单词 | best interest | ||||||||||||||
释义 | best interest
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 最佳利益,最善利益,的利益 1. I find myself both saddened and perplexed by the management's conduct in this matter which seems to me contrary to Apple's best interest. 在我看来就这件事而言,公司管理层的行为有损苹果公司的最高利益,这使我觉得既伤心又困惑。 www.putclub.com 2. There was no doubt that a prompt "normalization" of an intersexual body was always "in the best interest of the child" . 没有人质疑对中间性者所迅即实施的“标准化手术”,却有人堂而皇之地认为手术终究“体现了孩子的最大利益”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. BHP's Kloppers, 48, has said he will walk away from the biggest acquisition deal this year if it's not in the best interest of shareholders. 必和必拓48岁的高瑞思说过,如果它不是股东最感兴趣的话,他将撤回今年最大的收购交易。 career.51youcai.com 4. He said it is now in the best interest of Israelis to make a serious attempt to make peace with the Palestinians. 他说,现在,努力与巴勒斯坦人讲和最符合以色列人的利益。 bbs.koolearn.com 5. Remedy: It would be in Katlyn's best interest to think twice about working for a company where an employee would act so unprofessionally. 对策:卡特琳最好能够重新考虑一下是否应该在这样一个公司里工作,因为这个公司竟然会有员工行为如此不职业。 www.chinastudents.net 6. This does not encourage China to do what is often in its own best interest. 这无助于敦促中国去做一些往往也符合其自身最佳利益的事情。 www.ftchinese.com 7. When people cheat , no one wins . It is in everyone' s best interest if IT vendors maintain the integrity of our exams and our credentials. 舞弊行为,没有赢家。IT供应商保持考试及认证的公正性才是符合每个人的最佳利益。 www.bing.com 8. As always, we will continue to place the best interest of pets at the heart of every decision we make. 我们一如往常的以宠物为第一优先,每一个决策都由心出发。 bbs.ttpet.com 9. We apologize in advance for the occasional mistake, but hope you recognize that this process is in the best interest of Pingo customers. 在此,我们就可能发生的错误向您致以万分的歉意,并希望您能够理解此过程旨在维护Pingo客户的重要利益。 www.pingo.com 10. It might not always be in a manager's best interest or those of his or her unit to provide full and complete information. 对管理者而言,提供完整而全面的信息并不总是符合他们的或者是他们单位的最佳利益。 www.0591trans.com 1. It is easy to see how they might be attempted to engage in activities not in the best interest of shareholders. 很容易看到,这些人会如何试图致力于那些并不符合股东的最佳利益的活动。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. Just as it's in your best interest to keep your neighbor's house from going up in flames. 这正如防止你邻居的房子失火对你最为有利一样。 www.hjenglish.com 3. But they also count on investment bankers to structure financial deals in the best interest of the company and its shareholders. 但他们同样也关注投资银行家按公司和它的股东的最大利益来安排财务交易。 www.esnai.com 4. If the boss comes to you with a project to do, it's not always in your best interest to refuse to do it. 如果老板找你做一个项目,但项目并不总是你最感兴趣的。 ielts.hjenglish.com 5. Now, he said, it was in the best interest of the board that its mission "be carried forward under new leadership" . 他说,为了银行的利益,理事会现在的使命就是在新的领导下推动继续向前发展。 www.2muslim.com 6. For example, if someone says "no" to an offer that you know is in her best interest, do not assume she is irrational. 举一个例子,如果有人对你提出的对她最有利的提议说“不”的话,先别认为她不理智。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Unethical breeders began to export puppies to foreign markets, breeding without thought to the best interest of the breed. 有些不道德的繁育者开始向国外市场出口那些并不具备该品种特点的小崽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. When was the last occasion that you had to use your negotiating skills to bring about a resolution that was in everyone's best interest? 最近有什么样的情况使得你必须应用谈判能力来最终达到了对大家来说都圆满的结果? www.ef.com.cn 9. It could be in your best interest to hold off on making a firm investment decision - at least for today. 这可以在你的最佳利益不要做一个公司投资决策——至少在今天。