单词 | douse |
释义 |
第三人称单数:douses 现在分词:dousing 过去式:doused v. drench,soak,wet,souse,cover 例句释义: 浇灭,熄,往…上泼水,把…浸在液体里,泡,倾注,〈英方〉一击,熄灭,用水泼,放松 1. it was like trying to douse a 4-al wi fire with a water pistol. 这就像企图用一把水枪去扑灭一场四级火情警报的大火一样。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Just as there are signs of a nascent US recovery, Washington may be about to douse whatever anaemic growth prospects are on offer. 正当美国经济初露复苏苗头之际,华盛顿可能给本已十分低迷的经济增长前景再浇上一盆冷水。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The narrowness of the way into the slum made it hard for the fire brigade to douse the flames, not that Nairobi has much of a fire brigade. 并非内罗毕投入的消防车太少,而是通往贫民窟的道路过于狭窄使得消防车难以到达现场灭火。 www.ecocn.org 4. Beating it the Heart of the Labyrinth is a passion great enough to douse even the Flame of Olympus, and lay bare the power that lies within. 迷宫之心所跃动的高昂热情甚至可以熄灭奥林匹斯圣火,让裹藏在其中的力量得以展露。 tv.766.com 5. On Tuesday Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took to the air in a water bombing jet to help douse fires in one region. 星期二,普京总理乘坐一辆灭火飞机升空,帮助扑灭一个地区的大火。 www.24en.com 6. Men came with buckets of water and began to douse the flames. 人们提来一桶桶水灭火。 www.bing.com 7. The men compete against each other to kiss the girl while other douse the couple with water while they embrace in a kiss. 在喜欢的女孩面前,男青年互相竞争,以博佳人一吻,当他们拥抱接吻时,其他人将水从他们头顶浇下。 www.bing.com 8. The hoses of the firemen douse the flames, all too late; it's gone… all of it. 消防员们用消防水管浇大火,但一切都太晚了……完了,全完了。 www.elanso.com 9. This enables farmers to douse fields with the weedkiller in a single go, thus offering substantial savings. 这使得农民可以放心使用这种除草剂,节省了大量费用。 www.putclub.com 10. When ochlophonics fail, authorities there have been known to douse Palestinian protesters with "skunk bombs" of smelly liquid. 当用声音驱散暴徒不管用时,据悉以色列当局用恶臭的“臭鼬炸弹”液体浇淋巴勒斯坦抗议者。 www.ecolion.cn 1. You don't have to douse yourself in expensive perfume, or have three baths a day, but personal hygiene should be key before a big date. 香气怡人Smell其实,你大可不必喷上昂贵的香水,也不必一日三遍澡沐浴更衣,但重要约会前的个人卫生却是重点。 www.24en.com 2. Monotonous routine can easily douse the romantic fire in any relationship or marriage, so change things up with creative surprises. 一成不变的生活会熄灭任何关系或者婚姻的浪漫之火,所以用富有创造性的惊喜来改变一下吧。 www.elanso.com 3. Even as joblessness soars and Americans' savings turn to cinders, Mr Obama wins plaudits for acting boldly to douse the flames. 即使失业人数猛增,储蓄变得一文不值,奥巴马还是因为其大胆的灭火措施赢得了大家的赞许。 club.topsage.com 4. They switched to military fire engines to douse the reactors and the pools of spent fuel rods beside them. 他们换成军用消防栓来冷却反应堆和燃料池。 www.voanews.cn 5. seems engineered to douse public anger before the ruling party's crucial upper house elections this month. 似乎是为了在执政党参加于本月举行的至关重要的国会上院选举前。 www.juyy.net 6. In fact, we take our pillows, we douse them in a neurotoxin. 事实上,我们买的枕头,有些是浸泡到神经毒素里。 www.douban.com 7. Celebrants in the Water Festival merrily douse each other with water by whatever means are available. 参加宗教典礼的人在水的节日欢乐地用水互相弄湿不管什么方法是有效的。 forum.home.news.cn 8. Play douse the Doberman . If you see big, fast Prince up ahead and know that he sees you, sprinting might not work. 如果一条大狗已经看见你并堵在前方,而路又很小,加速离开已经不可能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In the short run, the government may either tolerate the speculative fires the stimulus is igniting, or douse them by tightening credit. 短期来看,政府要么容忍刺激政策所带来的经济热度,要么就通过缩减信贷来降低热度。 www.bing.com 10. They douse the vehicles with barbecue lighter fluid and set them on fire. 他们将烧烤用点火液浇在车上,放火焚烧。 www.bing.com 1. In this Feb. 20, 2010 file photo, Indian police try to douse fire as a student, S. 2010年2月20日资料照片,印度警察正试图浇灭一名自焚抗议的学生身上的火。 www.bing.com 2. I'm not here to massage your ego, I'm giving you your daily douse of logic. 我不是在折磨你的意思,我只是给你一个合适的逻辑观。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. and douse the colony with the dreaded yellow rain. 并利用黄色的雨水浸泡了我们的家园 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Does it help to douse your head with water? 用冷水淋头真的有用吗? www.bing.com 5. We'll just douse the arm in gasoline. 只要往手臂上喷汽油就行。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Japan's Self-Defense Force also carried out operations Sunday to douse the No. 4 reactor. 日本自卫队周日也采取了行动,向四号反应堆注水。 chinese.wsj.com 7. They are there to douse pain. 这些物质产生镇痛作用。 www.ted.com 8. For example, feeling ashamed of being too heavy (even if you're not) will douse your love light. 比如说你为自己过重(即使现实中你并不这样)而感到的羞愧感会浇灭你的欲望之火。 www.bing.com 9. A man continues to douse the burnt remains of a house on December 4, 2010 in Ein Hod, Israel. 一个人继续扑灭烧毁的房子仍然是12月4日,在Ein荷德,以色列2010年。 08062788.blog.163.com 10. First, they are accelerating the change of the water used to douse the reactors to fresh water from seawater. 首先,他们正在加速将冷却反应堆的水从海水换为淡水。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Douse himself with cheap perfume 用便宜的香水喷洒 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Douse Put something into water 把…浸入液体中;浸没 bbs.cnnas.com 3. douse the clothes in soapy water 把衣服浸入肥皂水。 www.ichacha.net 4. But can not douse the burning anger in my chest 却浇不熄我胸口灼热的愤怒 zhidao.baidu.com |
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