单词 | best known |
释义 | 例句释义: 最有名的,最著名的,流传久远的,最知名的 1. Annie Sullivan, was an American teacher best known as the instructor and companion of Helen Keller. 安妮·莎利文是一位美国教师,因其和海伦·凯勒亦师亦友的关系而闻名于世。 www.hxen.com 2. In his thirty years as a general, Winfield Scott had become one of the best-known military leaders in the country. 在他作为将军的30年里,WinfieldScott已成为在全国最知名的军事领导人之一。 www.ebigear.com 3. Chip maker Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has won a place in one of the best-known laptop personal-computer lines, the ThinkPad. 片制造商高级微设备公司(AdvancedMicroDevicesInc.,简称AMD)在最知名笔记本电脑品牌之一ThinkPad中赢得了一个位置。 c.wsj.com 4. A few of the best-known companies are planning a listing within the next two years. 几家知名公司正计划在接下来两年内上市。 www.ecocn.org 5. Now the company, best known for producing iPhones and other hi-tech gadgets, has found a solution: use robots instead. 这家以生产Iphone及其他高科技零配件所著名的公司找到了应对的方法:用机器人来替代工人。 www.bing.com 6. Lincoln is best known for his policies on abolishing slavery and his belief in self-government; he took his job as president very seriously. 林肯最为外人所知的是他的废奴政策及对自治的信念。他严肃看待他的总统一职。 www.24en.com 7. However, the Mesozoic is best known as the age of reptiles, when dinosaurs and their kin dominated the continents. 但中生代还是以爬行动物时代而著名,在这个时期,恐龙以及它们的家族统治了整个大陆。 dict.ebigear.com 8. China's Legend Holdings Ltd. is best known as the parent of Lenovo, the company that owns the ThinkPad brand of notebook computers. 想控股有限公司作为联想集团有限公司的母公司而为人熟知,联想集团拥有ThinkPad笔记本电脑品牌。 www.bing.com 9. In 2001, Landy produced his best known work Break Down in which he examined society's romance with consumerism. 2001年,兰迪创作了他最著名的作品《分解》,以探讨社会与消费主义之间暧昧微妙的关系。 www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk 10. Henry James is generally acknowledged to be one of the greatest American novelists and critics and best known for his international fiction. 亨利·詹姆斯被公认为美国最伟大的小说家和评论家之一,并以国际性题材的小说而著称。 www.lw23.com 1. And those books by the best-known writers will not be out for a year or two. 那些畅销作家的作品在一两年之内不会被卖光。 club.topsage.com 2. It may be one of the best known standards, especially in the general world of web design and development. 这个标准或许是最有名的标准之一了,尤其是在网络设计和开发的大环境中。 www.360doc.com 3. IN THE space of a week two of the best-known internet companies have found themselves in a pickle over privacy. 这一周的时间,两大知名互联网公司都在处理隐私信息方面遇到了难题。 www.ecocn.org 4. Even countries best known as sources and recipients of corrupt payments are trying to meet international standards, at least on paper. 即便是最昭著的行贿和受贿国也努力达到国际标准,至少纸面上要如此。 www.ecocn.org 5. British singer Brightman is best known for her appearances in shows in London's West End including the Phantom of the Opera. 英国歌手莎拉·布莱曼以她在《歌剧魅影》中的演出而世界闻名。 bbs.ewteacher.com 6. He is best known for the way in which he has mined his own life for the matter of his poems. 他以挖掘自己的生活作为他诗歌的形式,这种写作方式使他闻名于世。 www.ecocn.org 7. Although Cyndi might be best known for her wild costumes and video antics of the 80s, she has shown that she wasn't just a fad of the 80s. 尽管辛蒂的闻名是她的狂野造型和80年代音乐录影中的古怪动作,但她所表现出的自我根本不是80年代的时尚。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Qatari-owned Al Jazeera is the best known of the racier channels, but it is only one of a dozen 24-hour Arabic-language news providers. 卡塔尔国营的半岛电视台就是最为出名的种族主义频道,但是它只是众多24小时阿拉伯语新闻提供者之一。 www.ecocn.org 9. Curie: French pianist, writer, and editor BEST known for Madame Curie (1937), a biography of her mother, Marie Curie. 居里:法国钢琴家、作家和编辑,以一本描述她的母亲玛丽·居里的传记小说《居里夫人》(1937年)而闻名。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Ms Whitman is best known as the former boss of eBay, where she had a mixed record but a high profile. 魏特曼是eBay的前老板,虽说别人一直对她毁誉参半,但她总是高调出场的。 www.ecocn.org 1. Of his speeches, perhaps the best known are those he made against Catiline, whose uprising he foiled. 在他所有的演说中最有名的可能是他对喀提林暴乱所作的演说,最后他镇压了叛乱。 www.ywhc.net 2. Best known as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States. 美国的第三任总统托马斯杰弗逊(ThomasJefferson)最为人所知的身份为独立宣言的起草人。 www.24en.com 3. Roll over the company logos below to see the origins of some of the world's best known brands. 滚动下面公司图标,可以看到一些世界最知名品牌的起源。 www.ecocn.org 4. The book is perhaps best known for having predicted that attack on the United States by Japan and an air war between the two powers. 书也许最好地被为有知道预知在二力量之间的日本和一个空气战争的美国上的那个攻击。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The company, best known for a plan to develop a mass-market electric car, has instead seen sales of its gasoline-powered cars surge. 虽然比亚迪因为大规模推出电动汽车的计划而名声大振,不过销量大增的却是其生产的普通汽油驱动型轿车。 chinese.wsj.com 6. As the world's best-known one of the best-selling author, Arthur Hailey at the day-to-day story into a fascinating thriller. 作为世界最知名的畅销书作家之一,阿瑟·黑利擅长把日常的故事写成引人入胜的惊悚小说。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The Piece of String, one of his best-known stories, is a fierce study of Norman life. 他的著名故事之一《一根绳子》是一篇深入研究诺曼人生活的特写。 8. He was undoubtedly the greatest Western sinologist of last century, and is probably the British historian best-known on a world scale. 李约瑟无疑是上个世纪最伟大的西方汉学家,也可能是世界范围内最著名的英国历史学家。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The gold standard was the subject of one of the best-known speeches in American political history. 金本位货币制度是美国政治历史上最著名的讲话中的一个主体。 www.hxen.com 10. AS WITH other fields of human endeavour, science has its myths. One of the best known goes like this. 自然科学领域如同人类竭力探索的其它领域,有着其自身的神秘性。 www.ecocn.org 1. These, along with her numerous films, TV specials and articles, made her one of the best-known scientists of the 20th century. 