单词 | embroidery |
释义 |
复数:embroideries n. sampler,sewing,needlework,needlepoint,cross-stitch 例句释义: 刺绣,绣花,刺绣品,刺绣图案,抽纱,电绣,粉饰 1. Before he left, his mother tearfully left "devotion to the country" on his back with an embroidery needle. 临行前,岳母含着泪,用绣花针在岳飞背脊上刺上“尽忠报国”四个字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. " Li Bai laughed loudly: " How could such a thick rod be sharpened into a delicate embroidery needle? 李白大笑:“这么粗的铁杵怎么可能磨成那么细的绣花针呢?” www.myechinese.org 3. "what a pair of hands. . . " she sighed, closing her eyes, " pity that they are not meant for embroidery, but for killing. " 她闭上眼睛,叹息着道:“好好的一双手不用来绣花,却用来杀人,真是可惜得很……” blog.hjenglish.com 4. The product features beautiful embroidery on its edge, which would cost much more if it were to be produced in the United States. 该产品具有美丽的刺绣在其边缘,这将花费更多的如果要产于美国。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Such a bonnet blouses is virtually priceless because a single garment meets several years of meticulous embroidery. 这样的一件镂空花边罩衣几乎是无价之宝,因为上面的刺绣技术已经有了几百年的历史。 www.bing.com 6. The company has more than 20 master works with over 8 years of experience and a number of advanced embroidery machines. 本公司拥有二十多名八年以上制版师傅还有很多先进的绣花机器。 www.chineseinla.com 7. Our company is a manufacturer which produces different kind of embroidery fabric. the company has his own right to export and import. 我公司是一家专业生产各种纺织绣品的生产厂家,有自营进出口权。 www.bokee.net 8. The wall hanging uses a variety of techniques: weaving, embroidery, carving and engraving, which give it a strong three dimensional effect. 壁挂使用多种技法:编织,刺绣和雕刻,从而具有强烈立体感。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Ms. Jiang views the problem as generational, recalling how the embroidery lessons that were standard in her schooldays have been eliminated. 蒋琼耳认为这是时代的问题,她想起当年自己读书时常规的刺绣课程现在已经被取消了。 c.wsj.com 10. A woman with a great career as well as great embroidery skills has more than doubled her beauty. So learn to cook a few gourmet dishes. 事业有成兼会补衣绣花的女子不只双倍美丽。所以,学几个拿手菜吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Let me take you to see another type of embroidery called drawnwork. 我再带你去看一种工艺叫抽纱。 news.cctv.com 2. as the word approached English the design on the fabric moved from fine embroidery to a pattern woven into a cheaper cloth. 当这个词进入英语体系,织物上的图案从精致的刺绣转而成为编织进另一种更便宜的布料的花样。 www.bing.com 3. The rear of the dress features a sheer panel with delicate scrolled embroidery and was designed by Carolina to be a 'romantic' surprise. 婚纱的一大特色是背面有一块镂空绣花,设计师称之为“浪漫的惊喜”。 news.china.com.cn 4. Ursula laid her embroidery in her lap and looked up, her face was calm and considerate. 厄秀拉把刺绣放在腿上,抬起头来,她的脸显得文静和善。 www.jukuu.com 5. A sales organization that buys and sells embroidery , usually it has no embroidery equipment . 一个购买和销售绣花的销售机构,一般自身并无绣花设备。 www.bing.com 6. Also, a CD cloth embroidery scissors and a pair of scissors , and tape are also necessary tools. 还有,一把裁布剪刀和一把刺绣剪刀,以及布尺也是一些必需的工具。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. they seem excited to see these Chinese embroidery and handcrafts . They might think this Chinese family is so fun. 看到这些传统的中国刺绣和手工艺,她们一定觉得中国家庭很有趣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Embroidery work involves using colored yarn and a needle to create designs on the surface of cloth. 刺绣作品涉及使用色纱和针布表面上创造的设计。 www.maynet.cn 9. Embroidery is the general name of a variety of decorative patterns embellished on the fabric. 刺绣是针线在织物上绣制的各种装饰图案的总称。 www.chinese.cn 10. The company mainly engaged in a sweater manual processing business, including embroidery, Glassbeads Embroidery, embroidered belt. 本公司主要经营毛衣的手工加工业务,包括绣花,珠绣,绣带… www.tonke.cn 1. The Company production, sale pure hand carving, embroidery double-sided single, three-dimensional embroidery, Gangnam literati Crafts. 本公司生产、销售纯手工雕刻、单双面刺绣、立体刺绣、江南文人字画。 www.tonke.cn 2. For more than a year of embroider, alone to complete not fitted sheet, exquisite embroidery works, like to watch. 历时一年多绣成,一人独自完成没装表,绣工精致,有喜欢的可来家看。 weihai.qite8.com 3. Traditional "smooth embroidery" stitch embroidery thread is only in the plane according to certain rules of the direction of movement. 传统“平顺绣”针法仅仅是绣线根据一定的规则在平面方向上运动。 www.jiameng.com 4. Pavilion of Embroidery is the only company in Beijing dealing in and customizing top-level Suzhou embroidery. 绣藏阁,是北京唯一一家经营、定制顶级苏绣的公司。 img3.zhubajie.com 5. Sir, why does crewel embroidery look so much like an oil painting? 先生,请问乱针绣为什么看上去这么像油画呢? www.hellomandarin.com 6. The children presented Medvedev with some Chinese calligraphy works and embroidery as gifts. 孩子们把中国书法和刺绣作品作为礼物送给了梅德韦杰夫总统。 blog.163.com 7. Value of the collection lies in its tradition of embroidery is an ancient and exquisite craft, a very strong national characteristics. 它的收藏价值在于苏绣传承的是一门古老而精湛的工艺,民族特色非常浓郁。 img3.zhubajie.com 8. The utility model relates to a power-drive chain mechanism for separating a machine head of a special computerized embroidery machine. 本实用新型涉及一种可分离特种电脑刺绣机机头动力传动链的机构。 