单词 | because that |
释义 | because that例句释义: 全部 1. But you know, I don't care, ultimately, because that's somebody else's project to see if this is the absolute authentic boat. 但是,你知道,我并不在乎,因为最终去看那艘船是不是真的“比拉号”是别人的事。 dongxi.net 2. I think you want to be like a day do not know what may have scared you know, because that is the I have silly. 我想你想一天能像一个不知道的还可能有害怕,你知道,因为这是我傻。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. it was a bad choice because that was the first time people in London had seen me dance, and first impressions are huge. 这是个糟糕的选择,可这没办法啊~因为那是我第一次在伦敦跳舞给别人看,第一次的印象是多么的重要啊! www.ouyaren.cn 4. And I also like the Internet, because that will know so many friends, and life will be very happy. 并且我也很喜欢上网,因为这样会认识很多的朋友,生活也会很快乐。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Never stop thinking about him even for a moment. Because that's the moment He'll appear. 分手定律第四条绝不停止想他,片刻也不行。因为他就会在那一刻出现。 kongpan1983.spaces.live.com 6. I really do wish these people and the press would stop making money out of this woman; because that is all that they are doing. 我真心希望出版社不要利用这个女人来赚钱了,他们一直如此。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 7. The population size was chosen to be 256 , because that way it was easy to initialize every individual to a number equal to its index . 取大小为256的人群,原因是这样便于把个体都初始化成一个与其序号相等的数字。 www.bing.com 8. I chose PHP, because that's what I'm most familiar with: You may want to use Ruby or Python, and both of those options are supported. 我选择PHP,因为这是我最熟悉的:您可能想要使用Ruby或Python,这两种也受支持。 www.ibm.com 9. They're not going to release him entirely, because that's not the way they are, but [a pay reduction] would not surprise me at all. 他们不会完全放他走,因为那不是他们做事情的方式。不过(削减代言费)完全不会让我感到意外。 www.fortunechina.com 10. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the door way to her heart, the place where love resides. 女人的美丽必定是从她的眼睛流露出来的,因为那是通往她心灵深处的入口,那是爱居住的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Miss, not because that was a lot of good New Year, may be just a nostalgic for it. 怀念,并不是因为觉得那时过年有很多美好,可能只是一种怀旧的情愫而已。 www.gnscl.com 2. But I was also quite bummed because that meant I'd have to spend the night with Talen trying to say whatever he's trying. 但我也很郁闷,因为这意味着我不得不花与塔伦想说什么,他的努力了一夜。 www.fnovel.com 3. He said he could not forgive a particular person because that person had not asked him for forgiveness. 他说他就是不能原谅一个人,因为那个人并没有恳求他的谅解。 www.bing.com 4. He said he personally would "like to give information back because that would be the right thing to do. " 他说,他个人认为“应该把基因信息反馈给受试者,因为这样做是正确的”。 www.bing.com 5. Her mother tells her to write because that always made her happy. 她的妈妈告诉她写下来,因为写作一直令她快乐。 www.bing.com 6. I do not know--I only guess it, because that sort of thing is generally found in prisoners' cells. 我并不知道,我只是这样猜测,因为牢房里所发现的大多是那一类的东西。 www.jukuu.com 7. We were shocked because that awesome voice and performance came out of that dog ugly face and weird personality. 我们被震惊了,因为那惊人的声音和表演出自一位具有沙皮狗脸和奇怪性格的人。 www.chinavalue.net 8. My uncle Frank and my uncle John would vie for who would take me to lunch, because that was sort of beating the other guy. 我的弗兰克爷爷和约翰爷爷在谁带我去吃午饭的问题上也会较劲儿,因为一定程度上这意味着击败了对方。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But you're not generally going to see hospital products that's brown, because that kind of makes you think dirt, right? 但是你通常不会看到,医疗产品是褐色的,因为这个颜色让你觉得有点脏,是不是? open.163.com 10. The beauty of a women must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where the love resides. 女性的美必须通过她的眼睛才能看见,因为那是她的心灵之窗,是爱的归属。 bbs.kekenet.com 1. The difference here is that we read the payload into a byte array instead of a String, because that makes parsing it a little easier. 这里的不同之处在于,我们将该有效负载读入字节数组而不是字符串,因为这使得解析它比较容易。 www.ibm.com 2. And I think it's the rate of change that alarms people, because that's what tends to put pressure on public services, on housing. . . 而我认为这个变化速度提醒了人们,因为这会为公共服务、住房带来压力… www.yappr.cn 3. Because that annoying guy over by the door keeps trying to talk to me. 因为门边有个讨厌的家伙老是要跟我搭讪。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Many buyers and sellers do not wish to lock in a fixed price, because that forecloses potential gains as well as losses. 许多卖主和买主不希望为固定价格所束缚,因为这样虽然避免了潜在的损失,但也杜绝了潜在的收益。 www.jukuu.com 5. People tolerate a rough ride and demanding handling in a Ferrari because that brand is all about race-caliber speed and performance. 人们容忍法拉利行驶不够平稳和对操作要求高,完全是因为这个品牌是表达赛车的速度和性能。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Because that day, the sky suddenly began to rain heavily, so there is no way our whole family to look for chicks. 因为那天,天空突然下起了大雨,所以,我们全家没有办法去找小鸡。 www.tradeask.com 7. Because that's the lingra franca of the elite--of business, and of government, and all that sort of thing. 因为这是当时的通用语,精英人士,生意人,政府官员等等,都在使用。 open.163.com 8. Somebody at Penn must have listened to me (or one of the other complainers), because that course is now taught in Java. 宾夕法尼亚大学里一定有人听到了我的呼声(或者听到了其他抱怨者的呼声),因为如今这门课讲授的计算机语言是Java。 feihen1.blog.163.com 9. Well, I cannot keep all the other constant because that would not be compatible with this condition. 实际上,我们不能保证y,z都不变,因为它们之间满足这个关系式。 open.163.com 10. Because that would not involve the great loss of human life that would have happened around the Oct event that we asked you to announce. 因为那不包括巨量的人类生命死亡,那我们要求你去声明的必定发生的10月事件。