这些电视专题片,文章,和她的无数的电影使她成为二十世纪最杰出的科学家之一。 www.sqedu.com 2. There are other software programs that correct pitch and other parts of a musical work, but Auto-Tune is one of the best known. 还有其他的软件程序,正确的音调和音乐作品的其他部分,但是,汽车调整是最著名的公司之一。 www.maynet.cn 3. Motown also happens to be the name of one of the best-known recording labels in the world. 另外,摩城也正好是世上最着名的录音公司之一的名字。 www.24en.com 4. The best-known example was by Alexander Fleming. Halfway through an experiment with bacteria, he up and went on vacation. 最有名的例子来自亚历山大弗雷名,他把细菌试验做到一半就跑去度假了。 www.hjenglish.com 5. But once he found, by accident , that he could sing well, he went on working hard and become one of the best-known singers in the US. 但一旦他发现,无意间,他可以唱得不好,他继续努力工作,成为一个著名的歌手在美国。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. or CGGC International, a state-owned engineering and construction firm, best known as the main contractor behind the Three Gorges Dam. 这家国有工程与建筑公司最有名的身份是三峡大坝的主承包商。 www.bing.com 7. Hers is the best known story of a virgin birth in the world, but it is by no means the only one. 这是世界上人所共知的一个处子怀胎的故事,但又绝不是惟一的一个。 www.bing.com 8. Jim White, who has been a "special-effects" man for thirty-two years, is best known for work with ships and airplanes. JimWhite,一个有着32年经验的电影特技制作人,最擅长的是船只和飞机特效的制作。 www.engbus.com 9. BILL NYE, educator, engineer, comedian, television personality, best known for hosting the children's show "Bill Nye the Science Guy. " 比尔*耐伊,教育家,工程师,喜剧家,电视人物,著名儿童节目《比尔*耐伊科学人》主持人。 www.bing.com 10. Faced with getting from A to B, the average person will automatically set out on the best known and apparently simplest route. 面对从A点到B点的路途,普通人会自动踏上一条最为人熟悉、显然最简单的路径。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The League of Women Voters is one of the best known groups, although there are quite a few. 妇女选民联盟就是这其中最有名的团体之一,尽管这个团体人很少。 www.elanso.com 2. One of the best known models of language ability is known as "Communicative Competence. " 最著名的语言能力模型之一就是“沟通胜任力模型”。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. It is one of the best-known brand names in the German-speaking world, beating even Coca-Cola for recognition. 它在德语国家里是最著名的品牌之一,认知度甚至超过可口可乐。 www.ecocn.org 4. Many different types of non-tariff barriers have been used, but the best-known of these are quota systems. 还有很多不同类型的非关税壁垒也一直在使用,广为人知的莫过于配额制度。 www.bing.com 5. Those ponds will be the fulfillment of 28 years of single-minded advocacy by Veer Bhadra Mishra, one of the Ganges' best-known protectors. 那些池塘将会满足恒河著名保护者之一的维尔·巴赫达·米斯拉(VeerBhadraMishra)28年来的执著倡议。 www.bing.com 6. She's best known for her flushed cheeks and a love of jumping in muddy puddles . 她以漂亮的粉红色脸颊和爱在小泥坑中跳上跳下而十分出名。 www.hjenglish.com 7. The best known is of course Wikipedia, but that's far from the only wiki that has changed the world. 最为大众熟知的当属维基百科,但是维基百科并不是改变世界的唯一维基应用。 www.bing.com 8. Clara Schumann was one of the best-known pianists in the world. 克拉拉?舒曼是世界上最优秀的钢琴家之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. MR. Han has been reinventing himself since he dropped out of high school and promptly went on to become one of China's best known writers. 韩寒从他高中辍学之后已经改变了很多,还成了中国最知名的作家之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Butterflake Bakery is one of the best-known bakeries in the New York metropolitan area. But Heisler said bakeries are a dying business. Butterflake是纽约都市带最有名的面包房,然而海斯勒说,面包房这个产业正在消亡。 www.bing.com 1. Best known for her role as a sharp-suited lawyer, the actress talks about battling anorexia, coming out and finding happiness. 以干练律师形象为人们熟知的的这位女演员谈起她对抗厌食症,出柜和寻找幸福的旅程。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A good way to start a visit to the National Portrait Gallery is to see one of America's best-known portraits . 在国家肖像馆开始参观的最佳方法是去看看美国最著名的一幅肖像画。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Although he is best known as playing in his favoured role behind the striker, he has also featured in a wide-right role for the youth team. 尽管他最擅长的位置是埋伏在前锋身后,但他也为青年队在右路打出了一片天。 www.lfc.org.cn 4. But Christine Ockrent, one of France's best-known journalists and a personal friend of the first lady, was granted a rare interview. 惊喜的是,法国著名记者,ChristineOckrent,,作为第一夫人的好友,得到了一个采访卡拉的机会。 www.bing.com 5. Best-known for its lake and its tea, Hangzhou has been celebrated by artists and poets down the centuries for its sense of refinement. 许多世纪以来,以西湖和茶叶闻名的杭州一直因其精巧雅致的氛围,而受到艺术家和诗人称赞。 www.ftchinese.com 6. To better illustrate Frost's expression on the questing for humanity, this essay has selected a few of his best-known poems for discussion. 因此文章专门用一些篇幅选取了弗罗斯特的一些著名的诗作来阐发诗人对人性的思考。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Violinist, Vanessa-Mae, best known for her pioneering mix of pop and classical music, has just completed her asian tour. 这就是陈美,一位以融合流行与古典于一体而扬名的小提琴家,她刚刚完成了自己的亚洲之旅。 www.tdict.com 8. In 1965, Bob Dylan released his song "Like a Rolling Stone" . It is one of his best known and most influential works. 1965年,鲍勃?迪伦发布了他的新歌“像一块滚石”,这是他最著名和最具影响力的作品之一。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. It is said the Mountains of Huangshan is a resort. It's best known for its pines, rocks, clouds, and springs. 我还是与同事一道去黄山玩吧,那可是众所周知的名胜地呵,有闻名于世的松,石,云,泉。 www.ebigear.com 10. Pyramids have been built at various times and places; the best-known are those of Egypt and of Central and South America. 金字塔建于不同的时代,分布于不同的地方,最有名的是埃及和中南美洲的金字塔。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Remo Belli is best known the world over for the innovative percussion products he created and the company which he founded. 