单词 | english teaching | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | english teaching
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 英语教学,英授课程,美语教学 1. As we all know, English teaching must be combined with the culture teaching, it's supported by a great deal of theoretical researches. 众所周知的是,英语教学必然要和文化教学相结合,这是有大量理论研究支撑的; 2. In the children's English teaching, teachers often neglect the children's learning characteristics, have worrying consequences. 在少儿英语的教学中,教师往往忽视少儿的学习特征,产生令人担忧的后果。 www.okqikan.com 3. Specialized English teaching material is one of the most significant parts of specialized English teaching. 专业英语教材是专业英语教学的重要环节之一。 lib.cqvip.com 4. At the current stage of China's compulsory education, English teaching and mother tongue teaching is almost in a state of fragmentation. 目前在我国的义务教育阶段,英语教学与母语教学几乎是处于一种割裂的状态。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. Foreign language teaching in their English teaching profession, as the business as a dedicated English Language Teaching (ESP) of an area. 在他们的外语教学界把商务英语教学视定为专用英语教学(ESP)的一个领域。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Helping students to pass the Examination for the Competence Certificate is always an important goal of navigation English teaching. 帮助学生顺利通过航海英语大证考试,获得相应的海船船员适任证书一直是航海英语教学的一个重要目标。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. In middle school English teaching area, a great reform is going on in the light of the English curriculum criteria for middle school. 为确保《中学英语课程标准》的顺利实施,新的一轮改革热潮正在中学英语教学领域展开。 www.dictall.com 8. The book is a nursing professional institutions of higher learning English teaching, English-Chinese to take the form of preparation. 答案补充该书是高等院校护理专业的专业英语教材,采取英汉对照的形式编写。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Language and culture are inseparable. Culture influence is one of the necessary contents in daily college English teaching. 语言是文化的载体,在大学英语教学中进行文化背景知识导入是大学英语日常教学中必不可少的环节之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Hello, may I take you five minutes? I would like to ask you some questions about English teaching. 您好,可以打扰您五分钟时间吗?我想问您一些关于英语的问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The primary school English teaching is one of the main tasks of cultivating students' interest. 小学英语教学的主要任务之一就是培养学习兴趣。 word.hcbus.com 2. Inspired by this, the author tried to work out the ways to improve oral English teaching from a constructivist perspective. 基于此,作者试图从建构主义视角探究英语口语教学这一课题。 www.13191.com 3. A small selection of English teaching resources (English Club) is available on this website so far. 本网站到目前可提供一些英语教学资源(英语俱乐部)。 www.sst-inet.net 4. The main features of Business English teaching in their professional, colloquial and a clear objective. 商务英语的特点主要在于其教学的专业化、口语化和较强的针对性。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Practical English test is an important criterion for testing the quality of English teaching in vocational colleges across the country. 英语应用能力考试是检验全国各高职高专院校英语教学质量的重要标准,并对英语教学起到导向和促进作用。 lib.cqvip.com 6. They must be native speaker; they must have ELT or applied linguistics qualification at postgraduate level and English teaching experience. 他们的母语必须是英语;他们得有研究生水平的英语教学或应用语言学资格。他们一般都须有英语教学经验。 www.ebigear.com 7. English, used as the teaching practice of the first language, constitutes the total field of spread for English teaching in Chinese society. 英语作为第一外语的教学实践,构建起中国英语教学的总传播场。 www.fabiao.net 8. One of the aims of adult English teaching is to elevate cross-culture communication ability of the learners. 成人英语教学的目标之一是提升学习者的跨文化交际能力。 www.dictall.com 9. I hope that the result of this paper can give much help to the Mongolian public English teaching in college. 希望本研究结果对大学蒙授初级公共英语教学方法方面有所帮助。 www.fabiao.net 10. This thesis is to investigate adult students' college English learning motivation and its enlightenment for English teaching. 本文旨在研究成人大学生的外语学习动机及其对外语教学的启示。 www.dictall.com 1. The student centered college English teaching approach is one of the most effective ways to achieve the purpose. 以学生为中心的大学英语教学模式正是实现这一目标的行之有效的教学模式之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Thus, in today's educational situation, including English teaching, students' self-regulated learning ability must be cultivated at school. 因此,今天的教育,包括外语教学,必须提供终身制学习所需的自主学习能力。 www.fabiao.net 3. The long period of time, China's English teaching mainly to teachers in the teaching, students in a passive absorption status. 长期以来,我国的英语教学以教师讲授为主,学生处于被动吸收状态。 www.12edu.cn 4. With the multimedia auxiliary English teaching system's popularization, it has enormous impact on the traditional education method. 随着多媒体在英语教学中的流行,它很大程度上影响了传统的教育方法。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Chapter Four conducts a survey study on English teaching of secondary vocational schools in Baicheng in form of questionnaires. 第四章以问卷调查等形式对白城市中等职业学校英语教学的现状进行调查。 www.13191.com 6. Among the various English teaching approaches, there are two extremes, namely structural approach and communicative approach. 纵观英语教学法,有两种偏激的倾向不容忽视——结构法和交际法。 www.boshuo.net 7. Translation teaching is the main approach to translation talents cultivation in college English teaching is an important part. 翻译教学是培养翻译人才的主要途径,也是大学英语教学中的重要组成部分。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. ESP teacher development, not in the focus of our study, is one main obstacle hindering college English teaching. 目前,我国的专业英语师资发展无论是实践,还是研究均处于薄弱环节。 www.dictall.com 9. The traditional English teaching usually puts teachers in a leading position and regards language knowledge as the center. 