单词 | english-language | ||||||
释义 | english-language
例句释义: 英国语言的,英语,英文语系 1. Ms. Lung, who will be giving a talk at the Frankfurt Book Fair on Oct. 15, said the book did not have an English-language publisher yet. 龙女士将于10月15日在法兰克福书展发表演讲,她说该书目前还没找到英文出版商。 www.bing.com 2. I found that people were rude, talking to me as if I wasn't familiar with the English language and as if I was stupid. 我发现人们很粗鲁,和我说话时好像我不懂英文或者我是个笨蛋一样。 www.bing.com 3. Eleutian estimates the global English language learning market at $100bn a year and says China accounts for 40 per cent of that. Eleutian估计,全球英语教学市场每年创造的价值为1000亿美元,中国占其中40%。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But, while state television remained silent on the matter all day, the attack was denied by the English-language channel Press TV. 然而,在伊朗国家电视台全天对该事件保持缄默的情况下,伊朗英语频道PressTV否认发生袭击事件。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He said that he had been listening to English language radio for a while, but his listening proficiency had not improved. 他说他听英语广播已经有一段时间,但他的听力并未提高。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Its ruling elites , enchanted by the divining power of the English language, are no doubt having the last laughs. 在它的统治精英团对里,被如同神灵般的英语法力所迷惑,无疑是在发出最后的笑意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. At least 5 years of working experiences. Familiarity with electrical design tools. English language skill a plus. 电子学士或硕士,至少5年工作经验。熟练使用电路设计工具。英语技能加点。 www.showxiu.com 8. I had been living in Moscow for a year, working at an English-language weekly called The Russia Journal. I was a copy editor there. 我在莫斯科住了一年,为一家名为《俄罗斯日报》的英文周刊当文字编辑。 www.bing.com 9. By his time the word brick had been part of the English language for almost 200 years. 到他那个时代,brick成为英语语言的一份子已经差不多有200年了。 www.bing.com 10. She was the Director of an English Language School in London and has taught English in Syria, Egypt, Poland and England. 还曾担任一所英语学院院长,并执教于叙利亚、埃及、波兰和英国。 english.enorth.com.cn 1. Students of English language and linguistics generally will find it a textbook of lasting value. 英语语言和语言学学生一般会发现它的持久价值的教科书。 www.ccebook.net 2. "One of our requirements was that the team members have adequate English language skills, " she explains. 她解释道,“团队成员有足够的英语语言技能是我们需求之一。” www.bing.com 3. "A Long sentence" a common linguistic phenomenon in the English language, is often used in scientific English in particular. 长句是英语的一种常见的语言现象,科技英语更是如此。 big.hi138.com 4. She said that the British Library is home to the whole of the English language memory since the English word began. 大英图书馆的藏书包罗万象,囊括了自英语产生以来的所有英文书籍。 www.in2english.com.cn 5. This gives Mr Zhan's translators and Mr Ferrari, who taps out his own English-language e-mails, a bit of extra time to craft their messages. 因此,詹纯新的翻译以及亲自撰写英文电子邮件的费拉里本人都能有多一点的时间来构思措辞。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Austen is often hailed as the greatest romance writer in the English language, so it is surprising she remained unmarried. 奥斯汀总是被认为是英语中最伟大的浪漫主义作家,所以她一生未婚是很令人惊讶的。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Like the rest of the English language, many dirty words can be traced back through Latin and Greek to a common Indo-European root. 英文中的脏话较之一般用语并无特殊之处,许多亦来自拉丁文和希腊文之印欧语系共有源头。 www.bing.com 8. I cannot see it anywhere and yet it has been on all the international networks and English-language news television in Europe all day. 我搜遍了所有地方都找不到,所有英语频道关于国际时事的新闻全是跟欧洲有关的。 www.tianya.cn 9. Drivers have to undergo English language training can be easy to understand everyday language. 司机均经过英语培训,可以听懂简单日常用语。 www.shljl.cn 10. The natural progression (at least, in the English language) is to start at the top of a page or program and read a line from left to right. (至少英语中)自然的顺序是从页面或程序的顶端开始,然后从左往右读每一行。 www.ibm.com 1. S. has been one of isolation and frustration. Torrington has no other foreign students, and little in the way of English-language help. 托灵顿校区只有他们是国外留学生,而且这对他们的英语学习帮助也不大。 www.bing.com 2. He says English-language training is often the most costly part for students beginning their studies. 他说,对于留学生来说,英语语言培训通常是花费最多的一部分。 www.tingclass.com 3. There is no doubt that English language skills will be important for your future career prospects. 毫无疑问,英语能力对于你未来的事业发展将是非常重要的。 www.taipeitimes.com 4. All of these words we use without a second thought were never part of the English language until the establishment of the United States. 所有这些我们不假思索正在使用的词汇,从来就不是英语的一部分,直到有了美国。 dongxi.net 5. In such a context, Internet English, as a new variety of the English language, came into being. 在这样的背景下,网络英语产生并成为一种新的英语语言体系。 www.docin.com 6. It was when they showed English-language movies on TV. They were all dubbed into German, which rather spoiled them for me. 我不喜欢他们电视播放的英语电影,都配了德语,我认为颇杀风景。 www.hn1c.com 7. Once he contributed articles to English-language publications, but that policy stuff is not for him anymore, he said. 他也曾经为英语刊物提供稿件,但他表示讨论政策什么的再也不适合他了。 www.bing.com 8. Is an American test designed by an American for English-language use appropriate to be used on a Chinese population? 一个由美国人设计用于测验使用英语的人的美国试验是否适用于中国人? www.bing.com 9. English language tabloids can be the most difficult to understand for learners of English, as they are often full idioms. 对学习英语的人来说,英文小报可能是最难读懂的了,因为小报里常常充诉着方言习语。 q.sohu.com 10. The length of your English language preparation will depend on your current level of English, as assessed by the ILI. 英语预备学习的时间长短取决于ILI对你目前英语水平的评定。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. General Scott did not come close to winning the presidency. But his name still lives as part of the English language. 