单词 | down time |
释义 | 例句释义: 停机时间,故障时间,停工时间,机舱 1. The cost of memory leaks is significant and is often associated directly with production down time, or a slipped deployment schedule. 内存泄漏的成本非常高昂,经常伴随着产品停机时间和零碎的部署安排。 www.ibm.com 2. But a few simple changes at home could turn this down time into a time of quiet, reflection, and comfort. 可是一些家中简单的改变就能将这次心情消沉的时期变为一个安静、反思和舒适的时期。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Fred : Well, you know that Zed and Zoe have been having a bit of an up and down time recently? Well. . . 弗莱德:唔,你知道柴德和柔伊最近的状况时好时坏? www.taipeitimes.com 4. Only "the rate of two" double- down time coincidence, their strategies and tactics to be called into question. 仅从“两率”双降的时间巧合看,其战略和策略就受到质疑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This was bad news for my client, whose project was now being viewed by the CEO as another chunk of his "down time. " 对我的这个客户,这确实是坏消息。她的项目现在被CEO看作是另一个“无用时间。” www.bing.com 6. Don't eat smelly food. It can be very offensive to a coworker, so save the smelly Tuna or bag of buttery popcorn for your down time at home. 不要吃有味道的食物。这样做很冒犯同事,所以把金枪鱼或爆米花留着在家里吃吧。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Although we no longer like before, but I still believe that the deep friendship between us will not be watered down time! 虽然我们无法再像以前那样,但我依然相信我们之间深厚的情谊不会被时间所冲淡! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Some of my best solutions to work-related problems have come to me during down-time. 我的一些最好的工作问题解决方案都是休息时想到的。 www.bing.com 9. Keep a journal with you at all times so that you can capture your idea and enjoy your down time. 保证日记随身,你就可以随时记录下你的想法,然后好好享受假期。 www.bing.com 10. The first step in getting the rest we need is making a firm commitment to stop working at a certain point each day and enjoy our down time. 所以首先我们要作出一个坚定的承诺,在每天的某个确定的时间,停止工作享受闲暇。 www.bing.com 1. When exchanger is not in down time, the method through message of state reports of interrupter and device status machine detects hot plug. 本发明提供了一种面向高端交换机的热插拔检测和处理方法,属于计算机网络通信领域。 ip.com 2. The simulation results shows that the opening variety of compressor by-pass valve affects cooling-down time of refrigerator system directly. 结果表明,降温过程中压缩机旁通阀的开度变化直接影响系统的降温时间。 www.boshuo.net 3. Often, the maximum down-time that follows from the system availability constraints is divided over the different time components. 通常,最大停机时间,从系统的可用性约束如下划分在不同的时间组成部分。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I was very proud to be able to make a difference to children and adults who were experiencing some "down time. " 能为正在经历“消沉时期”的大人和孩子带去一点欢乐,我感到十分自豪。 ask.24en.com 5. During your down time choose activities that you enjoy, that allow you to really relax and clear your mind. 在你的停机时间选择进行一项你喜欢的活动,将使你完全放松并让你精神焕发。 www.bing.com 6. The findings suggest that on the biological level, pregnancy and the early postpartum period "are almost like a down time, " Galea says. 这些研究结果说明在生理层面,怀孕及产后早期是“最低潮的”。 www.bing.com 7. As a result of down time differences and different physical processes occur, ink and paint layer to a different rate and dry. 因施印时间有差别及不同物理过程发生,墨层和涂料层以不同速率干燥。 www.bing.com 8. In other words, in order for the nervous system to grow and change, there must be down time of active behavior. 换句话说,为了保持神经系统的生长和变化,必须有一段活动停止的时间。 news.dxy.cn 9. Inability to resolve transactions may be related to the MS DTC down time or an unknown transaction outcome at the time of recovery. 事务无法解决可能与MSDTC停止工作或恢复时的未知事务结果有关。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. If your applications are used by customers or are critical within your organization, you want those applications to have minimal down time. 