传统的英语教学一贯以教师为主导,以语言知识为中心。 www.fabiao.net 10. As the main media of the primary English teaching activities, the textbook of primary English plays the vital role in teaching. 作为小学英语教学活动信息传播的主要媒体,小学英语教材在教学中具有重要的地位和作用。 www.13191.com 1. In the elementary school English teaching, the word teaching is the essential link. 在小学英语教学中,单词教学是必不可少的环节。 www.bing.com 2. In this sense, it is of great significance that a practical reform on college English teaching should be carried out in Huizhou University. 从这个角度考虑,适合惠州学院的大学英语教学改革成了我们一件极为重要的大事。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. In a word, all courses about oral English teaching are expected to be of communicative competence orientation. 简言之,所有英文口语课程都应以提高交际能力为目的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Therefore, affective attitude in the course of English teaching and learning cannot be overlooked and evaded any longer. 可见,对英语学习和教学过程中的情感态度问题我们再也不可忽视和回避了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Scientific English teaching evaluation system is an important safeguard to achieve the objective of the curricula . 科学的英语教学评价体系是实现课程目标的重要保障。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. First, at present, vocabulary learning is still an important and difficult part of high shool English teaching. 第一,在当前的高中英语教学中,词汇学习仍然是高中学生的重点和难点。 www.13191.com 7. Analysis and study is conducted on the process and result of college English teaching at different levels in this paper. 对我校英语课分层教学的实践过程和研究结果进行分析。 www.dictall.com 8. As a Chinese teacher of English would you be interested in taking an internationally recognised English teaching methodology test? 作为一名中国英语教师,你愿意参加一个国际认证的英语教学法测试吗? www.in2english.com.cn 9. At this stage of basic education, English teaching is always given more responsibility. 现阶段的英语教育被赋予了更多的责任。 www.bing.com 10. Time--wasting, low-efficiency factors in high school English teaching hamper students at all levels to improve the standard of English. 高中英语教学中的耗时多,效率低等因素严重制约着各层次学生英语水平的提高。 www.fabiao.net 1. A textbook is the most important curriculum resource for English teaching, but it is not the only one. 教材是英语教学中最重要的课程资源,但并非唯一的资源。 www.13191.com 2. The author thinks that every communication model has its own advantages and can be instructively enlightening for English teaching. 作者认为,每一种传播模式都有值得借鉴的地方,并能够为我们的大学英语教学提供有益的启示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The essence of English teaching lies in the building-up of the language environment to improve English acquisition efficiency. 英语教学的本质在于营造有利于提高英语习得效率的语言环境。 www.dictall.com 4. The factor appraisal model proposed in this article is an exploration of the college English teaching evaluation project. 该因子评价模型具有广泛的适用性,同时也是对新时期大学英语教学评价做出一种有益的探索。 xuebao.hncj.edu.cn 5. The countermeasures are strengthening the training of the primary English teachers and cultivating primary English teaching major students. 小学英语开设的对策为加强现任小学英语师资的培训和小学英语教育专业师资的培养。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. I have been a part-time teacher in one of the English teaching institution in our city for three years. 我作为我市某教育机构的兼职教师,已经工作了3年。 www.5yhua.org 7. As a unique English teaching methods, outstanding performance, was hired as A regional training English teachers teaching teachers. 2由于英语教学方法独特,成绩突出,被聘为A地区英语教师培训班授课教师。 www.22826.com 8. As an important supplementary measure and essential part of English teaching, English comer plays a significant role. 而英语角作为大学英语教学的必要辅助手段和第二课堂教学的必要组成部分,发挥着十分重要的作用。 www.dictall.com 9. While all around was the cry for English teaching, my third brother was brave enough to keep us to our Bengali course. 在四周盛行英语教育的那个年代,我的三哥勇敢地坚持让我们学孟加拉文。 www.bing.com 10. Now, in class, students are positive and creative. It has great influence on English teaching, especially writing teaching. 本文主要研究在合作学习方式下,英语写作教学中合作小组的具体课堂活动形式,及对学生的评价方式。 lib.cqvip.com 1. The ultimate end of college English teaching is the cultivation of students' oral and written communicative abilities. 大学英语教学的最终目标是培养学生以书面或口头方式进行交际的能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Developing and forsing student's interests is one of the props of online English teaching and development. 而对学生兴趣的培养正是网络英语教育诞生与发展的支柱之一。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I'm convinced that some English-teaching-oriented prose will surely benefit your readers, and unconsciously, open up a wider market share. 我相信一些英语教学型散文将肯定有利于你的读者,和无意识地打开了更广泛的市场份额。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 4. The new trend of college English teaching is to strengthen practical English teaching and promote college students' integrative qualities. 加强实用性英语教学、提高大学生英语综合能力已成为当今大学英语教学的新形势。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The modern English teaching theory has sufficiently proved that although language can be learnt, it should rather be truly acquired. 现代英语教学理论已经充分证明,语言虽可以学得,但更主要的是习得。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The present paper firstly points out some problems in terms of teacher questioning in current English teaching. 本文首先点出了一些问题,在目前的英语教学师资问题。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Heuristic method, diversity, and exploration are principles of College English teaching to cultivate students' learning individuality. 大学英语课堂教学应通过启发式、多样化、探究性等教学原则来培养学生良好学习个性。 www.dictall.com 8. The main goal of English teaching at college is to obtain "leading strategy" and "to strengthen students self-learning ability" . 