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 10. He convinces himself that it would be in his best interest to save the reading for after lunch. 他说服自己留待午餐后阅读是最好的。 www.bing.com 1. It would be in your best interest to stay away from any intimate involvement with a client or coworker. 远离任何一个客户或者合作者都是一个好的选择。 dict.bioon.com 2. Instead, work to ensure that she understands why the offer is in her best interest. 不如努力使她明白为什么你觉得这是一个对她有利的提议。 www.bing.com 3. Chinese General: Its not in my best interest to say this Frank, but quitting while your ahead, is not the same as quitting . 将军:弗兰克,我不是非常感爱好亲口说出这些,但是当你带头离开时,就不仅仅是离开那么简朴了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. chinese general: it's not in my best interest to say this frank, but quitting while you're ahead, is not the same as quitting. 将军:弗兰克,说出这些对我没好处,急流勇退(在你处于顶峰时退出江湖),并不算是放弃。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 5. Then you think of possible courses of action. Then you calculate which course is in your best interest. 第一,分析当前的情况,其次,考虑可能的行动方针,然后,计算哪个方针对你最有利,最后,付诸行动。 www.bing.com 6. Given the net benefit shown in the multi-part example above, it's clearly in an organization's best interest to improve their IT processes. 根据上面显示的多部范例的净利润,改善IT过程是一个公司的最佳利益之所在。 www.ibm.com 7. A single-minded pursuit of growth may not be in shareholders' best interest, of course, if it leads to lower lending standards. 当然如果这么做会导致降低贷款标准的话,那一味地追求增长可不是股东们最热衷的事。 www.ecocn.org 8. she believes death to be in the child's best interest (includes maternal filicide-suicide cases). 她相信死亡是自己孩子最好的选择(包括母亲杀死子女而后自杀的案例)。 www.bing.com 9. During my freshman year in high school my parents and I decided that it was in my best interest to partake in a sport. 高中一年级的时候,我和父母决定参加一项体育活动,这应该是我最感兴趣的事了。 www.bing.com 10. No one disputes that the best interest of students must be protected, but their voices are conspicuously absent from the discussion. 没有人对学生的权益必须得到最好的保护提出异议,但是在这场辩论中却显然听不到学生的声音。 www.bing.com 1. ' when it appears that what's easiest for the adults may be getting in the way of what's in the best interest of the kids. 当它看来,什么对大人最简单的可能是在什么样的孩子最有利的方式获得。 www.englishtang.com 2. To do so, explains Joseph Healy, the chief operating officer, is in the company's best interest. 常务总经理约瑟夫?希利解释道,这样做对公司最好。 www.ecocn.org 3. It is not in our best interest to not tolerate opposition, because this would make it impossible for us to be part of the modern world. 不容忍对立面是不符合我们的利益的,因为那使我们不能成为当前现代世界的一部分。 www.ebigear.com 4. Supported - Apache Shiro is part of the Apache Software Foundation, an organization proven to act in the best interest of its community. 支持-ApacheShiro是Apache软件基金会成员,这是一个公认为了社区利益最大化而行动的组织。 www.infoq.com 5. Some sought to apply the normal state-law standard in child custody cases: what is in the best interest of the child? 一些人还认为,应该使用判决儿童监护权案的州常规法律的标准:到底怎么做才对孩子最有利? www.bing.com 6. I was amazed by the stubborn capacity of Americans to help a stranger, even when it seemed to run contrary to their own best interest. 我对美国人帮助陌生人的执著刚到吃惊,即使这种帮助违背了他们的最佳利益。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Yahoo has said that selling its search business alone would not be in the best interest of shareholders. 雅虎方面则表示,仅出售搜索业务已完全能满足股东的利益。 www.elanso.com 8. Grace Saenz-Lopez apologized Friday to Alice residents and said she believed her actions were in the dog's best interest. 艾丽斯市市长格雷丝·萨恩斯-洛佩斯上周五向市民道歉,并说她这样做是因为她认为这对那条狗最好。 www.ebigear.com 9. if your unconscious was really smart and looking out for your best interest. 如果你的无意识真的那么聪明并且搜寻你最感兴趣的东西 source.yeeyan.org 10. Whenever a woman lies, it's for a good and honorable reason, and in the best interest of others. 