单词 | exchange rate |
释义 | 例句释义: 汇率 1. Mr Yam noted that the question of exchange rate systems was a crucial element in the management of international capital flows. 任志刚指出,汇率制度是管理国际资金流向的核心部分。 www.info.gov.hk 2. Back in June, Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary, praised China's announcement that it would move to a more flexible exchange rate. 早在六月,美国财长蒂莫西-盖特纳赞扬中国的公告,称其将转向更灵活的汇率。 www.bing.com 3. 'China is not the only country with a predatory exchange rate policy, ' Mr. Levin said. He called Japan's move 'deeply disturbing. ' 日本在9月15日采取干预措施后不久,列文就说,中国并不是唯一一个实施掠夺性汇率政策的国家,日本此举“让人深感不安”。 c.wsj.com 4. "An excessive, permanent increase in money is, in my view, an indirect manipulation of the (foreign exchange) rate, " he said. “在我看来,货币供应长期过度地增加,等同于间接操纵汇率,”他说道。 cn.reuters.com 5. But as long as Beijing maintains its current exchange-rate regime, the central bank has no control over the size of its reserves. 可只要中国政府继续维持现行的汇率制度,中国央行就无法控制其外汇储备的规模。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But a movement to a fully floating exchange rate could well have been coupled with a movement toward free capital mobility. 但是,要做到完全的浮动汇率,就一定要做到自由的资本流动。 huizhu7.blogbus.com 7. China is often accused of keeping its exchange rate artificially low to promote exports. 中国经常被指责为促进其出口而人为地实施低汇率政策。 www.bing.com 8. They stand ready to pounce whenever the offshore renminbi exchange rate strays too far from its onshore equivalent. 一旦离岸人民币汇率与在岸汇率之间的溢价够高,它们能随时出手。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Mr Bernanke calls for greater exchange rate flexibility in the long run but acknowledges that it cannot be achieved overnight . 伯南克呼吁最终提高汇率的灵活性,但他承认,这不可能一蹴而就。 www.bing.com 10. Every time I looked at the exchange rate, it seemed to be mocking me, laughing at how much more my tuition would cost. 每回看到汇率,都觉得它在嘲笑我,嘲笑我为上学支付的这一切。 www.ebigear.com 1. "The high exchange rate is likely to persist and is not just a temporary development, " the bank said. 高汇率很可能持续下去,而不是暂时的。 m.yeeyan.org 2. The USD was no longer the only foreign currency around which RMB exchange rate stuck. There is a more flexible system of RMB exchange rate. 人民币汇率不再盯住单一美元,形成更富弹性的人民币汇率机制。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. A: You are trying to ask whether China would agree to discuss the RMB exchange rate issue at the G20 summit. 答:你的问题概括起来就是中方是否同意在G20峰会上讨论人民币汇率问题。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. In May, Snow said China must move to a more flexible exchange rate if it is to avoid future designation as a currency manipulator. 斯诺在今年5月说,中国如要避免将来被视作操纵汇率,必须向更灵活的汇率过渡。 www.america.gov 5. Classification and measurement of RMB's real exchange rate has always been a drawback of empirical works in RMB exchange rate issue. 真实汇率的分类测算一直是深入展开人民币汇率实证研究的瓶颈。 www.fed.org.cn 6. welcome their commitment over time to move to a more flexible, market-determined exchange rate, ' he said. 他说,我们……欢迎他们致力于逐步向更灵活的、市场决定的汇率推进的做法。 www.bing.com 7. China's exchange rate is not the significant factor in the bilateral trade balance many make it out to be. 中国的汇率不是双边贸易平衡的重要因素,大家已经很清楚此事。 www.bing.com 8. He was reminding China that it is not the responsibility of the U. S. to help China avoid adjusting its exchange rate. 他提醒中国,美国没有责任帮助中国避免调整其汇率。 c.wsj.com 9. Today's system has no tie to gold or any other anchor, and contains a variety of exchange-rate regimes and capital controls. 当下的货币体系包括了五花八门的汇率体制和资本管制,与黄金无关,与其他什么也无关。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It was the combination of a virtually fixed nominal exchange rate with a depreciating real exchange rate that made it so. 是近乎固定的名义汇率与不断下降的实际汇率的结合,才造成了这种结果。 www.hjenglish.com 1. 'We're a very local business, ' he said. 'We're not being impacted by that exchange rate. . . We're not impacted like a typical exporter. ' 他说,我们是十分本土化的企业,我们没有受到汇率的冲击,我们不像典型出口商那样受到影响。 chinese.wsj.com 2. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Geithner said the world sorely needs to agree on guidelines for exchange-rate policy. 盖特纳接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,全世界迫切需要在汇率政策的指导原则上达成一致。 c.wsj.com 3. The low exchange rate in addition to high tariffs have doubled the company's expenses and challenged its profitability, " said the report. " 但是,低汇率再加上高关税,导致麦当劳所需食材的成本翻倍,利润大幅降低。 www.chinese.cn 4. Did beggar-thy-neighbour exchange rate policies during the interwar period operate to open or to close markets? 两次世界大战期间“损人利己”的汇率政策所起到的作用,是开放市场还是关闭市场呢? www.ftchinese.com 5. Mr Obama alluded to his hope that China's exchange rate might become more market-driven, but there was no hint of agreement. 奥巴马先生曾在访华时提及希望人民币汇率可以更加“市场化”,而中方并未表态。 www.ecocn.org 6. If it is undervalued and China sticks to its exchange rate policy, all that will happen is real revaluation through inflation. 如果人民币被低估,而中国坚持其汇率政策,那么将发生的事情是,通过通货膨胀造成人民币实际升值。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Finally, the eurozone is moving towards fiscal tightening, with the offset, at least for the moment, of a weaker exchange rate. 最后,欧元区逐渐转向财政紧缩,至少就目前而言,它抵消了欧元汇率下跌的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The appreciation of RMB and the fluctuations of exchange rate have no doubt increased the risk of the enterprises in international trade. 人民币升值和汇率波动,无疑加大了企业国际贸易的汇率风险。 www.boshuo.net 9. A devaluation leads to a real depreciation in the short run but has no effect on the real exchange rate in the long run. 贬值导致了短期内真实的跌价,但是它对长期实际汇率并无影响。 607.wtokj.com 10. When asked if the leaders discussed the yuan's exchange rate, Mr. Wu only said the topic wasn't on the meeting's agenda. 当被问及各国领导人是否讨论了人民币汇率问题时,吴海龙仅仅表示,该问题不在此次会议的议程中。 www.bing.com 1. What, I wonder, does Premier Wen mean by this, apart from telling the US to leave China's exchange rate policies alone? 