单词 | english class | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | english class
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 英语课,英文课,英语课程 1. What was Lucy doing at eight o'clock yesterday morning? She was in her English class at eight o'clock yesterday morning. Lucy昨天早上八点中正在做什么?她昨天早上八点钟正在上英语课。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Usually we all learned the related knowledge in Chinese first, so it's easy to understand the English class. 通常我们是对所学的数学课内容进行英语教学尝试,所以很容易理解课堂用语。 www.bgy.gd.cn 3. I learned more spoken English by living it up and hanging out with American friends than I did in traditional English class. 通过尽情享受与美国朋友闲逛,我学到比在传统英语课中更多的口语。 bbs.kekenet.com 4. 'He said he had to go to his English class, ' she said. 'I said goodbye and I love you. Cenecharles说,他说他得去上英语课了,我跟他说了再见,还说我爱你。 www.e-say.com.cn 5. It springs from the idea of a notebook full of doodles, like that of your typical teenager during English class. 这灵感来源于在笔记本上的涂鸦乱画,就像你十几岁时在英文课上所作的那样。 www.bing.com 6. They made up a dialogue and acted it out in the English class. 他们在英语课上编演了个对话。 beike.dangzhi.com 7. Dr. Palm like the other missionaries endeavored to preach God's Gospel, love and grace in her English class. 在授课过程中,庞博士与同行传教士皆极力宣扬上帝福音、爱及恩典。 www.teps.com.cn 8. but you might not know it until you write that English paper -- that English class paper that's assigned to you. 但你可能要在完成那篇英文课的作文后才会发现自己的才华。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You're not supposed to chat in Chinese in my English class, I was supposed to remind you of it at the beginning of the class. 在我的课上是不准用汉语聊天的,我本应该一开始上课就提醒你们的,忘了。 www.kekenet.com 10. I'm interested in taking your English class. But I wondered if I could enroll in your class now. 我想选修您的英语课,但我不知道现在还可不可以报您的课? blog.hjenglish.com 1. overall, i wish i'll have an interesting and unforgettable english class with all of you and our dear foreigner teacher. 总之,我希望与你们和我们亲爱的外教一起度过一节有趣、难忘的英语课。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. In my own experience, learning French at high school taught me so much more about grammar than English class ever did. 根据我自己的经历,我在高中学法语当中学到的语法知识比在英语课上学到的多的多。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Every English classes are very interesting, classroom atmosphere is very active, this make me more like an English class. 每一节英语课都很有趣,课堂气氛很活跃,这让我更加喜欢英语课了。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Like the farmer and the snake, frog in the well, The crow drinking water, we have all acted out in our English class. 象乌鸦喝水,农夫与蛇,井底之蛙等,这些都是寓言啊,我们都在课堂上表演过。 5. Some of the vocabulary used "down under" is quite different from what you may have learnt in your English class. 有些在澳大利亚使用的词汇和你在英语课堂中所学到的完全不同。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We were about to have English class when a foreigner came in. 我们正要上英语课突然一个外国人进来了。 www.8875.org 7. "Constructive criticism" is one of those feel-good buzzwords we learn to loathe after high school English class. 有建设性的批评算是听上去挺好的流行词,而我们从高中英语课堂就开始讨厌它。 www.360doc.com 8. More immigrants are settling in suburbs and sometimes have to wait months for an opening in an English class. 更多的移民住在市郊,有时不得不等待数月才会有英语课开设。 www.yappr.cn 9. Foreign language proficiency: good, read the general article, access to English class B certificates. 外语水平:良好,阅读一般性文章,获得英语应用能力B级证书。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Even in the United States, homework from English class alone is not enough to sate [1] an avid reader. 就算在美国,英文课的内容对于一个阅读爱好者来说,是远远不够的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. One day, Miss Li is having an English class, All the pupils are listening to her with smiles. 一天,李小姐正在上一堂英语课,所有的学生都在微笑着听她讲课。 heshuibei.com 2. When I was a high school student, my English class was like a recreational activity: I simply enjoyed learning English. 当我在中学的时候英语课对我来说就是一种消遣。我当时就是喜欢学英语。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I am interested in taking your English class. But i wondered if i could enroll in your class now. 我非常感兴趣参加你的英语课程,但是我想知道我现在是否能够报名参加呢? blog.sina.com.cn 4. I've committed myself to teach this online oral English class, what firmer commitment are you ready to make on your English study? 