雷默·贝里以其创新的打击乐产品和他创办的公司而举世闻名。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Heller: You're best known as a novelist, and quite well known as helping to define a generation with a single letter. 海勒:你最有名的小说家,相当著名的帮助确定一个单一的字母代1。 www.bing.com 3. Aubrey de Grey is one of the world's best-known life-extension researchers and a Singularity Summit veteran. 奥布里·德格雷(AubreydeGrey)是一位享有世界声誉的长寿研究专家,同时也是奇点峰会的资深会员。 www.bing.com 4. The Predator is far from being the only unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in use today, though it is probably the best known. “掠夺者”还远远不是当今使用的唯一的无人驾驶航空飞机(UAV,以下简称无人机),尽管它可能最有名气。 www.ecocn.org 5. The cachet as one of China's best-known domestic brands has also helped the company's shares outperform in the stock market. 作为中国最知名品牌之一的威望也让这家公司的股票在股市上表现不俗。 www.acsf.cn 6. Borland shed one-fifth of its workforce and is preparing to sell the best-known part of its business; this month its finance chief resigned. Borland辞退了五分之一的员工,并在准备卖掉他们最知名的业务;这个月,他们的财务主管宣布辞职。 www.ecocn.org 7. Metasequoia is one of the best known examples of taxa that were once widespread but now have very limited distributions. 在曾经广布,如今仅分布于极少数地区的种类中,水杉是最出名的例子。 www.bing.com 8. Some of his best known works are Midsummer Eve and Night With Her Train of Stars. 其广为人知的作品为《仲夏夜》与《夜神与她的一列群星》。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Harvard English professor Marjorie Garber is perhaps best known for her work on Shakespeare. 哈佛大学英文教授MarjorieGarber最负盛名的可能是她关于莎士比亚的作品。 dongxi.net 10. One of the best-known examples of a sex-linked recessive character in man is haemophilia. 在人类中,关于隐性性状性连锁遗传的一个著名例子是血友病。 1. Yet, Paul believes that in his hometown of Winston-Salem, NC, he is best known as the grandson of the late Nathaniel Jones. 然而,保罗认为,琼斯在他的故乡温斯顿塞勒姆,数控,他最有名的是已故纳撒尼尔的孙子的。 www.cp3.cn 2. One of the best known of the city's early rulers was the great law-giver, Hammurabi (1792-1750 B. C. ). 城市早期最出名的统治者之一的是伟大律法颁布者--汉谟拉比(公元前1792年-公元前1750年)。 www.cnnas.com 3. He was of high attainment in oriental, in particular Chinese culture, and was best known for his work of The Judge Dee mysteries. 高对东方文化特别是中国文化造诣颇深,其中最为著名的是他创作的中国古代侦探小说系列《狄公案》。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. But will such a park cheapen the image of Dickens -- one of Britain's best known authors? 这样的公园会不会有损狄更斯这位英国最著名的作家的形象呢? www.shm.com.cn 5. The company, perhaps best known for its Erector sets, designed the Spykee as a kit that required some basic assembly. Meccano最有名的应该就是Erector系列了,Spykee是被设计为需要自己做一些基本装配的套件。 www.bing.com 6. The best known of all these is the beautiful Taj Mahal, a tomb built by an emperor in honour of his beloved wife. 这其中最著名的就是美丽的泰姬陵,那是一位皇帝为纪念他心爱的妻子而建造的陵墓。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Li Bai is best known for the extravagant imagination and striking Taoist imagery in his poetry, as well as for his great love for liquor. 郦柏闻名的奢侈想象力和惊人的道教意象在他的诗歌,以及他为伟大的爱情的酒。 q.sohu.com 8. K: Yes, he was the best known and most influential painter of the last century. 是的,他是上个世纪最著名、最具有影响的画家。 www.chinaedu.com 9. SINAI is best known as a place where the ancient prophet Moses met God and modern tourists frolic in fancy resorts. 西奈因古代先知摩西与上帝在此相遇和现代游客在其旅游胜地游览嬉戏而闻名于世。 www.ecocn.org 10. CAST is perhaps best known as the default symmetric key algorithm in current versions of the PGP e-mail security program. CAST也许是当前版本的PGP电子邮件安全程序中已知的最好的默认对称密钥算法。 www-128.ibm.com 1. RODRIGO ROSENBERG was not the best-known, richest, or most powerful victim of the endemic violence that dogs Guatemala. 罗德李戈·罗森伯格绝对不是危地马拉的暴力泛滥下受害者中最有名的,最富有的或者最有势力的。 club.topsage.com 2. The Nikkei 225 average, Tokyo's best-known stockmarket measure, is still only a quarter of its peak, reached at the end of 1989. 日本最著名的股指日经225平均指数,现在只有1989年末峰值的四分之一。 www.ecocn.org 3. As a historian, Ms Faust is perhaps best known for a book on women of the slave-holding South during the civil war. 作为一位历史学家,福斯特一本有关美国内战的著作可能最为知名,内容涉及处于南方奴隶制下的妇女。 www.ftchinese.com 4. To survive, the best known schools have had to adapt to specific features of the market. 为了生存,各知名学校必须适应这个市场的特性。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He was best known for his role as the dishevelled and eccentric television detective Columbo, which he played for more than 30 years. 他最广为人知的就是在电视剧《警探科伦坡》中扮演了30多年的角色。 www.voanews.cn 6. There are of course different views on Mr. Diamond, considered to be one of Britain's best known and most controversial investment bankers. 当然,大家对戴蒙德看法各异。他是英国最著名,也是最具争议性的投资银行家之一。 cn.nytimes.com 7. Mr Faludy's best-known work outside Hungary, a prose account of his time in the camp, was called "My Happy Days in Hell" . 法鲁迪最受外界(非匈牙利本国)称道的作品乃是一本记述他牢狱生涯的散文集,名为《地狱的快乐时光》。 www.ecocn.org 8. La Mirada, which borders Orange and Los Angeles counties, is best known as the home of Biola University, a private Christian college. 拉米拉达位于奥兰治和洛杉矶县边界处,是最著名的私立教会学院拜欧拉大学所在地。 www.bing.com 9. The best-known fault in North America is the San Andreas fault in the state of California in the United States. 北美洲最著名的断层是位于美国加利福尼亚的圣安德烈亚斯断层。 www.24en.com 10. Probably the best known constellation , the stars of Ursa Major make up the Great Bear and the Big Dipper . 可能是最有名的星座,大熊座的星星组成了一个大熊和大勺。 www.elanso.com 1. She maybe best known for her role as Brad Pitts baby mama, but she is also a great actress and humanitarian. 她也许因为BradPitts这一保姆的角色家喻户晓,但是同时她也是一个著名的女演员和人道主义者。 www.elanso.com 2. She remains a shadowy figure at best, known mostly for her family connections and her beauty. 