单词 | drag-and-drop |
释义 | dragging-and-dropping是drag-and-drop的现在分词
第三人称单数:drags-and-drops 现在分词:dragging-and-dropping 过去式:dragged-and-dropped 例句释义: 拖放,选择 1. To retrieve it, a hacker would have to hoodwink the user into dragging and dropping an object across the PC's screen. 要得到它,黑客们不得不诱骗用户拖拽电脑显示器显示的某个对象。 www.bing.com 2. You can only add additional control flow inputs and outputs to an activity after dragging and dropping it into a reusing process model. 当您将某个活动拖放到采用重用方法的流程模型中之后,只能向该活动添加更多的控制流输入和输出。 www.ibm.com 3. Tags can be applied to more than one artifact at a time by dragging and dropping multiple artifacts. 通过拖放多个工件,可以将标签应用到多个工件上。 www.ibm.com 4. Deploy the BAR file you just created by dragging and dropping it to the default execution group of your broker, as shown in Figure 11. 通过将您刚才创建的BAR文件拖放到代理的缺省执行组,从而对其进行部署,如图11所示。 www.ibm.com 5. Associating a script package with a virtual image part is as easy as dragging and dropping the script package onto the virtual image part. 关联脚本包和虚拟映像部件非常简单,只需将脚本包拖放到虚拟映像部件上。 www.ibm.com 6. Adding an existing contact to a group can be achieved by dragging and dropping the contact to a group. 要添加联系人到群组中,可以藉由拖放联系人到群组中来达成。 wiki.myakitio.com 7. Note that, in the case of dragging and dropping local files, the values are the same. 注意,在拖放本地文件时,值不变。 www.ibm.com 8. Figure 8 ( larger image) shows the result of dragging and dropping the term Health Status Date to add a new attribute to the Customer class. 图8(参见大图)展示了拖放术语HealthStatusDate来向Customer类添加一个新属性的结果。 www.ibm.com 9. Tip: If you define several build steps, you can reorder them by dragging and dropping them where you want them to go. 提示:如果您定义了一些构建步骤,那么您可以在需要的时候拖拉它们来给它们重新排序。 www.ibm.com 10. You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping them within the list, or you can shuffle all items in the list. 您可以在列表中拖放这些项目来更改项目的顺序,或无序播放列表中的所有项目。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 1. The JavaFX composer lets people visually manipulate an application, dragging and dropping components on the screen and arranging them. 凭借JavaFXComposer,开发者们能以可视化的方式操纵应用、在屏幕上拖拽组件并进行布局。 www.infoq.com 2. With these operators you can build up a mining flow by dragging and dropping operators to the editor canvas. 通过使用这些操作符,您可以构建一个挖掘流,只需要将这些操作符拖拽到编辑器的工作区中。 www.ibm.com 3. You populate the Diagram View by dragging-and-dropping individual topology objects from the Providers View into the Diagram View. 可以通过将各个拓扑对象从提供者视图拖放到关系图视图中来对关系图视图进行填充。 www.ibm.com 4. I got started by dragging and dropping batches of digital photos from my hard drive onto the site using a fast uploading tool. 一开始,我利用一个快速上传工具将电脑硬盘里的几批数码照片拖拉到网站上。 www.ebigear.com 5. With these operators, you can build up a mining flow by dragging and dropping them on the editor canvas. 可以通过将这些操作符拖放到编辑器画布上来构建一个挖掘流。 www.ibm.com 6. With these operators you can build up a Mining Flow by dragging and dropping them to the editor canvas. 有了这些操作符,就能通过将其拖放到编辑器的canvas来构建一个MiningFlow。 www.ibm.com 7. Experiment with dragging and dropping navigation sections to reorganize the navigation view. 尝试拖拽导航区段,以重新组织导航视图。 www.ibm.com 8. Adjusting the ordering of the data shown is simply a matter of dragging and dropping fields. 调整显示数据的顺序就只是拖放字段而已。 www.ibm.com 9. They result from dragging and dropping processes or tasks on different hierarchical levels of the process. 它们是用户通过将流程或任务拖放到流程中的不同层级而创建的。 www.ibm.com 10. The representation of the WSDL was created simply by dragging and dropping the WSDL document onto the UML diagram. WSDL的表示形式是通过将WSDL文档拖放到UML图上创建的。 