我已承诺教这个网络英语课,你做好了关于英语学习的更肯定的承诺吗? www.kekenet.com 5. In Ruth Sweeney's senior English class, we read Macbeth and were encouraged to memorize and recite portions of it. 在露丝。斯威尼的四年级英语课上,我们学了《麦克白》一剧,老师鼓励我们记住并背诵其中一些段落。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Therefore, there is a good reason for us to put forward the task-based language teaching to be practiced in college English class teaching. 因此笔者提出将任务型教学法运用到大学英语教学中。 www.fabiao.net 7. I an your English teacher. We have English class on Mondays , Wednesday and Fri-days . look at me . 我是你的英语老师。我们有英语课星期一,星期三和星期五天。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Putin's spokesman Peskov told the media, "Blueberry Hill" was Putin during an English class to hear. 普京的发言人佩斯科夫告诉媒体,《蓝莓山》是普京在上英语课时听到的。 www.englishtang.com 9. Business English class teaching contains three levels, knowledge level , ability level and cross- cultural communicative competence level . 经贸英语课堂教学存在着三个层面,即知识层面,能力层面和跨文化交际素养层面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Earlier this year, I had told Mrs. Liu that I would like to help her teach our English class. 今年初,我告诉过刘老师我想帮助她教我们的英语课。 shahanbin678.blog.163.com 1. Earlier this year, I had told Ms. Liu that I would like to help her teach our English class. 今年初,我曾告诉刘老师说我想帮她教我们的英语课。 www.tingroom.com 2. It was last Friday afternoon when our class had a tug-of-war contest with English class on the playground. 那是上周五下午,在操场上我们班有一场和英语班的拔河比赛。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. We are ready to have the English class. 我们准备好上英语课了。 fast.china-edu.com.cn 4. On this day, we celebrate the durable friendship of our English class, I am grateful for the beauty of this day. 今天,我们在此聚会,庆祝我们英语班的永远的友谊。此时此刻,我无比感动这美好日子。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I finished writing in my diary and remembered I had a dialogue to write for English class and a dictation test for tomorrow. 写完日记,我想起英语课还有个对话要写,明天还有个听写测验。 bjgdfz.com 6. I'd love to go to the movies with you, but tonight I have to stay home and knock off a term paper for my English class. 我真想和你们一起去看电影。可是,今晚我得呆在家里给英语课写期终报告。 www.zftrans.com 7. The English class is still dominated by teacher lecturing on language knowledge without variety of classroom activities. 英语课堂仍以教师讲授语言知识为主,课堂活动不够丰富,学生缺乏语言应用的机会。 www.fabiao.net 8. One of my projects is a business English class in the training center. 我目前仍在培训公司从事商务英语的培训项目。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Where do I go to walk? In the past half a year, I had an English class at Dave's office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. 我到哪里去走呢?在过去的一年半的时间,我有一节英语课在戴夫办公室周二,周三,周五和周六。 wenwen.soso.com 10. She takes an English class with immigrants and expats from all over the world. 她参加了一个面向世界各地移民和外派人员的英文学习班。 www.bing.com 1. As we know, for most college students, the amount of the total English class is just 288 periods. 我们深知,对于大学生,英语课时非常有限,其英语学习基本上是课外学习。 www.fabiao.net 2. This morning, after the Break event, we are ready to English class. 我想问一下今天早上,大课间活动结束后,我们准备上英语课。 ww.mf08s.com 3. A Lecture about English A linguistics professor was lecturing to his English class one day. 一天,一位语言教授在讲授他的英语课。 www.enfang.com 4. The last part puts forward English class's teaching tactics from the technical and emotional angle. 第五部分从技术和情感层面上提出了英语教师可以具体操作的课堂教学策略。 www.fabiao.net 5. Unless you're currently in high school or taking an English class in college, chances are that you don't read much poetry. 除非你现在是高中生或上英语课的大学生,阅读很多诗歌的机会对你来说不多。 www.elanso.com 6. In our memory, there is nothing more satisfying than taking a quick nap during English class on a middle-school desk. 在我们的记忆中,没有什么比上中学时英语课间在桌子上小睡片刻更惬意的了。 www.bing.com 7. After the English class, I feel very happy because the next class would be the computer class which we all like. 在英语课堂上,我感到非常高兴,因为下一节课将计算机课上,我们都很喜欢。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Hurriedly ran to the English class, forgot to bring glasses, nothing to see No, vague. 匆匆跑去上英语课,忘了带眼镜,什么也看不了,模模糊糊的。 