单词 | eyeball | ||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:eyeballs 现在分词:eyeballing 过去式:eyeballed v. stare at,glare at,look at,gaze at,watch eyeball 显示所有例句 IDM
eyeball to eyeball (with sb) (与某人)面对面,怒目相视,对峙very close to sb and looking at them, especially during an angry conversation, meeting, etc.
be up to your eyeballs in sth 忙于;埋头于;深陷于to have a lot of sth to deal with
例句释义: 眼球,眼珠,瞪着,逼视,盯住,眼珠子,睛,眼球模型 1. Exposing such a lens to high-frequency sound waves breaks it up into an emulsion that can then be sucked out of the eyeball. 将这样一个晶体暴露到高频声波下,将使它破碎并变成乳液,然后被吸出眼球。 www.ecocn.org 2. Although our rachis, artifice, eyeball has been used to liquid crystal screen, but at least cerebrum still fails to be used to far. 即使我们的脊柱、手腕、眼球已经习惯液晶屏幕,可至少大脑还远远未能习惯。 www.showxiu.com 3. Is often facing computer cross-eye eyeball and cutaneous radiate very big? What teaches good precautionary measures? 经常面对着电脑对眼睛和皮肤的辐射是不是很大?有什么教好的预防措施? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. So far, the big broadcast networks have been able to persuade advertisers to spend more for each eyeball they reach. 到目前为止,大的广播公司仍然有能力说服广告客户花更多的钱获得更多的市场关注。 www.bing.com 5. Gasol was just thankful Odom recently had a manicure, saving him from incurring potential scratches on his eyeball. 加索尔庆幸奥多姆最近有修剪指甲,避免了他的眼珠子受到可能性的擦伤。 www.kobechina.com.cn 6. Kind of book publicity, in cold blood with a fine fur, has long attracted a large number of consumers of the eyeball. 类图书的宣传,有细毛,冷酷长期以来吸引了眼球的众多消费者。 www.qiyeku.com 7. You prepared to let me stub it out on your eyeball? 你同意我在你的眼球上熄掉它吗?。 dict.veduchina.com 8. Out of the money collected is not attracting developers who purchase the "eyeball" and speculation on the project Sau ? 抛出重金征集案名,是不是开发商吸引购房人“眼球”、炒作项目的征名秀? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. DO NOT dilly dally in the lobby or the night manager will eyeball you until you go back to bed. 不要在大厅随便晃荡,不然晚班经理会一直盯着你,直到你回屋睡觉。 www.taskcn.com 10. " Miss Yuan said that, result that girl flushed her to come: " Looked any looked, the eyeball all quickly fell. 袁小姐说,结果那个女孩冲着她就来了一句:“看什么看,眼珠子都快掉出来了。” bbs.d9it.com 1. But in Mingora the Taliban still rule the roost, standing eyeball to eyeball with soldiers holed up in government buildings. 但是明戈拉仍然被塔利班控制,武装分子与潜伏在政府大楼里的士兵对峙。 www.ecocn.org 2. A cut on your finger is no cause for alarm, but a cut on your eyeball is something you'd do more to avoid. 手指上的伤口不会引起警惕,但是你眼球上的受伤使你竭力要避免的。 www.bing.com 3. 'But a camel's eyeball is way different from a goat's eyeball, ' he said. 他说,不过骆驼的眼球跟山羊的眼球可差远了。 www.qeto.com 4. The golden eyeball is engraved with lines coming out of a central circle like rays of light. 金眼凫刻有线条,是从一个中心的圆圈而出,像光放射出来的光线一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The humid red brick, stimulate eyeball pig blood out like the color, and under the wall green guangxi leaf form bright contrast. 那潮湿的红砖,发出刺激眼球的猪血般颜色,和墙下绿油油的桂叶形成鲜明的对比。 wenwen.soso.com 6. fox eyeball a turn, they put a crow, a crow would be for Fox to say the hedgehog secret. 狐狸眼珠子一转,便放了乌鸦,乌鸦便对狐狸说出了刺猬的秘密。 www.yuloo.com 7. As the sun sets the guards glare eyeball-to-eyeball, give extravagant arm twitches, and then lower flags and slam shut the gates. 太阳缓缓落山,卫兵们面对面怒目圆睁,夸张地甩着手臂,然后降下各自国旗,用力关上大门。 www.ecocn.org 8. Nicole Fox may have been born with a bloody eyeball but, at age 18, my favorite awkward high school loser was also named the winner of. 妮可福克斯可能是出生时眼球的血腥,但在18岁,我最喜欢的尴尬高中输家还被评为了冠军。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Then the third, fourth, as you contend for me to drive, are eyeball, is really happy! 紧接着第三个,第四个,好像你争我赶,互不相让,真是其乐融融啊! zhidao.baidu.com 10. The eyeball structures might have recorded the history of oxygen activity in the mantle and the Earth's core. 因此,眼球构造可能是外地核向地幔释放氧,下地幔内存在氧元素的历史记录。 www.cagsbulletin.com 1. If the object appears to be embedded in the eyeball, leave it for the doctor to remove. 如果物体看起来深入眼球,留给医生来处理。 bbs.veryeast.cn 2. The eyeball morphology of the latter was believed to be undistinguishable between diurnal and nocturnal types. 眼球形态,后者被认为是与日,夜间类型次之。 www.syyxw.com 3. Clinical manifestations of the eyeball can be pain, congestive, photophobia , and tears with declining eyesight. 临床可表现为眼球疼痛、充血、畏光、流泪伴视力下降等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. a small vessel with a rim curved to fit the orbit of the eye; use to apply medicated or cleansing solution to the eyeball. 有适合眼眶的弯曲的边缘的小器皿;用来用加有药的或清洁的溶液清洗眼球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The camera transmitted images of her face on screen, so the doctors could eyeball every bump and crater. 摄影机将她的影像投放到屏幕上,让医生更清晰的看到她的每个肿块和凹坑。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. TT: Trachomatous Trichiasis. At least one eyelash rubs on the eyeball. 沙眼性倒睫,至少一根睫毛摩擦眼球。 