我想知道,除了告诉美国别来干预中国汇率政策以外,温家宝还想通过这些话表达什么意思? www.ftchinese.com 2. I would like to remit some money to the U. S. . . How much is the current exchange rate? 我要汇一些钱到美国,目前的对换率是多少? blog.sina.com.cn 3. C: No, just a few moments. I'll figure out the exchange rate and service charge and then type up the check for you . 职员:不用,只要等一会儿就行。我需要计算出汇率、手续费,然后为您把支票打印出来。 www.hxen.com 4. Pegged exchange rate A method of stabilizing a country's currency by fixing its exchange rate to that of another country . 很显然,汇率不论是参照一篮子货币还是单一货币,人民币都是次要货币。 www.bing.com 5. Although it opposes the concept of a floating exchange rate, it is not seen as implacably opposed to greater currency flexibility. 尽管发改委反对实施浮动汇率,但分析师认为,该机构并非坚决反对实施更加灵活的汇率政策。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The euro zone risks getting caught up in this process with an overvalued exchange rate at the wrong time. 而欧元区面临的风险是被卷入这一过程,在错误的时机被估值过高的欧元比值拖累。 finance.sina.com.cn 7. However, in the later part of the 20th century, some countries reverted to a fixed exchange rate as part of an attempt to control inflation. 但是,20世纪后期,一些国家又重新采用固定汇率政策作为控制通货膨胀的手段之一。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 8. In general, the record of fixed exchange rate regimes, at least in this century, has not been wholly impressive. 巴里克拉克说,总之来说,至少从二十世纪来看,固定汇率制之记录并不很光彩。 www.wzksw.com 9. And what's the easiest way for an importing country like the U. S. to send the dollar exchange rate down? 而对于美国这样一个进口国家说来,最容易的办法是什么?是降低美元的汇率吗? www.bing.com 10. He said: "We have to work to bring the exchange rate to an appropriate level, including co-operating with the Bank of Japan. " 他表示:“我们必须努力使汇率处于适度水平,包括与日本央行(BOJ)通力合作。” www.ftchinese.com 1. UNCTAD acknowledged it would be hard to set up a "constant real exchange rate" system both technically and politically. “联合国贸易和发展大会”承认,不管技术上还是政策上,建立一个“恒定的实值汇率”体系都是很困难的。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 2. The price of one currency in terms of another is called rate of exchange or exchange rate. 一种货币的价格用另一种货币来表示,叫做汇率。 www.59edu.com 3. But China's management of its exchange rate has been a reoccurring focus of this relationship, rendering it testy at times. 但是中国对其汇率的管理一直是双边关系重复出现的焦点,有时候显得十分紧迫。 dongxi.net 4. The yuan-dollar exchange rate probably has little, if any, correlation to any other asset in your portfolio. 人民币兑美元的汇率跟你投资组合的任何其他资产即使有关联,也是很小的。 c.wsj.com 5. Senators voted 79-19 on Monday to open a week of debate on the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011, which would allow the U. 本周一,参议院以79-19的比分开启了2011年货币汇率监督改革法案为期一个星期的辩论。 www.tianyayidu.com 6. Such a peg adjusts to trade shocks and serves as a nominal anchor, so it may outperform current exchange rate regimes. 这种挂钩政策可以随同贸易冲击(自动)调整,并可以作为一种“名义锚”,因此或许可以比目前的各种汇率政策表现更好。 www.bing.com 7. The US could certainly destroy the Asian exchange rate pegs if it wished to do so, as it did with the protectionist "Nixon shock" in 1971. 如果美国愿意的话,将肯定有能力摧毁亚洲的盯住汇率制度,就像1971年保护主义的“尼克松冲击”一样。 finance.sina.com.cn 8. He said one way to mitigate this risk would be "through some greater exchange rate flexibility " offset by fiscal consolidation . 他说,减轻这一风险的办法之一,就是“使汇率变得更灵活一些”,再以财政巩固加以补偿。 www.bing.com 9. Governments in the Gulf, too, are trying to quash speculation that their exchange-rate regimes will change. 同样,海湾国家政府也在努力打击那些针对汇率机制改革的投机行为。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 10. In countries with floating currencies, looser monetary policy often (though not always) results in a weaker exchange rate. 在实行浮动利率国家,宽松的货币政策(虽然不总是)导致更低的外汇汇率。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. memories remain of how the German central bank's hardline stance on inflation exacerbated Europe's exchange rate turmoil of the early 1990s. 人们仍然记得,上世纪90年代初,德国央行在通胀问题上的强硬立场加剧了欧洲的汇率动荡。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Exchange rate as the relative price between the currencies in two countries, it affects the relative prices of the commodities inevitably. 汇率作为两国货币的相对价格,必然会影响两国商品的相对价格,继而对国际贸易产生影响。 www.fabiao.net 3. The global recovery, exchange rate issues and a new economic order are expected to be at the center of IMF and World Bank discussions. 预期国际货币基金组织这次会议的中心议题将是全球复苏、汇率问题和一个新的经济秩序。 www.america.gov 4. As an important economic lever, exchange rate is one of vital factors influencing trade development of a country or region. 汇率作为一种重要的经济杠杆,是影响一个国家和地区对外贸易发展的重要因素之一。 www.fabiao.net 5. The current controlled exchange rate against the dollar has left the renminbi undervalued in terms of purchasing power parity. 当前受管制的人民币兑美元汇率,令人民币以购买力平价衡量处于低估状态。 www.ftchinese.com 6. If China had not bought lots of dollars over the past few years, the yuan's exchange rate would have risen by more. 如果中国在过去的几年中没有购买大量的美元,人民币的汇率将会上升更多。 www.ecocn.org 7. Nevertheless, China will further advance the reform of its exchange rate regime, but external pressure can only be counterproductive. 尽管如此,中国将继续推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,但外部施压只会适得其反。 www.kekenet.com 8. Subordinating monetary policy to exchange rate policy would be painful for institutions like the ECB. 对于欧洲央行这样的机构而言,让货币政策屈从于汇率政策,是一件痛苦的事情。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It is not as though this pain is the result of a return to some benign exchange rate equilibrium. 看起来,这次的伤痛并非汇率回归某种均衡而造成的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. This paper will briefly answer the question of RMB exchange rate's fluctuation characteristics under the new exchange rate system. 如何理解人民币汇率在新汇率制度下的波动特征是本文将要简要回答的问题。 www.fabiao.net 1. To boost yield, many funds do not hedge exchange-rate risk but exploit it by buying high-yielding currencies like the real. 根据调查显示许多基金公司为了增加投资收益而去购买外汇——例如雷阿尔(西班牙货币)。 