大学英语教学的主要目标是获得“学习策略”和增强“学生的自主学习能力”。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Many scholars and English teachers have been studying back channel support for years, which has great value in improving English teaching. 基于广大学者和英语教师对反馈支持的研究,笔者认为反馈支持对英语教学有很大的促进作用。 www.dictall.com 10. At present, Junior English teaching consists of learning and practicing English, as well as understanding English culture. 当前的初中英语教学包括对英语语言本身的学习、运用及对英语语言文化的理解。 www.dictall.com 1. College English teaching should help students acquire linguistic competence as well as cultural competence. 大学英语教学应帮助学生打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化素养。 www.dictall.com 2. Enable the university English teaching reform to have the actual reference and visual angle innovation. 使高校英语教学革新更具有实际参考性及视角创新性。 www.zidir.com 3. As an explorative study, the present research focuses on the TEM8 restructuring and its wash back effects on English teaching and learning. 本文旨在通过调查研究英语专业八级考试改革对外语教学的反拨效应。 www.fabiao.net 4. Fast reading is a new pattern in college English band 4 and at the same time, it is often ignored in college English teaching. 快速阅读是大学英语四级考试中的新题型,也是当前大学英语教学中的薄弱环节。 www.dictall.com 5. Therefore, researching into the effectiveness of English teaching in small classes has become the objective of this research. 因此本文对小班化教学模式下英语课堂有效教学进行了实证研究。 www.fabiao.net 6. But now as the different study level and unsuitable textbook and inappropriate teaching methods, English teaching quality is low. 但是现在,不同学生不一样的学习水平,不恰当的教学方法,甚至不合适的教科书,造成了英语教学质量的低下。 www.chinalww.com 7. College English teaching should take English for Specific Purposes(ESP)as a connection with high school English teaching. 大学英语教学实施专门用途英语(ESP)教学才能与高中英语教学有效衔接。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Reading teaching is an important part of the higher vocational English teaching . 阅读教学是高职英语教学的重要环节。 www.aiduku.com 9. Along with the growth of international exchange, the status of English teaching is displayed in a prominent role in the vocational teaching. 在国际交流日益频繁的今天,英语教学的地位在高职的教育、教学中越显其突出作用。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Suggestopedia is one of the most widely used English teaching methods in the world nowadays. 暗示教学法是当今在全世界被广泛运用的英语教学法之一。 www.13191.com 1. Enjoy teaching, full of energy in class. Deliver lively and effective classes. Good at Oral and Business English teaching. 享受教学,充满活力。永远鼓励学生。上课生动形象,良好的说明表达能力。善于商务英语和口语的教学。 www.e-say.com.cn 2. The new English teaching mode emphasizes individualized teaching and autonomous learning, initiating a change in the role of teachers. 新型的大学英语教学模式在强调个性化教学和自主学习的同时引发了教师角色的转变。 lib.cqvip.com 3. He would say that, as his company sells English-teaching, but it rings true. 他可能会说,因为他的公司出售英语教学,所以听起来很像真的。 www.ecocn.org 4. However in the present practice of college English teaching, the formative assessment is far from satisfaction. 但在当前的大学英语教学实践中,形成性评估还存在着不少不尽如人意的地方。 journal.lzptc.edu.cn 5. However, everything has two sides. The multimedia English teaching is no exception. 然而任何事物都有利弊两个方面,运用多媒体的大学英语教学也不例外。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Songs, as an effective way of teaching, are playing a vital role in elementary English teaching. 歌曲作为一种有效的教育辅助模式,在小学英语教学中发挥着日益重要的作用。 www.lwtxw.com 7. Immersion English teaching emphasizes that the kids should be immersed in the second language environment and learn the language naturally. 浸入式英语教学强调幼儿被“浸泡”在第二语言环境中,自然地习得第二语言。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. More dialogues to improve their spoken language level conducive to international exchange, called public attention oral English teaching. 多对话,提高自身口语水平,有助国际交流,呼吁各界重视英语口语教学。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Widespread English teaching has resulted in various English tests in which most participants are college students. 英语教学的普及催生了各种层次的英语考试,大学生是考试的主要参与者。 lib.cqvip.com 10. This universality provides the basis for the communication between English and Chinese and shows the direction for English teaching. 这一同性为英汉两种语言的理解与沟通奠定了基础,为现实英语教学指明了方向。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Thus it could serve as a helpful reference for teachers when planning their spoken English teaching for non-English majors. 可以为教师在设计口语课程时提供有效的参考。 www.bing.com 2. The current situation concerning students' English learning ability and China's English teaching and learning background are described. 目前的局势对学生的英语学习能力和中国的英语教学,学习背景进行了描述。 www.qikan.com.cn 3. In my English teaching experience, encouragement is the main thing that I persisted in all the time. 在英语教学中。我始终坚持以鼓励为主。 club.163.com 4. Traditional English teaching cannot get along well with the trend of English internationalization and globalization. 传统的应试英语教学已经不能满足当今社会英语国际化、全球化的趋势。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. With the expansion of postgraduate enrollment, English teaching for non-English major postgraduates has gain momentum in the recent years. 随着研究生逐年扩招,非英语专业研究生英语教育出现了迅速发展的势头。 www.fabiao.net 6. This tentative research will provide some statistical basis, helpful material and useful examples for English teaching and learning. 本文的研究将给英语教与学提供数据基础,材料和实例。 www.fabiao.net 7. From a Picture-text relation angle, the thesis systematically studies the Mind Map for teaching, especially for English teaching on campus. 本文在图文关系视角下,对教学用思维导图的性质,特别是大学英语教学用思维导图的性质所做了系统研究。 www.13191.com 8. Traditionally our focus in the English teaching is always on knowledge but not performance. Students can't apply the knowledge to real life. 