ip.com 9. Also called Chuan embroidery , Shu embroidery is the general name for embroidery products in areas around Chengdu, Sichuan Province. 蜀绣也称“川绣”,它是以四川成都为中心的刺绣产品的总称。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Embroidery was a good pastime to which they might devote their intelligence and passion. 刺绣是一个很好的消遣和他们可能贡献自己的智慧和热情。 www.cdjnp.cn 1. Embroidery was an elegant task for fair ladies who were forbidden to go out of their home. 刺绣是一个谁被禁止前往他们的家门颜如玉优雅的任务。 www.cdjnp.cn 2. Embroidery machine keyboard keys used for positioning of the pantograph or frame. 绣花机键盘按键,用来定位绣框或者缩放仪。 www.kuenglish.info 3. A method is provided for embroidering embroidery elements by means of a processor-controlled sewing machine (1). 本公开提供了一种通过处理器控制的缝纫机(1)刺绣刺绣元素的方法。 ip.com 4. I hope you like the embroidery I gave you and you could make it yourself according by the notes on the packing. 希望你可以喜欢我送的十字绣,你可以根据包装上的说明自己动手把十字绣做出来。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Wu County, Suzhou embroidery originated in Suzhou area, with more than two thousand years of history. 苏州刺绣发源于苏州吴县一带,有着两千多年的历史。 img3.zhubajie.com 6. Maria says: This look is so gorgeous. I love the cut of the dress, the colour, the embroidery and all her accessories. 这造型太赞了!我爱这衣服的剪裁,这颜色,这刺绣和她所有的首饰! ts.hjenglish.com 7. Clad in a long, bright orange dress with contrasting green embroidery reminiscent of a lovely princess, Master regally entered the hall. 师父身穿一套长长的亮丽橙色服装,衣服上有著鲜明的绿色刺绣,她庄严地进入会场,宛如一位高雅的公主。 www.kuenglish.info 8. Philippine President Gloria Arroyo, the only female leader, will wear a V-necked blouse in red silk with elaborate embroidery and lace. 菲律宾总统格洛丽亚?阿罗约将是唯一一位与会的女性领导人,届时她会穿上V字领的绣有精美图案和花边的红色丝绸衬衫。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. A sharp pointed instrument used to puncture goods , part of the embroidery machine, to sticking a hole on fabric . 绣花机上有很尖的刃的一个设备,用来在织物上刺孔。 www.bing.com 10. The pen grows sharper with practice like a cobbler's awl , gradually acquiring the sharpness of an embroidery needle. 文笔需要靠练习来使之锐利,就像修鞋匠的锥子一般,逐渐的磨砺其锋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. and there lay the scarlet letter, so close upon the margin of the stream, that the gold embroidery was reflected in it. 红字就躺在那里,紧靠着岸边,金丝刺绣还在溪中反着光。 www.xue163.com 2. Shop management software designed by and for Screenprinting, Embroidery, and Promotional products professionals. 店管理软件的设计和打印屏幕,刺绣,和宣传产品的专业人士。 xtdownload.com 3. The production of jade jewelry crafts, glassware, flower leather goods, lace, embroidery waiting for that. 以生产珠宝玉石工艺品、玻璃器皿、花皮革制品、花边、刺绣等著称。 ww.yomoyoya.net 4. Cultural city of Suzhou, known as "paradise, " said, in this beautiful environment bred Suzhou embroidery art, has long been known. 文化古城苏州,素有“人间天堂”之称,在这优美环境里孕育出的苏州刺绣艺术,亦早已闻名于世。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The embroidery is lovely but I'm afraid yellow is not the color for my wife. 刺绣倒挺漂亮,但黄颜色不太适合我太太。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The fashion house takes 42 hours, the pile of small plastic cord embroidery in a leather coat, creating one of the "plastic" coat. 这间时装屋耗时42个小时,将这堆小塑料绳绣在一件皮革大衣上,打造了一件“塑料毛”的大衣。 www.texclo.net 7. After years of reworking , the old and worn shadow puppets reappear in the embroidery hall. 经过多年整理,陈旧的皮影在古绣堂里重新露面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Among the scores of stitches, the most frequently used ones are needle, grabbing needle, needle sets, net embroidery and yarn embroidery. 针法有几十种,常用的有齐针、抢针、套针、网绣、纱绣等。 img3.zhubajie.com 9. If you could master the embroidery skills, I'd brew a pot of aromatic milk tea for you. 你要是能学会刺绣,我就给你做一壶香喷喷的奶茶。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. When appreciating embroidery, the feeling at the first sight is composition of a picture, color and image which offer aesthetic feeling. 观赏一幅刺绣作品,第一眼的感觉是构图、色彩、形象,给人以美感; img3.zhubajie.com 1. Therefore, he integrated ChaoZhou embroidery with evening dresses, and presented oriental totems onto each piece of elegant dress. 从此,他就在晚礼服上融入了潮绣,将东方图腾烙印在每一袭高贵的华衣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A cross stitch is an x-shaped embroidery stitch from which the name of Cross Stitch Embroidery is derived. 阿十字绣是一种X形刺绣针从其中十字绣绣名字源自。 www.skszx.com 3. Childishness of embroidery cloth embroidered affixed ruggedness generous, commonly used in the larger pattern designs. 贴布绣绣品粗犷大方,常用于面积较大的花纹图案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The design can be embellished with embroidery, with sweet and fine models all over. 设计上可以增饰绣花,搭配全身服装,甜美而高雅。 www.bing.com 5. This picture is of two girls working on an embroidery machine. 这幅照片是两个女孩在锈花机上劳作。 www.qiyeku.com 6. Silk handkerchief was of pure snow white silk with an un-named flower embroidered on it. The embroidery was super exquisite. 丝绢儿是雪白的真丝,绢儿角绣了朵不知什么花,绣工倒是十分精致。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Founded in 2006, is a production and trade of the emerging enterprises, with Knitting Factory, textile mill, one of the embroidery factory. 