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In reality, I might as well be throwing her into walls, down the stairs and beating on her because that is what I am doing to her spirit. 现实生活中,我也可能让她撞墙,踢他下楼,打她,因为这也是我想过的。 www.bing.com 2. And Judah acknowledged them, and said, She hath been more righteous than I; because that I gave her not to Shelah my son. 38:26犹大承认说,她比我更有义,因为我没有将她给我的儿子示拉。 www.examw.com 3. But the best part of Back-to-Front Day was the evening because that was when the children put the grown ups to bed very early. 不过颠倒日最精彩的部分是晚上,因为那是孩子们把大人早早地哄上床的时候。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Because you know. . . Yeah, really. Seriously. You know, because that's the most intimate part of what I do. And I'm not gonna. . . 谢尔普德:因为你知道……哦,是的。当真。你知道为什么吗,因为那是我最私密的一部分,而我不想…… www.joyen.net 5. It wasn't a good judgement, because that was the boat that had a couple of his toes leaking out of the front end of it. 这下他没有算计得好,因为那正好就是头上露出两个脚指头的那只靴子。 6. The guy knew that the brakes malfunctioned, but he did not let the girl know, because that would make the girl feel scared. 驾车的男孩知道刹车失灵,但他没有让女孩知道,因为那样会让女孩感到害怕。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Because that actress refuses to give interviews, journalists perceive her to be unfriendly. 因为女演员拒绝采访,记者们认为她不友善。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Mr Brady also said he would not pursue legislation allowing the US to restrict Chinese imports because that would undervalue its currency. 布莱迪说,他不会追求允许美国限制进口中国产品的立法,因为那会低估中国的货币。 www.ftchinese.com 9. care most about prestige or reputation, focus on rankings, because that is all that most of them really measure. 如果你真正最在乎的是声望或声誉,那就看排名,因为大多数排名就是按照这个标准。 www.bing.com 10. Little Eric: Because that's what being brother is all about , right? Being there for each other when one of us is in trouble. 小艾力克:做兄弟就是这样,对吧?当其中一个有难时,另一个就挺身而出。 www.bing.com 1. The next day I told him I understood why he drank the way he did, because that's the way I eat. 第二天我告诉他我已经知道他为何那么贪杯了——和我贪吃是一样的道理。 www.neworiental.org 2. The score with the original ball could not count because that ball was no longer the ball in play. 以原始球计算的成绩不算数,因为那个球不再是使用中球。 www.golftime.com.cn 3. But then again, like she said it's not a surprise because that's what happens when you know how to work the Law of Attraction for you. 但再想想,正如她所说这本不该在意料之外。只要学会了吸引定律,“意外”就会发生。 www.elanso.com 4. Staying in love and being in love is usually sexual because that's what marriage is all about. 沉浸爱河和处于恋爱通常是性爱的,因为这是婚姻的全部。 open.163.com 5. Guti said he would like to play as an attacking midfielder against Bayern Munich because that's the position he feels most comfortable in. 古蒂说,他喜欢在对拜仁的比赛中扮演一个中场进攻者的角色,因为这个位置他感觉最合适。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Because that type cannot be known in advance, there is no way to know whether it has an element type or what that element type might be. 因为无法提前获知该类型,则无法知道其是否具有元素类型或该元素类型是什么。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 因为他不想施恩,却逼迫困苦穷乏的,和伤心的人,要把他们治死。 www.ebigear.com 8. One of the worst things that ever happened to the Illuminati was the European Union, because that idea took away the money changers! 光明会做的最坏事情之一是欧洲联盟,因为那想法取消了货币兑换! lovewww.tk 9. just because that i did not tell your of my marriage problem, you never have a right to be so rude. 就因为我没有告诉你我的婚姻问题,你也没有权利表现的这么粗鲁。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. I used to think it was a maturation process where high-context societies would eventually become low-context because that's more modern. 我曾经认为这是一个不断成熟的过程,随着现代化程度的提高,高语境社会最终将成为低语境社会。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And I am each of these all at once, unless I am in the shower. Then I am not outfits, because that would be uncomfortable. 我是以上的所有除非我正在洗澡,那时我不可能穿着衣服,因为那样会很不舒服。 www.bing.com 2. The KC buys a small notebook, is very suitable for him to go on errands to use, because that kind of the notebook take very convenient. KC买一个小的笔记本电脑,很适合他出差用,因为那种笔记本携带很方便。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. You want your boss to understand what you need and want because that would help your job performance. 你希望你的上司能够理解你的需要和想法,因为这有助于你更好的工作。 www.bing.com 4. The Jews answered him, For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. 犹太人回答说:「我们不是为善事拿石头打你,是为你说僭妄的话;又为你是个人,反将自己当作神。」 www.spring4life.org 5. Kirkpatrick's concern was communism, because that ideology appeared to be perpetual and communicable. Kirkpatrick关注的是共产主义,因为这种意识形态似乎是一种永久的意识形态和传染病。 www.bing.com 6. It doesn't matter how much you want to; he won't let you, anyway. Because that is HIS job. 不管你有多想去做,无论如何,他都不会让你去做。 www.bing.com 7. Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus. 因有好些犹太人,为拉撒路的缘故,回去信了耶稣。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. Normally I get vegetables from street markets, not from supermarkets because that way you know they come from local producers. 通常我都在街边市场买菜,不从超市买,这样你就会知道,这些蔬菜是本地产的了。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. The researchers did not use Japanese because that was the language the birds normally listened to. 研究人员不用日语,因为日语是这些鸟类通常听到的语言。 www.52voe.com 10. Which is unfortunate, because that intense period at work now tends to be interrupted by procrastinated childbearing. 不幸的是,由于生育期耽搁了,紧张的工作期往往会因此打断。 www.ecocn.org 1. "I now make a conscious effort not to give him a hard time about it, because that's what he wants to do, " Katie says. “我现在有意识地不跟他过不去,因为这是他希望的,”凯蒂说。 