www.bddyyy.com.cn 7. The discovery of a giant eyeball in Pompano Beach, Florida, has raised questions about its origins. We have the (fictional) answers. 在福罗里达州的波姆庞帕诺海滩发现的巨大眼球来源的问题,我们知道答案(伪)。 www.bing.com 8. Second trend: the portal close to balance profit and loss line, the " eyeball economy" burst into applause once again to come. 趋势二:门户网站收支接近盈亏线,“眼球经济”让掌声再次响起来。 www.showxiu.com 9. plate has moved to attract high - end residential sector eyeball , But recently, the office property getting better. 滨江板块一直以高端住宅吸引业界的眼球,但近期,其写字楼物业渐入佳境。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. We all just eyeball servings (and studies show we're always wrong), and underestimate calories by up to 50%. 我们都是只用肉眼来判断供应给我们的食物(而研究表明我们总是错的),常常把卡路里的含量低估达50%之多。 www.elanso.com 1. He gave us handy words like eyeball, puppydog and anchovy and more show-offy words like dauntless, besmirch and lacklustre. 他留给我们灵巧的词语,如eyeball,puppydog和anchovy,以及很多更炫的词如dauntless,besmirch和lacklustre。 www.hjenglish.com 2. I often am recently before computer, my eye will be painful, eat eyeball of what fruit cross - eye to have profit excuse me. 最近我老是在电脑前,我的眼睛会痛,请问吃什么水果对眼睛有好处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Oh, and he wants me to have an MRI because it could also be pressure from behind the eyeball. 哦,他让我做核磁共振,因为它也能使眼球后面的压力。 www.bing.com 4. Myopia, hyperopia , and astigmatism are all caused by an imperfectly shaped eyeball, cornea, or lens. 近视、远视及散光都是由于眼球、角膜或水晶体变形引起的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Either of two folds of skin and muscle that can be closed over the exposed portion of the eyeball. 眼睑两个对折的皮和肌肉,能合上盖上眼球的裸露的部分他的眼球一动不动。 www.kuenglish.info 6. cowboy, pencil-box, headache, airmail, anything, schoolbag, eyeball, bathroom, greenhouse, keyboard. 航空邮件,键盘,任何事(物),牛仔,书包,铅笔盒,头痛,眼球,温室,浴室。 www.pkuschool.com 7. Those, along with my swollen black and blue face, bloody eyeball, and facial numbness were ugly reminders of what had happened. 这片淤青,连同青一块紫一块的麻木的脸,还有血淋淋的眼球使我无法忘记发生了什么。 www.bing.com 8. upper eyelid The dorsal half of the eyelid, separated by a deep pocket (conjunctival fornix ) from the eyeball. 上眼睑被深口袋(结膜穹隆)从眼球分开的背部一半眼睑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Then, we discover game of type is in the beauty is coessential change serious today, the eyeball of players begins tend Europe. 于是,我们发现在美式游戏同质化严重的今天,玩家们的眼球开始移向欧洲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The system can extract lenses, keep the eyeball inflated, and inject lenses in several different ways. 这个系统能够抽取晶状体,保持眼球的膨胀,和用不同的方法注射晶状体。 www.ecocn.org 1. So emergency treatment of perforating injury of eyeball and management of complications are very important. 因此,眼球穿通伤后正确的急诊救治以及并发症的处理尤为重要。 www.zglunwen.com 2. Objective To explore the mechanisms of histopathologic changes with constriction of conjunctival sac post enucleation of eyeball. 目的通过观察眼球摘除术后结膜下组织的病理变化,探讨结膜囊缩窄发生的病理机制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. One experimental example is a camera, modeled after an eyeball, that features a curved array of light sensors. 摄像头就是这样一个实例,根据眼球结构而设计,其特点是集成了曲面光传感器阵列。 www.bing.com 4. Understand the decision - making process of short time deep more to help us, we used eyeball to track an instrument in our usability lab. 为了帮助我们更深入了解短时间的决策过程,我们在我们的可用性实验室中使用了眼球追踪仪器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Additional, the sarcous eye sphere that exercises the eyeball that prop up holds a method also can be successful. 另外,锻炼支撑眼球的肌肉的眼球体操方法也能奏效。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It's a helluva lot better than having tears on your eyeball. 这都比眼球中有眼泪要好太多。 www.bing.com 7. This lens focuses images on the back of your eyeball the same way a camera's lens focuses images onto film. 就像照相机镜头可以把图像聚焦在胶片上,晶状体则把图像聚焦到眼球的后部。 www.kekenet.com 8. Eyeball is outward and deflective , the strabismus outside saying, common says " inclined supercilious look " . 眼球向外偏斜,称外斜视,俗称“斜白眼”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Vitreous detachment displays abnormal shape presented as flat posterior boundary and fluid area between vitreous and eyeball . 玻璃体脱离者见玻璃体形态失常,后界扁平与球壁间有液性暗区分隔。 www.jukuu.com 10. The two-dimensional (2D) optical absorption image of the entire eyeball is reconstructed by time-domain spherical back projection algorithm. 利用时域后向投影算法重建眼球整体的二维光学吸收分布图像。 www.opticsjournal.net 1. My sister is so sad that she can't eyeball the fact. 我姐姐是如此伤心以至于无法正视现实。 bbs.koolearn.com 2. Greenpeace protesters with eyeball-shaped helmets marched outside Hungary's Foreign Ministry, warning the Europe is watching. 绿色和平组织的抗议者头戴眼球状头盔在匈牙利外交部外面游行,警告“欧洲在注视着匈牙利”。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Does excuse me summer wear glasses cross - eye eyeball to do not have disadvantage again? 