公司成立于2006年,是一家生产兼贸易型的新兴企业,并拥有针织厂、纺织厂、绣花厂各一家。 www.qiyeku.com 8. Changzhou disorderly needle embroider is of many Chinese embroidery flower. 常州乱针绣是中国诸多绣种中的一朵奇葩。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. As the time and squirming song, with the wind leaves, fall in the embroidery. 时间会随着歌声而辗转,随风而逝的落叶,一片片的落在绣花群上。 wenzi.qqyou.com 10. As one kind of national culture resources, Miao embroidery craft has its own cultural connotations and unique orientation of value. 作为一种民族文化资源,苗族刺绣工艺有着自身独特的文化内涵和价值取向。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. It isn't easy to make hair embroidery. 这发绣做起来可不简单哪。 big5.cctv.com 2. Chinese embroidery is an exquisite craft, famous for its long history, and is internationally loved. 中国刺绣历史悠久,工艺精湛,深受世界各国人民喜爱。 my.putclub.com 3. Before stitching them together into a skirt or a jacket women decorate the pieces with embroidery, dyes or painting. 妇女们先将其刺锈,染色.作画,再将其缝制成裙子和上衣。 chinafanyi.com 4. No problem. There's a large selection for you to choose from: fine china, embroidery, Beijing Opera masks, and the Chinese Knot. . . 没问题。你有很多选择,象瓷器,刺绣品,京剧脸谱和中国结…… m.nciku.com 5. Trims include buttons, lace edging, appliques, embroidery. Great variety in designs can be achieved through varying the detail. 钮扣边、花带边、嵌花边以及刺绣边。通过改变细部结构,可以得到变化无穷的多种设计。 www.jukuu.com 6. The subjects of Suzhou embroidery are very extensive, including flowers, animals, people, rivers, mountains and calligraphy, etc. 苏绣取材广泛,有花卉、动物、人物、山水、书法等。 img3.zhubajie.com 7. You are expected to come personally to see the blooming beauty of Suzhou embroidery. 欢迎您亲身前来,苏绣的美为您而绽放! img3.zhubajie.com 8. The authentic embroideries found in Mawangdui Han Tomb are best evidence of this unprecedented proliferation of embroidery. 在马王堆汉墓中发现的最正宗的刺绣,刺绣这一前所未有的扩散的证据。 www.cdjnp.cn 9. Embroidery out of " poetry and painting , " actually was taking thousands higher price . 绣出的《琴棋书画》竟然被人以十万高价买走。 www.soszx.com 10. our products include : computer embroidery sleeping mat of various specifications , cushion , carpet , etc . . 产品包括各档电脑绣花床席,坐垫,客厅地毯席等。。 www.ichacha.net 1. Recalls his younger days in the home over traditional embroidery embroidery , cross stitch do not know what it is. 回忆,自己年轻的时候在老家绣过传统的刺绣,根本不知道十字绣是什么东西。 www.soszx.com 2. And silk and embroidery were the main products transported along the ancient Chinese Silk Road. 刺绣和丝绸是丝绸之路上运输的主要商品。 dict.ebigear.com 3. A specialized historical form of embroidery using cross-stitch is Assisi embroidery . 历史形成一个专门使用的刺绣挑花是阿西西刺绣。 www.skszx.com 4. said embroidery elements of said group are distributed in a spaced relationship along said curve utilizing a positioning algorithm. 通过利用定位算法沿所述曲线以间隔关系分布所述组的所述刺绣元素。 ip.com 5. in suzhou silk museum , there is a fine display of beautiful embroidery. 苏州丝绸博物馆中展示了众多精美的苏绣作品。 www.ichacha.net 6. Miss Feng Yuying have their own unique methods and transported needle embroidery skills, a strong expression and artistic effect. 冯玉英女士有自已独特的运针方法和刺绣技艺,具有较强的表现力和艺术效果。 www.tonke.cn 7. As Mr Sturrock explains, he had no compunctions about rewriting history and using "a liberal measure of embroidery" . 正如斯特罗克所解释的,他不后悔自己改写历史,且用“一种自由的刺绣的办法”。 www.bing.com 8. Vivid realism to the franchise, and low prices for the purpose of the computer embroidery painting decorative products. 专营以生动逼真、且价格低廉为宗旨的电脑刺绣饰画产品。 www.tonke.cn 9. The art of embroidery has its own artistic style in needle work, color and design, comparable to the art of painting and calligraphy. 自此,刺绣艺术在针法、色彩图案诸方面已形成独自的艺术风格,可以和书画艺术媲美争艳。 i.myechinese.com 10. I plant is set embroidery, weaving Mark, in one of the Shuttle diversified Jixiu, weaving superscript manufacturers. 我厂是集绣花、织唛、飞梭于一体的多元化机绣、织标生产厂家。 www.tonke.cn 1. Shamir coughed, took my red satin handbag with embroidery, looked at itclosely for a moment, and gave me a little smile. 莎米尔咳嗽了一声,把我的红缎刺绣手袋拿过去,细细看了一会儿,对我微微一笑。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. Chinese embroidery are Suzhou embroidery, Hunan embroidery, Sichuan embroidery and Guangdong embroidery four categories. 中国刺绣主要有苏绣、湘绣、蜀绣和粤绣四大门类。 zyw.ncsxy.com 3. Following with local friends, Qing came to an embroidery workshop, where the embroidery technician doing the artworks at the spot. 由当地的朋友带领,来到一家绣坊,他亲眼见识到潮绣技工现场制作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. She made each hand as an example to students while she was teaching a class on drawing using free-motion embroidery. 她作为对学生的榜样,每手,而她在教学上绘图使用自由运动刺绣一类。 www.maynet.cn 5. Xiang Embroidery, an art from Hunan, was a witness of the ancient Xiang (Hunan) and Chu (Hubei) culture. 湘绣,从湖南的艺术,是一种古老的湘(湖南),楚(湖北)证人的文化。 www.cdjnp.cn 6. Manufactures include silks, cotton textiles, embroidery, electronic equipment, and chemicals. 加工业包括丝绸,棉纺,苏绣,电子设备制造和化工产业。 hi.baidu.com 7. A specialized history cal form of embroidery using cross-stitch is Assisi embroidery. 历史形成一个专门使用的刺绣挑花刺绣是阿西西。 www.skszx.com 8. see how the embroidery on Woody styles will not work with the interior heat transfer in the neck. 看看如何伍迪风格的刺绣不会在脖子上与室内换热。 