club.topsage.com 2. Many of these changes consisted of the abandonment of a pegged exchange rate in favour of a more flexible exchange regime. 这些变革中很多就是放弃挂钩汇率,采用更为灵活的汇率制度。 www.haotushu.com 3. The undervalued real exchange rate is at the heart of the problem. 问题的核心是实际汇率水平被低估。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Why does the price of a call option decrease as the exercise exchange rate increases for a given expiry date? 当锻炼交换率增加特定有效期限,购买选择权的价格为什么减少? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. For now, concern about the loonie is muted, because most companies adapted to a stronger exchange rate during its previous run-up in 2007. 现在,对加元的关注是温和的,因为大多数公司先前适应了2007年的时候更坚挺的汇率。 www.ecocn.org 6. Exchange rate is one of the important factors affecting the relative price influence at home and abroad market competition ability. 汇率是影响出口重要的因素之一,它通过相对价格影响产品在国内外市场上的竞争能力。 img3.zhubajie.com 7. Yet China seems to meet all the conditions for real exchange rate appreciation. 然而,中国似乎满足实际汇率上涨所需的一切条件。 www.hjenglish.com 8. But an undervalued exchange rate is at the centre of a development model built around exports and capital investment. 然而,在以出口和资本投资为基础的发展模式中,汇率低估是其核心所在。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The dollar is now at its weakest exchange rate against the Euro since the introduction of the single European currency in 1999. 自从欧洲1999年实行单一货币以来,这是美元对欧元的最低比价。 ept-cn.com 10. He said the exchange rate would remain "basically stable at an appropriate and balanced level" . 他表示将“保持人民币汇率在合理、均衡水平上的基本稳定”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The linked exchange rate has therefore not, at least in recent years, undermined our competitiveness. 因此,至少在近几年来,联系汇率并没有削弱香港的竞争力。 www.info.gov.hk 2. The renminbi exchange rate should also be able to respond more to the underlying trends in external trade . 此外,人民币汇率亦应可以因应外贸基本趋势作出更大的回应。 www.bing.com 3. China, he said, should decide on its own exchange-rate policy. 他说中国应该自己决定汇率政策。 cn.wsj.com 4. To make matters even worse, the real effective exchange rate of the euro is beginning to rise again. 更为糟糕的是,欧元的实际有效汇率开始再次上升。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A great many facts have proven that the RMB exchange rate is not the main reason that causes the trade imbalance between China and the US. 大量事实已经表明,人民币汇率并不是造成中美贸易不平衡的主要原因。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. the long-term economics is an issue of dispute : whether it is superior to a fixed exchange rate floating exchange rate? 经济学中长期争论的一个问题是:固定汇率是否优于浮动汇率? zhidao.baidu.com 7. To this end the French have been quietly talking to the Chinese, trying to get the idea of exchange-rate co-ordination on the table. 基于此,法国已同中国悄悄商议,试图将汇率协调问题搬上20国峰会会谈桌。 www.ecocn.org 8. It is, after all, easy to blame trade imbalances on the evil exchange rate machinations of others. 毕竟,将贸易失衡归咎于他国操纵汇率的阴谋诡计是很容易的。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "The renminbi's exchange rate is quite close to its equilibrium level now, " Mr Zhou said. “现在人民币汇率距离均衡水平比较近,”周小川表示。 www.ftchinese.com 10. But the world's immediate problem is a dramatic shortfall in demand across the globe and that will not be righted by exchange-rate shifts. 但是世界上更加迫切的问题是全球需求的剧烈下滑不会通过汇率的改变迅速纠正。 www.bing.com 1. How the changes in exchange rate affect the price of trade goods in international trade is of great research significance. 汇率变动如何影响国际贸易中的商品价格这一问题,具有重要的研究意义。 lib.cqvip.com 2. China's current inflation is a textbook case of prolonged undervaluation of a fixed exchange rate in tandem with export-led growth. 当前中国通胀,是典型的固定汇率机制下币值长期低估和出口导向型经济增长模式合力推动的结果。 www.zftrans.com 3. They cannot tell you much about macro questions like the right exchange-rate or budget policy. 但在回答宏观问题上并无优势,比如汇率或预算政策。 www.bing.com 4. from the business dimension, the rate of exchange rate movements and transnational value chain management as the key input variables. 从经营维度看,把汇率变动和税率作为跨国价值链管理中的重要输入变量。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The costs of this policy are likely to outweigh the benefits of a more competitive exchange rate. 这项政策的代价可能会超过更具竞争力的汇率所带来的益处。 www.ftchinese.com 6. To the extent that they see a stable exchange rate as the top priority they may be relatively relaxed about yields and future returns. 只要它们认为稳定的汇率优先,利率和未来回报率相对可能就没那么重要了。 www.ecocn.org 7. Exchange rate stability is, of course, the monetary policy objective. We therefore have no interest rate policy. 我们的货币政策目的是维持汇率稳定,因此我们没有利率政策。 www.info.gov.hk 8. Affected by this, the dollar rebounded blocked, the RMB exchange rate against the U. S. dollar remained slightly upward pattern. 受此影响,美元反弹受阻,人民币对美元汇率则维持小幅上行格局。 www.showxiu.com 9. The combined size of the economies of all the AU's countries is still on a par with the Netherlands' at an official exchange rate. 非盟所有国家全体经济规模在官方汇率上说也就是和荷兰持平。 www.ecocn.org 10. Mr. Wu, of China's Foreign Ministry, said the yuan's exchange rate isn't on the agenda for the BRICS meeting. 中国外交部长助理吴海龙说,金砖五国峰会的议事日程上没有讨论人民币汇率这一项。 chinese.wsj.com 1. This week's meeting of government heads in South Korea is likely to see yet more exchange rate conflict. 本周在韩国召开的政府首脑会议很可能会出现更多汇率冲突。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Ba shusong said, the first quarter startup dense deflation policy may include raised bank reserve ratio, interest rate and exchange rate. 巴曙松表示,第一季度启动的密集紧缩政策可能包括上调银行存款准备金率、利率及汇率。 www.51wufengguan.cn 3. China conducts exchange-rate policy in its own interests, not in those of US politicians, baby-kissing or otherwise. 中国按照自身利益制定和执行汇率政策,而不会从美国政界人士的利益出发——无论其是否哗众取宠。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A more flexible exchange rate and a retreat from excessive reserve accumulation would obviously help rebalance the economy . 采取更具弹性的汇率制度,停止过度的储备积累,会对经济再平衡起到显著的促进作用。 