www.bing.com 2. Computers are often inept at understanding the meaning of a word because that meaning depends on the context in which the word is used. 电脑在理解词意方面往往很笨拙,因为单词的意思取决于它的上下文。 www.ecocn.org 3. Most humans will also find images of 3D objects engaging, because that also seems to be built into our visual perception. 大部分人类也会对三维物件发生兴趣,因为那似乎也是我们的视觉认知机制的一部分。 www.bing.com 4. The second area that I'm focusing on is the environmental problem, because that's clearly going to put a lot of pressure on this world. 第二个领域是对环境问题的关注,因为很明显这个问题将给这个世界施加很多压力。 www.ted.com 5. Now they've got to get some sympathetic folks elected to public office, because that's how this democracy thing works, when it does. 现在他们需要找一些慈爱的人去竞选政府官员,因为这样的民主就是以这种方式起到它该有的作用的。 www.ecocn.org 6. For he longed after you all, and was full of heaviness , because that ye had heard that he had been sick. 他很想念你们众人,并且极其难过,因为你们听见他病了。 www.qeto.com 7. If the whaling disappears it would make me feel sad, because that means that the particular form of the culture fades out. 如果捕鲸业消失,我将为此感到难过,因为这意味着这种特殊的文化形式在慢慢消亡。 www.24en.com 8. Mama, but I also want to be a paleontologist, because that's what Nate is going to be and I want to do everything Nate does. 妈妈,但我也想当一名古生物学家,因为内特想当,而内特想做的所有事情我都想做。 www.kekenet.com 9. So For me, that is the core because that tells you to create the social mission I wonder what my own story was. 对我来说那是很重要的,因为那让你有种社会使命感。,我想知道我自己的故事。 open.163.com 10. See yourselves as cells of that great entity that is Gaia, because that is what you are, her small cells, each one of you. 把你们看作盖亚这个巨大的生命体的细胞吧,因为那就是你们的本质,你们每个人都是盖亚的小细胞。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. But democracy activists have to be careful not to be labeled "pro-American, " because that would destroy their credibility. 但那些民主活动人士要小心了。小心别被贴上“亲美”的标签。 www.bing.com 2. I don't carry bad thoughts with me, because that would just make me lose time, as you can't change the result anyway. 我不会让负面情绪伴随着我,因为那只让我浪费时间,因为你不能改变结果了。 www.deliriousf1.com 3. There is a lot of pressure here but it's a good pressure. The fans want you to be in the top four because that's where Liverpool belong. 这里有着很大的压力,但这是一个好的压力。球迷们想要你出现在前四,因为那是属于利物浦的地方。 www.ept-team.com 4. You need to do the research on your own because that will allow you to open your mind and really give yourself empowerment. 你必须自己去做个调查研究,因为这样会使你打开你的思路(冲破旧思想的束缚)并且能激励自主。 xytss.net 5. Maybe, it's because that someone, something, or somewhere, once you leave behind you can never return. Or think you won't be able to return. 我想可能是因为有些人,有些事,有些地方,一旦离开,就回不去了。或者应该说,总觉得,自己回不去了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Just because that would be convenient to developers does not mean that it would be desired by users. 这对开发人员很方便,但并不意味这这是用户的愿望。 www.ibm.com 7. It means you still have to go up to the plate and swing like you've always swung, because that's the discipline of being a . 300 hitter. 这意味着你还要上场,像过去那样挥棒击球,因为0.300的击球手就是这样的(张轶注:我不懂棒球,翻译不一定对)。 www.56.cx 8. However, I did not adjust the Manual Focus because that would make it impossible to accurately focus non-AF legacy lenses. 然而,因为那将使不可能准确地聚焦非AF遗产透镜,我没有调整手工焦点。 www.four-thirds.cn 9. Because that's not useful, you want to be able to skip it and (we hope! ) any other MIME types that are useless for our purposes. 由于没有什么用处,您希望能够跳过这些检查(我们也希望),并且任何其他MIME类型都不会影响我们要实现的目标。 www.ibm.com 10. You cannot declare a different access level for such a procedure, because that would set two access levels for the property. 因此不能为此类过程声明不同的访问级别,因为这样做会为属性设置两个访问级别。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. and uncertainty is no excuse for doing nothing, because that could be just as dangerous. 不确定不是无所作为的借口,因为无所作为同样危险。 www.ecocn.org 2. They'll want to win the game and hopefully they will come at us because that might leave a bit of space in behind for us top exploit. 他们肯定会试图赢得比赛,希望他们能够全力以赴,因为这样会给我们的反击留出空档。 www.lfcbbs.com 3. Put it on, especially as you are going out in the morning or late in the afternoon because that's when mosquito like to feed. 拿着它,尤其是当你在早上或下午晚些时候外出的时候,因为这是蚊子喜欢进食的时间。 www.kekenet.com 4. Don't wait for the top and bottom chimney come unglued completely did not report, because that will make repairs are difficult. 不要等到灯罩顶端和底部完全脱胶才报告,因为这样会使修理变得困难。 www.bj3658080.com 5. "UEFA say I'm on six goals, but I'm definitely counting the qualifying game because that was an important one for us, " added Crouch. “欧足联说我打进六个球,但是对我个人而言,会把资格赛中的那球算进去,因为那个进球对我们很重要。”克劳奇补充到。 www.lfcfans.com 6. "People have come to believe that spending a lot of money is the only way to do it because that's what the funeral industry has told them. " “人们被殡葬行业引导去相信花一大笔钱做这个是唯一的途径。” www.bing.com 7. Forth is often spoken of as a language because that is its most visible aspect. Forth通常认为是一种语言因为这是最明显方面。 www.bing.com 8. Under historic-cost accounting, the banks had every reason not to restructure assets, because that meant owning up to their losses. 在传统的历史成本会计模式下,银行有诸多理由不进行资产结构调整,因为这就意味着他们承认了损失。 www.ecocn.org 9. And you do that by confessing your faith because that helps you to think differently about yourself, your situation, and your sin. 你要承认你的信,因为这帮助你以不同的方式去思考你自己,你的环境和你罪。 www.bing.com 10. I'm starting to think the US government sent a fake one to us, because that woman looks too old and motherly to be Hillary! 