无论何时当一个女人说谎时,一定有一个良好而高尚的理由,她考虑最多的是别人。 www.bing.com 1. Michel: Let's just say it would be in everyone's best interest, if a fire were to start in there. 这么说吧,对每个人都有好处,如果火从那里蔓延开来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Those in favor of an audit privilege argue that it is in everyone's best interest for firms to do environmental audits. 那些支持审核(保密)特权的人认为公司进行环境审核对任何人都有很大的好处。 www.zhengfa.sdnu.edu.cn 3. The pain returned first, searing and relentless, reminding me that I was, despite my body's best interest, still alive. 最先回到意识中来的是痛感,灼热而无情,无视我自身的意愿不断提醒着我,我仍然活着。 www.bger.org 4. And in its absence, experts on housing finance say that fewer borrowers would qualify for the best interest rates. 住宅信贷的专家说,“在不再有政府担保的情况下,更少的借款者能享受到最好的利率待遇。” www.bing.com 5. Start looking at corporate food manufactures for what they are, a business that wants profit. They do not have your best interest in mind. 现在开始,在法定的食物生产商那问清楚他们生产的究竟是什么,商业总是需要盈利,他们不会考虑到你的最大化利益。 www.bing.com 6. Output scheme and the best interest of units can be determined by analyzing normal distribution of predicted periodic clearing price. 把预测的各个时段成交电价通过正态分布分析来确定机组的出力方案和最佳收益。 lib.cqvip.com 7. Be loyal to me as long as it is in the best interest of the organization. 在对我的组织最感兴趣的时候对我忠诚。 www.south-edu.net 8. It says moving forward quickly with the deal would be in the best interest of shareholders. 微软还说,快速推进这一交易符合全体股东的最大利益。 www.unsv.com 9. So it skews the market negatively and is really not in the best interest of the overall market. 因此,这个禁令给市场带来负面影响,对市场整体来说是非常不利的。 www.bing.com 10. appropriate bypass the rules ~ ~ won the best interest of our long-standing Chinese businessmen formed the practice! 适当避开规则~~赢得最大利益,也是我们中国商人长久以来形成的惯例! www.showxiu.com 1. Or I could negotiate with my employer to make that decision in the best interest of myself and my company. 基于我自己和我公司的最大利益,或者我可以与我的雇主谈判做出决定。 www.ted.com 2. The bill is reasonable and is in the best interest of our children . 这个提案是合理的,非常符合我们的儿童的最高利益。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Our value is " Best quality, Best service, Integrity and Innovation " We are striving for the best interest of our customers. 拜斯特公司秉承“品质至上,诚信为本,服务最佳,不断创新”的宗旨,为广大客户提供满意的服务。 www.gdyjs.com 4. I'd put it this way: When I think it's in the best interest of the kids for the house to be a tiny bit warmer, we should turn up the heat. 我的道理是这样的:如果我觉得屋子里稍微暖和一点儿对孩子们最有利的话,我们就应该调高空调的温度。 c.wsj.com 5. The issuance of the Convertible Bonds provides a flexible and cost-efficient funding opportunity which is in the best interest of the Group. 发行可换股债券,为本集团提供更灵活及合乎成本效益的融资机会,对集团最为有利。 www.t6pr.com 6. Therefore, it is in the best interest of program execution to write code that will reduce the number of missed cache hits and page faults. 因此,编写减少缓存未命中和页错误数的代码对程序执行最重要。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Now the seeing of your own best interest in the interests of another is a miracle that changes everything. 只要你看到为别人做事对你自己有好处,光了解这一点已经很不得了了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I am no stranger to the belief that it is not in your best interest to share your knowledge with your associates, AKA the competition. 我对与你同事分享技术得不到任何好处这一想法并不陌生,也可以称之为竟争。 www.bing.com 9. To protect the best interest of our members, signature by the account owner is required. 为保障会员的利益,帐户持有人须於以下位置签署。 www.wenkoo.cn 10. When you own your choices, you feel more powerful and are more able to act in your best interest. 当你拥有你的选择,你会感到更强大,更能够出于自己最大利益地行动。