www.bing.com 5. A country's exchange rate cannot be a concern for it alone, since it must also affect its trading partners. 一国的汇率不可能只是自己的问题,因为它必然也会影响其贸易伙伴国。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The European Commission backed China's policy of switching to a more flexible exchange-rate system at its own pace, rebuffing U. 根据一份机密文件,欧洲委员会支持中国以她自己的步伐来转换到更宽松的汇兑机制。 www.showxiu.com 7. Therefore, changes in the RMB exchange rate will be bound to impact on China's wood pulp import and export trade to a certain extent. 因此,人民币汇率的变动必将在一定程度上影响我国木浆进出口贸易。 www.13191.com 8. THE CREATION OF THE LINKED EXCHANGE RATE Last weekend I spent some quiet time unpacking old stuff at my new home. 上周末我在入伙不久的新居,花了些时间收拾搬屋时封存了的旧东西。 www.info.gov.hk 9. Once the main trading partners, undervalued exchange rate is determined, the U. S. will impose punitive tariffs on its. 一旦主要贸易伙伴汇率被认定低估,美国将对其征收惩罚性关税。 www.englishtang.com 10. It is the continuation of this policy that China decided to further the reform of the RMB exchange rate regime this June. 今年6月中国进一步推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,是这一政策的继续。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. So, whether China likes it or not, its heavily managed exchange rate regime is a legitimate concern of its trading partners. 因此,不管中国喜欢与否,其严格管理的汇率机制都是贸易伙伴的一项合理担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The principal measure taken were to move the ringgit from a free float to a fixed exchange rate regime. 采取的主要措施是将林吉特从自由浮动的固定汇率制度。 word.hcbus.com 3. "The fact is that it will take time for China to transform its mode of economic development, including its exchange rate system, " said He. “事实上,中国需要时间去改变他的经济发展模式,包括汇率机制。”他说。 www.bing.com 4. Some are still concerned that the unwinding of imbalances might be disorderly, leading to swift exchange-rate moves. 一些人仍在担心,全球失衡的消解或许是混乱的,并导致汇率的急剧波动。 www.bing.com 5. It also foresaw that over time China's real exchange rate would appreciate against the dollar in line with its faster productivity growth. 预测还指出,随着时间的推移,人民币对美元实际汇率将根据中国生产力增长加快而升值。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Both for the U. S. government exchange rate policy of the helpless Chinese frustrated, but explain why, the two diverge. 双方都为美国政府对中国汇率政策的束手无策感到气馁,但在解释原因时,两人发生分歧。 www.englishtang.com 7. And there have been no rational economic arguments put forward to support the call for an appreciation of the RMB exchange rate. 但可惜中美双边贸易失衡引起不少政治关注,至今也无人提出合理的经济理据,支持人民币汇率应该升值的说法。 www.info.gov.hk 8. The government is caught between a desire to maintain export competitiveness and external pressure to let its exchange rate appreciate. 中国政府既希望保持出口竞争力,又面临让人民币升值的外部压力,陷入两难困境。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Keeping basic stability of the yuan exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level would be advantageous to multiple parties. 保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定是多赢之举。 c.wsj.com 10. So demand shock and supply shock plus the price and exchange rate will produce a complicated set. 需求冲击、供给冲击以及需求和供给同时冲击会导致物价和汇率的组合发生变化。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Over the past two years, the correlation between moves in Shanghai and the U. S. dollar exchange rate with the euro is 12%, relatively low. 过去两年中,上证综指与美元兑欧元汇率波动之间的相关性为12%,相对来说较低。 www.bing.com 2. Another case of official intervention in defense of a fixed exchange rate is shown in Figure 3. 2B . 另外在固定汇率的官方干预的状况下国防所示图3. www.itbye.com 3. It is therefore necessary for the bank to exercise great care before assuming this exchange rate risk. 因此银行在承担这项汇率风险时,必须详细考虑,审慎评估有关形势。 www.info.gov.hk 4. He is keen to identify the ways in which a country's policies, including its exchange-rate policies, "spill over" to its neighbours. 卡恩急切地想弄明白一国的政策——包括汇率政策在内——是如何“溢出”从而影响到邻国的。 english.51ielts.com 5. At most, therefore, an adjustment in the nominal exchange rate is a facilitator of a wider set of desired adjustments. 所以,调整名义汇率充其量只是一套更广泛必要调整的助推因素之一。 www.ftchinese.com 6. According to WTO rules and legal nature of the RMB exchange rate, there is no reason of denying jurisdiction of WTO. 本文立足于WTO相关规则,结合人民币汇率的法律属性,分析认定WTO对此行使管辖权并无障碍; www.ceps.com.tw 7. A far higher nominal exchange rate would surely be a better way to achieving such a real appreciation than higher inflation. 相比于更高的通胀率,名义汇率大幅提升无疑是实现实际升值的更好途径。 www.ftchinese.com 8. That would reduce the inflationary pressure at home, resulting in lower interest rates and a cheaper exchange rate. 那样可以释放国内通胀压力,促使利率和汇率下降。 www.ecocn.org 9. Indeed, one of the consequences of rising inflation in Asia is to undermine the rationale for exchange rate stability. 事实上,亚洲通胀率上升的后果之一,就是削弱汇率稳定的基础。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Any step towards a more market-oriented, flexible exchange rate for the yuan is a positive step, but we'll probably get only a baby step. 任何迈向市场化的、灵活的人民币汇率的改革都是积极的,但是中国可能只会迈出婴儿般的一小步。 haizi0001000.blog.163.com 1. "Premier Wen did reiterate the Chinese intention to . . . continue with reform of their exchange rate mechanism, " he said. “温总理重申了中国…继续汇率机制改革的意向,”贝德说。 cn.reuters.com 2. Our guiding objective continues to be to enhance the robustness of our Currency Board system in delivering a stable exchange rate. 我们的首要目标仍然是强化货币发行局制度,确保汇率稳定。 www.info.gov.hk 3. If not for this price you accept, you can use U. S. dollars for remittance, as the U. S. dollar exchange rate relatively stable. 如果对于这个价格你接受不了,你也可以采用美元进行汇款,因为美元的汇率相对稳定。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Like an undervalued exchange rate, an industrial policy can encouragetheproduction of traded goods. 与被低估的汇率类似,一项产业政策能够鼓励贸易商品的生产。 www.bing.com 5. We have reports of about an eighteen percent return and exchange rate, and sales fell off dramatically once word of that got out. 