传统上我们英语教学的重点是语言知识,而不是语言运用,学到的知识无法迁移到现实生活中。 www.fabiao.net 9. In the blending learning of college English and English movies, the information gap strategy can be used to improve the English teaching. 在大学英语与英文电影的混合学习中,可利用信息差策略来提高英语教学效果。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. This paper attempts to build up a conceptual framework guiding the practice of culture-oriented English teaching. 本文尝试如何在英语教学中关于东方文化在概念上实践的指导。 www.docin.com 1. The classroom environment of College English Teaching is constituted by students, teachers and classroom activities. 大学英语教学的课堂环境是由学生、教师和课堂行为等因素组成。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. So cultivating students' workplace English capacity is the primary task of English teaching reform in higher vocational colleges. 因此培养学生职业英语能力是高职英语教学改革的首要任务。 lib.cqvip.com 3. After several years' development, the idea of formative assessment has extensive influence on college English teaching. 形成性评估的理念经过几年的发展,已在大学英语教学领域产生了广泛的影响。 journal.lzptc.edu.cn 4. English curriculum resources include all the resources that benefit to English teaching and studying. 英语课程资源指一切有利于英语教师教学和学生英语学习的资源。 www.13191.com 5. Summarizes the new features of English Teaching in the East, as well as New Oriental's English Teaching Enlightenment. 第三部分是结语,概括了新东方英语教学的特色和给予我们的几点启示。 www.boshuo.net 6. Our school English teaching is the best all over Taiwan. 我们学校的英文教学是全台湾最好的。 bbs.akswang.com 7. Further understanding of background knowledge about English and America society and culture is conducive to English teaching. 了解所学语言国家的社会文化背景有助于提高学生的英语水平。 www.dictall.com 8. Current multi-media English teaching software is far from perfect and many flaws exist. 现有的多媒体英语教学软件存在着诸多不足和缺陷。 bbs.netat.net 9. The above mentioned findings provide implications for English learning, English teaching and language testing. 上述发现对综合改错的完善和英语教学与研究有一定的启示。 www.fabiao.net 10. Chapter Five concentrates on the application of information gap in high school English teaching, which is the main part of the thesis. 第五章讨论了信息差原理在英语教学中的具体应用,这是全文的要点。 www.lw23.com 1. To improve students' English reading ability is one of the important goals of secondary English teaching in basic education in China. 在我国基础教育中,提高学生的英语阅读能力是中学英语教学的重要目标之一。 2. Therefore, CBI provides a solid theoretical foundation for the innovation of business English teaching. 因而,CBI教学理论为商务英语教学提供了坚实的理论基础。 www.fabiao.net 3. Emotion is one of the most important elements to influence English teaching quality in Secondary Schools. 情感因素是影响初中英语教学质量的重要因素之一,也是渗透在教学过程之中的重要因素。 www.fabiao.net 4. The thesis mainly probes the effectiveness andfeasibility of the explicit vocabulary instruction in College English Teaching. 本文主要研究了在大学英语教学中运用显性词汇教学法的有效性和可行性。 www.13191.com 5. This paper starts with analyzing the achievements and problems in the current English teaching for engineering postgraduates. 本文总结分析了我国目前工程硕士英语教学中取得的成绩和存在的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. With teachers' and students' endless efforts, test-oriented spoken English teaching will become perfect gradually. 在老师和学生的共同努力下,以测试为导向的英语口语教学将日渐趋于完善。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The strong foundation is thus laid for setting up a multimedia-based College English teaching mode. 这为构建多媒体信息化的大学英语教学模式提供了充分的依据。 journals.hut.edu.cn 8. Engaged in professional English teaching and translation work of electrical automation. 长期从事电气自动化类的专业英语教学和翻译工作。 www.ourtra.com 9. Therefore, English teaching in primary schools on the obvious emotional education is particularly important. 因此,在小学英语教学中情感教育就显的尤其重要。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. In modern English teaching, teacher talk is the main source that students acquire comprehensive input. 在现代英语课堂教学中,教师话语是学生获得可理解的语言输入的一个重要来源。 lib.cqvip.com 1. This article mainly discusses the necessities and methods of moral education infiltration in college English teaching. 本文主要讨论了大学英语教学中德育渗透的必要性和渗透的途径。 www.chemyq.com 2. high-quality standard of English teaching in schools a real competitive edge. 高质量的英语教学水平是学校真正的竞争力。 cid-dda073513ee6a3fa.spaces.live.com 3. This thesis attempts to explore the impact and the significance of embedding strategy-based instruction (SBI) in classroom English teaching. 本文从教师的角度出发,试图探索学习策略训练对英语教学的作用。 www.fabiao.net 4. The environment and interests for English teaching and learning is an indivisible whole. 英语教学环境与兴趣是不可分割的整体。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The market for China's English teaching business, experts estimate, has doubled in the last five years to over $3 billion. 据专家估计,中国的英语教学市场的产值,在最近的五年间翻了一倍,超过了30亿美元。 www.bing.com 6. Drive-based English teaching was put into practice while traditional English classroom teaching is given to the control class. 实验班采用内驱力培养的英语课堂教学,而控制班则用传统的教学方法。 www.fabiao.net 7. Derived from goal of studying, this paper proposes a dynamic construal approach to lexical categories in college English teaching. 本文以学习目标为导向,动态界定大学英语教学中词汇的范畴。 lib.cqvip.com 8. The EW Stokes Public Charter School has started to include food topics in its third-grade math and English teaching. EWStokes公立特许学校已经开始在3年级的数学和英语教学中涉及食物话题。 www.ebigear.com 9. Writing has been regarded as the main focus of English teaching, which is also one of the important contents of English testing. 写作历来是英语教学的重点,也是英语水平测试的重要内容之一。 www.fabiao.net 10. The Relationship Between Reading Comprehension and Audio- lingual Ability in College English Teaching. 大专英语教学中阅读能力与听说能力的关系。 