translate.google.cn 9. These two kittens on this piece of double-sided embroidery look like real ones. They are really lovable. 这幅双面绣上的两只小猫维妙维肖,可爱极了。 www.tdict.com 10. Its main products are household sewing machines, special sewing machines and computer controlled multi-headed embroidery sewing machines. 主要的产品有家用缝纫机,特殊缝纫机,以及计算机控制的多头绣花缝纫机。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Its main products are household sewing machines, special sewing machines and computer controlled multi-headed embroidery sewing machines. 主要的产品有家用缝纫机,特殊缝纫机,以及计算机控制的多头绣花缝纫机。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Daniel, the treasure you were looking for is actually the Qiang embroidery? 大牛,你要找的宝贝就是这羌绣啊? blog.sina.com.cn 3. From the start, Gu Embroidery was different from other styles as it specialized in painting and calligraphy. 从一开始,顾绣,有别于其他样式,因为它在绘画和书法专业。 www.cdjnp.cn 4. This look works traditional Asian embroidery with a contemporary design in the padded one-sleeve. 这是件非常传统地亚洲刺绣但又加入了现代感的单个垫肩的设计。 www.sb945.com 5. Elaborate embroidery, especially when made of gold. 精制的刺绣品精制的刺绣品,特别是当用金子制作时 dict.netat.net 6. Besides the common topics seen in other styles of embroidery, Xiang Embroidery absorbed elements from calligraphy, painting and inscription. 此外,在其他风格的刺绣看到了共同的话题,湘绣吸收了书法,绘画和碑文内容。 www.cdjnp.cn 7. As the most effective media which carries the Miao tribe's heritage, the Miao embroidery art carries the heritage generation by generation. 作为最有效的文化遗产传承媒介,苗族刺绣忠实的把它的文化遗产一代代的传承下来。 zhidao.cfzn.org 8. During the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, Shu Embroidery and Shu Brocade were exchanged for horses and used to settle debts. 在汉代,三国,蜀绣和蜀博科交换了马匹和被用来偿还债务。 www.cdjnp.cn 9. Jean Paul Gaultier shows us its trump cards which deserve the greatest proud: perfect tailor and flawless embroidery. 高缇耶向我们展示了其最自豪的本钱:完美的剪裁、天衣无缝的刺绣。 www.bbtime.com.cn 10. Hardanger embroidery used to be worked on linen years ago. 哈丹格尔刺绣用亚麻布是年前工作。 www.skszx.com 1. It is generally used for embroidery, but can be used by cross stat chers looking for delicate detail. 一般的刺绣使用,但可以通过对微妙的细节寻找交叉装订使用。 www.skszx.com 2. The part of an embroidery machine which contains the needle bars, presser feet, and relative parts. 绣花机器的一部分,包括针条,压机脚和相关部分。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 3. At least 5 years experience in the capacity of Embroidery Production Manager managing 60 machines. 至少5年的60台机以上绣花厂生产经理职位经验。 career.ceconline.com 4. Post all sketches for embroidery of holy images and related teachings on-line in a file under Miscellaneous category. 将所有供刺绣用的素描圣像及相关文章以其他类上传。 originalpurity.org 5. Summed up the third part of the modern fiber art of traditional embroidery patterns of the reference method. 第三部分归纳了现代纤维艺术对传统刺绣纹样的借鉴方法。 www.13191.com 6. Jiangsu Suzhou embroidery origin fertile land, mild climate, sericulture development, rich silk, ancient town of Fairview. 苏绣产地江苏土地肥沃,气候温和,蚕桑发达,盛产丝绸,自古以来就是锦绣之乡。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Open storefront embroidery shop on Kunming's main street. Men seemed to do most of the needle work. 昆明主要街头的一个敞开的刺绣店面。男人们似乎都在做针线活。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Polyester, Cotton, Fabrics, Embroidery Fabrics, Cotton Items, Polyester Items, Silk, Suitings Polyester, Embroidery Fabrics, Cotton Items. 采购产品涤纶,棉花,织物,刺绣品织物,棉花箱子,涤纶箱子,丝,西装料涤纶,刺绣品织物,棉花。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. From the start of the miao miao embroidery of cultural inheritance, causing the inquiry of non-material cultural protection. 本文从苗族刺绣着手对苗族的文化传承进行探究,从而引起广大人们对非物质文化的保护。 www.007china.com.cn 10. Xiang embroidery was developed from Hunan folk embroidery methods, but it also drew on the skills of Su embroidery and Yue embroidery. 它在湖南民间刺绣的基础上,吸收苏绣和广绣的优点而发展起来的。 www.jukuu.com 1. Clothing, embroidery and cloth fabric, handbag, gloves, toys, leather industry, leather cutting and surface carving. 服装、刺绣、布制布艺、手袋、手套、玩具行业中皮料、皮革裁切及表面雕花。 www.metalnews.cn 2. Embroidered cloth and does not affect the selection of soft and hard sub-shoring or flower embroidery frame . 而且绣布的软硬也不影响选用花撑子或者绣架。 www.showxiu.com 3. Other ornamental trimmings in the piece, tassels, pompons and similar articles without embroidery, other than knitted or crocheted. 其他非绣制成匹装饰带,流苏带(含绒球及类似品,针织或钩编的除外) www.ec365day.com 4. Embroidery more beautiful, has some value to the collection of investment, but the appreciation of the limited space. 绣工较精美,有一定的投资收藏价值,但升值空间有限。 img3.zhubajie.com 5. In order to support her daughter Pearl, Hester can only live in the suburbs with her cabin in a living by embroidery. 为了抚养女儿珠儿海斯特只能带着她居住在城郊的小木屋里,靠刺绣维持生计。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The absence of your words is the needle of this embroidery. 你消失的话语是这刺绣的绣针。 www.tianya.cn 7. The double - sided embroidery is a speceal one of Suzhou. One side is a white - yellow cat , the other side is a pure white cat . 