单词 | dragonfly |
释义 |
复数:dragonflies 例句释义: 蜻蜓,鬼胎记,鬼谜,蚂螂 1. So the dragonfly swooped down to the surface of the water and tried to reenter the water, but try as it would, it could not return. 于是,这只蜻蜓俯冲到水面上并尝试再次进入水中,他尽了所有能力地去做,但是他无法回去了。 qqblog.qqmay.com 2. This dragonfly suddenly curled its abdomen while I was watching it through the lens, giving it a unique appearance. 蜻蜓突然卷曲它的腹部,我通过镜头瞄准着它,而它给了我一个独特的外观。 www.bing.com 3. Because this dragonfly has a rather amazing story to tell. And I feel very privileged to have stumbled across it living in the Maldives. 因为这种蜻蜓有一个非比寻常的故事。是我住在马尔代夫时,非常荣幸地偶然发现的 www.ted.com 4. In the morning, he had already turned into a beautiful dragonfly. He said a farewell to God and was off to the hospital. 天亮了﹐男孩已经变成了一只漂亮的蜻蜓﹐他告别了上帝便匆匆地飞到了医院。 www.aboutcase.com.tw 5. I was looking at a beautiful rose when a beautiful, large dragonfly landed within arm's length of me. 当我正看着一朵美丽的玫瑰花时,一只漂亮的、大个的蜻蜓停在距我一臂之远的花上。 qqblog.qqmay.com 6. I looked up to see if the dragonfly was still there . 我抬起头想看看那只蜻蜓还在不在。 www.jukuu.com 7. Imagine you were a bamboo dragonfly, only if you spread your wings and prepare to fly, you would fly to the sky freely. 想象自己是竹蜻蜓,只要张开双翅勇敢地迎着风去,便可以飞起来,自由地飞起来。 www.bing.com 8. Could that dragonfly flying above that drain be the answer to my prayers? It is a good thing that this park has excellent drainage. 那只在排水沟上空飞着的蜻蜓能作为我祈求的答案吗?这个公园的排水系统很好是件好事。 www.eduquan.com 9. Tieguanyin is a best kind tea among oolong. Crimped leaf, sandy green color, it looks like the head of dragonfly, leptospira and frog leg. 铁观音是乌龙茶的极品。茶条卷曲,肥壮圆结,沉重匀整,色泽砂绿,整体形状似蜻蜓头、螺旋体、青蛙腿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The sound of be born glass voice, let my heart a transitory ripples, as if dragonfly water generally. 这一声杯子落地的声音,让我的心中泛起一阵涟漪,仿佛蜻蜓点水一般。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The boy turned into a beautiful dragonfly at dawn. He farewelled with God and returned to the hospital in a hurry. 天亮了,男孩已经变成了一只漂亮的蜻蜓,他告别了上帝便匆匆地飞到了医院。 bbs.newacad.com 2. Insects are a staple for most frogs, like this young bullfrog munching on a freshly snagged dragonfly. 昆虫对于大多数青蛙老说是主食,这只年轻的牛蛙就正在津津有味的咀嚼一只新鲜美味的蜻蜓。 www.bing.com 3. there were days when she ran round the garden , like a girl of ten , chasing a butterfly or a dragonfly. 有些日子她就像一个十岁的女孩子那样,在花园里追着一只蝴蝶或者蜻蜓奔跑。 www.ichacha.net 4. Midges swarmed in the air, and a dragonfly floated over the stream, darting here and there. 蚊虫云集在空中,一只蜻蜓在小溪上悬停着,突然从这边移到另一边。 www.cndkc.net 5. Outside, beneath a portico jewelled as a dragonfly, silhouettes talked in a husky language then returned to the concert within. 在外面,在被宝石装饰得像蜻蜓一样的走廊下,一些人影在用沙哑的语言交谈,然后回去参加音乐会。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The heavy rain premonitory Dragonfly swallows flying low, ants, the fish to the surface of ventilation, rain will come. 大雨前兆蜻蜓燕子低飞,蚂蚁搬家,鱼儿水面来换气儿,大雨马上就来到。