www.ilib.cn 1. Multimedia teaching is a hot topic in recent foreign language teaching area, especially in college English teaching field. 多媒体外语教学研究是近年来外语界的一个热门话题,在大学英语教学领域里也引起了热烈的讨论。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. This paper focuses on several practical problems that educators often come cross and think in children English-teaching practice. 本文就现在儿童英语教学实践中经常遇到和思考的几个较为具体的问题谈了一下自己的认识和体会。 img6.vikecn.com 3. The publication of High School English Syllabus signifies the transfer of general English teaching from colleges to high schools. 《高中英语课程标准》的制定,标志着基础英语教学的重点由大学转向高中。 lib.cqvip.com 4. This article probes some effective approaches to teaching British-American culture in College English teaching. 探索在现有的教学条件下大学英语课堂教学中有效贯穿英美文化知识的途径与方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. This study method exerts strong influence on College English teaching and learning especially through culture and texts. 这种研究方式对大学英语教学产生了很大影响,特别是学生的交际能力的培养和通过文化和语篇进行教学等。 www.syue.com 6. Context Teaching, originated abroad, is an English teaching method. 情景教学最早在国外兴起,是英语教学的一种方法。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. There have been few investigations and studies on the college English teaching for fine arts majors. 关于美术专业学生的大学英语教学的相关调查与研究长期以来较为缺乏。 www.dictall.com 8. Dumb English " phenomenon has long been the insurmountable bottleneck for college English teaching. " 大学英语教学长期存在听不懂和说不出的“哑巴英语”现象,成为难以逾越的瓶颈。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Only then adapted and has met these new requirements, could enhance English teaching the quality, trained the high grade talented person. 只有适应并达到了这些新的要求,才能提高英语教学的质量,培养出高质量的人才。 www.syue.com 10. To put an end to this problem, the government has banned English teaching at public kindergartens. 政府为了解决这个问题,已经禁止公立幼儿园教授英文。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 1. Conduct English teaching according to the British education system. 根据英国教育体制来进行英语教学。 www.ebigear.com 2. Spoken English teaching is considered as one of the most important parts in higher vocational college English teaching. 英语口语教学是当今高职高专英语教学中的重要的内容。 www.dictall.com 3. This thesis is about an empirical research on the cultural awareness cultivation in senior middle school English teaching. 本论文是关于高中英语教学中文化意识培养状况的一次实证研究。 www.fabiao.net 4. Viewing the Listening and Spoken Language Teaching of College English Teaching From the Phenomenon of "Deaf and Dumb Style English" 从“聋哑英语”现象看大学英语听说教学 www.ilib.cn 5. Significance and Practice of Developing Students'Speaking Ability in College English Teaching. 大学英语口语教学的意义及实践。 www.ilib.cn 6. There are a large number of English teaching job postings on the Web, and generally it's easier to get hired before you hop on the plane. 网络上有很多英语教学的职位招聘,通常来说在你达到该国家之前就很容易可以应聘上了。 www.kekenet.com 7. With the reform and development of college English teaching, communicative teaching method is in wide use. 在以交际法为主导的语言教学的今天,交际性语言测试应运而生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Objective To explore the application of communicative teaching method in college English teaching . 目的探讨交际教学法在大学英语教学中的应用。 dict.veduchina.com 9. The multimedia provided an extremely beneficial material condition for English teaching. 多媒体为英语教学提供了极为有利的物质条件。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. However, it is a common flaw in senior English teaching that students feel puzzled when it comes to solving logical referential problems. 在做阅读理解题时学生感到最困难的就是逻辑推理题,这反映了中学英语教学中存在的一个缺憾。 www.fabiao.net 1. But, English teaching should need teacher higher qualified and flexible, rich and colorful teaching methods. 熟不知,儿童英语教学需要的是称职的师资人员和灵活多样、丰富多彩的教学方法。 www.nexoncn.com 2. Secondly, the application of instruction design in net-assist English teaching environment is emphasized in the paper. 其次,本文对教学设计原理在网络辅助英语教学环境中的应用问题进行了重点剖析。 www.fabiao.net 3. With the new curriculum standard of senior high school applied, English teaching meets another new challenge. 随着高中英语新课程标准的颁布和实施,中学英语教学又一次面临着新的挑战。 www.13191.com 4. This paper discusses the significance, the content, the principle and the method of culture transmission in Business English teaching. 本文讨论了商务英语教学中文化输入的重要性、文化输入的内容、文化输入的原则及方法。 lib.cqvip.com 5. In basic English teaching fo(? ) Chinese students, English teachers always pass on knowledge mainly by teacher talk. 在我国基础英语教学中,教师主要通过教师话语向学生传授知识。 www.dictall.com 6. Most of the secondary school English teaching methods with the basic features of the translation. 大部分中学英语教学的方法基本带有翻译的特点。 wenda.tianya.cn 7. The College English Extensive Reading teaching is the main content in the reform of English teaching. 大学英语泛读教学是英语教学改革的重要内容。 www.dictall.com 8. Firstly, the principles and theories about net-assist English teaching and instruction design are described in the paper. 首先,本文分别从网络辅助教学和教学设计原理的角度分析了与本文内容相关的原理和理论。 www.fabiao.net 9. However, the phenomenon of emphasis on cognition, ignorance of affect exists broadly in the college English teaching. 然而,“重知轻情”的现象却在大学英语教学中普遍存在。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The article deals with the roles of multimedia in audio-visual English teaching from the perspective of Schemata Theory. 该文试图从图式理论的视角,透视多媒体在大学英语听说教学中的作用。 www3.chkd.cnki.net 1. Culture transmission plays a very important role in Business English teaching. 文化输入在商务英语教学中具有重要的地位。 lib.cqvip.com 2. No, no, no, it was Chinese, Chinese English teaching. So when interviewed . 不,是中国的英语教学节目,中国老师。 www.kouyi.org 3. Listening is an important part of English teaching in senior middle school. 