她其实并不引人注目,主要是因其家族和其美貌而出名。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Explanation: Baringer Meteorite Crater, near Winslow , Arizona, is one of the best known impact craters on planet Earth. 说明:巴林格陨石坑位于亚利桑那州温斯洛附近,是地球上最著名的撞击坑之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Among the hundreds of guppy varieties, the best known feature of the male fish is its gorgeous dorsal and caudal fins. 在成千上百的孔雀鱼品种中,雄鱼最著名的特色就是它们华丽的背鳍和尾鳍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Hu Bing, China's best-known male model, was rumored to have turned in his Chinese passport for a Thai one several years ago. 作为中国最有名的男模,数年前胡兵曾被怀疑持有泰国护照。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Pride and Prejudice, one of the best known and best loved English novels written by Jane Austin, has been translated by many translators. 《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀创作的被大家广为人知并且深受大家喜爱的一部小说,而且被很多翻译家翻译过。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. AB Enzymes is one of the world's oldest and best known Enzyme companies. AB Enzymes forms part of the ABF Ingredients group of companies. 德国英联酶制剂公司是世界上最早成立且最为知名的酶制剂公司之一,也是英联食品集团旗下的一个子公司。 www.jobui.com 8. Moreover, some of Florida's best-known attractions are just a short drive away. 此外,一些在佛罗里达州的知名景点只是短暂赶走。 actuafreearticles.com 9. Perlman is an American 4-time Emmy Award winning actress, best known for her role as Carla Tortelli on the sitcom Cheers. 珀尔曼是一个获得过4次艾美奖最佳女演员荣誉的美国人,她最著名的角色就是在连续剧《干杯》中饰演CarlaTortelli一角。 www.elanso.com 10. Ozone is a gas molecule made up of three oxygen atoms best known for shielding the earth from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet rays. 臭氧是由三个氧原子所构成的气体分子,最为人所熟悉的是,它帮助地表隔绝了大多数来自太阳的危险紫外线。 1. Samsung went on to become South Korea's best known brand and a magnet for the brightest graduates. 三星发展壮大为韩国最知名品牌,并吸引最优秀的毕业生加入他们集团。 www.ecocn.org 2. The best known of these early bankers was Passion, a former slave, who died an extremely wealthy man in 370BC. 在这些早期银行家中,最为知名的是曾身为奴隶的帕西翁(Pasion)。此人于公元前370年去世,去世前极为富有。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Singapore Airlines is the world's fourth-largest international carrier and is perhaps the region's best-known brand around the world. 新加坡航空(SingaporeAirlines)是世界上第四大国际运输企业,并且可能是该地区最知名的世界品牌。 www.ecocn.org 4. In a short time, Amazon has blossomed from an obscure dot- com upstart into one of the best-known names on the internet . 亚马逊在很短的时间内从一个不出名的网络新贵公司发展成最红的网络公司之一。 www.bing.com 5. Someone took one of the best-known of examples, which is still always worth the reconsidering. 有人举出了一个人所共知,但仍值得提出来发人深思的例子。 hi.baidu.com 6. She was best known for her 1985 role in the cult film Barbarian Queen. 她最为人所知的1985年,她的角色在电影邪教兜风王后。 www.sjgcz.cn 7. THE crowd surges back and forth, hands above heads, mobile - phone cameras snapping one of Brazil's best-known samba bands. 密密麻麻的人们挤来挤去,这是手机相机抓拍的巴西最大的桑巴乐队之一的现场照片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Bieber is currently dating Selena Gomez, a 19-year-old actress best known for her Disney Channel appearances. Bieber现在正跟SelenaGomez谈恋爱,一名以迪士尼频道演出出名的19岁女演员。 www.bing.com 9. Titanate including barium titanate, bismuth titanate and their doped series are the best-known electronic ceramic materials at present. 钛酸盐包括钛酸钡,钛酸铋等以及其各自掺杂系列是目前颇为流行的电子陶瓷材料。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. Edelweiss and gentian are two of the best known Alpine flowers , but many others are also perfectly adapted to this hostile environment . 雪绒花和龙胆草是最著名的阿尔卑斯山花;但除此以外,还有很多植物也非常适合阿尔卑斯的环境。 www.bing.com 1. One of the best known is Habitat for Humanity, which has built more than 250, 000 houses around the world for low-income people. 最广为人知的是人类栖身地(HabitatforHumanity)组织,它已为全世界低收入人建造了25万幢房屋。 www.america.gov 2. Albert Einstein was a German physicist best known for the theory of relativity and specifically mass energy equivalence. 艾尔伯特.爱因斯坦是一位德国物理学家,最广为人知的便是他的相对论和能量守衡定律。 www.elanso.com 3. The American author and humorist was best known for his book Tom Sawyer and his love of the Mississippi river. 这位美国作家幽默家因为他的作品《汤姆索耶历险记》和他对密西西比河的热爱而闻名于世。 www.bing.com 4. Although she does not like to discuss it with journalists, Ms Ramos also forms half of one of South Africa's best-known "power couples" . 拉莫斯女士也是南非几对著名“最有权势夫妇”中的一员,但她不喜欢与记者讨论此事。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Fang, better known by his pen name Fang Zhouzi, is arguably China's best-known crusader against academic fraud. 方是民以笔名方舟子更为人所熟知,他无疑是中国最有名的学术打假斗士。 c.wsj.com 6. The best-known cause is high salt intake, but a diet rich in vegetables and certain minerals and steady exercise can lower blood pressure. 最为人们所知的原因是高钠盐的摄入,富含蔬菜和一定量矿物质的饮食以及坚持运动能够降低血压。 ucbbs.org 7. Among the best-known sharing regimes is the one for the six Christian communities that vie for control of Jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre. 在这些圣地共享的例子中,最著名的是六个基督教团体共同掌控的耶路撒冷圣墓。 www.ecocn.org 8. "Love of Life" is one of the best-known short stories by American writer Jack London. 《热爱生命》是美国作家杰克?伦敦最著名的短篇小说之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Germany is located in the heart of Europe and is best known for making BMWs and Adidas. 德国地处欧洲心脏地带,因宝马汽车及爱迪达而享誉国际。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 10. One of the best-known Chinese actresses in the international cinema, Gong is also the France Pavilion's "Ambassador of Charm" . 作为世界银幕上的中国最有名的女演员之一,巩俐也是本届世博会法国馆的“魅力大使”。 www.co-consult.com.cn 1. She is best known for her headlines in the tabloids over the last few years. 