斯科特将军没有来赢得总统选举。但他的名字仍然生活英语语言的一部分。 www.maynet.cn 2. 'I am sorry' is one of the most powerful phrases in the English language, but it is also one of the hardest phrases to say it out. 对不起,是英语中最有难说出口也最有影响力的话之一。接续此周主题,为你推出 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Colleges and universities are demanding English language tests that match the dynamic and interactive nature of their campuses. 大专院校要求英语语言测试能与其校园生活交际强力互动的本质特征相匹配。 bbs.njau.edu.cn 4. The author believes that this paper will aid in-and-pre-service teachers to understand ROL and to implement it in English language teaching. 笔者相信,本文将有助于职前和职后教师全面理解研究性学习,并在英语教学中加以实施。 www.fabiao.net 5. Lots of pretty Japanese art books to marvel at and a few English language ones as well. 在这里,你可静享日本艺术书籍和部分英文读物。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Carroll, who runs a chain of English-language schools in Shanghai, said the service is designed for "absolute beginners" . 在上海创办了英语语言分校的卡罗尔说,这些服务是为“绝对初学者”设计的。 www.bing.com 7. Nearly all schools are government-operated, but there has been a recent increase in privately funded English language schools. 绝大部分学校都是由政府进行管理、运营。但近年来,私人资助的英语学校的数目有上升的趋势。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 8. Prominent among the assets of the English language must be considered the mixed character of its vocabulary. 英语的优点中最突出的一定被认为是词汇的混合特征。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 9. Foreign language teaching in their English teaching profession, as the business as a dedicated English Language Teaching (ESP) of an area. 在他们的外语教学界把商务英语教学视定为专用英语教学(ESP)的一个领域。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The meaning of the word has applied to both the honorable swearing and rude swearing for as long as there has been an English language. 自从英语出现以来,这个词一直兼有褒义的宣誓以及粗鲁的咒骂两种含义。 www.bing.com 1. The instrument nameplates mounted on the front of the panel shall be engraved with English language legends. 该仪器铭牌安装在面板前应刻有英文的传说。 zhidao.cfzn.org 2. "China should be more cautious and concentrated in avoiding risks, " said the English-language Global Times in an editorial. 英语媒体《环球时报》在一篇社论中称:“中国应该更加谨慎,以避免危险。” www.bing.com 3. English language is not so much a set of knowledge of language or a major field (a curriculum) of study as an instrument of communication. 因为英语与其说是一门语言知识或主修课程,还不如说它就是一个交流工具! blog.sina.com.cn 4. In fact, English is often depends mainly on reading, back and review in order to read the English language. 其实英语主要靠的是经常读,背,复习,这样才能读好英语。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Grammar teaching is not the ultimate aim of English language teaching but a means to achieve communicative competence. 语法教学不是英语教学的最终目的,但却是获得交际能力的手段。 www.lw23.com 6. That, at least, is an opinion prominently aired in the National, an English-language newspaper in Abu Dhabi. 这一观点至少已经在阿布扎比的英语报纸——《国民报》上昭示天下。 www.ecocn.org 7. They have to meet the academic and English language requirements and prove they would be able to pay for their studies. 他们需要满足学历和英语语言要求,同时,证明有能力负担他们的学习费用。 www.hjbbs.com 8. More English language communication workshops. I feel that some students need more help to open up and be confident to voice their opinions. 我建议多加一些英语交流研讨会。我觉得有些学生需要多些帮助,以开放自己,敢于表达自己。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The English language can exist and grow vigorously due to its great flexibility. Nowadays English vocabulary is still rising rapidly. 由于英语非常灵活,这使其得以生存并且蓬勃发展,英语词汇还在继续地快速增长。 cnki.gzlib.gov.cn 10. The German language department and English language department are located in two different buildings and not in the same building. 德语系和英语系分处两幢楼,而不是在同一幢楼。 wenwen.soso.com 1. As part of that campaign the English-language government mouthpiece "China Daily" is now available on newsstands in the US and UK. 作为此项行动的一部分,英语版的政府喉舌《中国日报》如今已可在美国和英国的报摊上买到。 www.ftchinese.com 2. TOEFL is accepted by more institutions than any other English-language test in the world - including the top colleges and universities. 托福成绩是全球使用最广泛的英语语言测试,包括世界最顶尖的大学和学院都接受托福考试成绩。 www.sharewithu.com 3. though the Gaelic language is still heard in the Highlands and western isles, the English language is spoken all over the Scotland. 尽管在高地和西部岛屿还能听到盖尔语,但英语却遍及全苏格兰。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The British Consulate staff prefer not to assess levels of English Language Proficiency with student visa applications . 英国领事馆的工作人员不会通过学生签证材料来评估学生的英语水平。 www.bing.com 5. Remember that the school day is exhausting for these newcomers as they are overwhelmed with listening to English language all day long. 记住,学校生活会令初学者精疲力尽,因为他们被整天听英语压得喘不过气来。 blog.163.com 6. At first, I was not optimistic about my training in the English language but after a few weeks I began to surpass my own expectations. 起初,我对参加英语培训并不持乐观态度,但是数周后我的学习渐渐有了改观,这也大大地超出了我的期望值。 www.pxto.com.cn 7. The world needs at least two respected, editorially independent and authoritative English-language business papers. 这个世界至少需要两家受到尊重、编辑独立、具有权威的英语商业报纸。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The furor was unsurprising: no work of mainstream English-language fiction had come so close to spelling out homosexual desire. 这种激烈的社会反应不足为怪:当时没有任何一本主流英文小说能如此近切地宣称对同性的欲望。 dongxi.net 9. You will, however, have to demonstrate some aptitude for teaching and a strong command for the English language. 但是,你也要证明你有教学的能力、并非常精通英语。 www.hjenglish.com 10. As China Daily, a state-owned English-language newspaper, put it, "what China is going to do is be seen and be heard" at the G20. 