如果您的应用程序由客户使用或在组织中起到非常重要的作用,则可能会希望将这些应用程序的故障时间减到最少。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. You want to slow down time? Try being a child on a rainy morning. With nothing to do. Wishing away the hours, the days, the years. 你想要慢下来吗?试着在一个下雨天的早晨做一个无所事事的孩子,期盼着时光,日子,岁月的流逝。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Arsene Wenger, though, knows his cosmopolitan squad will have little down-time between now and then as they jet off around the world. 但是,温格认为他的国际纵队在国际比赛日四处飞行参加比赛,几乎没有得到任何休息。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. It was originally used to count down time during matches, an innovation of Herbert Chapman. 原先是用来在比赛时倒计时,这是查普曼的一项创新。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Long walks are good too. It keeps you fit physically as well as allows some down time for your brain. 长足散步也是不错的。它不仅能够保持您的身体健康,而且可以让您的大脑有放松休息的时间。 www.bing.com 5. Simple design allows an effortless means of maintaining the valve with minimal down-time. 简单的设计使保养维修变得更加简单,并使停机时间最小化。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. In Einstein's relativistic universe, matter curves space and slows down time, and the speed of light remains the only constant. 在爱因斯坦的相对宇宙中,物质扭曲空间,令时间变慢,光速也不过是个常数。 www.ebigear.com 7. When you feel the urge to have down time, trust that as part of your path. 当你感到低谷到来时,请相信那是你人生的必经之路。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Involve in first level maintenance , assure stable qualified product , improve productivity and minimize production line down time . 提高生产效率,稳定产品质量和参与初级维护,降低生产线停产时间。 www.bing.com 9. With the open layout of the line molten steel can be delivered in a manner of batch and castings have a longer cool down time. 造型线采用了开放式布置,满足了间歇供应钢水和铸件冷却时间长的要求。 www.chemyq.com 10. After that there will be a down time while we implement new methods of protein structure prediction. 之后将有一段停机时期,我们将实现新的蛋白质预测方法。 www.equn.com 1. This helps in ensuring that QA cycles are not adversely affected by down time of certain services. 这有助于确保QA周期不受特定服务故障的负面影响。 www.ibm.com 2. To ensure the packaging line are all ready for production , increase efficiency , decrease shut down time, help to meet the KPI. 保证生产设备处于良好的状态,提高运行效率,降低停机时间,帮助完成部门的KPI。 www.jobui.com 3. From the perspective of the client, there is no down time, as the transition is automatic. 从用户角度,感觉不到停机,因为转换是自动完成的。 www.ibm.com 4. Arises suddenly the belly pain, the ache is hard to endure, lies down time the rest. 突发肚子痛,疼痛难忍,躺下休息时。 www.onehealthqd.com 5. We've had, you know, down time and good times with the economy. 你知道,我们的经济也经历着繁荣和衰退期。 club.topsage.com 6. Collect and analyses raw data, submit renovation projects to reduce shut down time, improve efficiency and technical level if appropriate. 收集、分析原始数据并结合当前实际状况,提出改进方案从而降低故障频率,提高效率和技术水平。 js.job46.com 7. Using the rolling upgrade feature allows you to upgrade the cluster with zero or minimal down time. 使用滚动升级特性允许您使用最少的、甚至零停机时间升级集群。 www.ibm.com 8. This allows for a single disk to fail and be replaced most of the time without system down time . 允许单个磁盘失败并在多数情况下,无须关闭系统即可更换磁盘。 www.bing.com 9. In the down time, the right to Genting Royale words, there are several important time. 在下来的时间里,对云顶雅苑来言,有几个重要时间。 gz.focus.cn 10. Adding CM to the group ensures that no user connections experience down time during the cluster upgrade. 将CM添加到组能确保没有任何用户会在集群升级期间遭遇停机。 www.ibm.com 1. Analyze day-to-day equipment performance and conduct improvement activity with down time or maintenance cost reduction. 根据日常运行设备的情况,实施改善行动以降低宕机时间或降低维修本钱。 www.job956.com 2. Both the logistics department and the engineers get a separate target, derived from the maximum down-time. 无论是后勤部门和工程师获得一个单独的目标,从最大的停机时间产生。