www.ibm.com 1. Developers can create dynamic Web pages simply by dragging and dropping user interface components onto a page. 开发者可以仅仅通过拖拉用户界面组件到页面上,生成动态的Web页。 www.ibm.com 2. You can create levels, like continents in the example, and assign the dictionary entries by dragging and dropping them. 您可以创建不同的级别,比如示例中的洲,并通过拖拽字典条目来进行分配。 www.ibm.com 3. You can add extra components to the pattern by dragging and dropping the components from the left panel onto the pattern canvas. 通过将左侧面板中的组件拖放到模式画布中,您可以向模式中添加额外的组件。 www.ibm.com 4. Errors are avoided by dragging and dropping an object' address directly into the program. 通过直接拖放目标地址到程序可避免错误。 www.chuandong.com 5. You can place assets into your level by dragging and dropping them straight from the Content Browser's thumbnail view. 您可以直接从内容浏览器的缩略图视口中拖拽资源并放置到您的关卡中。 wenku.baidu.com 6. You can use these operators to build up a mining flow by dragging and dropping them onto the editor canvas. 可以把操作器拖放到编辑器区域,使用它们构建挖掘流。 www.ibm.com 7. Image lists (created using CImageList), including transparency mode and bitmap dragging and dropping. 图像列表(使用CImageList创建),包括透明模式和位图拖放。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. New themes can be installed by dragging and dropping them onto the theme list. 你可以用拖曳的方式将新的表情主题安装到清单中。 translations.launchpad.net 9. Without a doubt, many programs would benefit if they made use of list controls that supported dragging and dropping. 毫无疑问,如果使用支持拖放的列表控件,许多程序将从中获益。 www.jukuu.com 10. Some users manage files manually, dragging and dropping from one place to another and keeping a mental card catalog in their heads. 许多用户手动管理文件,从一个位置拖动文件并把操作记在脑海里。 dream4ever.org 1. Now you can arrange them by dragging and dropping them or by numbering the photos in the order you'd like them to appear. 现在你能够通过拖放和下拉,或通过给照片编号来呈现你的照片。 forum.livetome.cn 2. You can display the Follow Up dialog box by dragging and dropping to the Follow Up view. 可以通过将邮件消息拖放到FollowUp视图中来显示FollowUp对话框。 www.ibm.com 3. Finally, there's a Web GUI so you can build your VDC by dragging and dropping things around. 最后,还有一个Web图形用户界面,你可以简单地通过拖拽来构建你的VDC。 www.infoq.com 4. You can rearrange shortcuts on the Links bar by dragging and dropping them. 在链接栏中拖放快捷方式,可以对它们进行重新排列。 www.fan6.net 5. You can rearrange your Favorites list or menu by dragging and dropping. 拖放项目可以重新整理收藏夹列表或菜单。 www.fan6.net 6. Specifically, you can switch two swappable sections by dragging and dropping one section onto the other. 具体来讲,就是通过将一个部分拖放到另一个部分之上从而实现可切换部分的切换。 www.ibm.com 7. Assign tasks to group members by dragging and dropping task items to their name. 指派任务组成员通过拖放任务的项目,他们的名字。 trademark.dating-sites-free.org 8. Figure 6 shows an example of dragging and dropping the business term Involved Party from the glossary onto the UML class Involved Party. 图6展示的示例将业务术语InvolvedParty从术语表拖放到UML类InvolvedParty之上。 www.ibm.com 9. Access common text formatting options quickly and make changes by dragging and dropping or clicking arrows. 通过拖放或点击箭头快速获取及修改一般文本格式选项。 www.cooldtp.cn 10. ICE trees are evaluated with other operators according to their position in the stack, and they can be moved by dragging and dropping. ICE树和其他的运算符按照它们在堆栈中的排列顺序依次运算,它们可以通过拖拽下降移动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Rapid assembly of enterprise mashups : end users assemble new mashups by dragging and dropping widgets onto the page, wiring them together 快速组装Mashup——最终用户只需将widget拖放到页面上并将其连接在一起,即可轻松组装新的Mashup。 www.ibm.com 2. After the dragging and dropping process completes, the Wizard calls a process called 在完成拖放流程之后,Wizard调用了名为 www-128.ibm.com |
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