听力是高中英语教学的一个重要组成部分。 www.fabiao.net 4. The teaching of listening and speaking is becoming increasingly important in college English teaching. 听说教学在大学英语教学中的重要性日渐凸显。 www.dictall.com 5. Therefore utilizes massive game in the elementary school English teaching to stimulate student's study interest. 所以在小学英语教学中运用大量游戏活动来激发学生的学习兴趣。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He operates that country's biggest English teaching company. It even has its own TV channel. 他经营着西班牙最大的英语教学公司,该公司甚至有自己的电视频道。 www.ebigear.com 7. E-dictionaries should be integrated into English teaching to solve the problem of original English books' reading. 笔者将电子词典与英语教学相结合,总结出一套运用电子词典阅读英文原著的学习方法。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The deep development of college English teaching reform calls for the participation of multimedia computer technology. 大学英语教学改革的深入开展,呼唤着多媒体计算机技术辅助英语教学的介入。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. in the computer professional English teaching, vocabulary teaching is a key points and difficulties. 英语论文在计算机专业英语教学中,词汇教学是一项重点、难点。 www.51lunwen.com 10. Changing Teaching Models to Meet the Requirements for "College English Teaching" 转变教学思想和教学模式贯彻“大学英语课程教学要求” service.ilib.cn 1. Computer assisted instruction is widely introduced English teaching field. 计算机辅助教学正在被广泛地引入英语教学领域。 www.51lunwen.com 2. The realization of interactive classroom performance is the key to improve English teaching quality. 实现真正的互动性课堂教学是提高英语课堂教学质量的重要一环。 lib.cqvip.com 3. The third and main part is a study of incidental vocabulary acquisition in high school English teaching of reading. 第三部分是词汇附带习得在高中英语阅读教学中应用的实验。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. The college English teaching reform is a system, in which curricula system is a key sub-system. 大学英语教学改革是一个系统工程,在这个系统中,课程体系是起关键作用的子系统。 word.hcbus.com 5. The combination of learning-based task with the real task is expected in college English teaching to meet different learners' needs. 大学英语教学应将学习型任务和真实任务相结合,以满足不同学生的不同需求。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. With the rapid development of network technology and computers, multimedia English teaching has more obvious advantages. 随着计算机占网络技术的高速发展,多媒体英语教学的优势愈加显现。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. I knew that the carriage language is very important regarding the baby English teaching. 我知道体态语言对于幼儿英语教学十分重要。 www.yysohu.com 8. English teaching, whether it is words, grammar or sentence, the phrase of the study, are not open around the mother tongue. 英语教学中,无论是单词、语法,还是句子、短语的学习,都绕不开母语的影响。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Welcome to the very first episode of my series of English-teaching videos. 欢迎观看我的英语视频教学第一集。 www.yappr.cn 10. To offer English teaching for the junior and senior students is a guarantee of 4-year continuous English study in colleges and universities. 本文对比了后大学英语时代我国香港和内地高校面向在校大学生开设的英语课程的设置情况。 www.dictall.com 1. Information technology plays a significant role in English teaching for the generation growing up in the era of visual culture. 面对视觉文化环境下长大的一代,信息技术在英语教学中作用巨大。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. It is vital to cultivate students' intercultural communication competence in college English teaching. 大学英语教学强调要培养学生的跨文化交际能力。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The cultivation of learners'learning individuality is nowadays the aim and trend of English teaching reform. 培养学生优良的学习个性品质,是当今英语教学改革的宗旨和趋势。 www.pep.com.cn 4. Oral English teaching in rural primary schools at present there are many unsatisfactory areas, particularly the student's oral expression. 目前农村小学英语口语教学存在着种种不尽如人意的地方,尤其是学生的口头表达能力。 www.jiaoyuda.com 5. The study of junior and senior college English teaching has aroused great concern of Ministry of Education and foreign language circle. 大学英语后续教学的研究引起了教育部和外语界的高度重视,开展大学英语后续教学具有必要性和紧迫性。 lib.cqvip.com 6. The fourth chapter analyses the necessity of culture teaching in college business English teaching. 第四章结合已有的市场调查,分析了高校商务英语教学中文化教学的必要性。 www.594wm.com 7. In the traditional English teaching, teachers are dominant, while students are submissive. 在传统的英语教学中,教师是主控者,而学生却是被动者。 www.fabiao.net 8. Participatory approach is truly a practical and effective method for college English teaching. “参与式”教学法确实是一种切实可行、且行之有效的大学英语教学方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. set unreasonable teaching, large, medium, the primary school English teaching. 教材设置不合理,大、中、小学英语教学脱节。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The thinking mode of traditional college English teaching is preformed and ready-made patterns of thinking. 传统大学英语教学思维模式是预成的、现成性思维模式。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Based on the previous viewpoint, the author puts forward some suggestions for the English teaching and learning at the end of this thesis. 基于此,作者在论文的最后部分就英语教学与学习等方面提出一些有实用价值的看法和建议。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. This essay deals with the features of sentence stress and intonation along with the implications to English teaching. 本文探讨了句重音和语调的特征及其对高职英语教学的启示。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Learning difficulty is a universal phenomenon, which is an indisputable fact in the present high school English teaching and learning. 在现实的高中英语教学中,学困生的普遍存在,确是一个不争的事实。 www.13191.com 4. In college English teaching, great emphasis must be put on the teaching of practical writing. 在大学英语教学中,必须重视应用文写作教学。 