请问夏天戴眼镜对眼睛又没有坏处? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Does myope wear spectacles for nearsighted persons to get online conduce to the radiate that reduces computer cross - eye eyeball ? 近视的人戴近视眼镜上网有助于减少电脑对眼睛的辐射么? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. An eyeball has as much processing power as a supercomputer. 眼球的数据处理能力堪比一台超级电脑。 www.bing.com 6. Because the eye itself is an optical system, the light can be reached by refractive stroma layers of eyeball organization. 这是因为眼球本身就是一个光学系统,光线可以通过屈光间质到达眼球的各层组织。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The camera will send images to a microchip implanted in the eyeball that channels the input to the brain. 摄影机将向植入眼球中的微型芯片发送图像,眼球将输送该输入信息至年夜脑。 www.suiniyi.com 8. astigmatism: distorted vision resulting from an irregularly curved cornea, the clear covering of the eyeball. 散光:因角膜(覆盖眼球的一层透明膜)不规则弯曲而引起的影象变形。 www.who.int 9. The eyeball holds a microchip encased in a sealed titanium case to avoid damage from water seepage. 眼球上装有的微芯片被放入一个钛盒里以避免水的渗入。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. On the second day, the eyeball dramatically floatedback to its due position without any surgical intervention. 隔日,眼球在无任何手术治疗下自动复位。 dict.bioon.com 1. The carriage, a wife to close the Windows, another wife want a window, two people are eyeball, finally had to conductor please. 车厢里,一位太太要关窗,另一位太太要开窗,两人互不相让,最后只好把列车长请来。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. We are happy to see, newspaper can give community citizen reportorial chance, in order to attract reader eyeball. 我们乐于看到,报纸可给予社区市民报道机会,以吸引读者眼球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The glasses that patients wear contains a coil that wirelessly transmits power to receiving coils surrounding the eyeball. 患者带得眼睛包含了一个感应器,它可以无线地将能量传送给眼球周围的接受传感器。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Objective To discuss the regularity of the eyeball contusion and related factors in evaluation. 目的探讨眼挫伤的预后及相关因素在司法评定中的规律性。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Examination: Double pupil big, smooth reaction is normal, eyeball motion is normal, without nystagmic . 检查:双瞳孔等大,光反应正常,眼球运动正常,无眼球震颤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We know that eyes are more brain than camera. An eyeball has as much processing power as a supercomputer. 眼睛比照相机更聪明能干,眼球具有像超级电脑一样大的处理能力。 www.bing.com 7. So you eyeball the crowd in the restaurant, nightclub, or highway rest stop and try to figure out who's who. 因此你扫视在餐厅,夜总会或高速公路休息处的人群,并试图认出谁是谁。 dongxi.net 8. The bumping and shaking make extra work for your eyeball muscles. 车辆的颠簸和摇动给眼球的肌肉带来额外的工作。 www.theautoindex.com 9. Once the eye sockets are created, click the Eyeballs button. This creates an eyeball mesh in the correct spot and selects the center. 一旦眼球孔被创造,点击眼珠按钮。这在正确斑点创造一个眼珠滤网并且选择中心。 bbs.hxsd.com 10. Just began, the water enter eye, eye uncomfortable and clinking, but as eyeball turn, eyes will slowly felt very comfortable. 刚开始,水进入眼里,眼睛难受无比,但随着眼球的转动,眼睛会慢慢觉得非常舒服。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The electrical circuits are embedded in the lens which creates a display within the eyeball. 镶嵌于镜片中的电流能在眼球之内形成图像。 www.elanso.com 2. As early as 1962 a ruby laser welded a detached retina to a patient's eyeball to save their vision. 早在1962年,一台红宝石激光器将病人脱落的视网膜与眼球重新连接,使他恢复了视力。 www.bing.com 3. Trick for suggesting villainy: tilt head forward; eyes peer upward, exposing whites in lower portion of eyeball. 给个比较毒辣的窍门:向前使头倾斜,眼睛向上盯着看,在眼球的更低的部分方面暴露白色。 spaces.msn.com 4. Objectiv To evaluate the clinical application of orbital implant of hydroxyapatite after eyeball enucleating or eye eviscerating. 目的探讨眼球摘除或眼内容剜除羟基磷灰石义眼台植入术临床应用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Supersonic mainly applies in a pate in the eyeball and the pate shallow table organ tumor inspection. 超声在头颈部主要应用于眼球及颈部浅表器官肿瘤的检查。 www.jinantijian.com 6. After a moment, another migrant laborer, eyeball-to-eyeball with me, took stock of the situation, and motioned to his buddy to drop the bag. 过了一会儿,和我面对面站着的一个农民工发现了这点,便提醒他朋友把麻袋放下来。 dongxi.net 7. Eyeball was a strange chase small tadpoles need the fastest escape to Chuansongmen there . 被一个眼球怪追逐的小蝌蚪需要用最快的速度逃跑到传送门那里。 www.bing.com 8. Eye burns, trauma or eyelid eyelid surgery, will lead to scarring eyelid due to normal lashes inverted into thorn to the eyeball. 眼睛灼伤、眼皮外伤或眼皮手术后,也会引起眼睑结疤,而使正常睫毛倒插刺到眼球。 uzmart.com 9. The mathematical models were established by visual acuity and eyeball structure markers. 建立了高度近视者眼球结构和视力的数学模型。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 10. EYE is a three-story tall eyeball sculpture that artist Tony Tasset will install in Chicago's Pritzker Park next month. “EYE”是一个3层楼高的雕塑,艺术家托尼·塔塞特沃下月将在芝加哥的普里茨克公园展出。 