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The analysis above demonstrates that maintaining a stable RMB policy is in the best interest of both China and the world economy. 以上的分析显示人民币汇率保持稳定符合中国乃至全球经济的最大利益。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. That's only because you believe you can't, and at the moment it's not in your best interest to do so. But you can. 这只是因为你相信你不能,此刻你并没有处在自己的最兴奋的点上,但实际呢,你会。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A good credit score will open up doors to the best interest rates and terms on credit cards and student, personal, auto and home loans. 好的信用积分向你打开通向最佳利率、信用卡到期日和学生贷款、个人贷款、汽车以及住房贷款的优惠大门。 www.bing.com 4. the medical establishment is obligated to take action in the best interest of the public. 医疗机构有义务采取契合公众最大利益的行动。 www.jinwutuangequ.cn 5. If moving to L. A. is in Harry's best interest, I have to do what I can do to support him. 如果搬到洛杉矶对哈里最为有利的话,我该竭尽全力支持他。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. I think it is in our best interest not to give the boss such a bad profit report while he is in such a bad mood. 我想在老板心情不好时,我们最好不要给他这么难看的收益报告。 www.qiuyang.com 7. It was in her best interest to come forward. 自首对她是最好的保护了。 www.1000fr.com 8. They are the ones who know you best and only have your best interest in mind, so you are guaranteed to get the truth from them. 因为他们是最熟悉你的人,也是唯一会牢记你最佳利益的人,所以你从他们口中得到的真相肯定是可以信任的。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The cash is always a topic -- we will always do what is in Apple's (i. e. not investors) best interest. 现金始终是热点问题——我们将坚持做对苹果公司(而不是投资者)最有益的事情。 www.fortunechina.com 10. The stewards will act in the best interest of the community if the incentive system is aligned . 英皇会的最佳利益为依归的社会,如果实行的奖励制度,是不结盟。 www.bing.com 1. People will not buy from you until they are genuinely convinced that you are their friend and are acting in their best interest. 除非人们真的认为你是他们的朋友,为他们的最佳利益行动,否则他们是不会向你购买的。 joycecc.blog.163.com 2. Therefore, it is usually in your best interest to do the audit well ahead of time. 因此,它是您的最佳利益,通常做的审计以及提前。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. You may found as I have that a couple of months (or years) down the line that a certain goal of yours no longer suits your best interest. 你可能会和我一样,发现几个月或者几年以后你的某个目标不再适合你的最佳利益。 www.bing.com 4. Let's just say it would be in everyone's best interest. 这么说吧,这对每一个人都有好处。 www.24en.com 5. They do not and ever have worked in the best interest of the people. 他们从来就没有为了人民的最大利益服务。 www.ltaaa.com 6. Do these C. E. O. 's make decisions that aren't in the best interest of the public? 这些C.E.O在做决策的时候没有考虑公众的最大利益吗? www.bing.com 7. With minimum advertising inputs to the best interest and sales performance. 以最少的广告投入,获得最好的人气与销售业绩。 www.robroad.com 8. He emphasized that a friendly cooperative relationship of mutual benefits serves the best interest of both countries and peoples. 中特发展互利友好的合作关系符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. They're really easily swayed by these medical institutions that don't necessarily have their or their child's best interest at heart. 这些医疗机构真的不把女人当女人看,没有为产妇和孩子着想。 dongxi.net 10. China's entry into the WTO is in the best interest of both . 中国加入世贸组织符合中美两国人民的利益、 www.ebigear.com 1. It is in the best interest of all the civilized people that the terror stop. 铲除恐怖符合所有文明人民的最佳利益。 www.america.gov 2. It is in everyone's best interest for these two behemoths to maintain a stable and amicable relationship. 所有人最关心的是这两个大国维持稳固与和睦的关系。 www.bing.com 3. Treatment must always be in the best interest of the patient. 治疗应当对患者最有利。 www.canyu.org 4. It is in the market's best interest to facilitate the transaction with as little interference as possible. 