此双面绣为苏绣双面绣中的异样双面绣,图案的正面为黄白波斯猫,背面为白色波斯猫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Ming Dynasty, Suzhou embroidery has gradually formed its own unique style, influence is wide. 明代苏绣已逐步形成自己独特的风格,影响较广。 img3.zhubajie.com 9. We receive embroidery that the factory mails out today lattice scarf , effect if the photograph, checks, please. 今天我们收到工厂寄出的绣花格子围巾,效果如图片,请查看。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The scope of its business mainly covers embroidery handicrafts, wood products and other Suzhou traditional gifts. 其经营的范围主要涵盖刺绣工艺品、木雕工艺品等苏州传统手工艺品。 www.007swz.com 1. I was totally captivated by the oriental motif embroidery and how it was perfectly modernized without looking too cheesy. 我彻底地被东方神韵的刺绣折服了,现代元素的加入令其更加完美,不落俗套。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Embroidery made with gold or silver tread representing scenes from nature, religion or legends decorated the finest pieces of clothing. 最为精良的服装通常会采用金银线绣制各类自然、宗教或传说中的情景作为修饰。 www.bing.com 3. During this period, the art of embroidery came to its zenith and reputed workers popped up. 在此期间,在刺绣艺术来的顶峰,被誉为工人弹出。 www.cdjnp.cn 4. I would like to introduce you to two folk crafts: the Tujia brocade and Maliu village embroidery. 我今天要给你介绍两种民间艺术:土家织锦和麻柳刺绣。 dict.ebigear.com 5. The history, category and technological characteristics of chinese embroidery are reviewed. 介绍了刺绣的历史、种类及工艺技术特征。 www.chemyq.com 6. DMC pearl cotton is used for projects like Hardanger embroidery, embroidery, and needle ep point. 公珍珠棉是用于诸如哈丹格尔刺绣,刺绣项目,绒绣。 www.skszx.com 7. Ribbon embroidery are generally hand-embroidered, ribbon in the quilt with embroidered directly into the above. 丝带绣一般都是手工绣的,用丝带在被子上面直接绣成的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The basis is established to develop the new type needle bar mechanism and thread-taking-up mechanism in computerized embroidery machine . 为研制新型电脑利绣机针杆机构和挑线机构奠定了理论基础。 www.showxiu.com 9. Thirdly, taking solid example as object, and analyzing the practical research of Miao embroidery combined with modern design. 再次,以实例为对象,分析苗族刺绣装饰图案与现代设计的应用研究。 www.fabiao.net 10. Currently, hand-embroidered puff Tujia end shoes, embroidered slippers end Melaleuca, embroidery insole and other national handicrafts. 目前,土家族手工绣花千层底布鞋、绣花千层底拖鞋、绣花鞋垫等民族工艺品。 blog.163.com 1. Embroidery decorated with paintings unique cultural heritage and unique character of all consumers receive recognition and support. 刺绣饰画以其特有的文化底蕴和独具的特色获得各界消费者肯定和支持。 www.tonke.cn 2. Zhi Xuan's idea is that it could be used for embroidery to make offerings to the Dragon King. 智宣的提议是可以用此刺绣来供养龙王。 www.yogilin.org 3. Dongyang JingCheng Computerized Embroidery Equipment CO . , LTD. 东阳市精诚电脑刺绣设备有限公司。 www.bing.com 4. Hardanger is a method of embroidery and Hardanger fabric was designed specifically for it. 哈丹格尔是一种刺绣方法和哈丹格尔织物为它专门设计的。 www.skszx.com 5. Students attend free of charge and learn about the hospitality trade, restaurant management, catering, embroidery and tailoring. 学生们免费学习酒店贸易、餐饮管理、宴席、刺绣和裁缝。 business.un.org 6. Some traditional Chinese landscape embroidery artworks can add an oriental flavor to your room. 一些传统的山水刺绣作品能够为您的房间增添东方气息。 www.englishint.com 7. ACCESSORIES: embroidery, lace, lining, button, tape, trademark, zip, buckle, model hanger, etc. 辅料:刺绣、花边、衬里、钮扣、线带、商标、拉链、扣具、模特衣架等; www.tnc.com.cn 8. From flip-flops and sleeveless tops, it seemed every shop was selling clothes embellished with either shiny embroidery or sequins . 从夹趾凉鞋到无袖上衣,似乎每家店都在卖着那些配有闪亮的刺绣或金属片的服饰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The whole picture embroidery ever-roaring, decorous and dignified, disclosing a rich culture breath and artistic quality. 整幅绣品气势磅礴,高雅端庄,透露着浓郁的文化气息和艺术品位。 www.bing.com 10. Why is human hair used for embroidery ? 你说为什么要用头发做刺绣的原料呢?。 www.bing.com 1. The adoption of different needling methods resulted in different embroidery styles and technique schools. 刺绣的针法的变化,形成不同的运针风格和技艺流派。 www.showxiu.com 2. In addition to South Africa's local, the long-Ray embroidery products will be sold in Europe. 除南非本地外,长雷刺绣产品还将销往欧洲。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The beautiful beaded shoes and embroidery shoes are presents for you. 这漂亮的串珠鞋和绣花鞋是送给你的礼物。 www.8875.org 4. Including embroidery, paper cutting, hand weaving, the most popular, accounting for the largest sales. 其中刺绣、剪纸、手织布最受欢迎,所占销售额最大。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Chenille: a soft, tufted cord of silk, Cotton, or worsted used in embroidery or for fringing. 绳绒线:用于刺绣或穗饰的柔软、植绒的丝线、棉线或精纺毛线。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Looking at these dresses, we notice that there is a lot of beautiful embroidery, lace and decorative work including gold thread and pearls. 看着这些衣服,我们看到有很多美丽的刺绣,花边,装饰工作,包括金线和珍珠。 www.kancaimi.cn 7. You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron. 你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Tibet House embroidery business in Beijing only, custom fine artists Wu, collection-level embroidery company. 绣藏阁是北京唯一一家经营、定制吴地名家精品、收藏级苏绣的公司。 