她最近因为出现在一些报纸头条而出名。 www.elanso.com 2. Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital, may be the best known of these. 彼得施夫,欧元太平洋资本的总裁,也许是其中最著名的一位了。 www.bing.com 3. Infosys, the best-known name in the Indian IT sector, is always flooded with applicants. 信息系统技术公司是印度IT业知名度最高的企业,总是有许多人蜂拥赴该公司应聘。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Auxins, one of the best-known plant growth factors, have an extremely wide spectrum of activity, and are particularly important. 生长素---最被大众所熟知的植物激素之一,是一种相当重要,且具有相当广谱的调控活性范围的植物生长调节激素。 www.bing.com 5. He is best known for The Story of Ferdinand (1936), a children's classic which he wrote on a yellow legal-length pad in less than an hour. 其中最具盛名的,即是与罗伯特·劳森合作的《爱花的牛》(1936),一本他不到一小时时间写在黄色便笺簿上的儿童绘本经典。 www.qzmama.org 6. Best known as a resort destination, the area is home to the famous golf course, Pebble Beach Golf Links. 最有名的度假胜地,该地区是著名的高尔夫球场,圆石滩高尔夫球场。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. this autobiography has secured Ms. Clinton's place among the best-known spokeswomen for gender equality. 这本自传已经确立克林顿夫人成为两性平等最佳代言人的地位。 tr.bab.la 8. Abroad, she was the country's best-known journalist, a prolific author and columnist. 而在国外,她是俄罗斯最出名的记者,一个多产的专栏作家。 club.topsage.com 9. The group of hedge funds with a presence on the ground in Asia includes the best-known American funds from Citadel to Fortress to SAC. 已经在亚洲设立办事处的对冲基金阵营包括Citadel、城堡(Fortress)和SAC等许多著名的美国基金。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Stocks and bonds are the best known investments and are important to any savings plan. 股票和债券是最常见的投资,对任何储蓄计划都很重要。 www.tingroom.com 1. it is best known as the food sent to the Israelites as they fled from Egypt and wandered in the desert under the leadership of Moses. 它是送给以色列人最有名的食物,当他们在摩西带领下从埃及逃跑而迷失在沙漠里时候。 www.chinaufo.com 2. Some of his best-known films are The Birds, The Man Who Knew Too Much, North by Northwest, and Psycho. 他的著名作品有《鸟》,《擒凶记》,《西北偏北》和《精神病患者》等。 english.cri.cn 3. Among flags, which use religious symbols, Saudi Arabia's is one of the best-known. 在使用宗教符号的国旗中,沙特阿拉伯的国旗是最著名的一个。 www.chinaedu.com 4. Both sides of the bill will also feature the Temple of Heaven as a backdrop, one of China's best known landmarks. 纸币两面的背景图案都是天坛;天坛是中国最著名的建筑之一。 ept-cn.com 5. Sawt al-Jihad (Voice of Jihad), one the best-known jihadi online magazines, disappeared for more than two years. 其臭名昭著的支持讨伐运动的在线杂志Sawtal-Jihad《讨伐运动之声》,销声匿迹两年多了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Xenu Link Sleuth (TM) (Windows-only) is one of the best-known webmaster tools. Xenu链接嗅探器(TM)(Windows-only)是最著名的网站管理员工具之一。 www.bing.com 7. The best-known fault in North America is the San Andreas fault in the state of California in the United Sates. 北美洲最有名的断层是位于美国加利福尼亚州的圣安德里亚斯断层。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Current Ratio is one of the best known measures of financial strength. 目前已知的比例应该是最好的措施,财政实力。 wangxian009.spaces.live.com 9. There, one of China's best-known companies, the Haier Group, is churning out refrigerators at a factory staffed by American workers. 在那里,中国的知名企业,海尔集团,建立了工厂并通过美国的工人生产电冰箱。 www.haier.com.cn 10. Today mistletoe is best known as an excuse to steal a kiss at a Christmas party. 今天槲寄生是著名的借口,偷偷一吻在一个圣诞晚会。 www.englishtang.com 1. The block cipher with a substitution permutation network is the best known and widely used block cipher system. 包含代替置换网络的分组密码是一种广泛使用的分组密码系统。 dict.kekenet.com 2. He is best known for his discovery of the sunken passenger ship Titanic and the German battleship Bismarck . 他最著名的是对沉入海底的客轮“泰坦尼克”号以及德国的“俾斯麦”号战舰的研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The Philippines, perhaps best-known in recent years for its outgoing migrants, has become a destination for immigrants in its own right. 菲律宾近年来最出名的,或许就是它的外迁移民,但它本身现在也成了移民目的地。 www.ftchinese.com 4. pattern is one of the best-known patterns in software engineering. 单件模式是软件工程中流传比较久远的模式之一。 www.showxiu.com 5. He is best known as the creator of the hierarchy of needs, a framework for thinking about human motivation. 他最为著名的发现是需求层次论,这是一个分析人类动机的框架。 www.ecocn.org 6. Although he is best known as telephone's inventor, Alexander Graham Bell was also a prominent aerospace visionary. 虽然亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔最响亮的名号是电话的发明者,但他同时也是一个有远见卓识的航空工程师。 www.bing.com 7. The best-known is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, known as MRSA. 最有名的耐药菌是耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,俗称MRSA。 www.bing.com 8. Foremost among the Fujian Tigers is Peak Sport Products, a family-run company that now ranks among China's best-known sportswear brands. “福建虎”中首屈一指的一家企业是匹克体育用品有限公司(PeakSportProducts),这家家族企业如今已跻身中国最知名运动鞋品牌之列。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Though similar to DNA, RNA has always been considered DNA's helper; its best-known job is turning genes into proteins. 虽然RNA与DNA相似,但人们一直以来却认为它仅仅是DNA的辅助者,人们对其最熟悉一项的作用是帮助基因转化成蛋白质。 www.bing.com 10. The best known, perhaps, was in 1972-73 MYCIN expert system for diagnosing blood diseases, with a real engine and real rule base. 最著名的或许是在1972-73测定血液疾病的专家系统进行故障诊断,有真正的发动机和真正的规则库。 www.97md.net 1. Menus at some of the best-known cocktail bars on the tourist island of Bali have shrunk to a single page. 在旅游胜地巴厘岛上,一些出名的鸡尾酒吧的菜单已经缩减到一页纸。 www.bing.com 2. Diebold makes cash machines and security systems, but is best known for electronic voting machines, a relatively small part of its business. Diebold生产自动提款机和安防系统,但最出名的由其公司生产的电子投票机(公司相对较小的部门)。 