单词 | down-sides | ||
释义 | down-sides
例句释义: 底侧 1. I really don't think you could have quite the same experience in a car, but that's not to say there are no down sides to bicycle travel. 我真的不坐在汽车里会有同样的体验,但也说自行车旅行缺点。 www.ttxyy.com 2. One of the down sides to using JSF was the technology used for the rendering layer, which by default was provided by JavaServer Pages (JSP). 使用JSF的缺点之一是用于呈现层的技术,默认情况下由JavaServerPages?(JSP?)提供。 www.ibm.com 3. The notion that there could also be some down sides to a wholesale government takeover of America's big banks is given short shrift. 而对于政府大范围接管美国的大型银行可能会带来的负面影响则通通避而不谈。 blog.163.com 4. One of the rare and minor down sides of professional football in England is the need to head into the office on Christmas Day. 在英国,圣诞节还需要上班的人并不多。职业足球的从业者就是其中之一。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 5. But really, it's not much different then any other country. There are upsides and down sides. But common sense still applies. 不过,真的,跟其它国家没有多大不同。有些好点,有些不太好,不过,一些常识还是一样的。 ltaaa.com 6. This article reviews the desulfurization technologies widely used by petrochemical enterprises and discusses their upsides and down sides. 介绍了石化企业常用的脱硫技术,并分析了各技术的优缺点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. People have had to look hard for down sides to the information revolution. 人们却很难看到这场信息革命的底线。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. However availability , disease transmission and incomplete incorporation to host bone are still some of the down sides of their use. 然而,其有效性、疾病的传染和不能与宿主骨质完全结合等仍然是其应用中的不足之处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Discuss the joys and down sides of your own career and encourage your kids to form some ideas about their own future. 与孩子谈论一下你的职业生涯中的乐趣以及存在的问题,并鼓励他为自己的未来做一些打算。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 10. One of the down sides with take out is receiving products that haven't been freshly prepared. 订快餐的一个缺点是你订到的快餐不是刚准备好就送过来的。 www.bing.com 1. Only now are countries starting to see the down sides of desalination. 这些国家刚刚开始关注海水淡化的缺点。 www.bing.com 2. But there are three major down sides to taking this leap, and I'm not sure any of them apply to Bryant. 但是对于这个跳跃有三个主要的趋势,我不确定是否都适用于科比。 www.800190.com 3. We think maintaining multiple versions of the engine would have many down sides for us and little upside. 我们认为维护引擎的多个版本对我们来说是弊大于利。 www.pkwall.com 4. One of the down sides of doing your most memorable piece of work so early in your career is that it's hard to beat. 在职业生涯的早期就完成一件特别难忘的项目,那么它在心中的地位将难以撼动。 dongxi.net 5. Where Chinese people seem happy with the economic progress of recent years, western observers see only its down sides. 在中国人看来对近年国家经济的发展感到满意时,西方观察家只关注中国国内的颓势。 www.douban.com 6. He then explained the upsides and down sides of spread betting. 接着他向我解释了对赌的好处和缺点。 bbs.newacad.com 7. There are a few small down sides, but in general it works as advertised. 当然也有一些小毛病,但总体来说的确是名不虚传。 yinghanhuyi.com 8. Zhao: And there must be some difficulties or down sides, mustn't there? 赵:那么也肯定会有一些困难和负面因素,是吧? www.hkc.edu.cn 9. Add flour mixture; beat, scraping down sides of bowl, until well incorporated. 加入面粉混合物,搅拌,注意刮掉粘在碗壁上的东西。 english.cri.cn 10. The down sides to our inventions - the wars, weapons, holocausts , pollution - these too define our being. 发明的阴暗面——战争、武器、屠杀、污染——同样也定义了我们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. What are the down sides of traditional designs? 传统逃逸装置的缺点是什么? blog.sina.com.cn 2. Well, I guess it tunes out that a blowtorch to your face may have more down sides than upsides. 好吧,我想,结果是,喷灯喷脸的坏处比好处多。 120105091.qzone.qq.com 3. There are a couple down sides to motion capture which make it difficult for beginning 3D animators to learn. 有一对坏处动作捕捉技术,使其难以三维动画开始学习。 www.cgfriend.org 4. For sure there are some down sides to being a professional tennis player. 对于一个职业网球选手当然会有很多低谷。 www.tennisace.cn |
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