正如国有英文报纸《中国日报》指出的,面对20国集团“中国将要做的事情是被看和被听”。 www.bing.com 1. In the English language, the word "present" has three distinct meanings: "here, " "now" and "a gift. " 在英文中,“present”这个单词有三个不同的意思:“此地”,“此刻”以及“礼物”。 www.bing.com 2. T. S. Eliot is often regarded as the most important English-language poet of the 20th century. 艾略特通常被认为是20世纪英语国家最重要的诗人。 dongxi.net 3. It might be the only acronym in the English language that, when expanded, still contains the original acronym. 它可能是英语中惟一一个在展开后仍然包含原始缩写词的缩写词。 www.ibm.com 4. This thesis attempts to deal with ELT (English Language Teaching) interaction assessment validity in the sense of morality. 本文试图从道德性的角度探讨ELT交际评估的效度问题。 5. He was happy for English-language editions to leave the impression that Tintin was British. 他很高兴地看到此书的英文版给人留下了丁丁是英国人的印象。 www.ecocn.org 6. Yeats is generally considered to be one of the twentieth century's key English-language poets. In 1923, he got Nobel Prize for literature. 叶芝是公认的二十世纪英文诗的核心人物之一,在1923年,他获得了诺贝尔文学奖。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Al Qaeda's Yemen branch has managed to put out its first English-language online magazine, Inspire, complete with bomb-making instructions. 基地也门分支也设法建立起他们第一家英文在线杂志,“启示”,介绍了如何制造炸弹。 www.bing.com 8. I wanted to try to tell the Opium War from both perspectives, using both English-language sources and Chinese sources. 我同时采用了英文和中文原始资料,试图从中英两国的视角来解读鸦片战争。 www.12edu.cn 9. Attracted by the greatness of English language, Gu even changed her major from accounting to English in her postgraduate study. 顾秋蓓被英语这门语言的魅力所吸引,她甚至将自己的研究生专业从会计转到了英语专业。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. The English language newspaper China Daily recently posed the question, "What's the point of translating Broadway hits into Chinese? " 中国的英文报纸《中国日报》最近提出了一个问题:“你怎么看把百老汇经典剧目翻译成中文?” www.bing.com 1. The Company and Recipient agree that the English language version of this document is considered the controlling version. 甲方和乙方都同意这份协议的英文版本是优先考虑受控的版本。 club.china.alibaba.com 2. The Yemen Times already has a strong reputation in Yemen as an independent English language newspaper. 作为一份独立的英文报纸,《也门时报》在也门已经树立了良好的声誉。 www.ted.com 3. Our company makes specialized English language training materials in certain industries. Most of these materials are for the China market. 我公司为某些特定行业设计了一系列专业的英文学习教材,其中大多是是为中国市场研发的。 www.yjbys.com 4. I also find it inconceivable that many friends and relatives have been urging me to get more exposure on English-language TV channels. 一个令人感到不可思议的现况是,一些亲朋好友总是好心“劝”我应该多在英文电视频道露面。 www.jukuu.com 5. Classes are held in an English-language environment, with a Chinese assistant coach also present where required. 课程在全英语授课的环境下展开,面对不同基础的孩子们,我们适时地提供中文助教。 www.greeningthebeige.org 6. I purchased a zen cart template and it works fine for English language but I need it to be customized to support both English and Arabic. 我购买了禅宗车模板和它的作品为英语不错,但我需要它来进行定制,以支持英语和阿拉伯语。 www.bing.com 7. He plans to market an English language edition of his elegant monthly art magazine, FMR, in the United States. 他计划在美国销售以优雅风格著称的艺术杂志月刊《FMR》。 www.wenguo.com 8. There needs to be a system set up to judge the quality of the English language training. 需要建立一套系统来评判英语培训的质量。 www.putclub.com 9. Using English songs is an effective way of English language teaching , which also exaggerates the atmosphere of English classes . 利用英语歌曲激发学生的兴趣,渲染课堂气氛并相应的教授英语知识,是一种非常有效的英语教学手段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I have never heard an American (or any other English language) phrase like this. 我从来没有听到一个美国人(或任何其他英文)这样的短语。 www.italki.com 1. It was called the Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. Webster wanted this book to help set rules of American spelling. 韦伯斯特想用这本字典来确定美国拼写的拼写规则。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Their children have no understanding of his fathers, and to use English language. 他们的子孙已不了解自己祖宗的语言,而习惯于用英语了。 wenwen.soso.com 3. An English teacher was explaining to his students the concept of gender association in the English language. 英语老师正在课堂上为学生解释英文里的性别属性。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 4. Because I am only a junior high school students and English language proficiency is limited, so ask friends to help the general request. 因为我只是一个初中生,英语水平有限,所以请求广大问友帮忙。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Critics have claimed that overseas students are allowed to graduate from UK universities with poor English language skills. 评论家称英国大学允许留学生毕业,哪怕他们连英语水平都很低。 www.bing.com 6. Update: Through Victor Mair I found this article, from an official (and English-language) Chinese organ, backpedalling a bit. 更新:通过维克·多迈尔我发现了这篇文章,来自中国官方(使用英语)的媒体,深入的谈了更多。 dongxi.net 7. Still, the failure of the state school system in Gansu is creating opportunities for an emerging private English language teaching sector. 然而,甘肃省公立学校体制的失败却给私立英语培训机构的兴起创造了机遇。 www.bing.com 8. mastery of English Language, strong communication skills and a professional approach to your work. 精通英语,有较强的沟通技巧和专业的方法,你的工作。 www.bing.com 9. English language contains rich culture connotation, culture background knowledge must be integrated into language teaching. 英语语言蕴涵着丰富的文化内涵,语言教学中必须融入文化背景知识教学。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Movie dialogues, unlike news broadcasts and documentaries, are much closer to what real English language conversations are like. 与新闻广播和纪录片不同,电影对白更加贴近于真实的英语会话。