kk.dongxi.net 1. Rushing out one Saturday night, I reached for my hairbrush and accidentally brushed my eyeball. 在一个星期六的晚上,当我去取我梳头用的发刷的时候,我不小心刷到了自己的眼球。 www.360doc.com 2. Never turn your head where the swing of an eyeball is sufficient. 转眼珠就能看到的东西,绝不要转头去看。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Conclusion: Less trauma in operation, invisal scar in past operation and without later lower eyelid depression and latent eyeball descent. 结论此术式术中损伤小,术后无可见瘢痕,远期无下睑空虚或潜在的眼球下沉表现。 www.chemyq.com 4. There is a fluently moving rod inside the tonometer , which interacts in fall with the elastic surface of the eyeball through the eyelid. 眼压仪内部有一自由移动杆,下落中通过眼睑与眼球的弹性表面相互作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. dozen fold those who let benefit can attract customer most " eyeball " , arouse the desire to buy of consumer. 打折让利最能吸引消费者的“眼球”,激发消费者的购买欲。 www.ichacha.net 6. Perforating injury of eyeball is an important cause of severe blindness. 眼球穿通伤是严重的致盲性眼病。 www.lwlm.com 7. To save the eye, the doctors stitched my eyeball where it was cut. 为了救我的眼睛,医生在眼睛受伤的地方缝合。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Metallic cupboard door, line appears the earliest in integral ambry, become the nods eyeball pen of ambry. 金属柜门、线条最早出现在整体橱柜中,成为橱柜的点睛之笔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Shortsightedness results from excessively long growth of the eyeball, or a steeply curved cornea. 造成近视的原因是眼球过长时间的增长,或角膜过度弯曲。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. This is a bionic design, the appearance like a monkey, the gibbon's embrace of position like is easily attract eyeball, girls. 这是一款仿生设计,外型就像一只猴子,那宛若长臂猿的抱瓶姿势十分巧妙,很容易吸引女生们的眼球。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Patients with eyeball sink, HA was implanted under orbital periosteum just bellow the eyeball. 眼球下陷者将HA板块材料植入眼球正下方眶骨膜下; www.chemyq.com 2. Have good communication and coordination ability, can in the team plays the role of eyeball picture dragon. 有良好的沟通协调能力,能在团队中起着画龙点睛的作用。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Shut eye to turn eyeball law: Turn 6 times by suitable hour hand first, press anticlockwise roll 6 times again. 闭目转眼球法:先按顺时针转动6次,再按逆时针转动6次。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Two extremely ambitious dogs are eyeball to eyeball OVER the same bone. 两只极贪婪的狗争一根骨头,互不相让。 dict.ebigear.com 5. I had an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with my boss. 我和老板怒目相对。 www.eduzhai.net 6. The eye doctor check and found that there are two right eyelid "inverted eyelashes" thorn to the eyeball. 经眼科医师检查,发现右眼皮有二根“倒睫毛”刺到眼球。 uzmart.com 7. Methods: The hydroxyapatite(HA)sphere was implanted into the eye socket in 15 patients after enucleation of eyeball. 方法:采用羟基磷灰石义眼台做为眼球摘除术后眼窝成形的填充物,观察15例成形效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. And B2B traffics " eyeball economy " times, will encounter below the shadow of financial crisis the biggest live challenge? 而B2B贩卖的“眼球经济”时代,将在金融危机的阴影下遭遇最大的生存挑战吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Yet. We see today is rampant after 80 works occupy the honor roll, the best-selling firmly seized the reader's eyeball. 然而.我们今天看到的是铺天盖地的80后作品占据畅销书的光荣榜,牢牢的抓住了广大读者的眼球。 wenda.tianya.cn 10. Conclusion The HA implant through evisceroneurotomy made the eyeball full, soundly mobile, symmetrical in appearance. 结论眼内容物摘除及视神经切断术HA义眼台植入使眼球饱满,运动良好,外观对称。 www.oculist.net 1. Results 7 patients had eyeball proptosis, motive inhibition or fixation and visual acuity decrease or no light perception. 结果7例病人眼球突出、活动受限或固定,视力下降或失明; www.oculist.net 2. The experts agree with the old saying that you should never put anything smaller than your eyeball elbow in your ear. 专家们同意这么一种说法你永远不要将任何比你肘部小的东西放进你的耳朵去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. the dogs are unhealthy if they have too much white, blanched or grimed eyeball, and too much exudation in the canthus. 眼白过多,眼球发白或污浊,眼角分泌多者都是不健康的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Each time the rotation, the eyeball should achieve the limit as far as possible. 每次转动,眼球都应尽可能地达到极限。 www.19zhan.com 5. World rich can be gotten on for, these two Shanghai words can attract the eyeball of people. 世博会快到了,上海这两个字就会吸引人们的眼球。 pjprimer.com 6. Often can see some excessive pursuit of "eyeball" it is inconsistent with the title of the text. 经常能看到一些过度追求“眼球”却文不符实的标题。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Because its eyeball is fixed, the whale must move its huge body to shift its line of sight. 因为鲸鱼的眼球是固定的,所以它必须移动巨大的身体才能改变它的视线。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Increased pressure in the eyeball is the main feature of glaucoma. 眼压升高是青光眼的主要特征之一。 www.bing.com 9. New things always can attract the eyeball of young people, so they always lead the time. 