对市场最有利的是在促成交易的同时对市场干涉的越少越好。 www.elanso.com 5. He acted in his own or everybody's best interest. 他为了自己或大家的最大利益而做。 bbs.putclub.com 6. It is in everyone's best interest to keep quantities of waste to a minimum. 最小化垃圾的数量对每个人都有利。 www.bing.com 7. The human brain is wired with biases that often keep people from acting in their best interest. 人类的大脑总是为各种倾向所左右,常常阻碍他们从自己的最佳利益出发做出明智的行为。 www.ebigear.com 8. It is not in our best interest to be frivolous with our words; after all, they have power. 对语言轻佻不会给我们带来最大好处;毕竟,语言是有力量的。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 9. The issue of drunkenness is a tough one for bartenders, since it is in your best interest to sell as many drinks as possible. 醉酒问题对于酒保来说是一个困难的问题,因为你尽可能卖出最多的酒才符合你的最大利益。 dict.kekenet.com 10. Non-violent protest is in the Palestinians' best interest, says Ayed Morrar, the organiser of the demonstrations. 游行活动的组织者AyedMorrar认为,非暴力的抗议对于巴勒斯坦人来说最有利的。 www.ecocn.org 1. This is the Love from Father Source and Me to all of Creation, including You, who's best interest We Always have at Heart. 这是来自源头之父与我对所有众生的爱,也包括你们。我们深知什么才会带给你们真正的好处。 hi.baidu.com 2. Visitor: Well, I guess it's all in her best interest. 来访人:好吧,我觉得也全是为了她好。 www.xici.net 3. Was leaking the Afghan war documents in the public's best interest? Click here to take our poll. 泄露阿富汗战争的文件是否符合大多数人的利益?点击此处投票。 www.feedou.com 4. They know your life plan better than you do, and will always act in your best interest. 他们比你们更加知道你们的人生计划,并将永远以你们的最佳利益而行动。 www.angozj.com 5. But if oil prices keep going up, it is simply not in any country's best interest to keep subsidising these prices indefinitely. 但如果价格一直上涨,对任何国家来说,无止境地价格补贴都不是最好的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The PRC is a sovereign country and will naturally do what is in its best interest. 中国是个专制的国家,很自然他们会做最符合他们利益的事儿。 bbs.zhongsou.com 7. You placed your trust and lives in the hands of those who should have worked in your best interest. 你们把你们的信任和生活放进那些应该以你们的最大利益而工作的人手中。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If it's in the best interest to charge, we will charge. 如果对我们来说最好的是收费,那我们就收费。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Repeat with all the credit cards you have, and consolidate your loans onto the cards that offer the best interest rate. 反复多次使用你所有的信用卡,然后将你全部的贷款放在提供最优惠利息的卡上。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Once you've taken care of this, then explain why it is in their best interest to buy your solution instead of your competitors' solution. 一旦你已经完成了这种照顾,然后解释为什么他们的最佳利益,而不是购买竞争对手的解决方案,您的解决方案。 corrugatedroofing.info 1. Being afraid of doing something wrong is human nature, but it's not in your best interest. 害怕做错事是人的天性,但这并使你最大的利益。 www.ttxyy.com 2. "We think it is hugely in Canada's national best interest to have a second outlet for our crude oil, " Enbridge CEO Patrick Daniel has said. 安桥石油公司的CEO帕特里克?丹尼尔说:“我们觉得为原油出口找到更多的途径符合加拿大的国家利益”。 ngmchina.com.cn 3. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest . 向知识投资,收益最佳 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Her job is to have your best interest at heart. 她的工作就是心系你们大家的最大利益。 www.24en.com 5. It is in our best interest to facilitate a working relationship with both sides voicing their objectives. 我们希望通过有效推进最佳的合作关系,让双方都能够就自己的目标有所交涉的。 www.ef.com.cn 6. It is the basis on which we continue to sell arms to Taiwan, an act that is not in our best interest. 该法案是我们继续向台湾出售武器的基础,但并不符合我们的最佳利益。 www.ftchinese.com 7. For somebody living paycheck-to-paycheck, chasing the best interest rate doesn't make sense. 对于有些月光族来说,追逐最好的利率似乎没什么意义。 