www.magsci.net 5. Opinions on Evaluating College English Teaching by the Way of "Change of Positions" “换位”评估大学英语教学随想 service.ilib.cn 6. Primary English Teaching In recent years, teachers in rural schools seem obvious lack of strength. 小学英语教学实施几年来,农村学校明显显得师资力量不足。 www.ehgw.com.cn 7. Spoken English teaching is the key point in elementary school, also is the difficulty which needs the teachers to make the big effort. 英语口语教学是小学英语教学的重点,也是需要教师花大力气的难点。 www.paper800.com 8. as such , we are planning to establish an english teaching centre in sri lanka to train as many novice monks as possible to meet the need. 因此,我们计画在斯里兰卡建设一个英语教学中心来训练许多的刚出家的法师们,来符合这个需求。 www.ichacha.net 9. For employment situation, English teaching in major of flight attendant has become the top priority. 因就业形势需要,英语教学在空乘专业教学中已成为重中之重。 www.lunwenchina.net.cn:8080 10. IELTS test exerts inevitable backwash effect on English teaching in international joint programs. 雅思考试对中外合作办学项目的英语教学产生巨大的反拨效应。 lib.cqvip.com 1. 'As long as she doesn't throw them away, it's OK, ' says the 31-year-old university English teaching assistant. 这位31岁的大学英语教师助理说,“只要她没有把T恤衫扔掉,我就无所谓。” chinese.wsj.com 2. The Creation and Investigation to the Classroom Practice of "English Teaching Theory" “英语教学法”课堂实践环节的创新与探索 www.ilib.cn 3. My wife and I had just moved to Shanghai, and I was working at an English teaching job that I couldn't stand. 那时我和我太太刚搬到上海,我在做一份令人无法忍受的英语教师工作。 www.bing.com 4. So a discussion on English teaching begin with it . 所以,一场关于英语教学的讨论就此开始! iask.sina.com.cn 5. Vocabulary teaching is a point and difficulty of English teaching in elementary schools. 词汇教学既是小学英语教学的一个重点,难点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In traditional English teaching, the questions asked by teachers often lack information gap. 传统英语教学中教师缺少信息差距的明知故问存在诸多缺点。 www.dictall.com 7. Hi, everybody! This is Mr. Duncan, in England. Welcome to another one of my English teaching videos. I hope you are well today. 大家好!我是邓肯,来自英国。欢迎大家观看我的另一个英语教学录相…祝愿大家一切都好。 www.yappr.cn 8. Vocabulary is essential prerequisites of mastering the English language. Similarly vocabulary teaching is the key to the English teaching. 想要真正掌握英语,词汇是必不可少的必备条件,所以词汇教学是英语教学中的关键。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. Good at oral English teaching, especially pronunciation teaching. 擅长英语口语教学,尤其是英语发音教学 www.e-say.com.cn 10. There are many factors affecting medical English teaching and learning, of which the emotional factors should not be neglected. 医学英语教学受诸多因素的影响,其中情感因素的影响不容忽视。 1. Many theories, as new methods applied to English teaching process. 英语语言学的很多理论能够为外语教学工作提供支持与帮助。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Finally the paper concludes that the mode will improve English teaching and learning. 基于语块语用的词汇学习模式有助于提高英语教学水平。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. With the coming of information time, multi-media technology has been used in English teaching. 随着信息时代的到来,多媒体技术在英语中得以应用。 www.chemyq.com 4. English-teaching robots were sent to three provincial schools for eight weeks starting in late December. 去年12月底,一批机器人英语老师被“派”往韩国三所省立学校进行为期八周的授课。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. All the teachers will attend a lecture on English Teaching tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午所有老师讲听一个关于英语教学的演讲。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. This thesis is a study of oral English teaching in the language lab. 本文是对英语专业学生在语音室进行口语教学的研究。 www.dictall.com 7. English-teaching robots were sent to three provincial schools for eight weeks starting in December. 去年12月底,一批机器人英语老师被“派”往韩国三所省立学校进行为期八个周的授课。 lky100285511.blog.163.com 8. Learner autonomy is essential for a lifelong learning society; it is also a hot issue in the English teaching field both at home and abroad. 自主学习是学习型社会的必然要求,也是近年来国际国内外语教学界的研究热点之一。 9. Insurance English teaching is a necessary part of insurance teaching. 保险专业英语教学也是如此。 www.lw23.com 10. English teaching in primary schools to develop students interest in learning is essential. 在小学英语教学中,培养学生的学习兴趣至关重要。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Test of English teaching ability, literacy, listening and speaking ability! 英语教学---考试能力强、读写能力、听说能力! cid-dda073513ee6a3fa.spaces.live.com 2. English teaching of primary schools and junior schools are two stages of basic education which come true in one line. 中小学英语同属基础教育的范畴,它们是一脉相承的两个教学阶段。 www.fabiao.net 3. It's English teaching in small classes cultivate my good English communication and writing skills. 它的英语小班化授课培养了我良好的英语交流和写作能力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. As teaching reform in Colllege English develops and advances, recent years has witnessed great changes in College English Teaching. 随着国内高校大学英语教学改革的研究和发展,大学英语教学的面貌发生了极大的改变。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Content abstract: college English teaching for language teaching key. 内容提要:大学英语教学重点为语言基础教学。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. For such a long time, the relation between language and culture has not been given enough value in English teaching. 然而长期以来,在中国的英语教学中语言和文化的这种关系一直未得到足够的重视。 www.chinalww.com 7. EXPERIENCE: oral English teaching, TA, intern in the field of media, interpreter, assistant in a cartoon group. 一点点经历:口语教师,助教,媒体实习,兼职口译,漫团助理。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Therefore, the study of blended learning has profound implication for English teaching and learning. 因此,研究混合学习模式对提高英语教学具有重要意义。 lib.cqvip.com 9. But in today's English teaching, widely ignored for students in the target language culture education. 