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Don't dwell on purchases or amounts, says Nusbaum, but each express what's behind your spending, like helping family or enjoying down-time. 不要老在买的东西和数量上争吵,而应该说说你们为什么买这些东西,像为了家里的人或者享受假期。 www.bing.com 4. I havea small office, and usually have my door open. But I keep my door closed for telephone calls and heads down time. (我有个小办公室,平常门是开的。但是要打电话和埋头工作的时候,我就会关上门)。 eee.tsinghua.edu.cn 5. Time can break it down ; Time can bend the knees . Time can break a heart. . . . . . But , time can never erase our affection for ever . 时间会使人变老;时间也会令一颗心破碎。可是,它却无法抹掉我们的那段情谊。 www.rongshuxia.com 6. Provide leadership and organize resource to solve the electrical problems and reduce equipment down time. 带领团队,利用资源解决设备电气问题,降低停机率。 www.lietou.com 7. Operation will not accept any further WO and we may found ourselves in a position to charge GWDC for any down time due to washout. 作业部将不能接受更多的刺漏,我们将对由于刺钻杆引起的停工时间向长城钻井公司收费。 wenku.baidu.com 8. In his down time, he often relaxes by doing crossword puzzles or watching movies. 在他闲暇之时,他通常会做做猜字游戏或者看看电影,以此来放松自己。 www.hao1111.cn 9. Involves in the process improvement of manufacturing equipment to improve productivity and reduce down time. 积极参与生产加工相关设备的技术改良,进步效率,减少停机时间。 www.job956.com 10. The result is graphed dramatically as much less idle ramp up time in between timeout events, resulting in less down time. 超时事件间的空闲上升时间越来越少,把这个结果画成图很引人关注,结果造成停机时间更少。 www.ibm.com 1. How about that. Einstein was wrong. Approaching the speed of light doesn't slow down time. Approaching them does. 猜怎么着。爱因斯坦错了。在接近光速的情况下,时间不会减慢。和他们在一起时才会变慢。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In other words, use your down time to reflect on why you're working, what really matters, and how you can get more enjoyment out of the job. 换句话说,用你停工的时间去反思你为什么工作,什么是真正重要的,你该如何在工作中得到更多的乐趣。 www.bing.com 3. The down time of my computer is longer than the up time. 我这计算机死机的时候比运行的时间还长。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. The first down-time estimate was a day or so, then it became months. 首次停机时间估计是一两天,然后变成了几个月。 www.transcn.org 5. This feature eliminates down time during the upgrade process. 这个特性消除了升级过程中的停机时间。 www.ibm.com 6. The autopilot system significantly reduced heads down time for airplane pilots. 自动导航系统在很大程度上减少了飞行员低头看仪表仪器的时间。 www.kuenglish.info 7. Responsibilities -Maintain and guarantee SAP system routine run, guarantee SAP unplanned 0 server down time. 工作职责-保障并维护SAP系统的正常运行,保证SAPPRDserver非计划宕机时间为0。 www.gdrc.com 8. Initiates the necessary steps to maintain plant production capabilities to minimize down time and meet production requirements. 采取必要措施,保持工厂的生产能力,使停机时间降到最少,满足生产要求。 www.gao8dou.com 9. Slows down time around the player. 将玩家周围的时间变慢。 www.yxxd.com 10. I took a see time, such a BOSS beats down, time about is already fast at 1: 00 A. 我看了看时间,这么一个BOSS打下来,时间差不多已经是快凌晨一点了。 lionwind990718.sclub.tw 1. Control monitors on equipment, Statistical analysis on down time. 对设备监控、停机时间的分析 wenku.baidu.com 2. Assists to fix the equipment problems in the vacuum coating areas, to minimize the break down time. 协助解决真空镀膜区的设备故障,最大限度降低坏机时间。 www.zj-rc.com 3. Long lasting action saves on labor and down time. 作用力持久,停机时间短。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 4. Productions servers normally need to run with least down time. 制作服务器通常需要运行最少的停机时间。 dict.kekenet.com 5. On the road, there are a variety of wild farm vegetables, poultry for sale, we want to down time, you can purchase some. 路上,还有各种野生的农家菜,家禽出售,我们想下山的时候,可以采购一些。 www.hotelvi.com 6. We can't just sit quietly and wait for a bus, and that's too bad, because our brains need that down time to rest, to process things. 我们只是不能安静地坐在那等公交,那也太难受了,因为那时我们的大脑需要消遣,需要处理些事情。 