www.dota123.com 9. At the beginning of the English class, our English teacher taught an song. 在英语课的开端,我们的英语老师教了一首歌。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He had a head start over his fellow students in the English class as his father was English. 他在英文班中略胜同学一筹乃因他父亲本就是英国人。 www.jukuu.com 1. Every morning, I need to go to a factory for an English class for a girl called Angela who works there. 每天上午,我都要去一个工厂为一个叫Angela的女孩上英语课,她是在那里工作的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We have English class once a week. 我们每周一次英语课。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Drama class must be treated no differently from math class, English class, or Chinese class. 戏剧班的课应该与数学课,英语课或语文课一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. My mother persuade me to take an English class during my summer vacation . 妈妈说服我在暑假期间参加英语培训。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In Beijing, as China prepared for the 2008 Olympics, I used to visit an English class for senior citizens. 在中国为2008年奥运会做准备的时候,我曾经拜访过北京一家专为老年人开设的英语培训班。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Last month on an English class, the principal told us that English teachers were injured in the leg. 上个月的一节英语课上,校长告诉我们英语老师的腿部受伤了。 gougo.org 7. Started writing. The only writing I had done previous to this blog, had been in Elementary school English class. 写作写作是唯一一件在开博之前就已经做的事,是在初级中学英语课上,是最积极的事之一。 www.bing.com 8. What do you think of your English class? 你认为你的英语课怎么样? wenwen.soso.com 9. If your English class in maths test , it was dug up the meat sores . 如果你在英语课堂上准备数学考试,那就好比是挖肉补疮。 www.worlduc.com 10. She loved her English class, and for the first time, she says, she was doing well. 她爱她的英语课,第一次上课时,她ji就说她要做得很好。 www.bing.com 1. A recent email to us from Iran described an incident in an English class. 一封近期发自伊朗的电子邮件向我们描述了英语课堂上的一件事。 www.unsv.com 2. I am very happy to have English class with you . 我很高兴有英语课与您联系。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. And what should teachers do towards the grammar, lexical, pronunciation errors made by students in the oral English class? 作为教师又应该怎样对待和处理这些发音,语法和词汇错误呢? waiyu.cnu.edu.cn 4. I usually start an English class by writing questions on the blackboard, with words like who, what, when, where, why, how and which. 我通常通过在黑板上写问题开始上英语课,上面充斥着像谁、什么、何时、何地、为什么、怎样和哪一个这样的词语。 www.kekenet.com 5. It's eight o'clock. How about listening to the CD for your English class? 八点了。要不要听英文课的CD? www.fgs.org.tw:81 6. Jerry is also my student and he goes to my house for English class every afternoon except Sundays. Jerry也是我的学生,他每天下午都会去我家上英语课,但周日除外。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Part five: Freeing ourselves from mistaken ideas on happy teaching and learning in oral English class for English major. 第五部分:走出大学英语专业口语愉快教学的误区。 www.fabiao.net 8. Tourism in the English class last week, the rostrum to introduce our group of a place, we introduced in South Africa places. 在上个星期的旅游英语课上,该我们小组上讲台去介绍一个地方,我们介绍的地方时南非。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 9. In one word, you lack practice in oral English. It's quite common among the students. That's why we have oral English class. 一句话,缺乏训练,这在中学生中很普遍,所以我们要开口语课。 www.ikanshu.cn 10. In simple English class, the students do not understand, Mr. Horton is repeated. 上课用简单的英语,学生不懂时,Horton先生就重复。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Part four: The basic strategies and implement of happy teaching and learning in oral English class for English major. 第四部分:大学英语专业口语愉快教学的基本策略及实施。 www.fabiao.net 2. You know that beautiful girl who sits ahead of me in English class? 你知道英语课坐在我前面那个很漂亮的女孩子吗? www.putclub.com 3. This was what happened at an English class in a micro-country. 传说这是发生在一个小微国学校里英文课上。 hi.baidu.com 4. Let's go on to have English class. 我们继续来上英语课。 k8edu.com 5. In fact, in our school, the spoken English class is not that important , some of the students always do their own staffs during the class. 其实你不知道,在我们这个学校,学校对口语课并不重视,我们总是自己干自己的,外教们也习惯了这样的教学。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. In the English class, the teacher told us many things and many principles which were all about school today. 