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Wicken Fen, where the dragonfly centre opened today, is one of the few bright spots for dragonflies and home to 21 of Britain's species. 蜻蜓中心的所在地,威肯沼泽是鲜有的亮点,英国21种蜻蜓栖息在此。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. measuring the camber deformation of a dragonfly wing using projected comb fringe without hypothesizing that the wing is a rigid plate. 梳状条纹投影法,解决翅膀弓形变形测量问题,不需要以往的翅膀刚性平板或刚性条杆假设; www.keyanjijin.cn 9. After the long empty, cirrus, pond red dragonfly little ripples circle circle, breeze light Buddha, sent to the distant town story! 雨后的清空,卷云漫漫,池塘上的红蜻蜓点起涟漪圈圈,微风轻佛而过,送来那悠远的小镇故事! wenwen.soso.com 10. I sat on a nearby bench, feeling the air turn humid, and a dragonfly landed on my shoulder. 我坐在附近的长椅上,感受着空气变得湿润,一只蜻蜓落上了我的肩膀。 www.bing.com 1. Dragonfly bamboo leaves in front of blunt, sharp behind, on the surface is arched, relatively flat lower surface. 竹蜻蜓的叶片前面圆钝,后面尖锐,上表面比较圆拱,下表面比较平直。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 2. The little lotus flower just shows its tiny bud tip, And a dragonfly already stands on it. 小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上頭。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. When the lift is greater than its own weight, bamboo dragonfly will into the sky. 当升力大于它本身的重量时,竹蜻蜓就会腾空而起。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 4. But it's only a few months until the Dragonfly opens, right? 但蜻蜓餐馆过几个月就要开业,对不对? sfile.ydy.com 5. We stood and looked at the lovely dragonfly for a long time, and as we walked out of the hothouse, the dragonfly remained on the rose. 我们站在那里,长时间地看着那只蜻蜓,当我们走出花房的时候,那只蜻蜓仍停在那朵玫瑰花上。 qqblog.qqmay.com 6. When the planet spins it sings like the wings of a dragonfly. 当地球旋转就像蜻蜓的翅膀在歌唱。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A dragonfly sows its eggs while skimming the surface of the water. 蜻蜓总是在水面上撒卵。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In a bay window overlooking a vegetable garden, dried flowers hang next to a stained-glass dragonfly. 能望到菜园的窗台上,一束干花悬挂在彩玻璃制成的蜻蜓旁边。 www.bing.com 9. A good first stop is Dragonfly, arguably Jakarta's most beautiful club lounge, incongruously located in a drab, obscure building. 推荐的第一站是“蜻蜓酒吧”(Dragonfly),据说是雅加达最美丽的休闲俱乐部,却很不协调地坐落在一栋不起眼的黄褐色建筑物内。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Done with dyed rough hemp, these flowers attract a dragonfly to stop for a breather. 利用粗麻材质,染色编结创作的丛菊图,栩栩然引得碧眼蜻蜓前来歇息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I had been very moved by a story the priest told about a dragonfly, so I shared it with Jen. 我被神父讲述的那个有关蜻蜓的故事感动,所以,我与简分享了这个故事。 qqblog.qqmay.com 2. This luckily still once flew dragonfly, if once flew fly mosquito what of, did that still want momentous person not to live? 这幸好还是飞过只蜻蜓,要是飞过只苍蝇蚊子什么的,那还要不要人活了? www.fenyouwang.com 3. This hypothesis also can be used to explain complicated and unique venation of dragonfly. 这个假说也可以来解释蜻蜓复杂脉相的形成原因。 