我们接到的报告显示,他们大约有百分之十八的退货率和换货率。消息传出去后,他们的销售业绩就大幅下滑。 www.yuloo.com 6. The lower cost of capital has made it easier for industry to invest, innovate and protect itself against interest and exchange-rate risk. 更低的融资成本使得实业更容易投资、革新和保护自己不受利率和汇率风险的影响。 www.ecocn.org 7. Potential financial-stability issues associated with changes to the renminbi exchange rate must be considered with great care. 人民币汇率变化会为金融稳定带来潜在问题,大家务须谨慎考虑。 www.info.gov.hk 8. What Asia requires, in short, is monetary policy decoupling. This can only happen if central banks allow greater exchange rate flexibility. 简而言之,亚洲需要的是货币政策脱钩,其前提条件是各国央行允许增强汇率灵活性。 www.ftchinese.com 9. With its sound public finances, low inflation and stable exchange rate, Denmark would sail through the euro's entrance exam. 丹麦稳健的公共财政,低通胀水平和稳定的汇率将轻松通过欧元区“准入考试”。 www.ecocn.org 10. In adjusting current accounts, what matters is the real exchange rate (which takes account of relative inflation rates at home and abroad). 在调节经常项目这一点上,起作用的是真实汇率(需要考虑国内和国外的相对通胀率)。 www.ecocn.org 1. But it could exercise a negative form of dominance, either through its exchange rate policy or by buying up commodities [to corner markets]. 它有可能会采取一种消极的主导方式,通过其汇率政策或是大举买进商品(以垄断市场)。 cn.wsj.com 2. Changes in exchange rates are given various names depending on the kind of exchange rate regime prevailing . 汇率的变动载于现行的汇率制度实物各个不同的名字。 www.itbye.com 3. And the foreign exchange rate serves as a state policy tool exert a significant impact of the adjustment on the export trade. 而外汇汇率作为国家政策工具,对出口贸易有极大的调节作用。 bulo.hjenglish.com 4. But a move to a freely floating exchange rate must wait until the financial system is overhauled . 不过,中国必须等到金融体系全面改革以后,才能转向自由浮动汇率。 www.bing.com 5. It is as if the central bank were creating a "fake" T$30 exchange rate, said one finance executive. 一位金融高管表示,就好像台湾央行在制造一个“假的”30元汇率。 www.ftchinese.com 6. China's big surpluses and America's big deficits depend on the real exchange rate between them and all of their trading partners. 中国巨大的贸易顺差和美国巨大的贸易赤字(逆差)取决于两者之间的实际汇率以及他们所有的贸易伙伴。 www.ecocn.org 7. The road map for . . . internationalisation has said nothing about the need for interest rate liberalisation and a flexible exchange rate. 人民币国际化……的路线图没有提及任何有关利率自由化和汇率浮动的必要性问题。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Examples show that this risk aversion policy is more suitable for exchange rate which fluctuates in the smooth. 最后,经由过程实例说了然基于危害厌恶型的在线生意营业策略更适合于波动平稳的汇价序列。 www.wz88.com 9. He said his group was checking with more than 1, 000 exporters on whether they could cope with a stronger exchange rate. 他还说,其与12个行业的超过1,000家出口商进行了接触,了解他们能否应付人民币升值。 cn.reuters.com 10. Particularly since the financial crisis, global foreign exchange market exchange rate risks faced by the more intensified. 特别是自2008年席卷全球的金融危机爆发以来,全球外汇市场面临的汇率风险愈发加剧。 www.13191.com 1. Particularly since the financial crisis, global foreign exchange market exchange rate risks faced by the more intensified. 特别是自2008年席卷全球的金融危机爆发以来,全球外汇市场面临的汇率风险愈发加剧。 www.13191.com 2. The long-run equilibrium exchange rate of developed countries is the purchasing power parity. 对于发达的经济体而言,其长期均衡汇率就是货币的购买力。 www.sinoss.net 3. A real exchange rate takes account of price movements in each country. 实际汇率考虑各国的价格变动。 www.ecocn.org 4. From a macro perspective, the euro interest rates push up the euro exchange rate against the dollar to rise, the dollar accelerated. 从宏观方面来看,欧元加息推升了欧元对美元汇率走高,美元贬值加速。 www.texclo.net 5. Is there a way of achieving the effects of a fall in the real exchange rate without going to the extremes of ditching the euro? 如果不采取抛弃欧元的极端手段,有没有一种方式能达到实际兑换率下降的效果呢? www.bing.com 6. Managing the deleveraging will be very hard, particularly without internal exchange rate flexibility. 管理去杠杆化过程将困难重重,尤其是在缺乏内部汇率弹性的情况下。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Huang added that China's economy is facing other challenges as well - including a liquidity squeeze, climbing costs and exchange rate risks. 黄立斌还补充称,中国的经济还面临其它挑战——包括流动资金紧张、成本和汇率风险增加。 www.rrting.com 8. Research in exchange rate problem of RMB is always very important both in domestic finance field and international finance field. 人民币汇率问题一直都是国内乃至国际金融学领域的热点研究问题。 www.fabiao.net 9. And, significantly, Brazil broke ranks at the weekend by declaring China's quasi-fixed exchange rate to be a problem. 更值得注意的是,巴西周末突然发难,称中国人民币与美元间挂钩的汇率机制对金砖四国是一个问题。 cn.reuters.com 10. Possibly, there could be at least a commitment in principle to some kind of exchange rate stabilization for emerging markets. . . 很可能,至少会在原则上承诺保持新兴市场汇率稳定在某种程度上… www.yappr.cn 1. Sanctions would simply send the world into a downward spiral of protectionism, exchange rate upheavals and interest rate shocks. 制裁只会让世界陷入愈演愈烈的保护主义、汇率动荡和利率冲击。 www.ftchinese.com 2. They agreed to move toward more market-driven exchange-rate systems, albeit without a time frame. 他们同意向更为市场化的汇率机制迈进,但未设定时间表。 c.wsj.com 3. In the end, of course, an economy will adjust to any exchange rate if there is no alternative. 当然,最后,如果没有选择,经济将适应任何汇率。 bbs.catti.china.com.cn 4. WHICH countries has the foreign-exchange market blessed with a cheap exchange rate, and which has it burdened with an expensive one? 哪个国家的外汇市场有幸获得较低汇率,又有哪个国家需要承受较高汇率呢? www.ecocn.org 5. But exchange rate changes can still be very destabilising in a macroeconomic sense. 从宏观角度而言,汇率变动仍有可能很不稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Among the main factor which influence fluctuation of RMB exchange rate, most of them still support the stability of RMB exchange rate. 在影响人民币汇率变动的主要因素中,绝大部分仍将继续支持人民币汇率保持稳定。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The simplest gambit would be a one-off revaluation: keep the link with the dollar but at a higher exchange rate. 最简单的开端是一步到位的升值即以较高的汇率盯住美元。 