今天,上英语课,老师跟我们说了很多事情,讲了很多道理。都是有关于对待读书的。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. A recentemaile-mail to us from Iran described an incident in an English class. 最近从伊朗给我的一份电子邮件中描述了英语课上的一件事。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. We have no English Class on Monday afternoon . 星期一下午我们没有英语课。 wylib.jiangmen.gd.cn 9. It embarrasses me to volunteer answers in my English class. 上英语课时,要我主动举手发言会感到不好意思。 my3q.com 10. However, many college students are not interested in College English class. 他们在大学英语教育中投入了许多人力,物力和财力。 www.lwgsw.com 1. In the eighth grade, my English class had to read "Romeo and Juliet" . 上八年级的时候,我们需要在英文课上读《罗密欧与茱莉叶》。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He argued that the oral English class could be conducted in another way . 他论证英语口语课可以采用另一种方法进行。 en.ruiwen.com 3. It will take a big bite out of my salary to sit in that English class. 要参加那个英语班得花掉我大部分工资呀。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The English class is usually in the morning. 英语课通常都在上午。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class. 根据我的经验,与一门外语,开始在初中时,我是带着第一次英语课。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. English class is boring so my friends and I usually slip each other notes. 英语课很无聊,所以我和朋友经常传纸条。 www.aviliv.com 7. The conventions that had governed behaviour, largely tacit, were embedded in the English class system that governed recruitment. 此前,影响人们行为的种种不成文的惯例深植于英国的阶级制度中,而这种阶级制度控制着人员的招聘。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In an English class, Miss Green checks homework. She. 在一堂英语课上,格林小姐检查作业。她问。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Afternoon an English class, a section computer class and section science classes. 下午上一节英语课,一节电脑课和一节科学课。 wenwen.soso.com 10. When I was fifteen, I announced to my English class that I was going to write and illustrate my own books. 十五岁的时候,我在英语课上宣布说准备写书,并自己画插图。 www.jxcad.com.cn 1. When I was fifteen, I announced to my English class that I was going to write and illustrate my own books. 十五岁的时候,我在英语课上宣布说准备写书,并自己画插图。 www.jxcad.com.cn 2. After the school attends class, I learn seriously, lucky gas divides me to best English class. 学校上课之后,我就认真学习,好运气把我分到了最好的英语班。 www.nwpu.net 3. They were having an English class at eight yesterday morning. 昨天早晨八点,他们在上一届英语课。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. His ninth-grade English class for boys centers on books that he believes boys find interesting. 他所教的九年级男生英语班使用的是他认为男孩子感兴趣的教材。 www.tingclass.com 5. Multimedia Teaching Keeps English Class "Moving" 多媒体教学让英语课堂“动”起来 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I'm writing as I would like to offer several advices for our English class. 我写这封邮件,是想要对我们的英语课提几点建议。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. 在英语课上,我坐在那里,盯着我旁边的女孩。 www.bing.com 8. We had no english class yesterday because our teacher was absent. 因老师不在,英语课就没上。 www.e521.com 9. Remember just time for English class, the teacher in class represents the time let us talk about their views on management. 记得刚上英语课的时候,老师在选课代表的时候就让我们谈谈自己对管理的看法。 www.worlduc.com 10. How to Break down the Dull Atmosphere in College English Class? 如何打破大学英语课沉闷的课堂气氛? www.ilib.cn 1. So far John has been the best student in our English class. 约翰一直是我们英文班上最优秀的学生。 blog.china-pub.com 2. We have English class in the classroom with two electric fans spinning overhead. 我们在教室里上英语课,头顶上有两个电扇在转变着。 www.neworiental.org 3. Hughes recalled a boy she met during a recent visit to an English class in Morocco. 休斯回忆说在近日去摩洛哥英语课堂的访问途碰到的一个男孩。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. Mike stayed beside me in English class, and ? me to the next class, during which the Chress Club Eric kept staring? him. 上英语课的时候,迈克坐在我旁边。他还把我送到下一节课的上课地点,而“象棋俱乐部”的埃里克一直都怒视着他。 www.douban.com 5. In this high school English class in suburban Tokyo, the teacher is relying on an outside voice. 在东京市郊的这个高中英语课上,教师依赖于外部的声音。 www.yappr.cn 6. We're going to have an English class this afternoon. 今天下午我们要上一节英语课。 7. A guy in my English class follows me everywhere - he is a real sleaze ball. 我英语班上的一个家伙到处跟着我-他可真是个流氓。 