www.insect.org.cn 4. Although this spider is very small, but the dragonfly to stay online if it is difficult to move, and finally will be eaten alive by spiders. 虽然这只蜘蛛很小,但蜻蜓如果停留在网上就很难动弹,最后会被蜘蛛活生生地吃掉。 www.bing.com 5. See through the many eyes of the dragonfly Hear the flowers bloom in early spring And see the lines of life untouched by time Upon the way. 看到蜻蜓的许多眼睛听到花朵在早春开放看到时间无法消亡的生命线在路途之上。 www.imboke.com 6. Although modern helicopters dragonfly complex than a thousand times, but the flight principle, the similarities with the bamboo dragonfly. 现代直升机尽管比竹蜻蜓复杂千万倍,但其飞行原理却与竹蜻蜓有相似之处。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 7. Shape: Curled strips, strong, heavy, with dragonfly head, lenitive luster, apparel green, definite red spots, with hoar frost the leaves. 外形:条索卷曲、壮结、沉重,呈青带绿腹蜻蜓头状,色泽鲜润,砂绿显,红点明,叶表带白霜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Macro image of a dragonfly clinging to a car antenna on a clear day in California. 这是一张在加利福尼亚州的一只蜻蜓抱住汽车天线的广角照片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Pull the tabs to make the nightingales open their beaks or reveal the sparkling, shiny blue wings of a dragonfly. 拉一下标签就能让夜莺张开它们的喙,或张开蜻蜓闪闪发光的翅膀。 www.bing.com 10. To verify insect wings viscoelastic stress-relaxation, experiments on dragonfly wings veins were performed. 通过蜻蜓翅脉的应力松弛实验,验证了昆虫翼的粘弹性特性。 www.dictall.com 1. Unfortunately, the dragonfly persist down, we humans often choose to give up, stay away from the ideals of their own. 遗憾的是,蜻蜓坚持了下来,我们人类往往选择了放弃,远离了自己的理想。 www.tradeask.com 2. The Summer of that year was extremely long. The dragonfly flat- hatted sadly every day. He had no courage to fly close to his lover. 这一年的夏天特别长,蜻蜓每天痛苦的低飞着,他已经没有勇气接近自己昔日地恋人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Researchers collected wild dragonfly larvae, and placed them in tanks with fish or insect predators. 研究人员们采集了野生蜻蜓的幼虫,把它们与鱼类或食昆虫的生物们放在一起饲养。 www.hjenglish.com 4. However, she was accompanied by a tall, handsome man. At that moment, the dragonfly almost fell to the ground. 然而﹐她那熟悉的身影旁站著一个高大而英俊的男人﹐那一刹那﹐蜻蜓几乎快从半空中坠落下来。 www.aboutcase.com.tw 5. Fastener Factory is a macro dragonfly by the relevant state registration of enterprises. 宏蜓紧固件厂是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。 china.alibaba.com 6. changeable taffeta; chatoyant (or shot) silk; a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent. 变色塔夫绸;变色丝;一只蜻蜓盘旋着,振动着闪光的翅膀。 www.hotdic.com 7. According to taste, kites can have shapes as diverse as that of dragonfly, swallow or butterfly. 根据不同的口味,风筝有各式各样的形状,如蜻蜓﹑燕子或蝴蝶。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. SHANGHAI RED DRAGONFLY KNITTING CLOTHES MANUFACTURE DEVELOPMENT CO. , LTD. 上海红蜻蜓针织制衣发展有限公司。 www.chinaningbo.com 9. The big dragonfly was caught because it takes action under a condition it does not know very well. 大蜻蜓之所以送了命,原因是牠在尚未了解真实情况下,贸然采取行动所致。