www.ecocn.org 3. Since then, he has become best known for his camping holidays and his Flemish-Dutch language haikus, a form of Japanese poetry. 从那以后,他最出名的就是他的露营假期和他的弗拉芒-荷兰语俳句,一种日本诗歌的形式。 www.bing.com 4. is the best known work of Millet, and the viewer must be overwhelmed by its exceeding emotion and deep religious feeling. 《晚钟》是米勒最为出名的作品,看画的人一定会被其丰富的情感和深沉的宗教情怀所震撼。 www.juooo.com 5. Roman Abramovich, the best-known oligarch not in jail, has conspicuously set new standards in buying mansions, ski resorts and soccer teams. 目前,著名的寡头政治执政者阿布拉莫维奇(RomanAbramovich,已出狱)定下了庄园府邸、滑雪胜地及足球队的新收购标准。 www.ecocn.org 6. Probably one of the best-known and most popular ways to handle routine messages to inquirers is the use of auto-responders. 一种最为可行的,也是最广为人知的用于回复日常询问信息的方法就是使用自动回复系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In World of Warcraft, the best-known example is Leeroy Jenkins. It's hilarious to watch--though not so much if you're the victim. 在《魔兽世界》中,一个著名的例子就是LeeroyJenkins,他所做的事情看上去非常搞笑——当然,如果你是受害者肯定不会这么认为。 www.bing.com 8. The best known sport person from Fiji at the moment is golfer Vijay Singh. 斐济当今最著名的体育明星是高尔夫选手VijaySingh。 www.ebigear.com 9. His BEST known works are Swimming Fish and Waving Bamboo in the Wind. 他的作品有《游鱼图》、《潇湘风竹图》等。 dict.ebigear.com 10. A triangle of volcanic rock in the South Pacific - it is best known for the giant stone monoliths , known as Moai, that dot the coastline. 南太平洋的一个三角形的火山岩-以巨型独石而闻名,被称为莫埃,使得海岸线如斑点点缀一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The beauty of these golden monkey worth is unusual, so they as famous giant panda is considered China's best-known rare animals. 这些美丽的金丝猴身价非同一般,它们与大熊猫齐名,被认为是中国最著名的珍贵动物。 wenwen.soso.com 2. He remains best known for the collective imagination by the name of Vlad the Impaler. 他仍然最好的由弗拉德名称刺穿集体想象力闻名。 my.chinese.cn 3. One of the best known epigenetic factors is DNA methylation, which is a major mechanism for regulation of gene expression. 表观因子中最著名的一个是DNA甲基化,它是基因表达调控的一个主要机制。 www.chinapubmed.net 4. To this day, not all alphabets have letters to represent vowels. Hebrew and Arabic are the best known examples. 直到今日,并非所有的字母表都有字母代表元音。希伯来和阿拉伯字母就是最好的例证。 select.yeeyan.org 5. BlackRock, best known for its bond management business, has weathered the financial crisis better than most firms. 巴克利以它的债券管理业务而著称,相比其它投行更好地经受了的金融风暴的冲击。 www.tianya.cn 6. The best known rider less horse was Black Jack. He took part in the funerals of presidents Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. 最著名的无骑手马匹名叫黑杰克,他参加过肯尼迪和林顿约翰逊总统的葬礼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. First discovered in 1891 in Indonesia, Homo erectus is one of the best known ancient hominids. 自1891年在印度尼西亚被首次发现以来,直立人已经成为最著名的古人类之一。 www.bing.com 8. All his best-known paintings are of household interiors that are drained of colour and tell no stories. 他最知名的画作当数那些色彩单调、毫无内容的室内画。 www.ecocn.org 9. Muybridge is best known for his demonstration that movement could be broken down into fluid sequences of individual moments. 麦布里奇最出名的就是他示范了运动可以被分解成单个时刻的连续镜头。 www.ecocn.org 10. Eventually, Mithra became more militant, and he is best known as a warrior. 最终,密特拉变得更加好战,他被认为是一位战士。 cnufo.com 1. One of the best known Creole languages, and the one with the largest community of speakers, is Haitian Creole. 克理奥尔语言里,最著名的也是最多人说的是海地克理奥尔语。 www.myoops.org 2. The mile-and-a-half long Waikiki beach is the best known in Honolulu, but the local people favor other sites. 一英里和半长的威基基海滩是最好的檀香山而闻名,但当地百姓的青睐其他网站。 wenwen.soso.com 3. One of its best-known jobs is to administer college entrance tests. 这个组织有一个最著名的工作,那就是管理大学入学考试。 www.pgy.com.cn 4. Milton Friedman is best known for his work on the idea that governments can slow inflation by shrinking the money supply. MiltonFriedman是因他提出政府可以通过减少货币供应来缓解通货膨胀的理念而闻名。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. THE Nobel prizes are probably the best-known of the many annual awards for excellence in a particular field. 诺贝尔奖,应该是为奖励各领域杰出人物而颁发的,各种年度颁奖中最著名的了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Among the several different attempts to design a module system for Java, the best known is OSGi. 在为Java设计模块系统的各种选择中,最著名的是OSGi。 www.ibm.com 7. In modern times Maastricht is best known as the birthplace of the euro. 到了现代,马斯特里赫特则因为它是欧元的诞生地而闻名。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. Among Italy's best-known and best-loved buildings is one that looks like it is going to fall over at any moment. 意大利最著名、最受喜爱的建筑物之一是看起来好像随时会倒塌的比萨斜塔。 www.g12e.com 9. Electronic books do exist; the best-known is the Sony Reader, a book-sized gadget made by the eponymous consumer-electronics company. 尽管电子图书确实存在;其中最有名的是索尼公司的索尼阅读器,这个像书一样大小的装置由同名的消费电子公司生产。 www.ecocn.org 10. UGANDA is not best known as a testbed for new ideas in governance. 乌干达并非作为管理新理念的实验平台而出名。 www.ecocn.org 1. An important supporter was the Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. , the best-known black leader in the country. 一位重要的支持者,圣杰西杰克逊牧师,他是国家最有名的黑人领袖。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The best-known example is probably SOAP, which disallows processing instructions, document type declarations and any internal DTD subset. 最知名的例子可能是SOAP。它不允许处理指令、文档类型声明和任何内部DTD子集。 www.ibm.com 3. Mr. Yang is best known for his early, romantic poetry and his interest in challenging fixed historical narratives. 杨牧最广为人知的是他的早期浪漫诗歌,以及他对挑战固有传统叙事模式的兴趣。 cn.nytimes.com 4. Yevgenii Zhovtis, Kazakhstan's best-known human-rights activist, was one such hopeful observer. YevgeniiZhovtis是最为人熟知的人权积极分子,也是一个充满希望的观察员。 