www.xianzai.cn 8. I think it is a good chance for me to use what I have learnt in my English class. 我认为这是一个很好的机会,我用我在我的英语班学习。 wenwen.soso.com 9. I want to say that I prefer my English class to be taught in E . . . 我想要说,我希望(老师)在英语课中只用英语教学。但是对于我来说,这个想法… bbshuang.22ab.com 10. It's Jane, a good friend he met in his sophomore English class. 是简,在二年级英语课上遇见的一个好朋友。 www.bing.com 1. A: So do we have to stay in this English class forever? A所以我必须永远呆在这个英语班里?。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. So do we have to stay in this English class forever? 那我们一辈子都得留在英语班了吗? www.hxen.com 3. From: Sam, a respectful sophomore student of yours in Oral English Class Two. 来自:一个尊敬你的,二年级英语口语2班学生萨姆。 www.bing.com 4. We're going to have an English class tomorrow. 明天我们要上一节英语课。 bossedu.com 5. The more girls there are in an English class, the worse outperform. This is particularly the case in primary schools, he discovered. 普劳德发现,这种现象在小学尤其明显,女生越多,男生的英语就学得越差。 bbs.pkucat.com 6. Attend English activities held by school, such as English Day, English Outdoor Activities, English Competition and English Class Assessment. 参加校内外各项英语活动。如英语日、英语活动课、英语竞赛,优质课评比等等。 www.thjy.org 7. They had an English class yesterday. 昨天他们上了一节英语课。 wenku.baidu.com 8. English class for improving your English in a short time. 有一种英语速成班,可以在短时间内提高你的英语。 www.shanbay.com 9. Tell him to go to the classroom where we often have our English class. 告诉他去我们常上英语课的那间教室。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He taught us an interesting English class yesterday. 昨天他给我们上了一节有趣的英语课。 www.bx263.com 1. boredom is the main feeling at the most of English class. 厌烦情绪是大部分英语课的一个主要问题。 bbs.tingclass.com 2. This English class is more like a speech, how boring! 这个英语课跟听讲座差不多,太枯燥了。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Reports say an English class was under way at the center when the first blast took place. 报道称第一次暴炸发生时该中心正在上一堂英文课。 bbs.wwenglish.org 4. Young Tom was having an English class at this time yesterday morning. 小汤姆昨天这个时候正在上英语课。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. To be frank (with you), I often fall asleep in English class. 说老实话,我经常都会在英语课上睡着了。参考答案。 www.veryen.org 6. We'll attend English class on weekdays and go sighting at weekends. 我们平时上英语课,周末去观光。 7. Finally an English class to use English to introduce ! 最后一节英语课要用英文做自我介绍`! wenwen.soso.com 8. The more girls there are in an English class, the worse boys perform. 女生越多,男生的英语就学得越差。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. You know, I am poor at English, especially at oral English. I feel too nervous in English class. 你知道我的英语很糟糕,尤其是口语,我在课堂上总感到太紧张。 www.chinaedu.com 10. His English class is sugared with some interesting jokes. 加了一些有趣的笑话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. His 9th grade English class for boys revolves around five books? he believes will appeal to boys. 他的9年级男生英语课围绕着五本专着?他相信会吸引到男孩。 www.englishtang.com 2. There will be a English class this afternoon. 今天下午有一节英语课。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Victor: Sure! By the way, don't forget to wear a face mask to English class. 当然好!顺便告诉你,上英文课的时候,别忘了戴口罩。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. B: Oh, that's right, you failed that easy English class last quarter. 哦,那很好啊,你最后一个季度英语挂科了。 www.e-say.com.cn 5. Justin: I felt that way about English class in high school too. I didn't like studying literature. 贾丝汀:我在上高中时感到学英文的方法也提不起劲来。我也不喜欢文学。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. One day, in an English class, the students are doing their lessons. 一天,学生们正在上英语课。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Her English is so beautiful that we all like taking the English class. 她的英语是如此的好,以至于我们全部爱上英语课。 www.gogobig.com 8. We are going to English class this afternoon. 今天下午我们打算去上英语课。 www.kb120.com 9. I remember taking an English class in college on the short story. 本人还记得在年夜学上英语课,以短篇小说为主题。 www.pzqy.com 10. A. Today is our second English class. B. Today is our first day of school. 今天是我们的第二次英语课。 wenku.baidu.com 1. I heard ther is an English class designed for Chinese people. 我听说有一门专为中国人设计的英文课。 