img3.zhubajie.com 9. Our company bases on famous traditional hand embroidery, and possesses outstanding designing group. 在著名的传统手工刺绣拥有公司基地,并拥有优秀的设计小组。 www.gldxt.com 10. In addition, Yue Embroidery uses rich colors for strong contrast and a magnificent and bustling effect. 此外,乐刺绣使用强烈的对比,是一项宏大和热闹丰富的色彩效果。 www.cdjnp.cn 1. In Chengdu, Sichuan as the center of the embroidery collectively. 是以四川成都为中心的刺绣品的总称。 www.tonke.cn 2. To fine elegant embroidery known to the world, let us choose some embroidery work, enjoy the fine embroidery elegant grace. 苏绣以精细雅洁著称于世,让我们选择一些苏绣作品,领略苏绣精品雅洁的风姿。 img3.zhubajie.com 3. Similar to artificially embroidery, soft, abrasion, washing fastness, elastic, the use of high value and art into the appreciation value. 近似于人工刺绣,手感柔软,耐磨、耐水洗牢度好,富有弹性,具有很高的使用价值和艺术成欣赏价值。 detail.china.alibaba.com 4. Suzhou embroidery, known for elegant fine known for beautiful design, color, quiet, flexible needle, vivid image. 苏州刺绣,素以精细雅洁著称,图案秀丽,色泽文静,针法灵活,形象传神。 img3.zhubajie.com 5. She identifies herself and her work with the traditional practices of needlework, embroidery and the essence of Chinese ink painting. 透过传统针黹、刺绣和水墨画,文凤仪确定自身及其艺术工作。 cleanairauction.com.hk 6. The most famous piece of Yue style embroidery is hundreds of Birds Worshiping Phoenix. 渔风格的刺绣最有名的作品是崇鸟凤凰数以百计。 www.cdjnp.cn 7. Hat embroidery, flat embroidery and small compounded embroidery are hat embroidery machines . 帽绣、成衣绣、平绣、混合小型绣花机通称帽绣机。 www.bing.com 8. This paper shows the application of embedded Linux system in computerized embroidery machine control system. 在工业电脑绣花机控制系统中开发出一个优良的图形界面越来越重要。 www.dictall.com 9. These two sacred animals are often used as decorative figures in Miao embroidery . 牛龙和麒麟,则是苗族刺绣中常见的装饰图案。 sites.google.com 10. Designed gowns are mostly much expensive coz they are made of much fine cloth, much sketchy embroidery is made upon them. 定制婚纱往往选用上等的布料精制而成,并饰有大量的刺绣设计,因此大多价格不菲。 dongxi.net 1. Acer of its franchise embroidery factory computer embroidery, computer Dingzhu film. 其属下宏发绣花厂专营电脑绣花、电脑钉珠片。 www.showxiu.com 2. suzhou embroidery is famous for its delicate workmanship , beautiful designs and tasteful colors. 苏绣以其精致的工艺、漂亮的设计和雅致的色彩而举世闻名。 www.ichacha.net 3. The craft containing natural and man- made jewelry and jade article , finished product mainly is embroidery and pearl . 工艺品主要为各种天然和人工合成珠宝玉器等,成品方面以刺绣与珍珠为主。 www.bing.com 4. The religious touch of embroidery was strengthened by the rulers of Yuan Dynasty who believed in Lamaism. 刺绣宗教的接触是加强对元代统治者在喇嘛教相信谁。 www.cdjnp.cn 5. Beijing, where the embroidery collection for investment? 北京哪里的苏绣适合收藏投资? img3.zhubajie.com 6. The Pinghu city YinFeng craft embroidery factory, is a specialized production embroidery decoration painting flower core factory. 平湖市垠丰工艺绣品厂,是一家专业生产刺绣装饰画花芯的厂家。 jz.changren.net 7. Casting Parts Embroidery Machine Household Machine Packing Machine . 工业缝纫机、铸造、绣花机、家用机、包装机械。 www.bing.com 8. The unique skill is mainly by Chinese painting, combined with engraved, calligraphy and embroidery skills. 湘绣的独特技巧主要是以中国绘画为基础,结合了铭刻、书法和刺绣的技艺。 www.worlduc.com 9. Laser cutting machine is facing the textile and cutting machine embroidery industry development. 激光切割机是面向纺织及绣花行业切割研发的机型。 www.yuancailiao.net 10. Conclusion embroidery therapy can improve the quality of life for in patients with schizophrenia. 结论刺绣作业疗法能提高住院精神分裂症患者的生活质量。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. Pls note that embroidery design is confirmed. Embroidery's tape should be coloured as shell fabric. 请注意,绣花设计已经确认了,绣花带需要和大声一样的颜色 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Polyester - 8% Spandex. Mesh visor with cotton sandwich bill and adjustable back closure. Off-centered " SPEEDO " embroidery. 聚酯,8%的弹力纤维,网眼帽身,纯棉帽檐,后面是可调节大小,刺有speedo标志。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. entertaining adj. interesting and amusing. eg. A little embroidery made the story quite entertaining. 增加了一点虚构细节使得故事相当有趣。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. Unscrambling the Cultural Symbol of "Colored Embroidery with Dragon, Phoenix and Tiger Pattern" “龙凤虎纹彩绣”文化符码解读 scholar.ilib.cn 5. detected with a magnifying glass embroidery corrosion, pitting the device 79. 用放大镜检测发现绣蚀、锈斑的器械79件。 www.hao910.com 6. Double-sided embroidery goldfish, kitten is embroidery masterpiece. 双面绣《金鱼》、《小猫》是苏绣的代表作。 img3.zhubajie.com 7. embroidery have all come back tomorrow, is expected to be a line of production. 绣花已经全部回来,预计明天会有一条线生产。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Xiang embroidery crafts include valuable works of art, as well as materials for daily use. 绣品中既有名贵的欣赏艺术品,也有美观适用的日用品。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Very closely related to the silk industry is the art of silk embroidery, which has been developed in the region for over a thousand years. 与丝绸工业紧密相连的是刺绣艺术。苏州刺绣已具有一千多年的历史。 www.tcbuu.com 10. Ming and Qing Dynasties, embroidery and tea, porcelain export huge quantities of the West. 明清时期,苏绣与茶叶,瓷器大量出口西方。 cn.tradekey.com 1. The backside of embroidery is a kind of perplexity overloaded by a feeling of an uncontrollable power. 