单词 | downpour |
释义 |
复数:downpours n. heavy shower,deluge,rainstorm,cloudburst,torrent 例句释义: 倾盆大雨,暴雨,骤雨,滂沱大雨,大暴雨,瓢泼大雨 1. Lydia: You must have slept like a log. It's clouding over again. It looks as if we were going to have another downpour. 莉迪亚:你一定睡得很熟。现在又乌云密布了,看来像又要下倾盆大雨啦。 bbs.e10000.cn 2. The downpour transformed a local machinery factory into a huge pond. Plumes of smoke are the only evidence of the production that once was. 倾盆大雨将当地一个机械厂变成一个巨大的鱼塘。浓烟是工厂曾经存在的唯一证据。 www.examda.com 3. When he got out of the tunnel , what he gained is the ablution of the God rather than the downpour from the sky . 这句最好是直翻:当他终于从地道爬出时,他得到的不是倾盆暴雨,而是上帝的亲自施洗。 www.bing.com 4. The wind changed round suddenly last night and brought with it a heavy downpour. 昨晚风向突然变了,随之而来的是一场瓢泼大雨。 www.hotdic.com 5. The downpour quickly ran off the barren hills and began building up in the narrow valley. 倾泻的暴雨很快冲光贫瘠的山泥,小峡谷开始显现。 www.bing.com 6. I think it will let up in a little while. A downpour like this never lasts long here at this time. 我想马上会停的。每年这个时间像这样的大雨不会下很久的。 bbs.qingdaomedia.com 7. We've all seen rainbows shimmering across the sky as the sun returns after a downpour. 滂沱大雨后的晴空下,我们往往会看到阳光下若隐若现的彩虹。 www.bing.com 8. It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places. 倾盆大雨已下了一个多星期,造成了许多地区塌方。 csust.hnedu.cn 9. Suddenly the fly finds itself pinned-under a downpour, of glue, as if in a Roman centurion 's net. 突然间苍蝇发现它自己被倾盆而下的粘胶粘住身子,犹如落入古罗马军团百夫长的网罩中。 tr.bab.la 10. About a decade ago, there was a team of soldiers passed here and stayed in the forest overnight, only to be showered by the downpour. 十多年前,有一队解放军路过这里,在树林里过夜,半夜淋了大雨。 www.ebigear.com 1. When you get caught in a downpour, you probably don't think about the size of the raindrops that assault you as you run for cover. 当你被困在倾盆大雨时,当你跑着寻找遮蔽的地方时,你也许不会去思考那个攻击你的雨滴的大小。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. My, what a downpour! And there does not seem to be any sign of stopping. 哎呀,好大的雨呀!没有一点要停的样子。 taxi.blog.qingdaomedia.com 3. After such a downpour, the price of a catty of grain might drop half a copper, but that couldn't make up for their losses. 虽然大雨过去,一斤粮食也许落一半个铜子,可是他们的损失不是这个所能偿补的。 www.jukuu.com 4. Would his successor also live up to his stereotyping and enter Number 10 in a gloomy old downpour? 他的继任者会照老样子,一脸阴霾,在阴郁的大雨天入住首相官邸吗? www.ftchinese.com 5. My, what a downpour ! And there doesn't seem to be any sign of its stopping. 哎呀,好大的雨呀!没有一点像要停的样子。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Today, I missed my bus by about ten seconds. I then had to wait in a torrential downpour for half an hour to catch the next one. 今天我差十秒钟没赶上车,于是只好在瓢泼大雨里等下一辆。 www.bucter.com 7. She hurls a torrential downpour today and a drought tomorrow followed by gentle rain the next week. 她今天猛地来一场倾盆大雨,明天是干旱,紧接着是一周柔柔细雨。 www.thnu.edu.cn 8. Love is the long drought the earth on a heavy downpour, is not in accordance with the people get the sheds warm comfort for. 爱更是久旱大地上的一场倾盆大雨,是孤苦无依的人得到温暖的慰籍。 www.268r.com.cn 9. Fighting during the afternoon was halted by a torrential downpour that turned the battlefield into a quagmire. 一场突如其来的暴雨把战场变得泥泞不堪,下午的战斗也因此中止了。 www.hxen.com 10. Fortuneteller: You won't pay? Then it's going to rain even harder. (Sudden downpour to Bill) You see! Next time you should pay the money. 相士:你不付钱?那么雨会下得更大。(突然大雨倾盆在比尔身上)。你看!下次你该付钱了。 www.hicoo.net 1. Mr Wade can spend up to four hours perfecting his dirt drawings but admitted one heavy downpour could destroy his hard work. Wade先生愿意花上4个小时的时间来完善他的尘垢画作,却不得不容忍他的大作会被一场倾盆大雨彻底毁掉。 dongxi.net 2. Whenever I am caught in a sudden downpour, it will remind me of that beautiful white butterfly. 每当在途中遇到骤雨,我就会想起那只美丽的白蝴蝶。 