新鲜事物总是能吸引青年人的眼球,他们总是走在前列的。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. A distinctive border or edge, such as the junction between the cornea and sclera of the eyeball. 缘,边缘明显的边缘或界限,如眼睛角膜周围与巩膜连接的部分 www.jukuu.com 1. When she smiles she always narrowing the attract attention eyeball, and makes her seems more charming, more beautiful. 她笑的时候总是眯起眼睛,使她看起来更迷人,更美丽。 www.1stenglish.com 2. Results The eyeball distorted, intraocular structure disordered and vision lost severely in 3 eyes. 结果3例眼球严重变形,眼内结构紊乱,视力丧失。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 3. They argue that eating too much refined starch8 affects the growth of the eyeball. 他们认为食用过多的精制淀粉食品影响眼球的生长。 www.tingroom.com 4. Suddenly we can use technology to bring some of the world's greatest teachers eyeball to eyeball with a global audience in the millions. 就好像突然之间我们可以通过技术把世界上最好的思想者请到了台前,面对面地和全球近百万的观众进行交流。 www.bing.com 5. What does eyeball of common sunglass cross - eye have to harm? 普通太阳眼镜对眼睛有什么伤害吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Why the person's dactylogram , eyeball is unique, is there coincidence? 为什么人的指纹,眼球是独一无二的,没有巧合吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The two stars together is necessarily attract eyeball. 这两个巨星在一同必然是吸收眼球。 www.268dy.com 8. The effect that what cures does ulcer of hyperaemia of eyeball of fluorescent element cross-eye have? 荧光素对眼睛充血溃疡有什么治愈的作用吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Methods To review and analyze treatments of 60 patients with eyeball rupture who were hospitalized. 方法对我院收治的60例(60眼)眼球破裂伤的处理进行回顾分析。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 10. Cornea is a disc-like avascular film in the most anterior of the eyeball. 角膜是眼球最前端的圆盘状无血管薄膜。 www.kuenglish.info 1. Attention era eyeball economy, give up easily, many a laugh uproariously advertising? 注意力时代,眼球经济,轻易放弃,广告上不少一个噱头吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Pelican: I have to be special to catch the eyeball nowadays. 鹈鹕,如今我必须表现的有些特别才能吸引人的眼球。 bbs.24en.com 3. Every time when eyeball quickness moves, brain wave is similar to Morpheus the 1st phase, namely low a fast wave. 每当眼球急速运动时,脑电波类似于睡眠第1阶段,即低幅快波。 www.medec.cn 4. Advanced sensors will allow the UAV to eyeball enemy troops 50 miles away and view objects four inches across. 超级感应器能让无人机观测到50英里之外的敌军,看清4英寸见方的物体。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. The quarreling couple stood in the sitting room, eyeball to eyeball. 夫妻俩站在起居室里吵架,你瞪着我,我瞪着你。 www.b2b99.com 6. The newest in thing eye accessories is the protruding eyeball. 最新的眼睛配饰就是这个可以滚动的眼球了。 dongxi.net 7. With the organic glass, injector, pressure gauge and so on, we make one kind of eyeball fixed platform easy and flexible to operate. 方法利用有机玻璃、注射器、压力表等制作一种用于显微手术教学培训的眼球固定台。 www.chemyq.com 8. The recent entertainment news, earn most eyeball I'm afraid for XieNa and raises the shangrila married. 最近的娱乐新闻,最赚眼球的恐怕要数张杰和谢娜在香格里拉结婚了。 www.9999jiu.com 9. Objective To discuss the effect of improved fixative solution for fixation of rat eyeball. 目的探讨改良固定液固定大鼠眼球的效果。 www.chemyq.com 10. Glasses Dai Duo, eyeball is a bit bulgy , how is that correctional? 眼镜戴多了,眼球有点凸出,那应该怎么矫正呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The surgery for dislocation of periorbital bone and the eyeball . 眶骨骨折眼球移位的矫正。 www.bing.com 2. Penetration wounds of the eyeball. 是眼球穿通伤的一种。 21ks.edu24ol.com 3. Operation of what cross - eye eyeball to eat to restore vision fast? 吃什么对眼睛手术恢复视力快? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. From time to time on the network spread some blast eyeball information, let a person feel the world not so peaceful golden dance and wine. 网络上不时传出些震爆眼球的信息,让人感到这世界原来并不是太平盛世歌舞升平。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Methods To research 138 cases of eyeball contusion retrospectively. 方法对138例的致伤及修复资料进行综合分析研究。 www.chemyq.com 6. There are irreversible eyeball structural changes in high myopic patients. 高度近视者眼球可发生一系列不可逆的组织形态学改变。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Objective To develop one kind of practical eyeball fixed platform, which is used in microsurgery teaching and training. 目的研制一种实用型显微手术教学培训眼球固定台。 www.chemyq.com 8. tear nods evaginate . Dot issueing a tear leaves eyeball, tear cannot flow into dot issueing a tear, because this happens, weep symptom. 泪点外翻。下泪点岀离眼珠,泪水不可流入下泪点,故而产生落眼泪症侯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Darling always is Ceng Yan eyeball and face, ever a together red? ? ? 宝宝总是曾眼睛和脸,曾的一块一块红???。 www.showxiu.com 10. Methods A hollow antificial biotic ceramic orbital implant was implanted in the muscle cone after eyeball enucleation in 112 cases. 方法对112例眼球摘除术后采用生物陶瓷带有八个孔的中空义眼座作为填充物,观察其效果。 www.chemyq.com 1. Some classmates for one jinjinjijiao, because some trifle and are eyeball even begin. 