www.kekenet.com 2. When I was 15, I announced to my English class that I was going to write and illustrate my own books. 当我15岁的时候,我在英语课上宣布我要撰写自己的书,并为书画插图。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Robert's first period of the day is English class. His teacher is Mr. Hubbard. 罗勃特今天的第一课是英语课.他的老师是哈贝得先生。 www.kekenet.com 4. English class, I was using a mobile phone and send text messages, all of a sudden the teacher was found! 需要翻译的内容是:英语课上,我正在用手机发短信,突然被老师发现! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. In English class to listen carefully and take good notes, don't understand to ask. 在英语课上要认真听讲和做好笔记,遇到不懂的要多问。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Students are English class on the guests arrived. 学生们正在上英语课时客人们来了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The common problem in college students' oral English class is that students are reluctant to participate in the activities. 在非英语专业口语课堂上,学生不积极参与交际活动是一个非常普遍的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. I used to nod off during the English class. 我过去常在上英语课时打瞌睡。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Study harder and you will get a best gift from English class! 艰苦学习将会让你得到一件最佳的礼物从英语课! zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 10. It's time for our English class , Please put away your other books . 现在该上英语课了,请你们把其它的书收起来。 wylib.jiangmen.gd.cn 1. Now I also try to change their attitude of treating the oral English class, the hope can get your forgiveness and help. 我现在也努力改变自己对待英语口语课的态度了,希望能得到你的原谅和帮助。 wenwen.soso.com 2. He daydreamed during his English class. 他英语课上作白日梦。 edu.mblogger.cn 3. Mr Zhou could be having an English class now. 周老师现在可能在上英语课。 www.365ask.com 4. Danny, Brian and Jenny have Miss Cox for English class. 丹尼,布赖恩和珍妮的英语老师是科克斯小姐。 www.tingroom.com 5. I have an English class once a week. 我每周有一次英语课。 www.yjtvu.cn 6. Skipping English class is very common among many college students. 但事实上大学生缺课、逃课的现象屡见不鲜。 www.lwgsw.com 7. Tom's English class consists of students from 13 different countries. 汤姆的英文班由来自十三个不同国家的学生组成。 www.360abc.com 8. I worry about the consequences of failing my English class. 我担心英语成绩不及格的后果。 my3q.com 9. Did you see that girl in our English class. She is really beautiful. 你看见英语课上那个女孩儿了吗?她可真漂亮。 www.kekenet.com 10. You a few English class! 你英语过几级呀! hi.baidu.com 1. We begin our English class with greetings. 我们以互相问候开始我们的英语课。 wenku.baidu.com 2. After lunch, Diego heads to English class. 午饭后,迭戈前往一堂英语课。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Mr. Liu will give us an English class instead of Mr. Zhang tomorrow morning. 明天早上刘老师将代替张老师给我们上一堂英语课。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. She takes a Crazy English class every weekend. 每个周末她去参加疯狂英语的课程。 www.ebigear.com 5. I know many things about English class and our homestay family . 我知道了很多语言班级和我的寄宿家庭的一些事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. My favorite part of English class is . 我最喜欢英文课里的部份。 williamschool.com.tw 7. She takes an English class every weekend. 每个周末她都去上英语课。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It is a real supplement to our English class and it is welcomed by students. 这是一个真正的补充,我们的英语课,是学生的欢迎。 wenwen.soso.com 9. I think this time yesterday he was having an English class in No. 我想昨天这个时候,他正在第三教学楼里学英语。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I feel too nervous to speak even in English class, not to speak of in English Corner, when facing more people. 在英语课上我都紧张得说不出话来,更不用说在英语角了,面对着更多的人。 www.enfamily.cn 1. I am taking the basic writing English class this semester and it is pivotal for me to take every chance to practise my writing skills. 这一学期我上了基础写作课,所以每一次练笔机会都弥足珍贵。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Are these women from the English class (friendly) to you? 上英语课(英语班)的妇女对你们友好吗? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. A: Let's take that Crazy English class together. 我们一起去上疯狂英语的课吧! www.ebigear.com 4. We need to read this story for our English class. 我们需要为英语班读这个故事。 www.pallasa.com 5. Yes. I'm taking a business English class right now. 会啊。我现在正在上商用英语的课程。 www.taipeitimes.com 6. In this English class started, the students are very quiet. 