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In a revealing quirk of the English language, to ask the question is to level an accusation at the same time. 在英语里某个明显的讽语,在设问之时就提出了指责。 www.ecocn.org 2. Zhen Renao this evening, we come to the English language that, regardless of right when he said good - Hold on. 今天晚上真热闹,我们来把英语说,不管说得好不好――别跑。 www.wxdzgy.com 3. If any Uyghur people would like an English language partner out there then contact me! 要是有些维族人想找个英语语伴,干脆联系我哦! www.thebeijinger.com 4. In other words, it was the desire of the eighteenth century to give the English language a refined , reasonable and everlasting form. 换句话说,正是十八世纪的迫切需求给了英语一个文雅高尚了的、合理的和永久的组成形式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He famously left a portion of his estate to his last reform campaign, an ill-fated project to simplify the English language alphabet. 他留下了一句名言其遗产的一部分,以他最后的改革运动,一个命运多舛的项目,以简化英文字母。 lwdx123.com 6. I've decided to become a journalist for an English language newspaper. 我决定做一名英文报社记者。 www.hxen.com 7. These associations and connections, these capillaries of meaning, seat the word in the living flesh of the English language. 这些关联、联系,好比这个词含义的“毛细血管”,让这个植入到英语的鲜活的血肉之躯中。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. William Shakespeare was the greatest writer of English language. His work has exerted a greater worldwide influence. 威廉?莎士比亚是英国最伟大的作家,他的作品在全世界影响很大。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. It's easy to get good English-language movies. 现在很容易买到好的电影DVD。 www.edu114.cn 10. pronounced like the English words are often caused by misunderstandings between the English language. 发音相似的英语词常常引起英语者之间的误会。 wenwen.soso.com 1. So far, we have dealt with the application process, college admissions tests, English language testing, financial aid, and other subjects. 到目前为止,我们已经谈到了申请程序,院校入学考试,英语语言测试,财政援助和一些别的话题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. English proverbs are the gems of the English language and literature, and a crystallization of the wisdom of the English nations. 英语谚语是英语语言文学的瑰宝,是英语民族智慧的结晶。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. As a matter of fact, if this poem is written in modern English language, it would be more readily appreciated. 事实上,如果这首诗用现代英语写会容易欣赏的多。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Regardless of your own English level, the strategies below can help you guide your child to improve their English language skills. 不管你的英语程度如何,以下介绍的技巧都有助于你引导你的孩子提高他们学习语言的技巧。运用以下几点来教导你的孩子。 www.03964.com 5. She will soon be able to read English-language newspapers and other resources written for native speakers. 她将很快就能够读英文报纸和其它一些为以英语为母语的人写的材料。 www.7139.com 6. The English language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation. 英语中有一个生动的说法来形容这种情况。 q.sohu.com 7. I was especially interested in Koreatown, with its strip malls packed with Korean businesses, some without English-language signs. 我对韩国城特别感兴趣,单排商业区有很多韩国店,有些都没用英语标注。 www.bing.com 8. So far vocational and English language colleges have felt the biggest impacts, with university enrolments little changed. 到目前为止,大学注册人数基本无大的变化,职教学院和英语语言学院都受到了最大的影响。 edu.163.com 9. All students must have a recognised English Language qualification of at least GCSE grade C or equivalent standard. 所有的学生必须拥有认可的英语语言资质,最起码是普通中等教育证书C级别或其他同等标准。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. The university also offers an English Language Institute. But (Gallaudet) says this program does not guarantee acceptance to the university. 该大学还提供英语培训班,但它声明不是参加了培训班就能保证被大学录取。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. It seems to me, the English language is equally, if not more, puzzling in many ways. 其实,英文也好不到哪里。 bbs.loveunix.net 2. Subjects to be studied: GCSE preparation programme to develop English language skills and academic preparation. 需要研究的课题:普通中等教育证书的准备方案,以发展英语语言能力和学术准备。 ask.8684.cn 3. English grammar is an important part of English language and the laws of the internal structure of English as well. 英语语法是英语的一个重要组成部分,也是英语内在结构规律的总结。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. A relevant Masters degree is required and previous exposure to college-level English Language teaching would be advantageous. 需获得相关硕士学位,拥有高等专科教育以上英语教学经历者将予以优先考虑。 www.jobui.com 5. Superior command over English language has proved to be the foremost advantage that India has over its competing countries. 高级以上的英语要求已被证明是最重要的优势,在这方面印度已经超过了其他竞争国家。 www.silkcapital.com 6. You can have a good command of English only if you know well the background to English language. 只有熟悉了英语的背景,你才算真正学好了英语。 kofi.blog.hexun.com 7. The English Language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of saying. 英语中,有句生动的描写忱种情况的谚语。 study.feloo.com 8. Each employee participating in the training can get a set of professional English language learning software for free. 每一个参训员工,免费获得专业英语学习软件一套; www.xuanxuexiao.com 9. The university also offer an English Language Institute. But Gallaudet says this program does not guarantee acceptance to the university. 这个大学也提供英语语言培训。但是加勒德特说这个项目并不能保证能够进入该大学。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. This course will increase your ability in general English language skills with an emphasis on vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. 这门课程将着重提高您的英语发音、词汇和语法能力。 wenku.baidu.com 1. For those uncool enough to admit that they're not fluent in Klingon, an English-language version is available. 当然,对于那些不够自信并承认自己不能流利使用克林贡语的人,Sophos提供了对应的英文版。 www.bing.com 2. The music that I usually listen to is English language music. That's why I try to write English lyrics as well. 