有的同学因一句话而斤斤计较,因一点小事而互不相让甚至动手。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. That prevents the eyeball collapsing. 这防止了眼球塌陷。 www.ecocn.org 3. In some cases, abnormally high pressure inside the eyeball (glaucoma) also can result. 在一些病例中,可以引起眼内压异常升高(青光眼)。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. While cooking, you eyeball the oil, the salt, the sugar. . . 炒菜时,凭目测来加油、加盐、加糖。 www.foodmate.net 5. After the corneal flap is lowered backsintosplace, it quickly adheres to the eyeball. 割开的角膜复位以后,就会迅速地附着在眼球上。 edu.beelink.com.cn 6. Therefore, the television background wall became has most attracted the people eyeball's place. 于是,电视背景墙成了最吸引人们眼球的场所。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Objective To explore the effect of HA in correcting enophthalmos and eyeball sink. 目的探讨羟基磷灰石(HA)矫正眼球内陷及下陷的疗效。 www.chemyq.com 8. The eyeball itself expresses no emotion. 眼球本身并不表达什么感情。 www.zftrans.com 9. Write your goals clearly. Post them in eyeball view of where you work most. 清楚的写下你的目标。放在你的眼皮底下。 wenku.baidu.com 10. How was blazing liquid stannum entered to do in my eyeball? 我的眼球里进入了炽热的液体锡怎么办?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And one interesting eyeball plant. 和一盆有趣的眼珠子花。 www.dwfarmlife.com 2. In some cases, abnormally high pressure inside the eyeball also can result. 在一些病例中,眼内压异常升高也能导致。 word.hcbus.com 3. Results: The tissue structure of eyeball crystal is clear completely. 结果:晶状体组织结构完整清楚。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Take the medicaments that treats Jia Kang to you can make add thick neck and outstanding eyeball return to normal? 服用治疗甲亢的药物可以使增粗的脖子和突出的眼球恢复正常吗?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Well, you might pinch your eyelid! Or lose an eyeball! 那你用它夹眼皮看看啊!看会不会少颗眼球! everyday.ewstudy.com 6. Conclusion: It is necessary that we draw the materials from the eyeball including optic nerve. 结论:眼球内(包括视神经)任何点取材检测是必要的。 www.chemyq.com 7. Does eyeball of dot eyedrop cross-eye have profit? 点眼药水对眼睛有没有好处? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Originally, inserting a new lens meant cutting a flap in the eyeball some 11mm across. 最初,植入一个新的晶体意味着在眼球上划开一个大约11毫米的口子。 www.ecocn.org 9. Where will the eyeball end up next? Only time will tell. 眼珠的下一个目的地会在哪里?只有时间知道了。 www.bing.com 10. The speakers are having eyeball contact with each other. 谈话人之间的目光交流。 www.eyeyclub.com 1. Farsightedness is caused when the cornea is too flat; or the eyeball is too short. 远视,这引起角膜太扁平,或眼球的是太短了。 word.hcbus.com 2. Eyeball of what thing cross - eye to eat best? 吃什么东西对眼睛最好? dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Do eyeball of laser surgery cross - eye to there is disadvantage? ? 做激光手术对眼睛有坏处么??。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Again, a biologist cuts out an eyeball. 接着,一个生物学家割下一只眼球。 www.bing.com 5. Wearing glasses to play computer and watch TV, is cross - eye eyeball harmful? 戴着眼镜玩电脑和看电视,对眼睛有害吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. She is the eyeball of her parents. 她是父母的掌上明珠。 www.zkao.com.cn 7. There were ocular proptosis in 46 cases, deformation of the eyeball in 7 cases. 46例眼球明显向前突出,7例显示眼球受压变形。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 8. Doesn't glasses of chromatic concealed travel take degree cross - eye eyeball to there is harm? 彩色隐行眼镜不带度数对眼睛有伤害么?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Often get online what cross - eye eyeball to drink to there is profit? 经常上网喝什么对眼睛有好处? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The eyesight that plays computer to eyeball of cross - eye of how many time play has protection? 玩电脑玩多少时间对眼睛的视力有保护?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Take glasses cross - eye eyeball to there is profit? 带眼镜对眼睛有好处吗?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Only then that eyeball once in a while one turn, but also may express she is a living creature. 只有那眼珠间或一轮,还可以表示她是一个活物。 hi.baidu.com 3. The adjustment of eyeball muscle also is such, see the thing of close quarters for long, can make adjust convulsion, appear thereby myopic. 眼球的调节肌肉也是这样,长时间看近间隔的东西,会使调节痉挛,从而出现近视。 www.ylsw.com 4. The mole is long on the white eyeball, this is a position which very little has. 痣长在白眼球上,这是很少有的位置。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. However, it can still be difficult to line things up correctly if you eyeball them. 但是,如果要手动将它们排列正确仍然很困难。 www.ibm.com 6. When watching TV, can open the lamp with a lesser wattage, change the harm of eyeball of strong smooth cross-eye infirmly . 看电视时,可开一盏瓦数较小的灯,弱化强光对眼睛的伤害。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Told you this is my fault, look me in the eyeball Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall Next time? 