在这节英语课开始的时候,学生们很安静。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Look! The class tow is having English class. 看!二班正在上英语课 zhidao.baidu.com 8. an English class in Dongsi, Beijing. 一个北京东四的英语班。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. What time does your English class begin? 你的英文课几点开始? williamschool.com.tw 10. My friend Ken will go to the English class, his mother send him to English class every Saturday. 我的朋友秦天凯要去参加英语课外班,她的妈妈每周六都送他。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The egg is floating. I love this English class. 几点飘起来了,我很喜欢这英语课。 www.jinhaigui365.com 2. They were having English class at 3 pm last Friday. 上周星期五的下午3点,他们正在上英语课。 wenku.baidu.com 3. I remember that when the earthquake happened, I was having a English class . 我记得当地震发生的时候,我正在上英语课。 wenku.baidu.com 4. We have English class every Sunday. 我们每个星期天上英语课。 www.jxopen.cn 5. (*) , John has been the best student in our English class. 到目前为止,约翰是英语课上最好的学生。 www.wwenglish.com 6. Mike did not go to the English class yesterday. 麦克昨天没去上英语课 zhidao.baidu.com 7. John has an English class every other day. 约翰每隔一天有英语课。 www.cn0452.cn 8. The English class is really interesting. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen. 英语课真的很有趣老师是很热情的女人称为沈老师。 wenwen.soso.com 9. In English class, my Chinese students and I read English novels together, and I use these lines of questioning in class. 在英文课上,我和我的中国学生们一起阅读英文小说,然后我用书中的内容向他们提问。 www.bing.com 10. Do you know the assignment for today's English class? 你知道今天英语课有哪些作业吗? bbs.001en.com 1. Even for English majors, the amount of the English class is about 12 hours per week. 可见,课外英语学习是大学生英语学习的一个重要部分。 www.fabiao.net 2. Don't turn bath time into English class time. 不要把洗澡时间变成上英语课的时间。 yingyu.eduu.com 3. This is an English class, I'm your English teacher, you can call me Miss Miao. 这是一节英语课,我是你们的英语老师,你们可以叫我苗老师。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. There are math classes and a English class this morning. 早上有两节数学课和一节英语课。 www.liangzhuge.com 5. Class Two are having an English class. 二班正在上英语课。 360edu.com 6. What time does your English class end? 你的英文课几点结束? williamschool.com.tw 7. Tbe class are having an English class. 这个班的学生正在上英语课。 www.zuowenw.com 8. s time to have English class. 上英语课的时间到了。 wenku.baidu.com 9. In the English class we talked about an interesting topic on television. 英语课我们讨论了一个很有趣的话题——电视。 mydearkiddy.spaces.live.com 10. Is this your garden? Just a minute. Hurry up! It's time for English class. 这是你们的花园吗?再等一会抓紧赶快。 wenku.baidu.com 1. What are they doing? They are having English class. 她们在干什么?她们在听英语老师上课。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Oh, it's time for my English class. I have to go! 噢,时间到了,我要去上英语课了! edu.sina.com.cn 3. In the English class, we often think up some good ideas to make up new dialogues. 在英语课堂上,我们常常要想出一些好主意编新对话。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I had an English class. 我上了一节英语课。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The general pattern of increases for the transliteration of some nouns in English class. 一般模式为音译部分加英语类名词。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. He didn't go home last night, cause he had English class at school. 昨晚他没回家,他在学校上英语课。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Many teachers attended our English class this morning. 许多老师听了上午的英语课。 english.knna.com 8. Hello, boys and girls, welcome to our English class. 欢迎大家来到我们的英语课堂。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Once in my Business English class, the topic we discussed was Whether money is the most important thing in life. 记得在一次二学位的课上,我们的讨论题目是钱是不是最重要的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. They were removed from the English class. 他们已从英语班转走。 baikedu.xmsss.com 1. Anyway, I have to finish writing a paper for English class. 而且,我还得把英语课的论文完成。 www.xianzai.cn 2. We have English class at eight o'clock. 我们八点整上英语课。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Now, let's begin our English class . 现在,让我们开始上英语课了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. They aren't having an English class. 他们不是在上英语课。