我开始怀疑美国派来假的希拉蕊,因为那位女士看起来比希拉蕊老,也看起来太有母爱了! zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. "We are in bad need of the president to continue because that will be easier for us to conclude the mission we have, " he said. “我们是在总统需要继续坏,因为这会更容易为我们的使命,我们得出结论,”他说。 www.englishtang.com 2. Try not to name a salary unless we really push you, because that gives us a leg up in the negotiating. 除非我们确实要求你说,否则尽量不要说出具体的薪水数字,因为那帮助我们在谈判中赢得主动权。 www.bing.com 3. Function signatures do not include return type, because that does not participate in overload resolution. 函数签名不包含返回值类型,因为它不参与重载解析过程。 www.wangchao.net.cn 4. I never try to think of injuries during a game because that would hold me back from attacking. 比赛中我从来不考虑受伤,如果总想着避免受伤,那样只会让我在进攻时缩手缩脚。 www.milan-milan.com 5. And because that is one of my goals, the title 'exploitative' will probably follow me around for a while. 那是我的目标之一,我想“剥削的”这个头衔很可能还会跟着我一段时间。 www.cinewiki.cn 6. There can be no doubt that they would all begin to revolve around Jupiter, because that planet has the largest mass. 毫无疑问,太阳系所有的行星将围绕木星运转,因为在太阳系的行星中木星的质量最大。 www.bing.com 7. It's time to get out of your head and into your heart because that is where the real action is now. 现在放开你的理智,用心感受一切,现在是真实行动的时候了。 www.douban.com 8. We were couch potatoes because that was the only opportunity given to us. 我们原先坐在电视机前是因为我们只有那一个选择。 www.ted.com 9. No longer do we have to choose between the living or the mechanical because that distinction is no longer meaningful. 我们不必在生物或机械间选择了,因为区别不再有意义。 dongxi.net 10. It was more important to me to know how people thought, because that gave me insight into the way I could best work with them. 对我来说更重要的是去了解人们的想法是怎样产生的,因为这能让我洞察到与他们最好的合作方式。 www.bing.com 1. But because that point is moving -- like a chameleon's colors on a mirror -- the system is perpetually in disequilibrium. 但是因为这个最优点是变化的——就像变色龙的颜色不停的随着环境的变化发生变化——这个系统又是永远处在非均衡状态的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But we decided to focus on wine because that seemed like a real challenge. 但是我们决定对酒类下手,因为它看上去是一个真正的挑战。 gb.cri.cn 3. I couldn't stand that I was unable to save for travel because that money needed to go toward debt (so I wasn't saving it all). 我无法忍受自己没法为旅行费用存到足够的钱,因为那些钱都会变成债务(因此我根本就不存钱。) www.bing.com 4. Somebody must have thought that he was a Messianic figure because that's what the Romans executed him for. 一定有人把他视为弥赛亚了,因为罗马人就是靠这个罪名把他处决的。 open.163.com 5. My parents were pleased because that way we could 'keep an eye on each other' and of course report back on what the other one was up to. 父母很高兴,因为我们可以‘彼此互相照顾’,当然,还有向他们报告彼此都在干些什么。 www.bing.com 6. He just wants to wish her a good day, because that's the start of her day. 因为这是她新的一天,他只是想祝福她有美好的一天。 www.ted.com 7. When I can put a foot outside this country, the consequences are going to be a lot greater because that's how you wanted it. 当我可以踏出这个国家后,这后果会比你预期的严重很多。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. The Roman admitted the result felt like a podium finish, because that was the best Renault could have hoped for. 这位罗马人坦言这个结果就好像是登上领奖台一般,因为这已经是雷诺车队所能期望的最好的成绩。 www.f1salon.com 9. T. F. : It scares me that you mention it as a career, because that's certainly not where I was angling. 你把音乐作为一个事业来问我让我有点惊讶,因为肯定不是。 www.aspoo.cn 10. Because that shoes and women are sharing experience together, however fat or slim, shoes are keep company with you forever . 因为“鞋子与女人一同分享经历,不论你处于人生的哪一个阶段,无论身材肥胖或纤瘦,鞋子永远跟你在一起。” wenwen.soso.com 1. I give it in terms of the diameter because that's the way that the manufacturer gives it to us. 我用直径来表示,因为这是,制造商给我们的数据。 open.163.com 2. Mary's final rule resonated with me because that's something I work very hard to do in my own relationships. 玛丽的最后一个条例引起了我的共鸣,因为这就是我为什么会为我自己的关系的维持而这么努力。 www.bing.com 3. 'I'm just buying one pair because that's all I can afford, ' she said. 'I also need clothes, dishes, everything. ' 她说,“我的钱只够买一双,我还需要衣服、盘子以及所有的一切。” www.hjenglish.com 4. Because that would drastically compromise the depth at which you pursued any of your responsibilities or interests. 因为你将会在你的职责,你所感兴趣的东西中做最彻底的折中处理。 www.bing.com 5. The magnificent and grand sight of the iceberg movement is because that it, only has one eighth on the surface of water. 冰山在海里移动很是雄伟壮观,这是因为它只有八分之一露在水面上。 lunwenzs.com 6. Children's day is one of my favorite days of the year, because that day is designed for children. 儿童节一年中我最喜欢的一天,因为那一天是专为儿童而准备的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. People between those age groups may have a better chance for fighting the disease because that have already built up some sort of immunity. 介于这些年龄之间的人们,体内已经有某种免疫力,或许有机会与病魔一试高下。 www.suiniyi.com 8. She didn't say, but my aunt Cynthia wrote us, very worried because that Edward Summerville man has followed her to England. 她没说,可是我姨妈莘济亚写信给我们,非常担心,因为爱德华索姆威勒那个家伙跟着她到英格兰去了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But be careful: Don't put a fraud alert on your credit report as a general matter, because that means you can't easily open new accounts. 因为那意味着你不能很容易地开立新的信用卡账号了。 www.bing.com 10. It kept breaking down and having to be repaired, and because that required permission, I finally found out what Fraus Schmitz was doing. 那台录音机经常出毛病,不得不维修,因为那需要批准的,我最终发现了施密兹夫人在做什么。 www.bing.com 1. Nothing was settled, nowhere was home, because that state of "finnish" was also his own condition. 他从未安生,四海为家,因为“未完成”就是他自身情况的真实写照。