告诉你这是我的错,看在我的眼球下一次我生气,我将着眼于我的拳头的石膏板下一次呢? zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 8. Eyeball the people to eat right. , Toads, pumpkin head, but also play the vampire dentures oh. 蟾蜍,南瓜头,还有扮吸血鬼的假牙哦。 4455.cc 9. Anatomical Study of the Related Position between the Terminal Ends of the Inferior Oblique Muscle and Related Structures of Fetal Eyeball 胎儿眼球下斜肌止端与相关结构关系的解剖学研究 www.ilib.cn 10. If the operation of correctional myopia was become after 18 years old, can metabolic eyeball recover from an illness? 若18岁以后做了矫正近视眼的手术,变形的眼球会复原吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Eyeball Massage and Combined with Acupoint Massage for the Poor Infiltration after Trabeculectomy in Glaucoma 眼球按摩配合眼周五穴按揉解除青光眼小梁切除术后早期滤过不良的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Clinical observation of assistant midazolam anesthesia through noses used in children with eyeball perforation 儿童眼球穿孔伤咪唑安定滴鼻辅助麻醉临床观察 service.ilib.cn 3. The correlation between retinal thickness at posterior pole in myopia and axis length of eyeball 近视眼后极部视网膜厚度与眼轴长度的相关性研究 www.ilib.cn 4. How The Giant Eyeball Made It To A Florida Beach 巨大眼球如何登陆福罗里达州某海岸 www.bing.com 5. Determination of homoharringtonine distribution in eyeball tissue of rabbit by high performance liquid chromatography method 球旁注射高三尖杉酯碱在兔眼球组织的分布 www.ilib.cn 6. Reduction of the Deformity of Upper Eyelid Invagination after Enucleation of the Eyeball by Implantation of Auto - costal Cartilage 植入自体肋软骨整复眼球摘除后上睑内陷畸形 www.ilib.cn 7. Clinical application of corneal grafts preserved by whole eyeball cryopreservation in penetrating keratoplasty 全眼球冷冻保存角膜在穿透性角膜移植中的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Penetrating keratoplasty combined with suture fixated posterior chamber in the complicated perforating wound of eyeball 穿透性角膜移植人工晶体缝线固定治疗复杂性眼球穿孔伤 www.ilib.cn 9. Factors associated with eyeball rupture and its relationship with visual outcome 挫伤性眼球破裂的相关因素与视力预后的关系 www.ilib.cn 10. Prevention of Temporality Amaurosis due to Anesthesia behind the Eyeball with Nifepine before Operation of Late Stage Glaucoma 晚期青光眼术前含服心痛定预防球后麻醉致一过性黑矇 1. Recombinant adeno-associated virus vector-delivered report gene expression in rats eyeball tissue through different way 重组腺相关病毒经不同途径转染鼠眼球组织 www.ilib.cn 2. Therapeutic Effect Observation of Earlier Eyeball Massage after Trabeculectomy of Glaucoma 青光眼小梁切除术后联合早期眼球按摩的疗效观察 www.ilib.cn 3. the trace element analysis indicates that "eyeball" is oxygen enriched deposition and "eyelid" is anoxic deposition; 微量元素分析表明“眼球”为富氧沉积,“眼皮”为缺氧沉积; www.geojournals.cn 4. Discussion on Dangerous Factors of Perforating Injury of Eyeball Resulting in Endophthalmitis 眼球穿孔伤发生眼内炎的危险因素探讨 www.ilib.cn 5. Application of Hyaluronan in operations of different lacerated Wounds of the Eyeball 粘弹剂在不同眼球破裂伤手术中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Discussion on Dangerous Factors of Endophthalmitis after Perforating Injury of Eyeball 眼球穿孔伤并发眼内炎的危险因素分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Psychological Analysis and Nursing of the Acute Eyeball Penetrating Wound 眼球穿通伤患者的心理状况分析与护理 www.ilib.cn 8. Establishment of Three Dimensional Imaging System for Measurement of Eyeball Position 眼球三维空间定位测量法的建立 www.ilib.cn 9. Investigation on Therapeutic Effect of Hot Aerosol Liquid in Patients with Anterior Eyeball Inflammation 眼部热雾疗法治疗眼球前段炎症的疗效观察 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of optical coherence tomography in the posterior segment examination of eyeball 光学相干断层成像在眼后段检测中的应用 service.ilib.cn 1. Study on histopathology of conjunctival sac constriction post enucleation of eyeball 眼球摘除术后结膜囊缩窄的病理学研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Contrast analysis on eye irrigation by two different methods of eyeball washing and infusion-device washing 洗眼球洗眼法与输液吊瓶洗眼法的对比分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Clinical operative management of perforating injury of the eyeball 眼球贯通伤临床手术治疗探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. To help sculpt the eye area create an eyeball from a sphere 用一个球来做眼球 www.789vr.cn 5. Application of Eyeball Massage after Trabeculectomy with Scleral-flap Tight Suture 小梁切除术中巩膜瓣牢固缝合后按摩效果观察 www.ilib.cn 6. Application of Eyeball-Lateral Anesthesia in Ophthalmic Operation 球侧麻醉在眼科手术中的应用 service.ilib.cn 7. Orbital reconstruction with implantation of homemade hydroxyapatite artificial eyepedestal in 24 patients with previous eyeball injuries 羟基磷灰石义眼座眶内二期置入24例报告 www.ilib.cn 8. Echography appearances of eyeball wall congenital abnormal 眼球壁先天异常声像图表现 service.ilib.cn 9. Clinical Research on the HA Implantation in Sclera Cavity for Severe Eyeball Atrophy Patients 重度眼球萎缩患者巩膜腔内HA植入术的临床研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Dynamic changes of immune globulins in