wenwen.soso.com 3. and dropping her sunshade , nana crouched down in the mire under the full force of the downpour. 娜娜蹲在泥泞里,扔掉了阳伞,任凭暴雨打在身上。 www.ichacha.net 4. Flush floods are a perfect example; sudden storms unleash a torrential downpour, the runoff moves with a surprising force. 洪水暴发就是一个很好的例子:风暴会带来倾盆大雨,洪水具有令水惊叹的威力。 www.eoezone.com 5. That day there was a downpour, the road was collecting water, and, while I was going the speed limit, it was too fast for the conditions. 那天下着大雨,路面上积满了雨水。尽管我把车速控制在限速范围内,但在这种情况下,这样的速度还是太快了。 www.bing.com 6. A heavy downpour caused the wall of his house to crumble. 一天,一场倾盆大雨冲坏了他家的围墙。 www.estudychinese.com 7. Youth is like a sudden downpour - even though you caught a cold, you'd still go back and get caught in it again. 青春是一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I got off the streetcar in a downpour and thankfully opened the umbrella to protect myself. 我在倾盆大雨中下了车,感激不尽地那把伞遮雨。 www.ieduw.com 9. The torchbearer 74-year-old Gina Macgregor was caught in a sudden downpour as she came onto the grounds of Windsor castle. 74岁高龄的吉娜·麦格雷戈来到温莎城堡广场上时,遇上了突如其来的暴雨。 www.tingclass.net 10. There was no downpour, though. 不过,没有下大雨。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, the sky went dark in the torrential downpour. 车窗外电闪雷鸣,乌云密布,天色渐暗,下起了倾盆大雨。 www.bing.com 2. Two minutes later I looked up through my sopping wet glasses--it was a true downpour. 两分钟后,透过湿淋淋的防水镜,我向上看--真是倾盆大雨。 dict.wenguo.com 3. The rain sank into a bum drizzle, suddenly became the downpour, really change constantly. 这雨一下子变成了牛毛细雨,一下子变成了倾盆大雨,真是变化不断。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. You know that even if the downpour turned the city upside down, I'd still embrace you. 你知道就算大雨让这座城市颠倒,我也会给你怀抱。 wenku.baidu.com 5. So chill, so doleful, cicadas so rapidly sing, Lo, the pavilion in twilight we're facing, The great downpour has just ceased. 秋后的知了叫得是那样地凄凉悲切,面对着和亭,正是傍晚时候,一阵急雨刚住。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Light of the earth and I love the new look, but not so warm downpour. 微雨的呵护令大地和我焕然一新,可是倾盆大雨却不是那麽温情。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Last year, on a simple Sunday, three days after Valentine's Day, after many consecutive days of steady downpour, the sun came out. 去年,瓦伦廷节过后第三天,那是一个普通的星期天,连日下大雨,终于出了太阳。 www.bing.com 8. He would cross the desert people often attracted to the grass, especially those already see the lip does glossa dry after a downpour. 大凡要穿越沙漠的人经常为这种小草所吸引,特别是那些早已唇干舌燥者看到后如久旱逢甘霖。 www.bing.com 9. Every time drought is declared in this country, it coincides with a torrential downpour. 每次当这个国家宣布遭遇干旱时,却总是会有大雨到来。 www.bing.com 10. If the sky god is "angry" there will be thunder, heavy downpour, floods, etc. 如果天空之神生气了,将会雷声大作,降下瓢泼大雨,引发洪水等等。 www.bing.com 1. The drizzle becomes a downpour, but the umpire, believing that the batter stands a good chance of making the final out, lets play continue. 细雨变成了倾盆大雨,但裁判,认为面糊矗立着作最后出很好的机会,让玩家继续。 99fqw.com 2. It was the heaviest downpour ever recorded. 那是有史以来最大的一场暴雨。 www.hxen.com 3. Despite the downpour, they didn't rush towards the house, and Noah imagined what it would be like to spend the night with her. 不顾倾盆大雨,他们不急于跑回家去,而诺亚想象:他将怎样和她度过此夜。 www.bao100.com 4. During the downpour, predictably, the trusty trenches appeared onscreen. 在大雨滂沱中,可信赖的形象出现在屏幕上。 dongxi.net 5. Meanwhile, a downpour hit Enron's non-trading businesses, including consulting and telecommunications. 同时,安然的非交易业务遭受重创,其中包括咨询及电信业务。 bbs.3gbbs.com 6. The downpour triggered floods and mudslides along the Bailong River in Zhouqu County. 降雨在白龙江沿岸再次引发山洪和泥石流。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Few Fangshan residents were prepared for the downpour, which occurred almost without warning. 