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 2. Work hard for those failures, because that's the best way possible for you to grow. 认真研究那些失败,从中吸取教训,因为那是最有可能让你成长的途径。 www.bing.com 3. Students don't register probably because that club's conditions lack enough to attract people and students' interest is not there. 学生不报名,有可能是你那俱乐部条件缺乏吸引力,也有可能学生的兴趣并不在其上。 www.chinadialogue.net 4. Elance requires you to have a valid and verified credit card, because that's how you're going to pay your service providers. 你需要为Elance提供一个有效且经过验证的信用卡账号,因为这是你向服务商支付费用的途径。 dongxi.net 5. "I ran to the front because that is where he was, " Giunta said, talking of Brennan. "I didn't try to be a hero and save everyone. " “我冲向前线,是因为我知道他会在那儿,”吉安达这样评论布伦南,“我没有想要成为英雄,拯救所有人。” www.bing.com 6. I can personally recommend the Pimsleur Language Programs (aff) because that is what I use and I've had a great experience with them. 我个人推荐罗皮姆斯勒语言课程,因为那是我自己所用的,已经有了丰富的经验。 www.bing.com 7. Because that one was sort of half-confession, and half-prediction or projection of what I saw. 因为那首歌是属于半自白性质吧,还有一些自我保护意识。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I painted the whole face by myself because that was the only way I could give it the impression I wanted. 我自己画完整张脸,因为只有这样才能表达我所想要表达的东西。 www.elanso.com 9. It didn't because that January, when Kelly was cut open for a biopsy, the lump turned out to be nothing. 那是因为,一月份凯莉开刀做活检,结果却显示这个肿块是良性的。什么也没有。 www.bing.com 10. But UBS said it was unable to comply because that would entail breaking Switzerland's strict bank secrecy laws. 但是瑞银集团表示,他们恕难从命。因为这样做的话,他们必定得违反瑞士严格的银行保密法规。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. "Nothing in a SCIF is allowed to operate on a remote control because that's a frequency that can be tapped, " he says. “SCIF里面的任何东西都不能被远程遥控,因为控制信号的频率有可能被窃取,”他说。 www.bing.com 2. And as I mentioned earlier, I got someone to do my accounting for me, because that would have been impossible otherwise. 并且向我先前提到的那样,我找了一些人管理我的账户,因为否则那样的待遇是不可能的。 www.bing.com 3. Dennis always fondly said, "I hired both of them because that way I figured I had everything that you could know about commodities. " 丹尼斯总是深情地说:“我把他们两个都聘用了,这样你才能全面地了解商品。” www.56.cx 4. Programs and data could only be loaded straight into memory because that was all the storage there was. 程序和数据只能直接加载到内存中,因为内存就是全部的存储空间。 wiki.fcctt.org 5. "I stopped looking because that feeling of being rejected again and again is hard, " she said. “我不想再去找工作了,每次都被强硬地拒之门外,”她说。 www.bing.com 6. Piracy in Somalia has become so common that when young boys grow up they wish to become pirates because that's where the money is. 海盗行为在索马里已经成为一种见怪不怪的现象,当年轻人长大后他们就渴望成为一名海盗,因为成为海盗可以赚到钱。 www.bing.com 7. That's my contact with the city because that's where I used to live and I'm a theater buff. 这是我与纽约接触联系的方式,因为我过去生活在那儿,而我又是个戏剧迷。 cn.reuters.com 8. This means that instances of custom attributes cannot be created, because that would require executing their constructors. 这意味着不能创建自定义属性的实例,因为这将需要执行其构造函数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. If I was Laurel I would be so scared because that Dutch fan was a big girl. 如果我是劳雷尔我一定会觉得害怕因为那荷兰人是一个大姑娘。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 10. And that's what happens in an asteroid catastrophe, because that's what this was, of course. 这就是小行星灾难时发生的情况,当然是因为这就是当时发生的事。 www.ted.com 1. I mean, because that sort of stuff does happen nowadays. . . 我的意思是,因为现在好多事情已经见怪不怪… www.engxue.com 2. Humans may not exist in the original period of personal will to power, because that's when the power is not the true sense of power. 人类在原始时期或许并不存在个人权力意志,因为那时的权力还不是真正意义上的权力。 jztu.5d6d.com 3. Our [name] "Daioyutai" means fishing platform because that has been a traditional fishing ground for Taiwanese fishermen. 我们的(名字)“钓鱼岛”意思是钓鱼台,因为那是台湾渔民传统的渔场。 blog.gxsky.com 4. If you still have problems, try restarting Eclipse because that solved some issues for me a number of times. 假若您仍然有问题,请尝试再次启动Eclipse,由于这搞定了我几个问题多次。 shiwt.com 5. After reading that , I feel shame to speak rudely at home because that I could not stand my direct superior in Wuhan. 看了这个,我为自己当年在武汉不能忍受我的顶头上司而在家中出言不逊而愧疚。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I told him not to count his chickens before they hatch because that woman may not marry him. 我告诉他不要指望太早,因为那个女人未必要嫁给他。 www.moon-soft.com 7. But I believe I will keep dancing or at least doing work related to that, because that is what I love. 但是我相信我仍将跳舞或者是至少人事与舞蹈相关的工作,因为这是我所热爱的。 www.bing.com 8. I'm especially excited about the white tea from Anji to be ready, because that's one of my favorites. 特别让我兴奋的是新的安吉白茶上市,它是我的最爱之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe , because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side . 说些善意的话语对那些心存敬畏,对你尊敬有加的人吧,因为孩童终将长大成人,不能留在你身边。 www.bing.com 10. You were hurtful because that is all you had inside you. 你伤心是因为它们都隐藏在你的内心。 www.elanso.com 1. We're very, very, very angry because that's the part of my country and we don't want to let go of it, really. It hurts. 我们非常、非常、非常愤怒,因为那是我的国家的一部分,而我们不想让它分裂,真的。这很令人心痛。 www.bing.com 2. The typical method is to look up the entity by its primary key, because that will guarantee a unique result. 典型的方法是根据实体的主关键字进行查询,因为这可以保证产生一个独一无二的结果。 www.ibm.com 3. Let me talk a little bit about technology because that's also a big part of it. 我再谈谈技术方面吧,因为技术也是很重要的部分。 open.163.com 4. He never would say that, because that isn't why he had helped me. 