然而在现今的英语教学中,人们普遍忽略了对学生进行所学语言国家的文化教育。 wenwen.soso.com 10. China's rural quality of English teaching in secondary schools has been poor, especially rural middle school English. 我国农村中学的英语教学质量一直以来较差,特别是农村初中的英语。 www.918lunwen.com 1. Chinese traditional English teaching makes students have deaf and dumb English. 中国传统的英语教学让学生“听不懂,说不出”。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Vocabulary teaching is a primary school English teaching major and difficult. 词汇教学是小学英语教学的一个重点,难点。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Andy Li Andy is a tall handsome teacher whose passion for English study and English teaching influences his students a lot. Andy又高又帅,他对英语学习及英语教学的激情影响了他很多学生。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Conclusion: Role-playing may help students to get good learning outcome and could be widely applied in the English teaching of nu. . . 结论:角色扮演教学法有利于提高《护理专业英语》教学效果,实现教学目标,可以在护理本科生教学中推广应用。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 5. English teaching; listening; methods; movie. 大学生;英语学习;口语;电影模仿。 www.22doc.com 6. Under the new Curriculum of English Teaching in class, students are encouraged to actively participate and be independent on study. 新课程理念下的英语课堂教学,倡导学生主动参与,自主学习。 wenwen.soso.com 7. College English teaching should aim at improving the students' English knowledge and language communicative competence. 大学英语的教学目标旨在提高大学生的英语知识水平和英语语言交际能力。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Therefore, English newspapers and periodicals reading has been the focus of English teaching of reading. 因此报刊阅读教学已经成为英语阅读课堂教学研究的焦点之一。 www.fabiao.net 9. thick-kun, cross-cultural context of the college English teaching. 华厚坤,试论跨文化语境下的大学英语教学。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The teaching mode is updating along with the request and content of college English teaching renewal. 随着大学英语教学的要求和内容的更新,其教学方式也需随之更新。 www.51lunwen.com 1. After analyzing the results, the pper further proposes some suggestions of improving college English teaching. 文章在调查分析的基础上,对大学英语教学还提了一些建议。 www.51lunwen.org 2. In this paper a teaching model is designed for advanced spoken English in college English teaching. 本文设计了专门针对大学英语高级口语的教学模式。 www.dictall.com 3. Neil: And we have to do it quickly because we have to prepare our English teaching programme. 我们必须动作快点,我们一会儿还要准备英语教学。 www.remword.cn 4. However, no special teaching materials for culture knowledge are available under the present College English Teaching System. 但当前的大学英语教学体系中没有专门的英美文化知识系统教材。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Shortcomes: The student English proficiency beginning is not high, uses English teaching student to accept completely has the difficulty. 缺点:学生英语水平起点不高,完全用英语教学学生接受有难度。 www.5yhua.org 6. This paper presents us an analytical study of the body language using in English teaching at middle school. 这篇论文是有关于在中学英语教育中的肢体语言运用的分析研究。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Hence, there appears a new teaching mode -- multimedia-aided English teaching mode. 这样就出现一种新的教学模式--多媒体辅助教学模式。 www.lw23.com 8. My major subject is Linguistics and my minor subject is English Teaching. 我的主修科目是语言学,辅修科目是英语教学。 dict.ebigear.com 9. However, for a long time, needs analysis proves to be an overlooked procedure in Business English teaching in China. 然而长期以来,需求分析在我国商务英语教学中似乎是个被遗忘的环节。 www.fabiao.net 10. However, the development of teaching materials in secondary vocational English teaching is still at its initial stage. 目前我国中等职业中专英语教材建设仍处在起步阶段。 www.fabiao.net 1. Secondly, the English teaching methods has positive significance for improving the mother-tongue language teaching. 其次,英语教学方法对改进母语教学具有积极的意义。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. Meanwhile, the paper probes into its impact and wash back effect on China's college English teaching reform. 并且分析了考试改革对于我国大学英语教学改革的影响与作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. In the teaching process presented in different ways, clever use of pictures to enhance the effectiveness of primary school English teaching. 在教学过程中以不同的方式呈现、巧妙运用图片,从而提高小学英语教学的有效性。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. With the unceasing development of the English teaching revolutionary, the Contextualization teaching has been rewarded more attention. 随着英语教学改革的发展与深入,语境化教学越来越受到重视。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The polarization condition always bothering English teaching, affect the growth of the students. 这种两极分化的状况始终困扰着英语教学,影响到学生的成长。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Nor it can be covered by normal English teaching which is concluded by years of discovery. 更不是那些经过多年探索、归纳形成的普通英语教学所能够涵盖的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. While the failure or success in the college English teaching reform lie in the essential qualities of the college English teachers. 而在大学英语教学改革中,英语教改的成败则取决于英语教师的基本素质的高低。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The substantial results of English teaching in Chinese language environment have been paid close attention to in various circles. 中国语境中的英语写作教学实效性问题已经引起了广泛关注。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Food is in an elementary school English teaching big subject, also is in the life commonly used topic. 食物是小学英语教学中的一大主题,也是生活中的常用话题。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Improving students' studying interest is very important in vocational English teaching. 在高职英语教学中,提高学生的学习兴趣是非常重要的。 |
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