www.ecocn.org 8. Hedging of currency exposure takes the form of a rule-based average exchange rate model. 货币风险套期保值需要的以规则为基础的平均汇率模型的形式。 www.21cbr.com 9. Such a study might reveal a fluctuating exchange rate between money's soothing value and the links to social behaviour. 这项研究可能揭示了浮动汇率之间的金钱的价值和温馨的联系的社会行为。 www.showxiu.com 10. a. The U. S. nominal exchange rate is unchanged, but prices rise faster in the United States than abroad. 当美国的名义汇率不变,而美国物价上涨快于国外,则美国的真实汇率上升。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Finally, it suggests that "resource curse" trap could be avoided in the long run if RMB exchange rate appreciates. 最后给出了从长远来看,人民币适度升值,可以化解“资源诅咒”的陷阱的建议。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. But a little inflation is welcome: it raises the renminbi's real exchange rate and increases domestic purchasing power. 但是,有一点通胀是件好事:它提高了人民币实际汇率,增加了国内购买力。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Fortunately, have begun to realize the globalization of supply chains, changes in the RMB exchange rate to us is a good thing. 好在依文已经开始实现供应链的全球化,人民币汇率的变化对于我们来讲是件好事。 www.texclo.net 4. Export enterprise's profit margins lower, and its face with its exchange rate risk was even higher. 出口企业的利润率越低,其面临的汇率风险就越大。 zd.thyou.com 5. The US kept railing against China's refusal to let its exchange rate rise, but an aggressive campaign of diplomacy produced limited changes. 中国拒绝让人民币升值,对此美国怨声载道,但一场激烈的外交争斗没能带来多大的变化。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He warned the market not to over-speculation, artificially pushing up the yen exchange rate significantly. 他警告市场不要过度投机,人为大幅推升日元汇价。 www.englishtang.com 7. Last, in terms of exchange rate policies, the pricing mechanism of RMB exchange rate should be further improved. 而从汇率政策的角度,应进一步完善人民币汇率形成机制,进一步改革“宽进严出”的外汇管理体制。 www.fabiao.net 8. The Chinese government seems to believe its interest lies in maintaining a highly competitive real exchange rate for as long as possible. 中国政府似乎认为,它的利益在于尽可能长久地将实际汇率保持在具有高度竞争力的水平。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Once the possibility of a country doing so is officially recognised, exchange rate risk is suddenly again a feature of the eurozone. 一旦某个国家走这条路的可能性得到官方认同,那么欧元区将突然之间再度出现汇率风险。 www.ftchinese.com 10. As China's external imbalances have been improving, there is an excellent basis for a 'basically stable' yuan exchange rate, he added. 随着中国外部失衡状况进一步改善,“这为人民币汇率的基本稳定创造了很好的基础”。 c.wsj.com 1. and it has probably played a significant role in the appreciation of the Brazilian real exchange rate, as well. 在巴西实际汇率的上涨方面,很可能也扮演了重要角色。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This chapter argues for whether the RMB exchange rate should appreciate, how the range should be and the method of calculation. 本文在这一部分对人民币是否应升值,升值幅度应为多大,计算方法等问题提出了讨论。 www.fabiao.net 3. As such, significant exchange rate revaluation should be a central element of its anti-inflation policy. 因此,大幅提升人民币汇率应是中国反通胀政策一个核心要素。 www.zftrans.com 4. or trade impacts of exchange rate changes in structures where trade pattern changes do not follow from a trade model. 或者是对在不遵从贸易模式的贸易状态改变的结构下的货币兑换率,所产生的贸易影响 zhidao.baidu.com 5. How does the general petrochemical machinery industry face the foreign exchange rate reform ? 石化通用机械行业如何面对汇率改革?。 www.bing.com 6. Another advantage was a floating exchange rate: the Polish zloty plunged during the downturn, helping exporters and the tourism industry. 波兰的另一个优势是浮动汇率:波兰本国货币兹罗提在低迷时期的汇率跳水,帮助了出口企业和旅游业。 www.bing.com 7. The effect of a change in exchange rate on cash shall, as an adjustment item, separately presented in the cash flow statement. 汇率变动对现金的影响额应当作为调节项目,在现金流量表中单独列报。 www.bing.com 8. A member of the financial press reminded me that today is the first anniversary of the three refinements to the Linked Exchange Rate system. 一位财经记者最近提醒我,今日正是推出联系汇率制度三项优化措施一周年。 www.info.gov.hk 9. China's growth miracle features capital controls, artificially cheap loans to favoured companies and a managed exchange rate. 中国的经济增长奇迹有以下特征:资本管制;为受宠企业提供人为的低息贷款;有管理的汇率。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Central banks have been net sellers of gold in only seven year since the ending of the Bretton Woods exchange rate agreement in 1971. 自1971年布雷顿森林汇率机制宣告结束以来,只有7个年份各央行是黄金净买家。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Since the reform of the RMB exchange rate restart, The trend of RMB revaluation is clear, the width of fluctuation is growing. 自人民币汇改重启以来,人民币升值趋势明显,日均波动的幅度显著增强。 www.caesv.cn 2. Exchange rate fluctuations were in the long run "neutral" on UNHCR operations. 从长远来看,汇率波动对难民署业务的影响是“中性”的。 yeebang.com 3. American companies will have to cope with some of the same exchange-rate risks and exposures as their foreign competitors. 外国竞争对手必须应对的汇率风险和敞口,美国公司同样也将需要应对一部分。 c.wsj.com 4. The limited room for further falls in interest rates appeared to be a further factor in the adjustment of the exchange rate. 利率进一步下跌的空间有限,似乎是导致汇率调整的另一因素。 www.info.gov.hk 5. Brazil's exchange rate appreciated dramatically and its exporters lost much of the ground they'd gained in previous decades. 巴西汇率曾大幅升值,使其出口商丧失了以往数十载建立的大部分优势。 web.worldbank.org 6. The currency board system operates with a self-adjustment mechanism to restore exchange rate stability when it comes under pressure. 货币发行局制度具备自动调节机制,在汇率受压时,能令汇率回复稳定。 www.info.gov.hk 7. Facts have proved that the RMB exchange rate is not the main cause for trade imbalance between China and the US. 大量事实已经证明,人民币汇率并不是造成中美贸易不平衡的主要原因。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. This history demonstrates that supporting export growth, while important, is not the sole determinant of China's exchange-rate policy. 重温这段历史是想证明,支持出口增长虽然很重要,但绝不是中国汇率政策的唯一决定性因素。 dongxi.net 9. Since the spring, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has used the G-20 summit to pressure China to agree to a more flexible exchange rate. 