他永远也不会这么说,因为他不是为了这个才帮我的。 c.wsj.com 5. Sorry that I am not able to give you my mobilephone No. because that I always stay at home without using any mobilephone. 因为在家的缘故,所以一直以来没有使用手机,于是也没有手机号给你,对不起。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Because that's something that happens in New York, you know. 你知道,这样的事在纽约屡见不鲜。 kk.dongxi.net 7. First thing is first though and let's get the final out of the way because that is all we are concentrating on. 不过最重要的先来,让我们打完决赛先,因为这是我们所有人正关注的! bbs.miqiu.com 8. The privatization is "compelled" because that the state-owned enterprise is unable to do well. “民营化”是因为国企无法搞好“被逼出来的”。 www.fabiao.net 9. "Part of me has to slap myself because that kind of growth is so unusual, " Mr Gelfond said. 葛尔方说:“我有时候会想闪自己一巴掌,因为这样的增长太不寻常了。” www.ftchinese.com 10. If the going price of widgets is $10 and I buy a widget, it must be because that widget is worth more than $10 to me. 如果小饰品的价格是10美元,同时我把它买了下来,那么原因肯定是它对我的价值超过了10美元。 www.bing.com 1. I'm so grateful to Sao Paulo because that's where the groundwork was laid for me to become a football player. 我对圣保罗充满感激,因为我在那里打下了成为一名足球运动员的基础。 bbs.qd315.net 2. Since 1950, as it were. Because that's seven and a half seconds in which you can do something else. 换言之,1950年以来,7秒半钟的时间,你可以做别的一些事。 www.ted.com 3. Tipping bogey on the pillow, because that would be considered a guest waiter forgot his collection of things. 小费忌放在枕头底下,那样的话会被服务生认为是客人自己的东西忘了收藏。 www.xiami360.com 4. I hoped he'd say yes because that would mean his advantage wasn't innate and I could possibly catch him by studying hard. 我希望他给个肯定回答,是的话就说明他的优势不是天生的,我有可能通过努力学习赶上他。 www.bing.com 5. I always answer yes because that perspective includes views like the Servers view, which help to start and stop Tomcat later. 我总是选择是,因为这个透视图包含了一些很有用的视图,比如Servers视图,可以帮助您日后启动和停止Tomcat。 www.cnblogs.com 6. Because that always stimulates you to keep running and pursuing what you're anxious for. 因为可以刺激你马不停蹄地去努力,去追求。 joe-lyc.blog.163.com 7. Avoid this practice because that will leave the Appliance thinking that you still hold a management subscription for it. 应该尽量避免这种情况,因为这会使设备认为您仍然持有它的一个管理订阅。 www.ibm.com 8. You don't see or provide a value for the root user password because that value had been locked as part of the pattern. 您不会看到或提供根用户密码的值,因为该值已被锁定为模式的一部分。 www.ibm.com 9. If you don't cover the war you don't sell magazines , and if you don't sell magazines then nothing happens because that's the American way . 如果不报导战争,杂志就卖不出去,如果杂志卖不出去,那就什么事情也没有发生,因为这是美国的一贯做法。 www.bing.com 10. But if they say, 'Come up to us, ' we will climb up, because that will be our sign that the LORD has given them into our hands. 他们若说,你们上到我们这里来,这话就是我们的证据。我们便上去,因为耶和华将他们交在我们手里了。 www.ebigear.com 1. Because that would mean that the only reason to pray is to satisfy one's earthy desires. 因为那就意味着祈祷唯一的理由只是满足人们尘世的愿望而已。 www.noorislam.org 2. Because that was just a list of comparable colas. 因为都是一系列相似的可乐产品。 www.bing.com 3. Copenhagen was an important match to move on because that game gave us confidence, optimism. 和哥本哈根那场比赛对于我们继续前进意义很大,因为我们收获了自信和乐观。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. Panic is the great access of creativity because that's the only way to get rid of your mind. 那是创造力的伟大源泉因为只有这样我才能摆脱“理智”。 www.ted.com 5. DO not give others your password, because that would allow them to use your Certificate to impersonate you. 不要把您的口令告诉别人,因为别人可能会以您的名义使用您的“证书”。 dict.ebigear.com 6. At the time I laughed because that wasn't true at all. In fact, it was quite opposite. 那时我大笑了,因为并不是那样的,实际上可以说完全相反。 www.bing.com 7. Our team would all lay down on the grass (because that is what we ran on for Cross Country), close our eyes and take some deep breaths. 我们小组一起躺在草坪上(我们平时进行越野训练的地方),闭上双眼,做几个深呼吸。 bbs.running8.com 8. They thought I might be an associate or friend of the boss because that is what I implied. 他们以为我可能是老板的助手或者朋友,因为这正是我所暗示的。 rrting.com 9. We were not that serious on saying you are going to stop on lap 22, because that was the best one. 我们不是那么严谨的说你会在22圈进站,因为那是最好的时机。 www.barrichello.com.cn 10. Because that perfection comes at a cost. The time and energy it takes to get from "good enough" to perfect could be spent on other things. 因为完美需要代价,从足够好做到完美所花费的时间和精力可以用在别的事情上。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Because that's part of where we've got to get to. And I also want to share this one. 因为我们必须提到这个,我还想分享这个。 www.ted.com 2. And the attempted crime due to impossibility should be subject to penalty because that its benefits are a law against criminal acts. 其是一种侵害法益的犯罪行为,应该受到刑罚处罚。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Because that's what love is all about, right? 因为那是体现爱的全部,不是吗? www.bing.com 4. That evening, I boarded the plane with my family. I was nervous a bit, because that was the first time on the air. 当天晚上,我和我的家人上了飞机,这是我第一次坐飞机,有点紧张。 wenwen.soso.com 5. You are authorized to reject my love, but you cannot despise my love, because that is one sincerely the heart which beats for you. 你有权拒绝我的爱,但你不能蔑视我的爱,因为那是一颗真诚地为你跳动的心。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The stodginess we see in them is not necessarily a bad thing because that is [one of the qualities that] we value in silent films. 边缘电影中的堆积与拖沓也不一定就是坏事,因为这也是我们看重默片的质量因素之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Far from the shore will be heard singing, because that is where the heart of the place. 