我听的歌一般都是英文歌。所以我也喜欢写英文歌词。 w2.5ilog.com 3. Visit English language learning websites. They are full of good ideas for learning and for general English topics. 访问并浏览英文网站,有很多好的知识可以学习。 www.skypewldh.com 4. error sound technical English language capabilities as well as strong Chinese language with developed written communication skills. 技术英语语言能力良好,同时中文书面沟通能力突出。 www.gao8dou.com 5. On Tuesday, the English-language China Daily published a pair of commentaries by academics that made similar arguments. 周二《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)发表了两篇学者评论文章,观点相似。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Business English language has its own characteristics of style, features and pragmatics of discourse characteristics. 商务英语的语言有其自身的文体特点,语篇特征和语用特色。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. But Wikipedia's English language content accounts for only a fifth of the collaborative encyclopedia's content. 但是维基百科英文内容只占百科全书内容的五分之一。 www.bing.com 8. Now is a good time to add another English language experience to your summer life. A good time to check out all of the U. 这是一个在暑期生活增加英语语言体验的好时机,一个可以在网上搜索你听过或者考虑过的美国大学的好时机。 www.kxue.cn 9. He said that he had a good command of the English language. 他说他很好地掌握了英语这门语言。 k8edu.com 10. Shakespeare, perhaps more than any other writer, made full use of the great sources of the English language. 莎士比亚或许比任何一个作家都更充分地使用了英语的巨大资源。 www.5xue.com 1. As a branch of English for Specific Purposes, Business English language feature has significant linguistic characteristics. 作为专门用途英语的分支,商务英语语言特色有着显著的语言特点。 wenwen.soso.com 2. In Fast Five, everything's in a hurry; even the English-language subtitles for the Portuguese dialogue scoot onto and off the screen. 在这部电影中,万事匆匆,连葡萄牙语台词的英译字幕也穿梭如风。 bbs.wwenglish.org 3. Please also be able to properly understand the English language and proper grammar use. 请同时能够正确地了解英语语言和语法正确使用。 www.bing.com 4. This training course has been created to help improve the participants' English language pronunciation. 本次培训目的是提高学员自身英语发音,不是帮助学员如何教发音。 vso-qybe.weebly.com 5. With the growth of trade and the British Empire, the English language had been widely used outside England. 随着贸易和大英帝国的英语已经被广泛应用于英格兰以外。 q.sohu.com 6. The original English language version of these Terms and Conditions is the legally-binding version. 此合同条款和条件的英文原文版为具法律效应版本。翻译版本仅供参考。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 7. In addition, IFP students will take 20 hours of English language training a week to support and supplement the academic courses. 此外,IFP学生将进行每周20个小时的英语训练和学习以支持学术科目。 www.112113.cn 8. Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the great resources of the English language. 莎士比亚比其他的作家更喜欢充分利用英语语言资源。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The contract is to be prepared in the Arabic & English language, as Arabic is the official language in Iraq. 合同用阿拉伯语和英语书写,因为阿拉伯语为伊拉克的官方语言。 gatefanyi.com 10. Might as well be removed? 2, students learning English to mobilize the enthusiasm of English language learning, for the first interest. 调动学生学习英语的积极性英语学习,兴趣为先。 www.hbzxr.com 1. Helen: New words and expressions enter the English language all the time, so you need to stay up to date. 要掌握地道的英语,重要的就是要不断学习英语中最新出现的新词和新用法。 www.8002008.com.cn 2. Actually, the sense of English language derives exactly from what is lost when English is translated, even subconsciously. 事实上,英语语感就是英语被翻译时失去的那点东西,即使是下意识的。 www.elanso.com 3. Children thinking courses : abacus calculation, English, literature special education, English language. 儿童思维训练班:珠算、英语、文学启智、英语口语。 www.bing.com 4. New foreign students also take placement examinations and a required English language test. 新的外国留学生也需参加定位考试和必须的英语测试。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. First, you may take notes of any mistake made by you, so as to get familiar with the correct usage of the English language. 首先,你可以采取你所作出的任何错误说明,以获得与正确使用英语的熟悉。 wenwen.soso.com 6. This situation is known as English language learning "plateau phenomenon. " 这种状态被称为英语学习的“高原现象”。 blog.hi.mop.com 7. She loves to learn English, and I do not like the English language should be English too convoluted, and she especially liked. 她爱学英语,而我不喜欢英语应为英语太绕口了,而她特别喜欢。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The minutes of meetings and written resolutions of the Board of Directors shall be recorded in either Chinese or English language. 会议纪要和董事会书面决议应以中文或英文进行记录。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The English-language service of the state-run Xinhua news agency ran just a 184-word brief on the incident. 新华社英语新闻只用了184个字来简述这一事件。 c.wsj.com 10. I propose that you make me your joint, and equal, partner in an English language training school. 我建议,你让我你的关节,和平等,在一个英语培训学校的合作伙伴。 www.thebeijinger.com 1. Students to Pakistan for teachers of English language teaching, professional knowledge is not a problem, the key is language. 对巴基斯坦留学生进行英语教学的教师来说,专业知识是不成问题的,关键是语言。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. My current problem with the English language is the ability to understand the complete connotative meanings of words. 我英语目前欠缺的是完整理解单词的隐含意义的能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Quite a number of animal words from Chinese and English language have their own special cultural implication. 英汉两种语言中有很多动物词语都具有丰富的国俗语义,都包涵着丰富的文化内涵。 lib.cqvip.com 4. And, the expression swan song has long been a part of the English language. 同时,“天鹅之歌”这一表达很久以来就是英语的一部分。 www.unsv.com 5. The way of learning the English language is the same as that of learning swimming: Practice must be put first. 