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It was spring again in the blink of an eye. The dragonfly was anxious to find his girlfriend. 转眼间﹐春天来了﹐蜻蜓迫不及待地飞回来寻找自己的恋人。 www.aboutcase.com.tw 1. And the dragonfly "Insectothopter" is one of the first micro spy drones in the 1970s. 另一种是蜻蜓形状的小飞行器,是上世纪70年代第一类微型遥控飞机。 www.wushucn.com 2. Dragonfly carries the remembrance of dragon form in the nonphysical as well as physical. 蜻蜓一直携带着对龙王国既在非物质层也在物质层样子的记忆。 www.lingyuan.net 3. Two eyes like lamps, a tail like only nail. Half a day in the clouds, the lake had time. (play move things) dragonfly. 两眼如灯盏,一尾如只钉。半天云里过,湖面过光阴。(打一动物名)蜻蜓。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Eimer recommends either Dragonfly or Bodhi for a high-quality, low-cost massage. 艾默推建高质量,低成本的按摩是蜻蜓或菩提。 www.lwtxw.com 5. Come along, daisy, mama duck, riverbank, reeds, close, fish, faw away, dragonfly, lily pads, bouncing. 一起,黛西,鸭妈妈,河畔,芦苇、近的、鱼、在远去、蜻蜓、睡莲叶、跳。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 6. Wind fall fruit bushes, red dragonfly flying in the sunset, yellow flower into the winter jasmine. 风中的果子落在草丛,红色的蜻蜓飞在晚霞,黄色的迎春花插进花瓶。 www.bing.com 7. The dragonfly flapped its wings and took off in flight, doing loops and spins through the sunlit sky. 这只蜻蜓拍打翅膀并飞了起来,在阳光明媚的天空下回旋飞翔。 qqblog.qqmay.com 8. I have pinned him down only to find that it was not a dung beetle I had in my hands, but a dragonfly. 我把他抓住了,结果发现手中不是蟑螂而是一只靖蜒。 www.douban.com 9. Learn how to harness the power of social media in this case study excerpted from The Dragonfly Effect, by Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith. 摘录于JenniferAaker和AndySmith的蜻蜓效应。这本书是关于学会怎样利用社会媒体的力量。 www.bing.com 10. Dragonfly flying spiral and called "China Tops" , which is a strange invention of our ancestors. 竹蜻蜓又叫飞螺旋和“中国陀螺”,这是我们祖先的奇特发明。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 1. In the Fringe Flower glyph some of the petals are dragonfly wings. 花形图案符号中一些花瓣是由蜻蜓翅膀构成 blog.sina.com.cn 2. At an Moon Festival celebration event, we got Allison two dragonfly hairpins - one pink, one purple. 中秋节的时候,给家家买了两只蜻蜓发夹,一只粉色的,一只紫色的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Red Dragonfly, Flies into Common People's Courtyard--Mastermind Process of "Red Dragonfly Series" 红蜻蜒,飞入寻常百姓家--“红蜻蜒丛书”策划随想 service.ilib.cn 4. Do you know that when a dragonfly skims over the water it is actually laying eggs ? 而你知不知道当蜻蜓掠过水面的时候其实是在产卵呢?。 www.bing.com 5. Dragonfly is a leading manufacturer of necklace, bracelet &glass bead in Taiwan. 我们是知名的琉璃珠、项鍊、手环等珠艺饰品的制造商。 www.showxiu.com 6. like a dragonfly writing on water, stroke by stroke. 只会像蜻蜓一样,一笔一画地写在水上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Cork, fabric or faux leather upper with embellished dragonfly vamp design for added style. 软木制品,布料或人造皮革鞋面点缀蜻蜓鞋面添加样式的设计。 www.freemerce.com 8. The little dragonfly fluttered its wings and flew off. 小蜻蜓扑闪扑闪翅膀飞走了。 www.websaru.com 9. Is there any dragonfly staying on your shoulder? 