tear of patients with perforating in jury of eyeball in high altitude 高原眼球穿孔伤泪液免疫球蛋白动态变化 service.ilib.cn 1. The Finite Element Modeling and Biomechanical Analysis of the Eyeball-Extraoculars 眼球-眼外肌有限元模型的建立与力学分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Analyzing a case of losing eyeball with game theory 对一宗眼球丢失案的博弈分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Clinical analysis of perforating injury and rupture of eyeball incised injury 眼球全层切裂伤的临床分析 www.ilib.cn 4. penetrating scleral trauma Perforating wound of eyeball 巩膜穿通伤 wenku.baidu.com 5. intra eyeball foreign substance location detector 眼球异物探测定位仪 www.bing.com 6. Observation of eyeball growth in children with congenital cataract 先天性白内障儿童眼球发育的观察 www.ilib.cn 7. The observation of the cases with contused wound eyeball in indocyanine green angiography 眼球钝挫伤吲哚菁绿血管造影图像的观察 www.ilib.cn 8. magnetic intra eyeball foreign substance attracting-out unit 眼球内异物磁性吸出装置 www.for68.com 9. The prevention and treatment for eyeball perforation wound in children 儿童眼球穿孔伤的防治 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis on blind causes in minors with open wounds of eyeball during follow - up period 未成年人眼球开放性损伤随访期致盲原因分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis of Treatment for 72 Cases of Eyeball Perforation and Its Prognosis 眼球穿孔伤的处理与预后72例临床分析 www.ilib.cn 2. A study on the correlation between eyeball axial length and diopter in eyes with myopia 近视屈光度与眼轴长度的相关性分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Extraction of eyeball wall foreign bodies with vitrectomy 玻璃体切除术眼球壁异物摘出术 www.ilib.cn 4. Clinical observation of vitreoretinal surgery for early atrophy of eyeball after trauma 玻璃体视网膜手术治疗外伤后早期眼球萎缩的临床观察 www.ilib.cn 5. The therapeutic value of vitrectomy for early atrophy of eyeball after trauma 外伤后早期眼球萎缩玻璃体手术的疗效分析 www.ilib.cn 6. A clinical observation on 32 cases of the serious eyeball penetrating wounds restorated with modern techniques 应用现代眼科技术修复严重眼球穿孔伤32例临床观察 www.ilib.cn 7. Spiral CT Measurements of Normal Eyeball Structure in Adults 成人眼球结构的螺旋CT测量 www.ilib.cn 8. An experimental study on apoptosis of photoreceptors cell of traumatic eyeball rupture caused by air-gun bullet 汽枪弹致兔眼球破裂视网膜细胞凋亡的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Effect of eyeball's activity movement on ocular tension and efficiency use study 眼球主动运动对眼压影响及其效应利用研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Dynamic expression of VIPmRNA in form deprivation myopia on posterior eyeball of chickens VIPmRNA在鸡形觉剥夺性近视眼球后壁组织中的表达 www.ilib.cn 1. Clinical study on different of the three of eyeball anesthesia for cataract surgery 三种麻醉方法在白内障摘除术中的应用性研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Improved method for paraffin slices of rat eyeball exemplar 大鼠眼球标本石蜡切片的改良制作方法 service.ilib.cn 3. A discussion of operative timing about foreign body in the eyeball wall 眼球壁嵌顿异物手术时机探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. Effect of operative treatment on eyeball foreign bodies 眼球内异物手术治疗的结果分析 5. like to take an ice pick and stick it right in his eyeball 拿一个冰凿,钉他的眼珠 www.ichacha.net 6. Efficacy Analysis of MEBO in Treating Eyeball Alkali Burn 湿润烧伤膏治疗眼球碱烧伤疗效分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Crystalline-vitrectomy for severe explosive eyeball injuries: review of 21 cases 晶状体玻璃体切割术治疗严重眼球爆炸伤21例临床观察 www.ilib.cn 8. A clinical analysis on 68 cases of the complex perforating wounds of the eyeball 眼球穿孔伤68例临床分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Experimental study on retinopathy of traumatic eyeball rupture caused by air gun bullet 气枪弹致兔眼球破裂伤所致视网膜病变的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The RNA and TUNEL positive cells of retina after the eyeball rupture 兔眼球破裂伤视网膜细胞内RNA表达与凋亡 www.ilib.cn 1. Clinical analysis of eyeball double perforation caused by metal foreign body 金属异物致眼球贯通伤的诊治与随访 www.ilib.cn 2. Eyeball Microstructure in Long-Eared Owl 长耳鸮眼球显微结构的观察 www.ilib.cn 3. Operative procedure on the orbit and eyeball 眶和眼球手术操作 www.7kang.com 4. Information Analysis of eyeball voluntary donators of 28 cases 28例眼球自愿捐献者材料分析 www.ilib.cn 5. The evaluation of CT diagnosis in eyeball trauma CT诊断眼球损伤的价值 www.ilib.cn 6. Basic data measurement on fetal eyeball 胎儿眼球基础数据测量 www.ilib.cn 7. Clinical analysis and treatment of the hyphema caused by eyeball contusion: report of 56 cases 56例眼球钝挫伤致前房出血临床分析与治疗 www.ilib.cn 8. An evaluation on the safety of eyeball or corneal tissue of 117 volunteer donors 117例眼球或角膜捐献者安全性评价 www.ilib.cn 9. Repair of eyeball wound-- scleral peforation 眼球伤口之修补-巩膜穿孔 www.medtrans.cn 10. Efficacy Observation on 104 Cases of Eyeball Contusive Hyphema Caused by Plastics Bullet 104例塑料子弹致眼球挫伤性前房积血的疗效观察 service.ilib.cn |
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