学习英语的方法和学习游泳的方法一样,必须把实践放在第一位。 www.51lunwen.org 6. Wanted outdoor banner designs for a small English language school & higher education college. 想为一本小英文语言学校与高等教育学院户外旗帜设计。 www.bing.com 7. I think listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good English language learner. 我发现听力练习是成为一个好的英语学习者的秘诀之一。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Colin: You could always be an English language coach on a foreign film! 科琳:你可以在一部外国电影中做英语教练。 www.xianzai.cn 9. The one-year, post-experience English-language programme, which starts in January, is now in its second year. 这个为期一年,要求有工作经验,用英语授课的课程如今已经进入第二个年头,开课日期为每年1月份。 www.ftchinese.com 10. As a consequence of this irregularity, the Soundex is not particularly well suited to spell checking in the English language. 这种不规范的后果就是,Soundex不太适合做英语中的拼写检查。 www.ibm.com 1. Backlinks from English language websites from the U. S. , Canada, Australia and Western Europe. 反向来自美国,加拿大,澳大利亚和西欧的英文网站。 www.bing.com 2. Princeton's English language WordNet project is a tremendous public service, and is progressing impressively. Princeton的English语言WordNet项目是一项庞大的公共服务,正在取得不断进步。 www.ibm.com 3. the same cultural soil producing the English language also nourished the great principles of freedom and rights of man in the modern world. 试想,形成英语的这种文化土壤同样也培育出了现代世界关于自由和人权的伟大理论! www.jukuu.com 4. Link page MUST BE FROM ENGLISH LANGUAGE SITES ONLY and the websites should be developed (Not under construction). 6链接页面必须从英语网站的网站只应制定(不正在建设中)。 www.bing.com 5. With a strong knowledge of the English language, you can have wonderful cultural adventures. 对英语语言的深刻了解让你经历奇妙的文化盛宴。 zhishi.sohu.com 6. Learning English and we need to understand foreign cultures, open thinking, from a fundamental grasp of English language structure. 而我们学习英语时需要了解外国文化,打开思维,从根本上掌握英语的语言结构。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. For the century before Johnson's Dictionary was published in 1775, there had been concern about the state of the English language. 约翰逊博士的字典于1775年出版,在此之前的一个世纪,人们一直对英语的发展状况担忧。 wenku.baidu.com 8. The story of our English language is typically one of massive stealing from other languages. 我们的英语是一个典型的从其他语言的借用了很多的语言。 www.tianya.cn 9. There are also many English language courses with starting dates throughout the year to prepare you for further study in Australia. 英语语言课程全年滚动开课,帮助你为进入你所报读的主课的学习作好准备。 studyinaustralia.gov.au 10. As the dominant moral standards in western world, influence of Christian culture on English language is far more fundamental and essential. 作为西方世界的主导思想,毫无疑问基督教文化对英语语言的影响是极其深远和巨大的。 www.fabiao.net 1. We do not accept in-class essays, creative writing samples, journal entries, lab reports, and essays not written in the English language. 我们不接受课堂论文,创造性写作的样本,日记,实验报告和其他非英语写作的论文。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Language skills are one of the bases of abilities to use synthetic English language. 综合语言运用能力的基础之一是语言技能,即听、说、读、写四项技能。 www.fabiao.net 3. Japanese Language & Literature and English Language & Literature are the key subjects on the provincial level. 日本语语言文学和英语语言文学为省级重点学科。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. China Confidential is different as an English-language publication, aimed at a global audience for those with a business interest in China. 《中国探秘》作为英文出版物有着自己的特点,主要面向全球范围内有兴趣开展在华业务的读者群体。 www.bing.com 5. FCE is being used to assess English language ability by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. 奥地利商会将FCE考试作为其语言能力测试的标准。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. has had an English-language international site to complement its Chinese marketplace since its founding a decade ago. 阿里巴巴10年前成立时就有一个英文版的国际站点,作为中文站点的辅助。 www.ebigear.com 7. The Sunday tabloid is one of the world's biggest-selling English-language newspapers. 世界新闻报是世界上销售量最多的英语报纸之一。 www.ecocn.org 8. Beijing Playhouse seeks actors for our English language production of the Charles Dickens holiday classical Christmas Carol . 北京剧院现正在为全英文的圣诞颂歌表演寻找演员。 www.bing.com 9. I've always thought she was a beautiful poet. Her grasp of the English language is magnificent. 我一直认为她是个很好的诗人,她对英语的掌握真是炉火纯青。 www.hjenglish.com 10. This example sets the character set to be in the English language style as found in the United States, using the ASCII character set. 这个例子将字符集设置为美国英语语言形式,,使用的是ASCII字符集。 www.zzbaike.com 1. Euphemism is a product of human civilization and a comparatively prevalent phenomenon, which extensively exists in the English language. 英语委婉语是语言交际中的一种较为普遍的现象,也是人类文明发展的产物。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. You have the money to start an English language training school, but you do not have the experience necessary to manage it properly. 你有没有钱启动英语培训学校,但你没有必要的经验,正确的管理。 www.thebeijinger.com 3. But I do not have to prove my English proficiency certificate, I need an English language certificate? 但是我现在没有能够证明我英语能力的证书,我是否需要一个英语证书? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Cosmetics advertising language, like all other forms of English language for special purpose, has developed several special characteristics. 英语化妆品广告语言,和其它任何一门专业英语语言一样,有着自己很独特的用词特点。 www.fabiao.net 5. Language: excellent fluency in spoken and written English. Additional English language training may be required. 语言:能说、写极为流利的英语。可能要求申请人参加额外的英语培训。 edu.tefl.com.cn 6. All students must be proficient enough in the English language by the time the reach 11th grade to take all standard, mainstream subjects. 所有学生在参加11年级主要科目时,必须掌握必要的语言能力。 