你肩膀上有蜻蜓吗? faramit.1816.net 10. Actually dragonfly water type love dissembles also limited! 其实蜻蜓点水式的爱情再深也有限啊! www.qqniux.com 1. The way was: catch a small dragonfly, behead it and stick its body on one end of a grass; we hold the other end of the grass and whirl. 方法是:先捉一只小蜻蜓,将其头拿掉后再将牠串在一根草的顶端,然后持着该草的另一端轻轻的打着圈子。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The dragonfly flew to walk, the kitty caught, getting empty to begin to return to river bank. 蜻蜓飞走了,小猫没捉着,空着手回到河边来。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. 3The big dragonfly was caught because it takes action under a condition it does not know very well. 大蜻蜓之所以送了命,原因是它在尚未瞭解真实情况下,贸然采取行动所致。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The dragonfly hovered over the bathtub. 这只蜻蜓在浴缸的上方盘旋着。 www.jukuu.com 5. Flying around the room was a dragonfly. 这次是只蜻蜓在房间里飞来飞去。 www.jukuu.com 6. In a city of darkness where evil runs free, the people need a hero. -Who am I? I'm Dragonfly. -Stop! Stop the bus! 在黑暗中一个恶魔自由行走的城市,人们需要一个英雄。-我是谁?我是蜻蜓。-拦住它!拦住那辆公共汽车! qac.yappr.cn 7. A male forest chaser dragonfly displays its gossamer wings in Taiwan. 在台湾,一只雄性的森林猎人蜻蜓展示着它超薄的翅膀。 www.bing.com 8. The alleged happy is being barefooted in the field we catch the dragonfly till tire. 所谓的那快乐赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The dragonfly saw the girl was sad and wanted to help her. 蜻蜓看到难过的女孩并想要帮助她。 www.jukuu.com 10. Bird between the forest, the flowering shrubs butterfly bee, on grass's dragonfly, is representing the life happy song. 林间的小鸟,花丛的蝶蜂,草上的蜻蜓,代表着生命的欢歌。 wenwen.soso.com 1. A dragonfly flies high. A firefly glows at night. A grasshopper jumps high. 蜻蜓飞得高。萤火虫在夜里发光。蚱蜢跳得高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Opera's mobile browsers also support remote debugging using the DragonFly debugger. Opera的移动浏览器也通过DragonFly调试器来支持远程调试。 www.infoq.com 3. While the naughty dragonfly, flap the wings, from the flower to another flower, lotus frolicked happily. 而那调皮的蜻蜓,扇动着翅膀,从那朵花飞到另一朵花,与荷花快乐地嬉戏着。 www.bing.com 4. the dragonfly becomes a dragon in his dream. 在他的梦中,那只蚂螂酿成为了一条龙。 cy666666.com 5. In childhood, we liked catching dragonfly. 小时候我们喜欢玩捉蜻蜓的游戏。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The dragonfly is flying over the water. 蜻蜓在水上飞翔。 learning.sohu.com 7. Helicopter's flight theory and the bamboo dragonfly is the same. 直升机的飞行原理与竹蜻蜓是相同的。 www.qdcs5.com 8. He can tell the difference between a June bug and a Dragonfly, just by the taste. 他能把金甲虫和蜻蜓的区别向你娓娓道来,因为他吃过这些东西。 www.bing.com 9. Was it really the teeth of the dragonfly? 那真的是蜻蜓的牙齿? www.dreamkidland.cn 10. pole , Catch dragonfly. 竿,就去捉蜻蜓。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. World Money Hall in EXPO garden, can you see the dragonfly? 世界钱币馆,更喜欢蓝天、白云、蜻蜓? enpf.chinabroadcast.cn 2. After the event, I was in the street enjoying the silence. A dragonfly came and hovered over my head. 在这个活动之后,我走在街上并享受这份宁静,飞来一只蜻蜓,盘旋在我上方。 