan Guangzhao main production plant, switch button, such as various types of batteries-flashlights, headlights accessories. 工厂主要生产反光罩、开关按钮、电池架等各类手电筒、头灯配件。 www.tonke.cn 1. We are all familiar with flashlights, portable radios and car lighting systems, all of which use batteries as their source power. 我们所熟悉的手电筒,袖珍收音机和汽车照明系统,他们都是用蓄电池作为电源的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Suddenly, I noticed a flickering army of flashlights. 蓦然间,我注意到一大簇摇曳的手电筒的灯光。 www.joyen.net 3. 'cause them flashlights, they're keeping me awake . 因为他们打着手电,把我都照醒了 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But you definitely know what duct tape is, and you've probably used it to fix everything from glasses to flashlights. 但你一定知道胶带,并且你可能用它来固定任何东西,比如眼镜或手电筒。 www.putclub.com 5. Legion II flashlights at CPF Marketplace. 二军团在中央公积金手电筒市场。 www.tech-domain.com 6. The shadows caused by flashlights and headlamps can throw off your depth perception, causing some people to trip and stumble. 夜间光源带来的影子会影响你对路况的判断,使人们夜跑中容易被绊倒。 www.bing.com 7. They shine their flashlights in the brush, but the cons are gone. 他们将电筒光照向灌木丛,但越狱团伙们已经离开了。 www.bing.com 8. Sometimes we need the flashlights urgently, but the batteries are used up. 有时,在我们正急需手电筒的时候,电池却用完了。 www.bing.com 9. At present, I have the white high-brightness, long life characteristics, widely used in flashlights, solar lighting, and so on. 目前我公司的白光具有亮度高,使用寿命长的特点,广泛的用于手电筒、太阳能照明等方面。 www.tonke.cn 10. Turn off your flashlights. She'll see you! 快关掉手电筒,她会看到的! www.tingroom.com 1. Flashlights and spare batteries. Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. 在你的床边、工作地点以及车里放一盏应急灯。 www.hjenglish.com 2. On the night of the earthquake, because the rescue teams didn't come, parents used flashlights to search for their children. 地震当天晚上,因为救援队还没到,父母们打着手电筒寻打自己的孩子。 www.bing.com 3. We want to buy Slide Torches, Flashlights, Mirrors and Other Promotional Items Glass and Glassware. 我们要采购滑动火把,手电筒,镜子企业促销纪念品,玻璃和玻璃器具类。 easytrade.com 4. I like small flashlights in inside jacket pockets, anything on a ledge. 我喜欢贴身衣袋里小小手电筒,以及屋檐上的一切物体。 www.bing.com 5. Standard Specification for Flashlights on Vessels 船用闪光灯规范 www.std168.com 6. Specification for Flashlights on Vessels 船上用闪光灯规范 www.isres.com 7. Buy Hand- Rechargeable Flashlights And Radios 澳大利亚求购可充电的手电筒和收音机 vip.globalimporter.net 8. I see the sparkle of a million flashlights 我看见千万支手电筒在闪耀 zhidao.baidu.com |
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