www.51liuxue.net.cn 7. As this is the International English Language Testing System, a variety of English accents are used in both of these examinations. 因为雅思考试是国际英语语言测试考试,所以在其两类考试中会包含各式口音的英语。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. How many words in the English language can you think of that are derived from Arabic? 你能想出多少个来自阿拉伯语的英语单词? www.america.gov 9. The Plain English Campaign says the most annoying saying in the English language is "At the end of the day" . 举办通俗英语活动的机构称英语中最令人讨厌的词组是“一天的末尾”。 www.gjjy.com 10. Stimulating principle; teaching principles; English Language Teaching. 启发性原则;教学原则;英语教学。 www.qikan.com.cn 1. An official in the area told the state-run Global Times English language newspaper that the decision to knock it down was not political. 一位该地区的官员告诉官方的环球时报(英文报纸)说,这个拆除的决定无关政治。 anwei87411.wordpress.com 2. Another problem is lack of English language ability, particularly among disadvantaged populations, Farrell added. 他说,另一个问题是缺乏英语能力,经济条件不佳的学生尤其如此。 www.america.gov 3. This time, Putin talked about the English language is not unusual, he thought his bad driving. 这次,普京不寻常地说起了英语,他认为自己驾驶的还不错。 www.englishtang.com 4. He worked for an English-language newspaper in Madras, and that impressed them even more. 他在马德拉斯市一家英文报纸工作,这一点使得那些车夫对他印象更加深刻。 www.ecocn.org 5. As one of the four skills in the English language, writing is of great importance in L2 teaching and testing. 写作是一项重要的英语语言技能,在英语教学和测试中一直占有很重要的地位。 www.fabiao.net 6. So to the question of how many words are there in the English language, my recommended answer is: not enough, ever. 因此,对于英语有多少词汇这个问题,我建议作这样的回答:永远也不够。 www.america.gov 7. But garbled or not, the store of words derived from Arabic has greatly enriched the English language. 然而混杂与否,源于阿拉伯语的众多单词极大地丰富了英语的词汇。 www.america.gov 8. Only hope that my English language mathematical sciences, the door for more than 90 doors have been good! 只希望我的英语数学科学的大门90多门一直很好! learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Learning English language online is the best tool to improve your English language skills, specially your speaking skills. 在线学习英语是最好的工具帮,它会助你提高英语水平,特别是口语水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. College diploma in finance or related discipline. - Certain English language ability. - Good computer and communication skills. 金融或相关专业大专以上学历。-有一定的英语能力。-较好的计算机使用能力及沟通能力。 163.1010job.com 1. It's hard to do things like, but I can, maybe through the English language, I can encourage young children. 现在很难再用那位鸡场主人的方式帮助年轻人,但我也许可以通过教英语激励这些孩子。 www.cctv.com 2. Tsinghua University Press is authorized by Thomson Learning to publish and distribute exclusively this English language reprint edition. 本英文影印版由汤姆森学习出版集团授权清华大学出版社独家出版发行。 www.golden-book.com 3. Today, as a group, English language newspapers enjoy the largest number of readers. 总的来说,目前英文报纸拥有最多数目的读者 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Good command of English language, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Other foreign language ability will be a plus. 熟练掌握英语,会其它外语更佳。 job.veryeast.cn 5. Previous experiences with a Foreign Exploration company and certain English language skills is a plus but not mandatory. 有外资勘探企业工作经历和一定英语水平技能优先。 www.jobui.com 6. Only a great deal of exercises, grammar school can be truly "live" , that is used to guide the English language grammar use. 只有做大量练习,才能真正把语法学“活”,即用语法来指导英语语言的使用。 wenwen.soso.com 7. But it served its purpose: she was admitted, and spent six months in the English-language program before beginning freshman classes. 但是它收到了效果:她被录取了,在一年级课程之前读了半年英语课程。 www.bing.com 8. The Wyoming-based company has merged with a Beijing-based English-language instruction firm, according to the Financial Times of London. 据英国《金融时报》报道,这家美国怀俄明州的公司已经与北京一家英语教学机构合并。 eamrs5211.blog.163.com 9. English Horizon : Everything and discussions about English, English culture , English language learning, etc. 一切关于英语的话题和讨论:英语文化、英语语言知识等,开开眼界、长长见识。 www.bing.com 10. English cognitive abilities, English grammar ability and English culture knowledge which compose the whole English language ability. 英语语言能力包括英语认知能力、英语语法能力和英语文化知识三个方面。 www.594wm.com 1. As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemisms have existed for a long time. 婉转语是人类语言中的一种遍及征象,其存在的历史相当久长。 www.asialw.com 2. During the college time, I passed CET-6 and acquired recognition of comprehensive capability of English language. 大学期间,通过国家英语6级考试,获得综合英语能力认定。 www.renhe.cn 3. Walls across the city feature English-language messages like "We need food and water. " 用英语写的“我们需要食物和水”成了整个城市墙上的标志。 www.ecocn.org 4. Spoken English from the United States, speech to start, the rapid creation of English language sense. 从美国英语口语,语音入手,快速产生英语语感。 cid-dda073513ee6a3fa.spaces.live.com 5. Moreover, many types of food have no English-language equivalent. 此外,许多种食物没有对应的英文。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Euphemism, a universal cultural and linguistic phenomenon, is a natural and indispensable part of English language. 委婉语是一种普遍的语言文化现象,是英语不可缺少的一部分。 www.fabiao.net 7. The goal of this paper is to examine the English language curricula and their implementations at the tertiary level in Taiwan. 本论文旨在检视国内大学共同英文课程之规划及实施。 www.teps.com.cn 8. English learners cannot ignore developing English language sense, which is of great help to improving English level. 英语学习不能忽视语感的培养,语感的培养极有助于英语水平的提高。 lib.cqvip.com 9. The classes draw on leading edge software and experienced foreign teachers to provide students with maximum English language exposure. 