www.bing.com 7. Shear stress test and shutting down calculation were studied, pipe shutting down time and pipe line restarting pressure were determined. 研究超稠油管道停输计算及静剪切应力测试,计算出管道安全停输时间和再启动压力; paper.pet2008.cn 8. Down time, my hands tightly grasp the railing, afraid to go down. 下楼的时候,我的手紧紧的抓住栏杆,生怕摔下去。 www.tradeask.com 9. Everyone needs a little down time, sometimes. 人们不时需要休息一下。 www.bing.com 10. Do other things during your down time: Exercise, groceries, oil changes. 在你低效率的时间里做其他事情:运动,购物,换油。 www.elanso.com 1. When all stop down time, husbands and wives two human of vehicles are already thrown turn! 当一切都停下来的时候,夫妇两人的车已经被抛翻了! zhishi.sohu.com 2. And summer down time also has negative influences on school achievement in the fall. 暑假对孩子秋季开学后的学校表现也有消极的影响。 www.bing.com 3. OLTP systems are frequently characterized by continuous operations in which down time is kept to an absolute minimum. OLTP系统的常见特点是连续操作,操作中的中断时间保持为绝对的最少。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Schedule not only your work time but your down time as well. 不仅要在时间表上确定好你的工作时间,同时还有你工作之外的时间。 www.elanso.com 5. You cannot expect to maintain good health without having some down time. 没有空闲的时间你不会期望去维持健康的身体。 www.elanso.com 6. Modern wind turbines have a down time of less than 2 percent on land and less than 5 percent at sea. 陆基的现代风力涡轮机只有不足2%的停工期,; www.bing.com 7. I consider games as an entertainment, wearing down time and making much happier. 只是当做一种娱乐,消磨时间,让生活更加美好点。 www.zftrans.com 8. To increase overall equipments efficiency, decrease down time. 提高机器的效率,降低停机时间。 www.renhe.cn 9. Any time we consider "down time" likely spent doing something. 每次,我们考虑“休息”时总会去做一些事情。 www.bing.com 10. While I don't take the train, the value of converting "down time" to productive time is a pretty attractive one. 尽管我不坐火车,这种将无用时间变成高效工作的主意,还是很有吸引力的。 www.bing.com 1. Finally, what happened with the shutting down time? 最后,关机时间上的表现呢? www.bing.com 2. The Lakers now face almost an entire week of down time, a rarity so early in the season. 湖人现在有将近一整个星期的休息时间,是很罕见的。 hi.baidu.com 3. This, in turn, makes cool-down time shorter when the driver returns to the vehicle. 这反过来又使冷却的时间较短时,司机回到车上。 usa.315che.com 4. Shared to Fair: Enter a threshold and enter a hold down time (optional). 到公平:输入临界值并输入抑制时间(可选)。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. Even without in-house elliptical machines, Hallowell says that executives need to recognize the importance of down time. 哈洛威尔说,即使没有室内跑步机,主管们也应该意识到休息时间的重要性。 www.bing.com 6. Prioritize - Use these tools only when your work has been done, or during down time. 工作完成或者是闲暇时间才使用这些工具。 www.bing.com 7. Work with technical and maintenance to ensure preventive tufter maintenance to reduce machine down time and production continuity. 同技术和维护部门一起合作来确保可预防性簇绒机事故的维护以减少机器的停机时间和保持生产的可延续性。 www.job700.com 8. If these are all examples of attempts to convert "down time" into useful time, take note of the way in which "down time" has been expanded. 如果这都是将“无用时间”转化为有用的例子,就得注意“无用时间”是怎么被扩展的。 is.gd 9. The wounded soldier toppled down time after time. 伤兵一次又一次地跌倒。 wenku.baidu.com 10. In a situation where a HD fails, you have a full backup on your second HD, and will minimize server down-time. 在高清的情况下失败,你对你的第二个高清全备份,并会尽量减少服务器停机时间。 bbs.voip88.com 1. Portland came out and threw a little pressure at us and we broke down time and time again. 波特兰人只是跑上来给了我们一点很小的压力,我们就开始了一次又一次的失误。 page.renren.com 2. Be responsible for equipment maintenance and reduce down time and fill in work order correctly. 负责生产线设备的维修,减少机器的故障时间,并完整填写维修工单。 www.bingojob.cn 3. But when you feel the need for some down time, don't hold yourself back. 但当你觉得需要休息的时候,别要忍着。 