www.bing.com 8. He didn't fault Mr. Azumi, saying it appeared he acted in the best interest of the workers. 赵军没有责怪安住宣孝,因为他似乎是为了工人们好。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Accommodate the best interest in both company and own unit. 能够协调好公司与本部门的利益关系。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Though it may be a painful transition, such a transformation is not only in America's best interest but also China's. 尽管这可能是一个痛苦的转变,但它不仅符合美国的最佳利益,也符合中国的最佳利益。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Basketball can't live without the NBA, so what the best interest of mine is watch the game of NBA. 篮球的生活中不能没有的,所以最好我的兴趣是看比赛时间。 tieba.baidu.com 2. This is in the best interest of the American people. 这么做是最符合美国人民利益的。 www.bing.com 3. It is in your best interest to use existing standards wherever possible. 尽可能使用现有标准将最为有利。 www.ibm.com 4. Read the text and the best interest of concise, stories abound. 最好先读文字清新简明、故事富于趣味的作品。 wenwen.soso.com 5. It is really in your best interest to make sure she enjoys herself, since even one bad anal incident can put her off for life. 实际上最大的兴趣是确保她也喜欢,因为一次不顺利的肛交会影响她的生活,所以如果你想经常肛交,掌握方法并使她快乐。 www.douban.com 6. I think it's in your best interest to leave now. 我认为这是在您的最佳利益离开的时候了。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. W: Oh, they had my best interest at heart, of course, my parents. They always do, don't they? 女:奥,我父母他们当然对我的最大利益很上心,他们总是这样,难道不是吗? wenwen.soso.com 8. I try to show them it's in their best interest to keep the environment intact. 我试着向他们说明保持环境完整是为了他们的最佳利益。 www.bing.com 9. It is in the worlds best interest for us to stay as it is. 它在世界最佳利益,因为这是为我们留。 cn.bbs.yahoo.com 10. It was written to persuade CERN that a global hypertext system was in CERN's best interest. 它是为了告诉欧洲粒子物理研究所(CERN),一个全球性的超文本系统是CERN的最佳选择。 www.bing.com 1. Which place triggered the best interest or feeling in your life? 什么地方让你最感兴趣或让你留下美好的感受? sm2000.org 2. It is easy to shop around on line for the best interest rates and switch funds automatically. 这是很容易的网上商店在最佳基金利率和自动切换。 www.ecally.com 3. "It's doing what it believes is in its best interest and helping Brazil in the process, " Tang said. “中国在做它认为最符合自身利益的事情,而过程中也顺便帮助巴西,”KevinTang称。 cn.reuters.com 4. Passenger's best interest will be kept at heart by outstanding airlines. 杰出的航空公司会以乘客的利益为大前提。 my3q.com 5. Odds are good it's still not in your best interest to focus on attaining it. 但是尽全力达到完美仍然对你来说是不利的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The funds argue that they will base their decisions on commercial factors and work in the best interest of their investors. 这些基金认为,他们会基于商业因素进行决策,行事时会考虑投资者的最大利益。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Her leave was really all in his best interest. 她的离开完全是为了他好。 8. First of all, keep in mind that it's generally in your best interest to forgive people. 首先,请牢记宽恕他人是对自己最大的奖励。 www.elanso.com 9. This is when your actions need to be centered around what is in "everybody's" best interest. 当你的行动需要围绕“每一个人”为中心,将会变得有趣或有意义。 bbs.hxen.com 10. It's in designer's best interest to make sure that users see the most attractive offer first. 设计者最关注的应该就是确保用户看到最吸引人的信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. What they each wanted wasn't in their own best interest, Mr. Kahler adds. 卡勒说,其实他们各自所想并不是最有利于他们自己的。 chinese.wsj.com 2. It is in your Best interest to cooperate. She kept her own interests in mind. 合作对你最有利。她心存私欲 www.jukuu.com 3. Knowing how advisers get paid will help you tell if they're working in your best interest. 知道顾问的薪酬情况有助于你判别他是否符合你的最佳利益。 www.ebigear.com 4. W: Oh, they had my best interest and heart of course, my parents. 