www.ecocn.org 5. Frank Gilbreth's best-known contribution to scientific management concerned selecting the best worker for a particular job. 弗兰克吉尔布雷恩最出名的贡献是关于科学管理应该选择一个特定的最好的工作者 wenku.baidu.com 6. Robert Capa has been accused of faking the best-known photo of that conflict. 罗伯特卡帕被指控伪造这一冲突中那张著名的照片,。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. He hadn't been helped by an earlier witness, Lord Lawson, father of Nigella and now Britain's best known climate sceptic. 之前的一位证人对其不利。这位证人是劳森爵士,尼格拉之父,现为英国最著名的气候问题怀疑论者。 www.bing.com 8. Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks , and looks most spectacular at night when the clock faces are illuminated. 大笨钟是伦敦的最著名景观之一,尤其在晚上,当钟被照亮时所发出的光芒看上去非常漂亮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In this 100th anniversary year, we asked one of the world's best-known naval aviation historians for his Top-Ten list. See if you agree. 在海军航空兵成军100周年之际,海军学会邀请了世界上最著名的海军航空历史学家写出他心目中的十大事件。看看你是否认同。 www.fyjs.cn 10. Halloween is one of the best-known festivals in Britain. 万圣节是英国最家喻户晓的节日之一。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Benjamin (Ben) Franklin, a very famous American of the 1700's best known for his experiments with electricity and nature, using kites. 本杰明(本)?富兰克林:十八世纪美国名人,因为用风筝做电的实验而闻名。 wlxt.pzhu.edu.cn 2. Amyloid beta is best known as the protein that forms the giant plaques that riddle the brains of people with Alzheimer's. 众所周知,淀粉样蛋白导致老年痴呆症患者的大脑里面形成巨大的斑块。 www.eol.cn 3. However, Google Wave's Firefly references are an in-joke. Wave will be best known for its attempt to upgrade email. 但是,GoogleWave关于《萤火虫》的引用,只是一个玩笑,Wave将会由于尝试升级电子邮件而闻名。 www.bing.com 4. Without these essential connotation, even to obtain ISO9000 certification standards activities, best known as "ISO9000 ad engineering" . 一旦没有了这些实质内涵,即使取得ISO9000认证证书,贯标活动充其量也只能称为“ISO9000广告工程”。 cd.cnqr.org 5. i ' ve come here to meet one of the world ' s best - known supermodels . so i don ' t want to be late. 我前来此地会见全球最知名的超级名模之一,所以我可不想迟到。 www.ichacha.net 6. PETERBOROUGH, in the English Midlands, is a red-brick town, best known as the midway point on the line between King's Cross and York. 彼得伯勒位于英国中部,其最为人知的一点是作为(伦敦)国王十字站到约克的交通线路的中途站,城内到处可见红砖砌成的房子。 www.ecocn.org 7. The best known example is the erectile tissue of the penis (Viagra works by sustaining the signal that the gas gives). 人们所知道的最好的例子就是阴茎的勃起组织(伟哥就是通过维持这种气体发生的信号而工作的)。 www.ecocn.org 8. Shaw is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare. 萧伯纳在戏剧方面被公认为自莎士比亚后,英国最优秀的戏剧大师。 www.bing.com 9. A: It's an interesting job, and your company is one of the best known. 我对这份工作很感兴趣,而且贵公司也是最著名的公司之一。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Carthage is probably the best known of these Phoenician colonies. 最有名的聚居地可能要数迦太基了。 www.bing.com 1. Photoshop is, of course, the best known photo editor in the world and its mobile app doesn't do anything to hurt that reputation. Photoshop理所当然是世界上最著名的图片编辑器,它的移动版本也不让人失望。 www.bing.com 2. He is the best known gubernatorial candidate and has raised far more money than all his opponents combined. 他是最知名的参选者,筹集到的竞选资金比所有竞争对手总和还多。 www.ecocn.org 3. Once an idyllic resort during the French colonial period, Bokor is now best known for its vistas. 波哥在法国殖民地时期曾经是田园诗般的度假胜地,如今最出名的是它的远景。 www.bing.com 4. Although best known for its visible-light images, the Hubble Space Telescope also observes over a limited range of infrared light. 虽然哈勃的最佳视力是可见光,但它也能观测有限的红外波段。 top.jschina.com.cn 5. Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian were the best-known members of his band. 好汉们当中的著名人物有塔克修士、小约翰和玛丽安姑娘。 www.59edu.com 6. The polling institute said Clinton, wife of former president Bill Clinton, had such a high rating because she is the best-known candidate. 该民调机构称,希拉里身为美国前总统比尔?克林顿的夫人,她之所以得到如此高的支持率,是因为她最出名。 www.hxen.com 7. The A-list would be the most popular, the best-known performers, especially actors and singers. 一线明星就是最流行的,最知名的表演者,特别是演员和歌手。 www.remword.cn 8. Louis Tiffany was best known for his stained glass windows and lamps, ceramics, glass mosaics, blown glass pieces, enamels and metalwork. 路易斯蒂芙尼最著名的是他的彩色玻璃窗和灯具,陶瓷,玻璃马赛克,吹制玻璃碎片,瓷漆和金属制品。 www.dltcedu.org 9. Kraft tops off its coffee line with the best-known premium brand and gains quick entry into the fast-growing premium coffee segment. 克拉夫特用最着名的高级的品牌完成它的咖啡线和获得迅速的进入快速发展的高级的咖啡部分。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The software giant's "technical evangelist" , Mr Scoble has become the best-known example of a corporate blogger. 这家软件巨人的“福音传道士”Scoble先生已经成为了企业员工博客最有名的案例。 www.ecocn.org 1. His empire includes perhaps Macau's best-known casino, the Lisboa, which these days has the seedy air of a down-at-heel Blackpool nightclub. 他的帝国包括了或许是澳门最好的葡京赌场,现今却是破烂不堪的黑潭夜总会。 www.bing.com 2. Holms is the best-known detective. However, he was not a real man. 福尔摩斯是最有名的侦探,但他却非真人。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 3. And Nokia has undergone a remarkable transformation before. It was once an industrial conglomerate best known for making rubber boots. 并且,诺基亚并非是没有经验经历过这样的转型震荡,要知道,它以前可是一家生产橡胶鞋的知名综合性大企业。 www.ecocn.org 4. Pythagoras is best known for the theorem that bears his name, but it was discovered much earlier in Mesopotamia. 毕达哥拉斯最出名的是与他同名的定理,不过这一定理在美索不达米亚更早被人们发现。 www.bing.com 5. Professor Richard Dawkins, Britain's best-known evolutionary biologist and a leading secularist, called the findings "a national disgrace" . 英国一流科学家,最终名的进化生物学家理查德·达文肯斯称这种现状为“国家耻辱”。 www.bing.com 6. Joseph is perhaps best known as the tractor operator's wife in the Gremlins movies. 约瑟夫可能是最知名的拖拉机运营商的的幽灵,在电影的妻子。 