刺绣品的背后是由对一股无法控制的力量的感觉导致的混乱。 www.bjbiennale.com.cn 2. Also, our embroidery technique, design and color matching are appreciate by USA & European clients. 我们的刺绣技巧,图案设计,颜色的配搭,深受美国及欧洲客商的赞叹。 www.01hr.com 3. The designs of Yue embroidery are rich and complicated in content with bright colors and strong decorative effects. 粤绣构图饱满,繁而不乱,装饰性强,色彩浓郁鲜艳, www.jukuu.com 4. The Embroidery Compound, for instance, is the residential area for girls, almost following certain rites in all parts. 比如绣楼,也就是陈家女孩子居住的院落,几乎每一个细节都体现着这种礼法。 weilingcha.spaces.live.com 5. Silk, Silk Fabric, Curtains, Jacquard, Dhobby, Chenille Curtains and Upholstery. Sheers (Embroidery), Silk. 采购产品丝,丝织物,帐,提花机,绳绒线帐和室内装潢品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Chaozhou embroidery is a craftwork produced in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province. 生产于广东潮州地区的工艺品。 www.nciku.cn 7. Our main products are embroidery, bronzing, printing, tie dying, special coating, creping and etc. 产品主要有绣花、烫金、印花。扎染。特种涂层。起皱等系列。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. These women workers have done the embroidery work. 这些女工已经完成绣花的工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Yue embroidery certainly has its own outstanding merits. 粤绣自然有它的过人之处。 news.cctv.com 10. The utility model can be applied in computer embroidery machines. 本实用新型适用于电脑刺绣机。 ip.com 1. Su embroidery is famous for its delicate workmanship, beautiful designs, and tasteful colors. 苏绣因其工艺精细,构图和色彩美丽高雅而闻名。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Above, long sleeve wedding dress with wide sash. Below, one-shoulder ball gown with cherry blossom embroidery. Zuhair的系列中,宽腰带的长袖婚纱,樱花刺绣的单肩晚装,都体现了这些。 dongxi.net 3. Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers. 花边及刺绣、饰带及编带;钮扣、领.扣、扣针及.针;假花。 baike.soso.com 4. Human hair can also be used for embroidery? 人的头髮也能绣东西? big5.cctv.com 5. If there is any space left on top of the Nagoya cargo in Hatch No. 2 tween deck, you'd better shift some embroidery to fill it up. 如果二舱二层舱的名古屋货上部空间有剩余,你最好移一些刺绣品填满它。 woshao.com 6. Business Scope: professional sales imports "BAurDan" "TAJIMA" and domestic embroidery machine parts. 经营范围:专业销售进口“百灵达”“田岛”及国产绣花机零配件。 www.mostgroup.com 7. One famous example of embroidery work is called the Bayeux Tapestry. 绣工的一个著名的例子是所谓的贝叶挂毯。 www.maynet.cn 8. Most of the famous painting to embroidery embroidered draft, has a high appreciation value and collection value. 苏绣大多以名人书画为绣稿,有较高的欣赏价值和收藏价值。 img3.zhubajie.com 9. Resistant to aging. Designed for sticking plastic bags, paper, machine embroidery. 耐老化性好,一般用于胶袋封口,墙报粘贴及电脑绣花。 www.diytrade.com 10. General products mainly to monochrome, color embroidery patterns. 产品一般以单色为主,可绣花色图案。 www.tonke.cn 1. Yue Embroidery, which encompasses Guangzhou Embroidery and Chaozhou Embroidery, has the same origin as Li Brocade. 粤绣,其中包括广州,潮州刺绣刺绣,具有与李博科一脉相承。 www.cdjnp.cn 2. Products include: warp knitting lace, cotton lace hook, big rubber band machine embroidery and lace. 产品主要包括:经编花边、棉钩花边、大机刺绣及橡筋花边。 www.tonke.cn 3. When merchants requested more embroidery than Saima could produce, she paid neighbors to assist her. 商人增加了刺绣品的订货,萨马又赶制不了时,她就会给邻居付工钱帮她完成。 www.bing.com 4. i ' d like to try something in grey , in traditional chinese style with hand - made embroidery. 我想看看灰色带有手工绣花的中国传统式样。 www.ichacha.net 5. I for the majority of owners of companies providing computer embroidery machines, embroidery and other crafts! 我公司为广大业主提供电脑刺绣机、刺绣工艺品等! www.tonke.cn 6. The ancient Chinese clothing often used patches of embroidery, which were mainly animal prints. 古中国的服饰常常使用带补片的刺绣,多为动物花纹。 www.ltaaa.com 7. Chunky knits, embroidery and crochet are key features which are proving popular with the high street. 密密的针脚,刺绣和钩织的制品成为大街上推动潮流的主要特征。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The embroidery will appear like a relief carving . 就会出现像浮雕一样的立体效果了。 www.bing.com 9. Chao embroidery is an integral part of Yue embroidery . 潮绣是粤绣中的一朵奇葩。 www.bing.com 10. The LOGO treatment: embroidery, woven &printed labels, luminous, etc. LOGO处理方式:刺绣、织唛、夜光、定珠等。 detail.china.alibaba.com 1. i also like the embroidery , make the handwork. 我还喜欢刺绣、做手工。 www.ichacha.net 2. Xiang Embroidery is a traditional handicraft and cultural brand of Hunan province. 湘绣是湖南省传统手工艺产品,也是湖南的一个文化品牌。 www.fabiao.net 3. On the basis of folk embroidery in Hunan, it developed by drawing the strengths of Cantonese embroidery. 它是在湖南民间刺绣的基础上,吸取了粤绣的优点而发展起来的。 img3.zhubajie.com 4. "Northern Embroidery Moving to South" and "Southern Embroidery Moving to North" “北绣南移”与“南绣北移” www.ilib.cn 5. Even without the silver embroidery and pillow-shaped hairdos, it was a new way to dress. 即使没有银色刺绣和枕头状的发型,这也是一种新式的着装方式。 www.bing.com 6. This process of great improvement of the xiang embroidery art value. 这一工艺极大的(地)提高了湘绣的艺术价值。 www.worlduc.com 7. Cotton fabric with embroidery, well dyed , suitable for skirt or home textile products, etc. 