远处岸边也会传来歌声,因为那里是繁华的地方。 xzd.2000y.net 8. Because have no the dint! Because vexed disorderly! Because that also cannot tear apart forever, pull the clear anticipation! 因为无力!因为烦乱!因为那永远也无法扯开,扯清楚的期待! dict.veduchina.com 9. Because that information is not available for this example, this analysis does not show indirect impacts. 因为该例子中并不能得到信息,分析并不会显示非直接的影响。 www.ibm.com 10. When you use this wrapper tool, do not specify a wrapper output directory because that will cause the task to fail. 使用此包装工具时,请不要指定包装输出目录,因为这将导致任务失败。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. It describes the desire of someone who's obsessed to say, drive across Tokyo to try a new ramen noodle place, because that's what they do. 它是用来描述狂热的人比方说,他们会大老远驾车穿过东京去品尝一款新推出的拉面,因为那就是他们所做的。 www.ted.com 2. We also need to enjoy it too, because that's part of it as well. 我们同时也要享受比赛,因为这是比赛的一部分。 news.goalhi.com 3. We could hold out for the perfect and that's very dangerous because that leads to no bill. 我们可以为了完美阻止它,但那样是危险的,因为那将不会有法案产生。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Many of his characters "hate corruption but don't have the courage to fight against it, because that is costly" , he said. 他笔下的许多人物都“痛恨腐败,但没有勇气与腐败做斗争,因为代价是昂贵的,”他说。 www.bing.com 5. I know you know that, because that's a lesson that's woven into the very fabric of this university. 我知道你们都知道以下这一课,因为这是Stanford大学的奠基。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I'll just leave you with a little conundrum because that's philosophical logic we're not doing that here, we are doing symbolic logic here. 我会给你们一些难题因为,我们在做哲学逻辑,我们在做符号逻辑。 open.163.com 7. You don't have to worry about configuring open source frameworks together because that's already done for you. 我们不用担心如何将开放源码框架配置在一起,因为这都已经完成了。 blog.163.com 8. "Because that's where I keep all my stuff, " she said. 她说,“因为我把所有东西都放在这里了。” www.bing.com 9. And drivers can hardly derive status from how green their cars are, because that would be like saying, "Look how safe my bomb is. " 而且,汽车如何如何环保几乎无法体现开车人的身份地位,因为那就好比说,“你看我手中的炸弹多么安全。” www.ftchinese.com 10. If you do not recall this number, you may leave it empty because that information is not known. 如果你不记得这个号码,你可以把它空,因为这些信息是不为人所知。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 1. It was too late to make an apology to him. She was so guilt because that impolite and ungrateful biscuit stealer was just her self. 太迟了,已经无法道歉,她是那样地难过,那个无礼、忘恩负义的偷饼贼,恰恰是自己! blog.sina.com.cn 2. I think you just have to stay positive, both the public and the players, because that's what football needs. 我认为你们只需要保持积极的态度,不论是大众还是秋艳,因为这是足球所需要的。 www.acmilan.net.cn 3. Because that world is so beautiful even though there are some parts of it are very dark, darker than on electricity-cut night in New York. 那个世界非常漂亮,但有一些地方很暗,比纽约夜里停电时还暗。 www.godsdirectcontact.com 4. "We shouldn't want our partner to be looking at lots of other people, because that's bad for the relationship, " Dr. Maner said. 我们不该希望自己的伴侣去看很多异性,因为那不利于两人的关系。 dongxi.net 5. It feels good to hear that other people saw something, because that means I'm not crazy. 很高兴能听到其他人说见过这个东西,因为这就说明我没疯。 nibiye.com 6. The simplest is what is called "top contact" because that's the part of the rail upon which the pick-up shoe slides. 最简单的是所谓的“上触式”,因为抬起的集电靴直接在轨道顶部滑动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It does not cost anything to use the Xalan serializer because that's the class Xalan uses internally to save HTML document. 使用Xalan序列化程序不需要任何成本,因为它是Xalan用于内部保存HTML文档的类。 www.ibm.com 8. It is just because that two Chinese and Western species culture has difference so, on appraising a color to what some individual words with. 正因为如此,中西两种文化在对某些单词所带有褒贬色彩上有差异。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Note also that you slow the frame rate down to one frame per second (because that's the frequency at which updates naturally occur). 还请注意我们已经将画面速度减慢为每秒1个画面(因为这也是更新自然发生的频率)。 www.ibm.com 10. America is dissatisfied with that, because that's pretty much where China would get to on the basis of its existing policies. 美国对此不满意,因为几乎是目前的政策下中国可以做到的。 www.bing.com 1. To say that China is rising is one thing however, because that is undoubtedly true. To say that China will rule the world is quite another. 中国正在飞速发展,这一点是无可辩驳的,但要说中国将会支配世界的话,这还有待商榷。 www.milchina.com 2. In the past, children were happy to receive new shoes because that was the only pair they would get each year. 过去,孩子们得到新鞋是非常高兴的,因为这是一年里他们能够得到的惟一一双鞋。 www.ycxyz.com 3. In table-speak, that's a box. Get used to it, because that's our basic building block. 用表格说话,我们已经习惯于用它了,因为它是我们最基本的“积木块”。 blog.163.com 4. because that is usually the last place it has shown up. 因为生理层面通常是病症显现的最后一个地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. So I decided not to own a cat because that is emotion between animals and human, I cannot stand the irritation of my emotion. 今年我再也没有养猫,因为人和动物是有感情的,我受不了这样的感情刺激,舍不得它们。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. 'When I see a bubble, I buy that bubble, because that's how I make money, ' he said. 索罗斯说,当我看到泡沫时,我就买这些泡沫,因为那正是我的赚钱之道。 c.wsj.com 7. Therefore it is good for the wildebeest to be eaten by the hyena, he explains, because that fosters evolution. 因此,他解释道,角马被鬣狗吃掉是好事,因为这推动了进化。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I wanted to do the show because that's precisely what I've been writing about for so long. 