自今年春季以来,美国财长盖特纳(TimothyGeithner)已经利用G20峰会向中国施压,要求中国同意实施更灵活的汇率。 cn.wsj.com 10. However, Mr Zhou indicated that the country would move gradually towards a more flexible exchange rate regime over the medium term. 然而,周小川表示中国在中期将稳步迈向较灵活的汇率体制。 finance.sina.com.cn 1. But within hours, the euro exchange rate with the dollar soon dropped back to its pre-announcement levels. 但是在几个小时内,欧元与美元汇率很快回落到其预先宣告的水平。 wenwen.soso.com 2. B more flexible exchange rate and a retreat from excessive reserve accumulation would obviously help rebalance the economy. 采取更具弹性的汇价轨制,停止过度的储备积累,会对于经济再均衡起到显著的增进效用。 xinziw.hn00.com 3. A US-only adjustment could lead to a disastrous overshoot in the euro's exchange rate, especially if half the world were to follow the US. 美国单方面调整,可能导致欧元汇率灾难性过度上涨,尤其是如果全球有一半的国家追随美国的做法。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Sharp disagreements over China's exchange rate policy have been managed, although not resolved, within the economic dialogue. 在经济对话中,围绕中国汇率政策的尖锐分歧尽管尚未解决,但已得到了控制。 www.ftchinese.com 5. China is still suffering from serious misalignments in two crucial relative prices: the real exchange rate and the real interest rate. 中国在两个关键的相对价格上仍严重失调:实际汇率和实际利率。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The US and Europe have repeatedly called for China to let its exchange rate appreciate, while Japan has recently joined the chorus. 美国和欧洲一再要求中国允许人民币升值,而日本最近也加入了游说行列。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In the currency market, the incident had created uncertainties regarding the direction of the US dollar exchange rate. 货币市场方面,受袭事件对美元汇价的方向构成不明朗的因素。 www.info.gov.hk 8. "We believe it would be inappropriate to discuss the renminbi exchange rate issue in the context of the G20 meeting, " he told reporters. 他对记者表示:“在G20场合,我们认为讨论人民币汇率问题是不合适的。” www.ftchinese.com 9. The real exchange rate takes account of price movements in both the United States and China. 这是因为实际汇率把两国之间的相对物价波动也计算在内。 www.bing.com 10. The bank reckons that the value of world trade (which is also affected by price and exchange-rate fluctuations) fell slightly in November. 世行估计,考虑到价格和汇率波动,全球贸易总量在11月实际上是有所下降的。 www.bing.com 1. By contrast, the renminbi's nominal exchange rate of US dollars "double surplus" of the impact is not significant. 相比之下,人民币对美元名义汇率对“双顺差”结构的影响不显著。 www.fabiao.net 2. Many U. S. lawmakers have long contended that China's tightly controlled exchange rate gives unfair support to its exporters. 很多美国议员长期认为,中国严格管制的汇率对其出口企业构成了不公平的支持。 c.wsj.com 3. Overheating, in short, is not the problem, but rather the natural solution to an undervalued real exchange rate. 简言之,经济过热不是问题,而是实际汇率被低估的“天然解决方案”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. And a country cannot control its monetary policy unless it accepts a more flexible exchange rate. 一个国家只有采取更具弹性的汇率制度才能控制金融政策。 www.ecocn.org 5. Although the crawling peg will effectively found the equilibrium exchange rate and release appreciation pressure, it is still temporary. 尽管爬行钉住美元区间将有效的发现均衡汇率和释放人民币升值压力,但仍是不稳定的中间汇率制度,只能是暂时的。 www.lw23.com 6. A precondition for such a tightening is a relaxation of exchange rate targeting. 收紧货币政策的前提是放宽汇率目标。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Beijing: China finally reveals the composition of the basket of currencies used by its central bank to determine the renminbi exchange rate. 北京:中国终于公布了中国央行决定人民币汇率的一篮子货币的构成。 www.ftchinese.com 8. British, European, Japanese and Canadian shoppers are swooping on New York to take advantage of the favourable exchange rate. 英国、欧洲、日本和加拿大的购物者正涌向纽约,以利用汇率有利的优势。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In this case, the share exchange rate isn't larger than 100%, so it is all right. 本题中,折股比例并没有超过100%,因此是符合规定的。 www.gzu521.com 10. In a floating exchange-rate regime reserve accumulations should also be unnecessary. 在浮动汇率机制下,储备的累积也应是多余的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. the Americans complain that China's exchange-rate policy provides its exporters with an unfair subsidy at the expense of their own workers. 美国抱怨中国的外汇政策对出口企业进行了不公平的员工补贴。 www.ecocn.org 2. With the BOP account moving closer to equilibrium, the basis for large-scale appreciation of the RMB exchange rate does not exist. 因为国际收支平衡表趋于平衡,人民币汇率大幅升值的理论基础并不存在。 www.bing.com 3. In a monetary union, with the nominal exchange rate irrevocably fixed, it is not possible to gain competitiveness by currency depreciation. 在一个名义汇率不可变动的货币联盟内,要想通过货币贬值获得竞争力是不可能的。 www.ecocn.org 4. Sep 24th, House of Representatives of the USA votes through an act to put special tariffs on the countries who devalues its exchange rate. 美国国会众议院筹款委员会24日投票通过了一项旨在对所谓低估本币汇率的国家征收特别关税的法案。 www.ccer21cbh.com 5. The Linked Exchange Rate has remained remarkably stable in the face of these shocks. 面对这些冲击,联系汇率仍然稳如磐石。 www.info.gov.hk 6. Describe the situation of a speculative crisis against a fixed exchange rate (take a financial crisis as an example). 叙述投机危机对固定汇率(采取的金融危机作为一个例子)。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Specifically, if the central bank does not incur any intervention cost, then its optimal policy is to peg a fixed exchange rate. 明确地说,如果央行做边界干预不必负担任何成本,则央行的最适政策将是完全钉住一固定的汇率水准。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. It welcomed "China's fiscal measures and continued commitment to move to a more flexible exchange rate" . 会议对“中国的财政政策,及其继续承诺采取更加灵活的汇率制度”表示欢迎。 www.bing.com 9. The RMB has appreciated by 7% against the US dollar since China decided to further the reform of the RMB exchange rate regime in June, 2010. 2010年6月中国决定进一步推进人民币汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币兑美元汇率已升值7%。