全棉绣花,全工艺印染,热情奔放大花型,适合长裙或家纺产品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Our products are : lace, embroidery Xionghua, buttons, belts, bra, accessories and hardware products. 我们的产品有:花边,绣花,胸花,钮扣,腰带,文胸,配件,五金制品。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. It can be used for herringbone of leather materials and embroidery on cloth. 适用于皮料人宇缝及布料绣花。 www.swimwears.cn 10. Something added as decoration or ornament, especially a band of lace or embroidery on clothing. 装饰品,点缀作为装饰或点缀加上的东西,尤指一条花边或衣服上的刺绣 zhidao.baidu.com 1. These women workers have been doing embroidery all their lives. 这些女工绣了一辈子花。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Pls note that we confirmed the sample in black colour with embroidery's tape sewn to shell fabric. 请注意我已经确认了绣花带缝在大身上的黑色样品 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This embroidery weaving system is aimed at producing fabrics for e. g. curtains and shirting. 此台绣花织布机主要用于织造窗帘布和衬衫面料等。 www.168tex.com 4. A central city zhejiang province of jinhua, a small store market, is home to sell ten embroidery . 浙江中部一个城市金华,一个小小的百货市场,居然有十来家卖刺绣的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The most persuasive evidence of Xiang Embroidery is the articles unearthed in Mawangdui Han Tomb. 在湘绣最有说服力的证据是第马王堆汉墓中出土。 www.cdjnp.cn 6. Embroidery workers are appreciating the embroidery work on Chairman Mao. 湘绣工人们在欣赏毛主席伟人像系列湘绣作品。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 7. Suzhou embroidery is originated from soochow , whose climate is mild and teems with silk . 苏绣的发源地在苏州吴县一带,滨临太湖,气候温和,盛产丝绸。 img3.zhubajie.com 8. Each is a collaged craft project, flecked with s watches of slick satin, circles of powdery pastels and ribbons of embroidery floss. 每一面看板都是拼贴的工艺品,缀满光滑的缎纹布块、粉彩色点及绣线缎带。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The earliest record of Shu Embroidery was during the Western Han Dynasty. 蜀绣的最早记录是在西汉。 www.cdjnp.cn 10. As Buddhism boomed in China during the Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasties, embroidery was widely used to show honor to Buddha statues. 随着佛教在中国蓬勃发展,在魏,晋,隋,唐时期,被广泛用来显示荣耀佛像刺绣。 www.cdjnp.cn 1. Embroidery (usually on cut panels or patches) that is framed in hoops exclusively on the top of the embroidery machine's hook assembly. (在绣框(不包括绣花机器顶部的钩子组合)中成型的绣花(通常用在剪切板或补丁上)。 www.bokee.net 2. Hardanger is a embroidery or needlework method that began in Hardanger, Norway. 哈丹格尔是刺绣或刺绣的方法,在哈丹格尔,挪威。 www.skszx.com 3. Degree of acknowledgement. As time passes, an increasing number of people begin to pay attention to and understand Suzhou embroidery. 随着时间的流逝,越来越多的人逐渐对苏绣开始关注和了解,随着苏绣被广泛的认可,价格增长快,其升值空间是显而易见的。 img3.zhubajie.com 4. NOVA is a professional company which is engaged in developing and producing computerized embroidery equipment . NOVA是一家专业从事电脑绣花设备开发和生产的公司。 www.bing.com 5. The material uses the flash net, the revertex rubber paillette, the gold and silver metal thread computer embroidery becomes. 材料采用闪光网,塑胶胶亮片,金银线电脑刺绣而成。 www.fenleibaba.com 6. Women's clothing varies, and some black Pleated blue dress and some clothes like embroidery, and some like to use white towels Baotou. 妇女的服饰各地不一,有的穿蓝黑色百褶长裙,有的喜欢在衣服上绣花,有的喜欢用白毛巾包头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This is one of the major characteristics of Chao embroidery. 这就是潮绣的主要特点之一。 news.cctv.com 8. Embroidery flooded their homes, from mattresses to beddings, from clothes worn in life time to burial articles. 刺绣淹没他们的家园,从床垫到床上用品,从生活到埋葬时穿的衣服的文章。 www.cdjnp.cn 9. Embroidery designs not only positive bright , even on the back are smooth alignment chaos , picturesque general . 绣品不仅正面图案鲜艳,连背面都很平整,走线不乱,如画一般。 www.soszx.com 10. Quilt cover and pillowcase with decorative embroidery. 带有装饰绣花的被套和枕套。 www.ikea.com 1. Embroidery is practiced in many parts of China. 刺绣在中国很多地方都生产。 www.englishint.com 2. Many friends have purchased embroidery ideas, but could not find high-quality embroidery. 很多朋友有购买苏绣的想法,但苦于找不到高品质的苏绣。 img3.zhubajie.com 3. Full embroidery, his pure hand embroidery, embroidered fine art, if want contact me oh. 满绣,自己纯手工绣,绣工精艺,如有想要的就联系我哦。 yantai.qite8.com 4. She put all the hope, passion and youth are pinned on their own in the embroidery, embroidery. 她把所有的希望,激情和青春都寄托在了自己所绣的刺绣品中。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Professional production and operation of various flanger Schiffli lace and embroidery lace. 专业生产经营各种镶边花边和飞梭刺绣花边。 www.showxiu.com 6. During the following Three Kingdoms Period, one notable figure in the development of embroidery was the wife of Sun Quan, King of Wu. 在随后的三国时期,一个在刺绣发展的人物是孙权,吴国王的妻子。 www.cdjnp.cn 7. T-Boss is the leader in screen printing, embroidery management solutions. T型的老闆是领导人在屏幕,刺绣管理解决方案。 xtdownload.com 8. Suzhou Embroidery is famous for its extremely delicate stitches. 苏绣以其精美的绣品而闻名。 www.hebeitour.gov.cn 9. Chao embroidery is most particular about its stitching methods . 这潮绣最讲究的就是针法。 www.bing.com 10. Was this piece of embroidery made stitch by stich? 那这些作品都是一针一针地绣出来的? www.hellomandarin.com |
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