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. We have English class on Monday? 我们周一有英语课。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It turned out he was in my English class also. 而且他跟我也是一个英语班的。 www.putclub.com 7. s nine o'clock. . It's time for English class. 九点。该上英语课了。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Yes. Today I had my first English class. 是的。今天我们上了第一堂英语课。 mysearch.100e.com 9. Are they having an English class? Yes, they are. 他们正在上一节英语课吗?是的,他们在上。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The teacher asked me to make a speech in English class and I wasn't prepared. 老师要我在英文课堂上演讲,而我却毫无准备。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 1. Does she have English class on Friday? No, she doesn . 她星期五有英文课吗?不,她没有。 kids.yam.com 2. I need to take an additional English class? 我要参加一个英语辅导班。 www.e-say.com.cn 3. There are three classes every week is English class. 学校每个星期有三节英语课 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I think the English class is the most exciting class, art class is the most interesting class. 我认为英语课时最有趣的课程,美术课是最好玩的课,但是地理课是最没意思的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. They are having an English class. They are listening to the teacher carefully. 他们在上英语课,正在认真听讲。 wenku.baidu.com 6. The English class clashes with the French class. 英语课和法语课冲突了。 bubaowazi.blog.163.com 7. Our English teacher often makes us happy in the English class. 我们的英语老师经常让我们快乐英语课堂中。 www.8875.org 8. College freshmen Kelly and Lydia must each write a 15-page essay for their English class. 大学新生凯莉和莉迪亚英文课规定她们必须每人写一篇十五页的报告。 396495845.qzone.qq.com 9. Dad has to take me to the English class. 爸爸要带我去上英语课。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. t you attend an English class? 你怎么不去参加一个英语班呢? www.fsjxxx.com 1. We had an English class this morning. 今天上午是英语课。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. No one is allowed to speak Mandarin in an English class. Similarly, no one is allowed to speak English in a Mandarin class. 在英语课堂上,不许讲普通话。同样在汉语课上不许讲英语。 en.ruiwen.com 3. At that time the upper schoolmate of shift asked tension to have got up all in the English class criticizing us. 当时班上的同学都在说我们的英语课要紧张起来了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. I feel too nervous to speak in English class, not to speak of in English Corner. 在英语课上我都紧张得说不出话来,更不用说在英语角了。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. I feel too nervous to speak in English class, not to speak at English corner. 在英语课上我都紧张得说不出话来,不用说在英语角了。 www.chinaedu.com 6. This is the fifth English class of this term. 这是本学期第五节英语课。 blog.vi-edu.cn 7. In my opinion, the English class and the English teacher are dangerous. 在我看来,英语课和英语老师都是危险的 zhidao.baidu.com 8. What shall we do in our English class tomorrow? 明天的英语课我们要做什么? q.sohu.com 9. We have an English class every Monday. 我们每个周一都上英语课。 www.5doc.com 10. It is quite essential that the principal part of students be stressed in English class teaching. 学生的主体地位在英语教学中是至关重要的。 www.dictall.com 1. Yes ah, never thought about why the want to come to an English class, just think English class is important, Guo Siji in order to graduate. 是啊,从来没有想过为什么要来上英语课,只是觉得英语课是重要的,过四级才能毕业。 www.dota123.com 2. How's your English class? 你的英语课上得怎么样了? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Last year my English class was difficult. First of all , it wasn't easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked. 去年,英语课对我来说很难,首先,老师上课说的东西对我来说不容易理解。 wenwen.soso.com 4. It's time to have an English class. 该是上英语课的时候了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. English class, we need to write your own dialogue. 上英语课时,我们需要自己编写对话。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Mike didin't come to the English class yesterday. 麦克昨天没有来上英语课 zhidao.baidu.com 7. We don't have an English class on Wednesday. 星期三我们没有英语课。 ced.xxjy.cn 8. We are having English class. 我们班正在上英语课 zhidao.baidu.com 9. We often use a recorder in our English class. 我们经常在英语课上使用录音机。 www.dearedu.com 10. When and where will the teacher have English class? 老师将在什么时候在哪里上一节英语课? zhidao.baidu.com |
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