房山区的居民几乎对这场暴雨毫无防备,事先也没有预警。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. The three soggy campers had wrapped themselves in garbage bags and were huddled under a rickety awning, waiting out the downpour. 浸水营的三个垃圾袋裹在了自己挤在一张摇摇晃晃的雨棚,等待了倾盆大雨。 www.englishtang.com 9. One night we were caught by a thunderstorm [heavy downpour]. 一天晚上我们碰上了一场雷阵雨[暴雨]。 www.dictall.com 10. On the way from the local airport to the Budapest Center , we encountered a huge downpour, strong gales and extremely cold weather . 从机场到布达佩斯小中心的路上,强风豪雨,天气非常寒冷。 www.bing.com 1. Flood control authorities were still verifying statistics related to the downpour, Xinhua said. 新华社说,防洪部门仍在核实与大暴雨有关的统计数据。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. She was drenched by the sudden downpour. 她被那场突然下的倾盆大雨淋得湿透。 www.kekenet.com 3. heavy downpour , lightning and squalls often occur with thunderstorms. 大雨闪电及狂风经常伴随雷暴发生。 www.ichacha.net 4. But Sunday brought a downpour so heavy that high water covered the road leading into Crawford. 但是周日的雨特别大,雨水淹没了通往克劳福德镇的路。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. After supper, I was caught in a heavy downpour, which the weather report has been predicted for several days. 晚上刚吃完饭,忽然倾盆大雨,预报了几天的阵雨终于准了一回。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Asia is heading for a downpour of acid rain that will destroy forests and wither7 crops. 亚洲将遭遇大量酸雨的袭击。酸雨将毁坏森林并使作物凋谢。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. torrential mountain streams; a torrential downpour. 湍急的山溪流;倾盆大雨 blog.hjenglish.com 8. a heavy downpour interrupted the football match . 一场骤雨中断了这场足球赛。 www.ichacha.net 9. The sudden downpour threw a wet blanket on their plans for an excursion . 突然下了场倾盆大雨,把他们郊游的计划给毁了。 www.bing.com 10. She received a downpour of criticism at the meeting. 在会上她遭到激烈的批评。 www.hbwy.com.cn 1. After a downpour, a cicada, its wings thoroughly soaked, could no longer fly. 急雨之后,蝉翼湿得不能再飞了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. There was a sudden downpour when I was outdoor playing basketball yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. 昨天下午4点当我正在外面打篮球的时候,突然下起了瓢泼大雨 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Festivities were undeterred by the heavy downpour . 欢庆活动在倾盆大雨下如期举行。 www.bing.com 4. Amid the lush hills of southern China, students splash in the puddles outside their school after a downpour. 中国南方青翠的山腰上,一场倾盆大雨后学生们在他们学校外的水坑里戏水。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A boy rides home from school after a heavy downpour in a suburb of Beijing , on June 2 . 月2日,北京郊区一场倾盆大雨后,一个男孩放学骑车回家。 www.bing.com 6. The downpour plastered his shirt to his body. 倾盆大雨把他的衬衫像贴膏药一样贴在他身上。 www.hxen.com 7. Chris's brown eyes point out the window and watch steam rise from the asphalt following a surprising afternoon downpour. 克里斯盯着窗外,看着在这个奇怪的下午雨后的柏油路面上上升的蒸汽。 5.oyiya.com 8. Downpour paralyses Beijing traffic. 大雨导致北京交通瘫痪。 www.fawcom.com.cn 9. But, watching through the window as Tim hurried through the downpour from pig barn to cattle shed, she knew the answer. 可是,当她透过窗户,看到蒂姆冒着大雨匆匆从猪圈跑到牛棚时,她就知道是为什么了。 www.zftrans.com 10. In the. saloon. the sawdust on the floor gets changed biweekly come fog, downpour or the occasional shard of sunlight. 在大厅里,…地板上的锯木屑两周一次地变成尘雾、倾盆大雨或日光下偶尔出现的碎片。 dict.kekenet.com 1. After a rare downpour langurs seek shelter from a fleeting desert waterfall. 在一场倾盆大雨之后,一群长尾叶猴们寻找到了稍纵即逝的沙漠瀑布。 www.bing.com 2. A freezing downpour washed the black asphalt street in front of the small-town bar. 冰冷的倾盆大雨正洗劫这小镇酒吧前的一条黑乎乎的沥青街。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The color sneaked into Fall 2011 fashion collections, and the trickle turned to a downpour for Spring 2012. 