这个班抽签前沿软件和经验丰富的外籍教师给学生提供最大的英语语言接触。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. English language; sexual discrimination; causes; strategies. 英语语言;性别歧视;产生根源;方法策略。 www.qikan.com.cn 1. approach involves the child in physically responding to commands and directions given in the English language. 另一方面,“运动感官刺激”方法指儿童通过肢体运动对英语命令和指示做出反应。 www.showxiu.com 2. Review of the current English language literature shows that the domain of magnetic resonance imaging is research. 审查目前的英文文献表明,该领域的磁共振成像的研究。 www.syyxw.com 3. British English , American English, Australian English and South African English are the major variation of the English language. 英国英语、美国英语、澳洲英语和南非英语是英语的主要变体。 www.hxen.com 4. English language teaching (ELT) in senior middle schools aims mainly at improving students' communicative competence. 培养交际能力是高中英语教学的主要目的。 www.fabiao.net 5. Author original English language learning materials and create interactive digital curriculum. 编写英语学习资料和互动性的数字课程。 www.alo7.com 6. I discovered that part of my problem lay in the fact that "love" has several meanings in the English language. 我发现自己对于爱它本身切实的含义之所以存在问题就是因为英语在对爱上有很多种理解。 www.suiniyi.com 7. Conversational practices provide opportunities for English language usage. 对话练习为幼儿提供了使用语言的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. the business of half a legal contract English language, words accurate, formal, rigorous, have distinct style meaning. 代写英语论文商务合同英语属半法律性语言,用词准确、正式、严谨,具有鲜明文体意义。 www.51lunwen.com 9. The syllables of English language have different properties, tile rhythm of English poetry, therefore, has different features. 英语的音节具有不同的特性,因而英语诗歌节奏具有不同的特点。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. AP English language training institutions, school hours free exposure to foreign language learning environment. Free trial in! 美联英语培训机构,上课时间自由置身海外的语言学习环境。免费试听中! dict.wanyuwang.com 1. Music is no national boundaries, it can stimulate the people unlimited potential, English language also known as the "bridge to the world. " 音乐是无国界的,它能激发人们无限的潜能,英语又被称为是“通向世界的桥梁”。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. This was a defining moment; it was my discovery of the English language. 这是决定性的时刻;是我对英语这种语言的发现。 www.bing.com 3. Sexist language is the reflection of concept of sex discrimination in the English language. 英语中的性别歧视语是性别歧视的观念在英语语言中的反映。 www.qikan.com.cn 4. China Machine Press is authorized by Thomson Learning to publish and distribute exclusively this English Language reprint edition. 本书英文影印版由汤姆森学习出版集团授权机械工业出版社独家出版发行。 www.golden-book.com 5. On the whole, Chinese students are weak in the English oral communication, which shows a lack of the English language sense and its culture. 在英语学习中,语感及文化两大因素对口头交际能力有著重要的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Xinhua has been increasing its presence outside China and is launching a global English-language television channel. 新华社一直在扩大中国以外的业务,并将推出一个全球英语电视频道。 www.bing.com 7. The IT sector , English language sector , industrial products and engineering sectors are also represented . 代表团中也包括来自信息技术产业,英语语言教育产业,工业产品和工程产品产业的代表。 www.bing.com 8. Teaching of Intensive Reading at the teachers college covers English Language training and teachers education. 师专英语精读教学包括英语专业知识技能训练和教师职业发展。 www.jukuu.com 9. Bush is no stranger to the occasional faux pas, and often jokes about his habit of mangling the English language. 布什总统爱犯口误已不是什么新鲜事,他也常常自嘲自己爱说错话的毛病。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. aside from Chinese, they take English language courses that include Chinese history, maths, English, and Chinese society and culture. 在学校,除了中文,他们还有关于中国历史、数学、英语以及中国社会和文化的课程,这些都是英文授课。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Moreover, it can also help you to develop a sense of English language and correct English pronunciation. 而且这样还能帮助您培养英语语感和纠正英语发音。 cid-dda073513ee6a3fa.spaces.live.com 2. For now the site is only launching in Chinese, but they do have plans to expand to English language support at some point in the future. 目前,这个网站只在中国投入使用,但在将来他们确实有将其扩大到任何语种的计划。 www.elanso.com 3. Japanese-owned GEOS, which operates a global chain of English language schools, closed its Australian operations late yesterday. 日资的GEOS是全球连锁英语教学学校,但是却在昨天关闭了在澳洲业务。 www.bing.com 4. I do not have the money to establish my own English language training school. 我没有钱建立自己的英语语言培训学校。 www.thebeijinger.com 5. SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: English language experts say Geoffrey Chaucer was the first important writer to use the English language. 专家说杰佛利·乔叟是用第一位用英语写作的人。 www.remword.cn 6. To develop communicative competence of English language is affected by a variety of factors. 英语交际能力的培养与发展,受到诸多因素的制约。 www.chemyq.com 7. The English language has different names for it hanging out, grabbing coffee, networking, but it's all the same thing. 英语对外出相聚、喝杯咖啡、建立人脉关系有着不同的名称,但是说的其实是同一件事。 396495845.qzone.qq.com 8. And innovation among English-language teachers in Britain won't offset the impact of the visa changes on the broader economy. 一些英国语言教师开创的网络教学革新无法消除签证改革对更广泛经济层面的影响。 www.ecocn.org 9. But the report noted a 9% decrease for intensive English-language programs. Allan Goodman says the reason may have been the recession. 但是报告显示选择英语语言类课程人数下降9%,艾伦·古德曼说这可能是经济衰退的原因。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. The "Sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep' sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. 据说“第六位生病的酋长的第六只羊生病了”是英语中最绕口的绕口令。 hi.baidu.com |
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