www.bing.com 7. Being the most prominent English metaphysical poet, Donne is also best known as a poetry of love. 他是玄学派的创始人,同时也因他的爱情诗而著名。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 8. To other Europeans , the best-known quality of the British , and in particular of the English , is " reserve " . 在其他欧洲人眼里,英国人,尤其是英格兰人,最显著的特点就是“矜持”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Now Baidu has become one of the best-known Chinese brands in the world because of that decision. 正因为这个决定,百度已成为,世界知名的中国品牌之一。 open.163.com 10. Graphene also happens to be the best known conductor of heat and electricity. 石墨烯恰好也是最有名的热和电的导体。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The best-known global indices, still put the U. S. share of world equity values at above 40%. 按最知名的全球指数来看,美国股市占全球股市的比重仍然高于40%。 c.wsj.com 2. This South American nation is best known for beef and empanadas, but there's so much more to explore. 这个南美洲国家的牛肉和肉馅卷饼很出名,不过还有更多美食等你尝试。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. "It is to be feared that because the best known detainees have been released, the remainder, the unknown ones, will be forgotten. " “最著名的囚犯被释放了,其余的、不出名的人会被遗忘,所以人们很恐惧。” www.bing.com 4. Awkwardly, the best-known wine from (the former Yugoslav) Macedonia is "T'ga za Jug" , which translates as "longing for the south" . 最终让人感到尴尬的是,(前南斯拉夫)马其顿最好的葡萄酒却是“T’gazaJug”,翻译过来的意思则是“渴望南州”。 www.ecocn.org 5. His best- known duty is to go from the lord to summon the commons to attend the opening of parliament and hear the queen's speech. 他最被人了解的职责是:从上院召唤下院议员参加议会的开幕并倾听女王的发言。 it.bab.la 6. One of the best known April Fools' Day hoaxes in recent history is the " spaghetti harvest" of 1957. 近年来有一个比较有名的愚人节恶作剧发生在1957年的英国。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Peking Man the best known Chinese ape Man, has been one of the most adequately studied homos . 北京猿人是最负盛名的中国猿人,也是研究得最充分的猿人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Amy Kim is one of the best-known Chinese photographers in the world today. 艾米·金是当今世界上最著名的中国摄影师之一 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Beijing Cordinate Medical College was the best known college in western medicine in modern China. 北京协和医学院是近代中国基督教会医学校中最负盛名的西医学校。 www.dictall.com 10. Jekyll Island, Georgia, is best known as a summer vacation spot. 吉柯岛,格鲁吉亚,最出名的是作为夏季度假胜地。 www.maynet.cn 1. These words may be the best known part of the Declaration of Independence. 这段文字是独立宣言中最为人所熟知的段落。 www.24en.com 2. There are worse ways to spend time as a hostage than being locked in the headquarters of one of France 's best- known champagne houses . 作为人质,被囚禁在法国最负盛名的香槟酒庄总部之一,似乎并不是最糟糕的事。 www.bing.com 3. Helen: And today we are visiting one of the best known department stores in the UK, Harrods. Harrods百货商店,而且是很多来英国旅游的游客们必到的地方。 www.kekenet.com 4. The best-known set of guidelines for robo-ethics are the "three laws of robotics" coined by Isaac Asimov, a science-fiction writer, in 1942. 最为人所熟知的机器人伦理法则,是科幻小说作家IsaacAsimov在1942年创造的“机器人三定律”。 www.bing.com 5. But the Court's best-known recent decisions arose from constitutional claims involving individual rights. 但是,近期最高法院的一些最著名的裁决涉及宪法对个人权利的保护。 www.america.gov 6. Zhang Ziyi, perhaps the world's best known Chinese actress, plays a woman who represents the literary and art circles. 章子怡也许是世界最知名的中国女演员,她在片中扮演一位文艺界女代表。 www.bing.com 7. The best-known case is that of Rachel Ehrenfeld, a New York-based author. 最有名的案件要数纽约作者蕾切尔?艾伦菲尔德了。本。 www.ecocn.org 8. Apple's latest profits soared past expectations as sales of its best-known iPhone and iPad products more than doubled. 苹果广为人知的iPhone和iPad销量比预期增加一倍多,利润因此飙升。 www.enread.com 9. Film-maker Boyle, who won for best director and was previously best known for the frenetically bleak Trainspotting, is British. 先前因无比凄凉的影片《猜火车》而被人们熟知的博伊尔,也是获得最佳导演的电影制片人,是个英国人。 www.bing.com 10. Deep brain stimulation is best known as a way to reduce the tremors of Parkinson's disease. 脑深部电刺激疗法因能有效缓解帕金森患者震颤症状而广为人知。 www.fanyitie.com 1. Perhaps the best known of all his books is " A Round the World in Eighty Days" . 也许在他所有的书中,最著名的就是《八十天环游地球》。 bbs.etjy.com 2. GPLv2, published in 1991, is one of the best known and most widely used licenses governing open source code. 年发布的GPLv2是监管开源代码的最知名且使用最广泛的许可证之一。 www.ibm.com 3. Fisher is still a giant of economics, best known for his work on monetary theory and index numbers. 费雪今天仍是经济学的大家,他最为出名的是在货币理论和物价指数方面做出的贡献。 www.ecocn.org 4. By far the best-known example is that of mobile phones in the developing world. 迄今,最深入人心的例子恐怕就是发展中国家的移动电话了。 www.ecocn.org 5. Another famous actor was James Dean, best known for the nineteen fifty-five movie "Rebel Without a Cause. " 另一位著名演员詹姆斯迪恩,最好十九五十五个电影“无因的反叛”。 www.maynet.cn 6. Best known for its Lego-like hardware blocks, BUG offers users a set of programmable modules to develop DIY gadgets. BUG向用户提供了一套类似乐高积木似的可编程模块,用户可以自己制作小玩意儿。 www.bing.com 7. The best known tourist attractions of Hainan Island are its world class beaches, luxurious hot springs, and beautiful scenery. 海南岛最著名的旅游胜地是她世界级的海滩、奢华的热水泉及美丽的海岛风光。 www.tdict.com 8. The best known is the Treasury bill, or "T-bill, " which has a maturity of less than one year. 最著名的是短期国库券(Treasurybill)或称T券(T-bill),其偿还期不足一年。 www.america.gov 9. The Rio de Janeiro carnival is the best known worldwide but every big city has its own celebrations. 里约热内卢的狂欢节在国际上享有盛名,但是每个大城市都有自己的庆祝活动。 gb.cri.cn 10. The resort of Cannes is best known as a billionaire's playground. 法国度假胜地戛纳以亿万富翁的游乐场而著称。 www.bing.com |
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