2011年秋季时尚系列中悄然出现了橙色的身影,而在2012年春季系列中,橙色开始大行其道。 chinese.wsj.com 4. A rare dry-season downpour produced the thundering runoff. 一次非常干旱季节的倾盆大雨产生了雷鸣般的急流。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. There may be another downpour tonight. 今晚可能又有大雨。 res.qzhi.com.cn 6. If there are no torrential downpour, there Rainbow will be the hanging, so blooming colorful rainbow. 如果没有滂沱的大雨,就不会有彩虹的高挂,所以彩虹绽放七彩。 www.bing.com 7. Today's football match has been washed out by a sudden downpour. 今天的足球赛因一场突然降临的大雨而取消了。 www.hotdic.com 8. On this day, after a downpour, it smells musty. 那天,一场倾盆大雨过后,房子里有股霉味。 www.ecocn.org 9. Based on reports, the three children were killed when their respective houses were hit by flood and mud spawned by the heavy downpour. 报告说至少三个孩子丧生,时他们各自的房屋受到洪水和泥石流冲刷。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. On seeing the downpour, she belted (up) her raincoat. 一看到倾盆大雨,她就用皮带束好雨衣。 www.tctl.com.cn 1. The rescue work had been going very well until a sudden downpour loused the whole thing up. 营救工作本来一直进行得很顺利,后来突然下了一场倾盆大雨,把整个事情弄得一团糟。 www.hotdic.com 2. A deep ditch or channel cut in the earth by running water after a prolonged downpour. 隘谷,冲沟长期的倾盆大雨冲击地面之后形成深的沟壑或沟渠 dict.bioon.com 3. Hopefully, it won't be a downpour. 当然,我不希望会有暴雨。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 4. A great downpour; a deluge. 倾盆大雨;大洪水 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But in America, where more than 850 communities rely on ageing sewer systems, a downpour can be especially bleak. 特别是在美国,超过850个社区使用的是老化的下水管网,每每暴雨来临,情况尤为不容乐观。 bbs.ecocn.org 6. The clouds broke after the downpour. 乌云在倾盆大雨过后驱散了。 www.bing.com 7. At half past one the downpour ceased. 一点半钟这阵瓢泼大雨停止了。 shouji.ebigear.com 8. A heavy downpour in the first half contributed to Switzerland's opening goal which was scored by Hakan Yakin . 上半场的倾盆大雨帮助瑞士队首开记录,哈坎·亚金是进球者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour , which was rather a fly in the ointment. 当我们正在举行野餐的时候,忽然大雨倾盆,未免大煞风景。 dict.veduchina.com 10. It's wonderful after the downpour. 大雨之后天气好极了。 bg.bjccc.com 1. I was caught in a downpour . 我赶上了倾盆大雨。 dict.veduchina.com 2. when the downpour began. 开始下倾盆大雨时。 www.tingclass.com 3. This is even more so if there is a heavy downpour which often results in flood. 这是更多的,所以如果有一个倾盆大雨,经常导致洪水。 www.bing.com 4. I dislike the heavy rain heavy downpour very much. 大雨倾盆我很反感。 www.bing.com 5. Yes, it is. It's wonderful after the terrible downpour last night. 是的,一点不错。昨晚下了一场雨之后,天就变好了。 mysearch.100e.com 6. strips my landscape of all its color as if washed away under a downpour 我的山水全部褪了色像被大雨洗过 tr.hjenglish.com 7. To be cold Frost Thunder Wind Mist Cloud Haze Lightning Downpour Breeze Humidity 天气冷霜雷风雾云霾闪电暴雨微风潮湿.交通工具单词 wenku.baidu.com 8. A villager on a motorcycle navigates a road filled with volcanic ash turned into thick mud following a downpour 一名骑着摩托车的村民行驶在一条满是火山灰的路上。倾盆大雨使路面泥泞不堪。 www.bing.com 9. They were caught in a downpour and drenched to the skin 他们遇到倾盆大雨,浑身淋得湿透。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Running while laughing like crazy in a quick downpour 笑着闹着在倾盆大雨中狂跑 xylslynn.blog.hexun.com 1. We were drenched by a sudden downpour 突如其来的倾盆大雨把我们浇透了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. And let it all just wash away in a downpour 让它在倾盆大雨中流走 zhidao.baidu.com 3. We had a downpour. It's really coming down out there 我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Death Toll Rises, Downpour Continues in SW China 中国西南部持续暴雨,死亡人数不断攀升 www.dionews.com 5. I expect a sudden downpour to spoil every summer party; 我会幻想一场倾盆大雨突然来临,搅乱一场夏日聚会; www.bing.com |
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