www.bing.com 3. It's a rather mediocre looking dragonfly. 因为它的长相实在是很一般。 www.ted.com 4. Is a fly bigger than a dragonfly? Of course not! 一只苍蝇比一只蜻蜓大吗?当然不是了! dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Little dragonfly on squash leaf. 瓜叶上的小蜻蜓。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 6. The blue dragonfly of the picture with a bright color skin is very doozy, and it's intimate lover is a dark brown dragonfly. 照片中的蓝色蜻蜓“肤色”鲜艳,甚是抢眼,而它的“亲密爱人”是一只稍显暗淡的褐色蜻蜓。 bbs.258en.com 7. Small dragonfly that is my lounge lotus leaf, every time I fly tired, to leave it at the top rest. 小蜻蜓说荷叶是我的休息厅,每当我飞累了,就停在上面休息休息。 gotofob.cn 8. The dragonfly hovered over me. 巨人蜻蜓围着我盘旋起来。 www.dictall.com 9. At this time, saw a mantis sword play, to seize a dragonfly. 这时,只见螳螂一个挥马刀,把蜻蜓抓住了。 www.bing.com 10. I saw a pretty little dragonfly. 我看见一只漂亮的小蜻蜓。 bbs.etjy.com 1. How fast the dragonfly flies! 蜻蜓飞得真快啊! blog.sina.com.cn 2. Mommy, dragonfly, butterfly, bee, come here, what a big fish! ! hahaha. . . 妈妈,小蜻蜓,小蝴蝶,小蜜蜂,你们快来看,一条好大的鱼!!哈哈哈…… blog.sina.com.cn 3. I was talking to a dragonfly. 我现在在和一只蜻蜓说话。 www.jukuu.com 4. We're not buying the Dragonfly. 我们不会购买蜻蜓餐馆。 sfile.ydy.com 5. I have it in the pocket found in many advanced props: "bamboo dragonfly" propeller, sign poles, lights, and so narrow. 我在它的口袋里发现许多先进的道具:有“竹蜻蜓”螺旋桨、南北极标志、缩小灯等等。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Later, Dad caught some dragonflies for them too, and we became fast " dragonfly friends. " 后来爸爸也给他们捉了几只,通过以蜻蜓会友,我们很快就打成了一片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. When the dragonfly flies low, the rain is coming. 当蜻蜓飞得很低的时候,就快要下雨了。 blog.163.com 8. Yes. It's a red dragonfly. 是的,是一只红蜻蜓。 www.dictall.com 9. spen A dragonfly has a life spen of 24 hours. 蜻蜓的寿命只有24小时。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. A dragonfly has a life spen of 24 hours. 蜻蜓的寿命只有24小时。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 1. How do you make specimens of butterfly, a moth a dragonfly? 你怎样制作蝴蝶,飞蛾和蜻蜓的标本? www.rrting.com 2. Dragonfly saved immediately after the high and mighty to dance, such as for their own relief and joy was. 得救后的蜻蜓立刻神气活现地跳舞,像是在为自己的被解救而欢呼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A total of 112 dragonfly species have been recorded in different types of freshwater and brackish water habitats in Hong Kong. 香港的淡水或咸淡水生境共录得112个蜻蜓品种,超过四成可在米埔发现。 www.kuenglish.info 4. In Japan, nutria threaten the critically endangered dragonfly Libellula angelina and the deep-bodied bitterling fish. 在日本,海狸鼠危及极度濒危的低斑蜻蜓和高体鳑鲏鱼。 dongxi.net 5. At that time many of the dragonfly ah really. 那时候的蜻蜓可真多啊。 www.bing.com 6. Dragonfly: Wow , you're so ugly, who are you? 哇,你真丑,你是谁呀? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Huaihua smile opened the door purple purple face, and open hearts to welcome the visit of his brother dragonfly; 门前紫槐花笑开了紫色的脸蛋,敞开心扉欢迎蜻蜓哥哥的到访; shiyueliuri.blog.tianya.cn 8. Hetang inside the lotus also lost its former shy, which is truly his brother to let dragonfly kiss, hug a few occasional; 河塘里的荷花也失去了往日的腼腆,尽情地让蜻蜓哥哥亲吻,偶尔还拥抱几下; shiyueliuri.blog.tianya.cn 9. David: I like summer. Because I can see dragonfly in summer. 