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Others have argued for a more coordinated approach to exchange rate policy involving target zones. 还有人考虑了协调汇率政策的方法。 www.cei.gov.cn 1. When national economic output was converted into dollars at the prevailing exchange rate, the U. S. has 28% of global gross domestic output. 当采用美元现行汇率计算美国的经济产出时,美国国内生产总值(GDP)占全球GDP的比重为28%。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. So what was the old "exchange rate" for sex, and how has it changed? 那么,性行为旧的“兑换率”是什么呢?它又是如何变化的呢? www.bing.com 3. Brazil has warned that the world is on course for a full-blown "trade war" as it stepped up its rhetoric against exchange rate manipulation. 巴西已发出警告,随着对汇率操纵的指责日益加剧,世界正在走向全面的“贸易战”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Exchange rate adjustment is also a tool of monetary policy, its decisions and operations should also be a rational and active. 汇率调整又是货币政策的工具,其决定和操作也应是理性和主动的。 lib.cqvip.com 5. currency exchange rate issue is an important international financial issues, exchange rate movements on a country's foreign trade. 汇率问题是一个重要国际金融问题,汇率变动会对一国的对外贸易产生重大影响。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. A few years later, weakened by US fiscal profligacy, the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system anchored on the US currency collapsed. 几年过后,由于美国在财政上挥霍无度,锚定于美元的布雷顿森林固定汇率体系受到削弱,继而崩溃。 www.ftchinese.com 7. A fall in the dollar's exchange rate would be a very useful contribution to global balance. 美元汇率的走低将会对全球平衡做出非常有益的贡献。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If a country's fixed exchange rate led it into a balance of payments crisis, the IMF would bail it out and so avert devaluation. 如果固定汇率机制令一个国家陷入收支失衡的危机,那么IMF会出手相救,使其货币避免贬值。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The clean data separated from original RMB real exchange rate shows that it has a deterministic appreciation trend. 剔除这些异常变动后,人民币实际汇率序列呈现出明显的确定升值趋势。 tjyj.stats.gov.cn 10. You can get a list of the currencies that the xMethods currency exchange rate service supports from its help page (see Resources). 您可以从其帮助页面(请参阅参考资料)获取xMethods货币汇率服务所支持的货币列表。 www.ibm.com 1. But in such an open economy, exchange-rate flexibility is no guarantee of economic stability. 但是在这样的开放式经济体系中,汇率的灵活性无法保障经济稳定。 xiaozu.renren.com 2. Let me start with a proposition: the right way to think about China's exchange rate is, initially, not to think about the exchange rate. 让我先阐明这么一个观点:正确考虑人民币汇率的方式是,不要一开始就去考虑汇率这个问题。 www.tianya.cn 3. Soft currency A currency with a falling exchange rate due to continuing balance of payments deficits. 由于国际收支持续赤字而汇率下跌的货币。 9love.bokee.com 4. He was the president who, 40 years ago, severed the link between global currencies and gold and ended the fixed-exchange-rate system. 他就是40年前那位把全球货币与黄金之间的关系割断并结束固定汇率制度的总统。 www.bing.com 5. Due to exchange rate fluctuations, slight differences can occur between the amount displayed by us and the amount displayed by PayPal. 由于汇率变动的原因,我们显示的金额和贝宝显示的金额可能会有细微误差。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. But the only long-term solution is a higher real exchange rate, best achieved by letting the renminbi appreciate. 但唯一的长期解决方案,是提高人民币兑美元的实际汇率,其最佳途径就是允许人民币升值。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The International Monetary Fund is, of course, the natural multilateral forum for addressing exchange rate issues. 当然,国际货币基金组织(IMF)是解决汇率问题的天然多边论坛。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But through its exchange rate policy, China has unraveled parts of its commitments. 然而通过其汇率政策,中国避开了部分承诺的束缚。 cn.wsj.com 9. This proves that the RMB exchange rate is not the cause of trade imbalance. 这充分说明,中美贸易不平衡问题不是人民币汇率造成的。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Development of a set of controls to monitor a firm's exchange rate risk and ensure appropriate position taking. 制定一套控制规定来监控企业的汇率风险,并确保采取适当的定位。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. My suggestions would be "Strong country, strong currency" . Or "Free country, floating exchange rate" . 我的建议是“强势国家,强势货币”,或者“自由国家,浮动汇率”。 www.ftchinese.com 2. For many years China pegged the yuan to the U. S. dollar, resulting in an artificially low exchange rate. 中国曾多年采取人民币与美元挂钩的固定汇率,人为地造成人民币的低汇率。 www.america.gov 3. It recommended a tighter monetary policy as well as a stronger exchange rate to restrain inflation and asset bubbles. 世行同时建议中国政府收紧货币政策并调高汇率水平,以抑制通货膨胀和资产泡沫。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. China had long insisted that it would adopt a more flexible exchange rate system, but not until it was ready. 中国长期以来坚持道,直到一切准备就绪,中国将采取更加灵活的汇率体系。 spaces.msn.com 5. Especially under floated exchange rate system, the fluctuation of exchange rate has a deep impact on import and export of a country. 在浮动汇率制度下,汇率变动对一个国家进出口贸易的影响是非常之大。 www.13191.com 6. Mr Li said the greater "flexibility" in the exchange rate could potentially include occasional periods of depreciation against the dollar. 李稻葵表示,人民币汇率“弹性”的增强,有可能意味着在个别时期人民币对美元贬值。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The currency board guarantees full convertibility of the country's notes and coins into the reference currency at a fixed exchange rate. 货币局制度保证该国的钞票和硬币能以某一固定的汇率完全兑换成被钉住的货币。 glossary.reuters.com.cn 8. Beijing relented in June 2010, shortly before a G-20 leaders' summit, and said it would allow a more 'flexible' exchange rate. 2010年6月份,北京方面在20国集团领导人峰会即将召开之时做了让步,并说它会允许汇率更加“灵活”。 c.wsj.com 9. In 1992, the pound dropped out of the European exchange rate mechanism as interest rates hit 15 percent and Britain was in a recession. 1992年,英镑退出欧洲汇率机制,彼时利率达到了15%,而英国经济陷入衰退。 www.bing.com 10. Calculate exchange rate, minus drawback, price low to you must hold them not to put, happy cry! 算算汇率,再减去退税,价钱低到你要紧攥它们不放,幸福地哭出来! en.cnxianzai.com |
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