女士:哦,我父母总是全身心地为我的利益考虑。 www.hjenglish.com 5. "I don't know what the answer is, " says Keiko. "But we need to find a solution that's in the best interest of the child. " 我不知道结果是什么,“Keiko说,”但是我们需要在满足孩子愿望下找到解决的办法。 www.bing.com 6. You shouldn't be in your best interest at all time. 你不能总是完全为你自己的利益着想。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. God loves us. He is our heavenly Father who has our best interest at heart. 神是我们的天父,祂爱我们,凡事都会为我们的好处着想。 www.seewant.org 8. When it's in your best interest, practice obedience. 当对你有好处时,学会服从。 bbs.17yy.com 9. We think this is in the best interest of theatre owners. 我们认为这最大地满足了电影院业主们的利益 www.bing.com 10. I think she sees herself in young Boba -- but while Jango had his son's best interest in mind, Aurra doesn't. 我想她在小波巴身上看到了自己的影子——但同时詹高在他儿子心里有着最高影响,奥拉却没有。 www.starwarsfans.cn 1. It's in your own best interest to cooperate with them instead of competing with them. 对你们最为有利的就是和他们合作而不是和他们竞争。 www.veryen.com.cn 2. However, sometimes it seems I must exert my will over theirs for their own best interest. 可是,有时候我发现为了他们好,我得将我的意志强加在他们身上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It is in your best interest to cooperate. 合作对你有最好的利益。 10010.t.myabc.cn 4. Nash: He needs to be intelligent andhave his teammates'best interest at heart. He makes his team better. He can see the whole court at once. 他需要很聪明,把队友们的偏好都牢记在心。他必须使他的球队更好。他能在一瞬间将场上局势尽收眼底。 bbs.hoopchina.com 5. Travel will be in your best interest. 旅游将是你本周最感兴趣的事情。 www.hjenglish.com 6. It's in your best interest to cooperate here. 在这儿如果你合作的话对你最有利。 www.tingclass.net 7. I think it is in your best interest and in mine, that we take the time to consider the proposal on the table. 我觉得这可是关乎您我相互利益的,我们都得抽出时间来认真地考虑一下这桌面上的交易提案。 www.ef.com.cn 8. It is in our best interest to show him around. 带他到处看看对我们有好处。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. He always has the people's best interest at heart. 他处处为人民的根本利益着想。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Two thirds of providers themselves strongly agreed that they were acting in their own best interest, up from 62 percent last year. 基金经理中有三分之二强烈认为他们以自身的利益为最高利益,也高于去年的62%。 cn.reuters.com 1. You want to follow the real Jesus, who not only knows what he is doing, but also has your best interest at heart. 你要跟随真正的耶稣,他不仅知道他所作的,他也将你的最佳利益放在心上。 www.bing.com 2. You have worked long and hard in our best interest . 为了我们的最大利益,你们辛辛苦苦,任劳任怨地工作着。 www.bing.com 3. It is your best interest to assist me. 你最好的兴趣就是帮助我。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Kenneth Freemen told a Hong Kong court Monday he believes it is in his best interest to voluntarily accept extradition . 肯尼斯·弗里曼星期一对香港一家法庭说,他认为自愿接受引渡符合他的最佳利益。 www.bing.com 5. Wanting to be with me. That's really not in you're best interest. (Edward) 那的确让人害怕,想以及我在一起,确实对你没有好处。 rz.xnfzl.com 6. In a manner he reasonably believes to be in the best interest of thecorporation 以其合理相信的符合公司最佳利益的方式 www.civillaw.com.cn 7. Negotiating with suppliers to get best interest and benefits for GE and providing commercial supports to US sourcing teams; 与供应商谈判以帮助通用电气获得最大利益,并为美国的采购团队提供商务支持; zh.liecai.com 8. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin 投资知识将获得最大回报。——本杰明·富兰克林 hongdou.gxnews.com.cn 9. we must ensure that our development is sustainable and achieved in the best interest of the whole human race 我们必须确保我们的发展是可持续的和所取得的最佳利益为全人类 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Keep the focus on their children's best interest 保留其子女的最佳利益的焦点 wenwen.soso.com 1. When it's in your best interest 你也以最大的忠心 www.bing.com |
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