我喜欢夏天,因为在夏天我能看到蜻蜓。 www.popodoo.com 10. Discovery of hemeroscopid dragonfly from Jiufotang Formation in western Liaoning and its geological implications 辽宁西部九佛堂组昼蜓化石的新发现及其地质意义 service.ilib.cn 1. Nowhere else in the world are dragonfly nymphs harvested like this 这里是世界上蜻蜓卵收获最丰的地方 blog.sina.com.cn 2. An Improved Triangulation Method for Measuring the Shape of a Dragonfly Wing 透射型激光三角法测量蜻蜓翅膀形状 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky 就像一个龙风筝飞到天空中 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Theoretical Modeling Study on the Aerodynamic Effects of Dragonfly Flexible Wing in Forward Flapping Flight 蜻蜓拍翼前飞中模型翼动态柔性变形的气动效应研究 service.ilib.cn 5. Happy life of a dragonfly couple 蜻蜓伉俪的幸福生活 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A dragonfly lands on a stalk of wheat ready for harvest at sunset on the Canadian prairies near Vulcan, Alberta 艾伯塔瓦尔肯附近,日落时分的加拿大草原,一只蜻蜓站在了一束成熟的麦穗上 www.bing.com 7. its design draws on inspiration from the wings of a dragonfly and has been conceived 它的设计借鉴了灵感来自一个蜻蜓的翅膀,已设想 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Blue bayous, Decembers, moon through a dragonfly's wings 蓝色的海湾十二月里月光穿越蜻蜓的翅膀 zhidao.baidu.com 9. then a dragonfly took it to the sky 一只蜻蜓将它带上了天空 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Measuring Deformation of Dragonfly Wing Using Projected Comb-fringe 投影梳状条纹插值法测量蜻蜓的翅膀变形 www.opticsjournal.net 1. Realtime Measurement of Simulated Dragonfly's Flying Posture 蜻蜒飞行姿态的实时模拟测量 www.ilib.cn 2. A new hemeroscopid dragonfly from the Lower Cretaceous of Northeast China (Odonata: Hemeroscopidae) 中国东北早白垩纪一种新的昼蜓化石(蜻蜓科:昼蜓目) www.dlnm.org 3. Its the dragonfly nymphs that fetch the best price 其中蜻蜓蛹能卖到最好的价格 blog.sina.com.cn 4. See through the many eyes of the dragonfly 透过蜻蜓的许多眼睛观察世界 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Hoddinott's final winning photo is this one of a newly emerged common darter dragonfly, taken at Tamar Lakes by his parent's pond 这是Hoddinott最后一张获奖照片,拍摄于添马舰湖区他父母池塘旁边,拍摄的新出现的一只蜻蜓。 www.kekenet.com 6. That dragonfly flying above that drain 排水沟上飞着的蜻蜓 my.zjut.edu.cn 7. the wings of the dragonfly quiver 蜻蜓的翅膀颤着! dict.ebigear.com 8. Two new record of dragonfly in Beijing 北京蜻蜓二新纪录种 service.ilib.cn 9. Common Dragonfly Species in Mai Po 米埔常见蜻蜓 www.wwf.org.hk 10. Dragonfly and other plants and insects 蜻蜓和其他草虫 www.cnave.com 1. oh, when the dragonfly of mind start to fly 呵!当思绪的蜻蜓刚刚起飞, zhidao.baidu.com 2. Should the I do not come, I can not entrust Nazhi Red Dragonfly bring my best wishes; 如若我不来,我就无法嘱托那只红蜻蜓带去我最美好的祝愿; www.tradeask.com 3. Red dragonfly Folk Song In Japan 红蜻蜓日本民歌 zhidao.baidu.com |
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