我很想参加这个节目,那也正是我一直以来写作的目的所在。 dongxi.net 9. "We are forced to say something, " he says. "We could not sweep it under the carpet because that would be dishonest. " 他说,“我们必须说点什么,我们不能偷偷地把它抹掉,因为这样是不诚实的。” blog.sina.com.cn 10. because that vote block can be perceived, or is perceived rather, as a potential swing block vote. . . 因为那个选区,可以被认为,或已经被认为,是潜在的摇摆选区… qac.yappr.cn 1. This ancestry is never to be broken, because that would cause the model management procedures to fail. 千万不能使起始得到破坏,因为这会导致模型管理规程崩溃。 www.ibm.com 2. And of course, I'm very happy you asked that question -- (Laughter) -- because that's a very good question. 而我当然很高兴你提出这个问题,--(笑声)--因为那是一个十分好的问题。 www.ted.com 3. However, doing so would be a violation of ethics because that practice causes harm to others. 然而,这样做可能违背道德,因为这种行为伤害了他人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You have to be a better husband than I was, because that's how you make progress. 你必须要做一个比我更好的丈夫,因为那是你进步的方式。 www.ted.com 5. It makes no effort to find files in the current directory, because that would be making it too easy; users need to sweat a little. 不费任何力气即可找到当前目录中的文件,因为这太简单了;用户不需要费很大劲。 www.ibm.com 6. Our goal is to win a championship. That's why everyone is still . . . edgy, because that's our goal. “我们的目标是赢得总冠军,这就是为什么每个人都显得有些急躁,因为总冠军那是我们的终极目标所在”。 kody24.blog.163.com 7. Just keep your attention on doing the best you can, because that is all you can do ? 仅仅继续戴着你的注意做最好你将,装于罐头因为那是你所能做的? www.45key.cn 8. We used the name "Distributor" because that's what most companies used at the time. 我们之所以使用「经销商」的名称,是因为当时大部份公司都用这个名称。 www.sunrider.com 9. When I miss you, I don't have to go far . . . I just have to look inside my heart because that's where I'll find you. 当我想你的时候,我不需要走的很远,我只要看看我的内心就能找到你。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And I remember, because that was the year I had sex with Evel Knievel. 我记得是因为那年我和肯尼。伊夫上床了。 blog.163.com 1. Because that aching hole in your heart feels too much like the scary black chasm of depression. 因为心里那个空虚的洞很可能会让你觉得自己得了抑郁症。 www.bing.com 2. The Web is known primarily as a Web of Documents because that has been our main experience with it. 万维网因其主要的使用体验集中于文档而被认为是文档网络。 www.infoq.com 3. And here I could even be off by an eight because that's the uncertainty in my timing. 而这里的弹性是8个点,由计时的不确定度造成。 open.163.com 4. Because that's not good enough for Americans to be spilling their blood for. (Applause) We need better places in this country. 因为那不值得美国人为之洒热血(掌声)这个国家必须有更好的公共空间 www.ted.com 5. The man said he robbed banks because that is where the money is. 那个男人说他抢银行是因为银行有钱。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Don't be getting mad at me because that chica blanca turned you down. 不要因为那个女孩拒绝你把气发到我们头上 www.tingroom.com 7. Today I had to work with Jim on a brief, then check all the correspondence, because that new paralegal can't spell. 今天,我要和Jim一起完成一份回报,然后检查所有信函,因为新的律师助手不会拼写。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. However, we never feel conceited, we reflect upon ourselves because that "Not to advance is to move back" . 但是我们并不为此而感到骄傲和满足,我们时刻在反省,因为不进则退,所以:我们需要改革! www.123wzdq.com.cn 9. Do not mind people accounted for 20 per cent of all staff, because that each city has its own characteristics. 觉得无所谓的人占全员的百分之20,原因是觉得每座城市都有各自的特点。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He probably would have rejected it because that would imply that he was doing something else besides just bringing the Gentiles into Israel. 他甚至可能会反对用这个词,因为这意味着他所做的事并不单纯是,把异邦人带进以色列。 open.163.com 1. If the rate is above 1, it's not a good bargain even you buy in a good company because that good company is over estimated. 如果大于1,就算你买入的是好公司,那也不是一个好买卖,因为这个好公司被高估了。 www.360doc.com 2. It is just because that I was sick when I took writing test, leading to an unsatisfying mark and bringing down the total mark. 只是因为写作考试身体不舒服,导致成绩不理想,拉低我的总成绩低 zhidao.baidu.com 3. And I just increased my short positions on the investment banks last week, because that's where the excesses have been in the U. 上个星期我刚刚对投行增加了短仓,因为这正是美国经济中过剩的部分。 q.sohu.com 4. Don't make a fuss about such a small thing because that is the last thing i expected. 别为这点小事大惊小怪,这可是我最不希望看到的事。 www.yicor.cn 5. I have you! If you hate me, shoot me with an arrow, but please not on the heart, because that's were you are. 我拥有你!如果你恨我,请用箭射我,但是请不要射到我的心,因为有你在那里! wenwen.soso.com 6. I came up with $1, 000 dollars because that's how much it would cost you if you asked a solicitor to write a letter! 我提出收费1,000美元,是因为如果请一个诉状律师起草一份律师函,也要这么多钱! www.mwjx.com 7. Casual spitting is a bad habit because that will influence the public health. But who will be influence by wearing pajamas on the street? 说随地吐痰不好,那是因为它会影响公共卫生,穿睡衣上街影响谁呢? www.elanso.com 8. An actuary is someone who brings a fake bomb on a plane, because that decreases the chances that there will be another bomb on the plane. 保险理赔员带着假炸弹上飞机因为那样能降低飞机上另有炸弹的可能性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It was not especially good with wool, either, because that fabric's natural oil caused the rubber cement to deteriorate. 配上羊毛也不是特别好,因为织物中的天然石油促使橡胶胶水恶化。 www.bing.com 10. Because that text is HTML, the user can now click on one of the two links and see the results added to the page, as shown in Figure 4. 因为该文本是HTML形式的,所以用户可单击两个链接中的一个并查看添加到页面的结果,如图4所示。 www.ibm.com |
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