www.bing.com 4. It might look like down time, but the call to fly can come at anytime. 它可能看起来像在下降,但随时可以叫来起飞。 www.kekenet.com 5. However, it is possible to slow down time by travelling very fast relative to someone who is stationary. 然而,如果相对于某个静止的物体做非常快速的运动的话,让时间变慢是有可能的。 www.bing.com 6. Ensure faulty equipment is repaired in a safe manner and machine down time is minimized. 确保有问题的设备以安全方式修理和机器停工期减到最小。 www.sszhi.com 7. Reduce machine down time as far as possible when machine is normal. 机器正常时尽量减少机器停机时间。 www.siphrd.com 8. Add pockets of "down time" to give your body a chance to unwind and de-stress. 适当的抽出一些时间来让你的身体放松下,释放下压力。 www.elanso.com 9. Time can bring you down , time can bend your knee . 时间会使你潦倒,时间会让你屈服。 www.bing.com 10. Count down time for the fan meeting! ! 会面进入倒数阶段。 www.vic-fanclub.com 1. most of the time be the paper or standstill because: change paper too slow down time is too long. 大多数情况是换纸或停机造成的,原因是:换纸太慢,停机时间太长。 www.bing.com 2. If their jobs are easier, if productivity is higher, if down time is reduced, then you get positive reinforcement about the design's value. 如果他们的工作更容易,如果工作效率更高,如果停机时间缩短,则您就获得了有关该设计价值的有力保证。 www.ibm.com 3. Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees. 时间能让你倒下,让你屈膝 wenwen.soso.com 4. Analyze the reason of equipment down time and find the action plan to reduce down time. 分析设备故障原因提出消除故障措施以降低设备停机时间。 jobs.zhaopin.com 5. Prepare the server for down time. 做好关闭服务器的准备。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. But even the friendliest of people need some down time, and when you're all alone you can become lonely really fast. 但是即使是朋友也有低落的时候,在你落单时就会变得格外寂寞。 www.bing.com 7. Evidence: The statical value of machine down time and quality cost was wrong. 质量目标统计结果错误,如:设备停机时间,质量成本等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Make sure potting machine, wave solder production run all right, avoid down time because of equipments broken. 确保黑胶机,波峰焊生产顺利进行,避免由于设备原因造成停线… www.jobems.com 9. Talking with others while working and during down time is very important. This helps prevent getting lost in your own thoughts or emotions. 在工作时和情绪差时与其他人交谈十分重要,它帮助你不至于陷入你自己的想法或情绪。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. On line, Down time and efficiency records enter for daily. etc. 每日生产,停时,效率等报表的输入。 jobs.zhaopin.com 1. By accurate fault location, we can cut down time to repair lines, bring up power supply reliability and reduce lost. 高压输电线路故障的准确定位,能够缩短故障修复时间,提高供电可靠性,减少停电损失。 www.lw23.com 2. 7 Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees. 时间会让你绝望,时间会使你屈膝。 www.bing.com 3. Meets down time, in and so on has informed, the waiting also is a long process. 接下来的时间,还是在等通知了,等待又是一个漫长的过程… blog.sina.com.cn 4. We all need some down time. 我们都需要时间放松放松。 www.kekenet.com 5. It is less invasive than surgery and associated post-procedure down-time is minimal. 它的侵袭性小于外科手术,与之相关的术后休息时间也是极少的。 news.dxy.cn 6. Just make sure you have some down time when you're not working. Otherwise you're likely to end up burning out. 确保你有一些不工作的休息时间,不然你可能会崩溃的。 www.bing.com 7. Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees. Time can break your heart, have you begging please, begging please. 岁月会打垮你,让你屈膝会破碎你的心,会让你求饶。 www.luthierchina.com 8. This article focuses on how to make full use of the shut-down time and reduce the loss caused by shut-down and start-up. 重点分析了如何有效把握利用、减少开停车过程的损失,并列举了相关事例。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Sergi If Einstein were around, we could find a way to slow down time. 如果爱因斯坦还在的话,我们就可以找到减慢时间的方法了。 bb.wwenglish.org 10. Time can bring you down; time can bend your knee. Time can break your heart. Have you begging please? 时间能让你倒下,时间能让你屈膝,时间能伤了你的心,你还会一直向上天祈求喜悦? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If you never have any alone down time, your mind never rests! 要是你从没独处过,你脑袋大概一直在转啊转没停过! www.bing.com 2. More and more of us watch TV or surf the Internet during our down time. 人们越来越喜欢把休息时间花在电视或上网上面。 www.yayan123.com 3. I enjoy (a certain hobby) whenever I have some down time. . . 当我有所空闲时比较喜欢做些(某个兴趣和爱好)… www.ef.com.cn 4. Right now, I am in my down time, so it's time to rest my body and relax. 现在是我的休息时间,这段时间我主要是放松我的身体。 sunslove.darkbb.com 5. The first way to create space for down time is to cut back on activities. 为放松创造条件的第一种方式就是减少活动。 www.bing.com 6. To take care down time, what this means is that their 110% = TBMs 100% , no issue but does not have a margin? 为了照顾停机时间,这意味着什么,是他们的隧道掘进机110%=100%,无问题,但没有利润? zhidao.baidu.com 7. I have worked every day for the last two weeks. I'm ready for some down time. 过去的两个星期我一天不休地工作,是时候休息一下了。 www.hao1111.cn 8. Do you have some down time? 你有些悠闲的时间吗? blog.sina.com.cn 9. Economical cooling-down time of low temperature environment chambers with air refrigeration systems 空气制冷低温室经济降温时间研究 service.ilib.cn 10. The mist eliminator should be inspected on a regular schedule during down time. This inspection should cover the following aspects: 在机组未运行期间,应该对除雾器进行定期检查。检查内容包括: wenku.baidu.com 1. Cooling down time of chamber storing cooling capacity (most longest) 蓄冷室降温时间(最长蓄冷时间) www.vacree.com 2. Troubleshoot problems to minimize down time. If necessary adjust and modify sub-systems, replace parts and re-calibrate; 检修故障以将停机时间降至最低。如有必要,调整和修改子系统,以及更换零件和再校; www.univs.org 3. Cooling down time of low temperature chamber (first) 低温室降温时间(首次) www.vacree.com 4. To setup scientific spare parts stocking system to cut down the machine break down time 合理储备备件以降低设备停机时间 www.1010job.com 5. Machine trouble shooting during shift to minimize the loom down time to maximize mechanical efficiency 及时解决当班织机发生的机械问题以减少停机时间从而提高织机的机械效率 blog.sina.com.cn 6. machine's idle time, scheduled down time for maintenance, modification; 机器的停机时间,维护时间,修改时间 wenku.baidu.com 7. Here I support what Berau said with my feet down: "Time and motion is meaningless unless viewed from a human stand point. " This 这里我双手赞成伯劳所说的那一句话:“不站在人的角度,时间与运动是没有意义的!” www.bing.com 8. Cool-down time for a vapor jet pump or a diffusion pump or a diffusion ejector pump 蒸汽喷射泵、扩散泵或扩散喷射泵的冷却时间 chinahg.27h.com 9. Down time: This man is waiting with an empty glass of wine 停机时间:这个人看上去像正拿着一只空酒杯在等待开工。 dongxi.net 10. Cooling down time of test chamber 测试室降温时间 www.vacree.com 1. When EVERYONE cooperates in finding the cause of the problem, the amount of down time is minimized 当我们每个人齐心协力合作找出问题的原因时,停机的时间将被减到最小。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Measuring Starter Run Down Time Exactly 起动机停转时间的精确测量 www.ilib.cn 3. Down time ratio to accident (failure) 事故〔故障〕停机率 zhidao.baidu.com 4. down time for holding cars for repairing 车辆检修停留时间 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. to reduce the down time as lower as possible; 致力于降低机器故障时间; www.vipcareer.com 6. pump down time with pre evacuation 预抽真空的抽真空时间 wenku.baidu.com 7. Shorten the Down Time and Improve the Working Efficiency of CNC Machine 缩短停机时间,提高数控机床有效作业率 ilib.cn 8. help down time I see your eyes 让我落魄时看到你的关爱 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Less down time, longer life 缩短停工时间,寿命更长 wenku.baidu.com 10. down time for car under repair 车辆检修在修时间 wenku.baidu.com 1. pump down time with heat 有钢水时的抽真空时间 wenku.baidu.com 2. Down Time can never mend 时间不会修复 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Overhead such as system down time, meetings, and answering e-mail 开销,如系统当机时间、会议和回复电子邮件 www-128.ibm.com |
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